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Author Topic: One Life: Episode 7 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT (last page)  (Read 85684 times)
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« Reply #225 on: September 29, 2007, 09:51:21 pm »

Hehe! You'll find out soon enough!

I found myself somewhat taken aback. A puppy?

“Come. We’ll go to the pet store.”


“Well of course! Is there any other time?”

“Tomorrow night, a couple weeks from now. After you’ve researched it for a little bit. What’s the rush?”

“I’m not your daughter. We go now.”

I nodded, and headed to my room to get my jacket.

Inamorta and I arrived at the pet store. I was a little nervous. That was the first time I’d gone out a lone with Inamorta. I was her mother, and she my adopted daughter. No one paid much attention to us. No one questioned our motives. I’d almost forgotten what it was like to be outside. I’d been trapped in the castle for too long. I also saw just how different from other children Inamorta was. She stood with her back straight, her head held high. She was proud, and looked down on the other children. She didn’t want them to touch her.

“This one.”

I walked over to Inamorta and looked at the dog she’d decided on. It was a big shaggy dog…and I didn’t want it randomly roaming around the castle.

“Are you sure?”

Inamorta stared at the dog. As she looked over its charts, I turned to look out the window. I saw a flash of red. It was the unmistakable flash of a vampires watchful eyes. As I caught them for a brief moment, I could see and feel the piercing clarity that only vampires see with. I looked out another window and saw a vampire watching us. He nodded toward Inamorta, then fixed me with a violent stare. I’d gotten the message. They were there to protect her. I’d better not try anything. Doubtless Inamorta was aware of this exchange, and allowing it to take place.

“Hm. I’ve changed my mind. Let’s go home.”

I won’t deny being livid that Inamorta was resorting to petty thuggery to intimidate me. I thought it was very cheap and tasteless of her. If she wanted to scare me, there were a number of things she could have done inside the castle. There was no need to waste my time.

When we got back to the castle, I went to my room, laid in my coffin and read Basura’s note.

“Keep your eye on Giovann. He has upset Inamorta, and his life is in danger. Even if you do not like him, you will find out that we are all in the same boat. I’ve found out some rather disturbing things, and danger will find us sooner than we thing.

I turned her words over in my head, quickly coming to fear being in the castle with Inamorta. My mind had already decided that she meant to kill us all. Could this really be the worst mistake I ever made? I couldn’t even force myself to sleep. My mind was so full of doubt and suspicion. I wasn’t even surprised when there was a knock at my door.  I was surprised to see that it was my mother. Funny. We lived in the same castle, but spent less time together than when we were apart.

“Hi sweetie.”

I smiled back at my mother. Hers was a welcome and familiar face. But she was close to Inamorta, and I felt terrible that my image of her was clouded by suspicion. My mind raced with things that Inamorta could have been telling her.

“What’s up?”

“Well, Dahlia, I thought we should talk. We rarely have since you’ve been here.”

“Ok. What has Inamorta taught you?”

“Not much really…”

I looked into my mother’s eyes. She had an agenda, and it hurt me to see that. She smiled at me sadly, and I didn’t want to hear what she had to say.

“Dahlia, please don’t suspect me. I’ve had a really nice time here, and I am close to Inamorta, but this is quickly becoming as unpleasant for me as it is for you. I’d hate to think that I couldn’t trust Inamorta anymore, but I won’t deny it if it’s the truth. I really think it is the truth, now.”

I felt relieved, but I couldn’t help being reminded of what Basura said. If she wasn’t bound to Inamorta one way or anther, then she’d leave. My mother hugged me, and I forced myself to stop thinking that the only way to break this bond would be death.

“She trusts me, and maybe I can find out what’s going on. Tell Basura this: one of her spies has turned on her. She’s been leaving to meet with her enemies to do damage control. If she didn’t have people constantly watching us, none of this would have happened. That whole puppy business? She wanted you to see that she’s in control. She thinks you set her up. Please don’t give her any reason to suspect you.”

My mother shifted uncomfortably. I knew she was risking a lot just by telling me this. I wondered if she would end up with scars on her face. I hugged my mother close.

“I love you. Please don’t do anything stupid.”

“I love you, too.”

“Promise me.”

She only smiled, and walked out. My heart sank.

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« Reply #226 on: September 30, 2007, 06:05:58 pm »

The next day, Giovann came to me, somewhat desperate.

“They’re coming for us. She wouldn’t tell us. She would let us rot!”

“Calm down. What do you mean? Are they here? Today? Now?”

“30 minutes. Half an hour, but of course, only Inamorta knows what time it is. She’s the only one with a clock.”

“No she’s not. I’ve got one in my room.”

Basura came down the hall.

“Quickly. We’re going down in the basement. They can search the castle and never find us. I don’t know where Inamorta is, but I can assure you that she is not in this castle. Not even in those places she would close to us.”

“Where is my mother?”

“With Inamorta. I saw them leave earlier. She can tell us what’s going on. Inamorta trusts her more than she trusts even me.”

Giovann and I quickly followed Basura down to the basement. We went through a secret passage in the dining room wall, then down a long winding staircase. Far above us, I could hear people running. It hadn’t been half an hour yet, but this didn’t seem to matter to Basura. It hadn’t even been five minutes. I looked at Giovann.

“I swear she said half an hour.”

“She knew you were listening.”

We both looked at Basura, shocked. She took a deep breath.

“Dahlia, I don’t feel right not telling you this. I didn’t think it mattered at first, but now that the picture is coming together, it really does. Inamorta turned me, turned Giovann. Every so often, she feels she needs companions. She finds them, and she turns them. Sometimes she’ll keep them for a while, like me. Sometimes she grows tired of them. Like Giovann. Then there are those who are attached to others…like your mother.”

“What’re you saying?”

“You mother will never fully be hers. She thinks that by removing you—“

“She means to kill me.”

“And Giovann.”

Giovann’s head jerked around.

“Why me?”

“Whether it’s true or not, she decided that you are working wither enemies. She decided this to justify her dislike of you. She expected you to be obedient, to follow her every whim. You weren’t like that in life. You were rebellious, strong of heart. No matter how long she’s been around, how many languages she learns, how many adults she’s observed, she is still a child and an idealist. Hence this castle.”

“It was Inamorta, wasn’t it?”

Basura nodded, knowing instantly what I was talking about.

“Inamorta was unhappy when this castle was full. This wasn’t what she imagined vampire life to be like, is it?”

Upstairs, everything had grown quiet. We sat in silence, listening for anything. There was nothing. The clock sounded, signaling day, and I figured it would be ok to leave the basement. I stood up, but Basura put her hand out.

“They know that in here, there is no day. They are prepared to wait us out. Trust me, they want Inamorta bad enough. I think these are people that she ousted.”

“What was her name?”

“Helena. Before she was Inamorta, she was lovely little Helena. She decided she wanted none of human life, deciding that she resented humans for they way they treated her and her father. The vampires, though, lived their lives as they had always done. Nothing special. So she stirred the pot.”

Giovann laughed.

“Now the pot’s stirring back. Serves the little wench right.”

“Think about her as little as possible. We all have to leave. We can’t leave without her knowing, but we can go away where she can’t find us.”

Giovann and I nodded. My head pounded. I never wanted to be caught in this mess.

“There is only one of us who isn’t disposable.”

My stomach began to hurt, and I felt dizzy. Giovann grabbed my arm and led me to a chair. Basura disappeared and returned with a blood bag.

“It would either be you or me, Dahlia. If she can’t get your mother, she will kill her. You will be angry and defy her, and she will kill you. If I defy her, she will kill me. Our chances are slightly better since we are rare. Now, if she finds another vampire like us—“

There were raised voices upstairs. We all knew them: Inamorta and my mother. Instincts told me to run to her, but Basura and Giovann held me back. I hadn’t realized how strong I’d become. Studying closely under Inamorta had done me a lot of good. I easily threw Giovann off me. I managed to twist out of Basura’s iron grasp and make it to the bottom of the stairs. Before I even put my foot on the bottom stair, Basura was back on me. She managed to throw me into a wall. I could hear the voices getting more frantic, more aggressive. Inamorta yelled something, then I hear my mother scream. I wished to all high hell that we weren’t so far below them.

I started to cry, and I could tell it pained Basura to hold me down. Giovann stood, struck stupid, where I’d thrown him off. Footsteps pounded above us, and we guessed that Inamorta—no Helena’s—enemies were closing in. Basura’s interest was piqued, and her grip loosened. I took this chance to get free and run up the stairs. I was surprised at the scene I saw. My mother and Helena were surrounded by people, vicious looks on their faces. There was a long scar on my mother’s face. I couldn’t have hated Helena more. I felt like I was in a trance, lost somewhere outside myself. Slowly, I walked toward Helena. She smiled and I saw that blood trickled down her chin. The circle opened up before me, and I felt Basura and Giovann behind me.

“It’s over, Helena. You can’t pretend to be Inamorta anymore. Leave. Leave us all.”

She knew that she was surrounded, knew that she was outnumbered. I asked myself how far I was willing to go to protect my mother. Being special could only protect me so much for so long. If these were the people Helena claimed were trying to kill me, then she held a certain power over me. I saw in her eyes that she knew exactly where she stood. Maybe she even planned things this way.

“What will you do to me if I don’t leave?”

I was silent. Just what would I do? I could attempt to attack her, and perhaps I could win—if the battle was purely physical. But it wasn’t. I didn’t know what trcks she had. Someone stepped up behind me.

“It’s nice to see that you’ve betrayed me, Basura. All those years ago, I sheltered you. It was I who protected you.”

“And it was you who turned me!”

“Will you bite the hand that feeds you?”

“So long as that hand is yours, then yes. You forget just how dependant on us you are. Try to do things on your own.”

I looked at my mother and made the hardest decision in my life. I would wait. I could only smile sadly. Things were just like they used to be. Back in the days when we had whole conversations without words. I closed my eyes briefly, and when I opened them, I knew the world would shift. Time seemed to slow down, even before my eyes closed. I felt like the room was spinning. When I opened my eyes, everyone was rushing toward my mother and Helena. My mother had a plan, and I was the most crucial part. I ignore the gnawing feeling in my unbeating heart. Before anyone could do anything, the two of them were falling down the stairs. Helena was so surprised. Any “old power” she might have had would be completely useless unless she knew what was happening. The light from a candle gleamed off some metal object. A knife. There was blood, and when the pair landed, they were in front of the giant doors that Basura and I had entered.

I jumped down the railing and ran to where my mother and Helena landed. I barely had time to register that my mother lay in a heap on the floor. All too late, all too slowly, the others came rushing down the stairs. By then, I felt such strength, such anger, such desperation as I’d never felt before. I heard a tiny whisper, clear as a bell, reverberate off the walls.

“I killed Aiden. Now I’ll kill you, too. Nothing will keep me from my newest toy!”

I wasn’t surprised when I heard that. Angry, livid, yes, but not surprised. Aiden was keeping me away, and I was keeping my mother. I punched Helena in her face. It felt so satisfying as she flew closer to the door. She was stunned, but I saw the anger rising in her eyes. In those moments, though, her anger would never match my anger. Her guilt would never match my guilt. Her pain would never match my pain.

I grabbed her by the hair, and threw my shoulder into the massive door. Light from the rising sun filled the room with a brilliant red glow. Already, Helena’s skin began to smoke. I threw her with all my might outside the castle door. Again, I closed my eyes and reveled in the warmth I hadn’t felt in a long time.

There was a scream. Then it was over.

No vampire is invincible. I’m sure it was a shock for Helena to be defeated in the most basic of ways. Sure it wasn’t a true battle. I’m sure her enemies had meant to destroy her in combat. But then, this plan wasn’t an option to them. They couldn’t kill her like this without killing themselves. In that sense, my mother was much braver than they could ever be. In that split second where she caught my eye, I knew she’d give her life to save ours.

I waslked back inside and knelt by my mother’s crumpled figure. I love her. I always have and I always will. She smiled at me. I twas the last thing she did. Take enough of a vampire’s blood, and they too will die. Helena had gotten out of control. Killing her did the world a favor. Only Giovann and Basura dared approach me. No doubt the others saw me come back in, unscathed by the sun, and thought I was even more powerful than Helena. I wasn’t but I wished I was. I held onto my mother, crying, wishing her back to life.

I don’t think I ever really recovered from that. I couldn’t stay in that castle. I had to leave. So I roamed the world, trying to forget, looking for ways to escape. I was roaming that parck there. I don’t know the name of it. Eventually, that Frenchwoman called the police, who called the hospital, who called you. And that’s why I’m here today. You can believe however much of my story you want to. But I’m somewhat happy here. The pain lessens a little each day. Twenty years ago, my mother died. Twenty years ago today. Twenty years since I’d last spoken. No doubt my children are dead. They were old the last time I saw them. Twenty years. And in twenty more years, unless you decide to release me, I’ll still be here. Still in your hospital. Still terrorizing your patients. But I won’t be hurting anymore.

“That’s it? Inamorta—Helena—just died so easily?”

“In all her life, she’d forgotten that she was bound by the same laws. She wasn’t invincible. To kill her would mean to sacrifice one’s own life, and that’s what happened.”

“But everything ended so suddenly.”

“That’s because Inamorta was wrong. Time is not ours to command. But please, I’m tired now.”

“One more question. Have you seen Basura or Giovann since then?”

“Many times. Basura has a lovely new house.”

“Who do you know?”

“These walls can’t really confine me. The we’ll never know the whole of them, we did learn some of Helena’s secrets. So fear me, for I am the greatest vampire alive.”

I want to thank you guys for sticking with me through these stories. You've been a great audience.  And when you though something didn't add up, thanks for speaking up about it. It's my belief that no one can ever grow as a writer if all they hear are good reviews. Even if it hurts our ego, we're better for it;) You guys are wonderful!
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #227 on: September 30, 2007, 06:55:10 pm »

Wow, some ending! Nice work Smiley

You're very welcome, btw Cheesy

No requests please

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« Reply #228 on: September 30, 2007, 08:33:57 pm »

I was worried it was a little rushed, but that's just the way it came when I was writing it.

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« Reply #229 on: October 02, 2007, 07:42:12 am »

I loved your story. The ending was very dramatic, as it should be! Great work!

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« Reply #230 on: October 02, 2007, 10:34:35 am »

Oh, thanks so much! You all make me feel warm and fuzzy!

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« Reply #231 on: October 10, 2007, 08:27:36 pm »

So....It's been a while since I've posted here, but I'm back with an announcement! I've finished the next One Life story, and I'm working on the next. So, next up for this series is...

Fame Becomes Her, the story of Aartist Uehara (and a play off Britney Spears' life because I have nothing better to do with my free time).

Followed by an as yet untitled mob story, featuring my resident mob boss Sal Monella.

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« Reply #232 on: October 18, 2007, 05:55:43 pm »

I just started taking the pics for Fame Becomes Her. It'll be a little bit longer, I'm afraid. The power went out today (big ordeal with trees and powerlines. not a good mix) so I got interrupted.
Pandora Moon

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« Reply #233 on: October 19, 2007, 01:20:05 pm »

I've been ill with a cold for a while so that's why I haven't commented on this story for a while.

Great ending to a great story!. I didn't expect her to end up in a mental instute though.

I'm looking forward to reading Fame becomes her. I hope you don't have any more power cuts!.

See ya.

When the world doesn't adapt to you. you adapt to it.
Gill Grissom- Little Murder

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« Reply #234 on: October 20, 2007, 10:39:51 am »

I hope you're feeling well! So far, we've been doing good, so I hope to at least get the intro up soon.
Pandora Moon

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« Reply #235 on: October 23, 2007, 03:58:17 pm »

^I'm feeling a lot better thanks for asking. I hope everything been going well for you too!.

See ya.

When the world doesn't adapt to you. you adapt to it.
Gill Grissom- Little Murder

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« Reply #236 on: October 23, 2007, 07:46:31 pm »

Episode 6: Fame Becomes Her

I am Aartist Uehara, and I crave the limelight. All my life, I've been in the spotlight. How could I not?

My mother is the famous Model Ismena, also a beauty queen.

My father, Remy Harris, ultra hot, and much lusted after male model.

My brother, Marcin Uehara, also famous male model.

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« Reply #237 on: October 24, 2007, 07:19:07 am »

Yeah...I got really dizzy last night, so I didn't get to finish what I started. I'll do that tonight, and maybe update some more!

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« Reply #238 on: October 24, 2007, 03:56:09 pm »

It already looks very promising babyblue! Remy Harris, OMG! Is that the man maid? If it's true, you definitely gave him a very good make-over!

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« Reply #239 on: October 24, 2007, 05:33:49 pm »

Yes, that's Remy Harris the maid. He's actually a leftover from my first contest, the Remington Harris makeover contest, hosted by Bren. I couldn't find any other eligible bachelors, so I went ahead and pregnated Ismena with him. He's got cute kids, and Marcin looks so much like him. Onward now with the story!

I can trace my family's fame back three generations.

My grandfather is Dias Uehara, famous rockstar, and founder of For the Heart charity. My grandmother is Adelina Uehara, three time Ms. Asia champion, humanitarian, and co-founder of For the Heart charities.

My great-grandmother was Girls Against the World guitarist, vocalist, and co-founder Kimora Yu.

My great-grandfather was Takeshi Uehara, noted and much loved and decorated music producer.

How's that for credentials? Like the three generations before me, I was born with a gift: a hot body, and an awesome voice. I decided to use my talents to the fullest extent. My mother knew many talent agents of many kinds, and got me in touch with the one who would launch my career. She knew how passionate I was about my singing, and did what she could to help me.

I was destined to be a solo artist (no pun intended), and at the age of 17, I released my first solo album, "A True Aartist Has Arrived."

The world was flooded with my smoking alto, and my alluring, catchy, stay-in-you-head-all-day rhythms. It went to #1 in a week.

Still, though, I was making the music that my mother thought was appropriate for me to make, and the music my record company wanted me to make. it wasn't completely my music, not completely, but I still put up with it. For three years, I rode the wave of my popularity with the teenyboppers. I made appearances on kids' shows and kids' award shows, but it all started to get a little hollow for me.

When I neared my 20th birthday, I felt a great change was needed in my music career. I would make the music I wanted to make. I began writing my own songs.

I gave the record company an ultimatum: let me take controll of my career or I walk. Later that year, my sophomore album "Get To Know Me" was released.

I had 4 #1 singles: A Real Aartist, If You Love Me, He's My Man*, and There's Something Called A Door*. The album was well received by the critics as a fresh insight to Aartist's mind, and earned me quite a few Grammy, AMA, Kids' Choice, and MTV nominations.

It would have been nice nice to win them all, but after award show season was over, I had a total of 20 awards.

After touring around the world, I took a break. I needed time to myself. During that break, I got involved with notorious Hollywood bad boy, Luke.

Life for me quickly became a whirlwind of sex, drugs and men. Tabloids talked about me and my beau, Luke almost non-stop.

They covered everything I did during the three years I was "on vacation." When my manager suggested that I enter rehab, the paparazzi were there. And they were there when I snuck out of rehab to go to bars.

After a hard three year relationship, Luke and I broke it off. My Public Relations people published the obligatory BS about it being an amicable split.

I set his house on fire. I narrowly escaped jail time for arson because 1)it was my first offense, and 2)who the hell would put Aartist in jail?

After the fire,  met up with one of the guys from a kids' show I frequented when I first started out. We hadn't seen each other in a very long time, as he'd quitely faded into the background like so many others.

Marcello had grown a lot and became such a handsome young man. We hooked up and dated for six months before deciding to elope at a drive-through  chapel. We were young and "in love." The big fancy wedding could come later. This caused many people to wonder where my mother was. She released the following statement:

"Aartist has cut off all contact with me. The most that I can do right now is leave messages with her PR person and hope that she'll get them. I'm trying my hardest to talk to her and not her people. Aartist, honey, please give me a call!

The story behind that?

We had a falling out over Luke and that whole situation. When my mother read about my marriage in the tabloids (I was 23, and Marcello 26), it was the first she had heard about it.

At first, no one seemed to really be concerned because I'd cleaned up my act. No more late night partying for me. I did drink occasionally, but not like before. I had emerged as a new woman. But there was something desperately missing from my life.

Two months later, I announced to the world that I was pregnant.

When I pondered my impending motherhood, I realized what I was missing: my childhood. I'd grown up in the limelight. In fact, I'd been in the limelight since before I was born. My mother modeled while she was pregnant with me. This is all I know. I couldn't help wondering if it was too late. So what did I do?

I had the dream wedding, and yes, I wore white. I fed the press a line about white symbolizing a new beginning. I was now reborn; I was a new woman. Again.

As the months wore on, though, I became depressed and began to drink. Marcello became concerned for our baby. He threatened to kick me out of the house once the baby was born. That was the beginning of the end for us.

He said his house. As far as the world was concerned, he was Mr. Aartist Uehara. And I made damn sure he knew that!

There were minor fights of course. Allegations that he beat me. Always allegations. My lawyers and I maintained that,while there were disputes as in any marriage, they hadn't become violent.

So I gave to my first child, a boy we named Jonas. Of course, baby solves everything, because things couldn't have been better for Marcello and I.

We made more public appearances, sometimes baby in tow, sometimes not. People claimed that they shouldn't be seeing so much of me because I have a baby and I should be at home being a mother. But I showed them all a thing or two.

I showed them by releasing my third solo album to even more acclaim.
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