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Author Topic: Soul Searching (Chapter 18)  (Read 63067 times)
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« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2006, 11:50:29 am »

oooh now hes gonna be her Big Strong Man!!! lol
Great Story

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2006, 02:28:24 pm »

Whee!  An adventure!  This story just keeps getting better!

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« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2006, 08:19:04 pm »

Mael’s mouth dropped open.  Kill her?  Ha, no one was after her.  He couldn’t fool her.  “I don’t have any enemies!”  Her voice squeaked with a mixture of indignation and fear.  “You aren’t normal.  You’re probably the one with a past.  Who are you anyway?  And don’t try lying to me.”

   Jowil pondered that idea for a moment.  True, he had a deeper past than she did, but there wasn’t anyone left alive to hold a grudge.  “I was an AERO, but that life was left behind a couple of years ago.  My team was attacked, and one of my men was killed.  Although it wasn’t my fault, I didn’t want to be responsible for someone else’s life.  I still don’t.”  He shifted uncomfortably.  He hated talking about himself, especially about his past.
   Smiling with relief, Mael said, “So you’re more likely the one to have enemies.  I’m just a computer geek who got lucky.  Who would want to kill me?”  She laughed shakily.
   Jowil shook his head, almost wishing it was he they were after.  He knew how to disappear, as proven by his previous disappearance.  “I’m afraid not, babe.  I left all my enemies off world, and it’s practically impossible to travel from space anymore.  Besides, it wasn’t my shuttle that they blew up.  Have you been approached by any buyout offers or jealous competitors?”
   Mael blanched.  Earth had pretty much closed entries from off-worlders after the initial influx.  Aliens had caused a lot of problems when they arrived, immediately accepting jobs as hired killers.  Now it was very hard to get onto earth unless you were already here.  “No, none.”  She answered finally.  Her closest competitor, Household Helpers, was a company that specialized in devices for the home.  She presumed that they were trying to make their own replicator, but they had never contacted her.  Surely Joe would have told her if they had.  All at once, she wished she had paid more attention to what was going on in her own company.  Somehow, she had to contact Joe.  She would know what to do.
   His confession finally sunk in, and her head jerked around so she could stare at him.  “Wait, did you say you were an AERO?  As in the Advanced Elite Recon Officers?  I thought that those squads were made up of robots.  They . . . you go places men are afraid to go.”  She looked at him, her respect growing.  If it turned out that she was truly the one in danger, she couldn’t ask for anyone better to be by her side.
   Jowil stared at his hands, unwilling to look at her.  He was a man!  Sometimes his training made him feel more like one of the machines he used to lead, but he was still a man.  He never felt it more in his life than when he was around her.  “Mostly they are robots, but the commanders are always human.”  Finally he looked up at her.  Her delicate beauty made it clear to him how fragile she really was.  Whether she though so or not, her life was in danger.  Everything in him wanted to protect her.  “We can’t stay here.  Although this is a safe house, it is too well known to be safe forever.”  He paused, pondering their options.  What option did they really have but to run?  Until they knew what they were facing, fighting would be foolish.
   Mael glared at him.  If he thought he was going to drag her all around the city today, he had another think coming.  “I’ve got to call Joe.  It’s the only way to find out what’s happening.”
   Who was Joe?  A boyfriend?  Jowil’s heart fell, although he couldn’t figure why.  She was nothing to him, why would he care if she were attached.  In fact it should make things easier between them.  Unexplainably, he was angry, and lashed out at her.  “Don’t even think about contacting anyone!  Until we know who is after us, and why, we can’t trust anyone.  Not your family, and definitely not your boyfriend.”

   Putting her hands on her hips, she stared at him, her mouth agape.  Just who did he think he was?  This arrogant b*****d couldn’t tell her what to do.  Her eyes narrowed, mentally promising herself that she would contact Joe as soon as she could.  She also decided not to let Jowil know that Joe was a girl.  With a barely audible “Hmph,” she turned back toward the desk and absentmindedly poked the keyboard with a manicured finger.
   Satisfied for the moment, Jowil opened one of the large lockers.  He rummaged through the program cards and boots until he found something that would fit her.  Staring at the dull combat boots, he imagined the argument that would ensue when he insisted that the spoiled redhead wear them.  With a shrug, he purposely threw them onto the desk in front of her.  As she looked at them, confusion swirling about her bright green eyes, he gruffly told her, “Get dressed.”  Strangely enough, she didn’t argue.  Instead, she gathered the things in her arms and strode regally toward the bathroom.
   Smiling inwardly, Mael figured that this was the chance she was waiting for.  After slipping the deadbolt into its place on the door, she dropped the horrid boots on the floor.  She allowed her enviro-suit to go invisible so she could plug the card into the ‘brain’ on her inner thigh.  The term enviro-suit is a misnomer if ever there was one.  Rather than an actual suit, it was a soft strap that buckled around the upper thigh with a thin ‘brain’ that projected the clothing information.  It was controlled by memory card like the one she held in her hand or by the owner’s mind.  Once a memory card was inserted, those clothes could also be called by the owner’s mind.  Looking down at the horrid clothes that covered her body, Mael could imagine ever wanting to wear them again.  Besides, once she got out of here, she didn’t ever want to remember this again.  Glancing toward the bolted door, she fingered the controls of her communicator.

"Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"  "I think so Brain, but if you changed the P to an O, my name would be Oinky." - Pinky and The Brain

Read my story Soul Searching!  Tell me what you think.

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« Reply #48 on: August 30, 2006, 04:16:11 pm »

great update but when she said it was the chance she was waiting for did she mean she was gonna call Joe or run away?

Edit: Oh she is calling Joe , I knew that lol
« Last Edit: August 31, 2006, 05:29:24 pm by oddball011 » Logged

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #49 on: August 30, 2006, 10:13:18 pm »

im guessing shes calling joe xD
cant wait to see if joe is shocked at the call xD

MY SHNOOKI!!:oogle:

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« Reply #50 on: August 31, 2006, 12:28:26 am »

-le gaspeh- Don't call Joe! -desperate pleas-

Young girls never listen to good advice do they? Even if the advice is given out of jealousy. =P
Please update soon, Mandie! I'll die if I have to wait too much more for the next chapter! Smiley

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« Reply #51 on: August 31, 2006, 03:59:58 am »

AAAAHHH! NOOOOO!!!!!! Please write more quickly! I NEED to know what happens.......*waits imaptiently*

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« Reply #52 on: September 01, 2006, 07:28:51 am »

*Waits patiently by computer for update*

It is not MY fault that I never learned to accept responsibility!

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« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2006, 05:51:23 am »

Joe paced back and forth in front of her desk.  Why hadn’t she been contacted yet?  The longer it took, the more time she had to mull over her decision.  She had expected the ordeal to be over with much sooner.  As soon as it was confirmed that the job was over, she could sign the papers that would give her all the power, fame, and money.  Her communicator started vibrating, startling her.  She lifted it to her ear, her hands shaking with anticipation.
   “Is it done?”
   “Joe?  Is that you?”  Mael’s voice came through the earpiece, causing Joe to drop the earpiece.  Quickly, she picked it up, punching a few buttons on the console in front of her as she held it to her ear once more.  All she needed to do now was to keep her on the line until the trace went through.
   “Mael?” Her voice squeaked, so she cleared her throat.  It wouldn’t do to show her nerves now.  “Hey babe, what’s up?”

   “Someone’s after me, Joe.  What’s going on?”
   Her heart seemed to falter.  What . . . what do you mean?  Who’s after you?  How did you get away?  Where are you?”  She glanced at the monitor in front of her.  Darn it, this was taking a long time.  As soon as she knew where Mael was, she could send the T’kl brothers to that location.  They certainly had a lot to answer for.  Perhaps a discount was called for.
   “I...I don’t know.  I was hoping you might have some idea.  Do I have any enemies?  I couldn’t think of any.”  Her voice cracked, her fear coming through her tone.  Joe smiled and settled back in her chair.
   “Well, I certainly don’t know of anyone either.  Where are you?”  She asked the question again, hoping that she didn’t sound too desperate.
   “I don’t really know.  This guy helped me get away.  We’re in this white brick building, but I don’t know where it is.”  She paused for a moment.  “What should I do, Joe?”
   Well, at least now she had a couple of clues to pass on, even if she didn’t have a definite location.  Joe barely restrained herself from throwing a tantrum, then an idea came to her.  “Come home, honey.  Surely you would rather be protected by your trusted friends rather than a stranger.  Maybe he’s not rescuing you after all.”  The blip on the screen started to flash faster.  Just another few minutes.

   “Yeah.”  Her voice sounded unsure, but before Joe could make any more reassurances, she continued, “I’ve got to go.  I’ll try to contact you later, when I know more.”  With a click, Mael was gone.
   Joe screamed in anger and stomped her foot.  Then she caught sight of the blinking monitor.  A smile curved across her lips as she punched some numbers into her communicator.  Holding it up to her ear, she walked a few steps toward the window.  When the other end finally answered, she spoke, derision and scorn dripping from her tone.  “I though you were the best.  I certainly paid for the best.  Now I find out that you failed.  Can anyone explain this to me?”
   P’klan scowled, unsure of how it happened himself.  The sabotage of the shuttle had worked perfectly, the rest of the job should have been as easy.  “Be assured, mistress, that we do not leave a job undone.  It will just take some time.”

   “I am running out of time, off-worlder, and patience.  You had better give me something more than worthless excuses.”  Joe smirked again as she looked back at the monitor.
   “We know she is being led through the city by a male companion.  We suspect that this companion has some military training.  All we need to do is finish locating them and separate the two.  Without him, she is helpless.”
   Joe wrapped her free arm around her stomach, her fingers reflexively tightening around the earpiece.  “I can help you with the location.  They are in a white brick building on Celtic Circle.  Don’t fail me again.”
   P’klan started, curious about how she had found out so much, yet knowing she would not tolerate questions.  “Be sure, it will be done.”  After Joe had disconnected, he looked up at his brother, his sharp teeth gleaming in the sunlight.  “Let the game begin.”

   As Mael disconnected, she glanced toward the door.  Jowil was knocking on the other side.  Breathing heavily, and startled by the noise, she pulled the communicator away from her face.  “Just a minute!”  She had definitely taken as much time as she dared.  Sadly, she realized that she couldn’t risk another call, not yet anyway.  Trying to place her worries for her mother aside, she slipped the uncomfortable boots on her feet.  As she laced them up, she considered Joe’s advice.  As much as she would prefer to scurry home, where she was safe and comfortable, she also worried about possibly bringing these killers into her loved ones lives.  Sighing, she walked back into the main room without making a concrete decision one way or the other.  “Okay, Jowil, what’s the plan?”
   Jowil looked up, taking a sip of water, and almost choked.  The clothes, while more appropriate than her last outfit, clung to her curves like a second skin.  He wished he was that leather outfit, and the unexpected wave of desire caused him to swallow, hard.  “Um . . . ”  What had she asked?  His brain was stuck in sex mode, and it was really confusing him.  Why her, and why now?  “I don’t know, but we really can’t stay here.  Maybe we can go to this guy I know, and find out more about the enemy.”  He was more than willing to call in a few favors to get her out of his hair.  Mainly, though, a feeling of dread was getting heavier by the moment.
   “Okay.”  He was acting weird again.  Mael wondered if she could rethink her sudden decision to follow him.  Before any thoughts had really formed, however, Jowil was picking up his pack.  He handed another one to her, a grin on his face.  It was if he was trying to goad her into arguing with him.  Well, she would show him!  She smiled sweetly as she flung the heavy bag over her shoulder.  “Well?  Let’s go then.”

   As she walked out of the room in front of him, he watched her butt swing hypnotically from side to side.  It was so much easier to remember who she was when she was spitting mad.  When she smiled at him, he forgot all the reasons he should stay away and only longed to take her to bed.  Groaning, he followed her out into the street.

"Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"  "I think so Brain, but if you changed the P to an O, my name would be Oinky." - Pinky and The Brain

Read my story Soul Searching!  Tell me what you think.

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« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2006, 06:15:22 am »

Wow that was a great add! When can i have more?

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« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2006, 08:33:14 pm »

omg I never expected Joe wouold be in on this
lol Jowil only has his mind on one thing right now lol

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #56 on: September 03, 2006, 02:10:30 am »

>.> Poor Jowil... He's going to get himself killed at this rate! xD

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« Reply #57 on: September 04, 2006, 03:24:55 am »

I love the line "His brain was stuck in sex mode". Brilliant!
Great update, can't wait for more

It is not MY fault that I never learned to accept responsibility!

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« Reply #58 on: September 06, 2006, 02:27:06 am »

His intuition started to scream at him as he closed the door behind him.  Looking down the street, he saw nothing amiss, but something was wrong.  “Run!”  He shouted as he grabbed Mael’s hand and took off down the street.  A loud whistle echoed through the air behind them, and the building they had just left imploded.  Any doubts he might have had about Mael’s safety disappeared in that cloud of mortar.
   Mael watched in horror as the building collapsed.  All her courage deserted her, and all of a sudden she knew that she could not go home until this menace had been dealt with.  “No,” she whimpered, afraid of what her future now held for her.  
   Jowil grabbed her arms, making her look into his eyes.  “We have to go.  Be brave, love, it will be all right.  I promise to take care of you.”  

   His calming words had the effect he desired, and she wordlessly nodded, some hope glimmering in her eyes.  Both individuals studiously ignored the name he had called her, but the souls rejoiced at the turn of luck.  He grabbed her hand, and the two of them raced down the street.
   As the raced through the underbelly of the city, Jowil started to reconsider his idea of dragging anyone else into this deadly mess.  Obviously their pursuers were a lot more intelligent than he had given them credit for.  He had a sinking suspicion who or what they were.  If he was right, not only were he and Mael in deep trouble, but they would be bringing potential death to anyone they contacted.
   Mael’s lungs were burning.  When Jowil came to an abrupt stop in front of her, she nearly embraced him, she was that happy to stop.  Placing one hand on a nearby house, she leaned over slightly and gasped for air as she watched Jowil pace back and forth in front of her.  He seemed to be deep in thought, worrying his bottom lip with his pearly white teeth.  Warmth furled deep in her belly as her tongue darted out to moisten her lips.  How she wished to taste his lips again.  Wait a minute, what was she thinking?  She shook her head as she turned her eyes from him again.  
   After thinking it over, Jowil decided that he was not willing to risk someone else’s life by involving them in their mad flight.  Shelter would just have to be procured by some other means.  There were other, better hidden safe houses.  Perhaps one of them would work.  As he was considering this, the sound of an oncoming motor startled him into realizing where they were.  Gasoline engines were almost obsolete, and Jowil worried that the noise might be their pursuers coming up on them.  In a flash of inspiration, he grabbed Mael and pushed her back lightly against the wall.  As she looked up at him, anger shining in her eyes, he knew he had to keep her quiet.  Without thinking twice, he leaned over and took her lips with his.  While it might have started out as a method to keep her quiet, it developed into something so much more.

   His tongue dipped between her parted lips.  With a gasp, her mouth opened more, and he continued his leisurely exploration, tempting her to respond.  Shyly, she did, tangling her tongue with his.  Her eyes had fluttered shut, and all the sounds around her seemed to dim.  All of her senses were concentrating on this man, this moment.  His crisp masculine scent, the salty-sweet taste of his lips.  Her heart seemed to jump into her throat, her stomach filled with butterflies.  Between her legs, she could feel heat, moisture, and tingles zipping through her body.  Her hands slipped over his arms up around his neck, tangling in his hair.  His hands pulled her hips toward his own, allowing her to feel his own desire.  Unconsciously, she rubbed her aching center against his erection, moaning with desire.
   The sound dumped cold realization over Jowil, and he pulled away from her, breathing heavily.  Ashamed that he had forgotten the danger that surrounded them, he said the only thing that came to his mind.  “They’re gone.”
   Her eyes, while still half-closed with desire, were filled with confusion.  “Who is gone?”  She breathed while subtly tightening her arms around his neck.
   “Whoever just drove past us.”  Jowil tried to act unaffected, ruthlessly ignoring the bulge in his pants.  Kissing her had almost made him forget the danger that surrounded them, and to him, that was unacceptable.  He made an oath to himself not to touch her again.

   Cold realization replaced the sensual heat that had filled her body.  She had responded to his kiss like she never had with anyone else.  Sure, she had been kissed before, but it had never been like this.  Now, she found that he had never meant it.  All expression fled from her face as she calmly released her hold on him.  She mentally hardened her heart against him, promising herself that if he touched her again, she would break his hand.  Slowly brushing her hand down her clothes she blinked slowly.  “Oh, well, that’s a relief then.”  Her tone was flat, showing no signs of her seething anger.

"Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"  "I think so Brain, but if you changed the P to an O, my name would be Oinky." - Pinky and The Brain

Read my story Soul Searching!  Tell me what you think.

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« Reply #59 on: September 06, 2006, 02:51:11 am »

He's dead meat.  Great update!
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