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Author Topic: Undying Love--Chapter 8, The Finale  (Read 11143 times)
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« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2007, 03:45:04 pm »

**Sorry it's taken so long.  Now on with the story.....**

"Yes sir....thank you.  I'll be down shortly."

"Mom, who was that?"
"The Sheriff, Zach.  He saw your father and spoke with him.  He said that your dad left some items for us and he wanted me to pick them up."
"Is he coming home?"  I'm really not sure I wanted to know the answer to that question, but I asked it anyway.
"No, son, he's not."

The rest of the day was a blur.  Jordan and I played at my house while Mrs. Fields watched us while mom was gone.

Mom was gone a good part of the day.  When she came back, she brought supper home.

"You boys hungry?"
"Yes ma'am."  We both said in unison.
We ate our pizza and chatted about school and other stuff boys talk about.  Mom was quiet and seemed lost in her own little world.
After Jordan left, I asked Mom what the items were that dad had left with the sheriff.

"One of your dad's old shirts and his favorite book...and..."  Her voice trailed off and she turned from me.
"And?"  I asked a little concerned and frustrated at the same time.  She had a look that I had learned to get used to.  It was worry/fear/sadness all wrapped into one half-hearted smile that hid nothing of what she was feeling.
"Zach, your father wrote a letter in the book to you and I"

She gave me the book and I looked for the letter.

The letter was written on the last few blank pages of the book.  
'Dear Sue and Zachary.  I know that upon reading this you both know that I have left.  I cannot take the constant pressure of being married to you or being around that Boy!  I'm sure you'll do what you can with him..."

I couldn't read anymore.  I closed the book and started yelling until my throat hurt,

Then I ran to my room and cried.  Those words that he wrote let me know just how much that man hated me.  How could he be so cruel not just to me but mom too?  

That night, just like I had done since dad left, I prayed,
"God, please help momma not to be sad anymore.  Help daddy to be better and help me to be the man of the house...and to love him again.  Amen"

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« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2007, 11:28:03 pm »

Oh My!!!! This Story is fantastic... I like the way you´re telling it
poor, poor Zach.

I´m following it Wink

 - A psychological thriller with sims - RATED R

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« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2007, 12:01:24 am »

Thanks, Fercho, I'm so glad that you are enjoying it.  It is a little difficult going back and forth with the storytelling, but I have enjoyed doing it.  Thanks for the feedback, it helps me to continue on.  There will be an update tomorrow, maybe two chapters--not sure yet.:tongue8:

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« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2007, 11:41:20 pm »

MORE MORE!!!!(please)

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« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2007, 12:33:11 am »

very nice Smiley

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« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2007, 11:39:33 am »

Thanks for all the great feedback.  Update this afternoon (probably) and maybe even two chapters.  There are only about 4 or 5 updates left so this will be coming to an end soon.  You have all encouraged me to write another but I"m having to wait on the story to come to me.  I have had this story written out in fact I wrote it in one sitting, but it's taking a while to get the pictures.  These last updates will be a bit more difficult, I should think.  It gets more intense as the story progresses.  I am planning an epilogue, I think, maybe a couple of extra updates because you all have been so kind--being this my first story ever and all.  :toothy7:

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« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2007, 05:21:24 pm »

I looked up at Selah with tears in my eyes and noticed the tears in hers.
"Sel, I didn't really hate him.  I had every right to, but I didn't.  He was my dad and I loved him."

"Oh Zach, I'm so sorry.  You are so strong.  I would hate him forever if it was me."

Josiah started getting fussy.  I looked at Selah and smiled thankful for the break in the story,
"Well, I guess it's baby time.  I'll go in.  It looks like you need a rest."  I winked, but this was the rest that I needed right now.

I held my child in my arms and cried, "Please, God, help me to be better than him."
I cuddled Josiah and laid him back in his bed.  I heard the phone ring and I waited for Selah to answer it before I opened the nursery door.

"Hello...Oh hi.  We're doing great.  Uh..huh..umm...ok.  Sure we'll be here...I'll tell him.  See you soon."

"That was your mother.  She's coming over for a visit.  She was a giving us time to get adjusted with Josiah, but she couldn't wait any longer."  Selah spoke with an air of concern.  I know that she wasn't giving me all the details of that short conversation, but most of the time she didn't.  Yet there was something more than Mom just coming.  

"Selah, is there...something you're not telling me?  I can't help but wonder that there is something wrong?"
"No...I guess I'm just tired dealing with Josiah and you."  She eyed me rather menacingly.
"I help, too, you know." I said as I tickled her.
"Yes, dear, I know you do.  I don't know what I would do without you here with me."  She said through her laughter.

I decided to fix me a cup of coffee and wait for the arrival of my mother.  She will be wanting to know the details of Josiah's life since he has been home.  If I know her, she'll be wanting to know if I have enrolled him in the local university yet.  As I was in the kitchen, revelling in my caffeine rush, I heard the doorbell and Mom and Selah were chatting.  Then I heard her ask where I was....

"I'm in here, Mom."
"There's the proud poppa of my grandson."
"Hi, Mom.  How are you?" I said through gulps of coffee.
"I'm fine, now where's my grandbaby?"
"Why Mother, I figured you of all people would know that he is in his room studying to be a astronaut.  He wants to be the first 52 hr old to go into space."
She looked at me, spatted my arm almost spilling my coffee and without missing a beat,
"Is he asleep?"
"I'm not sure, but does it matter it anyway?  I"m sure going to wake him up even if he is.  Let's go see."  We both laughed and turned to go to his room.  

My smile faded as I turned toward the livingroom.


Chapter 5 will be up soon.  Perhaps either this evening or tomorrow.  Enjoy!!

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« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2007, 10:47:19 pm »

OOOHHHHHH!! now the suspense... this story is gonna be great!! (well, it is already but, I see some really good stuff coming). Excellent Cynthia... I like stories with time going back and forth, definitely Wink

 - A psychological thriller with sims - RATED R

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« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2007, 10:18:13 pm »

Thanks for the comment.  I hope I won't dissapoint.  I have one more update that I have pictures for, but then I have 3 more updates left in which I need pictures for all 3.  

This has been a really fun experience for me.  I'm glad that everyone is enjoying this story.  I will definitely write more stories, being that is my first one and all.  

5th update I hope will be posted tomorrow, but it will probably be later in the day maybe toward the evening.

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« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2007, 01:22:26 pm »

I stood there and looked at an aging man.  My throat tightened as if someone had tied it with a piece of damp rawhide drying in the morning sun.  I knew exactly who this man was, but I stuck my hand out cooly.
"Yes, I'm Zachary Montgomery, and you are?"
"Zachary this...."  My mother started to say before I cut her a daring look.
"I'm your..."the man diverted his eyes for a moment, "...father, Zachary.  I'm your father."

"Are you now.  Hmm...let's see...if you are my father then where have you been for last 19 years of my life.  You left when I was 10 Dad.  How can I call you my father?  You are no more my father than...than that dog is outside!"

With that, I stomped out of the house and hot angry tears threatened to fall.
'Oh no, that many in there does not deserve anmore tears.' I thought as I pushed them away.
How could he dare walk into my house and expect me to be civil to him.  Surely he is not that naive or stupid.  He's probably here to ruin my son's life like he did mine.  Well that's not going to happen.  I'll...

"Zach..." I was irritated that someone was interrupting my sinister thoughts and was not the least bit appreciative.
"What!  Oh, sorry, Mom...I'm just..."
"Angry, upset?  We kind of gathered that when you blew up in there.  Look Zach, I can't imagine what must be going through your head right now...It's just..."
I interrupted her.  "No mother.  Ok, no you can't.  I was the man of the house for so long.  I prayed to God every night to watch over us...and him.  But then I stopped praying for him.  He has done nothing but bring sorrow and pain to our family and now..NOW he shows up on my doorstep."

"Zack, I prayed the same prayer.  Now look at you.  You were the man of the house just as you are the man of your own house with Selah and the baby.  I think we did a pretty good job together, don't you?"
"Yes, of course we did.  Mom, I love you and you mean the world to me as do Selah and Josiah do.  But, Mom, how...why could you let him back in?"
"Well lets sit and I will tell you about it."

"Zach, you remember when you started college?"
"Yeah, I was so excited.  I was going to finally become a doctor.  I couldn't wait to get started.  But what does that have to do with anything?"
"Well, about a month after you started, I believe it was in October, your dad called me."

"Hello, Montgomery residence."
"Sue."  I recognized the voice on the other end immediately, yet it had changed.  The voice was quiet and shaken.  
"Chris....Christopher, is that you?"  I was a little uncertain.  I couldn't let myself think it was him.  He has been gone for so long and now here he is calling me.
"'s me Sue."  There as a long pause.  All I could hear was staggered breathing--slow short breaths almost like someone in a form of panic.
"Umm, are you ok.  I mean you really don't sound like you are.  Are you in trouble?"  I hesitantly asked him.  I found that after all these years I was worried about him.
"No, I'm not ok, Sue.  Yes, I am in trouble.  I have royally messed up my life.  I haven't got any sleep since....I can't seem to get anywhere with my career.  I've hit rock bottom, Sue.  The most important thing is that I have lost the only thing that has meant the world to me:  my family."
"Well, I...uh."  That's all I could get out.  I was speechless.  Here the man who had caused so much problems with me and Zach is now crawling back.  I should smash like the roach that he was, but instead, my softened--a bit.
"Chris, where are you?"
"I'm about 10 miles south of town about a 20 minute drive from your house.  Why?"
"Well," I took a deep breath, "do you want to talk?"  What was I saying.  I'm sure he wanted to talk, but did I?  I didn't really want to hear his excuses or pity party.  I have come too far with Zach to allow this man back in, but then again, I still loved him.  Love is blind you know.
"Yeah, I mean, if you're up to it.  I'm sure I'm number one on your hate list."
"Ok, come in about an hour and then we'll talk."  I breathed out the words before my heart had a chance to react.  Number one on my hate list?  Buddy you are my hate list.

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« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2007, 04:18:18 pm »

Sorry for the long absence, but chapter 6 is now here.  Get your forks and knives ready because it is real "meaty"  Smiley

"Thanks for the coffee, Sue.  It's as good as always.

"Chris, you never liked my coffee so quit the bs and tell me what you  really want?"
"Well, you never was good at small talk were you, Sue?"
"Hmmph."  I had only spent about 10 minutes with him and was already wanting him out.
"I don't really know where to start, Sue."
"How about the beginning.  When and why you left us Chris."

"Ok, I was sitting at the old restaraunt with my buddies having coffee like I always do.  Hero and I were talking about crap just to pass the time.  Jackson walks through door all out of breath and really scared.  He was looking for someone, me.  He came up to me and told me that the three men were back and was looking for me and 2 other guys."
Sue looked a little concerned, "Why in the world would there be three guys looking for you?"
"I was involved with a crime several years ago which involved these three men and two others, Sean and Witherspoon."

"But Chris, Sean and Witherspoon died two years ago..." My voice trailed off in sheer panic.
"I know, that is why I wanted to distance myself between you and Zach.  I was afraid of what was going to happen to me and I didn't want you guys to be hurt, but I realized I was hurting you two more."
"Yes, Chris, you did very much.  But we'll discuss that later.  In the meantime, tell me what happened."

"OK, several years back before I 'left', Sean, Witherspoon, and I were playing cards at the old filling station.  Three well to do men walked up and asked where the local bank was.  It was very obvious they were out of towners and needed some assistance.  We offered to escort them to the bank and then buy them a drink at the pub.  They gladly took us up on the offer.  Little did we know that we were 'falling' into their plan.  Some days later, Sean told me that the Wilkins Brothers wanted to do some business with us.  I asked him what kind of business but he didn't know.  We were to meet them at the Courthouse around 9 the next morning."

"I remember that day.  You told me that you had some business to take care of and didn't know when you would be back."

"Yes, that's the day.  Anyway, we met the brothers and they wanted us to deposit a check in our bank accounts.  We didn't think much about it and they said that we would get a percentage of the income.  We questioned them about what kind of income and they told us that it was strict business and we just needed to wait for further instruction.  They seemed nice enough and law abiding citizens so we did the deposits.  However, unbeknownst to us, they were using these checks somehow to gain administration rights to OUR money and was making large withdrawals from us and others in the bank.  Luckily for us, we had joint accounts so we had your money to pay bills and what not.  Anyway, when we realized that we had been swindled, we confronted the Brothers.  They acted surprised at what we were saying and replied that we agreed to join in their business.  They told us that with business you give a little to get a little.  Witherspoon asked them what we were getting in return and they told us that we would keep on breathing.  Then their attitudes changed and told us that if we blew their cover then we would be picked off one by one by 'accidents'.  Well that scared the Hell out of us and we didn't know what to do.  I decided to keep quiet because I did not want either of you involved in this and I sure didn't want you guys hurt or worse."

"Chris, My God, why didn't you tell me about any of this?  We could have worked something out.  We would have found a way to tell the police about it somehow.  We knew all the police here in town.  Surely we could have told them in way that the "Brothers" wouldn't have found out."

"Sue, don't you think I wanted to?  I was scared for my life, yours and Zach's.  I didn't want you guys to fall into the big mistake that I did.  It wasn't worth losing you both.  I loved you even though I didn't show it."
"Well, that you didn't.  Did you not trust me to help you?"
"It wasn't you I didn't trust, it was those men.  Somehow they found out things that happened in the community.  I believe they had 'others' helping them that lived in the community.  Why else would they know to come here?"
"You believe?  You mean this is not over?"
"Well, for the most part it is.  You remember how Witherspoon and Sean died?"

"Vaguely.  The newspaper article read that they died from natural causes.  They were found at the filling station playing cards, but there was no form of foul play or any of the sort."

"Well, they did die of a somewhat natural cause but not what you think. Witherspoon had a bad heart and Sean was just diagnosed with diabetes.  But somehow the Brothers got wind of these ailments.  Witherspoon and Sean told some close friends of theirs about the goings on and then somehow it was reported to the Sheriff.  One of the Brothers was slowly causing Witherspoon's heart to worsen--tampering with his prescriptions, I believe and basically doing the same for Sean.  The coroner report stated that there were high levels of glucose in Sean's blood which caused him to immediately go into a diabetic coma which ultimately led to his death.  Witherspoon had a number of meetings with one of the brothers which resulted in him getting extremely upset causing him to take numerous nitroglycerin pills to steady his heart or whatever it was supposed to do.  Anyway, the coroner report for him stated that there was a chemical found in his blood that caused his heart to overwork thus leading to his deadly heart attack.  No one suspected anything because the coroner's reports were kept hush-hush...."

"Ok, stop.  I don't want to hear anymore about them.  What about you and why did you leave?"
"Apparantly, the Brothers were afraid that I would talk.  They knew that I hadn't and they were going to keep it that way.  They knew that I had a family and used you and Zach against me.  They told me that if I did not do as they said you two would die in front of me.  They instructed me to leave on a "business trip" and not to leave word to anyone.  I would return in about two weeks and that everything would be fine and they would leave, never to return again.  But somehow I didn't believe this.  I didn't really know who I could trust, but I knew that I had to get word to you to at least give some explanation of why I left.  That's why I left my favorite shirt and book with the letter in it.  I knew that would not expain anything, but I was hoping that after reading the letter that you guys would be angry enough to forget about me."

With those words, he broke down.  Tears that had been in the making for a long time finally fell.  I could tell it was hard for him to say those words, yet it was like a relief as
well.  I held him in my arms and cradled him as if he were a child crying with a skinned knee.

Almost speechless, I managed to squeek out, "Wow that must have been Hell to go through.  But still, didn't he love us enough to tell us those things?  Why did he stay gone for so long?  Did he forget about us and hoped we had forgot about him?  I guess I can see why he ran off, but why did he have to stay as long as he did?"
"Well, Zach, I can't really answer those questions for you...."

"No, son, she can't.  But I can."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2007, 05:33:20 am »

it's wonderful!!! where did u get the clothes for your little baby Josiah?Huh?
keep updating.

It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality i accept!

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« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2007, 08:17:45 pm »

Hi Nikki.  THanks for the compliment and reading.  I got the clothes for Josiah from MTS2 website.  I can't really remember which download it was but there were a few.  The only thing is that you have several options for clothes, but you can only use one at a time.  You can download several and put them in a separate folder.  This download is a hack, so both sexes of babies will wear the same outfit.

Chapter 6 was solely written at my computer as I posted it.  I wrote out the first 5 chapters with only a few changes as I typed them out.  This last one was completely made up as I took the pictures in my game.  Actually I had only written 7 chapters for this story, but the way it has turned out, there might be more or less.  I'm not really sure yet.  I guess the story will play itself out as I type.

Thanks for the reading and supporting.

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« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2007, 01:06:07 am »

Thanks Cynthia!! do you know what i have to search to find it???

nikki.g xxx

It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality i accept!

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« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2007, 07:31:21 pm »

This chapter is quite lengthy, with less pictures but lots of writing.

"O.K., dad.  Please tell me what kept you from us all these years.  I know why you left, but why did you have to stay so long.  What happened?"

"Well, I went with the Brothers for the two week "business trip" in hopes that if I cooperated with them, they would let me go.  I don't know why I thought they would keep their word, but I had to trust them.  I didn't want to chance them hurting you and your mother.  I loved you guys too much. I know that I didn't show it alot, but I was just an ass hole who didn't see the fortune I had right in front of me.  Anyway, we traveled to this town.  I was blindfolded because they did not want me to know my way there so I could escape.  We traveled most of the day because when I was finally able to see it was dusk.  They put me in this building type structure that was more like a jail cell without bars.  It had thick concrete walls and an old bed where the matress was only a tattered foam sheet with pieces torn out as big as your hand in most places.  I looked around the room and saw dried blood on the wall and floor in one corner and in another corner there were bullets lodged in the wall.  I was I was petrified.  I knew these cats meant business and I also knew that if I valued my life at all, I would do what was asked of me.  The only way I knew the days was I would count the sunsets from the first evening I was there."
"Wow, dad, I guess they didn't house you in the Hilton did they?"
"No I suppose not.  Maybe a better name would be the HELLton."
"What work did they want you to do?"

"The first morning and several after, they wanted me to do what I did here at home.  They gave me a sum of money and open a bank account in the banks in the nearest town.  I was really reluctant, but I did as they said to do.  One night after I was dismissed to my "quarters" a man came into my room and gave me a good beat down and told me that was insurance not to go running my mouth about anything.  I know that he broke a couple of ribs and two fingers on my left hand but I dared not complain or even show any pain around them.  I managed to use some of the tattered sheet to bind my ribs until I felt they were well.  My hand I just babied until I could use it again."
"My word, dad.  That must have been a little difficult to deal with."
"Yeah it was, but not as difficult as coming here today to see you for the first time in nearly 20 years."
"Yes, well, it was hard for us too.  I had a love/hate attitude toward you, dad.  I loved you because you were my father, but I hated you for what you did to us."
"Son, I am so sorry for what I did.  I want you to realize that I left because I loved you and I didn't want anything to happen to you.  I felt I had no choice."
"Well, you are here now, so tell me how you managed to escape."
"Let's walk around a bit.  I'm getting old and just standing makes my bones hurt."
"We could sit down you know."
"I know, but there's so much to say I don't feel like sitting."
Zach shrugs his shoulders, "Suit yourself, we can walk around the house.  I'm surprised there's not a rut around it because I walk when I get stressed."
Chris chuckled.
"Dad I believe that is the first time I have heard you laugh if not the very first, then the first in a long time."
Chris laughed and put his hand on Zach's shoulder, "You haven't heard anything from me in a long time."
Zach just looked at Chris--not laughing.
"Sorry, I meant that as a joke.  I guess not a very good one."
"Nope, not really."  Zach although saying that, did have half a grin on his face, then holding it no longer, laughed which made Chris laugh even harder.
"Let's walk."

While Chris and Zach were making their way around the pond, someone was walking past the house....

"Well, now, this looks like the place.  I wonder if he came here...Wait, I hear voices.  I guess I need to get out of here for now..."

"O.k., what happened after your two weeks of playing the bank bandit." Zach smirked and Chris smiled.
"It was the morning after my fourteenth day and I confronted the Brothers about leaving.  They told me that I had done my time with them and I was free to leave.  They gave me ten lousy bucks and told me to head out.  Well, I didn't know where to head to.  I questioned them and they told me that was my problem and I would have to find the way.  So I headed out not really knowing where I was going.  I just prayed that my sense of direction and determination would get me back.  I started out on my journey and found that it would be alot harder than what I thought.  I also learned that you can't buy much for ten bucks.  I walked until dark and suddenly realized that I was being followed, but I couldn't see anyone but I just had the feeling.  I decided to duck into the nearest station and get a light supper and seek shelter for the night.  After filling my gullet, I sought shelter.  I found this abandoned shed and decided to sleep there.  Before I fell asleep, I saw the outline of a familiar person.  I guess I was half asleep and I called out your name in hopes that I was close to home and it was you, but the voice that spoke back was not you it was one of the Brothers coming to shut me up permanently."
"Oh my god, dad, what happened?"
"We fought for a good bit.  I was fighting with all my might.  Anything I could find, I used it as a weapon.  I even used an old broom--just the bristles, no handle--I "swept" his face and poked the straw into his eyes, but that didn't even phase him.  He just kept coming.  Finally, I found an old two by four that had been busted.  I broke it in half and used the splinered end to end this battle, as I stabbed him in the stomach, he used something metal and whacked me in the head.  Before I passed out, I saw him stagger back and fall with the wood stuck in his stomach.  As he fell I heard running so I was sure that there would be more to come."
"So, you killed one of the brothers.  One down two more to go, right."
"That's what I thought, too.  I didn't know how long I had been out, but when I came enough to my senses despite the searing pain in my head, I knew I had to get outta dodge.  So I walked by day and hid out well before it got dark.  I was very paranoid that someone was after me which I knew there was.  To make a long story shorter.  I ended up staying a little town about fifty miles south of here and disguising myself and changing my name just to keep safe.  I knew where I was and that I wasn't too far from home, but I feared for my life as well as yours and Sue's.  One night, I was coming home from my job as a security guard when I had the sinking feeling that I was being followed.  I hurriedly got home and call the police.  I had discussed the past goings on with an old police friend of mine and he reported it to the local yocals and told them if I called that it would be a life threatening emergency.  This had occurred about five or six years after I left and my first attack.  I sat and waited for the police to arrive.  While I tried to calm my nerves with a cup of java, I heard a blood curdling scream.  I dropped my cup of coffee which spilled all over the couch and shattered into a million pieces on the floor.  I ran outside not thinking, just wanting to help whomever was being hurt or whatever.  Before I made it to the road, a man stood in front of me laughing and holding a tape recorder.  I stood there frozen.  I knew I couldn't make a move or else he would attack.  He dropped the recorder and without skipping a beat pulled out a shotgun and put his finger on the trigger.  About that time the police pulled up and I swear they got out of their cars before they come to a complete stop.  I heard a shot and then another and then I felt pain in my right arm.  The man had been shot, but simultaneously pulled his trigger as a reflex.  Luckily I jumped out of the way, but did get a few shots in my arm.  Luckily, it wasn't a full choked shotgun or else I would have been killed.  The police took me to the hospital to get patched up and I was home by morning.  I stayed at home for a while despite the need for money.  I began watching the news earnestly every time it was on in hopes that the third brother had been found.  Finally after about 6 months of being shot, I heard through the grape vine that the third brother supposedly had been shot.  I waited another couple of years to make sure it was completely safe and when I didn't hear or see anyone from my horrific past that is when I contacted your mother.  And as they say, the rest is history."
"Wow, dad.  You were filled with some determination to get back to us.  You could have given up a long time ago or even stayed with the brothers and none of this would have happened to you."
"Son, I had determination and an undying love for your mother and you.  I wanted to get back to you both to make sure that you were alright."


"Zach, would you like a cup of coffee?  I could fancy one myself."
"Sure, dad, that would be great.  I'll go in and start a pot."
"No, I'll go.  I need to check in with your mother to let her know that you didn't beat me down or anything." With that he winked and headed toward the door......but suddenly

The sound of a gun rang through the air

"Oh my God, DAD!!"

Chris had been hit in the chest by the shooter's bullet.  Neither Chris nor Zach had seen the driver much less the car that sped past them.

Zach ran into the house and breathlessly called out for his family,
"Mom, Selah, Dad has been shot!"

Enjoy!  The next chapter will be the final chapter.
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