Hi again,
I have done my very best to solve all the issues.
Still two minor problems left which I cannot fix yet. If I find solutions I may come up with an update. There is some minimal clipping at the armpits left. Hardly to be noticed. Secondly the feet react quite strangly to dark textures. That's why the dark outfit is not absolutely black.
I changed my mind regarding the preview and grouped the shoes with the body instead of the alpha mesh. Doesn't make any visible difference regarding the straps. But I got rid of the shoe itself being strangely reflective. And it makes it easier to recolor for example if one likes to make some boots out of this.
The alpha dress is longer than can be seen here. Use the UV-Map to find out.
I am looking forward to see some nice recolors.
Credit to Pestix for her dress texture used by me for the examples and to Warlokk for his BodyShape project.
Heels based on shoes by Al,
*** Update ***
With permission of Ghanima Atreides and Pestix I have made two more recolors using their textures. I have made quite some changes to the Cropped Pink Dress. And this time I have switched "stdMatAlphaBlendMode" to "none" and "stdMatAlphaTestEnabled" to "1" for the alpha texture.
*** Update ***
I corrected some vertex weights of the shoes. It lead to some funny shoe stretching in dance animation for example. I also put the mesh as seperate download.
*** Update 3-14-2007 ***
I have made a new alpha dress mesh for D teens. The dress follows the same conecpt but the shoes are different. This time real mesh straps for the shoes. The reason is that I made these shoes before I got used to normal mapping. But they are quite nice and need to get released although they are not as versatile.