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Author Topic: Mia's Odyssey - Chapter 13  (Read 10962 times)
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Rock Chick

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« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2007, 06:41:30 am »

This next bit is the last part I had before I lost everything , but I have redone the characters as best I can and hopefully everyone will be similar enough for people to still follow the story anyway.....Also I am moving house on friday so this is the last part I can do for a week or so x enjoy x

Rock Chick

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« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2007, 06:41:46 am »

Garrett left the hut and followed his usual route back into the forest. It always seemed safe enough before, maybe it was just luck that he had not  encountered anything yet. Still he was nervous..the thought of Allora and what she might do to him seemed far more worrying then that being attacked by a wild beast. A sorceress with a grudge could be just as deadly as anything lurking deep in the shadowy trees.
His plans right at that moment did not involve keeping his word to her..he only prayed that his crew had made the necessary repairs to the ship so they could leave. He didn't plan to hang around long enough to meet whoever it was that brought them down nor suffer a brutal death from a fiend's attack.
The ship had gone down near the base of a large mountain, there, the forest thinned a little but it was still very dangerous.
He was quite suprised to find two of his crew rollong a couple of storage barrels through the undergrowth towards him

"Hello? Locke? Shea?...what's all this?" Garrett exclaimed
The two pirates looked at each other then at Garrett
"We were just on the way to find you sir" Shea replied, brushing herself off a little.. she looked a little nervous which was out of character.

Garrett smirked, "Well here I am! Now let's get back to the's decidedly bad for your health out here"
Locke cleared his throat

"Um..... About the ship sir....."

Garrett frowned "What? not finished? That's a bit of bad luck...."
He moved through the trees a little to peer in the direction of where they'd crashed
Shea and Locke followed, rolling the barrells back with them
For a moment, the forest was silent as he stared in front of him....

He squinted and craned his neck further
Suddenly the silence was broken

"WHERE'S MY BLOODY SHIP!!!!!" bellowed Garret
The forest around them errupted with squawks and calls of small creatures who were scattering at the noise.
"MY SHIP!!!!"
Locke gulped and looked up at the azure blue sky..."Up there Sir"

Garrett lifted his head in time to see his beloved airship rising up through the forest into the sky...propellers whirring
"Sorry sir, we had a vote" Shea mumbled

Garrett wailed..."OH my ship.....well that's it then...we're dead...Shea.....for pity's sake what happened???"
He started to wheeze and pace about ...Shea sat on a rock , calmly waiting for his panic attack to subside
"Um ...well sir..." Locke plunged in with an attempt at an explaination

"Well sir....the thing is ..what with what happens here...and what with us getting shot down sir....the rest of the crew didn't care to risk waiting for you...only Shea and me...we'd follow you to the end sir...."

Locke trembled at Garrett's look of fury and continued
"Shea and me were in quite the minority much so we had to stay did give us arms ..and some provisons sir...a few healing potions...." Lockes voice died away as his captain sighed heavily.
Garrett hated to admit it..but he was now forced to keep his promise to Allora after all.

"We'd follow you anywhere sir" Added Shea...trying to smile...and wishing she had not been quite so noble
"Right ...well.. thank you...both of's comforting....alas this really may be our end..."

He turned , motioning them to follow...
"Let's get out of this place and get these supplies to the village...there's something I have to do there...then we'll head out to camp at the shore... stay close"

Rock Chick

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« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2007, 06:07:15 pm »

This was the point where I lost everything before, so this little part is just to introduce the new look of some of the characters before Part 9. Mostly they are close to the originals .

So here we go


Rock Chick

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« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2007, 06:07:39 pm »


Rock Chick

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« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2007, 05:21:56 am »

Part 9

Nate woke feeling recharged, but confused. So many things didn’t make sense..thinking back to the forest itself, he’d trained in many different environments, but that was so different to anything he’d experienced before…the mix of plant life..and that thing ..he shuddered as he recalled the beast that killed Cambell and shook the image from his mind quickly..
Some of the things that Garrett had said played on his mind…the guy was an oddball for sure..but what the hell did he mean when he spoke of the uncharted continent…an uncharted island sure perhaps…but a whole continent? Maybe he was just some eccentric con artist, or part of a weird cult. Nate was a rational man, he decided Garrett was talking nonsense…it seemed the most likely explanation.
He spotted Allora on the beach looking out at the horizon.
“How are you feeling?” She asked.

“Little battered still, but fine thanks to you” He replied gratefully. She was an unusual type too, but he was glad she’d found him..
“I’m afraid I couldn’t get all the stains out of your clothes..maybe we can find something else for you as we go further inland.”
Nate smiled and shrugged, “Nah it’s fine really, you went to enough trouble already”

Allora had changed clothes; her taste seemed to be pretty eclectic, very easy on the eye though..”Nice outfit” he remarked.
“Thank you, more practical for our journey” she nodded smiling slightly.
He glanced at the mini skirt she was wearing and grinned, “Sure..If you say so”
Allora shifted slightly from one foot to the other..she seemed a little tense..
“I have packed supplies, we should get to the village as soon as we can..before dark”

“You been here a while then? There’s some things I wanted to ask”
Allora looked a little uncomfortable..
“I see, then I shall try to answer your questions…”
“Where in the world are we? I mean I know some places around Papua New Guinea are still unexplored but ,…..I don’t recognise the flora you know where we are at all?”
Allora bit her lip…”This is the mist continent”
Nate frowned…not another crack-pot surely….”Come on Allora…quit kidding around”

“I’m sorry Nate, you are a long way from home I feel, this is the mist continent…and what Garrett said is correct…few come here…it is a lawless place…even the high council…” Allora tried to explain as Nate’s face fell…

“OH man!!! Come on girl…I guess being stranded here made you crazy…I mean I can see why….”
He shook his head…hating that he was stuck in this strange place with at least two people clearly oblivious to reality…

“I can see you are confused Nate…Perhaps you will be ready to hear the truth later..I fear now is not the time….”
She sighed and nodded to the forest…”Let us find the others and make a decision on how best to proceed”
Nate took a deep breath, glancing into her eyes she seemed so sincere…the thought of going back into the dense dark trees worried him..but he needed to speak to the others at the village… just hoping one of them was still sane enough to tell him what was going on.


Astral Faery

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« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2007, 01:57:50 pm »

Yay, another fantasy story.  Nice and mysterious so far.  I love it and look forward to reading more.

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« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2007, 08:44:34 am »

I love this!! More would be wonderful!! Smiley

The best things in life are, Always unseen. That's why we all close our eyes when we wish, kiss and dream... :angel5:

My Simmies
Rock Chick

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« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2007, 03:30:43 am »

Thank you Astral and Choc Smiley More soon hopefully xxx


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« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2007, 03:33:41 pm »

you did a wonderful job of recreating the characters,all of them either look the same or better.great to see another story from you good job rockchick:)

i'm an insim addict
welcome back kathy and eric we missed you
Rock Chick

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« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2007, 04:39:48 pm »

Hi again Hotrod! Hope all is well with you! Thank you very much for reading Smiley

Rock Chick

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« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2008, 04:54:41 pm »

chapter 10.

Shea called out from a little way ahead. "I found something" she announced, Garrett and Locke caught up finally and found themselves beside a weary and triumphant Shea, who was gesticulating towards the remains of a small campfire and a crudely arranged shelter.
The three of them had been trudging through the forest for so long..Maybe a couple days..Exhausted and almost out of potions, they had no choice but to find somewhere to rest. In any other place, normally, all three well seasoned Pirates would have dropped to the soft moss and caught up with sleep as they needed to. But in this formidable forest, not one of them dared.
Their surroundings seemed to warp and shift as they tried in vain to retrace Garrett’s steps back to Allora’s Beach hut, and they had to concede at last they were lost.

“I would like to say Capn” Locke ventured nervously, “t’as been my honour serving on your crew...truly sir..An if my end is at hand here in this cursed place...well I can look back in me last moment and feel accomplished...” his voice trailed away a little.

Garrett prodded the wood that lay in the fire pit...

“Aye well....mustn’t be so resigned to it just yet old man...” replied the Captain...Shea had begun to light a mound of kindling, she focused on her task, not letting her emotions show...inside her heart pounded relentlessly against her chest....she knew Garrett and Locke relied on her to remain was becoming harder to keep the quiver from her voice as dusk fell.

“I promised I would keep you safe you remember....and I will...I keep my my own...always” Garrett patted her on the shoulder...”You’re a good girl” he murmured.

Shea nodded and thought back to the slave auctions at Troia. How the Captain had bid on her and taken her aboard his airship, and safely there, granted her freedom...he had kept his word for many years...and in return she had been his most trusted crew member...choosing to travel with him rather than go back to her tribe...

she was ever thankful...and ever loyal...and if this was the end, then so be it...

The three sat silently round the small fire, watching sparks drift up through the dark canopy of trees overhead.

Sleep finally began to take hold when Shea snapped back to consciousness ....hardly daring to breathe she felt in her jacket for her blade..The unmistakeable cracks and rustling in the undergrowth

..Something was on the move...she glanced at Garrett and Locke...out cold and oblivious to the approaching danger....grasping her dagger.. She rose to her feet and took a step toward the sounds.......
A faint voice called out......Shea strained to hear...shocked and still poised to fight to the death...”Is someone there?” came the voice......
“Yes.....wh who are you?”

Rock Chick

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« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2008, 04:56:01 pm »

A pale woman dressed in blood stained clothing lurched out of the shadows, eyes wide in fear as she fell at Sheas feet.
“Stay back!” ordered Shea....”tell me who you are....wh..what are you doing here?”

The woman clutched at her injury..She was moaning weakly...Shea saw the blood seeping through her fingers as she held her wound ....
“I beg of you...please help me”

Shea put her dagger away and knelt to examine the injury.....
“I have some still.....” Shea uncorked a small bottle and trickled an opalescent liquid over the gash in the strangers’ expected, the bleeding subsided and the skin regenerated over the tear....
“May the goddess bless you”
Shea shrugged, “Now perhaps some answers”

The woman nodded.....her eyes nervously darting to Locke and Garrett who had awoken and stood either side of Shea.
“My name is Celina....and I need your help.....everyone is in grave danger”

The forest was pitch black save for the fire...Celina had recovered enough to join them at the fireside now. They waited quietly as she began her explanation.

“I was appointed by the High Council of Altana....we had reports from many sources of troubling activites from here in the Mist” she shifted uneasily as wild creatures cried out in the not too far distance...”So.....” she continued..”I came here to investigate...not alone of bodyguards also...the crew of a mercenary airship. ....I remember how we were shot out of the sky....then,......nothing....odd dreams ...visions I cannot explain....and searing pain...I feel I have been so lost.......”
Her eyes welled with tears....”I fear I have betrayed those closest to me..but I was infected with a strange sickness....”

Garrett and his crew exchanged glances...”And now?” he asked....maybe helping a member of the council would be useful for a notorious pirate such as himself.
“Memories are returning....I feel my colleagues are here somewhere...though I do not know if they recall how and why we came to this terrible place...”
“We met with a you recognise the name” ventured Garrett, pulling his coat around himself tight as a chilly breeze whipped through the clearing.
Celina closed her eyes and smiled slightly, “Thank goodness....then we have a chance...if she and the others personal guards..Allora , Luna the healer....Malandra the ranger...Mikki.......Jassu....and Mia........”
“We were looking for the village weren’t we Captain? To join with them and find survivors” Shea announced, grinning at Garrett..
“Er yes of course.....anything to assist the High deliver good souls from this torment my lady” Garrett muttered quickly.

“Perhaps then, when we are rested...I may search alongside you?” Celina smiled weakly and lay down to sleep a little.


Rock Chick

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« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2008, 03:35:11 am »

Hiya and thanks very much for reading Smiley

Rock Chick

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« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2008, 09:02:59 am »

Foolishly maybe, but after Celina disappeared, the group had managed to break into the main hut. There was little inside but a few supplies..An eclectic mix of weapons,clothing and potions...former belongings of all kinds of people it seemed..whether abandoned or taken, Zephyr urged everyone to take what they could carry and with that they travelled north out of the eerie village.
The hours of trudging through dense undergrowth in the heat of the day were beginning to take their toll on all of them, even Byron stopped to wipe his brow often, leaning against the thick dark tree trunks. Jassu , Mikki and Malandra were still confused...hung-over almost...but lucid enough to keep up with the unaffected...another small group of huts loomed ahead as the sun dipped low through the branches.

..the dwellings there were raised off the forest floor..connected by rope seemed long deserted, Luna lifted her face and closed her eyes.....”It is safe here.......we can rest easy”

Byron squinted up at the huts...”You can’t know that” he retorted...
Luna opened her eyes and smiled serenely at him...”I do”

“I believe her....come on...let’s get up there before the light goes “ announced Zephyr.
Luna moved around the edge of the clearing, softly repeating a strange melodic phrase and touching trees and rocks as she went....
Malandra stood watching her beside Byron and the others, from the balcony of the larger hut...
“She is performing a protection ritual....all will be well here ....nothing can approach with ill intent now”
Malandra sighed out the words, rubbing her temples...
Byron snorted...”I don’t get half of what you people are talking about”

In spite of that, he felt oddly comforted by Luna’s soft was soothing and haunting...she turned and looked up to him...she seemed stronger now...he hoped Malandra was right about the ritual.
Mia stood on the balcony was hard to see anything at all now...the faint glow of the torches cast just enough light to make out the walkways. The water from the pool below glimmered softly.

“You haven’t spoken too much...I was wondering how you were doing” Kai was suddenly standing beside her. “You OK?”
Mia had been almost trance like, gazing into the dark...images were flitting through her mind...what was real and what was in her head seemed hard to separate. “I don’t know who I am Kai....I mean....I thought I did...”

“Still don’t remember much huh? It will come know it will soon...maybe you swallowed too much sea’s cool the other three are back with us huh?” Kai smiled, referring to Malandra, Mikki and Jassu.
“Oh yes....definitely...yes “murmured Mia...she was gazing ahead nothing in particular.
Kai sighed heavily; he squeezed her hand warmly and disappeared back inside.

Mia was aware of Luna then, standing silently beside her.
“You said something before...about being ready.....what did you mean?” Mia asked
Luna smiled up at the moon...”Ready for the fight....and you ready for the truth..”
Mia frowned again..”I wish I understood”

“Then I will explain.....if you are sure you are ready”
Mia took a deep breath and nodded...over the past few days her world turned upside down several times. She felt nothing much would be a shock now.
“The men Byron, Zephyr and Kai.....we are not like them....”
 “What do you mean?...I mean we’re all lost here right”

Luna smiled and shook her head. “No are closer to home than you realise”
Silence again as Mia struggled to figure out what Luna meant.
“Where in the world are we then....I mean, like Byron said earlier..wherever this is it’s not going to be too far from civilization”
Luna stifled a yawn..All of them were so ready for sleep now.

“Mia, we are so far away from their civilization it is impossible for them ever to return,...whereas are of this Allora,”
Mia felt her head spinning....”That can’t be...why do I feel like the guys....I don’t understand at all”

“That’s easy” Mikki strolled out, looking much more alert

“Survival instinct,....your powers were you imprinted the first being you came into contact this case , the human ....Zephyr...absorbed his knowledge of his world and customs so you could communicate inbuilt reaction to extreme forces....geez I can’t believe you forgot that!!”
Mia’s jaw dropped.......”But....I look like a human...I mean I must be ...I am right??”
Malandra joined them now...followed by Jassu...

“Similar in appearance but not the same” Malandra added “Even your clothing appeared familiar to them...but now your powers are returning , we all now see your true form”
Jassu smiled...”You are one of us Mia....more than are our leader”


Rock Chick

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« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2008, 01:39:29 pm »

hehe yeah! I see what you mean! Hopefully Mia is not so upset about the revelation though!

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