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Author Topic: Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-four  (Read 166320 times)
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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #210 on: April 20, 2008, 03:35:47 pm »

@Hooligan: You and me both, sadly - I feel the same about Britain Sad

@Ginger: I do try to listen to lectures, but seeing how tired I usually am at the time it's not easy. In the meantime, seems we're both giving lectures on Britain Wink

@Anyone reading Ginger's post on the UK - no, she's not kidding. Things really are getting that bad over here :pale: :-(

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« Reply #211 on: April 20, 2008, 04:47:59 pm »

Well, I do still have at least four years of college and one of high school left before I consider moving anywhere.  Thanks for that warning though, you two.

My Sims don't need to know it's not 2008 anymore.

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« Reply #212 on: April 21, 2008, 03:13:41 am »

Damn. I have relatives in the UK. *worries*

I'd say come to NZ (we have no dangerous animals!) but our immigration policies are really random. We have highly qualified people being turned away, and unskilled refugees being allowed in. And sometimes vice versa. But students are always welcome Smiley

On the Brain Gender note, I took a personality test once which told me I was 71% female. Which was a little alarming. I suspected I might swing a little that way, but not so far as that!!! But I'm a little dubious, because it claimed "sports fan" was a male trait. Seriously, given a choice between reading a book and watching a game? I'm a bookworm for crying out loud!

Okay, rant over. Smiley

*Pokes Sadie for new chapter*
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #213 on: April 21, 2008, 05:16:35 am »

Gotta love stereotypes, huh? ¬_¬

Yeah yeah; it's written - as I mentioned to Ari on her own thread I think, I'd had big-time PC problems lately. The amount of times I had to re-install the game got beyond a joke >_< What with that and Uni work driving me nuts, by the time I did manage to load up the game, I decided on actually playing it for a little bit. Heh.. now I really can give those kids an earful if I so need to - or rather my self-sim can, we're all in the same dorm Wink Feels so weird seeing them all grown up... and I'm getting sick of that noogie already! >_< Why is it only the couples doing it to each other, for cryin' out loud?!

Rant over :angel: I will get to it, honest Smiley

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« Reply #214 on: April 21, 2008, 08:54:17 pm »

Yeah, maybe my issues could be resolved by moving to a part of the country where I don't look around me and go, "...You bunch of fscking idiotards."  Cause I live in part of the country where they voted in Bush Jr TWICE.  Intentionally even, I kid you not.  And no offense implied, but I am just not down with that.  I am in the wrong state entirely.  I swear I feel like Spider Jerusalem sometimes--I Hate It Here.

@GG08:  Actually, I've been following Pat Condell on YouTube (whatever anyone may think of the man), and he's been saying about the same things.  Mostly he has been talking lately about the problems the UK government has been having trying to accommodate sharia law (!!!) into the legal system.  Is that what you were referring to?  And mind, I have no problem with Islam or any religion, though I am not religious myself.  But I do have major problems with sharia, which it would be entirely impolite to get into here.

And here I was thinking Scotland.  Le sigh.  Maybe I'll just wait until after everything explodes, it's bound to get better then, right?  (Is my optimism showing again?)

@Sadie:  Maybe we should just make a country all to ourselves?  Us and a bunch of sane people.  It would be a first for the planet! (lol)  Although you have me thinking Germany now, it's a little strange.

@SteelGuy:  Yeah, I heard NZ is nice.  But it is also frightfully close to Australia.  Tell me, has your country ever experienced the dreaded Rain Of Spiders?  I know at one time you had an infestation of hobbits.  Has that been cleared up? :happy8:
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 08:55:14 pm by Hooligan » Logged

The Sims 2: We're Not for Everyone, But Then 'Everyone' is a Pretty Unrealistic Demographic
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #215 on: April 21, 2008, 09:01:58 pm »

Where is it you're from? I gather it's somewhere down south..?

Yeah, that'd be nice, wouldn't it? And yeah, I think that's partly what Ginger was referring to - this is a first on me though; I know Muslim extremists were trying to push for that, but I didn't realise the government were considering it, however remotely! :pale: Of course it's the extremists who wreck it for any religion, which is a great shame -_-

Anyway though... here isn't the place to engage in such heavy debate, so we'd better shut up about that I think :oops:

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« Reply #216 on: April 21, 2008, 09:18:15 pm »

Quote from: Sadie79;1220328
Where is it you're from? I gather it's somewhere down south..?  ...  Anyway though... here isn't the place to engage in such heavy debate, so we'd better shut up about that I think :oops:

Actually I'm smack in the middle of Tornado Alley.  In Kansas.  I dunno, maybe it would be better for me if and when I move to Lawrence (which is incredibly liberal, especially as compared to the Fort up here).  

Oh I hear it's not anything total and ultimate, but little things that chip away at laws and stuff.  And yeah, that's why I didn't go into it heavily.  If you have an Xfire account I can add you, we can talk about whatever whenever.  I'm on Xfire more than anything else, and even that's not that much.  If you don't I can make Trill' load on startup again.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 09:25:07 pm by Hooligan » Logged

The Sims 2: We're Not for Everyone, But Then 'Everyone' is a Pretty Unrealistic Demographic
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #217 on: April 21, 2008, 09:29:44 pm »

Just been having a look at this Xfire - looks interesting Smiley Enough for me to check it out at least... Wink Same user name as it is here Cheesy

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« Reply #218 on: April 22, 2008, 12:19:41 am »

Just posting to let you know that I'm still following this story, despite the fact that I've hardly been on lately. Smiley


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« Reply #219 on: April 22, 2008, 02:19:54 am »

Quote from: Sadie79;1218867

@Anyone reading Ginger's post on the UK - no, she's not kidding. Things really are getting that bad over here :pale: :-(

rrl? well Holland is getting worse to.. Our education system sucks. Everything is getting more exspencive everytime!.. I really really dislike the gouverment today,l exspecially that annoying Harry Potter guy (real name: Balkenende)

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« Reply #220 on: April 22, 2008, 06:10:35 am »

@Hooligan: Yeah, the Hobbits are mostly gone now, but occasionally you find a couple hiding out in the woodpiles Smiley
We're not really that close to Australia. There's quite a bit of open ocean between the two and no sharing of critters. Now and then you might get a spider or two sneaking in on a boat, but customs/agriculture usually stamps down hard on that... so to speak. No rains of spiders, fish or otherwise. Seriously, NZ has only one poisonous spider and it's not actually lethally so. The most scary looking bug we have is a sort of giant cricket known as a "Weta," and it's only scary looking.

The Australians mock us for our wimpy wildlife. Smiley

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« Reply #221 on: April 22, 2008, 11:30:02 pm »

@SteelGuy:  Well, you're already up on us.  The US has five types of widow spider, thirteen types of recluses, a huntsman in the West and the Redback Jumping Spider.  All semi-toxic to deadly.  That's not even going into the snakes, scorpions and other venomous beasties that frequent this country.  Like divorce lawyers.  We're developing an anti-venom for that.

So, frankly, I would enjoy some wimpy wildlife for a change.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2008, 11:30:52 pm by Hooligan » Logged

The Sims 2: We're Not for Everyone, But Then 'Everyone' is a Pretty Unrealistic Demographic
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #222 on: April 23, 2008, 05:35:15 am »

Finally, another update for you; now, I switched to JWilson's versions of Oepu's skins after she made them sexy-feet compatible, but since that wasn't all she did, the sims will look a little different - including Philly's shade, as a different colour was used for the darkest skin. Aside from that and one or two anomalies, they didn't turn out too bad this time.. I hope :angel:

Johnny and Ophelia cuddled together on the sofa without a care in the world, both enjoying each other’s company and the warmth of their bodies, with not a single outside thought invading their minds. A couple blissfully happy and very much in love – or so it seemed.

Their eyes closed as their lips softly brushed against each other, Johnny clinging tightly to her as he tried to draw from the heat of her fire. Not for the first time however, her blaze lit a mere candle in his heart. Something was wrong, something he couldn’t put his finger on. Even after several months of dating, her touch felt no less strange than it did then, yet as he had done before, he could only put it down to “one of those things”. He knew no different.

As their kisses grew stronger, finally something happened. His heart now engulfed in a fire of his own, he responded avidly to her embrace, yet in his mind it wasn’t her he was expressing such affection for.

It wasn’t until her scent drifted through the air, parting the haze in his mind and pulling him back to reality, that he remembered who he was really with. Mixed feelings of guilt and sadness plagued his heart, and as hard as he tried to hide them, his eyes deceived him.
“You okay?” she checked.
“Sure,” he smiled, hoping to convince himself as well as her, “I’m fine.”

“Dad, please, stop it!”
“I’m just concerned for you, that’s all,” Peter soothed, “It’s been five months and you still admit her kisses feel odd?”
“I’m startin’ to wish I didn’t,” Johnny grumbled.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” Peter persuaded, “All we’re asking is that you think long and hard about this…”
Johnny looked up at his father in exasperation. The conversation was a follow-on from their talk at dinner after he had surfaced from his school work, and Johnny was now at the end of his rope.
“Why don’tcha jus’ come out with it?!” he bit, “You think I’m gay, don’tcha?”
Peter sighed as he watched him, once more faced with a seemingly impregnable barrier. It was always down to the outsiders to see the truth, but try to convince those in the thick of such confusion…
He hadn’t known it of course, but as his son flew up the stairs and into his room, the brick wall erected in Johnny’s mind came crashing down as he slumped onto his bed.

“This is crazy,” he muttered to himself, “How can I be? Surely I’d know about somethin’ like that…?”
Wake up and smell the grass, ‘gay boy’.
Yeah, cute. Just… gimme a break, huh? Just for a change?
How about you sit up and listen just for a change?! What’re you so afraid of, anyways?

Johnny sighed to himself as his eyes closed, the back of his head thumping against the headboard as he tried to make sense of the conflict deep within.
“It’s okay sweetie…”
The gentle voice reverberated softly inside his mind, and he grew aware of an arm draping lovingly across his shoulders. He opened his mind’s eye and gazed longingly across at the owner.

“Say it Johnny,” he encouraged him, “Say how you really feel about me, it’s okay…”
Tears of confusion pricked at Johnny’s eyes as his heart raced. He wanted to so much, but the words wouldn’t come.
“I don’t know how I feel,” he uttered weakly.
“Oh, I think you do,” Ripp purred in reply, a hand reaching towards his face as he spoke, “How long have you been feeling this way, hmm? How long have you been hiding from the truth about yourself?”

Even now it was a question Johnny struggled to answer, and he found himself searching deep inside his memories in a bid to finally solve this puzzle. His silence hadn’t gone unnoticed either.
“You okay?”
He reacted slowly to the call back to earth, turning in his seat but remaining distant as he began to voice his thoughts.
“How long have I loved him?” he asked no one in particular, yet his instinct told him it would be his father who’d know the answer.
Sure enough, Peter smiled sadly as he gave an understanding nod.
“Ah,” he began, before cocking his head. “It’s been a long time. Longer than you’d let yourself think for some strange reason.”
Johnny’s head turned sharply towards him at the response he gave.
“Since we met?” he challenged, beginning once more to drift off as he considered the possibility. “How much of jus’ thinkin’ he was nice…?”
“Hell of a way to meet though, huh?”
“Yeah,” Johnny scoffed, a smile playing upon his lips, ““Sorry about my jerk of a brother beatin’ the s*** outta ya… I’m Ripp by the way.””
“Yes,” Peter mused, before smiling himself, “It was such a nice surprise to see you bringing someone home.”
“Yeah,” Johnny grumbled, his heart sinking as resentment crept into his voice, “Only took, what…” He trailed off as he counted on his fingers, consulting his memories where need be. “Eight, nine years?!”
Peter remained quiet as his son floated into a bitter reverie, sensing he had much to expel from his system.
“Even then it was after someone else had a pop at me,” Johnny growled, “What is it with these guys?! I’m the same as everyone else; I got feelin’s, dreams… I jus’ wanna be accepted for a f… damn change!” He calmed a little as a fond smile played upon his lips. “Still, it was a hell of an entrance. Just plough into your iron-pumpin’ big brother an’ tell him to p*** off. I were half expectin’ him to start on him too.”
Peter chuckled at the irony, breaking his silence with a remark of his own.
“How things can change, huh?” he pondered.

“Yeah,” Johnny agreed, “Big bad Tank standin’ up for his gay brother…” His mind wandered again, this time not too far as he turned to his father. They had pulled up into the hospital car park now, sitting in the stationary vehicle as they continued to talk.
“I love him, Dad,” he told him, a wave of relief washing over him as he managed to answer his own question. “I always have…”
“I could tell,” Peter smiled as he returned his gaze, “Why do you think I kept asking you to think about your relationship with Ophelia?”
Johnny frowned a little as he pondered the query.
“At the time I didn’t know,” he recalled, “Couldn’t understand where it was all comin’ from…”
“Now you do,” Peter told him as he ruffled his hair.
“She saw it ages ago too,” Johnny confessed, guilt once more gnawing at his heart.
“Hey, come on,” Peter reassured him, “You were in no position to question at the time. The most important thing is – well, two things –  now you not only know which you prefer, you’ve also found something rare in this world; true love.”
Johnny smiled happily at the statement. You know it’s real when others can see it, he mused.

“Hey babes,” he answered, “How’s it goin’?”
“I’m cool thanks, how are you?”
“Tired,” he admitted, emphasising his response with a large yawn, “Was about to catch forty winks…”
“Didn’t you sleep too good last night?”
“Uh-uh,” he groaned, “Barely slept at all, things got crazy after you left last night.”
“How come?”
“Long story,” he replied, “I ain’t gonna explain over the phone… I need to get to bed before I pass out.”
“Oh dear,” she remarked sullenly, “Look, was gonna ask about goin’ out somewhere later… maybe I can call round in a few hours, let you get some rest?”
“Sounds good,” he replied sleepily, before the full weight of her words sank through the fog of fatigue shrouding his thoughts. “Sounds great, I’d love to see you.”
“Cool, see you about… one?”
“Yeah, one’s great,” he agreed, fighting off the arms of slumber just long enough to deliver an important message. “Oh, nearly forgot, I’m at Johnny’s…”
“You stopped at Johnny’s?”
“Um, yeah,” Tank agreed, not wishing to delve any deeper until he was fully conscious.
“Okay, see ya then.”
“Yeah, see ya,” he signed off, before tossing his phone gently to the desk and crashing into the mattress.

Once he had to fight to feel any spark in his heart when with his partner, now it only took a glimpse of Ripp on his bed as the aliens approached, and instantly Johnny’s being was consumed with a deep longing, but also overwhelming sadness. Ripp looked so vulnerable, like a battered child whose only wish was to cower in the furthest corner, away from the cruelty of the very ones he should have been able to trust.
“Hey sweetie,” Johnny greeted gently, managing a smile.
Ripp had to force the corners of his lips upwards as his head turned in their direction. Ripp’s battle was harder to face than Johnny’s however, his blue eyes misted over with the condensation of despair.
“Hey,” he uttered as he rose.
Johnny took him into his arms, but was almost afraid to hold him too tightly, lest he found any more bruises upon his love’s broken body.

Ripp, in contrast, clung to Johnny as though about to fall from his grip forever, ignoring the dull ache in his blackened flesh in favour of the closeness he so dearly needed, with perhaps the one person left in the world who could show him any form of love.  
Johnny pecked his head softly, before Peter hinted that they had better leave. There was only one thing preventing them from doing so, of course, and both aliens became grateful very quickly for being related to someone in the medical field.

“How much??”
Ripp’s jaw fell open in astonishment at the figure quoted, but the other two merely arched a disapproving eyebrow. They had anticipated a sum of that quantity, but there was one thing neither were prepared to accept.
“Hold on buddy,” Johnny challenged, “You can’t expect him to pay for this!?”
“That X Ray machine don’t come cheap you know,” the admin staff stated bluntly, “I don’t care where it comes from, so long as someone settles the tab.”
“No no, it’s cool,” Ripp muttered, but he was clearly far from happy. Peter on the other hand had other plans.
“Don’t be silly Ripp,” he told him, “You don’t have that kind of money.” He then turned to the member of staff with a hard face. “Only one guy’s paying, and that’s the man who put him here in the first place.”
“You’re sending Dad the bill?!” Ripp exclaimed in disbelief, but Johnny led him away to let his father give details in peace.

“He made the mess,” Johnny reminded him, “Let him clean it up.”
“I started it!” Ripp persuaded, “If anyone should be paying…”
“Whoa, whoa,” Johnny halted, his hands in the air in such a gesture, “You ain’t earned any o’ this s***, okay? Besides, he’s the one in full-time work, and he’s probably covered too. You ain’t got either, you’d be payin’ for the rest of your life!”
Ripp’s head sank into his chest as the salt in his tears assaulted his already sore eyes, all that had happened before now beginning to take its toll on his self-esteem.
“I have,” he half-whispered, “I deserve everything I got.”
Johnny was robbed of his speech for a while, the only thing he felt able to do being to stare helplessly while his heart was sliced open.
“Ripp…” he uttered finally, feeling enough strength return to his soul to work his vocal chords. It was a chore to control the trembling of his jaw, however.
“I do!” Ripp protested, “All I’ve ever done is p*** people off…!”
“That’s not true,” Johnny stated firmly, now standing tall in the knowledge that he was being truthful. He laid his hands gently upon Ripp’s shoulders as he continued to speak.

“You’re an amazin’ guy Ripp; you helped your brother, not to mention stood up to him when he was givin’ me a poundin’ that day, despite probably knowin’ he could’ve flattened you there an’ then…!”
The clouds about Ripp’s mind stubbornly refused to disperse. Tears trickled down his cheeks as years of abuse were unearthed by the events of the previous night.
“Come ‘ere,” Johnny offered, pulling him into a hug. Only then did he allow his own tears to surface as, somehow, he felt Ripp’s pain as though it was his own.

Ophelia paced the porch in anticipation, although the growing length of time spanning her knocks was planting a seed of doubt in her mind. Surely he wasn’t still asleep? What about the others – where were they all?

She knocked again, and moved to a window, peering inside to catch a glimpse of movement. Anything to reassure her she wasn’t on a wasted trip – they had arranged to meet, after all.

“’Old on, ‘old on!” Tank complained on his way to the door, pausing to surrender to a drowsy yawn as his mind struggled to blow away the cobwebs of sleep. He let a smile tug at his mouth as he opened the door, but braced himself for her reaction when he did so – she was bound to notice his black eye. Not to mention the fact that he still hadn’t been able to shave, having been woken by her knocks.
“Hey,” she grinned as she saw him, moving to place a soft kiss upon his tired lips.

“Hey,” he smiled as they broke away, ushering her inside before she could remark on his dishevelled appearance. “Want a drink?”
“Please,” she accepted, placing her order as she took a seat. She frowned in bewilderment as Buck followed Jill down the stairs, at first putting it down to a visiting friend, since the two children were quite close. There was the matter of Tank’s eye though… what did he mean “things got crazy after she left?” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she pondered the question, not liking the direction her guesses were taking.
No, surely not…
Tank allowed a wry, sad smile to flicker upon his lips as he returned with the drinks. She was too quiet, he noticed. He’d been rehearsing in his mind how to answer the inevitable question when it came, but life seldom goes to plan.
“Thanks,” Ophelia accepted, the weak smile as she did so not enough to hide her growing concern as he sat by her.

Tank silently sipped at his drink, dread and sadness building inside as he awaited that fateful grilling. Ophelia didn’t lift the mug to her lips, instead quietly running the tip of her index finger along the rim as she chewed over words exchanged on the phone earlier, the blissful parting as she left Peter’s car, even the warm feeling she’d experienced at finally seeing Johnny with the person he truly loved. No warmth could be felt now, however – she even gave an involuntary shudder at the chill pervading the atmosphere. Something bad had happened, so bad it had forbidden her new boyfriend the necessity of sleep – he didn’t even have time for a shave before answering the door.
“Did I wake you?” she asked carefully. It was obvious she had, but by now she just needed to break the icy silence.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Tank mumbled in reply.
“Hey, it’s cool,” she smiled, freeing a hand from her cup to lay upon his bare knee.
Tank smiled still only a little in reply, detaching a hand from his own mug to lay upon hers. The emotion he still attempted to suppress began to bubble to the surface as he clutched her hand tightly – how he needed her touch right now.
Alarm was growing inside her as she returned his grip, before setting her mug down. Passing his hand to her other, she glided an arm round his shoulders as she slid closer to him.

“What happened?” she asked softly.
Tank slowly shook his head, a stray tear trickling down his cheek as he struggled to find a way to explain. It was one thing acting the sensible one and calmly explaining to buy a ticket to safety, but the immediate danger was now over. All that remained were the painful memories of watching his younger brother battered by the feet of his own father; he’d been his mentor, his protector, his shelter. The fact that he’d also been his prisoner had been sealed away in his mental filing cabinet.
Save that one for later, Tank – he’s still your father.
Now’s not the time to remind me!

Ophelia whisked his mug from his fingers as she noticed him start to sob.
“Hey,” she soothed, taking him into her arms, expecting him to bury his head into his hands as he wept with not a word. He only did so for a little while though, before clutching at her arm as his words were propelled forth in between his sobs.
“It was Dad,” he whimpered, “He caught Ripp with Johnny… there was this big fight… an’ he just belted him… coulda left ‘im there, but no… he tried to finish the job…”
“What do you mean?” she asked, already feeling her fears becoming confirmed, one at a time.
Tank swallowed the fierce sobs now crawling up his throat as he looked back at her, after glancing about him to make sure the pair were alone. Thankfully for him the children had gone back upstairs, no doubt sensing the atmosphere was less tense elsewhere.
“He kicked the s*** outta him,” Tank explained, his tone strangely cold. “I was that shocked at first I couldn’t move, but what might’ve happened if I didn’t I don’t even wanna think about…”
Ophelia swallowed hard as the picture was painted before her eyes. Tank wasn’t finished either, she knew that, but did she want him to continue? It was enough that Ripp had suffered so badly…
“How’s he doin’?” she asked.
“Johnny and Pete are pickin’ him up from minor injuries,” he explained, “He broke his wrist when he fell.”
“What about your eye?” she pressed, against her better judgement, she was beginning to feel. “Was that him too?”
Tank nodded in reply, a dry smile flickering across his mouth.
“That was an accident,” he replied, hastily continuing as he noticed her begin to protest. “No, it was – I dunno what happened exactly, but…” He trailed off in thought for a moment as he pondered his father’s words, his actions and body language afterwards. ““Get off me,” he shouted, but he didn’t sound angry…” He leaned forward thoughtfully, his fingers pressed against his lips. “In fact he sounded afraid…”
“Afraid!?” she echoed, “He put Ripp in hospital…!”

“I know,” Tank agreed, “but someone gave him a scar some time ago. He don’t even remember gettin’ it, must’ve got a flashback or somethin’…” He shrugged as he leaned back into the cushions. “That’s all I can think of, anyways.”
“Wow,” was the best she could respond with.
“Yeah,” he concurred, before looking back at her. “For some reason, I thought it time we got outta there.”
“Good for you!” she congratulated, “So you’re all stayin’ here?”
Again, Tank nodded before replying.
“Yeah,” he added, “An’ all those wannabe army clothes of mine are still at Dad’s. They can damn well stay there too,” he added with a scowl.
“So you’ve got no clothes?” she checked.
“Nope,” he grinned sardonically, “Jus’ the clothes I went to the show with…”
She smiled as she came to a decision, tugging at his arm.
“Come on you,” she beckoned, “We’re goin’ shoppin’.”
“What with?” he quizzed, watching her rise, “No way would Olive pay for this!?”
“Oh, won’t she?” she grinned, reaching into her wallet and producing a credit card.
“That’s for you!” he protested as he left his seat.
“It is indeed,” she agreed with a wink, “You want a new image, you’ll damn well get one!”
“An’ you wanna be the one to do it, right?” he tested with a smile.

“You betcha,” she grinned, playfully running her fingers along the sandpapery texture of his jaw, “An’ that starts with a shave, Mister. Get to it!”
“Yes Ma’am!” he teased in reply, scurrying off to an upstairs bathroom. He paused at the basin, gazing down at the razors lying about the surface, and pulled an apologetic face as he remembered what else he’d left at home.
“Sorry buddy,” he said to whoever owned the razor he picked up at random, “All for a good cause, I promise.”

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« Reply #223 on: April 23, 2008, 07:54:27 am »

Wow Sadie, that was fantastic! I think I prefer Ophelia with this new skin. Not even sure why, I just think it looks better. It's good that both Ripp and Tank have got somebody that cares about them to lean on in their time of crisis. And I'm picturing the expression on Buzz's face when he gets that medical bill!

Oh yeah, Hooligan, you should totally move to Scotland. The only poisonous things here are the lies politicians tell. And since it's only the scottish parliament, you can't die from those!
« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 09:01:39 am by Bloody_Tears » Logged

"I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" Oppenheimer, taken from The Bhagavad Gita.
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« Reply #224 on: April 23, 2008, 05:24:59 pm »

I love the effects you used on the 'old'/memory pictures.
I can't get enough of looking at your pictures.

My Sims don't need to know it's not 2008 anymore.
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