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Author Topic: Between the Light and the Darknes ~~~Chapter 34 - The End~~~  (Read 229085 times)
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Astral Faery

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« Reply #90 on: December 23, 2007, 04:30:37 pm »

Thanks, everyone for your compliments.  And my apologies - I hadn't realized I used the same picture twice!  The one where Ileeya is holding up her finger as she's sitting on the bench talking to Tim - duh!  I didn't realized I had done that.  Actually, I thought I used the same picture twice, twice - the one showing Tim as he's talking to her on the bench - but there is a wee bit of difference evident around his eyes and mouth in those two shots.  I have replaced the Ileeya duplicate with another pic.  Sigh!  I hate it when I think I have the perfect shots, then go to post my story - just to find out I don't have what I thought and have to make do.  One of these days I'll get more organized about this.  Maybe if I lock all my children in a closet so I can - just kidding.  I'll just auction them off to the highest bidder, instead!:laugh:

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« Reply #91 on: December 23, 2007, 04:47:26 pm »

LOL!  Astral I can definately relate and I only have one at home! I am homeschooling my nine year old she has some health issues and being in a festering germy elementary school was really keeping her sick all the time.
not to mention MRSA which will actually kill your kids...ugh!
Since she been home no infections, colds, virus's ecetera...which is wonderfull but being together 24-7 with your kids no matter how much you love them can be a little challenging.

Coptic Text
Now, when you come under their power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: "Who are you, and where are you from?"

You are then to say to him, "I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source."

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« Reply #92 on: December 23, 2007, 09:21:21 pm »

ooooooOOHHhh, Shirra just reeks of trouble. haha.
Great chapter, Tim is definitely in love! And i really like the weapons you have them practice with, very cool. Keep up the great writing!

:snorting: My Spiffy Thread
Astral Faery

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« Reply #93 on: December 28, 2007, 11:55:29 am »

Thanks, YH!  Your compliments mean a lot.  I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Vicky - yes, I understand.  My boys are driving me to the brink of insanity at the very moment.  They each have their own issues, and present their own challenges.  Sometimes I'm pretty sure I'm not going to survive child rearing.:notsmili:

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #94 on: January 01, 2008, 03:25:02 pm »

This chapter is a little short.  There is kind of a hard jump in time because I'm trying to move the story forward a bit.  Thanks for reading - I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 10

The next few days were as routine as Tim had come to expect.  Ileeya greeted him as he woke up, he was subjected to a backbreaking day of fieldwork under the scorching sun, followed by a very welcome but too short wash period, and then lunch at the hall.

Now, when he saw Jondak sitting near Ileeya, he wanted to rip his lungs out.  The gall of this guy really bothered him.  And he always seemed to know his actions bothered Tim.  He wore a self satisfied smile while he flirted with her, and made sure to look over to see what Tim thought about it.  He had to know at least partly how Tim felt, it must have been evident on his face.

Who did he think he was, anyway?  Tim was tempted to tell him to leave so he could sit by Ileeya himself, but he had no claims to her.  And he didn't want to make waves.  He could get through lunch only because he knew Ileeya would already be waiting in the cell when he got there.  He wished she were waiting for him because she wanted to, not because she had to share a cell with him.  He also remembered watching Jondak fight the other day, and he didn't want any of that.

Finally, it was time for another practice day.  And it was a hot one.  The sun beat down mercilessly on them while Ileeya worked with Tim.  She was a calm and patient teacher, never losing her temper when Tim made a mistake.  Even with his most frequent mistakes, the worst she would do was scowl at him.  Tim had to restrain himself from smiling dumbly at her when she talked to him.

Ileeya hit hard and fast.  Tim just couldn't believe how well coordinated she was and how she easy she made it all look.  But as quick as she was, she still seemed frail, and Tim was afraid to hit too hard.  He didn't want to hurt her.

"You're holding back, Tim.  You need to stop doing that."

"I'm sorry," he panted, "I just can't hit you.  I'm afraid...I was always brought up to never hit women."

With a little persuasion, Ileeya was able to convince Aark into letting a third member train with them.  She told Tim it wasn't unusual for her to work with two at once, that way she could get a different vantage point and see where the problems were.  Ileeya found someone who was pretty evenly matched with him, but a little better to allow room for Tim to improve.  She also had Aark take Tim to the weapons room to change swords.  The other one was too heavy and bulky, and the shield only served to slow him down.  He didn't argue, because he was sure she knew more than he did about it all.

Gylen, like all the other creatures here, was foreign looking to Tim.  He was rather lanky, with dark bronze skin and large pointed ears.  His intense caramel colored eyes seemed to see right through him.  When he was not scowling, which he did while he sparred with Tim, he had a gentle look to his face.  Wise and weathered.  It was clear that Gylen had a hard life before he even ended up here, and seemed just as unhappy about being here as Tim did.

Tim was more comfortable fighting Gylen.  He wasn't so afraid to strike.  He actually wondered why Aark hadn't set him up with Gylen in the first place, seeing how well matched they were.  But then again, the reason was simple - Aark probably enjoyed watching Tim get his butt kicked repeatedly.  

Two months later, Tim had a couple of slave tournaments under his belt.  His first one he didn't feel went very well.  He ended up with a fair amount of scratches, scrapes, and bruises, and felt as if he had failed.  Ileeya assured him he did well for his first time.  The second one went much better, and Tim even managed to create a ranking for himself.  It wasn't a great one, but at least he wasn't last.  Ileeya was pleased with his progress.

Every other practice session, Ileeya would leave Tim and Gylen to practice their newly learned techniques and go work on her own.  Tim took an instant liking to Gylen.  Though he never spoke, the two didn't have a hard time understanding each other.  

The sword become a comfortable weight in his hand.  Tim looked forward to these practice sessions.  He was a good student and practiced hard, hoping to create a better standing for himself the next time one of the tournaments rolled around.  When he was sparring, time seemed to slip away and he could almost forget he was on a strange world.

After one particularly successful practice session, when he was feeling proud of himself, he couldn't help but ask Ileeya why the guards would give their slaves weapons, and then teach them to fight.  Weren't they afraid the slaves would overrun the place and escape?  He had tried to keep his tone light, despite how illogical the situation was.

But her mood changed immediately and she assumed a defensive stance.

"Because you'd be ripped to shreds.  These weapons are intended for practicing only, and cannot hold up against the sturdier weapons the guards possess.  They would have no hesitation to slaughtering the entire slave population - new slaves are acquired quite easily.  I highly discourage it.  The guards would take a revolt as a sport, eagerly hunting down each and every last one of the prisoners, if they even managed to escape before they found a sword through their chest."

He felt stupid for even suggesting it.  He felt like he had been put back in his place, and didn't bring it up again.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2008, 12:42:09 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #95 on: January 01, 2008, 03:50:30 pm »

this is a very creative and original story, and it gets more and more cool with every update....excellent Faery! I love it, and the battle scenes were great, I bet it was really dificult to "shut" them Wink

Happy new year!!

 - A psychological thriller with sims - RATED R

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« Reply #96 on: January 01, 2008, 06:56:42 pm »

I love your story, I read everything of it at once. Can't wait for the next update. ^^

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« Reply #97 on: January 01, 2008, 07:16:18 pm »

yay great update!!!

Happy New Year

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #98 on: January 02, 2008, 12:00:44 pm »

Gosh!  Thanks so much everyone!:love7: You have no idea how much your comments mean to me.  A lot!  There are some days when I feel like discontinuing because I don't think anyone is interested, or I just think the story is dumb, but your comments help spur me on.  I have lots of fun stuff to share, so I hope you guys keep sticking around.

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #99 on: January 04, 2008, 04:04:04 pm »

I will!!!, and no no no, this story is NOT dumb, I enjoy it and I´m really sure everyone here is. Most sim stories are all the same, but yours is really different and creative, you never know what is going to happen, and damned ¿how is poor Tim gonna get back? ¿is he?... you know I enjoy this kind of stuff Wink

 - A psychological thriller with sims - RATED R

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« Reply #100 on: January 05, 2008, 03:20:51 pm »

I love your story!  It's so creative and different from all the rest. I definately can't wait until the next update Smiley
Astral Faery

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« Reply #101 on: January 09, 2008, 02:37:35 pm »

Fercho, you have absolutely made my week with such nice comments!  I really appreciate your support and help, and am happy that you're enjoying the story.

mpb4l1fe - Why, thank you!  I like that my story is different, but at the same time I don't think it really appeals to as wide as an audience as some others do.  That's okay, as long as I have a couple of people who keep giving me feedback.  I wouldn't be inspired to continue if it weren't for that.

I'm hoping to have an update by the end of the week, if all goes well.  The kids are back in school (sing praises!), and I only have a couple more pictures to take.  Now it's just a matter of getting them done.  If only I didn't want to play the game so!

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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #102 on: January 09, 2008, 03:52:10 pm »

I know what you mean :laughing: I happen to love fantasy, so this appeals very much Smiley Looking forward to the next installment Wink

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« Reply #103 on: January 09, 2008, 10:49:36 pm »

Great update! It's so nice to see Tim make a new friend! <3
Keep up the amazing work.

:snorting: My Spiffy Thread
Astral Faery

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« Reply #104 on: January 10, 2008, 11:36:58 am »

Thanks so much, you guys!  This story would have buried and forgotten without your generous comments.  So, keep 'em coming!  LOL

Chapter 11

Before sleep fully took him that night, he imagined himself and Ileeya in a different setting.  Perhaps it was her world.  It was beautiful beyond imagination.  Bright flowers dotted a huge meadow that stretched as far as the eye could see.  The gently rolling hills were lush with thick green grass.  A heady aroma filled his nostrils and his brain, causing him to feel slightly intoxicated.

A very beautiful young woman was riding on a sleek black stallion, her silvery-white hair trailing behind her.  Ileeya.  Tim watched, mesmerized as she expertly guided the horse through a series of exercises.

Short cantering steps, a light trot and a sharp turn, over and over.  The air was so still he could almost hear the horse's breath huff as it changed direction abruptly, and he could hear Ileeya occasionally say, "Good, Darkstar.  Easy!"  They were perfectly graceful and Tim found himself relaxing into the fragrant flowers as he watched, enjoying himself.

After watching for an indertminable amount of time, he heard his name being shouted from up on top of the hill whose base he sat against.  He saw Ileeya waving at him.

She looked happy, a cheerful smile lighting her fair features.  A slight breeze lifted her silken hair slightly so that it obscured her face for a moment, then gently set it back down in place.  He felt a sense of danger, although he couldn't understand why.  There was no danger here, just a beautiful woman who seemed eager to share her time with him.  Yet he couldn't help the growing sense of panic that surged through his soul and threatened to take control.  He tried his damndest to stifle it.

He smiled and lifted his hand to wave back, but then stopped, finally realizing what was wrong.  One person couldn't be in two places at the same time.

He turned and looked at the horse and rider.  The panic he had been fighting took advantage of the momentary confusion and seized Tim's adrenaline system.  As if sensing his sudden awareness the horse's rider turned her mount towards him and headed his way.

As they moved closer to him, Tim saw the horse's angry red eyes.  Its eyes glowed, pulsing.  Soulless eyes.  The woman, who was not Ileeya, had a maddened scowl on her face.  Her eyes gleamed with chaos and hatred.

Tim leaped to the side to get out of their path.  It was easily done, he realized, because they were not moving toward him, but toward Ileeya behind him.  Ileeya screamed in terror and tried to run.  The woman and her horse galloped up to their helpless victim. The horse made a wheezing sound as it sucked air into its large lungs, then let it out in an enormous jet of flame.

"Shirra, no!!" Ileeya screamed an instant before the flames engulfed her.  She simultaneously shrieked in agony and burst into flames, her once luxurious hair turning to ash within seconds.

A low rumbling sound surrounded him, and a second later, Tim realized the woman, Shirra, was making it.  Hysterical laughter burst forth from her mouth.  The sound sent a chill up Tim's spine.  It was a heartless noise.

"Bitch!" Shirra screamed as Ileeya fell into the flames, pleading with her to stop.

A small sound escaped his lips and the woman abruptly stopped laughing, jerking around on horsetop to look at him.  Her eyes were darker now, almost black.  They glinted hungrily at him.

She didn't take her eyes off him as she turned her steed around to face him.  She stared into him.  Her icy glare froze Tim's blood.

"Lover," she cooed at him in a gravelly voice.  "Come to me."

She was suddenly atop him, growling and ripping at his clothing.  Her touch burned like dry ice and Tim shrieked.  She laughed at his futile attempts to stop her, forcefully pushing him down into the flowers with superhuman strength.  He was being taken advantage of by a monster!  Her ghastly face lit up when she saw his fear.  He uttered a long, tortured scream.

The demon woman frowned at him and started shaking him.  She was muttering something he couldn't comprehend.  She intentionally laid her hand on Tim's cheek, scalding it.  He screamed again and opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was Ileeya's concerned face.  She was shaking him and telling him to wake up.  His face stung where she had slapped him.  It took him a few seconds to adjust from nightmare to reality.  Rivers of sweat ran down his back, causing his shirt to stick to his skin.

He stood up on wobbling legs.  A shiver coursed through him as a flash of the dream replayed itself through his mind.  He couldn't believe how real these nightmares seemed.  He could see the hatred flashing through the demon woman's eyes; could smell the mixture of Ileeya's burning flesh and the flowers around his face when the woman was attacking him.  He could still hear Ileeya's tortured screams as she burned to death in front of him.

He suddenly felt happy that it was just a dream.  He was glad Ileeya was standing before him with her flesh unmarred.  Hell, at this very moment he was even happy he was locked in this cell on on a different world.  He grabbed Ileeya and clung to her, still shaking.  She hugged him back, murmuring comforting things in his ear.

"It was so strange," he told her.  "I dreamt of Shirra, your friend, and she looked just like you."

At the mention of Shirra's name, Ileeya stiffened.  She pulled back from him and said, "Yes, that is strange."  A tear slid down her cheek and she wiped it away with a shaking hand.

"Would you tell me?  I mean, what happened to her?"

"There's not much to tell.  It's just so sad.  There was a fire in our village one night.  Many people died.  Shirra...Shirra included."

"I'm really sorry, Ileeya.  It must be very painful to lose a good friend.  How long ago did it happen?"

"The fire happened a year or so before I arrived here, about eleven years ago.  She looked a little like me, you know.  She had the same hair and eye color.  People used to think we were sisters.  We were very close."

Now it was Tim's turn to console her as Ileeya cried against him.  He comforted her with gentle words whispered into her pointed ear.  Her body felt warm against his.  Tim revelled in the feeling of her in his arms.  For months he had wanted to see what this felt like, and it was better than he could have imagined.  He wanted more, to gently kiss her and take her pain away, but now was not the time.  He got one more smell of her hair before she pulled away from him and retreated wordlessly to her bed.

For the remainder of the night he got little sleep.  He was afraid to dream again.  Everytime his brain reached dream sleep, he would pull himself out of it.  He was almost grateful when breakfast was finally set inside the door, announcing the time to awaken.  He was exhausted from his rough night, but a full day of field work was sounding pretty good right about now.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 01:01:50 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

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