I was wondering if anyone can convert an adult mesh into a teen mesh. I have experience with bodyshop and recoloring meshes but to make and convert a mesh from an adult to Teen I'm afraid I just don't know. I'd be really grateful if anyone can do this for me. I hope it's not too hard.
Here's a link to mesh
Okay sorry about it. It's in the bottom of the page.
http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/sims2.htmlFemale Clothes- Page 6 bottom of Page
Meshes Last Page
The Mesh is called
Link To Pic/Preview.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v647/emies/The%20Sims%202/Clothing/Nvm%20Bollocks/ILTPGNvm002.pngHere a pic.
I would really like to seen Teens wear this mesh at it seems more fitting for a teen that age to wear it.
Ah High School.
Also here's their term of Services
+ Please do not clone or modify any of our meshes without permission. However, keep in mind that we're very welcoming of others converting our work for other age groups since we'd much rather spend our time making new goodies. Furthermore, we will almost always say 'yes' to whatever project you have in mind. Again, pleasepleaseplease credit us for the original mesh, and let us know what you've done; we like to keep track of what's out there.
Please note the following exception: DO NOT use any parts of any our meshes (including ones we originally released on TSR) as a base for an item you plan to upload to any paysite, including TSR!
+ We don't really do requests; we're way too flakey.
Thank you for respecting these simple TOU, and by extension, us. Which you can check out yourself in clicking TERMS on the bottom of the Page.
I'm sorry to break any rules. So if anyone can do this I'd be very appreciative.