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Author Topic: Tears Of Joy?  (Read 7561 times)
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Lil Reaper

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« on: April 30, 2007, 12:37:29 am »

This is the continuation of my first story "A Week". 17 year old Lanie Williams tries to move on after tragedy strikes.

Chapter One

Two months have passed since my mom's funeral. It was all kind of surreal. The church, the limo, and the cemetary. I thought I was done with surprises but mom had one more surprise for me. A $150,000 life insurance policy. I couldn't stand the thought of living in the house where mom died so I sold my little house and moved into this house. Its amazing. No swimming pool, but there is a hot tub and a gym. The couple selling the house was in such a hurry to get back to the city that I got to move in almost immediately. Now all I have to do is decorate.

In five minutes that tiny little stick sitting on the counter is going to tell me if my life is going to change. I have no idea what I'm going to do if I'm pregnant. I haven't talked to Deacon in weeks. He's been so busy with school and I've been trying to get settled in. At least thats what I'm telling myself. I just can't picture Deke and I as parents. OH GOD! Time's up. I can't bear to look but I have to. Its positive! I'm going to have a baby! I think I'm going to faint.

How am I going to tell Deke? I know he said he'd be there for me if I was pregnant, but that was months ago. He's more invovled in school now in the hopes he can graduate early. Ok so now I have to figure out how to do this. I could e-mail him. He is more likely to get it since he's always online doing research, but that seems so cold. I could call him. I'd probably have to leave a message since he hardly ever answers his phone anymore. Oh great here comes the waterworks. I'm too upset to think about this now.

Its been almost two weeks since I took the pregnancy test and I still haven't told Deke I'm pregnant. I'm such a coward. I've been so frustrated lately and the only way I've been able to calm myself down is to kickbox. Deep down I know the reason why I'm so upset is because I haven't told Deke about the baby but I'm going to use the excuse that its hormones.

So far being pregnant isn't too bad. Ok well except for the whole being sick part. My morning sickness(what a stupid name) hasn't been too bad. Its the rest-of-the-day sickness thats really killing me. I just realized I've become so boring since I found out I was pregnant. I have a routine. Toast and tea every morning and whatever makes its way into my mouth the rest of the day.

Ok. Deep breath. I'm calling Deke to tell him I'm pregnant. Well more like his voicemail. Maybe I should just have him call me instead of spilling that kind of info in a message. I was surprised when he answered.
"Hey Deke!" Its Lanie. I was planning on leaving you a message since you're usually busy."
"Yeah sorry about that. I was working on my two term papers and studying for my finals. It payed off. I got B+'s on my papers and I'm pretty sure I aced my finals."
"Thats great, Deke."
"The Dean told me if I keep my grades up I can take some summer classes so I can graduate early. Enough about me. What's going with you, LaLa? Did you need something?"
Here's my chance to tell him. "Nothing's going on and nothings wrong. I just wanted to see how you were doing."
Deke was quiet for a moment. He knows I'm lying. "If you're sure."
"I'm sure. I've got to go, Deke. I'll call you in a couple days."
"Bye, LaLa."

I had a chance to tell him and I totally blew it. He seemed so happy and things were going great for him at school. I just couldn't ruin things for him. Damn. Listen to me. I don't know if this baby is going to ruin my life or Deke's. Sure its going to make things complicated to say the least. I can handle it though. Its settled. I'm going to call Deke tomorrow and tell him about our baby.

I'm five months along, I've had my first doctor's appt, and I even have a belly. And yet I still haven't gotten around to telling Deke. I'm inviting him over today to see the new house but I have to tell him I'm pregnant over the phone or he's going to freak when he gets here and sees my belly.
"Hey Deke. How are you?"
"Great, LaLa. I'm kind of surprised you called. I've left you a ton of messages and you never called back. Were you avoiding me?"
Busted. "Yeah actually I was but there was a reason. I have something to tell you and you better sit down." Deep breath. "I'm pregnant."
"I'm sorry. Did you say you're pregnant?"
"Yeah. Listen can you come over so we can talk about this face to face."
"Definately. I'll be over soon."

I was so happy to finally see Deke again. He gave me a reassuring smile and pulled me into a hug.
"I've missed you alot, LaLa. You should have told me sooner though."
"I know. I had a hard time accepting it and I was afraid you would too. Its been easier to accept since I went to the doctors and since I got the belly."
"Have you had an ultrasound?" It was so cute. He sounded so excited.
"Yes I have. I even heard the heartbeat."
"Boy or girl?"
"I don't know. I want it to be a surprise. You don't mind do you?"
Deke laughed. "I'll live."

We went inside so I could show Deke around my gorgeous new house.
Deke whistled approvingly. "Wow. This place is amazing. Ok now that I've gotten the tour we should start with the serious discussion."
I led him over to the couch where we sat down, both of us looking nervous. "Ok so we should discuss names. Are you going to want your name on the birth certificate? And how is this going to effect us?"
He pulled me close and gave me that reassuring smile again. "If its a girl I'll let you pick the name and if its a boy I want something Irish. Yes I want my name on the birth certificate and we're going to raise this baby together. Nothing will change unless you want it to."
I don't know if it was the hormones but I couldn't stop myself from climbing onto Deacon's lap and we spent the rest of his visit breaking in my new loveseat.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

Posts: 132

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« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2007, 01:35:20 am »

-squee- Yay for continuation!

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« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2007, 07:22:52 pm »

BTW, where'd you get the pregnancy test?
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2007, 09:02:55 pm »

I got the pregnancy test at MTS2. I included the link for you.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

Posts: 132

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« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2007, 09:10:28 pm »

Thanks x2. Thanks for telling me where to get the pregnancy test, and for continuing the story. Smiley
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2007, 11:25:31 pm »

Chapter Two

After eatting junk food for who knows who long I decided I'd better start eatting better. If not for me then at least for the baby. Deke and I had been talking more often. And since telling him about the baby I'd been feeling alot better. We spent most of time talking about baby names. I also figured I'd better start learning to cook for the little one in my belly. Sure I have a good year before the baby would be eatting my cooking but I've been such a procrastinator lately I need to get a leg up on everything.

Autumn is my favorite time of year. Well it used to be before I got stuck doing my own yardwork. Ok so raking isn't so bad and it is good exercise. I've been so lazy for the past couple of weeks even something as boring raking felt good. I guess I also inherited mom's love of the outdoors. I'd jump in the leaf pile if I thought I could get up again on my own. My hot tub is looking so inviting I might not even finish raking.

I managed to ignore my hot tub and finish raking. I was heading into the house when Andrew, one of mom's friends, walked by. I wasn't sure what to do but Andrew waved as he headed my way.
"Hi, Lanie. I'm Andrew. I knew your mom. I've been meaning to stop by and check in on you, but I've been busy. My wife and I have a newborn at home."
I smiled as I rubbed my belly. "I'm going to know how busy you guys are in a few months so its no problem. Mom told me about you. Your friendship meant alot to her. And me."
Andrew looked a little surprised. "Really. How so?"
"It made mom confident enough to realize she could have a man as a friend and not sleep with him. Kicking Leod out of her life was the best thing for both of us. It brought us closer."
"Leod is scum who only cares about himself. She deserved better than him. I'm glad you two made up before she died. So on to a happier subject. Do you know what you're having?"
"Deke and I want to be surprised. Deke's hoping for a boy. I could care less either way."
Andrew smiled."Its good the dad's still around. Well its getting late and I still have to go to the store. Take care of youself."

I've been so busy getting things ready for the baby that I've sort of been neglecting Cash. I decided to take him outside so he could play in the grass. He was so excited he didn't know what to do first. He ran over to the flowers, then ran through the flowers. I went to shoo him out but he was already off chasing a neighborhood cat. He didn't go to far since the cat didn't run away. He quickly grew bored of the cat then went to chase some butterflies. That seemed to keep him entertained for a good half hour. When he was done he bounded over to me with his tongue hanging out. I knew he still wanted to play so I wiggled my fingers above his head. Cash got so excited, he was yipping, his tail was wagging uncontrolably, and he was jumping for my fingers.

Deke called to check up on me since I've been a little busy catching up on my homework.
"Hey LaLa. Its been a while. How are you two doing?"
"Great. Sorry I didn't call you back. I was trying to catch up on my homework so I can graduate."
"Its ok. I understand. I finally decided on a boy's name. What do you think about Seamus?"
"I like it. I'm glad you finally decided on a name. I still haven't picked out a girl's name yet."
"We have plently of time. Don't worry about it. If we have a girl maybe seeing her will help you finally choose a name."
"You're right. I've just been stressing over everything lately. Even picking out what to wear has become an all day affair."
Deke chuckled."I'm sure its not that bad. You know I was thinking maybe I should move in for a little while. At least until the baby's born. I want to be there was much as possible."
I thought about it for a minute. "Thats a good idea. Are you still going to be taking classes?"
"Yeah. But I only have a four classes a week this semester. So you're ok with me staying with you."
"I'm fine with it Deke. Get your things together and get your butt over here."

Deke came over a couple days later with his duffel bag and got settled in right away. We even managed to go two weeks without seriously annoying each other. One afternoon I noticed Deke acting very strange so I confronted him. After a couple attempts at lying to me he finally told me the truth  He was going to make supper for me. He said I should dress nice because it was going to be a date.
"How nice?"
"Like we were going to a fancy restaraunt."
"Deke, I'm really not in the mood for this."
"Humor me LaLa. You said you didn't want to go out so I'm improving."
"Ok fine. But you better appreciate this."
I went into my room to began the slow process of getting ready while he went into the kitchen to make supper.

It took me 45 minnutes to get all dressed up for our date. I must admit Deke looked gorgeous in his suit. He made lamp chops which were really good. We were almost done when he turned away and took something out of his jacket pocket.
"LaLa you know I love you. And I love our baby. I want to be there for the both of you. what I'm trying to say is...LaLa, will you marry me?"
I squealed in delight. I couldn't believe he was actually proposing to me. I also couldn't believe I was speechless. Deke was smiling but I could tell by looking into his eyes he was nervous. He thought I was going to say no.
"YES! Yes I'll marry you."
It took a few seconds for it to actually sink in. He jumped up and pulled me up into a hug. We finished supper while we discussed our wedding. We decided on a small wedding in two weeks.

The two weeks seemed to fly by. Every day that passed I got more and more nervous. I wasn't nervous about being a mom, I was terrified of becoming a wife. It didn't stop me from marrying Deke with my friend, Kinna and his friend Andrew(I had no idea they knew each other) looking on.
"Lanie, I've loved you from the moment I saw you. You're beautiful and smart and strong. It amazes me that no matter what life throws at you you never give up. I consider it an honor to be your husband."
"Deacon, you've taught me that love really does exsist. You're smart and kind and giving and even though you try to hide it, a romantic. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

I'm officially Mrs Lanie Crowley now. I thought for a long time on how to decorate the nursery. I spent my days searching for something that could be for a boy or a girl. I found it! An adorable safari scene crib and changing table. The saleswoman told me they had matching wallpaper if I was interested. I bought the set even the wallpaper and had it delivered. Deke was a little surprised when he saw everything in the nursery. I managed to sweet talk him into giving up his Saturday to wallpaper the nursery and set the crib and changing table up. It turned out beautifully. I rubbed my belly while I admired Deke's work. Suddenly I couldn't wait to have the baby.

Oh god! I take it back. I'm not ready to have this baby. I was cleaning the bathroom when the pain hit. It was excruciating. I screamed so loud Deke, who was outside heard me. He came running inside.
"LaLa, whats wrong?"
I could have slapped him. "What do you think is wrong?" I asked him through clenched teeth.
"Its time. Oh! Its time! Come on. We've got to get you to the hospital."
Deke ran around the house shutting things off, feeding Cash, and then he finally remembered to grab my bag. Meanwhile I was waddling out to the car. Deke got out to the car and realized he'd forgotten the keys.
"Come on, Deke! I don't want to have this baby in the backseat!"
I also wanted to get to the hospital and get some drugs.

After 43 hours of extremely painful labor I finally gave birth to 21 inch, 7Lbs 13Oz little boy. We named him Seamus Ian Crowley. I was exhausted, Deke was ecstatic. I laid on the bed and watched while Deke bonded with his son.
"He's beautiful, LaLa. Absolutely perfect."
I smiled as Deke walked around the room with him. He was already telling him bedtime stories.
"Deke, I need to feed him, then he's all yours again."
Deke handed me Seamus and I nursed him. I sang him a lullaby mom had sung to me. He fell alseep so Deke put him in the basinet.
"I'm going to go home and check on things. I'll be back in a few hours."
I gave Deke a little smile as I cuddled under the blankets and fell asleep

Seamus and I had to stay in the hosiptal for five days because of the complicated delivery. I was so glad when the doctor released us. Finally Deke and I got to put Seamus to bed in the nursery, in his crib.
"Welcome home, little man."I told him as I stroked his cheek.
Deke and I watched him sleeping and I began crying. Deke put his arms around me and rubbed my back while I cried into his chest.
"Whats wrong, LaLa?"
"They're tears of joy."

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

Posts: 2521

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« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2007, 08:26:58 am »

I like this story....I read the first one..glad you decided to continue it.
Waiting for update.

Host: rp thread, College Campus, make a character and come play the university life.

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« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2007, 02:27:37 pm »

Aww, what a cute baby. Smiley
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2007, 01:08:46 am »

Chapter 3
Lanie's POV will be bold. Deacon's POV will be regular.

Even with a newborn to take care of I somehow managed to graduate high school in the top ten. Everyone seemed very impressed. Then my guidance counselor pulled me aside and told me I'd been accepted to Willow Brook College and I'd even earned a scholarship. I couldn't believe it. I was so excited. Then I remembered I had Seamus. I talked to Deke about it and he offered to take care of Seamus while I was in class. He even said I could stay in his dorm room inbetween classes so I wouldn't have to go all the way home. I'd been through so much already but the thought of college was still very intimidating. And I haven't even picked out a major yet.

Registering for college was scary, but I managed to succeed. After talking to a bunch of different professors I decided to major in Art History and minor in Photography. I had an orientation meeting in two hours and I didn't feel like going all the way home so I called Deke.
"Hey hun, its me. I'm all registered and everything but I have an orientation meeting in a couple hours so I'm gonna stay here. How's everything?"

"Its going alright. Seamus has been asleep since you left. He should be waking up soon to get fed right?"
"Yeah but you're probably going to want to change him first. I'll be home after my meeting."
I got off the phone with Deke and logged onto the college chat. One of the professors knew I had an infant at home and she told me that it had a room for students who had children. I figured it wouldn't hurt to check it out.

LaLa was out registering at college and staying for the orientation meeting so it was just Seamus and I, alone, for the whole day. This is the first time I'd ever been alone with him and I have to admit I'm terrified. He's my son and I love him to pieces but I'm totally clueless. I wonder how LaLa does it. She knows the difference between his feed me cry, his change me cry, and his I just want to be held cry. I guess I just haven't spent enough time with him. Thats all about to change though. Speaking of change, it smells like someone needs a diaper change. I'm entering uncharted territory, changing my first diaper. Mission accomplished.

Ok I hate to admit it but this dad stuff is harder than I thought. Its been three months but it still doesn't seem to be getting any easier. It seems like everytime I fall asleep Seamus wakes up needing to be fed or needing his diaper changed. I can't complain though, LaLa's been doing alot more than me. She gets up, takes care of Seamus until I finish my morning class, goes to her morning class, comes home for lunch to feed Seamus, goes to her afternoon classes, comes home for supper to feed Seamus, and then she goes to her study group. I'm getting tired just thinking about it. Man I'm such a wimp. If he's this tough at five months old I'm terrified to see what its like when he's walking

Normally I'm not a big animal person. I don't mind them or anything. I just never wanted one. But I gotta admit Cash has defiantely grown on me. Sometimes when LaLa's out late studying I let him sit on my lap and watch TV or I let him sleep on the bed with me. I think he likes me so much because I'm the one whose been feeding him lately and taking him for walks. He also seems pretty interested in Seamus. He follows me around and watches when I feed, change, and bathe Seamus. But the minute I put Seamus down on his blanket to play Cash runs and hides. He's going to have to get used to Seamus sooner or later but I don't want to force it.

I wish LaLa was here to see this. After I fed and changed Seamus I put him on his blanket in the livingroom to play with his toys. I turned around to answer the phone and when I turned back around I got a surprise. Cash was standing next to the blanket staring intently at Seamus. He was shaking and his little tail was wagging. He stood there watching Seamus, jumping back when one of Seamus' toys made noise. Finally he got braver and sniffed at Seamus. At first Seamus seemed as unsure of Cash as Cash was of him. When Cash sniffed Seamus again he made a soft cooing noise and Cash calmed right down. Half an hour later both of them were asleep on the blanket.

The first year of college seemed to fly by. The classes were really tough, the term papers took forever to write, and the final exams seemed impossible to pass. But I made it thanks to Vicki and Deke. I met Vicki in the chatroom for parents. Vicki explained she'd gotten pregnant right before her sophmore year. The father wanted nothing to do with the baby so he tranfered schools. Her parents have been helping her take care of Amanda while she went to school. I called her to tell her the good news, that I had passed. I also wanted to congratulate her on graduating.
"Hey Vic. I made it! I passed!"
Of course you did. I told you so. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for."
"Those classes were tough. I'm afraid to see what the classes are going to like next year. I'm thinking of tranferring to another college. One thats not so hard."
"Don't. If you do you'll regret it. You can do this, Lanie."
"I hope so. Well I better be going. Congrats on graduating."

I decided Vicki was right. I could handle Willow Brook. So I decided to go back for my sophmore year. My first day I got a nice surprise.
"Vicki! Oh my god! How are you?"
"I'm good. I've got a job teaching first graders at Crest Hill Academy, and I bought a nice farm house with a big yard for Amanda."
"Thats great. So what brings you back here?"
"I wanted to see if you were going to come back."
"As tough as last year was, I'm back. This is Deke's last year so he can spend more time with Seamus since he only has to take a couple classes."
"I'm glad you didn't give up. So I never did ask you. What's your major?"
"I'm majoring in Art History. I'm hoping to be an artist or at least own a gallery. I have a minor in Photography just because."
The time seemed to pass so quickly. Vicki and I exchanged phone numbers, promised to keep in touch, and said our goodbyes.


I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

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« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2007, 09:33:10 am »

Nice update Jenna, I'm glad things are working out for them, and Deke is doing such a good job with lil seamus and cash...awww! Smiley

sports·man·ship (spôrts'mən-shĭp') n
Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing.

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« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2007, 11:56:40 am »

Again, you managed to end the story right when I'm really,really,really sucked into it.
Also, where'd you get Seamus' outfit and play blanket?
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2007, 01:58:17 pm »

I got both at MTS2. You can get the baby outfit in the first link.
The second link is the one for the baby blanket. There are a bunch of different things in the files so if you just want the blanket you can go to the website.
And don't worry there will be another story.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

Posts: 132

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« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2007, 11:18:33 am »

Yay for another story! Your stories are always good.
And I'm updating Darleen's story soon. Because she just got her baby bump. Cheesy

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« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2007, 01:25:42 am »

where did u get the outfit with the tinkerbell top???
it's sooooooo cute!!!

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« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2007, 12:17:08 pm »

This was a greeat story can't wait for the next one

'(_ _)'
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