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Author Topic: 5-26-08 Written & Copyrighted by... Short ending~  (Read 45378 times)
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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2006, 05:07:22 am »

Awww Cheesy Admit it Andy, you're either bi or gay Wink

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« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2006, 11:46:13 am »

Quote from: Rue;468436
awwww I love sappy and happy!!!!!!

The pictures are great too. I keep wondering though whats wrong with your game, the skin of your sims sometimes makes such pixelated spots, maybe something with graphics? Its a pity because its beautiful otherwise, we-must-find-out. :devill:

That's easy.  When I first started taking pictures I had the graphics on a lower setting.
I actually just recently found out my game operates really well on the highest settings.

Sadie - Now I regret checking this in the middle of class, I almost started laughing like a drunken sailor!:lol:

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« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2006, 03:47:49 pm »

wait a minute, im a little confused - theyre gay?

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« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2006, 04:41:42 pm »

Nothing as simple as that.  It was a drunken little tumble, and then the sister got to Andy after that.  Nothing is confirmed or denied just yet.

The ending was just to show that the two of them don't hold anything against each other and that they will work to sort things out together.

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« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2006, 04:15:01 am »

Pictures are really kind of thin here as I have no hospital stuff or anything, so...enjoy none-the-less please!
Those five months are a blur.  All I can really remember is visiting Jahre and Zwei every day, sometimes taking Myles along with me so we could get some practice.  School let out soon enough and the visits got longer after that, from sun-up to sundown sometimes.  I didn’t tell my parents until a few days before the supposed due-date.  Mom wasn’t thrilled as to be expected, but dad was more upset.

The fight wasn’t as huge as the ones with mom, but it was worse.  I don’t want to tell about it, but I will say that afterwards I fled to Jahre’s house and hid out there for a while.  His stomach was big.  Not huge like mom’s had been, so I took that as a sign that hopefully it was only one.  The phone rang and we heard Zwei answer it.  A few moments later a muffled shout came from through the door and the phone slammed down.  Peaking out I watched as the older man rushed around the living room, gathering up socks, shoes and a coat.

“Helene’s in the hospital,” he explained so quickly I almost didn’t catch it.  “She’s having a baby.”

That did it!  We piled into that car and headed off.  I didn't even have time to get properly dressed!  The hospital Helene was admitted to was at least and hour away and halfway there a sharp pain began to shoot across Jahre’s abdomen.  At least that’s what he described it as.

So instead of instantly asking after his daughter, Zwei had to get his son into the hospital before we could do anything.  It’s not anything serious just yet, but the doctor just told us they’re both having their kids at the same time.  

You thought that ‘things can only get better from here’ was talking about the things before?  Oh no…I mean they can only get better from here.  I’m so nervous my hands are shaking over the keyboard.  I’m going to stop now and keep going when this is all over.


Well now…where did I leave off?  Oh yeah.  I had a pair of half-siblings in the hospital about ready to have kids.  And one of them I knew was mine!

Not to say anything bad about Helene of course, but who knows if that’s when she actually got pregnant, you know?  It could’ve been anyone else, if there was anyone else.

So there I was…waiting…waiting…until finally some news came.  A doctor came calmly from the room and announced that Helene was finished.  Jahre was just starting to get serious and requested that one of us be in there with him.  I was scared to know how this would work, but wanted to let Zwei see his daughter before I did.  I was more worried about Jahre anyway.

I won’t relate all the gory details, just that my hand felt like it was going to break he was holding so hard!  It was a dark red before everything was over and bruised for at least a week after.

But, maybe half an hour of torturing my hand, thankfully it was a quick delivery, there she was.  I could feel my eyes softening after they brought her back in after the cleanup.  A perfectly healthy little girl, dark skinned with the red hair and pink eyes that before were unique to me.

Jahre looked up at me and I could tell he was exhausted.  I would be too if I’d done all that work!  I started laughing quietly and he returned it with a smile.  The nurse handed the girl over to me, showing me where to put my hands just in case.

By the time I looked back up from her face Jahre was asleep, his lips still showing that smile.  I’m not sure how long I sat and stared between the two of them, but finally Zwei came in holding a blue wrapped bundle.  Did I forget to mention?  Besides the pink hair and eyes, my daughter was wrapped in a small pink blanket.

Anyway, the older man walked up beside me and showed me Helene’s son.  I knew right away he was mine.  Almost the same skin tone as his mother, but the face that looked up at me had the same hair and eyes as the baby I held in my arms.

I sadly relinquished my new daughter in favour of letting his grandfather hold him and instead took the little boy.  “Does he have a name?” I couldn’t help but ask.  Jahre and I hadn’t talked about it, and I hadn’t seen Helene to be able to.

He nodded and, not taking his eyes off the little girl he now held in his arms, told me Tobias.  I nodded and went back to waving my finger before the boy’s face.

Zwei and I sat there for at least an hour before Jahre woke back up.  He was still tired, his voice showed that, but now was the best time to talk about a name.

“Something common or not-so-much?” I asked first, trying to narrow the field in my mind.

“Something a little more common, but not one that twenty other kids will have.”  We sat and exchanged named back and forth, ranging from Antonia to Vanna.  “Rayen,” he said suddenly when it was his turn in the exchange.

I smiled instantly and looked down at the child, still in Zwei’s arms.  “I like it,” I responded.

And I meant it.  We realized later that it might not be as common as we were looking for, but at least it was different.  Due to Jahre’s age, Rayen wasn’t the biggest baby, so it took a few days more than usual to leave the hospital.  Tobias and Helene got to home after the normal waiting period though.  I never liked hospitals in the first place, but I can say now that I hope I never have to go back to one.

Though Jahre and Zwei were ecstatic about the baby and her health, Helene already had an apartment where she lived with Tobias, it wasn’t all fun and games, let me tell you.  Mom, as you can guess, didn’t want me in the house and even Dad was different around me.  It got to the point where I finally picked up my bags in the middle of the night and left.

Midnight a few weeks after Rayen and Jahre got to come home I got up’n’out.  My only concern was Myles.  He didn’t tell me if it was true, but it seemed as though Mom had begun to ignore him just like she had me.  But if I could go back I’d still make the same decision.

But anyway, let’s get away from the depressing bits.  Rayen was gaining weight and growing wonderfully.  When she could smile it rarely stopped and her eyes were barely ever closed unless she was asleep.  She learned to walk and talk early, but potty training was a bit of a let down.  It took forever to have her let go of the old ways.

Jahre took care of her during the day once school started back up (senior year thankfully) while I handled all the night cries.  Amazing as it may seem, it wasn’t all that awkward sharing a room with him and on more than one occasion we went back to old slumber party routine and even shared his bed.

We hardly got to see Helene, but she did send us, or Zwei rather, pictures and videos of Tobias as he grew up.  She even got him eating his first Oreo on tape!

Don’t think it’s just the ramblings of a parent, these two kids mean more than anything to me.  Sure, Tobe might not have known me for the longest time; Helene finally gave into Zwei and brought the boy over for his first birthday, but still.

There was one interruption to those happy times that sticks out in my mind though.  One day, Saturday if I remember right, the phone rang.  I was doing my big senior English project, but I left the desk once Zwei called for me.

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« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2006, 08:26:38 am »

Wow!  What a mess! Two babies and leaving home at the same time he has a lot on his plate he may want to start looking for a ....job.

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« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2006, 09:29:15 am »

aww the baby pics are soo cute! great update!!

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« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2006, 04:17:13 pm »

I'm glad you guys are enjoying this so much.  The community on S2C doesn't seem to care as more than half the posts are chapters.  I think Ive gotten three comments from over there.
A timid little voice called out over the phone.  “Andy?”  I recognized my little brother right away.  “Where are you?”

“You little dolt, I’m at Jahre’s!  You called here, so where else would I be?”  I said all this with laughter and sarcasm in my voice, but Myles didn’t laugh like he used to.  “Why?” I suddenly became more serious.

“Can I come over?” his voice was quiet but I hadn’t the slightest idea of why.

“Sure.  Does Dad know?”

“Mm-mm…”  His negative answer confirmed the thought that popped into my head at the slight pause he had in answering.

“Alright.  You want me to come get you?”

“Yeah.”  I told him I’d be over soon and his voice became slightly more hopeful.  I told Zwei where I was off to and he only nodded.  Racing across town I still couldn’t get home fast enough.

Once I could see the door I began to slow down.  Myles sat outside on my old suitcase, the one I’d left behind on my midnight flight.  He jumped up as I got closer and rushed towards me, dragging the baggage behind him.

“Can you carry this?” he held out the handle to me and took it, more and more scared by the minute.

“What happened?”  He only shook his head and hugged himself tightly, leaning against my side.  For being just barely over three he was sturdy and very smart.  Probably genius level once we get around to getting his IQ tested.

I couldn’t resist.  Kneeling down I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and we walked across town back to Jahre and Zwei’s place.  Though the older man gave me a glance once we walked in he shrugged a few seconds later, going back to the newspaper.

I led the little boy into what used to be Helene’s room.  Her bed had lain in there, unused for almost a whole school year now and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to let the little guy have it.  He immediately jumped up onto the huge double bed and found the center, sitting there cross-legged and staring at me.

“You want to tell me why you wanted to come here?”


“OK then.  But, Myles?”  He raised his head again after lowering it at that first question.  “Whatever it is.  I probably went through it too.”  I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead before telling him to go to sleep.  After all, it was almost ten, way past his bedtime.

I allowed fifteen minutes to pass before I pulled the phone off the hook and dialed home.  Mom never let a phone be put in their room, claiming to be able to hear the one in the main room just fine.

But despite that, either her hearing was going bad or they were doing something I didn’t care to know about, because the phone rang until the machine picked up.

The message I left wasn’t very complex.  Just a few short and simple lines.  If I can remember it went something along these lines: “I don’t care what you say, Myles wanted out.  He called, I came and I picked him up.  Simple enough, don’t come over to get him back.”

I know, not the best to say to get any closer to repair the rift between us all, but I didn’t care at that moment.  If Myles really was putting up with what I did…recall one of the first nights in Corrin County I told you about?  Well, that wasn’t the first blow exchanged between the matriarch and myself.  And if she started so early with Myles who knew what could come next.

I was shocked we could support the whole household, but soon enough I learned about Zwei’s company.  Turns out Mr. Windsor…wait…I never mentioned that was their last name did I?  Sorry about that.  Well anyway, Mr. Windsor here was the one who started up a factory that made the cribs we had for Rayen and the trip’s (the nickname Dad and I had for the triplets).

Every month he got a cut of the profits for what the company sold; everything from cribs to chairs to bed frames.  It’s a surprising amount actually.

According to the li’l bro’s stories, despite Mom being harsh on him Dad was nice (as to be expected) and even his sisters were good enough.  So it’s not like he was being ignored on all sides at least.

The little bugger bonded with Rayen faster than I expected.  The girl absolutely loves her uncle!  Since he didn’t go to school just yet he was always around to help feed his niece, and he loved helping me tuck her in before he went to bed.

Anyway, back to the night Myles came over.  Jahre was sitting up with Rayen when I walked back into our room and I offered to take the girl from him.  He shook his head and smiled, showing me that she was already asleep.  Putting the little girl in her crib he climbed into bed and covered himself up.

I went over and hung over the side of Rayen’s crib for a second, smiling at the not-so-little-anymore-girl.  I couldn’t stop myself from doing this every night.  It was amazing how much she was growing very day.

Another year passed after that night before anything more exciting happened.  And you can guess what that would be!  Well, OK I admit graduating was fun, but Rayen’s first birthday, hello!  And Myles’s too, can’t forget that li’l ankle biter.

Graduation though.  Now that was a fun day.  Nothing big, just Myles, Zwei, Rayen and Jahre gathered together and waited for me to get home from my ceremony before practically jumping on me as I walked in the door.  We had a huge dinner and Zwei’s idea of a present was to give me tons of college pamphlets.  Woo.  At least no one got drunk!

That’s also the year we got to see Tobias for the first time since the hospital.  I was shocked to see how much bigger he was than his half sister, but that should’ve been expected I guess.
If anyone asks, Andy's wearing his 'nightshirt' because now/then he's a senior and knows the other, youngers are too afraid to make fun of him or something along those lines.  Really it's just me being lazy and not realizing it until now.
I love that first one of Andy.  He really looks confused.

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« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2006, 05:31:47 pm »

Great update!! I love ur story!!

"out of all the lies you've told, i love you was my favorite."
"And he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar/the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart"

Rest in Peace, Caleb Joshua 1/10/04-4/6/08
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« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2006, 12:10:41 pm »

I'm confused does he keep his little brother?

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« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2006, 12:33:40 pm »

Quote from: starlucid;480742
I'm confused does he keep his little brother?

Yeah, he went and got Myles from their old house and Zwei let him stay there too.
So now we have Zwei, Andy, Jahre, Myles and Rayen all in the same house.

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« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2006, 01:04:43 pm »

Whoa! ok so he almost like the old woman in the shoe with all those kids!

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« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2006, 08:43:20 am »

Well the only interesting things in the next two years were Jahre’s graduation and both of us getting into an online college.  I never thought I’d be taking classes without an actual class!  That was something different I tell you.

Jahre decided to try for creative writing while I had my heart set on science, just I did when we were teens.

Oh yeah right.  Jahre and I were what’s known as ‘young adults’ then.  Pfft.  We still acted like teens, that’s for sure!  But, let’s see now, Rayen was the same size as Tobe by then, and Helene began to not mind letting him stay over a night once a month or so.

Something else happened that year too.  A few weeks after our second year into college started, I had waited a year for a break off from school, Jahre had a bit of a confession to make.

“Andy, I need to tell you something.”  Of course that’s how he started out.  That’s how everything starts out in cheesy books and those are his favourite to read.

“What’s up?”  I patted the couch cousin next to me and he hesitantly took it.

“I…this is going to sound strange if I come out and say it bluntly.”  I’m wasn’t sure if he was being blunt on the next part or if he was taking a round-about way of saying what he felt, but either way he still said it.

“I want another baby.”

I remember looking at him like I looked at the kid when I found out about Corrin County’s ‘family secret’.

“With you,” he finished up, lowering his gaze to the other side of the couch.

I stuttered a few times before I could even try to speak.  And even then words wouldn’t come out, just a small squeaking noise.  He apologized and stood up, apparently intent on reaching his room.

Oh yeah, strange place to intervene, but we’d moved out by then and were living on our own with Rayen and Myles, who was doing amazing in school may I add.

But, getting back to the main matter at hand...before he could move two steps from the couch I reached out and caught his wrist.  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

He probably nodded, but I can’t remember.  I wasn’t sure if it was then or before that when I realized I agreed with the boy.  Standing, I hugged him tightly and whispered an ‘OK’ into his ears.  He looked up, shocked, but broke out into a grin nonetheless.


So here we are now, fifteen years later.  Jahre and I are both nearing our late-thirties, Myles and the girls (who we got back in touch with once they got classes together at school) are rounding nicely into their twenties, and Rayen and Tobias are doing the same, just a few years younger.  It's hard to believe, and it seems like just yesterday the pair were sitting on the floor together.

Up to date we also have another daughter, Dylan, and two boys, Corbin and Shayn.  Twins are soon on the way, Rune for the boy and Sonya for the girl.

I’m also pleased to say that Jahre has had record success, unheard of by a new author, with his book Foreign Life Exchange.

I personally have nothing to claim to my name except being a well respected, though not worldwide mind you, DNA specialist.

Myles is as smart as ever, and he even graduated a year early!  The girls weren’t quite so lucky and had to endure the regular amount of school time woes.  Apparently Mom and Dad had another kid after all, another albino if you’ll believe it!  His name is Eros, and he’s as smart as Myles.

But anyway, Myles and Terenti are both in school now to work overseas while Crescentia is more focused here in the homeland.  She’s taking classes to become a surgeon and even helped establish a few low-priced clinics in a few of the worse-off areas around home.
Rayen and Tobe just finished school and she’s already halfway through her college years thanks to a program with the school that she started as a junior.  She’s taking after Jahre in the arts department, but hers is in the drawing, painting and sculpting field.  Tobias on the other hand is...well I get to that later.

Dylan and Shayn are both smart little buggers, but Corbin, bless his heart, is mute.  Sure he does well enough with sign language but he still hasn’t quite grasped it.  Not surprising since he’s the youngest so far, barely into elementary school.  Dylan will soon become a freshman, and Shayn is only a few grades behind her.

This little boy Eros though…he’s a trip!  I’ve met him a few times going in to school for meetings with the teachers.  He knew who I was the minute he saw me, apparently from Ter and Crescent.  He rushed up to me and, with no warning, hugged me.  When Dad saw me he faltered and tried to turn away.  But Eros ran up to him, grabbed his hand in the firmest grip I’ve seen on a kid his age and dragged him over to me.  We had our awkward conversation and then parted ways.  Eros keeps in touch too; through notes he passes to Corbin in the hall.

Tobias…oh boy.  Well, let’s just say the genes mixed pretty well for Tobe.  He’s a model now, and has girls and quite a few boys fawning all over him every time he goes out in public.  It’s really fun to read the rumours spread around about him though!

Is that everything?  Oh no!  Can’t forget Helene can we?  As far as we know she’s moved to France with her intended fiancé and their expecting a child already.  Another boy who they’ve decided to name Kolya.

And, now that’s everything!  If anything pops up I’ll write.
Hope you enjoyed reading my life story and weren’t too depressed in the beginning!

Written and copyrighted (so no one else has this life after I’m done with it!) by
Andrea Jaime Lusana.

Lots of little autheor notes here...
1. I have different names in-game so I got a little confused around Tobias.  His name in-game is Garry and originally I wrote two seperate paragraphs!  Rayen is Lior, but hers wasn't a problem as I actually remembered about her.
2. I could've sworn I had a picture of Jahre as an adult.  Now I feel bad...but really he doesn't look much different.
3. Eros is actually another of Jahre and Andy's kids in-game, that's why he has the pale pink eyes.
4. I'd forgotten just how quickly things ended!  I feel like I need to write another one so I have something to do.
5. Comments?  I can do something with one of the kids if I get enough votes.

My Sims don't need to know it's not 2008 anymore.
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #28 on: December 25, 2006, 03:51:49 pm »

Nice! And cute kids Cheesy

Where did you get all these hairstyles? I recognise some of them, but others...

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« Reply #29 on: December 25, 2006, 07:38:40 pm »

I couldn't tell you all of them.  Mostly Sshodan, Coris.byu, and Lin/Ren/SimCribbling.  Terenti is a Noukie hair I know.
There are a few that I think I just found on MTS2 and liked though.
There is a problem with the kids.  I aged them all down to toddlars and their heads disappeared!  Soon they were kids and all but one was fine, but then my game crashed and now they're toddlers again.

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