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Author Topic: Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-four  (Read 158683 times)
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« Reply #105 on: March 12, 2008, 01:02:49 pm »

Loved your story, photo's are amazing, you are wonderful... Lillith's gay in my 'hood (don't ask me why; I didn't do that one!) and she keeps heart-farting her sister's "perfect" mates! I LOVED the Jhonny/Ripp scene... phwoar!

P.S you're right, I do mean Chloe and they only have 2 bolts. I think. (But I've cc'd them all to hell so results probably differ in other games!)

Anyway thank you for being wonderful. :-)
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #106 on: March 12, 2008, 05:52:44 pm »

Aaaaw, thank you for the compliments! Cheesy

Hehe, I've been naughty with these sims and changing their aspirations to bump up the bolt score Wink That's all though, apart from the turn-ons which are random. Signs and personality points I've left alone, and been getting some great three bolters in all the right places - Ripp and Johnny included Wink

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« Reply #107 on: March 12, 2008, 06:15:17 pm »

I meant I get the stuff earlier, and it makes me happy.
I actually know when the update is instead of missing it for two weeks  *laugh*

My Sims don't need to know it's not 2008 anymore.
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #108 on: March 14, 2008, 07:13:32 pm »

Ah, okay. Yeah, you get the next installment in advance, hehe Wink

Which reminds me - one PM on its way to you... thanks again for your offer, much appreciated Smiley

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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #109 on: March 19, 2008, 02:17:55 am »


... Breathe Sarah, breathe...

Phew... My God, I've never had so much trouble with taking pictures... I think I spent more time (and energy!) trying to find the one file making my game crash on lot load, than I did actually taking the damn pics! :smt120 By the time I got to do so, they fell a little short of my expectations so there are a lot I'm not happy with (I even forgot to raise the walls in one shot). Your mileage may vary, they say you're your own worst critic... :dontknow: Anyway, on with the update at last...

Original image taken from Bloodstock's official website

The group got separated in their rush to get amongst the crowd, which was growing by the minute as the show got into full swing. Tank, not having been in this environment before, at first looked about himself apprehensively as various spectators began to immerse themselves in the music, and on watching Ophelia doing the same he couldn’t help but smile.
Feeling his eyes upon her, she paused in her cheering as she gazed back up at him, chuckling at his serious character.
“It’s a festival!” she exclaimed, “Relax!”
Tank merely shrugged, with his smile now hinting that he had no idea how to do so.
Shaking her head knowingly, she clutched hold of his wrists and shook his arms about in an effort to loosen them. Tank watched with fond fascination as his now limp limbs swung back and forth, while secretly enjoying the touch of her skin against his.
The sound of loud cheering a short distance away turned their heads as they sought out the source, and on finding it Tank laughed in his surprise at the sight greeting him, of his younger brother sat upon his lover’s shoulders and… showing off, Tank mused as he watched.

Ripp was by no means oblivious to whatever stares he attracted, instead basking in the attention as he yelled happily, air-drumming and head-banging from his seat upon Johnny’s shoulders. Ripp’s body shook from the instability of his perch, as Johnny was laughing as he watched him, and occasionally he needed to lay a hand on his head to steady his balance.
“Come on you,” Johnny chuckled when he lowered him to the ground, letting his green hand linger as it slid up Ripp’s back. His smile slipped as he looked about himself, resentment tugging at his heart on spotting other straight couples plainly enjoying the company of each other.
“You okay?” Ripp checked, his hand on his shoulder and sneaking a squeeze as he spoke.
“I miss it already,” Johnny told him, still watching them, “You don’t realise how much you take this public display thing for granted, until you can’t do it anymore.”

As the show went on, Tank found it harder and harder to resist the electrifying atmosphere about him, and as the show continued, he was as lost in the performances as everyone else. By the time it was over, he was drenched in sweat with an aching neck, but also care-free and happy.
“Whew!” he exclaimed as he slowly drifted back to Earth, mopping his brow. “That was…!”
Ophelia giggled as she looked at him, noting the grin still upon his face.
“How does it feel?” she challenged as the crowds began to disperse.
“Wow…” he replied, searching in vain for the right words, “Incredible doesn’t begin to cover it…”
“Now you know why we do these things,” she grinned, “To let go.”
Tank glanced with a smile at her, while wiping his top across his glistening chest.
“I’ll have to remember that one,” he said, frowning a little as he pocketed his top. “Beats the punch-bag, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, her grin becoming an affectionate smile as she eyed him for a moment, before slinking closer to his side.
“You know,” she murmured, “There’s so much more than you let on… I’ve seen a different side to you lately, and I love it.”
Tank turned to her with uncertainty in his eyes, feeling his heart begin to pound in his chest. His breathing became shallow as he struggled to keep on top of the conversation.
“Feels great to be able to show it,” he smiled, only just managing to stay in control of his tongue.
Ophelia smiled at his anxiety, finding the signs on display easy to read as it became clear that he’d never been in this position before.
“Relax,” she purred, her hands taking hold of his and guiding them round her body, before gliding hers across his midriff.

Tank began to perspire for a different reason as he hesitantly moved his hands round to her back, her small frame like a doll held in his strong arms. His fingers felt a section of exposed flesh between her top and trousers, which they began to stroke curiously as her arms folded around him, bringing them closer.
“I’ve never done this before,” he confessed, “I got no idea what I’m doing…”
“I know,” she smiled, moving her head closer to his, “I’ll show you.”

The feeling of her soft lips against his stirred new feelings in him, his eyes closing as his arms drew her nearer still, a fire igniting in his soul that shed light as well as heat to melt the icy wall encasing his heart. So used to cold and darkness he had been, that the warmth now felt was immense, and as he grew more confident in his actions, the flames engulfed his entire being as they gripped each other tightly, their lips beginning to caress each other while they continued to embrace.

“Awesome!” Ripp proclaimed, beaming from ear to ear as the snapshot sound played from his phone. Johnny cackled in delighted disbelief as he watched them.
“Wow,” he smiled, “How long’s he bin likin’ her then?”
“Longer than he’s let on, I’ll bet,” Ripp replied, a mischievous sparkle in his eye, “Least he’s saved me a job!”
“Oh yeah?” the green youth quizzed with a smile, flicking a stray lock of brown hair from his lover’s face.
“Yeah,” came the reply, before he realised that they had moved dangerously close together given that Johnny still wanted to remain undercover. Or did he? On noting the loving look in his eyes, Ripp decided to check.
“Thought you wanted to stay in the closet?”
“Pssshh,” came the indignant reply, “You really think they’re gonna keep quiet?! Angela’s a pussycat compared to her.”
“Yeah, I know…”
“Besides, I’ve been thinkin’,” Johnny murmured, snuggling up to him, “Why should we miss out on this kinda thing just ‘cause we’re both guys?”
A grin slowly spread across Ripp’s face as Johnny took him into his arms.

“I’ve been asking that since I was old enough to start dating,” he replied, sweeping blond hair from Johnny’s face as they tightened their grip on each other.
“I was happy to show my affections before, even if it was with a girl,” Johnny continued, “but this is somethin’ else… not just ‘cause you’re a guy, but ‘cause you’re so damn amazin’…” He felt himself become overwhelmed with emotion as he ran a loving hand across Ripp’s face. “I dunno why I never saw it before, but…”
“S’okay,” Ripp uttered, feeling overcome himself as he ran his fingers delicately across Johnny’s cheek, “You assumed you were straight, you had no reason to think any different.”
“Now I’m seein’ you in a whole new light,” came the choked reply as he gazed into the blue pools of Ripp’s eyes, “I love you…”
The words played like the sweetest music he had ever heard, pushing him over the edge into the salty waters as they fell from his eyes.
“Oh Johnny,” he whispered, “I love you so much…”
Green fingers brushed away the tears from his face, before in one movement the two boys melted into each other, sharing the strongest burning blaze either of them had ever experienced.

Tank smiled happily as their lips parted, his eyelids sliding open to reveal the mirrors within reflecting the glow of his awakened soul. They remained in a firm embrace as their noses stroked each other for a moment, before he allowed himself to bask in this new feeling of emotional freedom as he inhaled deeply, his head tilting back as his eyes closed for a second time. He exhaled slowly, unaware of the fascinated observation of his new girlfriend as his eyes slowly opened, before he made known what thoughts accompanied his actions.

“Ah, freedom,” he grinned blissfully, “Freedom from hatred, anger… boy does this feel good!”
The euphoria was catching, with her gently tugging his head back to meet her gaze as she smiled broadly.
“It shows,” she told him, genuine delight shining through in her whole manner, “It’s wonderful to see, Tank, I’m so happy for you.”
An excited giggling escaped his lips, accompanied by tears of joy as he pulled her into a hug.

“Damn,” he uttered as they broke away, “That guy’s awesome… why I never saw it before I dunno, but…”
“You mean Ripp?” she checked.
“Yeah,” he confirmed, looking about him, “I really need to…”
He trailed off as his searching eyes located the young man in question, a knowing yet loving smile playing upon his lips as he watched him enjoying an intimate moment of his own… a very public, intimate moment, he suddenly realised.
“Hey, Philly,” Tank began, “Ain’t that the guy who was so scared about getting pulled outta the closet?”
“Yeah,” came the equally slow reply, “Least it was last time I checked…”

“Funny,” Tank mused sadly, “I kinda don’t wanna go back in…”
“Me neither,” Ripp agreed, “but then I hate it there anyways. Just easier now I’ve got my other brother back.”
Tank’s head turned to his younger brother before reassuringly patting his leg. Ripp returned his gaze briefly, before looking across to Johnny who now was in the front seat, after they’d decided to let Tank and Ophelia have a chance to cuddle up together on the way back. Ophelia now had been dropped off, leaving just the male teenagers in the car, with the older alien again stepping in as a chauffeur.
“Better go I guess,” he muttered, not hiding the reluctance in his voice at having to do so.
“Yeah,” Johnny acknowledged, holding out a hand in a parting gesture.
Ripp leaned forwards to clasp it, propping himself up on the backrest as they firmly gripped each other’s hands. He dived forward in one stroke, placing a lengthy goodbye kiss on Johnny’s lips as their eyes closed, their mouths brushing together as the others in the car looked on.
As Peter turned to eye his son however, he froze. Movement out of the corner of his eye triggered warning alerts in his mind, and on recognising the figure in the glass behind Ripp, he quickly moved to nudge him in the waist.
Johnny’s eyes opened at the interruption, and almost instantly locked onto the now moving character in the rear window. His eyes grew wide as he drew a large, sharp breath, his hand frantically pulling free from his lover’s grip.
“What’s wrong?” Ripp quizzed, thoroughly puzzled.
Before he could receive an answer, there was a frantic rapping on the window, and on seeking out the source, his face fell like a stone.
“Oh no…” Tank commented on following his gaze. Thinking quickly, as his brother slumped back into his seat, he lay a hand on his shoulder as he spoke.
“I got him,” he told him, “I’ll see if I can’t clear the path for ya.”
All Ripp could do in reply was nod as Tank got out of the car.

“Go easy Dad,” Tank began, but Buzz was in no mood to listen.
“Inside, now! Both of you!!” he barked at him, glancing furiously into the car before storming back into the house.
Tank stared after him in despair, but also unease. No matter how much Ripp had managed to antagonise him in the past, never before had he seen him this angry.

“I’m so dead,” Ripp whimpered.
“Look,” Peter offered quickly, “If you need a place to stay, you’re more than welcome at ours.”
Ripp gazed back at his boyfriend’s father, wearing a smile of sadness, fear and gratitude as he felt himself beginning to tremble.
“Thanks,” came the barely audible reply, before the car door opened. Tank’s head ducked into the vehicle just enough to assure him it was safe to leave, before holding the door open wide.
“Good luck,” Johnny uttered apologetically.
“Thanks,” Ripp answered as he left, “I’ll need it.”

“I’m scared,” he admitted, not daring to look back at the now foreboding building they called home.
“I know,” Tank soothed as he pulled him into his arms, “I’m right here for you, okay?”
Ripp managed to nod as he clung desperately to his older brother, tears staining his cheeks as his racing mind could only anticipate certain doom.

“Look, Dad, um… I really don’t think leavin’ ‘em like this is a good idea,” Johnny confessed, “I didn’t like the look on his face, or the way he knocked on the window…”
“Me neither,” Peter admitted, “I must admit, he didn’t look that mad even when I had him in a headlock.”
“Can’t we just… hang around somewhere?” Johnny pleaded, “I don’t like this Dad, I’m worried all hell’s gonna break loose in there…”
“Me too Johnny,” Peter agreed grimly, “but if we linger in the doorway, all we’ll do is make things worse.”

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« Reply #110 on: March 19, 2008, 02:43:37 am »

Oh. Oh s**t.

I was just logged in, and saw this appear and went 'Yay! Update!' and read it and then... oh s**t.

I almost didn't want to read the next bit and then you went and made a cliffhanger...

They are so dead.

(wrings hands nervously)

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« Reply #111 on: March 19, 2008, 08:35:09 am »

Hey Sadie, it's been a while since I've been online and to my delight, the first time I get here there are 3 more chapters for me to read! It's so cute that Ophelia and Tank have gotten together. Slightly worried about Ripp, although god knows what Buzz is going to say if he finds out that Tank's with a black girl! I reckon that Buzz just needs to get laid!

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« Reply #112 on: March 19, 2008, 02:01:41 pm »

wow! love this so much! Cheesy

'There's no difference between stupid and charming with you, is there?'

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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #113 on: March 19, 2008, 02:14:54 pm »

Thanks guys Cheesy Love your avvie kc :lol:

Yep, there's a storm cloud brewing over the Grunt residence... things aren't looking good for either of them, especially Ripp.

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #114 on: March 19, 2008, 02:45:34 pm »

Oh boy.  It's hard enough to be a teenager caught by your dad sucking face in the backseat of a car with your opposite sex friend, quite another to be gay, with an alien, and caught by your overbearing, prejudiced, homophobe of a father!

Poor Ripp!  I sure hope he survives this.  I'm sure Tank will stick up for him, though, which means the family will be more divided than it was before while Buzz tries to figure out what the heck is going on with his boys.

I'm happy for Tank - I was hoping a romance would develop with Ophelia - but even though she's a girl, she's still not Buzz's idea of the perfect girl for his sons.

Great update!  And I didn't notice anything wrong with your pictures - I think you're being too hard on yourself.  Wink

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« Reply #115 on: March 19, 2008, 04:56:24 pm »

I love your pictures, Sadie.  Have I ever told you that, because it's absolutely true.

My Sims don't need to know it's not 2008 anymore.
Sam the T-man
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« Reply #116 on: March 19, 2008, 05:11:28 pm »

Aaaw, thanks Smiley I guess I was just too tired at the time - my mind and body don't get on with regards bedtimes :?

Re: Tank and Ophelia; I think Tank's love life is the least of Buzz's problems right now - as far as he knows, he still doesn't have one. I also think Tank knows better than to enlighten him at this point - given his current mood he wouldn't dare! :pale: The roles have reversed a little, in that Tank is now the one in the crossfire, between two members of his own family! Sad That started a few chapters ago in fact.

Glad you're enjoying it - grab your seatbelts for the next chapter, you'll need 'em Wink

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« Reply #117 on: March 21, 2008, 01:23:45 am »

Hello - I think I replied to this before, yes, no? I forget ^^; My memory is really horrid (which kind of scares me, as I'm only 20 right now ~_~ )

Anyways -- GAAAAAH! I kept thinking "don't end there, don't end there, don't - gah! She ended there!!" *flail around* It's really rare I get so hooked onto a sim story and stick with them (I can only name like - 3 sim writers who's stories I stuck to like glue - you included :3 ). Gah - gah, gah, gah -- can't even begin to speculate what I wanna say and what to expect for the next chapter! Don't keep us waiting too long, Sadie~ Wink

*goes back to her regularly scheduled lurking*

I'm lurking... do not distrub the lurking... :smt106
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #118 on: March 21, 2008, 07:45:46 pm »

Haha, thanks Cheesy Yeah, I do remember your posting here before, glad I managed to keep you interested Smiley

Anyway, thanks to AxelVal being such a quick worker (cheers hun Wink), all that's left to do are the pics... mind you, I say "all" there is... *sigh* Anyway...

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« Reply #119 on: March 21, 2008, 09:13:49 pm »

Wow...this is certainly one of the best Strangetown Stories I've ever read. I've seen a lot of versions of Ripp and this is one of my favorites. I can't wait to read more.:smile:

My first real sim story on this site.

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