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Author Topic: The Diary of Kaylynn *Chapter 7 Updated 8/6*  (Read 23404 times)
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« on: July 10, 2007, 09:28:29 pm »

Chapter 1

September 16th

I was reading through this diary and I decided to save it until I was a teenager and starting my first day of school just like my mom did. I feel so weird because my life seems so uneventful compared to my mothers life. She had all this stuff going on, a serious boyfriend who was in college and older than her. She got pregnant with me so young which is something that I really don’t wish on myself because she really had it hard in life but she had so much going on. I barely have anything new to report in my life. It’s been the same old same old for me. I get up and walk my little brother to school then I go to my school and go to class that’s about it. I’m a straight A student who is always on honor roll and I have never really had a “serious” boyfriend. The boy I am seeing now is by far the most serious one I have had yet. He is a nice guy, his name is Jonathan Goodman and he is 16 like me. He grew up here his whole life and we went to elementary school together. He lives about a street over and we used to play all the time my mom even said when were really little around 3 or so we had a fake wedding in our backyard. Mom said we had fake plastic rings and everything. I thought it was kind of weird at the time but now I think it’s cute. Sometimes I secretly think about what it would be like to marry Jonathan. Who knows though we are young and I would really like to go to college before I start a family.

September 24th
This weekend has been going so slow. Jonathan is on vacation with his family in Europe (yeah Europe I know, I wish we had the money to go on that kind of a vacation.) so I have had nothing to do all weekend. I finished up all my homework Friday night which left this weekend a blank canvas to do whatever I wanted. So far it’s just been really boring. I’m happy school is back in session tomorrow.

November 2nd

I came home from school early today. I woke up and almost couldn’t get out of bed but I have never missed a day of school since I was 7 and got the chicken pox and my mom made me stay home. Today I was so tired and weak I think I’m getting a cold or the flu. Which really sucks but I’m sure it will go away fast. I have never really been one to get sick.

November 6th
I have been home from school every day this week. I have never felt so sick. Mom says that if I don’t get better this weekend she is going to take me to the doctors. I can’t eat or do anything, I barely have enough strength to hold this pen while I write. I have done nothing but sleep for the past 4 days. Today I had to get up to go to the bathroom and I got dizzy and fell and hit my arm on the bathroom counter, not even 5 minutes later I had a huge bruise on my arm. It hurts so bad. I noticed a bunch of little ones on my legs too. I have no idea where they came from. Well anyway I feel myself getting dizzy again I think I need to go back to sleep. On a good note Jonathon comes home tomorrow. I have missed him so much. I just hope I’m well enough to see him.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 11:57:44 pm by ferrischick99 » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2007, 10:02:27 pm »

Oh no, poor Kaylynn!
I bet I know what's wrong with her.
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 10:50:28 am »

Quote from: purpleshoes;818459

I bet I know what's wrong with her.

me 2 whens there gonna be an update?

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« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2007, 01:57:08 pm »

YAYY!!! i have been waiting soo long for this! UPDATE PLEASE! Cheesy


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« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2007, 04:32:57 pm »

omg omg omg! i've waited so long for the sequel! And it's finally out! I love it so much! Rated it a five. Can't wait for an update

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« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 05:18:39 pm »

Yeah, awesome!

he's the sweat on my sheets (:

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« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 10:31:12 pm »

Uh oh...So much for what she said in the first journal entry...:clap: Really good story!!!

Link: The tights-wearing, puzzle-solving wonder!
"You know, you'd think that after seven dungeons you'd have figured out how to open a door without breaking the key." -Nami (
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2007, 04:25:11 am »

update? i luv the story

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« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2007, 07:50:39 am »

Hey everyone I'm having a bit of internet troubles again but so far it seems to be working well. If everything goes as planned there should be an update tomorrow. Cheesy

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« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2007, 08:28:30 am »

Yayy! Cheesy i still want to know who kaylynn's father is!


Life is not measured by the breaths that you take, but by the moments that take your breath away
Gotta love life! :thefinge:

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« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2007, 10:26:47 pm »

i love it!!!!!! yeah!!!!! I can't wait to find out who the father is

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« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2007, 08:15:41 pm »

Chapter 2

November 9th
Well today was probably the worst day of my life. I didn’t want to wake up this morning and mom got really scared. She rushed me to the ER and told them that I had not been feeling well for the past week but she thought it was just a cold that I would get over. They hooked me up to IV’s and everything and took blood from my arm. It really hurt too and now I have a huge bruise there. So we waited in ER for almost an hour and in the mean time mom called dad who had to pick Jacob up from school and take a personal day just to get here. I told mom not to worry them but she wouldn’t listen to me. So when the blood work came back everyone was here sitting on the edges of their seats waiting to hear whatever it was the doctor had to tell us. I knew all I had was a cold and he would give me a prescription and send me home. Boy was I wrong. The doctor a man who called himself Dr. Freemen came in and sat down so he was facing all of us. He looked down at his paperwork and then straight at me and then said the words I was not ready to hear. “Kaylynn you have Leukemia.” After that I zoned out, I don’t remember much of what he told my parents and over my mothers hysterical cries I doubt I could have even heard him if I wanted to. I managed to hear bits and pieces like low white blood cell count and something about T cells. Nothing I could really understand. I finally came out of whatever daze I was in when I heard him mention the word Chemotherapy. I had heard about kids who had to have that, they got really sick and lost all their hair. I wasn’t going to let that happen to me. I tried to protest with him asking him for any other alternative but he said with the advanced state of my cancer that chemo was our best shot at a remission. That’s when it hit me. I have cancer. Its not just some cold that Im going to get over in a few days this is something that will be with me my whole life. Dr. Freemen said that they will try to put my cancer in remission and then after so many years of it not coming back they will consider me to be cancer free. The only thing I can think about is the fact that it can come back. They are transferring me to Memorial Children’s Hospital in the morning. Its about 150 miles away from home but Dr. Freemen says they have the best Oncology unit for children and that they will be able to handle my condition better than County General can. So now I’m here alone while dad gets time off and mom talks to the schools to let them know what is going on with me and so they can get all of Jacobs work for the next week in advance. I asked mom to call Jonathan for me, I wonder if she will. I want him to be here and I want to say goodbye to him before I have to go away.

November 10th

The hospital let mom and dad drive me all the way to Memorial. I didn’t want to be in an uncomfortable ambulance the whole way there. Instead mom set me up in the back seat of the van with a pillow and blanket. She had my Ipod and all sorts of books for me to look through and read. Dad drove while mom tried to keep Jacob occupied. I love my brother but sometimes he doesn’t act like an 8 year old. He kept asking lots of questions too about what was wrong with me but mom and dad had no idea how to explain to him that I have cancer. Mom said she talked to Jonathan’s dad and told him what was going on and he would tell Jon when he got home from school last night. I was expecting a phone call or something from him but he never called. I figured maybe he had a lot of homework or maybe he wanted to let me rest. There were a lot of reasonable explanations for why he didn’t call. Well I’m going to rest now I’m really tired and dad says we still have about an hour to go until we get there. Maybe if I sleep we will get there faster and they can tell me that the other doctors were wrong and that I can go home and be a normal teenager again.


Well my dream didn’t come true, I’m still sick and I still have cancer. Mom and dad checked into a hotel down the road from here while they ran more tests on me today. So far everything is the same that it was at County. Now they say that I will start my chemo tomorrow morning. They will hook it up in my IV so I don’t have to leave my room.
I’m nervous and pretty scared. I have no idea what’s going to happen to me. The nurse said that the chemo will make me very tired and sick and eventually my hair will start to fall out. I don’t want to be sick and I don’t want to be bald I want to be me a normal kid going back to school like normal.

November 12th
This Chemo stuff is no fun at all. I would have written yesterday but I was so sick and weak I could barely move. I still don’t feel that great but I have nothing else to do and TV is just not that interesting to me right now. I got a roommate today, I don’t know much about him, he is really quiet and he looks to be a bit older than me. All I know is his name is Kevin. I was hoping that they would hold off on having someone share my room since I’m so sick but the nurse said they didn’t have anywhere else to put him. I never realized how many really sick kids there were here. Most of them are younger, a lot of them are just babies younger than Jacob. I feel sorry for them, they haven’t even really gotten the chance to live yet and already they have to worry that they could die.

November 18th

You would think with me just laying in a hospital bed all day long I would have more time to write but I haven’t really been feeling up to it. I’m getting to know Kevin a little better, he is a nice guy. He is 17 going to be 18 next week; he came all the way here from Utah for the chance to get a liver transplant. He lives with his grandmother who right now is staying at the Ronald Mc Donald house until she can find something more permanent. From the way it sounds they don’t have much money. I wanted to ask him what happened to his parents but I decided not to pry. If were going to be roommates for a while I wanted to be friends not enemies. I told him about my cancer and how I’m on chemo and everything. He probably pretty much could have guessed it from the way my hair was starting to fall out finally. I thought it was going to happen all at once but every time I move my head the wrong way more will fall out. I loose the most when I sleep at night, I try to keep my head still but it’s really hard. I told mom that I just wanted to cut it all off tonight. I hope she will let me.


Well that’s it for my beautiful long locks of red hair. Mom and I decided it was best to just get it over with so tonight we shaved it all off. She wanted to leave a little bit but I saw no point in it when it was all going to come off anyway. Kevin says it doesn’t look that bad and I’m trying hard not to cry in front of him but it’s really hard. I miss my hair.

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« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2007, 08:26:02 pm »

Sad!!!!!!! I feel bad for her having to shave off her hair. I couldn't do that! She is very brave.

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« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2007, 06:24:11 pm »

Chapter 3

November 24th[/B]
Today was Thanksgiving Day and as much as mom and dad tried to make it special nothing felt the same to me. Sure they brought me turkey and mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce but having to spend it lying in a hospital bed ruined the whole holiday. But it brought on thoughts of Christmas and how it would be in a month when it rolled around and I’m still stuck here. I made it my vow today that I would get better and I would be home by Christmas.

December 2nd

Today was a great day. Well not for me but for Kevin. There was a boy a few years older than him who was killed in a car accident and he had signed the back of his license to make him an organ donor and a compatible donor to Kevin. Right now as I right he is in surgery receiving his new liver. In a few weeks time he would be home and back to his normal self again. He wouldn’t be sick anymore and that makes me happy. He doesn’t deserve to have to be sick. He deserves to be healthy. Every kid deserves to be healthy.

December 12th
Today Kevin went home. It was sad because we had become pretty close but I was happy to see him go home. It meant he was well again and that makes me happy. Before his grandma came to pick him up he had a surprise for me. It was the first time I had seen him in street clothes, he looked so cute. He came into the room with a wheelchair and helped me into it. He took a face mask out of his pocket and helped put it on my face. Then as I held on to my IV pole we took a little stroll down the hall and out to the courtyard. It was surprisingly cool out for it being December in California. We stopped under a large willow tree and Kevin helped me onto the bench. We sat there and talked for a long time. He told me how much he cared about me and how much he didn’t want to go back home and never see me again. We talked a lot about ways to stay in touch and about our lives at home. I figured that someone like him would have a girlfriend but he said that the girls never really wanted to hang around with someone who was always so sick. It made me think about Jonathan and how he knew that I was sick but hasn’t even written to me or called me. Kevin noticed that I was shivering and getting cold so he wrapped me up in a hug and for a moment our eyes lingered and then the amazing thing happened. Kevin and I kissed! Not just some little peck on the lips or something like that, it was a long passionate hot kiss, one that I haven’t had in a long time. I was sad for the kiss to end but Kevin had to get going so he didn’t keep his grandma waiting. I hated to say goodbye to him, I miss him already and he has only been gone for an hour.

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« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2007, 07:18:28 pm »

Cancer!!!!  *Gasp*  Poor girl...:sad4:
I like Kevin!  She should dump Jonathan!  I mean, she has cancer and he just ignores her!  The nerve!

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