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Author Topic: Rags and riches: In the end what's the difference? FINALLY UPDATED!  (Read 24210 times)
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« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2006, 06:26:44 pm »

Dawson peered closely at the individual standing infront of him. "Greg! Hey buddy! Haven't seen you since high school! How've you been?" Dawson asked excited to see his old friend.
"I'm doing great man. How you doing?" Greg asked as he shook Dawson's hand.
"I'm surviving."
"Tell me about it. Hey I was wanna buy some?" Greg asked as he pulled a pouch of powder out of his pocket, but quickly put it back.

Dawson's eyes widened. "Is that...?" Greg proudly smiled. "Yup. Crystal Meth. You want some? There's a lot more where that came from." Dawson shook his head. "No dude. I don't do that kind of stuff."
Greg scoffed. "Well then what do you do? I've got it all. Weed, extacy, heroine, cocaine--"
"No, I don't do drugs. How'd you get into this business anyway?"
"Well, I was so sick and tired of all the stupid jobs that don't pay you crap. You know what I mean? If you're not a celebrity or if you don't have a college degree you're nothing. So I joined this crew that illegally imports this stuff. I sell it and make 25% what I sell. Pretty good if you ask me considering you can sell it for more than the asking price and keep the extra cash. I bought myself a new Benz the other week. I paid in cash."

Dawson couldn't believe what he was hearing. "That's insane! To tell you the truth, I've been working at a fish factory making minimum wage."
Greg stared at him in disbelief. "No way! You've got to be kidding! Hey, I think we could use one more guy like you. I'll introduce you to my boss..."

"Oh sweet heavens! What is this? Oh dear." Dana was about to cry after checking the mail that night. She quickly ran into the house and called out, "Stellaaa!" Stella quickly ran to her mother who had undoubtedly found the envelope.

"Oh Stella, the angels are watching over us. Someone has given us $300. This is a miracle." Dana Blaine tried her best to contain her tears. Stella smiled satisfied in her mother's joy and her heart beamed with pleasure.

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« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2006, 10:50:05 pm »

I'm really getting into's pretty good.

^  ^            

\"Let it all go: fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free the mind.\"--Morpheus

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« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2006, 11:17:16 pm »

0-o Don't tell me Stella's gotten herself into the illegal business too? =(

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« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2006, 01:06:57 am »

I really like this story. Your sims are all so beautiful, and their stories are touching and so real. Keep it up. Smiley

Still a simmer at heart, just too busy with my baby to play!

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« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2006, 04:30:31 am »

Awww. Thanks so much guys for your comments! Hehe..the next part's coming up soon. very soon. Keep telling me what you think. =)

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« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2006, 04:42:59 am »

Madison composed herself and smiled at the audience as she sat down in her seat after being introduced at the Kyla talk show.
"Thank you for joining us Madison."
"My pleasure. It's great to be here."
"As we all know, you are the heiress to your family business the Jonestar Casinos, a multi-billion dollar empire. You've pretty much grown up in the public eye. How do you deal with that?"
"It's difficult. Everything I do is magnified and you sometimes I just want to be with my friends and have a relaxing night, but that's not always possible."
"Tell me about it, you've got papparazzi on your tail most of the time as well as the media. Speaking of the media, we've got a few questions to ask about some of the stories in the magazines."
Madison rolled her eyes and readied herself to hear what was next.

"Sims weekly recently featured an article about you being pregnant and trying to hide it. What do you have to say about that?"
Madison shook her head. "I assure you, I am not pregnant. What can I say? Maybe they ran out of stories and decided to make one up. This isn't the first time really."
Kyla continued to ask questions and Madison answered each one politely remembering that her image represented her family which also represented the company.

Later that night Madison wearily climbed into bed exhausted from the day's events. She shut her eyes willing to slip into dreamland knowing full well that the following day would be just as exhausting. Just as she was about to leave the land of the waking, Dawson's face popped into her mind. It had been 2 weeks and Dawson still hadn't called her.

Dawson flopped onto the couch weary from the day's events. He rubbed his temples hoping feeling a headache coming on. It had been a long day, but he was satisfied with the profit he had made. He told no one that he had quit his job at the fish factory and now in the drug dealing business. Only he knew the dark alleys he ventured into.

He grabbed the remote and turned on the television hoping to ease his mind. He knew they only had a few channels since they didn't have cable, but he decided to try anyway. Just as he was about to give up and go to bed, he caught a glimpse of a face that grabbed his attention.

It was Madison on a talk show. It surprised him how fast his heartbeat went at the sight of her. She was beautiful as always displaying the charming smile that tugged at his heart. I'll call her tomorrow, I promise. Now that I have some extra money. I'll use Greg's phone.

"Dawson?" He turned his head to find his little sister Janie beside him. "I see something under the door. I think it's an envelope. She watched these events in order: Dawson heading towards the door, Dawson grabbing the envelope, Dawson opening the envelope, Dawson looking surprised. "What is it?" she asked. At first he didn't speak.
"It's $500." He finally said.

Bremerton watched out of the corner of his eye as Madison smiled for the cameras at the kid's ball charity event. She was more stunning than he expected and he admired the jewlery that sparked on her skin. He was certain that he had already won his parents over and now he just had to woo her.

"Madison over here!"
"Madison! Madison! When is your baby due?"
"Madison, who designed your dress?"
Madison kept her smile amidst the chaotic screaming and frantic yelling. She chose not to answer any questions. The truth was, her feet were killing her and she was begginning to get a headache. On top of that, she had had little sleep the night before with thoughts of Dawson filling her mind. She was beginning to think that perhaps he had forgotten about her.

She made her way towards the bathroom hoping to find some pain killers in her purse.
"What a fine lady to run into." A voice said behind her.
She turned around and looked up into the eyes of an unfamiliar man.

He smiled brightly and introduced himself. "Hello. I'm Bremerton Blake. I don't believe we've met yet and I would forever regret it if I passed up on this opportunity." Madison found his charm appealing, but kept her guard up knowing full well how people were not always who they appeared to be.

She smiled back politely. "Nice to meet you. I'm Madison Jones." Bremerton nodded in response and said, "I already know that. How could I not know the most beautiful girl in Simlywood?" He held his hand out to her offering to escort her to the banquet hall. Reluctantly, she took his hand and they made their way to the banquet hall. All the while Bremerton thought I can't mess this up. If I do this right, I'll be in charge of the Jonestar Casinos.

Stella stood on an abandoned street beneath a fire escape and wondered what her friends were doing at school. She had not seen them since she had dropped out. She felt she no longer needed it now that she was making money. She saw a car approach and held her breath as it stopped infront of her.

She pushed all thoughts aside and opened the passenger door and slid into the seat. The driver didn't say a word--they never really did. He pulled out onto the road and headed towards an abandoned factory. He parked the car and Stella continued to look straight ahead dreading what was about to come.

The driver closed all the windows and looked around making sure no one else was near. He then proceeded to unbuckle his pants and Stella braced herself. This is for mom. This is for our family.

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« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2006, 12:07:47 pm »

caterena: Thanks for liking my story!

Elven_Song: It depends where you live whether or not prostitution is illegal so I guess you can decide whether what Stella is doing is or is not.

desepos: Aw, thanks! Well one's a celebrity so I guess she should be beautiful. Although I like fantasy and old age stories, I think I'm better off with modern day stories so thanks for saying they seem real.=)

oddball011: Well you were half right in your prediction. He didn't exactly give her the money, but he helped her find a way to get some.

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« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2006, 03:45:45 pm »

wow you are great at throwing in un expected turns
I will definetely be tuning in to this story Smiley

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2006, 06:09:20 pm »

Things haven't exactly gone sour yet...still more to come.

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« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2006, 06:47:40 pm »

Poor Stella! :sad3: Nobody should have to go through that.. especially if they're still young.

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« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2006, 07:18:32 pm »

You mean there is still more drama to come?!?!
I just relized beautiful, beautiful, Dawson is ........a  drug runner

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2006, 08:49:30 pm »

Elven_Song: I agree, I could never ever think of doing that. But what if you were that desperate for money? I see mothers on talk shows who sell themselves to provide for their children.

oddball011: Affirmative, there WILL be more drama to come. And Dawson is beautiful isn't he?

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« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2006, 03:07:50 pm »

yes , he is absolutely DROP DEAD GORGEOUS lol

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2006, 09:06:49 pm »


Madison walked into her hotel room with pure shock and surprise on her face. She couldn't believe what had happened and who could've done such a thing. She stood for what seemed like hours with her body unmoving. She finally forced herself to get over her surprise and took the sight in.

Her hotel room was adorned with gorgeous rose petals and boquets that made her breathless with awe. It was  a sight to behold making her want to remember this moment forever. A picture wouldn't do it justice.

She slowly walked over to one of the boquets and pulled out a card that said
"To Madison. All these roses put together could never equal your beauty." -Bremerton Blake

She sighed thinking of how Bremerton had done far more than Dawson had during her trip. Bremerton had driven her to her hotel the night of the charity ball, gave her his coat when she was cold, and never let one moment go by without telling her how beautiful she was. He's like Prince Charming she thought with a smile on her face. All Dawson had given her on the other hand, was a phone call that kept cutting off.

"Madison? (static...)"
"Hello? Who is this?"
"It's Daw-(static)"
"It's who? Dawson?"
"Yes! Dawson! I can't (static..)"
"Dawson, I can't hear you very well"
"I said I (unclear)"
"What did you say?"
And the conversation continued like that for so many minutes until they both decided to end the conversation.

Madison shook her head. She couldn't be falling for Bremerton this fast. This is too fast. For all I know, he could just be after my family's money. But that's also a possibility with Dawson. Madison shook her head once again as if to rid herself of such thoughts. She would be heading back to Simlywood in a week.

Dawson rubbed his hands together in the coldness of the night waiting for his customer to arrive. All sales had to be made privately and  Dawson was always conscious of the merchandise in his pocket knowing that if he risking a lot. He saw a car approach thinking perhaps  it was his customer, but he could never really be sure. Maybe it was even a undercover cop. He waited quietly in the dark shadows for someone to approach him.

To his horror, he soon realized that this was not his customer. Stella! What is she doing here? can't be! He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them hoping that what he saw was just a trick of the mind. But to his dismay, the girl was indeed his sister. He watched in terror as she accepted a sum of cash from the man who had driven her. She pocketed the cash and smoothed out her wrinkled skirt glad that things were over for the moment. Dawson tried desperately to believe that she had not just done what he thought she did. Maybe he just gave her a ride home. Wait a minute, in those clothes?? Why did he give her money?? Dawson's heart twisted in agony as he came out of the shadows and confronted her.

"What the hell is this?"
Stella turned around in shock and horror. "Dawson...what are you doing here?"
"Nevermind what I'm doing here, the question is what are YOU doing here? I just saw you Stella. You got out of that car with that man."

He waited for her to explain, say anything that would help  him give her the benefit of the doubt, but she stood motionless and quiet.
"Dawson, please. I did it for our family." Stella was now in tears knowing that she was more than in trouble.
"You think you did it for our family?" Dawson spat out disgusted with what his sister had done. "You have now just ruined it. How could you?"

Stella only put her face in her hands unable to stop from shaking.
"Stella, I'm far beyond disappointed. I thought you knew better than this."
It pained him to see his sister cry, but he refused to feel pity. He grabbed her arm and led her home straight to his mother.

"What were you thinking?? That you could just keep selling yourself and everything would be okay?" Dawson fumed not yet finished with what he wanted to say.
"I did this for our family. To give us money." Stella said tears still streaming endlessly. "The money in the envelopes, those were from me."

It was a moment of quiet shock before Dana spoke up. "I think I'm going to die from a broken heart. How long have you been doing this Stella? How long have you been a prostitute?"
Stella's eyes now red and puffy conveyed a look of deep sorrow. "For almost a month."
A gasp escaped from Dana's mouth. "Oh dear. Stella, I'd rather be starving everyday and know that my children are safe than be rich and have my daughter a slut."

Stella looked up in shock her breath stopping for a moment. Did she just hear right?
Dana felt like all her blood had just been drained from her body. Did she just say what she thought she did?
Even Dawson who seemed to be the most furious was horrified at what came out of Dana's mouth.
Moments passed before anyone did anything.
Stella finally spoke up. "I can't...I just can't be part of this family anymore. It shames me too much. Ma I want your forgiveness more than anything, but I see that's impossible."

She sniffed and said, "Goodbye." And with that, she dashed out the door leaving Dawson and Dana with their mouths open wondering and worrying what would be of her.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2006, 09:10:52 pm by missd735 » Logged

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« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2006, 09:08:31 pm »


"Oh Madison dear, we're so glad you're back!" she said happily as she gently hugged her daughter.
"Oh believe me, I'm glad I'm back too." Madison replied with gladness.
"Darling, come into the dining room for some dinner. Your father is here. We have some matters to discuss."
Madison followed her mother towards the dining room wondering what they needed to discuss.

They settled in after having their dinner served by the chef and Madison enjoyed the fabulous tasting meal.
"So, what is that we have to discuss?" Madison asked no longer able to wait.
Mr. Jones wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and said, "Well dear, we haven't discussed the requirements of your becoming the head of the Jonestar Casinos."
Madison listened attentively wondering what was so important.
"The contract states that if you are to take over the company, you must be married by 22 and therefore engaged by 21."
Madison's eyes widened and at first she had no idea what to say.

"When were you planning to tell me this?" Madison asked almost angrily.
"Don't get angry dear, we're telling you now."
"That only gives me less than a year to get engaged. How do you expect me to do that?"
"You know there are plenty of men who would love to have your hand in marriage."
Madison sat quietly not knowing what to think."What if I'm not ready to get married? Or engaged?"
"Then you cannot gain the Jonestar Casinos and that would be a big shame. Dear, you know this company has been in our family for years. Don't throw it away."

Madison nodded in shock knowing that she could not change the family tradition or the rules of the contract. Marriage seemed to come far too soon than she expected.
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