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Author Topic: Gender Defenders: Behind The Scenes - Chapter Twelve: Change of Heart  (Read 29764 times)
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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #90 on: January 09, 2008, 10:23:09 am »

:lol: Okay, here he is - be gentle with him, he's pretty shy :love2:

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Resident Fat Girl

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« Reply #91 on: January 09, 2008, 10:10:07 pm »

OMG I have to post here too. Thank you for sharing Luca I know he is pretty shy, but as we have seen not too shy. He is such a cutie! You Rock!

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and today; Today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #92 on: January 09, 2008, 10:18:08 pm »

Aaww, thanks Cheesy Oh, once you bring him out of his shell he's a character :laughing: But yeah, he's actually got 3 outgoing points. Have fun with him anyway Smiley

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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #93 on: January 10, 2008, 10:52:41 am »

Chapter Ten – Judgement Day

Breakfast passes without further incident, although Andy receives plenty of strange looks before they get used to his colour. He seems to take it in his stride though, and generally comes across as very laid back in his manner, yet for all his outward chirpiness I can’t help but notice a sadness in his eyes, like there’s more bothering him than he’s letting on. I make a mental note to ask him about it after breakfast, but no such luck – a member of staff approaches to usher us into the communal lounge, another to eye him curiously as we all gather for whatever announcement he has in store.

“No, it’s not make-up,” Andy corrects before he’s even opened his mouth, “I really am green. Not the only one either,” he finishes with a cheeky grin.
“Do all your family have fangs, Leo?” he asks me suspiciously.
“No,” I reply truthfully, but find myself having to think really hard about just how many of my family are human. “I know my brother and sister don’t,” I offer, not wishing to delve any deeper. I didn’t wake with a headache, and I don’t fancy that changing any time soon.
“Okay,” he acknowledges slowly, before changing the subject back to what he grouped us together for. “Anyway, although it’s been boys versus girls, there can only be one winner in the end, and this is the part where we find out who that is.*”
We all share eager looks as I rub my hands together in anticipation.
“The show hasn’t been aired yet, so it was down to our very own panel of judges to decide who fared best in the tasks that were set,**” he explains, “The scores were very close, and they had a hard time choosing, but…” So saying, he pulls out a card from the envelope he was holding. “In third place, for the girls, is Katsumi!”

“Woooo!!” she cheers, doing a little dance in her seat. I chuckle a little as we all give a little clap, “Girls rule!”
“Yeah, right,” I tease, “We don’t know who’s won yet!”
She playfully pokes out her tongue in my direction, so I do likewise back at her.
“Hey, put that back in,” Andy teases, “We don’t know where it’s been!”
I eye Alec knowingly before we both snigger.
“Save that for later,” he hints with a wink. Alec laughs before the staff member clears his throat.
“In second place, for the boys, is Zamir!”

Now it’s his turn to give a cheer as we clap some more.
Boys rule!” he teases.
“We don’t know who’s won yet!” Kat replies.
Alec, Andy and I look among each other, laughing at how ridiculous they sound.
“The show’s over folks!” Andy calls at the bickering couple, “You can stop the fighting now!”
Kat pokes her tongue out at Andy, but gets more than she bargained for when he returns the gesture.
“Oh my God, his tongue’s even green!” she giggles.
“Of course it’s green!” he protests with an innocent smile, “What did you expect, purple?!”
“That’s if you caught it in a door,” I remark with a grin.
“Erm, no, it would just go a greenish-black colour,” he ponders aloud, before realising he has an audience, and decides to react to it. “Yes folks, even my blood’s green, that would explain why the rest of me is, huh?” he finishes with a wink.
The member of staff is left eyeing me with mild disdain. “You have strange family, Leo!” he muses.
“I know,” I grin in reply, “Now you know where I get it from…!”
Andy breaks into a fit of stifled titters as the man returns to the card, and everyone makes shushing noises as Alec and I exchange excited glances.
“And the gender defender for the boys, the man of the house…”
“Boys rule!” Kii teases with a gleeful grin.
“The winner of this competition, is none other than Leo!!”

Poor Andy, and even Alec, are left wiggling their fingers in their ears, but I’m in no mood to care. After the distress I suffered last night, this has made my week!
“Well done you!” Alec grins, pulling me into his arms.
“It’s official, boys rule!” I proclaim with a cheeky smile, triggering another bout of laughter.
“This time,” Ginny warns playfully.
“Yeah yeah,” I wink back, “Pays to have a weird background sometimes, eh?”
Andy chuckles, before glancing at the window. “Looks like your folks are coming to pick you all up,” he observes, before turning to me, “Come on you, let’s get your stuff shall we?”
“I guess so,” I mutter, the elation gone as quickly as it arrived. I don’t want to leave – not only did I make some new friends, but there’s one in particular I will really miss. That person looks just as disappointed as we reluctantly rise from our seats.
“I’ll give you a hand if you like,” Andy offers him as we go.
He slowly nods in reply, already looking how I feel. I’m only glad now my eyes were too puffy for eyeliner.

With all our things at the door, and with everyone’s numbers stored in my phone, there is nothing left now but to bid our sad farewells as, one by one, the others get taken back to where they came from. Zamir tells us we’re welcome to visit him in Puerto Rico sometime, while Kat offers us a little tour in Japan. Kii and the others give similar promises about the States, although Autumn reassures me she’ll keep in touch with Luca, despite what happened with them last night. Thankfully Alec is the last to depart, even though he’s the only one who’d moved here permanently. He may as well be going back to Australia, the way we’re both feeling right now, and there’s no stopping the flow of tears with either of us as we linger in each other’s arms.

“I’ll stay in touch, I promise,” I vow, clinging to him tightly. I can hear him sniffling in my ear, before feeling his lips against my cheek. He pulls his head away a little while clutching my face in his hand, his thumb moving now and then to wipe the tears from my cheek as he speaks.
“Me too,” he replies, “We can still see each other, you know? We’re in the same area, you can show me round…”
“Yeah,” I agree, trying to remember to count my blessings. “I’ll look forward to it.” I run a hand along his cheek to dry tears of his own. “I love you Al,” I smile, running a thumb along his lips.
“I love you Leo,” he responds, and with no further words he places a firm kiss on my lips as our grip tightens round each other.

The yell cuts through our tender moment like a hot knife through butter, his eyes screwed shut as he mouths one word to explain his new anxiety.
My head lowers, as I remember his panic when I told him that our parents knew about our encounters under the bedclothes. He kept saying she’d kill him… my stomach ties into knots as a horrible feeling nags at me, that I’m about to witness the murder.
He quickly wipes the tears from his cheeks as he turns to face her, and I count blessings of a different kind; I’m lucky, my parents and even my adult cousins can understand our motives, but it seems this lady can’t. Is this what would have happened if I’d had ‘normal’ parents?
“Look, Mum…” he begins, but she doesn’t let him finish.

“What were you thinking Alec?? He’s a child! There’s an age limit for a reason you know, he’s far too young…”
“He has a name you know,” I interrupt angrily, my arms crossed, “And he’s old enough to think for himself, thank you.”
She glances at me as though I’m not important enough to intrude on her tirade, and glares at him.
“Get in the car,” she growls, “and you stay away from him, you hear me?”
“Mum!!” he protests, but she jabs her finger at the waiting car.
Throwing up his hands in resignation, he reaches for his guitar, now tucked away snugly in its vinyl case, and drags his heels as he goes.
“Look,” I try to explain, “He didn’t take advantage if that’s what you’re thinking, it was my idea as much as his…”
“Underage sex is a criminal offense!” she reminds me harshly, “He could be in serious trouble, do you realise that?”

“Since when do a bunch of politicians know what’s best for the rest of us?!” I growl.
“Don’t go there Leo,” she dismisses, “Rules are rules, and I’m not going to see my only child go down for the sake of an infatuation…”
“You think that’s all it is?” I challenge.
“First boyfriend at fourteen, and you think you’re already in love?!” she retorts. “Come on. It’ll take a lot longer than that before you’ll even have an idea…”
“Yeah yeah, bet my parents had that too,” I counter, “They’ve been married for about seven years…”
“So where are your parents?”
“In bed,” I tell her, “or rather coffins, since they’re vampires. That’s why my…”
“Yes, very funny,” comes the predictable response, before she wiggles a menacing finger at me. “You stay away from my boy, understand? He’s been through enough already, he doesn’t need any more trouble.”
“I wouldn’t give him any trouble!” I complain, but she remains rigid in her stance.
“You already have!” she defends, “No more, I mean it!”
She walks back to the car with the rest of his belongings, and I can only watch helpless as she drives off, tears trickling down my face as she takes with her any hope of seeing – or even hearing from – him again. Pressure on my shoulder reassures me that I’m not alone, but it gives no comfort.
“Tell me this isn’t happening Andy,” I whimper, “Please…”
“I’m sorry Leo,” he says, his gentle voice drifting through my mind like a summer breeze through a bush fire. “We’ve been very lucky with our parents regarding our impulsive moments, but this is reality’s slap in the face I’m afraid.”
I gaze pleadingly up at him, but all I can react with as he pulls me close are hysterical sobs.

“Come on,” he eventually coaxes, “Better get you home.”
The drive is quiet, and I remain that way once we get inside. Even Andy is sullen as he helps me bring in my things, and my poor siblings get a shock when they try to give a happy greeting.
“What’s happened?” Jo asks.
“Better wake your parents,” he tells them, “I don’t fancy repeating myself, and I know Leo won’t.”
“You want a drink?” Luca offers.
I nod as I head for the front room, letting myself crash into the nearest chair and leaning my head against its back, my eyes shutting out the light in an attempt to stem any further attack against my aching red eyes. I don’t move from that position for a while, not until Luca brings my drink and Andy finishes explaining the scene he witnessed earlier.
“Oh dear,” Mum remarks as I take a sip from my cup.
“Yeah,” I muse softly, “That’s putting it mildly.”
Now I can understand his panic before, why he was reluctant to go any further when we first kissed. They call it the ultimate expression of love, but how ironic for that closeness to now drive a wedge between us. If I was just two years older this wouldn’t be a problem, but instead we face a spaghetti junction of red tape and angry parents. All I can hope for now is that eventually she’ll see sense, but in the meantime we need to find a way to stay in touch, whatever it takes.

* These are the results from the contest
** I don't know how it works in the States, but here they usually premiere before the show starts, not after, so it was a surprise when we had to describe the premiere in round three. This is my way of getting round it - there were gonna be elims too, but maybe due to so many dropping out that didn't happen in the end.

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Got Blood?
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« Reply #94 on: January 10, 2008, 08:23:53 pm »

My bad! I must've been tired when I started reading and thinking it was the title of the story..

Still, the story is great with unexpected twists and plots. Smiley I look forward to the next update to this story. It's sad to see two young people in love and in grief because of one upset parent. I do hope they find a way to stay in touch or be together!

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« Reply #95 on: January 14, 2008, 12:40:39 am »

Gee my boy Alec's mum is a meanie!  I'm loving your story!

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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #96 on: January 14, 2008, 10:51:29 am »

Thanks Cheesy Although I was kinda hoping people could read between the lines on that one - who noticed the line where she said "He's gone through enough already.." for instance? Wink I'm pretty sure the majority of parents would act in a similar way, just trying to protect their kids, however cruel it seems to those involved. I've certainly heard of these things happening.

Glad you're enjoying it anyway Smiley If my request doesn't get done after the next update though, I'm gonna have to improvise Sad

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #97 on: January 14, 2008, 02:13:20 pm »

Aw, young love is so difficult.  You manage to capture its essence beautifully.  Top notch pics, as always, Sadie.  Where did you get the tears from (in the pic where Leo is hugging Andy)?  Will there be more to the story now that the contest is over?  Will we get to find out what that 'he has been through enough already' statement means?

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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #98 on: January 14, 2008, 05:58:33 pm »

Thanks! Smiley I got the tears from here but they're also hosted here on Insim Smiley As for your other questions, yes and yes Wink Although Alec did mention part of what he's had a few chapters ago, but more will follow eventually Smiley

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« Reply #99 on: January 19, 2008, 03:47:02 pm »

Yay! Update...but it's so sad Cry
And Luca!!! Yay *gives big huggles and a cookie jar*

I love you now!! lol xx
Fab update, can't wait for more!

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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #100 on: January 20, 2008, 08:55:39 am »

LOL Thanks - wow, Luca's proving to be popular, hope Leo doesn't get jealous Wink Ooh, cookies! Thankies! Cheesy *starts munching on cookies*

Apologies for my writing taking another standstill lately (although the next few chapters for this have been written, need to get the pics taken). Uni work was driving me nuts, but thankfully now D-Day's passed I can relax a little. That and I needed a break from the stories for a bit. Will update shortly - looks like I'm gonna need to improvise after the next chapter. Never mind, so long as it gets posted Wink

Thanks for all your lovely comments, they've been very encouraging Smiley

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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #101 on: January 24, 2008, 06:14:56 pm »

Chapter Eleven – The Brick Wall

Hey sweetie, how’s it going?

I don’t know if you got my last letter – I never heard back from you, I hope everything’s alright. Things are still s*** here, I have to be careful in mailing these letters in case she catches me. I knew I’d be in trouble for sleeping with you, but this is just taking the p***… is there any way to convince her we love each other?! I don’t know… I miss you like crazy…

He never got my letter? Damn it… This is the second time it’s happened. Is she intercepting them or something? I’ll bet it’s not worth replying either. She’s already confiscated his mobile, so the phone’s out… there must be a way round this, there must be…

“Hey, Dad?”
“What’s up?” he asks, naturally taken by surprise after I’d pounced him so soon after waking.
“You know on some mp3 players, you can play videos?”
“Is there a way to put a home-made movie onto them?”
“Of course there is!” he chuckles, “How else do they get on there?” His mirth fades as he notes my rising excitement. “Why?”
“Alec hasn’t got my letters,” I tell him in dismay, “If his Mum’s hiding them, I need to find another way to reach him…”
“So how’s an mp3 player gonna fare any better?”
“If I can make it look like it came straight from the shop, maybe she’d just pass it on?”
“Oh, I see,” he nods, “Nice idea.”
“So, can I?”
He wears a knowing smile as he dips into his back pocket, and leafs through his open wallet. “So long as it’s a cheap one,” he agrees, “You won’t need a four gig one just to send him a movie.”
“So long as it can play them I don’t care,” I grin, planting a kiss on his cheek, “Thank you!!”
“Hey, come on,” he remarks, “You think I hadn’t noticed how sullen you’ve been lately?”
My head drops as I feel tears sting my eyes. I barely lift it again to peer into the red pools of his eyes. “I miss him Dad,” I utter, feeling my jaw beginning to quiver, “I just wish I could hear his voice…”
“Oh Leo,” he groans, pulling me into his arms. I cling tightly to him while my brain tries to decide whether or not to turn on the taps behind my eyes.

“Anything for me?” I ask expectantly, hoping that one of the envelopes she holds has Leo’s writing upon their surface.
“Hmm,” she muses, and I momentarily frown at the official looking parcel that she studies. I open my mouth about to ask what it is, but as she beats me to it I quickly close it. “Did you order something from dabs recently?”
“Oh, that online electronics store?” I check. Instinct tells me to play along for some reason, so I do so. “Oh yeah! I needed a bigger pen drive for school,” I lie as I move to take it, rushing excitedly to my room before I close the door. Once there, I allow myself a frown as I study the box. No, I didn’t order anything from there recently, what the hell could this be?
I sit upon my bed as I open the package, revealing not a pen drive, but an iPod clone. A delighted gasp escapes me as I spot a Post-it note on the back of the device, with the words “I’m fully charged, check the videos” scribbled onto it.
“Leo?” I wonder aloud, in a voice scarcely above a whisper as I hastily dig out the earphones and hook up to the player, pausing only to refer to the manual as I find my way around. There is but a single movie, unoriginally labelled “Play me”, and a smile stretches slowly across the width of my face as those familiar streaked locks appear on the tiny screen.

“Hi honey!” comes his chirpy greeting as he blows a kiss at the camera. Just seeing his face is enough to bring happy tears to my eyes, without even hearing what he has to say. It’s not all good though.
“If you’re watching this now, my plan has worked,” he continues, his manner becoming more serious, “I did get your letters, it was wonderful to hear from you. I replied too, both times, and each of those letters were about a mile long. Your last one tells me that something fishy is going on – once I could understand, but twice? I can’t help but wonder if she’s hiding them somewhere, maybe even reading them. I hope she has in fact, maybe they’d tell her how much I miss you, that this isn’t just some infatuated schoolboy thing but real love? Enough of my own folks can see that, and I’m not even counting the vampires!” He takes a pause from his outburst  to let out a sad sigh. “Okay, I’m done ranting, how are you doing? Still got your photo on my mirror, so at least I can see your pretty face each morning. Haven’t changed much myself as you can see, still your baby-faced goth! I was probably the only trip not enjoying our fifteenth birthday though… it’s just not the same without you Al, I’ve really missed you… good for something though I guess.” At this point he reaches for the notepad I’d often seen him scribble in, and opens it out to the camera, leafing through pages of writing. “See all this?” he remarks, “Songs, poems, all sorts of crazy s*** in here lately…” The book closes, and his glassy green eyes are once again locked onto the camera. Still wearing eyeliner, which now is starting to smear as his tears mix with the black substance, creating streaky dark paths down the length of his cheeks. “They say you’re at your most creative when you’re low, guess it’s true,” he muses, “I’m even worrying my folks lately – I just don’t leave my room much anymore. I’ve been that bad…” So saying, he gives a sniff as a hand rises to his mouth, almost at the same time as I do as I feel the onset of tears myself. It gets so that I have to pause the video, dropping the player onto my bed as I cup my face into my hands, sobbing quietly as my head spins. If Mum has hidden his letters from me I’ll be so angry.

I do manage to finish the video, burying the player into a drawer before getting ready to face the day ahead. It takes longer than it usually does, mainly because this time I need to let my eyes get back to normal first. Thankfully Mum’s working, so I make a mental note to have a snoop around when I get back from school.

“Now, if I was Mum, where would I hide my son’s boyfriend’s love letters?”
I shrug to myself as I head for her chest of drawers, reminding myself that this is no scavenger hunt as I carefully pick through her clothes. Finding nothing, I come to her vanity table where my eyes are drawn to a drawer with a lock, which doesn’t yield to my tugs at its handle.
“I’ll bet they’re in there,” I mumble to myself, and look about the surface for any sign of a key. I decide to look in her jewellery box, and a satisfied smile spreads across my face as I uncover the little key from its hiding place, growing wider as it works to unlock whatever buried treasure lies within. Replacing the key carefully, I slide open the drawer, my smile dropping from my lips as my eyes spot a pair of envelopes stacked on top of each other. Clutching at them, I pull them free from her drawer, not caring what else lies within for now as I push it closed and walk away from the table, my hand diving hungrily into the already opened white envelope before me. My eyes scan the handwriting that is unmistakably his, and with growing dismay I notice the other letter is also from him.

I swallow hard as I hear the door close. She’s home, and I have no idea how I’ll face her. All I can do is sink into her mattress as my knees weaken, my mind reeling. I feel so betrayed, so invaded, by my own mother of all people…
With my hands between my knees, she can’t see yet what I’ve found. My head turns in her direction, not hiding my glassy eyes as I look back at her – she has the audacity to look indignant as she approaches, closing the door behind her.
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
“I could ask you the same thing!” I snap, waving the envelopes at her as I rise. “These were addressed to me! Since when did you have the right to read my mail?!”
“He’s a child, Alec!” she counters, “You could get into serious trouble!”
“We love each other!” I protest, “Does that not mean anything?”
“You think you love each other…”
“We know we love each other!” I tell her, “Everyone I’ve met who could read minds knows it’s real…”
“Oh, don’t start that again,” she dismisses, “They don’t exist Alec, they’re nothing but fairytales…”
“Oh, sure,” I scoff, “I’ll bet his teenage parents would agree with you.”
“Don’t be silly.”
“I’ve met them!” I tell her, “I met his green cousin, who by the way also has fangs…”
“Enough!” she yells, “I said no contact, and I mean no contact.” She moves closer, her hand moving to the envelopes in my hand. Consumed already by mixed, strong feelings, something strange slips from my mouth as I pull away.
“Rack off,” I snarl, even pushing her away as I run from her room and into mine, where I lock the door before she has a chance to intrude any more than she has already. With what strands of privacy remain now back in my grasp, my head thuds against the door as I lean against it for a moment, tears streaming down my face as I gather my thoughts.

“You okay?” Jo asks.
I merely shrug as I pick at my meal, the tool in my hand reduced to a plaything as it teases the food on my plate.
“This is getting ridiculous.”
I look up at the voice, and notice Dad rising from his chair. “Come on you.”
“Are we going somewhere?” I ask, spotting Mum joining him with a gaze that tells me communicative thought is passing between them.
“You are fortunate we understand your pain,” she says, “Adults seem to assume we are too young to love; since she still will not accept yours, it is time we proved ours to her.”
A grin spreads across my face as I brace myself for the ride, and in so doing my eyes rest on Dad.
“And you thought this made you a bad parent?!” I tease, but mentally I cross my fingers that their idea will work.

“Something wrong with my cooking?”
I don’t bother looking up at her, but give a feeble shrug as I continue to prod at the food with my fork. Speaking to someone who seems to make it her goal to keep you miserable is no easy task, and still it is one I can’t find the will to tackle.
“Come on, this is getting ridiculous.”
You’re telling me.
“Alec, look at me.”
Give me one good reason why I should.
It’s harder to ignore a nudge, but after pulling my arm away there’s only one thing that I can say.
“Leave me alone.”
“You can’t carry on like this,” she coaxes.
“Oh really, and why would that be?!” I snap, my patience exhausted, “What is it Mum? Are you jealous?!”
“Don’t be…”
Our spat is cut short by a knocking on the front door. Frowning, she rises from her seat to answer, and my curiosity pulls me from my own chair, although for now I linger in the background as she heads for the door.

“Mrs Banks?” Dad checks. I watch from behind the wall, following their advice to keep out of her sight until she shows signs of being reasonable.
“We’re in the middle of dinner,” she tells him.
“So were we,” he replies, “Well, our children were, but one of them just won’t eat.”
“So call a doctor.”
“Oh, we know why he won’t eat,” he explains, his arms crossing as he continues, “He’s not ill. Not physically, anyway.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Get to the point Dad…
“Perhaps you misunderstand my husband,” Mum supplies, “He does tend to talk in riddles. You think we are talking about a baby, but that is not the case. Our son is fourteen and in love…”
“Leo,” the woman groans, unmoving from her spot and also folding her arms. “I’m not discussing this with kids. You bring round his real parents, then maybe we can talk.”
She goes to close the door, but Dad hastily plants his foot in the gap, preventing her from doing so.
“We are his real parents,” he tells her.
“You’re only a child yourself!”
“Who’s that?” I ask, approaching the door. I can pick out the sound of a young lad, British going by his accent… and yet it sounds familiar.
“Just kids,” she replies, “Claiming they’re Leo’s parents.”
My heart skips a beat as I realise who the boy is that she’s been talking to.
“Evan?” I check, “Emily?”

“Hi there!” Dad waves, “I gather your Mum still hasn’t met vampires by the way she’s talking…”
“I’ve heard enough talk of vampires,” comes the typical response, “I suppose you’ve got your prosthetic fangs in place too.”
At this he raises an eyebrow. “So sure they’re fake, are you?” he observes coolly, before a cat-like roar escapes his throat at a volume that makes me catch fright. I’d seen him do that in play, but now he even looks like a tiger about to move in for the kill.
Damn, that was loud… do we have a wild panther stalking the streets?
“Still think we don’t exist?” Dad checks, now propped up against the doorframe polishing his garnished nails.
It seems to work enough for her manner to change, but not in the desired direction.
“And you expect me to let you in?!” she splutters.
My cue to move, methinks.
Stepping into her view, I eye her squarely as I cross my arms.
“If he’d wanted to kill you, he’d have done it by now,” I tell her, “But they prefer the bad guys.”
“Mum!” I protest, “I’ve met them already, they’re cool.”
She looks from me to the figures at the door. I can only silently pray that she realises that not all vamps are out to get you, even though the only ones who’ll hear me are the creatures hoping to gain entry.


Apologies for the size of the parcel - would you believe that was the smallest I could find? *grumble*

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« Reply #102 on: January 25, 2008, 08:52:11 am »

Great update Sadie! I've been following this for a while. It was so sweet that Leo went to all that trouble to get a message to Alec. Out of interest, you seem to have quite a lot of gay sims in your game, was that intentional? One of my sims yesterday started making out with his male best friend, even though he is married, although I'm not sure which one started it. Very random. Anyway, the point of this post was to congratulate you on another fantastic update, so I'll leave it there. Keep up the good work!

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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #103 on: January 25, 2008, 11:09:56 am »

Thanks! Cheesy Um, yeah, about the amount of gay sims, a lot of the time it was but some of it wasn't. Gino was an accident (wrong settings on an auto bed), for instance, while others I just got story ideas that wouldn't work if they were straight. It may sound odd, but there's something about all the things that can happen with gay guys, that I like to explore in my stories and even relate to sometimes, maybe it's 'cause I've spoken with a lot of gay men IRL, who knows. :dontknow: Glad you're enjoying the story anyway Smiley

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« Reply #104 on: January 25, 2008, 05:01:23 pm »

*bounces* Wonderful update Sadie, but NASTY cliffhanger.

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