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Author Topic: Fine Lines ~ Chapters 11- 20 Added  (Read 9272 times)
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« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2007, 12:44:51 pm »

When arriving in the yard, I noticed Justin up on the balcony. He didn't see me but i still took the elevator to increase chances of running into him. But I didn’t. Immediately when I arrived in the door mum asked.
“Hey, how was your day?” I threw my bag down on the floor and walked slowly into the lounge room where she was sitting at the table swamped with phone books and newspapers.
“Okay, and yours?” I replied. Mum sighed and started flicking papers about on the table and mentioned,
“Well I’ve been hard at work today, looking for a job.”
“Any luck?” I asked eagerly.
“I have a few interviews,” mum said proudly. Personally I couldn’t wait for mum to get a job, because that way she wont boss me around in the morning and might not be home when I get home from school. I craved free time where she was not around. So with this, I decided to ask her if I could have a few dollars so I could go out. Mum was a little hesitant, but gave in asking,
“Where are you going to go?”
“Well in know there’s the friends I made at school today that go to this place in town,” I lied. I had no intention on going anywhere. I have every intention on changing my clothes and trying to bump into Justin.
“So you made some friends? That’s great.” She said excitedly. I nodded and smiled back at her.

After the short conversation with mum, I decided to shower and get dressed. I didn’t really know what was happening with Justin, but I at least wanted to show him what he was missing if he was with going to be with her. So after going through my clothes I chose the lowest cut top I could and my shortest skirt so I could possibly get his attention.

I dressed up and headed in the lounge room after I was ready and mum looked at me strangely,
“And exactly where is this place?” I could see her looking how short all my clothes were and the amount of makeup I was wearing. I shrugged and replied,
“It’s just a take out place, I’m actually meeting them at the town centre.” I lied again. And I hoped it wasn’t showing on my face.
“Oh okay, well I want you to take the cell phone and I want you back here by eight,” she demanded. I grabbed some money off her and placed it inside the small zip on my skirt. After leaving the house I took the elevator down and walked past our house til I was out of sight and took the back way to our apartment building. I climbed the ladder in heels, which was difficult. When I got to the roof I sat on a barrel for about 10 minutes. He’s not coming, I thought. What would I say if he did? I decided I would go to his apartment. I took the stairs down to our floor and tip toed across the hallway and knock on his door slightly because I didn’t know whether mum would hear or not.

Oh crap! He’s not going to answer, or maybe he’s not home? I stepped away from the door and hit the elevator button. I wasn’t too concerned if mum caught me here because I was in front of the elevator. But as the elevator opened I heard a door unlock. Not knowing who It was I dashed into it and hit the top floor button. I was actually disappointed. Even though I didn’t know what happened this morning, a part of me still wanted him. I got to the top floor and there he was waiting for me.
“ I saw you … through the peep hole,” I pointed between the roof and the elevator thinking that was quick! “I took the stairs, I know the elevators suck in this place,” he continued. I smiled; he was looking so cute today. I watched him look at me. I defiantly picked the right outfit to get his attention. He was taking short looks at my face and then my body.

 All of a sudden he kind of snapped to attention and said,
“So how was your first day, I seen you go this morning.” With all that he was saying I wish he didn’t mention it. In the briefest of moments I forgot about it. Justin had a way of making me feel like I was on cloud 9, but that stopped as soon as he muttered ‘this morning’.
“Oh yes, I remember seeing you” I said with a disapproving look on my face. I knew he didn’t have to justify anything to me but I was still a little angry about it.
“Ah,” he started. “I guess your wondering about Lia” he finished. Lia. So that was her name. Well now that he mentions it I was just dying to ask, but I couldn’t.
“Completely innocent, she is a girlfriend of one of my friends and I saw her on my way home. I called her a taxi from my house but she passed out,” he explained. His face had such a mixed expression and I wasn’t sure whether I believed him or not. But I didn’t want to think of him as a liar, if anything it was a really good excuse.

Without another thought he pulled out his pack of cigarettes and opened them up. He shoved the packet in my direction to offer me one. I shook my head in disgust. He shrugged and lit one for himself. I never had any pressures to start smoking until just now. I was usually the one who set all the trends in our group and smoking was not one of them. But Justin looked so cool with one, and made it seem cool too.
“Have you ever tried one,” he asked
“Nope, never,” I said confidently. He held it backwards pointing the butt end at me. This is peer pressure? I hesitated and thought well you only live once. So I took it from him and decided I would give it a try. I was such a push over. I didn’t really want to but I didn’t want to feel ‘uncool.’ I held it for a few moments, wondering whether I was holding it right. I don’t think I took a half a puff before I coughed and spluttered everywhere. Justin giggled, and after my coughing fit I giggled also.

To Be Continued ...

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2007, 12:46:15 pm »

After some giggling and some shy glances at each other I quizzed Justin about the time. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his watch. I wondered why he didn’t wear it when he told me it was only 5:15pm. I then told Justin I had a few hours to kill.
“Want to go and eat?” he asked.
“Sure,” I said excitedly. I had never been on a date before, but to me it started feeling like one. I followed Justin to our floor and he grabbed his wallet while I waited by the stairwell door. We walked down behind the building and into a side door. I had not been in here before, but the only thing in here was a motorbike chained to a wall. Justin turned to me and said,
“Maybe you go a couple of houses down and I’ll pick you up down there … this gets pretty loud when it starts.”
“This is your bike?” I asked.
“No, it’s my Dads, but he knows I use it to get around … don’t worry Abby we’ll be safe,” he assured. I had been experiencing a few firsts today, and being on a motorbike was making me the most scared of all. But I didn’t hesitate as went out of the side door and continued down the street.

Justin was right, I heard the bike start from the drive way and I waited patiently for him to arrive. He pulled up a few short minutes later. I wrapped myself over the bike trying keep my skirt down. Once on the bike and my skirt being so short I still felt half of my butt showing to the street! How embarrassing! I sat on the end of the bike waiting for him to take off; he grabbed my arms and placed them around his stomach tightly. I felt my face go red, and I buried my face close to his shoulder. I think deep down he loved how I clung to him. He smelt fantastic. I wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking the same as I was?

I didn’t know Perth that well, and I had only been one way. First to the shopping centre, followed by them two schools and also my school. We did a big lap of our block and went the opposite way. The streets got rougher and greyer. I trusted Justin a lot for knowing him for such a short period of time but these dark streets were making me feel a little nervous. I didn’t know whether to feel excited, scared or both. The motorbike was a little frightening and thrilling at the same time. I felt like I was going to fall off when he went from stop to start. We had been riding for about 10 minutes when Justin pulled into a McDonalds. Hooooo so romantic! I thought sarcastically. I knew it wasn’t a date, but if anything ever came of this I know I would always remember it as the first place we went together. Justin and I went in and lined up with a heap of other people.
“So what can I get ya?” Justin asked. I smiled and thought, yet another first today. No guy has ever bought anything for me, should I call this a romantic gesture?
“Is this a date?” I said. It seemed appropriate to ask him since he just offered to pay for my dinner. Justin smirked and shrugged at me.
“Do you want it to be?” he said casually. Of course I do. But I didn’t want to admit it. So I shrugged along with him. He smiled again and continued, “ So what do you like?” I shrugged again. I wasn’t big on take out food but the fact that I was here with Justin I would eat anything.
“How bout I surprise you,” I took that as a hint for me get us a table. I liked the idea of him surprising me, but I know Justin read minds well.

The restaurant was filled with a lot of people lined up but barely anyone at the tables. I had my pick of anywhere. What to pick, a bench or a table? Technically at a bench we would have to sit close, but not look at each other, or a table where we would have to look at each other? I decided to sit at the nearest table and watched Justin order some food. Hahaha I guess cheeseburgers were a good surprise. How much of a surprise could I be expecting from a burger joint? We didn’t really talk much during dinner; I think the way we looked at each other said all we needed to say.

After eating I assumed we would just head home, but Justin obviously had other plans. He told me that I couldn’t live here in Perth without seeing something ‘really awesome.’ The sun was beginning to go down and I we pulled up on the side of the road looking onto a park. I took off my helmet and flattened my hair. It wasn’t quite dark yet, so I could see a grassy walkway up a very large hill. The park wasn’t exceptional or anything, if anything it looked like a spooky graveyard without graves. The trees were all dead and all the leaves on the trees were brown looking. I hope this is not what Justin thinks of romance I thought. We walked slowly up the hill side by side. My hand kept swaying past his when he latched onto it. I grasped it tightly and I felt my heart pound rapidly. His hand was warm and soft and almost a little sweaty. Maybe he was nervous, and he had something on his mind? I enjoyed every moment of it. He held my hand in such a relaxed way, like it was natural. He didn’t feel the need to blush or even be a bit shy about it.

Justin and I reached the hill peak, and he was right. It was nothing like the scrub below. It was a view of the bay, all the houses near the ocean. I loved it, but somehow thought about how many other girls had made it to this spot. Suddenly I felt his arms around my hips grasping me just under my belly button. He placed his head on my shoulder I could feel his breath in my ear. My throat felt tense up and my hands began to shake. To calm my hands I decided I would hold onto Justin’s and squeeze them tightly. I felt his face shift on my shoulder and his hair tickled the side of my face. He grabbed my arm gently and turned it bringing my face closer to his. I paused until he softly muttered,
“Kiss me Abby,” He was practically begging me to. I wasn’t going to hesitate again. Justin’s arms embraced me tightly as our lips locked for the first time. Once the initial hesitation was over our lips seemed to glue together like a magnet. That view didn’t seem so overwhelming anymore, not compared to our mind-blowing kiss. The kiss seemed to last for minutes though it had only been seconds. I found it so hard to pull away from him. Once we did I could not hide my excitement, I was sure my grin was pinned from ear to ear.

Justin took my hand and we started back down the hill. On the way down we looked at each other constantly and both smiled at each other shyly.  I didn’t want to leave, but I knew it was getting late so we got on the back of his bike and headed for home.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2007, 12:48:12 pm »

The whole trip home seemed foggy; I couldn’t explain it as anything but an extreme feeling of being over joyed. Justin pulled over to the curb two houses down from our house and ripped out his watch, which showed that it was 7:45pm. I placed the helmet on the back of the bike and he glanced over to me and said,
“You better hurry, I’ll meet you in the elevator,” Justin revved his motorbike and took off into our driveway. I straightened my hair and flattened my appearance of my crinkled skirt. I wasn’t too concerned though because mum wouldn’t think I was up to anything after being here for such a short time. I arrived in the foyer before Justin and pushed the button. Just as the doors opened he ran behind me and waited for me to go in. Once the doors shut, Justin gently grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face closer to his. This kiss seemed a little ‘hotter’ than the first. I don’t know whether it was because we were in an elevator or was it because the initial anxiety was now gone. Whilst our lips locked I felt Justin reach over to one of the buttons on the side panel. Suddenly the elevator halted. And Justin pulled away.
“I figured we had 10 minutes,” he announced. I was flattered but at the same time I felt scared.
“These elevators are unstable as it is,” I said. He didn’t seem too worried about it pulling me closer again. Hey I wasn’t claustrophobic, and why was I complaining we were barely off the bottom floor! And besides, I wouldn’t even mind if I got stuck in this elevator with him.

After a 10 minute long pash session in the elevator Justin hit the button for the elevator to get going again. I gave him my cell number so he could SMS me later and I snuck a quick kiss as the elevator doors opened. He waited in there and waited for me to go inside my door. I shut the door and glanced over at the mirror on the wall.

I started straightening my hair and fixing myself up when I jumped to attention when mum said,
“So did you have a nice time?” she said getting up from the sofa.
“The best,” I said smiling widely. I couldn’t really contain my happiness, even to mum.
“So what did you do?”
“We basically ended up near home, did you know there is a McDonalds just 10 minutes away from here?” Mum nodded, and I got the feeling she knew I wasn’t lying. I guess it was nice to tell some truth of the story, even though I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I had just made out with Justin. “ Anyway, I’m going to get changed.” I said as I turned to go into my room.
“Dad rang!” she called from the hall. “He’s got a new place and wants to give you his number and address,” she finished.
“Oh? Where’s he staying.” I asked. Mum and I often talked like this, always a barrier between us; in this case it was a door.
“You remember last time we went to Queensland? You remember aunt Eva’s street, it’s like a 2 minute walk from there.”
“Oh great, yeah I remember. That was near the beach.” Lucky thing I thought. I knew exactly where he was, here I was in scum-ville central and dad was living it up in high-class suburbia in surfers paradise! I didn’t want to sound too disappointed about it, because I was having a blast here in Perth because everything had fell in place with Justin.
“I’ll phone him up later,” I finished opening the door with a towel in my hand. Mum nodded her head and I continued into the bathroom. And ran a hot shower. What a day! I thought about Justin in the shower and I just couldn’t wait to get out and get on my cell phone and tell Rachel all about it.

After coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, I saw mum having a glass of water and taking some painkillers.
“You okay,” I asked. Mum cringed in slight pain and held her temple.
“I got a headache, I might turn in for the night,”
“But it’s not even 9pm yet,” I stated. Mum gave me one of them ‘I know looks’ and apologised,
“Sorry kiddo, but I’m beat. Maybe you should have an early night too. Don’t forget you got school tomorrow.”
“Yeah I suppose so,” I said even though I had no intentions of sleeping yet. I was too wound up to even consider it. I watched mum go into her room and shut the door whilst I galloped down the hall happily into my room and closed the door behind me. I dashed over to my dressing table and grabbed my cell phone. Whilst dialling Rachel’s number I put on some underwear and I lay on my bed and spilled all the juicy details about my kiss with Justin. I could tell that Rachel was so envious. As I was hanging up, I heard a clink on my window. What the hell? I instantly got frightened. Unsure what to do, whether to yell out for help, call Justin or run out of the room I noticed the curtain sway to the side when I noticed a familiar pair of shoes. It was Justin. I was in my underwear and had not gotten dressed yet. I pulled the curtain over slightly just poking my head out and signalled ‘one-minute’ by holding up my finger. Just then I don’t know what was interpreted but I didn’t realise my door was unlocked. Damn you mum! Mum must have opened the doors and windows today and forgot to lock it. Justin was standing in the balcony door way. I was shocked a little, and flailing about looking for some clothes. How on earth did he get here anyway? I watched him admire me while I tried to shy away behind my bedroom divider.

“Come here you,” he said. I pulled my dressing gown off the divider and held it in front of me. I was so embarrassed; no one had seen me with this little amount of clothing on before. I knew my bedroom door was locked so I wasn’t worried about being surprised by mum. I don’t know why but I seemed to obey every command from Justin. He says ‘come here’ with barely any clothes on, and I do as I am told. What was a willing to next?

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2007, 12:49:39 pm »

I stood there inches away from Justin’s body and he grabbed me by my bare hips. Holy crap this is a massive plunge into over drive! I felt like the kiss we shared barely an hour ago was nothing compared to what was going on now. His lips caressed my neck and his hands slid there way up to my shoulders where he started dragging down one of my bra straps. I was powerless to stop him, but the way I felt inside made me want it all. I was like a statue; I was scared solid and was unsure what to do. Oh my god, this was really happening!

Bling, bling. Saved by the bell! Or in this case a phone. Justin paused and looked at me anxiously. He let go of one of my bra straps and I told him to hide behind my room divider. I heard a door open from down the hall. I partially opened my door to see who was on the phone. Mum rubbed her eyes and was making her way down to pass me the phone.
“It’s dad Abby, you forgot to call him.”
“Sorry to wake you up Mum,” I said. Mum waved her hand down and turned to go back into her room. I went back into my room and closed my door and snipped the lock. Justin peered behind the divider and watched me pace my room as I talked my dad about my new life. Without him. He passed on his address and new number and told me that he that he was setting up a bank account for me so he could transfer money into it for airfares. I couldn’t wait to see dad again because I missed him heaps. I kept sparking new conversations when one died down, because I knew while it was still fresh in mind Justin would just pick up from where he left off. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to get this serious with Justin; I had never been this close with anyone. Honestly, how far does he want to go in just one day? There I go again, thinking about Lia. Maybe a night is all they needed? And then he moves onto the next girl, me.  I was beginning to miss a lot of what dad was saying because I had a lot on my mind. I had to be honest with Justin.

After hanging up, Justin smiled and went to resume his lustrous groping and kissing. But I stopped him. I wanted to so badly, but I knew deep down I was smarter than this.
“Justin I just can’t, not yet.” I said. He didn’t look surprised or disappointed.
“ What did you think I was doing?” he asked. What was he doing? I just assumed this was going to lead to us being in bed together.
“ I don’t know, I just thought ...,” I said looking at him. Justin exhaled deeply and smiled.
“Abby, I just met you. I just needed to kiss again,” I felt a little stupid, but I couldn’t help but think that maybe he was saying this so i didn't think he was pushing me.
“What were you thinking?” he asked curiously. I was embarrassed, I didn’t want to say it, and maybe I was the one getting ahead of myself. Justin knew exactly what was on my mind as usual when he mentioned,
“You thought I came here to sleep with you, didn’t you?” I gritted my teeth and nodded. Justin looked at me flattered but almost hurt. I suppose I saw him that way without giving him a chance. I obviously didn’t know Justin well at all to make that kind of assumption. I watched him go across my room and sit on my bed casually. He signalled me over and placed his arm around my shoulder. I felt a little guilty when I said,
“So if you came here to kiss, I suppose that’s okay,” I said. It was the first time I had ever made a move on anyone. I guess you could say i really suprised myself when i pushed him back on the bed and began to kiss him.

After about 15 minutes of lots of steamy goodnight kisses, Justin left the way he came in. And I couldn’t help but think it was the tiniest bit sweet of him. This time I locked my door and went to sleep feeling so pleased, it was the happiest I’d felt since being here.


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2007, 12:53:10 pm »

I woke up the next day feeling great and rested. My first thought that popped into my head was Justin. It was barely 7:30am and I was in such a super mood I got up and got dressed. Even the apartment wasn’t bothering me today. Usually I was looking around and thinking oh my hideous god, this place needs a good paint.

But this place was like a palace, as long as Justin was next door. I even mum some toast which is a first for me … Mum came out and looked at me weirdly and said,
“It’s not mothers day, what's special about today?” Heh! I didn’t even make her breakfast on mothers day, dad always did.“ I got up early today, I felt like doing it.” I answered. I guess yes there was an excuse, because I was feeling so ‘on top of the world’. Would she think I was rushing things if I told her I got cosy with Justin last night? Of course she would, I think even if it were 6 months she would still freak out. She bought her toast over and bit into it,
“So I’ve got that interview in town today. And I’m getting your birthday present.” She said chewing loudly on her food.
“Really, well about that gold watch and diamond earrings I hope they are still a go?” I joked. Mum giggled over he toast and continued,
“No problems kiddo, I haven’t forgot about the grand piano either.” The grand piano wasn’t a joke, I actually really wanted one, but mum always joked about that because they were over 8 thousand dollars. It was a lifelong dream actually. But I cruelly thought, if she gets lots of money from the divorce maybe I can get one? “So you can go out with your dear old mum on Sunday for your birthday, unless you want to go out with your friends?” she asked.
“ Yep okay, you and me for lunch and I ask my to friends to eat dinner with me?” My immediate reaction was dinner with Justin. I had some warm fuzzy thoughts in my head about what Justin would give me for my birthday, a little bit of what happened last night would suffice, I thought.

I wanted a birthday party with lots of friends and us all having a great time, but the closest things I had to friends were Dylan and Tara. I had Justin too but I considered him more as a person I was dating than a friend. But if I were to have a party or some kind of get together I would probably strike the idea of going out to Tara and Dylan. This felt so strange this year, because I have always had some kind of occasion for my birthday. I also knew my dad wouldn’t be there to celebrate it with my either.

Every time I get depressed or I am really happy I want to get out my cell and SMS Rachel. I wanted to tell her about everything and let her know how things went with Justin last night, but I didn’t. I was 2 and half hours behind her and I knew she would be in class. At lunchtime I knew I would be able to catch her. I walked down the street and I was starting to get into ‘nice house area’. When I noticed a familiar face coming out of one of the houses yelling and screaming,
“I hate you,” It was Lia. Heh! That sounds like me a couple of days ago; maybe Lia and I were more alike than I thought.

I passed by casually and friendly smiled at her. She quickly straightened her face and followed behind me. I turned around and she smiled back.
“Hey I know you,” she said. I stopped and turned around to her. “Your across from Justin.” She continued. I nodded shyly and kept walking with her. She brushed her hand on her side and said,
“I’m Lia. You’re new here right? You go to the Pines?”
“Yeah, I’m Abby by the way.” I think I underestimated Lia, I suddenly felt comfortable with her. She was definitely like one of my girls back in Adelaide. She had that same way about her like Justin did, a cool exterior and she was friendly.
“You stick with me girl, I’ll show you around,” she said enthusiastically.
“Thanks so much, you just cannot believe where I sat yesterday,” I heard myself say. I guess I was trying to fit in. Dylan and Tara weren’t that bad. God knows I needed someone like Lia to feel normal.
“I wasn’t here yesterday, I was so hung over.” So he was telling the truth! I thought. She really did pass out at Justin’s house. I couldn’t help but smile to myself. Lia talked to me the whole way to school so relaxed, like she knew me for years. What was it about me that made her like me so suddenly? Was it the way I looked, or because she didn’t have friends? Or was it because I lived across the hall from Justin?

 When we arrived she confirmed it,
“You seem really cool, meet me at recess and I will introduce you to the girls I hang with.” She waved goodbye and ran into the front office where I watched her sit on the lounge where I had sat yesterday. Oh the joy! Justin’s not a liar, Lia is really nice, it’s my birthday in 4 days and hopefully I’m getting myself some new friends … yay! This must be the best timing ever.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2007, 12:55:51 pm »

I am so excited that my first class today is music. I didn’t have it yesterday and I was really looking forward to it. Only thing I that was bothering me was the amount of students in the class. There were only 4 of us outside the music building. No wonder they want to get rid of the music program here. I looked around at my fellow muso classmates but instead i noticed a strikingly sexy older looking guy coming towards us. He looked kind of cool and really hip. Arg, he’s the damn teacher. Sure he was probably over 30 and he had the whole teacher look about him, but he was almost too cute to be a teacher. I don’t know what it is about men with nicely framed glasses that make me swoon. Even guys old enough to be my dad! Why was I swooning over older guys anyway? Maybe because I lost my father figure and I was looking for another one? Actually i think I’m just naturally drawn to men who love and have a passion for music.

By the time the mysterious teacher unlocked all the doors another 2 dawdlers came to join the class line. Ah the oval room. Beautiful. I was so happy to be here finally. Piano, piano, show me the piano. Everyone was setting their bags down and grabbing an instrument from the back. I touched the top of the piano and tried to appreciate it. It was a tattered old thing, chipped and even inscribed. “Mrs Hoffman sux’. Just lovely, I thought sarcastically.
“Hello, hello, hello!” a young but deep voice said behind me. I turned around noticing the terribly gorgeous music teacher giving me a massive cheesy grin. I held up my hand and gave a short wave when he went on, “ Your new, I’m Mr Brockman, A.K the rock man or so my students call me,” he said coolly.
“I’m Abigail Greene,” Eeek! I cannot believe I used my full name. I never use my full name but I just blurted out. He grabbed his cream coloured folder and scanned the book with his finger and said,
“Yep, I see.”
“But everyone calls me Abby,” I said correcting myself.
“Great. I’m guessing piano is your instrument?” he asked.
“Yes it is, I haven’t played in almost a week, and I feel like I’m dying!”
“We don’t have a pianist or keyboardist, so we’ll be lucky to have you,” he said happily. “Take a seat, we’ll be warming up soon.” I sat uncomfortably at the piano stool when suddenly I saw Dylan come through the door. He’s late, … but he takes music? Maybe he didn’t have the rockmans glasses, but I guess he had the nerdy music genius thing.

Trumpet, trumpet. Has to be a trumpet. How wrong I was when he picked up a microphone stand. You have got to be kidding? Suddenly I imagined him sitting on the side of my piano singing a duet with me. I’m sure in my head I started humming ‘endless love.’ I snapped out of the short daydream to see Dylan looking at me. He grabbed his microphone and headed over,
“Oh great Abby, you take music? And you’re a pianist!”
“And a singer,” I said almost feeling like competition. He clasped his hands together and eagerly said,
“Ah, me too. Actually I have no musical talent with any instruments … just my voice.”
“How did you learn to sing?” I quizzed.
“Boys choir, church,” I guess I figured Dylan for a church boy; he was way too kind. I couldn’t wait to hear him sing. Deep down I really like him. Maybe I even like the attention from him; he always seems excited to see me and really falls all over himself.

Mr Brockman signalled the class to their seats near their instruments. There were other students tapping away at their picks tuning their strings. I watched the drummer tapping on the legs of his kit, and Dylan tapping his microphone to see if it was on. Here was me quiet as a mouse, unsure what to do with my instrument. I was almost scared to touch it, I was afraid of breaking the 100-year-old thing. The racket was so loud I don’t think anyone would even hear me touch the notes on the piano. The piano was in tune and the notes seemed to echo. I wanted to freely play, but I didn’t.
“RIGHT! Ya’ll be quiet now,” Mr Brockman said loudly. The class stood to attention and looked at him. Mr Brockman grabbed a guitar and sat on the side of his desk and pointed over at me with the head of his guitar.
“This is Abby, our new pianist.”
“And singer,” Dylan interrupted. Mr Brockman looked over at me and waited for confirmation. I nodded shyly and he continued,
“Okay, let’s see what you can do. The music is on top of the piano.” The song was fall at your feet, by Crowded House. Okay who picked the music? This is like 20 year old stuff. The teacher went on to say that this was our class song we were learning this week. I could join in if I wanted to after hearing us play.

The band started, I placed my hands on the keys and played the chords when it was my cue. The class stared at me, as if they had never heard the piano before. I smiled over at Mr Brockman who was looking really pleased. Dylan didn’t sing. Everyone seemed to suddenly appreciate that 100-year-old thing I was playing.

 The class even drifted away when it came to the solo before the bridge. This was my piece; I felt relaxed and didn’t take my concentration off the paper. I noticed a leg on the side of the piano I wasn’t sure whose it was but the music had not stopped so I kept going. Once the song finished I looked up and it was the teacher standing near the side of the piano looking really satisfied. I felt a little light headed, and stayed silent as he said,
“ Outstanding! You play beautifully.” I was all queasy and funny inside. Yes he does remind me of my dad, my dad only compliments me like that. I looked over at Dylan who was obviously gob smacked because he had not sung a word. Instead he was smiling widely and looking really suprised.

We continued the class playing the song again and again. I was happy with the song by the end of the class; as long as I was playing I didn’t care. When the others left, I asked Mr Brockman whether I could play for 30 minutes when school ends. I knew I would go and see Justin after school if I got home early, but all I wanted to do was play.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2007, 12:58:30 pm »

It hit recess time and I headed out to the courtyard to find Lia. I was wandering around the yard like a lost dog when I noticed Dylan come out with Tara. Oh no! What if they want me to sit with them before Lia comes? I don’t want her to think I ditched her. Dylan stopped by and said,
“Hey Abby, great playing today in class.” He smiled joyfully and I was naturally flattered. He smiled more and I felt my ego grow.

“So you want to head over to the benches with us?” Tara asked. I felt the pit of my stomach slump down because I was about to let them down. I knew that Dylan’s smile would diminish and maybe they would feel replaced.
“I’m meeting someone here, is it okay with your guys if I catch you at lunch,” I said apologetically. Tara shrugged, and Dylan kept his eyes fixated on me.
“Sure, not a problem,” he smiled. “We’ll meet you out here.” I waved a short goodbye and crossed the yard so they didn’t see me. She’s not coming. Just then I caught myself eyeing my reflection off the front office windows. It wasn’t til a second after I seen Lia sitting in the office. Ah, she’s in trouble. No wonder she’s late.

I headed into the office and shyly waved to her. She rolled her eyes and signalled me over. I walked over and sat beside her when I asked,
“Are you in trouble?” Her rolled her eyes again and started flailing about with her hands.
“Nope, I just want some money.” She whispered. I looked at her strangely and she answered before I asked.
“My name is Lia Avery, I guess you know who I’m related to.” She said. I gave her a surprised look, though I didn’t mean to. “Hey how bout you meet me at the back of the music building in about 10 minutes.” She finished.

“Okay, no problem.” I replied getting up off the lounge chair. I went out to the courtyard and headed over to Tara and Dylan lonesomely sitting on the benches together. There it was again, that ‘oh I’m so in love’ grin from Dylan. I thought I might as well spend the time with them since Lia was going to be 10 minutes.
“Hey guys,” I said greeting them.
“Abby, hi” Dylan eagerly replied. I wasn’t sure whether Dylan’s bubbly personality was annoying or just nice. But I always returned the smile back to him.
“So um, I know I don’t know you guys well or anything but it’s my birthday this weekend and I kind of don’t have friends to celebrate with. I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to have a bite to eat on Saturday or Sunday?”
“You consider us friends?” Tara asked.
“Well, yes.” I replied. I didn’t really know. I wasn’t sure whether Lia was really going to meet me or I was going to hit it of with her to have a birthday celebration, so I wanted to ask Dylan and Tara just in case I was left alone on my birthday.
“Well I’ll go,” said Dylan. I gave him one of them looks to say thankyou while I waited for Tara to reply.
“Well, I guess so. It depends whether it’s okay with my mum.” Like how old is she? Well sure we were only 16 but I felt older than my years to actually admit that I ran things by my mum first. Dylan changed the subject quickly to schoolwork and asking me about how I came to learn piano. I knew before answering I could talk about it all day. But I answered, “My dad taught me.” When I said that the bell rang. I was sure it had only been 5 minutes or less. Dylan grabbed his books and asked,
“So what class do you have?”
“”Maths,” I said screwing up my face. I was still undecided what I wanted to do, do I skip maths to be with Lia, or keep walking to my class.
“Maths? Cool. You know where to go?” he asked.

“It’s not about going, I hate maths! I am just no good at it,” I sighed. Dylan’s face turned and he replied,
“I’m great at Maths, I could tutor you, if you like?” Sure why not, it might a good way for us to know each other. Besides I was really bad at maths.
“Okay, when?”
“Let’s talk at lunch, I’ll see you later.” Dylan replied as he disappeared amongst the crowded hallway. I took a few steps back and turned for the corridor door to go back outside. I pondered whether I should be doing this, but I really did want to be one of the crowd, so I kept walking toward the music building when I saw Lia waiting there for me with 4 other people.
“Hey Abby!” Lia Called. Two other girls and two guys looked over to me. I saw the guys look me up and down and the other girls looked at me in a friendly way.
“Guys this is Abby, Abby this is Kayla, Syndel and these are the guys Christian and Rowie,” she said as I gave a small wave to each of them. I hadn’t seen the other girls before but I had seen one of the guys from music class. He seemed to recognise me, and nod my way as if to say, ‘look it’s piano girl.’


¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2007, 01:00:32 pm »

We started exiting the school grounds as if it was a natural thing to do, and I couldn’t help but look back and check if a teacher or another student was watching. The angel side of me was screaming to go back, but I felt so cool amongst my new crowd. Lia walked beside me and reassured,
“Don’t worry, I will totally cover for you.” Heh! She’s probably right. After all she is the principals daughter. I almost sighed relief out-loud. We talked casually walking side by side as the rest of the crowd walked behind.
“You know the best way to fit in straight away is to find yourself a boyfriend,” she announced. “Christian has it so hot for you, he was telling me about the new girl in his music class. That’s you right?” She said. I felt blood rush to my cheeks and I looked ahead at Christian and thought, maybe? Just maybe … he sure was sexy enough.
“Really? Sure he’s really cute. But how do you fit in, do you have a boyfriend?” I asked.
“ Yeah sort of, but I’ve been wanting Justin something fierce for a few months now,” My cheeks turned red again, but not blushing. I was a little mad, but I had to play dumb,
“I thought you were a couple?”
“No, I tired pretty hard the other night. But he is a tough nut to crack. I tried the whole drunk girl routine and everything and tried coming onto him but I didn’t get anything.”
I felt the sudden need to gloat, and tell her that I was with him and we made out last night. But I didn’t. I simply smiled to myself and said nothing.

Lia and i dawdled and the other guys passed us and i noticed they were turning into a driveway. I didn’t know who’s house it was, but it looked like this where they skipped school. Lia said to me as we entered the driveway,
“This is Rowie’s house, his parents work til 5 … so were good to hang here.” When we got inside I felt really uncomfortable. Even though I sat with everyone else I felt a little out of place because everyone knew me the least. Christian came up to the lounge I was sitting on and sat beside me, and gave me a flirtatious look. I couldn’t hide the redness in my cheeks, I felt like putting a paper bag over my head because I didn’t want it to show. Wasting no time Lia announced,
“So lets do something, we got to kill like 2 hours,”
“How bout truth or dare? At least then we will get to know a little more about you Abby,” she said enthused. Everyone looked at each other, and we all unanimously agreed without saying anything.
“ Oh, oh … I have a good one. I’m first,” said Lia. She glared over at me and then winked.  “ I dare Abby to kiss Christian,” My heart began to race and I thought, did she really expect me to? My heart felt like it was palpitating out of my chest as I looked over at Christian. Did I need to do this to be accepted? So many ideas were racing through my head when Kayla blurted,
“Now that’s getting to know each other Lia!” Lia giggled and gesture us to get on with it. I shyly grinned at Christian and didn’t really know how to go about it.

He sat there pretty still, because I was the one who was dared. I looked around at the others who murmured and giggled waiting in anticipation. I looked at him feeling really awkward how to lean into him to kiss him. Should I just peck him or should I show these guys I can be sooooooo cool? Christian’s eyes widened as I leaned closer to feel his breath on mine. I closed my eyes almost and almost shook my head in disbelief, because I couldn’t believe I was about to kiss a perfect stranger. I planned on giving him a short 5-second kiss, but when our lips locked, he drew his lips into mine and I felt there was no drawing apart from this kiss. It was like instant glue and I didn’t want to stop until he was ready to pull away.

Which he did after about 20 seconds with a blown away kind of look on his face. I smirked back at Christian and we turned around to the other guys who we forgot that were in the room. We both blushed as we watched them all sitting there with love struck looks on their faces.

After a few more truths and a few dares, and lots of talking, Rowie asked everybody if they wanted something to drink. Christian followed Rowie into the kitchen and the girls all gathered around in front of me. They were like dogs waiting to be fed. In this case they were waiting to be fed juicy details.
“So? You going to thank me girl?” Lia said. Thank her? For what? Embarrassing me? I guess she thought I liked Christian because I said he was cute. Gosh, I wished I had just bit my tongue and never admitted it.
“So he a good kisser?” said Syndel. I could tell by her face she was just dying to know.
“You guys haven’t played with these guys before?” I asked. There faces turned blank and the shook their heads. I grinned,
“Well, he was very tender, and the kiss was hot as hell,” I said. The girls could not contain their excitement and let out a few little shrieks and laughs. I felt accepted and I knew at that moment I was going to be one of the girls.

After finishing our drink we washed up and returned back at school just in time for lunch. I didn’t even hang with Tara and Dylan. I stayed behind the music building with my new friends. I even told Lia it was my birthday on the weekend, and she got so excited, telling me she was going to plan something. YES!!! After all I got what I wanted.

¸,¤°´ °•.¸SIMFINTY¸.•° ´°¤,¸

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« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2007, 09:40:01 pm »


Joanne, I've been following this one since forever, but I thought I'd drop in and tell you how amazingly good it is. I -hate- writing, and you make me want to try writing a story. Cheesy


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« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2007, 09:06:10 pm »

Great story! Looking forward to more.

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« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2007, 12:33:55 am »

cnt wait for the rest of the story
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