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Author Topic: Fine Lines ~ Chapters 11- 20 Added  (Read 9264 times)
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« on: August 22, 2007, 12:42:56 am »

Meet Abby! A normal teen with a normal life ... until what was comfort ended up to be the worst thing that could possibly happen to a young girl. Finding her feet again in life and starting over seemed impossible. Torn between different lives and different people, Abby grows to find out there are many fine lines in life, Love & Hate And Success & Failure ...

Hey guys! I've been writing this story since i was in highschool, hehehe after a massive hiatus i've decided to start writing again. I had been dancing around the idea of turning it into a sim story for about 2 months, and re writing it because its been 7 years since i started it. I really hope you will like it.

Pictures And Story By Joanne.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 01:09:12 pm by Joanne_8121 » Logged

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

Posts: 34

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« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 01:20:35 am »

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
« Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 01:08:43 pm by Joanne_8121 » Logged

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

Posts: 34

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« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 01:23:09 am »

Well life officially sucked! Actually, my life was over … or perhaps I’m just a drama queen? I had just gotten home from being at my friend Rachel’s house. Usually no one is up when I return early in the morning. All I wanted to do was just toddle into my bathroom and have a warm shower and lie down, but as my steps clicked on the hard wood floor, it was quieter than normal. On Sunday morning mum is usually blaring music and wearing some rags around the house doing her usual Sunday clean. Something wasn’t right and I knew this when my dad approached me,
“Mum’s needs some alone time, shush,” he said placing his finger over his mouth. By the expression on his face after he had shushed me, I could tell he had more to say. I knew it wasn’t going to be good. Maybe someone died? I sat down and prepared myself for something serious.

“ Abby, mum and I …” His voice kind of sunk, I cringed because I almost knew what was coming.
“We’ve decided to get a divorce,” The word just kinda hung there … almost echoed through the house even though he said it softly. I couldn’t even react. I knew they were distant to each other but it hit me like a ton of bricks because who ever thought that when you were 16 that your parents would split up? Especially after 19 years of marriage. The only selfish thing of me to say was,
“What about our trip to Brisbane this year?” On Christmas we sat around talking how we would be going on a family holiday. Maybe it was too far away for mum and dad, I think they needed the break sooner. Dad looked at me grimly, and said,
“I’m going up there alone, to stay with aunt Eva.” I was shocked. Without me? I was his daughter! Just because he is finished with mum was he finished with me too? My dad was always so cool and it was sometimes easy to call him my favourite parent. But suddenly I felt a distance between us. Dad got up from the chair and I followed him wanting to ask him why didn’t want to take me with him, but I just couldn’t ask because he seemed to be really hurting. He placed his hand on the wall near the stairs and didn’t even look at me when he turned to take a step up and say,
“I’m sorry Abby, it’s hard on me too. I need some alone time as well.” I watched him sigh and go upstairs. I fought back the tears in my eyes, I felt so incomplete.

My dad was going to be leaving in a couple of weeks. My parents crossed paths as strangers in the hall, and my heart sank every time I would notice the crumpled sheets on the lounge.

Why was I being kept in the dark about everything? They were selling the house! The house I grew up in, and loved my whole life. Mum had sparked the idea about us going to live in Perth where she was born, infact at the time I didn’t know she had signed up for a 2-bedroom apartment there. It wasn’t fair. I was going to have to leave everything I ever knew in Adelaide, including my friends. Not to mention I didn’t even want to go with her. I would much prefer living with dad. But then again, he didn’t even want me.

I just wish some one would pinch me, and wake me up from this nightmare.


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 01:26:10 am »

It was the last day of the week and I knew it was my last day at Adelaide High. There were people in my classes and friends in the group I said goodbye to, some were upset and others weren’t. I guess you really know who your friends are when you get a reaction like that. I should have been glad being rid of that hellhole, and saying good riddance to all those that hated me. I didn’t plan anything for my last two days here; I should have begged one of my friends to chuck me a going away/farewell party.

Instead I sorted through all my stuff and putting my clothes in garbage bags. Rachel even came to help. Rachel was the kind of girl who had never lifted a finger in her life. She helped me fold and pack … even scrub my walls from where band posters were. It was the worst when we hit some old photo albums. She was being emotional looking through pictures and reminiscing about all the good times we had. I put my arm around her and assured her,
“ Rach, it’s not the last time were going to see each other. There are always school breaks. Plus you’re my best friend …” She frowned and forced a smile. Rachel was such an optimist about relationships, telling me that they will probably get back together. But I knew it was set in stone because we were moving out, and the big for sale sign outside was a massive clue.

Later that night I was going through all my sheet music and singing every depressing song I had played on piano for the last 5 years. I had also been looking back on memories with all the songs I had written. I wanted to get upset; I wanted to show my parents that what was happening to me really mattered. I had barely said a word in the last few weeks. I wanted to break the silence and have a hissy fit about how much it was affecting me. Mum came in to check on me; there she was standing in the doorway with big bags under her eyes and running mascara. I suppose her reminiscing was maybe a little harder. But I wasn’t accepting this change, and she was. I guess grown up adult problems are much more complex than I thought, because if it were me I would be trying harder. But that’s probably just selfish me again … because I don’t want to go.

In the morning I knew it was my last day in Adelaide, I wanted to do so many things because I didn’t know how long it was going to be before I would return here. I threw on a hoodie and decided to go for a walk. All my emotions were spilling over when I looked about my bedroom and house. I had to get out of it. I stared and actually appreciated all my neighbours and their gardens and normally they wouldn’t even phase me on my way home from school each day. But I counted letterboxes til I reached the end of the street.

 I found a bus stop chair and sat there and watched traffic go by, and decided to get on the first bus that stopped. Consequently it passed right near my friend Rachel’s house. I pulled out my cell and called mum and told her that I wanted to spend some time with Rach before we left. Mum seemed to be a little carefree today; I don’t know whether it was a happy that she was moving on or just didn’t care because her life is in tatters … like mine.

Rach had so many suggestions, but I was feeling rather nostalgic about places I had been to with Rachel and things we had done there. First we went to our junior primary school, where we first met. We giggled and laughed about how our little kiddie fights turned into a strong friendship. We would play in the playground sandpit together and on one occasion I flicked sand into her eyes and I really made a big fuss over it in the girl’s bathrooms. Though it wasn’t till the year after when we were in each other’s classes. Some how I knew I had to say goodbyes to Rachel because I knew we would stay in Perth and dad would stay up in Brisbane and settle into a new life. He had always said that we might have moved there. I was scared even then when our family was together.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 01:27:33 am »

Mum asked me to be home by 4pm because our train was leaving at 7pm. The day was zooming by so quickly and Rachel and I cried a lot of happy and sad tears. We sat on the porch of my house on the swing chair for about 2 hours promising to write each other letters every week and SMS constantly and never lose touch. We even discussed plans for my 18th birthday to get an apartment together.

Suddenly I heard the screen door screech, and mum said,
“C’mon Abby you better start getting your stuff together, the train leaves in about an hour.” Rachel smiled at Mum and stared down at me. I looked at Rachel; she was a lot stronger than I was. I sobbed with my head in my hands. Mum turned to go inside and said,
“ Rachel you can come on in and stay til we leave,” Rachel nodded and gave thanks as she placed her head on my shoulder holding me tight. A year just seemed too long. Rachel held out her hand and helped me up. As we went into the house my uncle Kevin turned up to take us to the train station. Passing mum as I headed to my room she was already lugging tons of bags to the car. I sat on my bed and Rachel was taking all my bags out to the car. My room was suddenly bare as I sat down at my piano my parents bought for my 10th birthday. That wasn’t going on the train. I decided to play it. Rachel sat beside me and watched.
“Abby, what on earth are you doing?” A voice said from the hallway. I just kept playing, I had never played so angry and my fingers struck the keys viciously. I tired blocking out everything that was happening.
“Would you just stop!” Mum yelled. I thumped my hand on the piano hard.
“Why don’t you just stop, stop all of this, this is my piano, and there is no way it’s ever coming with us … dad is just going to sell it, I want it and I want to play it,” I screamed. I hadn’t had a tantrum in years and mum knew exactly how I was feeling. We stayed there looking at each other and for the first time we bonded in the way we both felt.

Mum pursed her lips together and gestured for me to keep playing. I sat back down at my piano, and uncle Kevin passed in and out grabbing some of my belongings. I started playing a familiar song, the one my dad used to play to me to get my to sleep. I cried when I played every note. It was almost soothing, I felt someone’s hands on my shoulders, and I assumed that they would have been Rachel’s but they weren’t. It was dad. I reverted to a child again and held him close.
“I thought you weren’t coming,” I sobbed.
“I was coming, what made you think otherwise?” He asked. I wanted to ask why, because I didn’t want to ask Mum why their relationship failed, but this was a goodbye, not a time for asking what the hell went wrong.
“When will we see each other?” I asked instead,
“In your next school break in July,” he said pulling away. Gosh that’s like 3 months away! He then added, “ But don’t worry I will call you every chance I get.” I had barely been away from my dad for 3 days since I was born, and here he was telling me that I wouldn’t see him for 3 months! I was beginning to be a drama queen again as 100 thoughts raced through my head. What if? What if he finds another girlfriend? What if he forgets about me? What if he has other kids and is too busy with his new family? I decided not to over react too soon, as dad asked me to play for him. It was a time where dad and I bonded the most.

 Our goodbye was long and very teary. Rachel came in shortly after my dad left my room. She announced that my mum and uncle were waiting in the car. I held Rachel tight and promised to call her everyday. We hugged solidly for 2 minutes crying. What would I do without everyone I loved here? I got in the car and the way I looked at them out of the back window seemed so cliché. It was a goodbye look, the heart-wrenching look. Rachel and dad stood side-by-side and waved. I watched them until they looked like dots in the distance. Mum was whimpering in the front as my uncle placing his hand lovingly on her shoulder. Who was here to hold my hand through all this?


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2007, 01:29:06 am »

The trip to the station was quite short, and I pondered what Dad and Rachel talked about after I left. It had barely been a half an hour and I was already wondering what everyone was doing. I had done so much crying in one day I knew I would hit the train and sleep. I felt really exhausted. I dragged myself out of the car and grabbed my carry on bag and put it on my back. Uncle Kevin grabbed a luggage trolley and starting loading some of our bags onto it. I was sad going, but still curious what lie ahead in a new city.

After kissing uncle Kev goodbye and boarding the train mum and I sat in the train cafeteria to have a bite to eat. We sat across from each other and ordered a hot meal since it was going to be a long ride and we hadn’t eaten. While waiting for our food, I was tempted to ask all them unanswered questions. Being daylight savings and all it still wasn’t dark outside; sure there was plenty to see but mum was gazing out, just ignoring me. I feel like such an alien to her.

Sure I knew she was upset, the red cheeks and puffy eyes were a dead give away for the last 2 weeks, but did she even realise how much it hurt me to see them so sad? I drew in a deep breath and prepared to ask her the burning question. She turned to look at me as I breathed in heavily and asked,
“Are you feeling sick?” Sick, yes? But not sick in my stomach. “Nope, I just,” I sighed again and continued, “ Can’t wait for dinner to get here I’m heaps hungry.” Why can’t I just say it? Technically it was my business. It could have been my fault for all I knew. I could never be completely honest with my mum. She had a good way of shutting people out when all they wanted to do was get in. Maybe that was the cause? I would often tell lies and never say what I always mean to say. The only way the truth comes out is if mum and I argue. Unlike my dad, I could tell him everything! It was just us now, I had to try and be honest and try to get along with her so I tried again,
“ Mum, I have to know. Was it my fault?”
“What’s your fault?” I didn’t want to repeat myself; it was like she was acting dumb. I gave her a puzzled look and she nodded her head sadly and attempted to reply. She shook her head and shrugged,
“I guess it was a long time coming.” That wasn’t an answer! I was so sick of closed responses! I was a little irritated and I didn’t want to get pushy but I still went on,
“ Long time coming, as in … it should have happened long ago? Did you stay together just for me?” Usually it’s a typical thing for parents to stay together for the kids, but maybe I was at a stage in my life where they thought I could handle it. To my surprise, mum nodded. Oh my god! All the unhappy years they spent just for me?  I couldn’t help but blame myself.

Mum and I sat quietly through dinner; I had a lot on my mind. There was so much I wanted to say. I wanted to ask how long it had been like this. But I didn’t. I just sat back and ate my crappy stale sandwich and sipped the flat lemonade. While I was still eating mum got up half way through her sandwich and just left to go back to our carriage. This is how distant she was, I was never going to have what other girls had with their mothers. By the time I had finished and returned to our cab mum had her nose in her book and slowly nodding off to sleep. I pulled out my cell and sent a sms’ to Rachel before I knew it was going to be too late. I told her how much the train ride was a suck-fest and how much I missed her already. After she replied saying how much she missed me too, along with some general chat. After sending a few sms’ I flicked my cell shut when I realised mum was asleep and I decided I would go to sleep also.

I woke up and it was daylight. I heard the bell chiming from outside. What the hell? I looked at the time and it was 9:15am. God I just wish I could sleep forever. I have to stay 40 hours on this train; I wish we could have got on a plane. Mum sheepishly yawned me a good morning, and put her sunglasses on. I didn’t even reply. She handed me a breakfast bar and I leaned up against the cab lounge and started SMS’ing Rachel. I ran out of credit about 2 hours later. There was just nothing good to do. I didn’t even want to think because I would end up being sad. I decided to what I always do when I feel down, listen to classical music and vision myself playing it.

The hours zoomed on, as all I did was sleep and eat. Mum did the same though she would read a book and ignore me the whole time. The final 30 minutes I decided to look out and see as much as my new city as I could. It was a nice looking place but it was still strange to me. Getting off the train was such a relief, but only to breathe the fresh air and gag on train fumes. Mum and I wandered around the train platforms like lost dogs; we weren’t even sure where to find our nearest taxi bay.
“Things have changed a lot,” Mum huffed lugging her bags.
“Well ask for directions then,” I asked. It wasn’t long before I started whining because of all the bags I was dragging across the ground. And my circulation was getting cut off in my fingers from the bag handles. We made our way to an exit after about 10 minutes ... and finally, a taxi!  We got in, and headed for our new home.


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2007, 01:33:52 am »

You have got to be kidding? I thought. I stared at this building and wondered,
“Please tell me they dropped us at the wrong place,” I begged.
“Uh, no this is it,” Mum said. I stared in horror at this old, rundown lot of apartments. I guess my cushy suburban lifestyle was what I was used to. This was all rustic looking and definitely in a bad neighbourhood. I looked around and seen no green trees, barely any green grass and lots of rubbish and burnt out cars.

I dropped my bag and crossed my arms in protest,
“And how long do we have to live here?”
“ It’s all I can afford Abby, until I get a job. Don’t so be so ungrateful. If you want to live in a better place maybe you might want to help and get yourself a job too!”
As I dragged my bags across the road, the place was looking worse when I got closer. The foyer doors were all banged up and I could see the interior. The landlady was at the desk and mum was talking to her while I looked about curiously. All I could do was nit pick everything wrong with it. Yeck! It was so disgusting. Mum rattled the keys and gestured me to come with her. Great! Elevators in this hole! Put me out of my misery now and let us plummet! The elevators were taking so long, but the doors opened on floor two. Just then, the doors parted.

 And a guy, a very very cute guy stepped in the elevator. I could feel my face going red as he smirked at me. Smirked, not smiled. Oh no I thought. I was a mess. I hadn’t showered in 40 hours and my hair was all over the place and the clothes I was wearing were just…. Feral. I stepped to the side and tried to hide behind my mother and keep my distance. Usually I would be strutting around in my cutest of outfits and smelling like a rose bush and be perfectly groomed. I suddenly felt like I belonged here.
10 years later the doors close. I admired him from behind; sure he was a little rugged around the edges, piercing’s included. But the spiky hair and deep brown eyes almost made my knees weak. He looked much older than me though, be he sure was a spunk!
“So you must be the new ones moving into 3A?” he said clearing his throat. His voice was deep and dreamy. He looked over his shoulder and I couldn’t help but look away because I was sure my day old make up was smudged all over the place.
“Yes, we are. I’m Carol,” Mum waited for me to reply with my introduction but it wasn’t coming. “And this is Abby.” She finished.
“I’m Justin, I’m in 3B,” he said as the elevator jolted and came to a stop. He leaned over and asked whether we needed a hand with our bags. Mum turned around and I shook my head. But I knew mum would take the help and have him follow us to our door. I deliberately dawdled and flapped all my hair over my face to avoid him looking at me. I had never been so embarrassed. Mum jingled the keys for a while unlocking all the dead locks. Justin was waiting patiently and all I could do was peek and stare at his extremely sexy figure. The way his singlet clung to his body and his jeans sat just below his hip. I could easily just drift away. But the door flew open I rushed past them and headed toward the bathroom. I didn’t even stop to look at the house; I just wanted to see how bad I looked.

Oh god no, so much for first impressions! I slumped and walked out of the bathroom.
“ So what do you think?” mum said excitedly.
“Eh, whatever” I replied. Mum was opening windows and doors looking around the house. I decided to sit on the cracked and rubbished lounge in what seemed to look like a lounge room. It was like staying in a 50 dollar a night hotel. A mostly furnished house, everything was used and old.
“Tomorrow were going shopping, I will buy some throw covers and cushions and some lace for the windows,” mum said inspecting all the rooms.
“Yeah, and don’t forget the 20 cans of air freshener,” I mumbled.
“Don’t worry Abby this place will look a million dollars in no time.” She was so optimistic; I pulled across the tattered drapes over the window that was infested with webs to find such a beautiful view. It was breath taking.
“We might live in the worst part of Perth, but we sure do have the best view,” I bellowed. Mum came up behind me and took a glance with me. She seemed happy, because she put her hands on my shoulders and assured me everything would be okay.


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2007, 01:34:42 am »

Later that day, I decided I would start un-packing my bags and set up my room. Mum decided to give me the biggest of the bedrooms because mum didn’t want a balcony off her room. When looking at the bedrooms her room was probably a bit nicer than mine, but then there was no point arguing about it because the whole place was hideous. My walls were stained with god knows what, and the bedroom was laced with cobwebs and rubbish. I didn’t want to touch anything incase the land lady didn’t clean anything from the last tenants. I started pulling back the bed covers, and the sheets didn’t even look clean.
“Mum!!!” I called from my room. I could hear mum making her way down the hall slowly.
“What’s the matter,” She asked.
“I can’t sleep on this,” I demanded. Mum came to look over to examine the sheets and pillows. And replied,
“ I know I don’t have anything. I would wash them but I think we will have to go to the shop today.” Oh yes!! I had no idea what mum had in the way of money, but I assumed my parents had savings. Mum left the room and told me to put on something decent, because we were going to the mall.

I took about 30 mins in the bathroom using all the hot water because I felt so yucky and un-clean. Whilst towel drying my hair mum was going around the house wondering all the essentials we would need to make this place a bit homier. This time I dressed up really nice wearing something a little more revealing and even a little bit sexier in chance that I might past cute Justin in the hall or elevator. Mum was jingling the keys in the lounge room and I knew that was her way of saying lets go. I waited patiently for her to lock all the doors, glaring at Justin’s door hoping he would come out. But he didn’t … and I was a little disappointed. We got in the elevator and went down to the foyer phone box to call a cab. Fantastic I thought, we would be waiting here for a little while for a cab to come; maybe Justin will come by or be going out soon?

It was 2:45pm and it had been 20 minutes and no sign of him yet. I was fiddling with people’s mailboxes and leaning on the fence looking at the grimy buildings exterior. Mum was wandering around the front of the driveway with her hands on her hips getting inpatient. I was looking up at the other balconies when I seen some arms hanging over the second story balcony. Ah crap! It’s obviously not him.  Just then the cab arrived and as I got in, it was Justin! He was looking out at one of the apartment blocks across the road having a cigarette. I wondered by the second story balcony was so big; it was obviously a place where people went to smoke. He didn’t notice me though as I took my time getting into the taxi.

After a short ride to town, I knew the view from out balcony was where we were. I admired it much more than our neighbourhood. Maybe we could live here when mum gets a new job? But then again having that hottie in our building almost made it worthwhile being there.
After going into a department store and buying lace for the curtains, brooms and mops and pillows and blankets, I was kinda wondering how she had all this money. Sure there was always money flying around when we were back in Adelaide. Mum would be buying luxury things all the time and I never had to ask for money either. But no job and no dad I had to know,
“How are you paying for this, without a job?” I asked.
“You don’t need to worry about that Abby, I have more than enough to keep us afloat for a long time. Plus this stuff is what we need until the stuff comes by freight.” Oh yay!
“Like all my furniture and stuff?” I asked.
“No more like the rest of our clothes and personal belongings. Dad is selling it all and keep some for his new place I suppose.” I felt tears well up in my eyes. But, but, but … I sighed and didn’t care too much. I guess all that stuff was getting a little too young for me. My room was pink and white back in Adelaide; I was going for the whole grungy and rustic look in my bedroom now. Not! The one thing that mattered to me was my piano. It was my baby. I knew I wouldn’t be seeing it again nor playing it.

Mum and I went through every department; buying half the shop I’m sure. By this time mum had broom sticks and mops poking her. I was also baring a trolley now loaded with allsorts. Mum had easily spent 300 dollars by the time we got to the checkout. She put it all on delivery and we continued on to the grocery store. Mum was doing a full shop, everything from scratch. I couldn’t help but go down the cleaning isle and grab them tins of air freshener and bleaches. I wasn’t even touching the toilet without making sure it was fully clean first.

By the time we got home it was almost dark. I was a little tired from walking around in heels at the shop. Mum got inside and decided to start cleaning things. I helped her wipe out all the cupboards before we started loading all the groceries in. As tired as were mum and I got undressed and got into some grubby clothes and stared cleaning the house from top to bottom. After scrubbing showers, benches, all surfaces and moping floors mum and I sort of collapsed on the lounge. Though so tired, we both had a satisfied look on our faces. Finally, this place seemed liveable; mum had put her special touch on it by adding curtains and making the place sparkling. Mum got up and told me that she was going to bed for the night because she was beat. I retired in my bedroom looking at the time, holy crap it’s like 12:15am! I got in my PJ’s and went to sleep.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2007, 01:35:45 am »

I went to sleep straight away, and I was completely un aware to what time it was when I woke up all started. It was dark –ish and I heard talking noises and banging from either outside or a floor down. I got a little scared and tried to say really quiet so I could hear what was happening. I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn’t. I guess strange house, strange noises. It just wasn’t going to happen. I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water and toddled back to my room. The noises had subsided and I decided to open my balcony door. It was a reasonably warm night, so the night air wasn’t cold. There was just nothing to do so I decided to take a trip up to the roof. I thought since were the last floor I won't pass anyone on my way up. I knew when I set foot on the roof that this spot would be my special place. The view, the peace, and the space was so relaxing. All I need is a deck chair i thought. I stood over the railing and looked at all the night lights from the city below, wishing that sometime soon my house would be one of them lights.

This is the part I should have turned to go inside because I heard the elevator ding. Oh man, where to hide. Oh no! There was only one thing to hide behind.It was a big power box thing with vents on it. I ran to the side and sat down so the person couldn’t see me.  Oh my god! It was Justin! I thought this guy just has to be a magnet to bad hair days! Here I am in my PJ’s with full frizz ball hair and looking all gross without my makeup. But then I noticed him peeking one side of my face out behind the power box. He would probably be embarrassed to see someone here too because he was wearing his nightclothes. I just don’t know how he did it because he managed to make them PJ pants looks so hot! I thought this could be the only chance ever that I may see him without his top on, so I decided to enjoy it. I felt all queasy inside and placed my back against the vent just feeling overwhelmed.

I waited quietly there, not making a sound hoping he would just stay by the railing. I could hear him flicking his lighter and making deep breaths in and out. I felt myself breathing hard. Almost gasping. Then I noticed he was making his way across the rail because I heard his hand sliding across it. Before I knew it he was standing with his back to me, not knowing I was there. There was nowhere for me to go I was in a dark corner and I had two other walls closing me in. I squinted and shut my eyes as I felt one of my shoes scraping on the ground. Gasping and coughing scaring him to bits, he turned around. And I saw no point hiding anymore. I stood up but still stayed in the dark so he couldn’t see me properly.
“Oh hi,” He said startled. I smiled but I honestly think he didn’t see it. “I thought I was the only one who came up here,” he finished. My mouth moved to reply but no words came. I still was admiring every line and bump on his stomach and pants line. He had no impulse to cover himself since he was half naked but I felt every need to cover myself because I knew I wasn’t looking good.
“Your not shy are ya?” he said. All the things I wanted to say just weren’t coming. But I knew if I didn’t talk he wouldn’t bother trying to talk to me again. I mumbled,
“No, not shy,”
“Just weary?” he said.
“No.” I said.
“ 3A right,” Humph! He doesn’t even remember my name. But hey you can call me anything I thought.
“Yep,” I said. Here I was cursing a few days ago about mum giving me closed answers, and here I was giving them to him. There were just no words, after all he was still a stranger, and devilishly attractive, but I just go all gah-gah around boys I think are gorgeous.
“Liking the place so far?” Err no. This place is a hole I felt like saying.
“It’s okay I suppose,” I muttered.
“But not like the place you lived, right?” It was like he was reading my inner thoughts. Better not think, I thought he might be reading my mind right now!
“ No, it’s just different.” I saw him flick his cigarette off the balcony and he said,
“Where did you move from?”
“Adelaide,” I answered.
“Ah, city of churches, cool.” He said casually. He put one of his hands on his hip and turned his heel to indicate he was leaving. I wanted to say I was leaving first but incase he wasn’t leaving I didn’t say anything. He swayed and looked around thinking what he should say next. He smiled and looked away for a moment. I knew he wanted to go, and I felt really stupid because I had nothing to say. So I decided I would tell him I was leaving. He almost looked relieved and we headed to the elevator together. I stood about a foot behind him flattened my hair with my hands.

Damn elevator! Justin pushed the button about 1 minute ago and it had not arrived. We stood side by side no sure what to say to each other. I didn’t want to be known as 3A any longer so I decided to introduce myself officially,
“I’m Abby, by the way.” Straight away I felt silly, what if he didn’t really care what my name was?
“Right,” he nodded. And I continued,
“And your Justin 3B.” He smiled and looked at me for about 5 seconds without looking away. At that second I felt like he wanted to be here, right now, this moment with me. The elevator dinged, and we both went to enter at the same time. I felt his arm against mine as we brushed sides. We both murmured at the same time until Justin gestured his hand pointing to the elevator as if to say “ladies first.” After I got in the elevator, one part of me wanted to hope that the trip was a minute long and the other half hoped it would last 15 seconds. I was in the light, and was visible but this time I just showed it. How worse than yesterday could I possibly look? He leaned on the handrail and in the light I was sure the expression showed on my face about me shyly looking away from him because he stood there so proud with his firm stomach just out there for me to look at. I could feel him looking at me when the lift stopped.
As we exited he smiled and said,
“So maybe I’ll see you next time I have a smoke-break?” He said cheekily. I decided if I wanted this guy ever think of me again or speak to me I decided to flirt with him.
“Is that an invitation?” I giggled. I stepped toward my door as he backed into his and shrugged,
“Maybe,” he said. I grinned and turned to go inside. The first thing I did when I got in was look through the peep hole to see if Justin was still standing there. Though he looked small, I could see he looked pleased with himself. I felt so uplifted, as I crossed the hall to my bedroom I felt like I was walking on air. I didn’t even try and wonder how I looked, because he seemed to like my anyway.
Suddenly, Perth didn’t seem so bad. Maybe it was because Justin made it so easy to be here. I lay on my bed and thought about him for a good 30 minutes before smiling off to sleep.


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2007, 01:39:18 am »

After having such a peaceful extra sleep on top of what I had. I woke up because I heard mum up blaring her usual crappy music. She was at it again! Freakin' Cleaning!
“Good Afternoon,” she smirked. I looked at the time and it was only just after 10am, what was she on about?

“I thought we could look at schools today Abby,” she said as she pulled out phone book. Eh! I thought. It was like Tuesday and I hadn’t even thought about school yet. Being in year 12, I almost considered not even returning. Plus I constantly thought about not making friends because I was “too old.” But part of me wanted to go back because I knew they would have a music class and I would be able to play piano again. So I nodded and sat at the kitchen table with her. After looking through the phone book there was 3 local high schools that were within a 20-minute walk or drive. So it was like almost a repeat of yesterday with a series of taxi’s. God! I can’t wait til we get a car! Mum roused me up and about to get ready by making me some cereal. After eating I took a quick shower and headed downstairs with her so we could walk to the nearest school, which was about a 20 minute walk away.

This was the first time walking down our street. It was nothing like Adelaide. And I thought our apartment looked bad, these places were revolting. Mum was even cringing at the sight of some of them. This school is going to be fantastic I thought sarcastically. But our street was grey, the sky, the pavement, and the houses. The closer we got to it, the cleaner the area looked, and surprisingly green grass! From the outside the school looked not bad at all.

“This looks nice Abby, I think this will be a nice place to go. Plus it’s close to home,” she said smiling around. It was like she had already decided for me. We walked across the courtyard during recess and tons of faces just staring at us. I felt like a Martian. I knew I wouldn’t be liked. Either because people assume I’m either a snob, or too pretty to be normal or I’m just too into myself or whatever. Suddenly with all these strangers I missed Rachel and my group.

After receiving a short tour and a booklet about the school, we moved onto the next school and then onto the next that was in the city. This is where I felt comfortable. I didn’t see anyone, but it looked classy and they had an awesome music program. I sparked the idea that it would be a fantastic place to go to mum, whereas mum was still pushing toward the first school we went to. I didn’t want to have an argument about it. But I was just too used to getting my way. Maybe I’m just spoiled? I was an only child with a dad that usually gives into every demand. Tantrums were coming more common for me, even at 16. I hated change and I hated everything that was happening in my life. I was unable to make any decisions by myself. I was so close to being an adult and still had to go along with everything everyone else was doing. I was being treated like a baby. I’m 16! There were girls my age having babies for Christ’s sake.

At home an argument was inevitable. Mum was filling in enrolment forms.
“So where am I going?”
“Your going to the pines high school,” mum said.
“The pines? I want to go to Corriedale!” I demanded.
“ Well that will be bus tickets and tons of travel time,” mum explained
“Your not the one who has to do it, I do,”
“Don’t get cheeky with me young lady,” She said raising her voice.
“This is crap! Corriedale had an awesome music program mum, that’s where I want to be. I feel so lost without my music. The pines barely had a music curriculum let alone an in-tune piano.”
“Abby, you got to stop this! It’s all money for me, tickets and uniforms and expensive fees. You can’t always get what you want, you’re not the most important person!” Mum yelled. Immediately I think she regretted what she said.
“You can go to hell,” I screamed. I turned to go to my room but mum flew out her chair and cruelly slapped my face. I had never been slapped before. I was shocked to my system. I didn’t know what to say or do. I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I held my face. I felt blood rush to my cheeks, and I couldn’t tell whether it was from her hitting me or just plain anger when I retaliated,
“You’re a b*tch, I hate you!” I ran to the door and slammed it behind me.

 I pushed the stair doors and ran as fast as I could down the stairs. My heart was pounding really fast and I hit the bottom floor and swung around the handle. I cried and leaned on the railing. I covered my face in my hands and everything that had been going on in the last month had brought me to this. I had nowhere to run, but that didn't stop me as I dashed out of the foyer doors.

“Abby get back here now!” I heard from above. I looked up and it was mum looking over my bedroom balcony. I stopped for a moment to look back at her and then ran down the street. It was about 2 minutes til I turned around because I didn’t have any idea where I was going. I made my way back and weaved behind the surrounding buildings. I jumped a fence and climbed up the fire escape to sit on the roof of our apartment building. There I sat there crying, reflecting on what had happened moments ago.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2007, 01:40:14 am »

I was up there all of 5 minutes on my own before I heard the side door open on the roof. I immediately thought it was mum. But it was Justin. This is bloody great! First time looking a mess, second time in my PJ’s, third time is defiantly the charm with hysterical tears. I wasn’t even ashamed this time. I was hanging over the rail and he immediately knew I was upset.

 The moment I looked at him I got even more upset because he had an empathetic look on his face without even asking me what was wrong. He stood next to me without knowing what to say, I could tell he wanted to say something but he had no idea what was happening in my life. But I knew he was going to quiz me on it. I didn’t even want to try and tell him because I didn’t want to sound like a kid, because the more I replayed it in my mind, I was just being a brat.
“Mothers, eh?” he asked. I wiped he face with my hand and sniffed. How does he do that? How does he read minds like that? “Been there done that,” he finished.
“How did you know?” I asked. He shrugged and continued,
“Well I just figured, I knew in a new city there wouldn’t be too much bothering you because there is still a lot to learn about it. But your mum is the only thing that came from home so I sort of just guessed.” He seemed so clever, and I instantly felt better about it. He understood me. I forced a smile and explained,
“Normally such a petty thing over what school I was going to wouldn’t be a big deal, but since moving here I feel so un-important,”
“Since the divorce?” There he goes again. Gosh I was glad I wasn’t daydreaming about him naked or something! He might find out. He seemed to know everything about me, without knowing me. But I nodded to his question and said,
“Yes, but I feel I should be included too, it’s my life too, you know?”
“Uh-huh,” he nodded back. I looked to the sky and breathed in and out heavily.
“I can’t go home, I called her a b*tch.” I sighed.
“You can come to my apartment if you like?” he asked. I smiled on the inside and accepted the invitation asking,
“Where are your parents?”
“Mum’s gone, and dad works in Kalgoorlie mining. It’s like 3 hours away. He works for two weeks straight and then has a week off. And round and round he goes,”
“So your alone?” I asked. I didn’t want it to sound like I was excited about it but me asking him that question had him smiling. I almost felt worried about him getting the wrong ideas.
“Yep,” he said excitedly. I wanted to go whole-heartedly, but so many what if’s raced through my head. I think too much! He threw his smoke on the floor and we went to his apartment. I stayed in the elevator while he opened his door. I hurried into the entrance and he closed the door behind him. I looked around. It looked just like out house inside except for a bachelor like interior. No real colour and things thrown everywhere.

“I’m sorry I’m not much of a maid,” he apologised. I smiled and replied,
“You should see our house, forget about it.” He immediately offered me a drink as I walked in slowly and sat on one of the tattered couches in the lounge room. I declined his offer and he sat next to me. Our bodies touched, but I noticed the extra room on his side of the lounge. He was sitting really close to me and I felt myself shaking nervously. I hoped it wasn’t noticeable. My head was going a 100 miles an hour thinking. This is it Abby, were going to kiss. The butterflies were making me almost feel ill. The closest thing I had ever had to a teen romance was a boyfriend I had for about 6 weeks last summer. I was popular with boys back in Adelaide, but Rachel would call me a tease. I guess she was right, I used to dress a certain way and flirt with them all but never giving them any chances. But Justin seemed different from these guys. He looked at me and I couldn’t help but giggle and shy away. I didn’t know him. What was his full name, and how old was he? Did he want to know more about me? I felt him grinding his thigh against mine, when I wanted to start a conversation to delay the undeniable attraction so it wouldn’t lead to anything.
“So how old are you? I blurted. He stopped smiling and turned to say,
“I’m 19. And you?” I knew he was older, but two years seemed heaps older because I was still in school.

“I’m 16, but my 17th birthday is in a couple of weeks.” He nodded and pursed his lips together. Truthfully I wanted to pounce on him, because when I stopped to look at him he was just too damn cute to resist. But I was not a girl to make any moves. But the age question started a conversation about our lives. I was finally getting to know Justin. We were so different. In a way my life didn’t seem so bad compared to his.

I looked at the time and it was 7:30pm and it was getting dark. Justin hadn’t even mentioned to me about leaving. I felt no need to let my mum know where I was, because I was still mad. She had never had a worrying day in her life about me because I have always been a good girl. I felt the sudden need to “play up” just to get my own way. Justin liked the company, I was sure. That was until his cell phone rang. He was circling the room talking on it. After a few minutes he hung up and he said,
“Well I just got invited to someone’s house for a few drinks, maybe you should go let your mum know where you are?” I felt like a kid again. I sadly looked at Justin and I assumed he knew I didn’t want to leave yet so he continued,
“But I’m going to go in about an hour, you can stay for a little while longer if you want.” I shyly nodded.

He sat back on the lounge near me, and I felt there was nothing to say anymore to each other because we had talked for hours. We were back at square one again. The same position as we were hours ago, only this time I knew him better. He is older than me, and probably has more experience than me at this. He looked at me and sat forward and almost leaned into me when he slowly moved back with his back on the lounge. I glanced into his eyes as he rested his head into the cushy part of the lounge. He gave me this puppy dog look with his mesmerising eyes. He was just asking for it! In my head i heard "kiss me Abby, kiss me." But I was so scared. I had to leave. I stared at him again and his lips were so full and so kissable, but I resisted. I got up out of the couch and announced my departure. He looked surprised and flew off the lounge. He stood behind me; I felt his breath on my neck.
“Abby?” he said softly. I didn’t want to look at him because I knew we would kiss. My nostrils flared and I saw my heart palpitating out of my chest. I felt his hand follow down my arm as he grabbed my shoulder and turned it. I looked over my shoulder as I half turned to him. His hand reached my face and it seemed so perfect for it to happen, when I looked back at him. I looked down at my feet, and opened the door to leave,
“I’ll see you later okay?” I said closing it behind me. I took 6 steps across the hall and felt like slapping my own face. I wanted to, he wanted to. Why didn’t i just do it? Maybe I was a tease? Or maybe deep down I knew he wasn’t good enough for me?


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2007, 01:41:12 am »

I walked inside and all the lights were out except for a lamp on in the lounge room. I slowly made my way down the short hallway to see mum sitting on the lounge crying silently. She looked up when the floorboards creaked.
“Abby, what have I ever done to make you so unhappy?” she bawled. I felt the tears and anger bubble up again. I shrugged because I didn’t want to say anything that might get me in trouble. What have you done in the last month that has made me happy?I thought.

“I am always looking out for your needs, but my life hasn’t been easy either. I thought you might be a little understanding.”
“Mum, did you want to see you and dad split? Leave everything behind. It’s been hard on me too.” I admitted. I single tear rolled down my cheek as I sat on one of the lounge chairs near her. Mum just sat there crying so hard. Maybe she felt like she failed or something? I suddenlyfelt guilty, and i knew it was showing on my face. I just wanted the music, I just wanted to be able to do something that I did in Adelaide to feel normal again. But I gave in,
“Mum I will go to the pines, if it’s such a big deal.” I regretted what I said as I had succumbed to her wishes. Mum looked up and smiled. I instantly thought, maybe this was an adult tantrum? She is no different from me! Mum got off the lounge and grabbed the cell phone.
“Here call your dad, let him know your okay. I called him while you were out. Where did you go?” Mum said drying her tears.
“I went down the street, then I walked back here and sat behind the building.” Mum nodded and shoved the phone at me. I dialled dad’s cell and mum sat down at the table folding up school papers.

“Hi dad.” I said sadly.
“So…” he asked on the other side of the receiver. I knew it was a disappointed tone. But dad was such a teddy bear about things. I could be all sooky about it and his cross tone would turn to a forgiving tone straight away.He was easily forgiving again because dad tends to know what goes on in my head a little better than mum does. We talked a little while before I went to my room. I was mad and still not in any mood to talk to mum yet. I sat on my bed and thought about Justin. I used my cell and SMS’d Rachel telling her about him. She was let down that I didn’t kiss him. She really wanted them juicy details. She wanted me to take a picture of him with my camera phone so she could get a look at him. I had to laugh though. I wish I had the information she craved. But I was so happy and lightheaded talking to her about it, thinking maybe tomorrow? I should’ve, I wrote. I never came across as scared, I was always confident.

Later I sat listening to music and pulled out my fabric keyboard. I played on the cushioning of the bed as mum waved a goodnight to me from my doorway. I was ready to turn in myself; I packed my earphones and ipod away and stood out on my open balcony. Being 11:45pm it was overly loud for a Tuesday night. Just then I saw two people stumbling in the dark together coming into the gates. It looked like Justin and it sounded like him and one of his friends. It was too dark to see. I followed my eyes until they weren’t in sight anymore. I lay down on my bed preparing for sleep when I thought about the kiss we could have shared.
In the morning I woke up to mum pulling my drapes over and called,
“Come on Abby, first day of school today.”
“Ehhhh, what time is it?” I groaned. Mum peered at her watch and replied,
“It’s 7:30,” Mum was already dressed and bright as a button, obviously forgetting about what happened yesterday. Mum walked out of the room and I went to have a shower. I just couldn’t get the idea of Justin and I together out of my head. I wasn’t looking forward to going to school; all I was looking forward to was knocking on his door after school. I got ready in a hurry and picked a good first impressions outfit. I packed one of my old backpacks and mum grabbed all the paper work off the table. As she was closing the door behind her I pushed the elevator button. I heard a door unlock from across the hall. Aha excellent, I thought. I will get to see Justin before school. But to my horror it was a girl emerging from his apartment door.

All of a sudden I felt as if the hallway just slowed down. Mum locking the doors and the girl stepping out of the doorway. Then I saw him, his hair was crushed and he was wearing his PJ pants with no top. The girl’s hair was a bit fuzzy and her skirt was on sideways. I felt insanely envious. I envisioned myself grabbing her and hitting her. I was crazy jealous. This could have been me!!! Oh god Abby why didn’t you just kiss him? I regretted it. I felt ill, I kept having visuals of them together. Then Justin saw me. He had a worried look on his face. It was just a glimpse before she closed the door without saying goodbye. He was just worried because he got caught, i was sooooo mad!

I wish these doors would open! She strolled over and smiled friendly at me. I just wanted to ask her straight out. I looked at her, was she prettier than me? We all piled into the elevator and I stared at her from the side. She was a bit taller than me and I couldn’t help but compare our features. I examined her to see if I could see a love bite or some evidence that she and Justin had been together. But the only evidence was the smile on her face and the morning after look. I almost felt heartbroken.

I couldn’t help but be completely depressed on the way to school. I dawdled behind mum and she kept asking me to hurry on. I felt like my whole day had been ruined. I pondered whether the day would have started different if only i kissed him yesterday. Would he have still went with this girl if i had given in? I shook my head and knew it was going to be a long day. This was only the beginning; I was about to be new student amoungst strangers at the pines. When arriving I shallowed down hard when I noticed everyone looking at me and pointing. I acted snobbish and headed into the office to talk with the principal.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸
Lil Reaper

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« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2007, 02:50:53 am »

I love this story! It is so WIKKED! I'm completely hooked and I can't wait to read more.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

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« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2007, 12:41:06 pm »

Mum and I sat in the office on this pretty nice lounge. It was like tons better than the one we had at home. I actually felt nervous. I had never changed schools once in my lifetime. The longer we sat there I got more anxious I got. And mum being an early bird didn’t help, because it was barely 8:15am.
“The principal should be here by now,” mum announced.
“Did you have an appointment?” I asked. Mum smiled and nodded at me. Oh, I thought. I felt mad again. I shook my head and stared at the wall. She must have had no plans to let me go to Corriedale. After my hissy fit yesterday she must have made an appointment when I left the house. What I conniving….!!! I thought as I exhaled noisily.

I crossed my arms and slumped into the lounge and mum looked at me and said,
“Don’t be impatient,” Impatient? I’m not impatient! You’re the impatient one, too impatient to get on that phone and make that call to the pines. I thought. She couldn’t even compromise with me that maybe dad might help me go to a better school. I know if he were here he would totally let me go there. Without thinking next i muttered,
“I miss dad.” That was supposed to stay in my head. Mum turned to me and stared at me a moment before sitting forward on the couch and putting her hands together.
“I know you’re still mad at me, but Dad is not going to make everything better all the time,” she whispered.
“Whatever,” It didn’t matter what I said; ‘whatever’ is so annoying, just as much as saying something else. I was sulking on the inside and I didn’t want any other excuses for her to get mad at me.

Mum and I sat in silence and I knew both of us were hoping the principal would turn up. Every time we heard the doors going from behind her we would both eagerly turn around and see who was coming. Most of the time it was students just arriving to school going to their lockers. This time some one came into the office, and they sat on one of the chairs in the foyer. It was a young guy coming in early to see the principal. He looked like a total nerd. Maybe he doesn’t have the glasses or freckles but the clothes and books were a big hint. Funnily enough he had the geeky cuteness to him. I noticed that when he looked up from his hands to steal a glance at me.

I work well with guys like this; I never have to be shy around them, I can be really confident because they are intimidated by me. Unlike Justin, he was older, and had this bad boy way to him that scared me and excited me all at once. Why was I still thinking about him? I started naming off 100 things in my head why that girl was there. Maybe they are just friends? Who was I kidding … if you’re a girl, your just not friends with Justin.

The principal came in. She seemed in a hurry flailing about with bags and papers. She gave us a  ‘forgive me, I’m late look’ and started throwing her bags around unlocking her door. Mr mystery-geek guy got up out of his chair and asked,
“Miss do you need a hand?” Awe how nice, I thought. Yet if I was going to help I would have been there helping him too. Geeks are always nice; maybe this is why I was going wrong with boys? Going for the ones with massive egos and gorgeous looks. As apposed to nice, caring and reasonably cute.

“Thankyou Dylan,” she said handing him some of her bags. The door flew open and she called out from the office,
“I’ll be with you in a moment.” I watched mum smile as Mr mystery-geek guy ‘Dylan’ sat down in the chair. I couldn’t help but stare at him; he seemed likeable though he is not the type I would hang with back home in Adelaide. We sat there exchanging looks at each other for about two minutes until the principal greeted us.

Her name is Mrs Avery. She looked too young to be a principal, or even yet a Missus. She gave mum and I a full rundown of the school curriculm and went trhough my class choices. I had to immediately ask her about the music program they had here. She mentioned that there was only a small amount of year 11’s and 12’s in the school. Like no more than 50. I imagine the music class being small, but still it was something. How was I ever to be noticed as a singer and pianist is this place? My dad always told me I could do anything, including being a successful musician one day. It seemed so out of reach for me now.

I watched Mrs. Avery print out my schedule and tape it to a diary she grabbed from a box in the corner. Mum and I shook her hand and I flipped through my diary to see what my first class was. Maths? Ehhh. I thought as I slammed the diary shut. Mum exited the office after having a brief chat with Mrs. Avery and walked over to the lounge where I was waiting. Mum smiled at me,
“You have a good day,” she said.
“ I will,” I smirked sarcastically. It was like mum to be a little distant, but not on this occasion. I wondered whether she was doing it for the ‘audience’ when she said,
“Bye love … I’ll see you after school” I almost choked. Love? I hadn’t been called that before. Did we even argue yesterday? I waved as she pushed the foyer doors open to leave.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2007, 12:42:51 pm »

I think the worst part about being a new student is interrupting the class to introduce someone. Personally I didn’t know how it felt. I had seen so many students come into my old school. I thought how embarrassing when all eyes are on you in front of the class. I waited on the lounge for Mrs Avery to emerge from the office. She was in the office with Dylan and I hoped they would sit in there for another 40 minutes because at least I would miss maths. No such luck though, it seemed to only be a quick visit. Dylan walked straight past me; I got a scent of him as he passed. He obviously wasn’t the type to lather cologne on. He smelt sweet; like fresh laundry and soap. Mrs Avery approached me and smiled,
“C’mon Abby I will take you to your classroom.” I stood up from the lounge and picked up my bag and followed behind her. I could tell something was bothering Mrs Avery. Sure I didn’t really know her but the way her hair was done and a worried look on her face. It was obvious something was troubling her. We paced down the hallway to the last classroom where she knocked on the door. This is it! Oh no, butterflies. I’m going to be ill. I cringed, and Mrs Avery looked down to me and said,
“Don’t worry you should fit in fine.” Gosh I hope so. In Adelaide everybody was either friends with me or wanted to be. I don’t think I could handle not being liked.

When the door opened the class stood still, as I slowly made my way in. I gulped down hard. My throat was dry and I wasn’t sure what to do. The class was a mixed bunch, my type, geeks, and sporty type hot guys. I went to say hi to the teacher but a dry raspy ‘hi’ came out. It sounded like I had emphysema or something. The teacher’s talking together sounded all slurred and I felt everyone making assumptions about me in their heads. The way other girls looked at me, and the guys looking at my chest and butt. I sighed heavily and this was taking forever!
“Hello,” the teacher said welcoming me. She turned to the class and continued,
“Students, this is Abby Greene,” The class sat there and didn’t really react, though I did notice a few blushing grins from the guys at the back of the class. The girls looked at me enviously as if I was competition for their boyfriend’s affections. The teacher gestured me the empty seat near the middle of the class. People looked at me from their desks and just then I passed Dylan. He smiled at me as if to say ‘hi again’. This time I smiled widely at him because I felt so uncomfortable.

Old school, new school maths always sucked. I can’t wait til im a senior and its not compulsory. I’m so no picking this next year. The teacher just rambled on about compound interest while I twiddled my pencil impatiently in my hands. 20 more minutes I thought. I think from memory I had science after this, but I didn’t even know how to get there. Ahem. So much for that tour the other day! I didn’t even pay attention; I just wanted to be directed immediately to the music room. The teacher addressed me as she was explaining to the rest of the class about today’s subject.
“I’m sorry if this is all a little over your head,” he voice trailed off as I shook my head. Actually I should have nodded because I didn’t know what the hell she was saying. I was never a good student. There was only one thing I would get A’s in, and that was music. That 20 minutes seemed like an eternity but finally the bell buzzed. I considered already skipping the next class, but I didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot. I felt like a lost dog as I dawdled down the hallway. But then again I was freaking out because I didn’t want to be announced late to my next class and everyone staring at me again. Just then I saw Dylan brush by me, I didn’t feel like a stranger to him so I called out to him,
“Excuse me?” He stopped and turned around to look at me.
“Yep,” he replied.
“Do you think you could direct me to this class,” I said pointing to it in my diary. He zoomed his face into my diary and said,
“I have that class right now, come with me.” He was nice. It’s not an often occurrence that you meet someone like Dylan. I followed him down the hall, and then upstairs. He watched me enter the class and I said thankyou as I went to take my seat.

Come recess time, I headed out to the courtyard, I sorted the groups from who was who. The sporty guys, the sporty guys girlfriends, the nerds and geeks, the goths, and the loners. I had a feeling I was going to be one of the loners today. I sat under a tree amongst a few benches, I didn’t know whether it was someone’s spot or not but I sat there anyway alone. I decided to skip eating recess, and just look about at everyone else doing their own thing. I felt left out. I wanted to be a part of something. Then I noticed a girl sit down. Oh no! This must be the nerd place! She has some hideous overalls on and glasses. She shyly grinned at me from the other bench and opened her bag. Part of me wanted to get up and walk away but I didn’t want to make her feel upset because she had only just sat down.

She didn’t waist anytime striking a conversation with me,
“Are you new?” she asked. Here I was thinking she was to probably too shy to say anything when to my surprise I perked up and replied,
“Yes, I got here today.” She gave a quick nod at me and smiled.
“Like it so far?” She quizzed. Eh? Nope. Not really.
“Yes, not bad,” I said enthusiastically.
“ I’m Tara,” I smiled thinking, she must be a friend of Dylan. I just knew it. Only a person like him and a person like her could only be friends. They seemed to have the same persona, and how right I was when he turned up sitting next to Tara.
“Hello again,” he said. He turned to Tara and proceeded to say, “She’s new, and her name is Abby,” Tara glanced over beaming,
“It’s nice to meet you Abby.” To look at them these guys were just not ‘my people.’ I felt out of place when all they were trying to do was befriend me. I didn’t want to give in to it yet because it was only my first day. Why was I being so superficial? These guys were trying to be my friends, and I didn’t want to be a loner. So I decided I would be friendly and reply,
“It’s nice to meet you Tara and...,” I said even though I knew his name.
"Dylan,” he said smirked.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, and lunchtime I sat with Dylan and Tara getting to know them better. Overall I guess it was a reasonable first day. I made my way home wondering whether I should see Justin after school. I wanted to even though there was a good possibility he would play the both of us girls if he had the chance.


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸
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