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Author Topic: After The Fallout - Chapter 19 now up 4/10/07  (Read 54032 times)
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Frigid Witch
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« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2006, 05:49:02 am »

Mule, awesome visual effects and your story is pure brilliance. Keep it up! Wink

"The power to question is the basis of all human progress."
The Mule

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Beast of Burden

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« Reply #61 on: December 05, 2006, 01:05:00 pm »

Suddenly the
      door flew open and a large wild - looking man strode in. He looked
      battle-worn and weary, but it was obvious he wasn't a hostile. He gave me
      the once over as he strode up to Smitty. Seeing that he'd already had his
      weapon drawn, I decided that yielding audience with Smitty would be a
      better course of action than getting into a testosterone-fest with the
      man. I stepped aside." width="600" height="450">


Lothar: Bad news Smitty...the mutants have destroyed major
      sections of the subways and sewers, and their aboveground attacks are
      succeeding. They're methodically taking the island from the south, block
      by block. 

He leaned in closer to Smitty
      and lowered his voice." width="600" height="450">


Lothar: And who are these folk? They look...rugged. And smell
      like trouble." width="600" height="450">

Smitty: The are friends, Lothar. No need to worry. And they're
      now apparently homeless, having just trekked in ahead of the southern
      mutant attacks. They can be valuable to us here." width="600" height="450">

Deadeye: Come on Two-Lou...just one kiss. Plant one right

Lothar began to wave his arms
      and chant, as if reciting an incantation, or prayer of some sort." width="600" height="450">

Lothar: Nam byong - ingee
      chong, nam byong - ingee chong" width="600" height="450">


Lothar: Behold the Great White Bear in the summit of the sky.
      Art thou able to house these strangers? Art thou able to provide them with
      food and shelter? Shall their strength be added to ours? Will they
      shed their own blood in battle to protect us from miscreants?" width="600" height="450">

Lothar: The Great White Bear doesn't reply Smitty! What are we
      to do? I wash my hands of this decision!" width="600" height="450">

Smitty: (thinking to himself) He does that every time. When's he
      going to realize that he's not some kind of prophet??" width="600" height="450">

Two-Lou: If you think I'm going to kiss you, you're mad! I'd
      just as soon kiss a mule!" width="600" height="450">

Deadeye: Aw c'mon Two-Lou! We've known each other for how long
      now? Zargon is too old for you! He's not interested! When are you going to
      get that through your head?" width="600" height="450">

Smitty: Don't go into that "I wash my hands" schpiel
      again Lothar. You and I both know we that we need every capable warrior we
      can get. They're going to stay here. And that's final." width="600" height="450">

Smitty: And if you give me any trouble on this at
      council...I'm going to take that sword, shove it up your butt, turn you
      inside-out and make a Popsicle out of you. Comprende?" width="600" height="450">

Smitty: Now....I'd like you to meet our new friends. Zargon,
      Sawbones, Deadeye, and Two-Lou. This is Lothar everyone. He's very pleased
      to meet you all...." width="600" height="450">

Deadeye: Can't you see we belong together? Just gimme a chance,
      Two-Lou..." width="600" height="450">

Deadeye: Can't you see I love you?

Two-Lou: Oh, Deadeye...I'm sorry but...." width="600" height="450">

Deadeye: NA NA NA NANA...I don't want to hear this!!!" width="600" height="450">

Smitty: So,  Zargon, your friends would like to get
      themselves some better clothes, get cleaned up. We should have a feast to
      celebrate, no?" width="600" height="450">

Smitty: And you, my friend, are in need of more ammo, correct?
      That's a slight problem. It seems we've been having some trouble getting
      black-powder in from the mainland. Bandits raiding the incoming supplies.
      I could use someone capable to check that situation out." width="600" height="450">

Smitty: A scouting mission per se. Not a SWAT team. Know of
      anyone who can fill that dance card?" width="600" height="450">

Zargon: I can check it out if you'd like. Give you the logistics
      of the situation." width="600" height="450">

Zargon: Maybe even behave diplomatically! Forging an alliance
      with the bandits would help all of us more than killing them would.
      Strength in numbers!" width="600" height="450">

Zargon: I should probably go alone, leave the others here. What
      do you think?" width="600" height="450">

Lothar: Greeting m'Lady....I am Lothar, High Prophet of the
      Great White Bear. I've been sent omens of your arrival. Prophesy tells of
      the beautiful woman who needs new clothes, sent to us to mate with the
      Prophet, bearing our people great warriors." width="600" height="450">

Two-Lou: Oh...I see...Sorry...I don't do guys with green beards
      wearing silly hats. What was that about new clothes though? These ones are
      really not helping the oozing sores." width="600" height="450">

Two-Lou: And maybe you should drop your eyes a little lower than
      my chest. That tingling your feeling? That's my knife blade...." width="600" height="450">
Lothar: My apologies
      m'Lady. I shall now take you forth to a place wear you may obtain clothing
      more suitable to a woman of your talents and nature.

Two-Lou: That's what I though you'd say...See? We're not that
      difficult to get along with now, are we?" width="600" height="450">

Smitty: Great idea Zargon! Wish I'd thought of that. You're a
      genius! I'm so happy to have you guys here.

Lothar created by Wintermuteai1

Yes...its the same Mule as before

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« Reply #62 on: December 05, 2006, 03:52:40 pm »

Great update Mule.  
**aside to Lothar **  If you ever run across this girl named Darlyn, run the other way.  You wouldn't like her when she gets mad.
The Mule

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Beast of Burden

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« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2006, 06:02:08 pm »

lol...thanks for reading Ancient!

Yes...its the same Mule as before

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« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2006, 06:20:05 pm »

excellent!!!!! your eye for detail is amazing....

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« Reply #65 on: December 07, 2006, 01:25:45 am »

Good job Mule!  Enthralling story and the pictures and costumes are amazing!  I love Lothar, the creep. "You must mate with me!...uh, because I said so!" I really need a bigger budget in my story...
The Mule

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Beast of Burden

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« Reply #66 on: December 07, 2006, 01:45:26 am »

LOL....bigger budget!! I skimp on writers though...for example..Lothar's pickup lines are just plagurized from Joseph Smith conning.... I mean preaching to his congregation.

Yes...its the same Mule as before

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« Reply #67 on: December 07, 2006, 02:03:06 am »

Quote from: The Mule;453909
lol...thanks for reading Ancient!

I wouldn't think of missing it.
The Mule

Gender: Male
Posts: 652

Beast of Burden

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« Reply #68 on: December 09, 2006, 09:38:55 am »

On the top floor of what had once been the
      Woolworth Building in southern Manhattan, a meeting was about to take
      place." width="600" height="450">


Sentinel 1: We bring news from the 

Sentinel 2: battlefront Your

Sentinel 3: We've captured 5 more

Sentinel 1: blocks northward. Casualties only number

Sentinel 2: Fifteen peons, less than 10

Sentinel 3: percent of our battalion. Better than the 12.5

Sentinel 1: percent you had calculated losing

Sentinel 2: You should be proud of

Sentinel 3: us your Supreme Monstrosity. 

Sentinel 1: Will you now reward us with

Sentinel 2: belly rubs? You promised us!! That and

Sentinel 3: Cinnamon rolls.

Queen Arachnia raises slowly from her sofa." width="600" height="450">


Why do I have to deal with such fools, she wonders. Other Royals have
      strong, competent lieutenants. Underlings with half a brain, who actually
      understand their station in life. These fools are too dumb to know their
      own names let alone where they stand in the big picture of the cosmos. As
      soon as the humans are vanquished, these three go. Pity that their
      interior organs are probably as acrid tasting as their moronic thoughts.
      Belly rubs, indeed! Someday my little pets, you'll get your bellies
      rubbed. With my talons. Slicing you for a nice snack. Maybe by then I'll
      have younger mouths to feed.

The sentinels stand facing their queen.
      They're barely capable of containing their glee at the thought of belly
      rubs and cinnamon rolls. They twitch nervously, awaiting their sweet
      reward. If they knew how Queen Arachnia really felt about them, they'd be
      twitching out of nervousness." width="600" height="450">


Queen Arachnia lays there, deep in thought. She'll need to contact her
      Master, and let him know all is well. After all, her own fate is tied to
      the fate of these imbecilic abominations. At least she understood
      her tenuous hold on her place in the cosmos.
" width="600" height="450">


Well...might as well get these cretins working on the next stage. The
      sooner the better.

      Queen Arachnia rose and walked briskly to Sentinel 1." width="600" height="450">


Queen Arachnia: Five blocks? I told you ten!! And for your
      stupidity the belly rubs are out!! Now get out of here, before I rip your
      wings off and grind them up for magical potions!!

Sentinel 2: I told you she said

Sentinel 1: Ten! No you lie


Sentinel 3: She said


Sentinel 2: Five!! Just for that" width="600" height="450">


Sentinel 1: Noogie Patrol!!!

Queen Arachnia approached the crystal ball.
      Her master would be pleased. She hoped. He was never pleased, really.
      Nothing was ever good enough." width="600" height="450">


No use putting off the inevitable. He insisted on being informed of her
      progress. " width="600" height="450">


She gazed into the crystal ball. Soon the swirling mists began to take
      form. Slowly a shape appeared.

  " width="600" height="450">


Queen Arachnia: Oh Great Master, tis I reporting on our
      advancing troops. We've taken another five city blocks, suffering fewer
      casualties than expected. Your plan of taking the island from south to
      north is working brilliantly I might add. I'm awed my your military

Queen Arachnia waits. He's not responding.
      Is he ignoring me? Or is he busy with someone else...." width="600" height="450">


Queen Arachnia: Is all well Master? Have I disappointed you? I
      can do better...

Viracocha: Oohh...I message from that
      spider hottie chick....." width="600" height="450">


Viracocha: I am here. I was not ignoring you. I was visiting the
      little demons room. I would not ignore you. Your part in my little drama
      is much too important to ignore. That city is vital to this phase of my
      plan. Continue....

Queen Arachnia takes a moment to ponder his
      response. Does he actual like me, or is he just using me......" width="600" height="450">


Queen Arachnia: You're looking well I might add. I've
      sent the troops right back into attack mode. They'll soon have another
      five blocks secured. The humans are fleeing, making our job that much
      easier. Does that please you? Would you like me to come visit you now?
      In...the flesh? It will be better than last time, I promise.

Viracocha thinks....This chick makes me so
      hot! Here we are, trying to achieve world domination, and she's thinking
      of...." width="600" height="450">


Viracocha: No no no Slave!!! We have genocide to perform here!
      Plenty of time for those pleasures later! Keep your focus!! Many a war
      have been lost because leaders minds wander to their own personal benefit!



I hope that wasn't too harsh......" width="600" height="450">


Sometimes this evil stuff really cramps my style. She was very good
      last time. I certainly hope I get another little session with her before I
      have to dispose of her....

So much for thinking I had him eating out of
      my hand. Probably has some other little tramp there now...." width="600" height="450">

Queen Arachnia: Very well Master. I'm sorry to have
      caused you displeasure. Would you be happier if I sent you images of the

Oh she gets me so hot...." width="600" height="450">


Viracocha: NO insect!! Just carry out the plan! No deviations. Be
      gone!! Else the only image you'll see is my laughing face as I watch you
      slowly die!




to be continued

The sim used to portray Queen Arachnia can
      be found at">Sapphire
      Sims. I was unable to find the direct link.

Yes...its the same Mule as before

Posts: 442

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« Reply #69 on: December 09, 2006, 05:14:54 pm »

LOL! very cool Viracocha needs to focus on the task! LOL

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #70 on: December 09, 2006, 09:36:00 pm »

Chapter 7 was great Mule, it gets more and more interesting.

Judging on and loving every minute!:hammer:
Found Love...Blessed in every way...
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« Reply #71 on: December 09, 2006, 11:28:48 pm »

bravo mules, another fine installment, and it keeps getting better and better,..more more more.....

The Mule

Gender: Male
Posts: 652

Beast of Burden

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« Reply #72 on: December 10, 2006, 05:34:29 pm »

So I set out to find what was holding up the
      supplies from the mainland. The Hudson bridge on the north end of
      Manhattan was were most supplies came in. I had a contact just a few
      blocks from it.">


Zargon: Hey Stubby, how's business? Looks like you're running
      low on supplies. I hear there's some trouble at the bridge.....

Stubby was never one of those guys for small
      talk, no pun intended. With him it was best to get right to the point.">


 Zargon: Smitty was looking for someone to come down and
      check things out. So I volunteered. You know how I am. Always a sucker for
      a good cause.

Stubby looked at me a little suspiciously.
      We'd know each other for awhile. I'd saved his hide from a few whoopings,
      and he always set me up with good supplies. But sometimes he sampled a bit
      too much of his lemonade.">


Stubby: Times are tough, Zargon. When supplies are low, prices
      go up. It's the simple laws of supply and demand.

Uh, oh...he definitely smells as though he's
      been into the hard stuff. I hope he's not going to go into one of his
      socio-economic rants. That inevitably leads into how he's persecuted because
      of his size.">


Stubby: But if Smitty doesn't get his supplies, we'll be
      in no position to defend ourselves from the mutants demands! He
      he...that's a good one, ain't it. You can quote me on that one if you

      Zargon: But what's the hassle with getting supplies though? I need
      some intel, Stubs. What do you know?">


Stubby: Well...fortunately mutants ain't the problem there. Just
      a couple of bandits on this side of the bridge. They got this big ole
      cannon, and they more or less take what they want. Don't know what they're
      doing with the loot, though. It ain't like theys sellin it to us at a
      higher price. Either they're stockpiling it somewheres...or...just
      maybe...they could be dealin it to the mutants. Either way, we ain't yet
      been in short enough supply fer anyone to bother trying to stop

Zargon: Well evidently Smitty is,
      that's why I'm here. He doesn't have enough black powder to make
      ammo....and like you said...">


Stubby: No ammo means no ya there big guy. Loud
      and clear.

Zargon: So...when you say "a
      couple bandits" mean just two guys? Can you tell me their
      location? Details?">


Stubby: Yeah....just two guys. One block east of the bridge. They block
      the street with the cannon. They got a couple machine guns, too. Nothing
      overly impressive really. Ain't ever even heard 'em fire the canon. Thing
      might not even work, but ain't no one ever volunteered to test that

      Just then local woman rushes up. She's short of breath, but she doesn't
      look sickly. Maybe she'd been running. But she didn't look dangerous in
      anyway. Just another poor sap trying to survive in this crazy world.">


Street woman: Stubby!! Check this out...them bandits at the
      bridge just tried stopping this wagon...and this girlie who was


      Street woman: ...she stands up...and this light comes down from the


Street woman: ...all galactic like...and she gazes at the
      bandits...and she's got this a magical thing or
      something...she waves it at the bandits...

Street woman: and suddenly the
      bandits are like spazzing in convulsions, like this.....">


Street woman: a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a.....and they drop dead right


Stubby: You're kidding me, right? Hey does that navel piercing



Street woman: You're such a perv, Stubby!! No I'm not
      kidding...then she gets back in the wagon and rides away as if nothing
      happened. I had to run all the way here to tell you about it!



Stubby: The bandits with the cannon??? They're dead? 



Meanwhile Darlyn and Bobby were slowly making progress into the
      city. ">


They were traveling slow due to the horses needing to be reshod, and
      being on high alert. They didn't want to face another ambush.

Darlyn: There's some people over
      there that look harmless....">

Darlyn: We need to find new shoes for these horses. Poor beasts
      are almost down to their hooves. They're horses, good ones at that. It's
      not like we can abuse them as if they were mules or something.


Darlyn: You wait here, Bobby. I'm going to go ask them where we
      can find a blacksmith. If you see anything scary, you just yell real loud

Street Woman: Oh yeah...the bandits with the cannon. They're
      deader than doornails. Seen it with my own eyes, I did. My man Luther and
      his buddies are wheelin that cannon off to Times Square right now. The
      underground Times Square that is, not the old one. We can use it for



Zargon: That's awesome!! Saves me the trouble of killing them

Street Woman: Um...don't look now,
      but here she is.....">


Darlyn: Er...excuse me? I'm wondering if you could give me

Zargon: Of course I can!
      Well...maybe...depends where you're going.">


Darlyn: Well, sir...I'm looking for a blacksmith, or some place
      I can get shoes for my horses.

Zargon: That's an interesting walking
      stick you have there, girl. May I see it?">


Darlyn: no no...this is a special walking stick. Very
      fragile...nobody touches it.

Darlyn: So...can you show me the way
      to a blacksmith?">


Zargon: Indeed I can.

Zargon: Better yet, I can take you
      there myself.">


Zargon: And on the way, you can tell me ALL about your little
      encounter with the bandits....



« Last Edit: December 11, 2006, 03:20:42 pm by The Mule » Logged

Yes...its the same Mule as before

Posts: 593

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« Reply #73 on: December 10, 2006, 05:43:43 pm »

that was quick...excellent was expected..Zargon looks awfully pleased to see darlyn...


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« Reply #74 on: December 10, 2006, 09:48:20 pm »

hmm....yeah it seems Zargon like Darlyn lol....nobody touches the stick! LOL!

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..
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