I know this works for outfits and hair(tried both)but im almost convinst it works for any category.
Never found a tut on how to add more groups to a mesh then the tut HP at MTS2 made, wich is a very complicated and frustrating procedure.
I use this method to add more groups to my meshes/outfits wich allows me to use more shoes in one mesh, more alpha's etc.
*make a new recolor in bodyshop
*make your mesh(write down the names of the extra groups you added)
*open your recolor
*In the GZPS (Property Set) in Plugin View, select the numoverrides line, and change the value to the total number of groups in your mesh – add the number of groups you are adding to the existing value.
*Look down in the list and find the last override#shape entry. Select it, and then click Add. This will clone it at the bottom of the list. Change the name to add 1 to the number… i.e. if the last item was override2shape, and you cloned that, then change the name to override3shape. Leave the Type (dtUinteger) and value (0x00000000) parts alone
*Look in the list and find the last override#subset entry. Select it, and then click Add. This will clone it at the bottom of the list. Change the name to add 1 to the number, to match the override#shape entry you just did. Leave the Type (dtString) alone, but under value, change it to the name of the first extra group you added in milkshape.
*Now select the last override#resourcekeyidx entry, then click Add. Again, this will clone it at the bottom of the list. Change the name to add 1 to the number, to match the override#shape and override#subset entries you just did. Again, leave the type (dtUInteger) alone.
Dont change the value of the line number!!!!!
leave it as it is, this way it will copy the matdefinations and the requiered texture images from your original groups.
That's why they named it resourcekeyidx
*Repeat the 3 above steps for your other groups you added, if you have more then one.
*Run your recolor again through bodyshop
As you will see, bodyshop will generate all necesarry files for your extra groups and will give them their correct names.
It will use the resourcekeyidx from your original groups.(and the names you entered)
When you open your new recolor in simpe you will see the value of the line number is changed at the resourcekeyidx.
Attache your mesh to the package and go fix the textures in bodyshop
It will save you ALOT of frustration and work
Few lines i copied from the tut from HP at MTS2 but the most important ones are from the comments i gave to that tut.
If you want to apply the skintone to a extra group you added, you have to change the value of the overrideresourcekeyidx
in the same number of a already excisting group that has the skintone(simskin) in its settings.(the body/top or bottom for excample)
If you adding groups that are going to be alpha's, you have to check the mat.def.settings and look if the ''cMaterialdefination'' is set to SimStandardMaterial instead of Simskin.(do this after you you have created a new recolor with the updated files)
If you want to use the transparancy on your alpha groups you have to change the ''stdMatAlphaBlendMode'' to blend instead of none, you find it under properties.