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Author Topic: Rags and riches: In the end what's the difference? FINALLY UPDATED!  (Read 24117 times)
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« on: August 31, 2006, 09:29:11 pm »

Madison Jones stepped out of the car and instantly recognized the redbrick building before her with its elegant fountains and well-tended flowers. She knew this was the grand hall known for the splendid parties it held and although she knew she was about to step into her own surprise birthday party, she acted clueless about it while her mother stood beside her.

Why are we here mom?" Madison asked as cluelessly as she could sound. Her mother only ushered her towards the stairs as she obviously attempted to conceal a smile.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled out as they watched Madison come through the door. Madison put on her surprised face hoping everyone would believe it. "Oh mom, you've really outdone yourself." Madison said as she studied the elegant decorations and ambiance of the hall. The table setting was elegant and the food smelled delicious. Even one of the most requested Deejays in Simlywood had been hired for the music.

Madison's father approached and she embraced him thankful for the thought and effort he had put in although he hated planning parties. Mrs. Jones beamed and said, "Your father and I could never settle for less than the best for our only daughter who's turning 20."
Madison was then immediately ushered into a dressing room complete with a rack of designer gowns, a rack of designer shoes, and a hair stylist and make up artist. It was a girl's dream, but to Madison it was routine for any appearance she had to make.

Before she knew it, clothes were being taken off of her and then a dress being pulled over her head all the while as her hair was being brushed and styled. Not too long after, she made her way to the front of the room where her father stood with a podium facing all her guests.

Madison looked out at her A-list guests which consisted of friends and family. Also in attendance were some well known celebrities of Simlywood, some of which had starred in some of the biggest films and there were others whose name was known simply because they had a wealthy family.

Mr. Jones cleared his throat and smiled at everyone. "Welcome to Madison's 20th birthday. As you all know, I am very much looking forward to the day she takes over the Jonestar Casinos Empire..." Madison's stomach clenched and she did not will herself to hear anymore.

For years she had heard of how she would one day take over, own, and manage the family business that her great grandfather so painstakingly put together. They only problem was that she did not see herself overseeing such duties, but rather she wanted to travel and see places other than Simlywood. She knew in her heart that she was not fit to take over Jonestar Casinos, but she knew better than to refuse and break her parents' hearts.

Her father finished the welcoming speech and to Mrs. Jones's delight all the guests enjoyed the food and dancing. Madison took endless photo after photo with the guests, some of which would probably leak out to the paparazzi sold for cash.

Nearing the end of the night, madison stood on the dance floor with her friends enjoying the last bit of the night. She couldn't help but sigh. Everything tonight would have been perfect if for only one thing. "Is it alright for me to greet the birthday girl a happy birthday?" Madison's heart stopped at that familiar voice.

She slowly turned around to the familiar face of Dawson Blaine. Now everything's perfect. She thought.

She gave the sign signifying she would be right back and made her way to the Deejay. When she returned, a slower and relaxing song was playing over the speakers.

"I think you owe the birthday girl a dance." Madison said as she put her arms around Dawson's shoulders and he was more than obliged to agree. "By the way," Madison said as she tilted her head to the side the way she often did when she was thinking, "How did you manage to get in here?" She knew for a fact that Dawson was not on the guest list.

Dawson shrugged and smiled a mischevious smile. "Well I did what I had to. Even if it meant climbing through some windows." Madison couldn't help but giggle, but she was so glad he had come. "Psst Madison your mother's coming!" A nearby friend hissed. Dawson squeezed Madison's hand and disappeared into the crowd just before Mrs. Jones appeared.

"Enjoying your birthday darling?" Mrs. Jones asked pleased with the way she had planned the evening. "It was wonderful mom, I'll never forget it." Madison said rather too quickly hoping her mother would leave so she could get back to Dawson.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2006, 12:59:41 am by missd735 » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2006, 09:30:06 pm »

After a few more minutes of questions, Mrs. Jones finally left. Madison turned around, but to her dismay Dawson was nowhere in sight.

As soon as the Jones family opened the door of the hall, multiple cameras flashed hastily trying to catch a photo of the birthday celebrant. Madison practically ran to the limo anxiously trying to escape the photo-hungry paparazzi.

"Darn paparazzi." Mrs. Jones sneered as she got into the limo. Even when they had closed the doors, paparazzi continued to call their names asking for one more pose. "Please, just drive." Madison called out to their driver.

Dawson quietly tiptoed into his rundown home hoping that his entry would go unnoticed.

"And just where have you been?" His mother asked aware of her son's attempt at sneaking in.

Dawson smiled smugly. "I was out for a walk." Dawson's mother didn't believe one word. "Is that why you're all dressed up? For a walk? Is this all about some lady? Why are you keeping her such a secret? You could bring her over for dinner and we could fix up the place real nice." Dawson's mother said with her hands still placed on her hips.

Oh believe me, Dawson thought to himself, No matter how much we fix this place up it would never be nice. Not anything nice compared to what she's used to anyway.

Grateful for her openness to meeting the girl of the his dreams, Dawons hugged his mother. "Really Ma, I was just out for a walk."

"Dawson, is that you?" A meek voice from behind his mother came. Dawson looked over and saw that his nine year old sister Janie was still wide awake. "Yes m'am. At your service." He picked Janie up and threw her into the air while she squealed and giggled.

Although Dawon's mother enjoyed seeing her children delight in each other's company, she knew she had to send Janie to bed. "Janie, it's way past your bedtime. Good night Darling." Dawson bent down to give her a hug and agreed with his mother. "Good night Janie." She pouted and pouted, but in the end gave up and went to bed.

When Dawons turned back to his mother, he caught a look of despair on her face. Aware of allowing her emotions to show, Dana Blaine smiled in an attempt to conceal her true feelings. Dawson knew his mother was a strong woman, but nonetheless she was still human.

"Ma, what's the matter?" Dana sighed. "Oh Dawson. It's the bills. It's this house and this neighborhood. I'm raising your three younger siblings on the paycheque of a waitress. I just wonder about the future. I couldn't send you to college and I probably won't be able to send any of your siblings to college. What kind of a life am I giving my children?"

Dana's shoulders sagged as she continued. "Stella is 16 and she is stuck taking care of Janie and Curtis. I can see the look in her eyes when her friends go out and she has to stay home to take care of her younger brother and sister. And you Dawson, you're 22 and working full time to help me pay the bills when you should be out on your own making a living."

Dawson smiled at his mother hoping to give her comfort. "Why would I go out and make a living when my life is here with my family? Don't say anymore Ma. Go to bed. You have an early shift tomorrow."

A few days later, Madison sat in an upbeat and well known cafe in uptown Simlywood. She sat across her best friend Linda who was off and talking about how her boyfriend's part in a movie had been nominated for an oscar for best supporting actor. Madison only nodded half listening, but also looking out the window hoping to see Dawson walk by.

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« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2006, 09:33:02 pm »

It had been on this very street where it had all started. Madison had felt the urge for a mocha frappucino one day and so she ordered one from the cafe she sat at this very moment. She drank happily savouring the taste of the delicious coffee flavour with the cold ice. She knew she had to get home for a meeting with the publicist and so she proceeded to leave the cafe when out jumped papparazzi who seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Madison, stop right there! We need some photos of you!" Perhaps it was the chilly mocha frappucino she just had or maybe the nightmare that prevented her getting adequate sleep last night, but for some reason, Madion's adrenaline began to pump and her nervous system shouted RUN!

And so she ran and took off like a frightened little rabbit who ran for its life. Damn designer shoes! she thought. They look so good, but they hurt so much! Her stilettos weren't of any help causing her to feel a surge of pain everytime each foot hit the ground.

She could hear the shutters of the cameras going and she realized too late that running alone probably wasn't the best option to take. She saw an alley up ahead and practically slid into it.

She continued to run towards the end the alley and decided to wait until the papparazzi passed. Hopefully they would pass.

She stood agains the wall attempting to quiet her deep breaths. She shut her eyes hoping to hear footsteps run past her. Suddenly, she felt two hands grab hers and pull her into another alley. No! They've got me!. Her heart beagn to beat faster.

Upon opening her eyes, she saw a face that was not threatening and nor did this person have a camera. Sure enough, it was Dawson. He put his finger to his lips signifying silence as a man shouted, "No, I thought I saw her run into this alley. I don't see anyone. We lost her guys." Madison released a sigh. "Thank you." She said as she looked up into his eyes. And that's where it all began. After that, the met regularly each week in that same alley.

Madison snapped back into reality only find her friend Linda was still talking about her boyfriend. With all due respect, Madison cared about Linda, but one of the reasons she fell for Dawson was his ability to listen and with him she felt as if she could let go of her inhibitions. He never judged her or made her feel like she was only important because she was the heiress to a large inheritance, but because she was simply Madison. She had shared so many details of her life with him from the glitz and glamor to the invasion of privacy. She realized, however, that she didn't know nearly as much about him as he knew about her. All she could recall was that he worked in real estate and that he lived alone in the central part of Simlywood where there were luxurious condominiums.
They had only met about a month ago, but she was already head over heels. After Linda finally stopped talking about her boyfriend, Madison tipped the waiter and they headed home.

"Come, sit Dawson." Mr. Rogan said from behind his desk. Dawson nodded taking a seat and wondering why he had been called into the Boss's office.

Mr. Rogan cleared his throat. "I want to discuss your work habits Mr. Blaine. As of late they've shall I say this? They haven't been up to par. You've been late often and you haven't been finishing the tasks assigned to you. I know you've got a family to take care of, but I need consistency at my fish factory." Dawson hung his head and slowed his breathing in attempt to calm the panic that arose in his throat. "Please accept my apologies Sir. This job is important to me." Dawson knew that he couldn't lose this job. It helped to pay for the electricity bills.
Mr. Rogan shook his head. "I haven't seen proof that this job is important to you. I'm afraid to say this, but..."
« Last Edit: August 31, 2006, 10:08:05 pm by missd735 » Logged

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« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2006, 02:13:35 am »

wow, this is really creative. ive never seen a story like this. looking foward to reading more!

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« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 02:39:22 am »

Thanks omgitsamelia! I appreciate your comment. I've pretty much already got the whole story planned. I just have to take the pictures.

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« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2006, 12:08:05 pm »

love the stories this is a good one!  The characters are also very good easy to get attached to!

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2006, 02:40:45 pm »

Wow! A good start to a great story! ^^ Please continue.. this story is awesome!

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« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2006, 03:51:28 pm »

Thanks! Look for an update soon! I just have to take a few pictures. I love feedback=)

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« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2006, 02:55:14 am »

"Please, Mr. Rogan." Dawson said before Mr. Rogan could continue. "Please give me another chance. I assure you that those things will no longer happen. My family depends on this." Mr. Rogan stared at Dawson unmoving for a few moments. Dawson sat uncomfortably feeling his stomach getting queasy. After what seemed like an hour Mr. Rogan spoke up. "Alright then. One more chance. Don't slack off again." Dawson let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much."

The next day, Dawson made his over to the alley where he had met Madison. It put butterflies in his stomach to think that he would see her. He felt as if pursuing Madison was an impossible task much like a man trying to catch a star. He knew however, that he couldn't let her slip away. He felt guilty for leading her to believe some wrong things about him, but he knew she would never give him a chance if she knew the truth. He decided he would tell her the truth at the right time.

"Dawson! You're here!" Madison said happily as she greeted him with a hug. Dawson tried badly to hide the blush that was rising in his cheeks. "How was work? Did you sell any houses today?" Dawson had to think quickly. Oh right, I told her I was a real esate agent. "Uh..yeah. Two houses. We closed the deals today." He quickly changed the topic. "What about you? What'd you do today?" Madison sat on the ground and Dawson soon followed.

"Well, let me see." She said as she tilted her head to the side. "I met with our publicist today. He said I'd be away for a month. I need to make some public appearances. He said I should do it for our family's business. It's supposed to continue to promote it." Dawson couldn't help but be shocked. "A month? What exactly do you do during public appearances?"
"I'll be going to charity events, movie premiers and maybe a couple talk shows."
"That doesn't sound so bad." Dawson replied, loving the way her lips moved when she spoke.
"Well it's just that they always ask me the same question." Madison put her fist to her mouth pretending it was a microphone.
When exactly will you take over the Jonestar Casinos? I heard rumors you were dating so and so, is this true? How do you feel being brought up in a wealthy family?

For a few moments they sat in comfortable silence each thinking of the month they would spend without each other. "When do you leave?" Dawson asked. She sighed. "Tomorrow."
"That fast?"
"Yeah I leave at noon."
"Can I say goodbye? Meeet me here at 11:30?"
Why don't you just ask me out already? was what Madison wanted to say, but she simply nodded.

"Your garden is lovely Mrs. Jones." Bremerton said rather charmingly. Mrs. Jones was flattered. "Why thank you Bremerton and you are quite the fellow. I insist you meet my daughter. You'd take a liking to her." Bremerton flashed his pearly whites. "Well if the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I'm sure she's an amazing girl and I'd love to meet her."

Bremerton the successful and well known male model could see that Mrs. Jones was impressed with him already. He looked at the house behind Mrs. Jones and thought If I marry into a family like this, I'd be financially stable for life!

"So tell me about Jonestar Casinos. I'm quite interested to hear about how it all started." Bremerton said turning his charm to the max. Mrs. Jones was very pleased to hear he was interested in the family business. "Well it all started with Danielson Jones..."
Bremerton blocked out her voice and began to plan how he would get Madison Jones to fall in love with him.

After attempting to rock her baby brother Curtis to sleep for thirty minutes, Stella finally gave up and put him in his crib with a toy to play with. She made her way to the bathroom to wash her hands after having changed Curtis's diaper. As she entered, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She stopped and stared.

She hated this person in the mirror. The girls at school every she thought she wasn't. They were popular, beautiful, well off and wore all the stylish clothes. She was stuck living in the east side of Simlywood, a neighborhood known to be unwealthy, run down, and all that was looked down upon. "Stella?" A voice called out from  the front of the house.

"Dawson! You're home." Stella was relieved he was finally home. Maybe he would be more successful at putting Curtis to sleep. Dawson studied Stella and noticed that she never seemed to contain a sense of appreciation for the world. He then remembered what his mother had said. "Stella, why don't you take a little time off today? I'll take care of Janie and Curtis and the housework. Didn't you say your friend was having a birthday party?"

The surprise and delight was evident on Stella's face. "Really? But I don't have a present." Dawson reached into his pocket and handed her a five dollar bill. "You can drop by the dollar store on the way."

Stella wrapped her arms around Dawson. "Oh thank you!" She quickly slipped her shoes on and as she ran out the door Dawson yelled, "Be careful now!"

Stella shivered in the cold of the evening and quickened her pace. She knew that the east part of Simlywood was not a safe place especially at night.

As she approached the dollar store, Stella heard the sound of footsteps behind her on the pavement. She quickly glanced over her shoulder, but saw no one. She quickly ran into the store.

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« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2006, 02:56:23 am »

She quickly picked up some hair barrettes and hair clips thinking of how she should get to the birthday party as soon as possible. "Would you like a bag?" The sales clerk asked. "No thank you." Stella said as she put the hair clips and barrettes into her pocket

Stella stepped out of the dollar store and was shocked to see a man in a dark suit standing infront of her. "Excuse me Miss." He said in a low voice that was almost brooding.

"I'm sorry...I'm in a hurry." Stella said without making eyecontact hoping the man would leave her alone. She just wanted to get as far away from this stranger as much as possible. Something told her he wasn't good news. But the man stepped infront of her blocking her path.
"No need to be scared little lady. I see that you shop at a dollar store. Not one of the most expensive places to shop in Simlywood I see." Stella continued to look down at the ground refusing to look up. "It's getting really dark. I should go." Stella said trying to hide the quiver in her voice. She was beginning to get scared.

"Now look here Missy. You're not going anywhere." The stranger commanded as he reached into his pocket.

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« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2006, 03:08:12 am »

Well there's the update. Let me know what you think.

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« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2006, 01:58:13 am »

Oooh. =D Great update missd! Try and get the next part up quick, this is the first story I check when I get on the compy! ^^

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« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2006, 01:54:44 pm »

he he he  i have a feeling hes just gonna give her some money

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2006, 03:18:36 am »

Ooohhh I'm liking this story, can't wait until you update!

It is not MY fault that I never learned to accept responsibility!

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« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2006, 06:25:29 pm »

The man pulled out a wad of dollar bills showcasing them to Stella. She stared in amazement never remembering a time in her life that she had seen that much money at once. The mysterious man could see her shock and surprise. "I know how a girl like you could make some serious cash like this." Although untrusting, Stella was curious. She gathered up her courage and asked, "How?"
A smug smile burst onto the man's face. "It's simple..."

"I just think he's a nice boy and you should befriend him. That's all." Mrs. Jones said calmly as a perplexed Madison sat on a reclining chair next to her.
"Mother, please. He's absolutely self-absorbed."
"How do you know that? You haven't even met him."
"Because men like him who happen to be famous models tend to be." (note from author: No offense to models, there's no attempt in trying to diss you. It's just for story making purposes)
"You're too judgmental."
Madison scowled.

"Mother, this conversation is over."
"You really should give him a chance. That's just the thing with you Madison. Many eligible bachelors have sown their interest in you, but you won't even consider them." Mrs. Jones said before taking a sip of her gourmet decaf coffee flown in from France.

"Eligible bachelors??" Madison blurted out in disbelief. She was now standing facing her mother. "Oh please, Eligible as in arrogant, self-centered, over confident--"
"Madison, stop." Mrs. Jones said her face without expression. "You just never let anyone in. Is there something wrong with these men having money? Darling, the man must be financially stable as well. That way you know he isn't with you just for your money."
Madison rubbed her temples. "I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed." And with that she ran off towards the east wing of the house.
"What shall I do with that girl?" Mrs. Jones asked outloud in exasperation.

Dawson stood in the alley waiting. It was now 11:45 am and Madison stil hadn't shown up. Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe she's caught in traffic or something. He had counted 216 bricks on the building behind him, but not a moment too soon, Madison ran into the alley.

"I'm so sorry I'm late! People were getting suspicious of where I was going so I had to sidetrack them. I hope nobody saw me."
"You're here now." Dawson said with relief. "That's all that matters.

"I hope I didn't worry you. This morning was so hectic with the packing and my mother's constant nagging. I just wanted to get to you as soon as poss--"

Before even Dawson knew it himself, he had taken Madison into his arms and kissed her. After getting over her inital shock, Madison kissed Dawson back matching his intensity and passion.

They were both breathless when the kiss ended and Dawson knew that he had just trapped himself into a hole. He the poor boy had just kissed Madison Jones the future heiress of the Jonestar Casinos Empire. He knew there was no possible way for them to be together, but he couldn't ignore his feelings and he couldn't resist. He had wanted to kiss her that first day he met her in this very alley.
Dawson forced his breathing to slow down. "I'll really miss you Madison."
She instantly melted. "I'll miss you too. You have to promise to call me. Give me you cell phone number." She said as she reached into her puse for a pen and some paper.

"No..I mean, I don't have a cell phone." I can't even afford a home phone, much less a cell phone.
Madison couldn't help but wonder. A real estate agent without a cell phone? Dawson could sense that Madison was becoming suspicious. He quickly thougth of an answer. "Well you see, my cell phone's broken. It'll be a while until it's fixed."
"Home phone?" Madison asked.
"Oh..I don't have one. I only use my cell phone to make calls.

This time Madison almost lifted an eyebrow. "So your only phone isn't working. How do you make business calls?"
Dawson shrugged. "I do what I have to. Just give me your cell phone number and I'll find a way."

Madison nodded still confused about his phone situation, but wrote down her number nonetheless. She handed the piece of paper to Dawson and looked at her watch. "Oh no, my flight leaves soon. I really have to go. You'll call me right?"
Dawson gave her a reassuring smile. "I promise."
Madison returned the smile and took a deep breath. "So I'll see you in a month."
Dawson nodded. "Can't wait until you come back." Dawson said quietly.
Madison's heart skipped a beat. "Neither can I."


Stella sat on her bedroom floor hoping so feverently that no one would walk in on her. It had been a week since that mysterious man approached her and already she had made a large amount of money. She counted the dollar bills on the floor and slipped all but $300 under her mattress. She slipped the $300 into an envelope and made her way to the front door making sure no one heard her.

When she was sure the coast was clear, she quickly slipped the envelope into her family's mailbox. She sighed with relief and waited for her mother to get home.

As Dawson walked home from work he took comfort in the quietness and breeze of the night. He inhaled the air of the night and let his thoughts wander. It's been a week since Madison left and I still haven't called her.  The trouble was he couldn't find a phone to use much less afford to pay long distance. He knew that he was asking for trouble by pursuing Madison, but he couldn't just let her go.
"Psssst." Dawson looked up and saw a familiar man calling to him."
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