Ok, I haven't seen anywhere something about roofing (or maybe I haven't looked attentive enough), but I have a pretty stupid question: Does anyone have a tutorial or know how to make this kind of roofing? --->
http://www.all4sims.de/board/filebase.php?fileid=3914. I have tried with some old tutorial but somehow it doesn't work. Please help me pout here 'cause I'm dying to make roofs like that. :smile: Thanks in advance.
This thread is in the wrong place- should have been made in General Sims 2
Help. Anyhoot- It's a cheat that was introduced with one of the expansion
packs (not sure which one.)
open your cheat box and type in roofslopeangle [15-75]
15 is the lowest slope and 75 is the highest- pick a number between 15 and
75 (45 is the default slope angle)and don't include the brackets.
This affects all of the roofs on any one lot.
Soooooo...to get them to be as flat as the ones in the picture type it in like
roofslopeangle [15-75]
See this post for info on individual roof slope angles
(for patched versions of the pets expansion and up)