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Author Topic: Death to Love, A morbid romance. Update P.2 Continued!  (Read 13304 times)
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« on: February 05, 2007, 02:45:09 am »


1864. It was a warm summer day. The sky was clear and a calm breeze swept over our uniforms as we marched on to battle the Yankees at clearing in a nearby forest. I had seen few battles in my day and I have to admit I was very nervous. I was a good soldier and handy with a gun but some how that alone was not enough to comfort me.

We met the North head on. Immediately the bullets began to fly, falling like deadly rain drops from the heavens. Blindly I pressed forward, watching my comrads fall one by one. We were greatly outnumbered an outstanding two to one. All seemed hopeless.

I continued to fire into the mass in front of me. I shot at whatever I could, thinning out the enemy as best as I could possibly do as a lone combatant. I could hear the bullets zipping past my ears like angry bees. Each time a bullet missed my flesh I thanked God that he spared my life. Though I was lucky thus far, I expected death. Soon my ammunition would run out.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 04:43:02 am by pinkpsyche » Logged

Come read my story Death to Love!

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« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2007, 03:33:19 am »

I had been sleeping for what seemed to have been a thousand years. My eyes were heavy, my body stiff, and I had a pain in my head like none other. I must have had a rough night before, drinking possibly. A hang over, that's what I must have had. It couldn't be anything else.

I looked around me and all I saw was darkness. It must have been night. Everyone was in bed sleeping and unusually quiet. I lay for a moment, trying to adjust my eyes to the lack of light, but nothing would do. I tried to sit up, smacking my head on the very low lying ceiling above me. I was obviously confined to a very small space and was becoming very nervous. Do not panic I told myself. There must be a good explanation for this.

Suddenly I felt a pushing sensation on my back. It was pushing my body upwards against the low laying slab above me. The pressure was almost unbearable. I knew this had to be the end and things couldn't possibly get worse... That is, until the roof collapsed, filling my room with Earth. It flew up my nostrels, filled my mouth, and irritated my eyes. I continued to fall upwards, against gravity, science, and any sort of reasonable explanation.

After what seemed an eternity of missery and dicomfort I relized I was in a different place. I felt a cool breeze brushing accross my naked skin. I could not see with the dirt in my eyes exactly where I was, but I could sense that I was free from that horrible confined space located somewhere beneath me. My body was incredibly stiff. So stiff that I could not move as quickly as I once could. I rolled over as fast as my frozen body would allow me, not wanting to be pulled back down in to that Godawful hell of a place. What was wrong with me? I went to let out a little cry, releasing the accumulated soil from my mouth. Where was I? What was I doing here? I wanted to go where I felt safe and secure. I wanted to go home.

Somehow I found peace in my toubled thoughts. I drug my lifeless arm up to my face to whipe the dirt out of my eyes. I couldn't see at first, but my sight grew stronger, gradually as I focused on the new world around me. It was dark and serene. The wind blew gently through the trees, rattling each leaf creating a soothing symphony that only nature herself could write.

Out of the corner of my vision I could see that a light had turned on. There was a fairly large structure within walking distance of where I lay. One single room had been lighted with a huge amount of luminosity. I had never in my time seen such brightness appear in out of the night. I was drawn like a moth to a flame.

 gathered all the strength I could to lift myself off the ground. It was an incredibly hard task with my limbs being as locked in place as they were. Finally, I stood as tall as I could with my back hunched over like Quasimodo of Notre Dame. What a fine book that was. I proceeded to make my way towards the light, right foot inched forward and the weak left pulled behind.

As I drew closer I noticed there was a figure standing amidst the light. It was a very curvy, soft figure. It couldn't possibly be a man. A shape that beautiful could never be mistaken for a man. I gathered myself together as quickly as I could to intercept the figure deep in thought from a less noticeable route, considerably less noticeable than the route I had been taking. There, I would be in the dark and hard to see.

I struggled onward trying to catch a glimpse of the woman's face. Soon I saw the whole of her. Everything about her was angelic. Her skin was pale, her hair was smooth and flowing like a river of brown silk down to her bare shoulders. Her lips were plump and a most innocent pink, her eyes were alive with a golden passion for life. Could I be dead and in heaven? Is she an angel? I couldn't quit my gaze into her sad, pretty face. I wanted to stop, but couldn't. I knew that I wasn't presentable enough to approach her. I was stark naked, stiff as a board, slow, and apparently handicapped for some unknown reason. I hoped that she didn't notice me or my ghastly appearance. She couldn't. I wouldn't let her. I'd have to admire her from afar and let my heart slowly break for all eternity as I had no hope. No, this wasn't heaven. This surely was some kind of hell.

In my missery I told myself over and over that I would never touch that pale skin or run my fingers through her flowing brown locks. I would never press my lips against her warm mouth or stare lovingly into her golden eyes. I lowered my body to about the same level as my self-esteem, down into the thick grass beneath my feet and just sat there in the dark staring at my new found interest until she left, taking my consciousness with her.

I awoke maybe just moments later. I felt something nudging at my left arm, slightly rocking my body from side to side. In my daze and confusion I let out a moan and creaked my head upward to greet whatever it was that was waking me so gently from my slumber. It was a woman with long hair and a very feminine figure. It was my woman. She had come with blanket and a caring heart. Not every person would offer their kindness to a sickly, dirty stranger who they so happened to find passed out on their lawn. How could anyone trust such a person? How could she find it in herself to trust me? She looked into my eyes which led her straight to the depths of my soul. I was in love.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 04:22:29 am by pinkpsyche » Logged

Come read my story Death to Love!

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« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2007, 05:18:53 pm »

Wow, I like it so far, great job!

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« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2007, 02:19:07 am »

Thank ya! I should have more up soon!

Come read my story Death to Love!

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« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2007, 03:49:13 pm »

Whoa I read this on a contest somewhere... I think it was the valentines one! It was great there and its great here! Good job, loving it!

I´ll come again when you have Judge on the menue.

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« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2007, 09:33:59 pm »

It's from there but I'm going more in depth here... In the contest I had to jump around a bit. Thanks so much for reading!!!

Come read my story Death to Love!

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« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2007, 11:09:35 pm »

Oh my! this story is creepy... creepy cool
I like it! Wink

 - A psychological thriller with sims - RATED R

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« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2007, 12:34:36 am »

Wow. That's...wierd. I'm anxious to see more of what is going on! ^^

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« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2007, 03:27:17 am »

I'm happy there are actually people coming to see my story! This is a story I've been thinking about writing for awhile and I love my sims so I thought the contest would be a great opportunity to put it out there. Now, I want to go further with it. I hope you all enjoy it's weirdness and creepiness! There's more to come!

Come read my story Death to Love!

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« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2007, 08:41:37 pm »

Awesome story! Deeply moving, it has the essence of an true gem of a story. In other words, I love it. I'm going to become very infatuated. I just know it. Smiley

"out of all the lies you've told, i love you was my favorite."
"And he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar/the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart"

Rest in Peace, Caleb Joshua 1/10/04-4/6/08
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« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2007, 10:11:00 am »

Oh!  I'm so glad you doing this here!  Loved it in the contest loving it here too!
Both of our entries had a creepiness factor to them but yours is great an original!

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2007, 09:51:13 pm »

I loved your story in the contest and I love it out Cheesy

"There is no remedy for love but to love more" - Henry David Thoreau


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« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2007, 04:20:21 am »

Thanks guys! There will be an update tomorrow(2/15/07) with a part of the story never read before!

Come read my story Death to Love!

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« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2007, 02:10:04 pm »

I sat there, in a big cushy chair wrapped up like a babe in a thick wool blanket. I looked about me as fast as my stiff neck would allow at my surroundings. It all seemed rather familiar in a way but I wasn't sure how. Maybe it just reminded me of something I once knew. I hoped it was related to something I once knew because it could possibly unlock the agrivating block in my brain. I frown and let my frustrating thoughts overcome me. She was sitting on the floor in front of me, staring, examining me.
'What is wrong?' The lovely lady asked.

'Mmmmmghhhh...' Speak damn it! I tried again. 'Mmmmaaaaagghh.'

A deep, horrible sound oozed out of my mouth. It was like something out of a horror novel. I felt it better to just keep my lips together and not utter a word, or in my case try to. I didn't want to scare the only thing that would be willing to help such a man as myself.

Much to my suprise the angel didn't flinch. My moans and groans didn't frighten her or cause her to faint. I thought all women were weak hearted and couldn't handle such situations. I was amazed that such a strong woman could exist. I was intrigued even more.

'You must have gone through a lot! You are covered in cuts and bruises...' I nodded in response. If only I could tell her what I had just went through. Maybe she could tell me why it had happened, where I was, and what was to become of me. She reached for my arm, startled I jumped in my seat. After a few seconds I realized what had happened and relaxed my arm once more. I looked into her eyes and smiled in apology. She smiled back at me and reached for my arm once more. This time I held still. Her touch was soft like silk and I wanted to melt into a puddle of water right there. She stroked my arm, running her fingers over the various wounds. I couldn't believe she would touch a stranger that way, a discolored and wounded stranger that way. She must have had a stomach of iron. I could barely look at my skin without getting sick.

'You don't look human. I've never seen anyone of your skin color.' Of course I was human. I have two arms and legs, two of everything... Almost. I chuckled to myself, some things I wish I had two of. I paused my thoughts for a moment. What a horrible thought! I shouldn't  have been thinking that way around a lady. Women have telepathic abilities and can read into any man's thoughts. I needed to think of somethign else, anything! The beautiful young woman smiled and batted her long lashes at me. She slowly removed her hands from my arm and pushed herself upwards off the floor. She motioned for me to follow her. How could I resist?

I struggled to lift myself from the seat beneath me but I could not get up. I felt old and decreppit. I was moving as speedily and smoothly as a grandmother, not getting anywhere. I became angered at my body and my loss of joint movement. It shouldn't be this hard to move around. I looked up at the object of my affection looking for some help and guidance. She grinned a sad grin and outstretch her arm for me to take. I pulled on her arm as much as I could, trying not to hurt her and remove myself of the chair at the same time. After some great struggle I was standing, somewhat.

She took both of my hands in hers and proceeded to walk backwards, occasionally looking behind her to make sure we weren't headed into disaster. She kept looking at me with a very serious face. Was something wrong? I couldn't help wonder if all of a sudden my appearance disgusted her. I wanted to know what she was thinking. I... We fell to the floor with great force. The young woman first, then my self halfway on top of her. The upper part of her body shot up as she was still planted on the floor. She turned towards me.

'What a klutz I am! I am so sorry!' She continued to apologize. She felt terrible and I could see it. I'd never heard anyone apologize so much! I'd never heard the word sorry spoken so many times in one setting. It was enough to make a person feel guilty about being hurt by her.

The angel checked my body for any more damage than what was there when she came to me. This was a very enjoyable task. Soon she let out a big sigh and sat back on her haunches.
'Sorry, again.' She said it one final time. 'Are you ready to try it again or do you just want to camp out here for the night?' We both laughed a bit as she got up. She grabbed my hand and we struggled onward.

It became apparent soon after our ordeal that she was taking me to the bathing room. I was a terrible mess and needed a good scrubbing. Maybe that would help the discoloration in my skin and the cuts on my body. I was looking forward to a nice warm bath. I felt like I hadn't taken one in at least a hundred years!

I must have soaked for hours thinking endlessly about my situation. I had no idea who I was or where I had come from. I was completely puzzled and could not think up one reasonable answer. Not only could I not understand myself, I couldn't understand the full charity I was receiving from my hostess. It did seem a little odd that she would be so attentive without some sort of fear of me. She did not know who I was, or what I was... Or did she?


Ma always talked about the coming of a monster. She said he wouldn't be angry or evil, just lost. She said that it was our duty to watch over it and help it  along. I was never told the whole story of what was to become of my family and the monster. All I was made aware of is that it'd be here some day soon and to prepare myself for it. I was going to be told the story of our family and the connection we had with the beast, but my mother died before I was old enough to understand.

I would always try to find out things that would possibly help me prepare for what was to come but my father would try to keep me from the truth, what I thought was the truth. He would always tell me they were old wives fairy tales passed down from generation to generation on my ma's side of the family. He would go on to say that they were all a bit loony, including my mother. That is partly what attracted him in the first place. He liked a woman with a bit of an edge. I guess it kept things exciting.

After mom passed away, dad would try his best to keep me from the attic. He tried everything to keep me from that room upstairs, telling me ghosts lived up there , the boogyman would come get me and take me away if I went snooping, and many other things. Being a curious child and intrigued by the unknown I was very persistant in my ventures up there. One day he decided being nice just wouldn't work and forbid me angrily never to go up there again. I was more scared by him than I ever could be of the boogyman or some troublesome ghosts. I stayed away since then, even after he passed away.

I did hold on to one object thought. There was a picture I had found on the floor one evening in the attic a long time ago. It was my first venture up there and it was just laying there in plain sight. Even though I wasn't of age I still knew how to appriciate a handsome face when I saw one.

The photo was old and faded. It looked to be of the nineteenth century. The young man in the picture appeared to be in uniform, at least from what I could see of his clothing. He was undeniably beautiful. I would spend many nights with my eyes fixated on that picture thinking about what it would have been like to be back there in that time with him. I would create stories in my mind of him being the hero and saving me from some awful fate. He would ride up on a dark horse, like a knight in shining armor to rescue me. I was infatuated and I loved it.

It came to a point where I would do nothing but think about him. I would pretend to go outside to play but end up in some overgrown field somewhere, laying hidden in the grass with his picture. Sometime I could sware my dreams were so vivid and he almost could have been there with me. What an imagination I had as a young female. I had so much fun back then.

The strange looking man I had taken in a few moments earlier looked strangely familiar. Through the deformities on his face I could see the similarities in features between him and the man in the faded photo. I wondered if it could possibly be him? Maybe his being here and the photograph had something to do with each other. Maybe the answers were up in the attic that my dad forbade me to go.


'You doing okay in there?' I heard her little voice somewhat muffled by the door between us. ' I'm just making sure you haven't died! You've been in there forever!'

I grunted a little in reply and attempted to lift myself from the murky water. She slowly opened the door with her eyes tightly shut. With her faced turned away  she presented me with a large towel to wrap around myself. I was thoroughly clean and glad to be so, but my mind would not stop running. It would continue to do so for the rest of the night.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 05:15:33 am by pinkpsyche » Logged

Come read my story Death to Love!

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« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2007, 02:25:36 pm »

Sorry about the wait! I just recently started working at another location and the shifts are not what they should be and I've been doing a lot of overtime. Thank you for your patience! If at all possible I will continue the story today! I have the day off and I've been hit with a lot of ideas.

Come read my story Death to Love!
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