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Author Topic: "My Son" -- Updated 27/12/06 (CH3PII with pics) -- My first sim story!  (Read 31484 times)
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« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2006, 05:36:26 pm »

LOL!  Don really needs to have sim surgery in the form of a vasectomy!  His legacy heir was chewing on his shoes and he didn't know it! LOL!  Oh no wait a minute the other twins are his right? LOL confused.....

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2006, 02:18:46 am »

-cracks up- Kathleen!! xD Hee... I'm good now.

That was great! A little short, but an update is an update! ^^

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« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2006, 05:04:00 am »

Great update. Don always cracks me up, he's such a "stud". Cheesy

It is not MY fault that I never learned to accept responsibility!

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« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2006, 09:26:37 am »

Thank you for your comments, before my game crashed and wiped my files, the Lothario residence was my most played house. He was almost always in his lime green trunks and always wanting to woohoo with "Kathleen". Hee Cheesy In a later chapter, without spoiling it, Don does realise the consequences of his lack of condoms. Ahem.

Starlucid - The toddler, Mars, isn't his heir, although Mars will chew anyones shoes. Really. But hopefully things are cleared up in the next chapter.


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« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2006, 12:38:14 pm »

I definately want to clean up my game it is a galactic mess the only solution being a clean slate which I'm sure I will corupt with tons of files in my download.  I think to teach Don Lothario a lesson in my future clean game I will make him a celebate Priest! LOL!

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2006, 04:12:51 pm »

Ha , Don is like a little kid

He looks rele hott in my game since I have defalt replacements , only has one kid

And hes adopted , lol!

MORRRRREEEEE!!!!!!m please

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2006, 03:00:26 pm »

Hm, I'm trying for an update once a week, it's hard, but hey.
More coming soon, that's a - errr - promise? Eek.

Lol, yeah, Don really needs help Cheesy


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« Reply #37 on: November 07, 2006, 04:42:44 pm »

Ill be waiting

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #38 on: November 07, 2006, 08:51:37 pm »

his face it's just priceless how did you get him to make that face?

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2006, 01:57:40 pm »

Starlucid - the face where he sees the kid chewing his shoe?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2006, 12:34:15 pm by SimulatedDork » Logged


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« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2006, 05:09:04 pm »

what happened to the next update lol

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2006, 10:18:57 am »

Chapter Two - The First Night - Part IV
   (Writing as Don Lothario)

"Run, run: as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm on my quest to find my heir!" -Don Lothario's adaptation to The Gingerbread Man's quote.

Cassandra Goth? Here? Of all places! I thought she was some elegant, upper class chick who didn't eat out at grubby burger restaurants. Like me! (Minus the chick bit...) Unless, of course, the Goth's went broke and had to sell up everything they had and Cassandra was reduced to begging, busking and McDonalds. Score!
"Cassandra!" I greet with a sarcastic smile. "How wonderful to see you!" I say, equally sarcastic.

"And you too, Don. Still see you have that utterly repulsive hair style, still wearing that disgusting pair of jeans and haven't changed your sarcastic smile. Haven't moved on with your life much then I see. Worried about an heir for the Lothario legacy? Times moves too quick, you know, Don. Tick tock..."
I stare at her. What!? No, no – it's my imagination!
[In reality, she was saying: "And you too, Don. And for parents our age – you're looking good! I heard you settled down with Kaylynn, and became a professional party guest? I married Darren Dreamer and now we have seven children together! How time flies, Don – how long has it been? And it's good there's no hard feelings, eh?"]

"I – err – have to – err – BYE!" I stumbled, making a dash for the exit. If Cassandra was here, with her brat of a son and n00b of a husband, then who must be at home? Rossbert! Then I must act quickly – I must go to the Dreamer house now. One small thing – I still don't know how to get there. And what to do when I do. Explain my crisis to a boy of age unknown?

"Taxi, taxi!" Then it hits me. "Ahem – yes, driver number...err...Celeste." Celeste must know everywhere in Pleasantdump, including the Dreamer house...Yes, yes! "The taxi will swing by shortly to pick me up?" I say to myself. Alright. Hurry up. The quicker I find Rossbert, the better. And with his parents away, that'll ease things. I run forward to the edge of the road, the dead phone still in my hands.

I am utterly lost in my own thoughts when Celeste pulls up, a look a love on her face. Ew. Why do they all do that afterwards? There's so many of them, and only so much Don to go around!

"Don! I knew you'd come back!"
"I had to, you dumb NPC, how else would I get home?"
"Donny! Home, or to another lot?"
"Celly!" I replied in the same swoony-sing-song voice. "Oh, err – Dreamer's house."

"Dreamer's house? Oh Donny, you're not having an AFFAIR are you!?"
"What? At the Dreamers? No! It's err – my son – he's in trouble. Needs help with... maths homework. Yeah. Do you know where it is?"
"Oh phew, Donny, don't EVER scare me like that!" she swooned.
"Quick! Pythagoras calls!"

Celeste – I swear. She must have been blonde before.

"Donny, shall I wait here?" she asked as we pulled up. I'd been so anxious I hadn't realised where we were.
"Celeste, really, I don't think – "
"Don, you're not... breaking UP with me, are you?"
"Don! The I-Hate-Lothario-Club was RIGHT! You're nothing but some sexy player with good cologne!"

She would have kicked me out of the car if I hadn't stumbled out myself first. Eek. She was sure sensitive! But as the car rattled off into the distance, I was left facing, well, the Dreamer house, I guess. It wasn’t as big as I had imagined, and poor Cassie – from riches to real rags it must seem to her. I guess she’ll thank me for whisking away her Ricardo, there’s barely room to breathe in this dump!

(Ooh, is that free lemonade? …)

I reached my  hand out to their plastic doorbell. Plastic - naff! And those diamanté studs are just there for fashion! Pur-lease! Hey, wait a minute...they look real...

*Ding-dong* went the cheap doorbell. “Pah” I think to myself. But night is beginning to fall, and this … tacky … outdoor lighting is starting to sting my eyes. Utter silence, and this place is starting to creep me out. What if Celeste brought me to the wrong house? What is Radlette is out? What if…

Then a light pinged on in the house, and footsteps shuffled forward… “Rossbert,” I think to myself as the internal sound grows louder. “It’s me, your daddy.” I rehearse. And then it happens…

Notes: Good, got all the pics on this part updated, written out part VI (but probably will start a new chapter) and now will fix part V below. Again, thanks, and yeah, hope you're enjoying, glad to see some new readers Wink
« Last Edit: November 25, 2006, 05:59:28 am by SimulatedDork » Logged


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« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2006, 10:30:59 am »

Chapter Two - The First Night - Part V – The Runaway
   (Writing as Riley Goth)

If I would have known that the first time we hugged would be the last time - forever - I never would have let go. -  here

Just then, the doorbell rings. I feel like I'm in some computer game, where there is some twisted Player who is trying to scare the hell out of me. But then I realise what rubbish I am saying and make my way over to the door.

Still, I am a little more alert. Goodness knows who was at the door or was on the phone. But I wouldn't let my stupid imagination ruin my only evening alone! Well, alone enough. Rose has gone out – saw her skipping 'round back to her super lame "alone place". Purlease!

Anyway, I open the door, and nearly scream when I see this tall, dark, unfamiliar face standing there.

I hide my feelings.

"Yes?" I ask, putting on my "not bothered" look, the one mum tried so hard to drive out of me.

I don’t think he can see me – curse my shrimpiness! After all, I'm THIRTEEN! Nobody's as shrimpy as me! Well, except maybe Jupiter, but that's a different matter.

I hide my shame and try again. "Can I help you?"
"Ah, yes! Rossbert!"
Oh my God – do they EVER give up?
"Actually, it's R-" I begin to stop myself, and he finishes it. I can at least tell it's a man now, or a deep-voiced-flat-chested chick with unflattering clothes.
"How are you? Good? Oh goodie!" he chirps freely.

"I'm sorry – I don't quite remember who you are..." I start, trying to sound as awfully posh as I think he expects me to be. I don't know. I have to be – I am FORCED – to be somebody different around everybody, how am I supposed to know which Riley I play now? "Did we meet at a family gathering?" I ask, unsure whether I was obviously bluffing.

Being the grandson of the famous Mortimer Goth, we are forever going to posh dances and banquets and speeches and so on. Where I get to dress up as a nerd, and the hot, super rich chicks still love me! I think Rose likes them too: she once played the piano at Le Grand Ocassion Petit, and you should have SEEN how they loved her! She had compliments just POURING in! Everywhere she went, even on her loo break, she was in the limelight. People even asked ME if I was the one playing. Do you THINK I look like a girl?" I wanted to scream at them, continuously aware of mum peering at me from across the room. I forced a smile and as politely as I could replied "no" and pointed in Rose's direction.

I don't think Rose liked it. She told me after that she hated all the crowds of people watching her, telling her how "amazing she played" or how "stunning she looked" or even how "gracefully she walked"! You could tell that was from Will Langerak. Scum.

But image that! Someone NOT loving fame! Then again, Rose is probably so used to being praised and being everyones favourite, I guess she gets used to it...and she has to pretend to hate eht get more! Genius!

"Met!" he gasped, confusing me more by the minute. "Family gathering!" he scoffed. "Really! What has that Cassandra been telling you?" he exclaimed.

"Mum?" I asked, confused. Why would this stranger bring up mother?

"Not quite!" he laughs. "I am Don Lothario! The one and only!" he winks and out comes the cheesiest grin I have ever seen. Only when it has sunk it I scream inside...

"Dad?" I breathe, naturally backing away. "Dad..." I whisper again, that syllable beating away unbearably in my head. I feel hot and clammy, like the sweat on my brow is engraving the words "Here is Riley Goth...fatherless..." on me.

"Son!" he replies, in an almost rehearsed way. But that's OK, I mean – surely he must have dreamt of this day?

"Dad...what are you doing...don’t go…” I whisper, so I can barely hear myself. He’s not going, but I just… can’t think … what am I saying? I try backing away and almost fall over my own feet. I knew nothing. Nothing whatsoever about who Don Lothario was. About who my dad was. I couldn’t let this slip away, I couldn't let him get away, and here I was sending him away! "No, wait - " I say, loudly this time. "Don't ... don’t go..." I say meakly, although he made no movement previously.

"Can...we talk?" I asked shyly. So much to say. Too much.

I stepped out on to the porch, the light flooding my features. I suddenly feel very self conscious as this stranger eyes me up – stares right into me, absorbing all my features as though this would be some strange, last chance to see me.

"Oh phew!" he declares, shattering my unstable tower of sense. All this emotion – wasn't he feeling ANY of it?! "You ARE a boy! I was afraid I'd have to carry on my legacy to a GIRL!" he exclaims, winking at me. But I laugh all the same – it was a joke. Surely he must know about Rose? But when the laughter had settled, I wasn't quite sure...

"You do, err, know – don't you? About me and, err, Rose?"
"Rose? Is that her name? I'm glad it isn't....never mind. Long time ago, anyway. Right, so yes, I'm Don Lothario, currently a docter. You're Roulette Dreamer and...?"

He has such a way of talking! So precise and to the point, blunt and doesn't waffle. Yeah, I liked that. I think. But really, my name!

"I got a B- today..." I mumbled
" you're Rou-

"Riley!" I state, surprised. "Isn't that what you named me?" I think he blushes. It's hard to tell with this light.

He pauses before he goes on, almost like he's remembering something, like my name!
"Riley." He repeates. "You're Riley Dreamer and you got a B- today. So, yes, just popping round to say hello, so I guess I'd better go now. Ta!" He natters on merrily.

"You're leaving?!" I scream. Or, at least it's trying to be a scream. It's much quieter then I would have wanted it to be. My powerful "scream" is barely audible.

"Oh, but Ra-"

"Ah, yes, Riley – Riley, I must go. Left the oven on...." He rolled his eyes at this, like it was something he did everyday. He turned slowly around, then sharply turned back. "Of course...nah, stupid...Well, I guess you could...forget it...Coming with me?" He blurted out in the end. I physically move backward I am so shocked. This stranger – somebody claiming to be my dad, decides to "pop round" to see how his only son is doing and gets to know me for less then five minutes, and wants to pick me up and go? He loves me that much?

"What...what would you want me to do?" It was a daft question – he hadn't seen me in 13 years...He hadn't been there when I was little – walkin', talkin', and goin' potty: all Nanna Rose and Christian. Then mother. Then our nannies Elizabeth and Suzanne,  but never DAD. He must want me! But by the way he quickly dismissed the original idea, I wasn't so sure...

"Riley! Really, you're my son! Of course I want you to come with me!"

Dad...he loved me. Somebody in my family actually loved me...not because I was Rose's BROTHER, because I was ME. Don Lothario was my only father – Darren a replacement, but with him and Cassandra looking after a bunch of their own, I've been feeling left out. Grandfather Mortimer is being heavily looked after in his private hospital, and my grandmother, Dina, lives all the way on the otherside of Pleasantview. I find things odd about Dina, and her neither her nore Uncle Alexander inherit her blonde hair, green eyes or tanned skintone? But anyway, she was still FAMILY, and so was Don Lothario. Dad.

My mind was made up. I was NOT going to let this...dream...end. He turned, knowing I'd follow.
“Wait!” I called into the night, not knowing where he was. Curse these expensive floodlights (which don’t work!). “I have to…” if I said “tell mother” how awfully draggish I’d sound! And mother wasn't even here, it was just me - shivering, alone and feeling vulnerable - and Rose. Rose! I think he has the wrong idea about Rose, but, it’s worth it, right? Or… “…get my phone.” I finished with a proud smile, amazed I can wing my way through an easy lie to Don Lothario like this. I thought parents are supposed to be experts in telling truths from lies!
“Very well!” he says rushedly. “Just be quick!” he mutters and I dash into the empty house, up the stairs and round into our room.
“Rose?” I whisper, knowing there is no WAY she could have snuck back in unnoticed. I grabbed her bedside pen and scribbled a note, probably filled with errors she’d just love to correct. But I didn’t worry about that now, I just attatched the scrap of paper to her bedside table – where she’d see it, and left. I ran back down and composed myself as I approached the door, where I could makeout the shadow of Don standing there, probably looking impatient. I took a deep breath and opened the door, and light flooded outwards, so I could see his features, all illuminated and riddled with shadows. I closed the door as quietly as I could and then whispered to this stranger:

“Alright. I’m ready.”
My voice has lost it's nerve and it starting to crack as I go on. "Let's go...home." I say - dryly, crackled but soft, like a pile autumn leaves. I look around at the trees – turning browns and golds, then I look down at the wilting flowers and dying shrubs. What an awful time to be called Rose.

Notes: Incase you’re a little confused, Don takes off with Riley on foot, and Rose hears the footsteps (Part I) but then dismisses it. Soon after they leave, the Dreamer family return home, and well after the only Lothario-Goth child has run away, Rose re-enters the house and finds Riley’s note. Sorry if it was ambigious, I had to tell three different sides of the story and add little clues to make them add up Tongue Oh well, hope you’re enjoying it so far.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 03:04:17 pm by SimulatedDork » Logged


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« Reply #43 on: November 19, 2006, 10:55:38 am »

Wooooop an update!!!

Wow this one was good

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2006, 11:37:16 am »

Lol, not just one update - two!

Edit: Looking back, Lothario's a real nutty head!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2006, 11:39:29 am by SimulatedDork » Logged

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