Greetings and Salutations! I have returned once more to the hallowed halls of The Consortium to bring you creations that "boldly go where no one has gone before"...okay, that is not entirely true, but it fits the theme. These outfits were indeed inspired by the new Star Trek movie. The dress mesh can be found at and Gothplague's boots can be found wherever she decided to put them
Each footwear style comes with the mesh and the three different colors, which also include the appropriate insignia found at I realize that they are not the same as the movie, but they seem to work out okay. All meshes have a fat morphs. Special thanks to Poppeboy, jwilson5, Gothplague, Mixdcrysy, Jaccirocker, Milkshape, and wes h. Extra special thanks to Gene Roddenberry, J.J. Abrams and xanathon for the cool Captain's chair found at