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Author Topic: Suburbia - Part IV is now posted for your enjoyment! Added 1/4/2008  (Read 11675 times)
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« on: March 17, 2008, 08:05:21 am »

Don't know if I should say anything to introduce my story - but here goes.
This is my first story on Insim and I have been working on it for a while - four chapters are already written - so I hope you enjoy the beginning.

Part II

Part III

Part IV

"Have a good day at work, honey." Juliet smiled as Andrew pulled her in for a quick peck as he left the front door. The breeze rustled Andrews hair and Juliet placed a delicate hand on his clean-shaven cheek, before taking a dark lock of his hair between her thumb and forefinger and placing it back into its rightful place. Andrew flashed his white teeth in a grin and placed his hands on Juliet's waist.

Juliet knew that Andrew didn't want to leave her home at this crucial point, but he had no choice; work was beckoning him and if he didn't turn up his job could be in jeopardy.

Juliet leaned in and rested her head gently on Andrews shoulder, snuggling her nose into his ear as she did so.

"I'll try." Andrew grinned as he received affectionate but playful attentions from Juliet. "I'll miss you though." Juliet giggled slightly as she buried her face into his neck lightly pressing her lips on his sensitive spots, while Andrew sighed in ecstacy. "Maybe when I get home we can spend a few hours together and - you know." Juliet grinned as she gave him one last kiss and pulled away, his arms still wrapped around her waist.

"That would be nice." Juliet paused, Andrew looking intently into her eyes, and lightly ran a finger down his nose. "But to come back home you actually have to..." A lightbulb appeared above Andrews head as his eyes widened as his mouth formed a silent 'oh!'. "Yeah." Juliet giggled. Andrew kissed her again and ran down the steps before turning back and kissing her again. "Go!" Juliet grinned as Andrew ran to the car and slung his briefcase into the passenger seat.

Juliet stood on the porch as she watched Andrew clamber into the driver's seat. She couldn't see him as he closed the door because the sun was reflecting from windows and into her eyes, but she could tell he was looking back at her as he began to pull away. She gave him a light wave, her delicate fingers pointing to the bluest of skies.
Still smiling she waited until she could only see the red speck in the distance which was his car. Then she glanced up at the sky as if in silent prayer and turned to go back inside.

As she turned to go back into the house her smile evaporated from her face at the prospect of what she would have to face as soon as she entered.

Andrew and Juliet had recently faced a lot of troubles. Andrew's failing marriage with his ex-wife, Meygan, led him into Juliet's arms when he met her at a bar after a long day at work. One thing led to another and Andrew's failing marriage completely disintegrated and his and Juliet's relationship reached a whole new level of commitment. Juliet moved in, leaving a highly disgruntled family member.

Andrew's daughter, Alexis.

Alexis was a young girl who saw her family ripped apart by her father's infidelity. Naturally, she blames her father's new girlfriend who caused him to stray from her devoted mother and housewife. Alexis also knows, from listening on the stairs, that her mother refused to take Alexis with her, saying that she was better off growing up in a home she was familiar with. This left Alexis in a confused state, rejected from her mother, less attention from her father who is now devoted to his new girlfriend. All Alexis wants is for her family to be fixed back together. But that could take a miracle.

Alexis saw Juliet step backwards to come inside the house and turned away from the window as she fiddled with a lone pawn on the chessboard, while fixing a scowl on her face.

Juliet approached Alexis with an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, she knew that the young girl detested her very existence, that she blamed her for tearing her parents marriage apart. But Juliet sympathised, she knew if she were in the same position that she would also be acting in the same immature way.

"Alexis?" She stammered as she looked the little girl in the eye. "Are you ready for school? The bus should be here in a minute, or if you want I can take you in the car and we can have a little bonding time?" She tried to lighten her voice and make herself seem excited at the prospect of spending more time with the little girl. When the little girl said nothing, Juliet began to get frustrated. "I know that you hate me Alexis." The little girl rolled her eyes and made a clicking noise with her tongue. "But I wish you would speak to me... you don't understand the situation of your parents' marriage, it was failing before I even met your father."

Alexis furrowed her eyebrows. "You think that I am going to be believe anything you say? I saw my mother walk out on my father the day she found out about you! And yes, I do hate you - I won't deny it. You tore my family apart!" Alexis throat was clogged and her eyes brimmed with tears. "I won't ever forgive you and I won't ever speak to you again! Oh, and I won't go to school. So you will have to call them up and tell them that I am sick." Juliet breathed a heavy sigh as her head began to ache.

"I will do no such thing! You need your education..."

"I need my mother, but you..."

"Alexis that is the end of it - you are going to school and I don't want to hear another word against it."

"I'd like to see you try and make me... there is no way that I am going and there is no way that you will get me on that bus."

"I'll call your father, he will..." Juliet knew she should not have resorted to this, it showed that she had no authority over the little girl and Alexis knew it too.

Juliet turned away as the little girl stormed up the stairs and out of sight. Juliet closed her eyes taking deep breaths, trying to ignore the now, heavy thumping on the back of her skull. She was out of control of the situation and she had to regain some authority, preferably before the school bus turned up outside.

Andrew drove up the many ramps in the packed multi-storey car park looking for an empty space, eventually he spotted one and quickly squeezed into the tiny spot. He pulled the handbrake up firmly and switched the engine off, the woman's monotone voice from the radio was silenced and Andrew took a deep breath as he thought of Juliet at home.

He cleared his throat and checked his appearance in his rearview mirror before taking his briefcase from the passenger seat and lightly stepping out of his immobilised vehicle.

The smell of petrol wafted up his nose as he stepped out into the damp and chilly car park, where a few people were clambering out of their cars to go into town. Andrew slammed the door shut behind him and set his briefcase on the floor beside his car so he could straighten his tie.

As he looked around he saw a close friend approaching him from the opposite row of cars.

Julian and Andrew had been friends ever since they started working together a few years ago, Julian had also been best friends with Meygan, Andrews ex-wife, since high school, but he did not begrudge Andrew for his lack of judgement since he had been aware of the failing marriage for quite a while after hearing both sides of the story from Andrew and Meygan.

They greeted each other with a warm but firm handshake.

"Long time no see." Julian exclaimed as he grasped Andrews hand. "I was missing you, I don't get sent on very good assignments without you... Anyway, I know why you needed time off, but boy did you take time off..."

"Yeah. Ok, Julian. I missed you too, but I have to make sure that Alexis doesn't murder Juliet in her sleep." Julian laughed but Andrew looked serious. "I'm being serious bro, they detest each other, and I know Juliet tries but Alexis just wants her mum, I don't know why Meygan refused to take her." Julian lost his smile and tried to look understanding as the screech of tyres was heard on the storey below.

"I see what you mean, mate. But what the hell is with your suit?" Julian laughed again, a heartfelt laugh, a heart-warming laugh. "I mean, you aren't exactly dressed for the occassion, no doubt we will just be sitting in the office again." Andrew playfully gave Julian a dig in the arm.

"Well when you get promoted and become someone's SUPERIOR and detective superintendent there are some benefits..." Julian raised his eyebrows."And they are?"

"Well a higher wage packet and do you know what that means?... It means that I can buy snazzy suits and wear them to work." Andrew stooped and picked up his briefcase.

He looked Julian in the eye and began to laugh. "The chicks dig it too!" They both laughed and Andrew took his keys out of his pocket and pointed them at the car as he pushed the button that set the central locking and alarm.
"I guess we'd better get going then, you don't want to be late after all the time off you have already had."

Julian turned around and Andrew followed as they headed towards the elevators. Julian grinned as his eye caught the woman walking in front of them.

"She sure is fine. Wonder if she wants to come and hang out with us at the station. I mean, look at that ar..." Andrew scoffed.

"Yes I'm sure that the best thing she can think of to do this morning is sit in the office watching us do paperwork, I expect she'd have a ball!" Julian waggled his finger in Andrews face.

"She might. You never know it could just be right up her street." Andrew looked Julian in the eye as another waft of petrol filled his nose.

"Yep I'm sure it is. Why don't you go and ask her?" Julian closed his mouth and walked quietly out of the car park.

A short while later and Andrew was waiting outside H&M for Julian to come out of the public toilets nearby. The street was paved with black, and was rather quiet but Andrew just put it down to the fact that it was pretty early in the morning for lots of people to be out and about.

The sun was already hot and it pierced Andrew eyes as his phone rang.

"Hello? Andrew Cooper speaking." Andrew heard the soft giggle of Juliet and a heavy sigh on the end of the phone, and he knew something was wrong.

"Andrew it's me, Juliet." His heart jumped into his throat as he thought the worst; something had happened to Alexis.

"What is it honey? Is everything alright? Alexis is Ok isn't she?" Juliet's heavy sigh on the other end of the phone made his heart stop for a brief moment and he held his breath in anticipation.

"She's fine. But she is refusing to go to school and she won't listen to me. I didn't know what else to do and I know you're busy with work and everything but I can't force her to do anything - I'm not her mother." Juliet sounded on the verge of tears and Andrew had no idea what to do.

He held the phone closer to his ear as he closed his eyes and thought about what he could do."Honey? Are you still there?" Juliet's tingling voice echoed down the phone soothing Andrews heart.

"Yes, sweetheart, I'm still here. I suppose we can just let her have the day off today, because there is no way I am going to be able to rush back home now, but I will be having words with her when I get back and she won't ever refuse to go to school again." Juliet stayed silent and Andrew could tell she had tensed up, fearful of having to spend a whole day with his nuisance of a daughter.

 "It's only one day Juliet, I'm sure you can handle it, try and bond with her. Once you get to know each other..." Juliet's tone had changed now, it was shrill and her throat was clogged as she tried to hold back the tears.

"I've tried bonding with her Andrew... I keep trying. But she detests me, she wants you and her mother back together and she would do anything to get me out of the way. She blames me Andrew! She blames me for your mistake!" Andrew frowned as he fought to hold back his own tears.

"It wasn't a mistake Juliet. I love you. I will speak to Alexis when I get home and I will explain everything that happened between me and her mother. I will sort this Juliet. It will just take some time, everyone who knows you loves you and it will be the same way with Alexis soon... I have to go now honey, Julian is back. It's time to head to the office. I love you. See you when I get home. Bye."

"Bye." Andrew hung up and turned to face Julian.

"Family problems!" he said rolling his eyes. "Reasons to stay single." he said holding out his hand as if it were a sheet of paper. "Reason number one: To avoid the problems of a womans everyday life. Reason number two..."

"Ok, Julian. I am really not in the mood anymore." Julian gave Andrew an apologetic look as they headed towards the office, the woman they had previously been following had now disappeared.

"Alexis giving Juliet a hard time?" Andrew nodded.

"Yep, and I can't do anything about it because I'm stuck here and it's not like I can just go home otherwise I'll get the sack. Why can't everything just fall into place like it was supposed to?" Julian comforted his friend by patting him on the shoulder.

"That's divorce my friend."

Violet looked up as Andrew entered the office. She watched him run his large, firm hands through his dark hair and her heart fluttered. Her face flushed a deep red and she continued to look at him until he had reached his desk and started ruffling through paperwork.

As she turned her head back to her computer screen she began to think about things she could say to him. "Good to see you back. No too vague." She told herself. "I need to say something where he will get the hint. I would have thought he had already worked it out by now." Violet hadn't thought of anything to say, but her feet began acting of their own accord and she found herself walking straight towards Andrew.

Violet fixed a smile on her face as she approached him, he looked up and smiled back before looking down again and rustling through leaves of paper.

"Hi Andrew. I hear you are single again." Andrew looked up, saw the hopeful look in her eyes and felt a deep sense of guilt; not because he had ever given her a reason to think he felt the same way about her, but because he knew she was wasting her time in chasing after him.

"Hi, how's work been?" Andrew racked his brains, trying to think of something to say without hurting her feelings.

"Well it's been Ok, I guess. Work is work." Violet gave an awkward laugh. "But going out at night and meeting new people is nice, a benefit of living in town. Speaking of which have you met anyone new?" Andrew, relieved that she asked the question and that he was obliged to give her an answer without feeling so bad about it, smiled and looked up.

"Er, yes. I have been seeing someone for a few months now, and she has moved in to my place. Things are going good, what about you?" Andrew sighed in relief at the lack of hurt evident in her eyes, she was still smiling, but he could sense her disappointment.

 "Oh, I've met a few new people, but none of them have the longevity factor." Violet refrained from saying 'unlike you' but only just. "It's good that you have gotten over Meygan so quickly, though, Alexis must not be happy with the new arrangement."

"Well, no, actually she isn't." Andrew stated, scratching his head awkwardly.

"Naturally, she probably hates... what's her name? You never said." Andrew was surprised at how interested she seemed in his personal life especially considering he knew she would be jealous, but told her anyway.

"Er, Juliet."

"Well, I suppose Alexis hates Juliet doesn't she? Just give them time to get used to one another, make a few changes and I expect everything will turn out Ok." Violet gave Andrew a reassuring smile, and watched him staring at her with a stunned look on his face.

"How do you know all of this stuff? How can you be so sure everything will be alright?" Violet's eyes glazed over as memories shone in front of her.

"It's a long story."

"Well we are only doing paperwork today so we have all the time in the world." Violet knew that this was a chance she should take, opening herself up to Andrew could only make them closer.

"Well, when I was younger I went through the same thing with my..."

"Andrew mate, Martin wants to see you in his office." Julian had trodden over and stated this with an angry look on his face.

"Oh sorry Violet, maybe you can tell me some other time?" Andrew started making his way to the door of their boss's office. "Julian aren't you coming?"

"This new assignment isn't going to be you and me this time, mate." Andrew raised his eyebrows in confusion and headed to Martin's office.

As Andrew walked away from her, Violet closed her eyes, pursed her lips and let out a deep breath as she tried to rid herself of all her frustration. She had come close - so close, to opening up to Andrew and now she was back to where she started. When she opened her eyes again Julian was standing in front of her, watching her, and she felt her blood boil.

"Couldn't you just have waited a few more minutes before sending him to Martin's office?" She hissed at him - Andrew was still within earshot so Violet tried to muffle her voice. "You know how I feel about him, we were just getting to know each other on a more personal level!" Violet just looked at Julian furiously as she waited for him to reply.

 "Violet. I know this is none of my business, and yes, I do know how you feel about Andrew, but it can't happen. His previous relationship was already destroyed because of him straying from his wife, you have to respect that he felt extremely guilty for that, and he would never do it again. He is now in another serious relatonship and I don't want to see that destroyed either." Violet looked at Julian flabbergasted.

"I'm serious about this too, Julian. I have been in love with Andrew since High School and that is why I followed his career path. You really think I like this job? I have to get him to notice me otherwise it will all have been for nothing! My life will have been wasted chasing a love that I can never have. Please, Julian, understand..."

"I do understand Violet, but you should start chasing a new dream now, because the one you are chasing is pulling away from you and you are being left behind." Violet folded her arms and furrowed her eyebrows as Julian walked away from her and back to his desk.

As Julian began to dial a number into his telephone, Violet approached Tara, who stood by her desk furiously rummaging through her drawers.

"Hey Tara, what are you looking for?" Tara jumped as she stood up quickly, startled by Violet's presence.

"Oh, just a stapler, I think I've lost it." Tara didn't seem too sure about what she was saying, Violet thought. 'Oh well' she told herself 'she can't be up to much it's just Tara.'

"Oh right, you can borrow mine later. I wanted to talk with you that's all." Tara looked up into Violet's face, confused. "How well do you know Andrew?" Tara's eyes lit up as Andrews name was mentioned.

"Oh he's very nice. I know him quite well, he's very polite and always says hello."

"Yes but what do you know about him?" Violet persisted, annoyed at Tara's lack of understanding.

 "Well I guess not much more than you. He's always talking to you. Surely you know everything there is to know about him by now." Tara flushed red as she realised how little she knew Andrew. She fumbled with her hands as Violet just looked at her.

"Well I guess so..."

"You like him don't you?" Tara blurted out. "Sorry, it's just I see the way you look at him, how you act around him... you do know that he is in a long-term relationship don't you? You won't ever get him." Violet felt her face go red. Could she really be read so easily? Was she an open book? She shook her head and looked at Tara furiously.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? I just need to find out who this Juliet is and what is so great about her."


"Yes. Juliet. Wait, do you know a Juliet?" Tara realised she had said to much and shook her head quickly.

"No... I have to get back to work... Can I borrow your stapler?"


Violet turned her back on Tara suspiciously as she watched Andrew close Martin's office door behind him. How she wished she could tell him how she feels about him. 'Maybe he alredy knows!' She said to herself. 'If Tara could tell, surely anyone knows.' Violet flushed a deep red as this thought occured to her, 'maybe he just doesn't want me.' Violet held her head high and sat back down at her desk as her disappointment of being rejected filled her heart.

Clara looked around as the door opened and Andrew walked in with an annoyed look on his face. She was startled at the way she found it difficult to look away from him, only when he came to stand right next to her did she avert her eyes.

"Andrew. I would like you to meet your new partner, Clara." Andrew and Clara looked at each other and Clara lost herself in Andrews dark, deep eyes.

"What about Julian?" Andrew asked, Clara noted the power in his voice and his attitude and realised why he was detective superintendent.

"Julian will be given an office job, you have nothing to worry about, Clara here will keep you focused on the case in question." Andrew looked at Clara again and sized her up. Clara smiled awkwardly as their eyes met and quickly looked back at Martin. Andrew felt his face go red, and he too looked back at Martin.

Martin looked up at Andrew with a serious look on his face.

"The case in question. Right. So we have found a body, her name is, or was, Tracey Watkins. She was strangled to death... you might want to go check the scene out, see if you can't find anything to go on. Julian will look up Tracey's history for you, and you can take Clara with you, I believe she will prove useful. You will need to..." Andrew interrupted his voice forceful and irritated.

"I know the procedures, Martin." Martin frowned and waved Andrew and Clara out of his office.

"Oh, and welcome back to work, Andrew."


To Be Continued...

Thanks for reading and I hope you tune in for the next part and leave a nice comment if you liked it.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 01:32:02 pm by Sam_Cains90 » Logged

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2008, 12:19:25 pm »

Hey, Sam!  Glad you found your way here.  I hope you get tons of responses - some days are busy and others are slow, just like anywhere, I suppose.

I forgot to mention to you on your blog how beautiful your sims are.  The skin tones are just gorgeous - and they look like real people.

I hope you enjoy it here and stick around for awhile!

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!

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« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2008, 05:20:07 pm »

It's all thanks to you!!!

The skintones are all by ChazDesigns at TSR, but they were all packaged with sims...

Actually none of my sims were made by me - apart from Alexis... they're all celebrity sims with different skintones so nobody recognises them!!!

Anyway - I have found this site quite simple so far so yes, I'll be hanging around for a while.

Thanks for your help!

For my other sim stories please visit my site:
Stelio Kontos
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« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2008, 08:49:39 pm »

This is one of the better stories I've seen on here in a while.
How long have you been planning this story? The planning really shows.
Astral Faery

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« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2008, 09:39:36 pm »

Yep - Sam's awesome!:happy8:

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
-For some awesome reading try SimTales:
-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!

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« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 01:04:25 pm »

Well I didn't really plan this part - I planned from Part IV onwards... The first 3 parts were just in my head for quite a while.

For my other sim stories please visit my site:
Stelio Kontos
Resident Reptilian
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« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2008, 04:38:41 pm »

Quote from: Sam_Cains90;1178375
Well I didn't really plan this part - I planned from Part IV onwards... The first 3 parts were just in my head for quite a while.

For a so far semi-planned story, this is pretty good.

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« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2008, 05:52:30 pm »

Thankyou very much - I appreciate your views and compliments.

A quick question though, how do I make a link to other parts and keep it in the same thread? Does it do it automatically?

For my other sim stories please visit my site:

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« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2008, 07:06:13 pm »

gosh, your sims are so realistic and beautiful...almost toooo beautiful, lol. Tongue they all look they could be models in some fashion magazine :-) Great story so far, i love how it's all set up, with different people's point of view

Babycat ::smilieiforgetwhi:: :tongue8:

Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me. - Bella Swan, New Moon
Astral Faery

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« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2008, 10:18:02 pm »

Let me see if I can explain it without confusing you (I'm pretty lousy at giving directions).

Once you have your next part posted, click on the post # up in the upper right hand corner.  Like, this one should be post #10.  That will take you to your story post directly, without being a part of the main body.  
Click on the URL address of the post, copy.  
Go back to your original post (which should now be in a separate window), click on Edit, and down at the bottom, Go Advnaced.  
This will allow you to add a link to your post.  Just type in 'Chapter 2' (or whatever you want), highlight it, click the insert link button and paste your URL there.  

Does that make any sense?  If you need more help - just let me know!

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
-For some awesome reading try SimTales:
-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!

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« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2008, 06:56:37 am »

Thanks Ariana - I think I understand it... things should work out fine Smiley

Thanks Baby Cat glad you are enjoying the story.

For my other sim stories please visit my site:

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« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2008, 05:42:44 pm »

I hope you enjoy this part aswell! :happy8:

The living room was noisy as the houses' inhabitants gathered on the couch with a tray of food and some glasses of wine for a late afternoon lunch. With a quick flick of the remote, Clarissa switched on the TV and turned it up so that everyone could hear over the background noises of people munching on cheese and biscuits and Mark's heavy sips of wine.

The news came on and with it the theme tune blurted out of the speakers. Suddenly, everyone lurched forward and grabbed some more cheese and biscuits and started chatting again.

"Guys, hush up. I want to watch this!" Clarissa half-shouted, as the newsreader began to speak.

"Clarissa are you serious?" Colin asked incredulously as he cast a questionable look at her.

"What?" She stated defiantly, folding her arms.

"Watching the news? Since when did you become an intellectual?" Clarissa laughed and hit him over the head with a cushion.

"Since when did you need to become an intellectual to watch the news? Now hush up, something could have happened." Clarissa threatened them all with a cushion and they all closed their mouths, and listened to the newsreader.

"...A spokesperson has been over today listening to the days events and is going to indulge us in what has taken place. Over to you Cindy."

"Thankyou." The newsreader, Cindy, took a deep breath as the rain began to pour down behind her. "Todays events have been tightly held under wraps, until just recently, when I was able to speak to Detective Superintendent Cooper, who has managed to give me some information on the grisly murder which took place here last night.

According to Mr Cooper, the woman, who has recently been identified as Tracey Watkins, was strangled to death at her office block where she intended to spend the night working late last night. As of now there are no leads as to who the murderer is, but the investigation is still going on as we speak. If we get a little closer we can see..." A blip sounded as Cindy was cut off and the previous reporter was back.

"Looks like Cindy was getting a bit enthusiastic. We have now identified Tracey Watkins and, as such, have been provided a photo, and for anyone who might have seen this woman or knew of her whereabouts during the hours leading up to her death we have a phone-in line and ask for any help you can possibly give the police to identify a killer.

On a brighter note the weather is sure to be dry and bright. David. Over to you..."

Clarissa closed her eyes in pain as her glass crumpled in her hand and sent shards of glass into her palms.

"Clarissa are you all right?" Mark enquired seriously as he saw the pain evident on her face.
"Come with me we'll get it all cleaned up." Mark held out his hand for Clarissa to take, but her face was blank and pale. "Listen Clarissa, I know you feel quite faint at the moment, but if you let me stop the bleeding, you'll feel fine." Clarissa said nothing, but stared blankly ahead.

"Clarissa, will you please listen to Mark, you're scaring us." Colin said quickly, turning away from Dana to see what was wrong.

"CLARISSA!" Dana screamed. "MARK WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET HER TO THE KITCHEN NOW!" Dana took charge and pulled Clarissa to her feet and into the kitchen.

Dana quickly rushed Clarissa, pale-faced and stiff, over to the sink and ran the cold tap as fast as it would go and shoved her hands underneath the running water. Clarissa did not move, but just stared out of the window, as Dana left to get a towel from the cupboard.

"Clarissa what's gotten into you? Why did you smash that glass?" Dana questioned as she hurriedly wrapped the towel around Clarissa's wet and bleeding hand and applied some pressure to stop the flow. When Clarissa just continued to stare out of the window, Dana splashed some water in her face to wake her up.

"Why... What are you doing?" Clarissa shrieked as the droplets of water ran down her face and neck.

"Clarissa, I am trying to find out why you crushed the glass into your hand, and almost killed yourself." Clarissa looked at Dana incredulously and pulled her hand away appplying pressure to the towel, which began to drip onto the floor.

 "I didn't nearly kill myself!" Clarissa scoffed, turning away from the sink and dripping more water onto the floor.

"No you didn't." Dana laughed. "But you were bleeding rather a lot." Clarissa looked back at Dana, a worried look plagued her face and Dana was slightly disconcerted.

"Did you hear the news reporter?" Clarissa asked tentatively.

"Did you see the news?" Clarissa asked, more strongly this time, she had a crazed, blazen look about her and her dark hair seemed to crackle with electricity.

"No, Clarissa. You know I don't watch the news... have you stopped bleeding?" Clarissa gave a little nod. "Good, let's go join the others." Dana said as Clarissa turned away once more and she strode out of the kitchen, leaving Clarissa alone with her worries.

Dana sat back down on the couch and cuddled up with Colin again.

"Is she Ok?" Karl asked as he tried to ignore the now kissing pair next to him. A loud slurp was heard, and Karl pulled a face in disgust, while Dana was detatching herself from Colins lips.

"Yes, she's fine. Just a little shaken up I think... if you just leave her, she'll be ready to come out in a few minutes." Dana added this little piece of advice as Karl seemed just about ready to run into the kitchen after Clarissa.

"Hey guys." Tom smiled as he entered the living room, he had a wild look about him, as if he had discovered something of great meaning. "Mark, come and listen, I've written a new song." Mark was the first person Tom ever allowed to listen to his music, the only one he trusted. Mark sprang to his feet.

"You've written something new?" He paused slightly before turning back to the others. "Karl you should check on Clarissa in a minute, just to make sure that she is alright."

With that, Mark turned away and followed Tom up the stairs into his room, where he would listen to Tom's new masterpiece. Tom had a knack for creating emotions in his music, a way of ensnaring all who listened, hynotising them, Mark often found himself hypnotised and longed for more music.

Clarissa left the kitchen feeling a bit dizzy and glancing up she saw Mark and Tom going up the stairs.

"Hey guys. Where are you going?" Tom looked around and grinned at her meaningfully. "No way. You've written something new." Clarissa knew that Mark was always the first to hear and had learned the habit of not asking to listen when she knew she wouldn't be allowed. Instead she rubbed her forehead and said "I can't wait to hear it" before heading outside into the salvation that the garden provided.

Mark nestled himself comfortably on the floor as he flicked absent-mindedly through one of Tom's discarded magazines. Tom gathered himself and headed to the corner where he picked up his guitar and strung a few chords, before he began the introductory melody.

Mark noticed a difference straight away to how Tom usually wrote music, it had a melancholy sound to it, a slower beat which seemed to caress his ears as the waves hit him.

Paul opened his mouth to sing, and once again Mark was surprised by the sound that Tom projected. It was an emotional piece, a softer more feminine piece of music and Mark found himself mesmerised.

"On the other side.
That's where we'll go together.
I'll stay by your side.
And protect you, protect you from harm.
I'll cradle you in my arms.
I'll make you feel safe."

"The guilt that surrounds us.
Comes from the memory of you.
We open our eyes in wonder.
As we realise what we have to do.
We see what's

On the other side.
That's where we'll go together.
I'll stay by your side.
And protect you, protect you from harm.
I'll cradle you in my arms.
I'll make you feel safe."

"The memory of a warm embrace.
That gentle kiss on the lips.
It was ours. Just ours forever.
Long lost through all your trips.
You never went.

On the other side.
That's where we'll go together.
I'll stay by your side.
And protect you, protect you from harm.
I'll cradle you in my arms.
I'll make you feel safe."

"For the two of us.
Ignorance is bliss.
We didn't know what was coming.
We didn't know what we would miss.

On the other side.
That's where we'll go together.
I'll stay by your side.
And protect you, protect you from harm.
I'll cradle you in my arms.
I'll make you feel safe."

"That's what I told you.
That's what I said to make you leave.
I thought we'd be back together.
But now I see.
We'll only be.

On the other side.
That's where we'll go together.
I'll stay by your side.
And protect you, protect you from harm.
I'll cradle you in my arms.
And make you feel safe."

Mark looked on in wonder as Tom finished with a tricky little chord.

"Tom. That was amazing. I don't know how to explain it. You've done it this time, man.. You've done it. This is your hit. Your money maker." Tom smiled ecstatically as he set his guitar back down.

"Is it good?"

"Good? Are you serious? It's amazing! There's no way I could describe it. It's emotional, it's heartfelt, it's comforting, reassuring. I don't know! It's just everything music should be! I'm honoured that I am the first one to have heard it. And I know. And I am telling you, that is going to be on the radio." Tom and Mark just smiled at each other, before wrapping their arms around each other and jumping about the room in happiness.

Clarissa stepped in away from the humid air outside, her hand still wrapped in a towel and shaking tremulously from the recent loss of blood, her face pale and her bottom lip trembling slightly.

"Are you alright, Clarissa?" Karl moved cautiously off the couch eyeing her worriedly. The fire crackled in the grate and Clarissa's vision went blurry. Karl watched her stumble as she rested her forehead in one hand and tried to balance with the other. "Let's get you upstairs to bed."

Karl eased Clarissa gently onto the soft matress which she sunk into easily. He watched her as her eyes fluttered while she tried to keep herself awake. Her dark curls flowing gently around her sunkissed face, her hand delicately curled and just resting across her stomach. Karl smiled and stroked a stray curl away from Clarissa's face and watched her gentle breathing form. He squeezed her hand and, still smiling, backed out of the room as Clarissa let out a small sigh and rolled over.

Clarissa opened her eyes as she heard the door close behind Karl, she listened to the sound of his fading footsteps as he walked down the hall and into his own bedroom. She looked around her small and cluttered bedroom with a sad look on her face.

An e-mail popped up on her laptop screen and she scrambled off of her bed and stared at the address with a horrified expression on her face before clicking on the attached e-mail.

She read the e-mail over and over again, as if she were trying to imprint the memory of it onto the inside of her eyelids so she could read it forever. She tore herself away from the screen as tears welled in her eyes and she clambered back into her bed.

She lay there for a while as the tears rolled down her cheeks and onto the pillow underneath her, she thought of Tracey Watkins as she buried her face in her hands and sobbed herself into a stupour.

Clarissa finally calmed down and closed her eyes all thoughts of the e-mail; it's contents, who it was from, all swimming through her mind. As she dozed off, exhausted by her emotional outburst and tiring day, images floated through her mind, flashes of her life with her grandmother and her friends in school.

Clarissa opened her eyes wide, the smell of her grandmother's perfume wafted up her nose, as she heard the door swing open and hit the wall behind it with a loud bang, waking her up indefinitely.

"Happy Christmas, Clarissa." Her grandmother said stiffly as she bent to pick up the dirty laundry that was thrown about the floor. She shuffled about the room picking things up, banging drawers closed and just making noise until she couldn't tolerate Clarissa's ignorance any longer. "Are you going to get up of your own accord or am I going to have to pull you out of that bed?" She screeched, her voice a little more shaky than usual, she knew that Clarissa was growing old enough to defend herself and more.

"Well?" She pressed on as Clarissa continued to ignore her. Margery fussed over the dirt and dust covering the room and began to comment on random objects to get Clarissa to answer her. "I will need to get a cloth and wipe that computer screen of yours. It's filthy - Fingerprints all over it! Why do you have a poster of that loser on your wall, he's not even that attractive if you ask me. Why do you have to dump all of your clean clothes, that I have just washed, on the floor all of the time. It just means I have to do more... that's it Clarissa, get up, I'm sick of you ignoring me. If your mother were here, you know she would not let you treat me like this, I have done nothing but provide you with a decent life." Margery bit her lip hoping that Clarissa would finally listen, and fiddled with the reading glasses that were hanging from her neck.

Clarissa's eyes were still open, but in answer to all of her grandmother's questions, she just pulled the warm covers up over her face, hiding it from view. She felt the moisture of her breath on her face as she breathed into the duvet, trying to ignore her grandmother's continuous talking, tidying and fussing.

"Right that's it Clarissa! I've had enough! What would your father say? What would your mother say?"

Clarissa sat up furiously as blood rushed to her head.

"They wouldn't say anything. You have given me a decent enough place to live, I suppose. You do my laundry, you give me somewhere to sleep and give me money and food." Clarissa took a deep breath as she realised how emotionally she felt about what she was just about to tell her grandmother. "But you have never shown me any affection. You've never given me any indication that you actually care about me. You just treat me like I am a thorn in your side." Margery sighed and sat on the end of the bed.

"One of your friends is at the door. I'll get all this stuff cleaned up for you." Clarissa almost burst into tears at her grandmothers indifference, but satisfied herself with saying.

"Happy Christmas, grandmother. Send whoever it is up will you? I need to get dressed."

Clarissa turned around as the door swung open and hit the wall behind with a loud bang and just stared in shock.

"Tracey? What are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?" Clarissa was full of questions, but at the same time she felt her stomach drop with the feeling of disappointment that now filled her from seeing her old friend.

"Well, after you moved away, I begged my mother to move too. I had to be with my best friend. And so, here I am. Isn't it great things are going to be just like they always were." Clarissa nodded, but the feeling of disappointment had grown, it's not like she didn't like Tracey anymore... she had just moved on, made new friends. Friends with whom Tracey would not be welcome.

 "And I have enrolled at your school as well, so you can introduce me to all of your new friends, and we can have fun, just like old times. Isn't this going to be great? Us together again?" Clarissa grinned uneasily and Tracey laughed at her. "Right you have to tell me everything! What's this place like? Have you met a boy yet? I hope I do! Do you have any hot friends?"

Clarissa entered the school grounds a week later, eager to see her friends again after the time apart for the christmas holidays. But for the first time ever she felt a knot of nervousness in her stomach, a small knot, but it still made her feel uneasy as she could hear Tracey's heavy footfalls behind her.

"Hey guys, where's Karl?" Clarissa said as she approached her friends most of whom were looking behind her at the new arrival.

"Library of course." Tom replied without taking his eyes off of Tracey, Mark had an air of annoyance about him as he eyed Tracey, who seemed completely at ease and very bold in character, up and down.

"Of course." Clarissa mimmicked.

"Clarissa, are you going to tell us who this is?" Dana, looked at Clarissa as she gestured with a slight nod of the head in Tracey's direction. All eyes of the group flickered at once to Tracey and then to Clarissa as if awaiting an explanation.

Clarissa nervously looked around at Tracey as the knot in her stomach tightened.

"This is - er, Tracey. She's a close friend from my old school, who has just moved here." She quickly gave the group an apologetic look as they all looked at one another with curious looks on their faces.

"Hi." Tracey introduced herself with a high pitched squealy voice, like that of a chipmunk, not taking her eyes off of Mark.

"Hi I'm Colin and this is Dana..." Dana flashed Colin a warning look and he leant back on the bench and closed his mouth.

"And I'm Tom and this is Mark." Tom emphasised Mark's name as he smirked at Tracey's interest in his blonde friend. Clarissa's face flushed as she felt guilty for Tracey and putting her in this situation, but also annoyed that Tracey was just standing and staring.

"So, we had better get to class." Dana said slowly as she eased herslef lightly off of the bench after the warning bell rang. "See you later Clarissa."

A couple of hours later and the group were all heading to the canteen for lunch, Tracey following behind, looking like a lost dog, while she watched the others chatting animatedly and throwing harmless insults at one another and laughing.

Tracey looked around the canteen and found it full of the usual cliques associated with a high school, but his group was so uniquely different, a mixture of characters and she felt that she needed to be a part of it. She didn't realise that she had to be unique herself to be able to join. But she saw the dozen other hopefuls that were also trying desperately to be included in any way that they could.

"Listen, Clarissa, I really want to be a part of this group." She cast a quick glance at Mark, which didn't go unnoticed by Clarissa who raised an eyebrow at her enstranged friend. "I can't stop looking at him, or listening to him every time he says something. I need you to talk to him for me, talk to the group. I want to be a part of it. I want to be with Mark. Please Clarissa - do this for me?" Tracey looked imploringly into the eyes of her old friend who had completely changed, it wasn't just her appearance, she had just become so calm, so friendly, so... nice.

Clarissa nervously glanced behind her and watched her friends eating, Karl kept glancing up occassionally, as he waited for Clarissa to join the table. She turned to face Tracey breathing heavily as she tried to make up her mind.

"I don't know, Tracey. You really aren't Mark's type. And the group never just lets random people join, something has to have happened to a member, something that bonds them."

"Please, Clarissa, just try?" Tracey was almost on her knees begging, her eyes welling with tears and her hot palms squeezing Clarissa's wrists.

"I-I'll try Tracey. But it won't be easy, and it might take them a while to decide... you might want to find somebody else to eat with today, give them some space." Tracey nodded and walked away, while Clarissa let out a deep breath as she could feel beads of sweat slowly forming from the guilt that flooded her as she watched her old friend walk away and knew there was no chance of her joining.

Clarissa sat down at the table and pretended to listen to her friends while she remained distant and didn't take anything they were saying in.

"Clarissa? Is something wrong? You're very quiet." Colin asked, leaning over Dana.

"Everythings fine - well no. It's not. Tracey wants to join the group... I know it's silly of me to even suggest it, I know she doesn't qualify, but I had to ask anyway - she's an old friend." Clarissa raised her eyebrows as she fought to hold back tears. "I just feel so bad because she really wants to, she wants Mark to notice her."

"Me?" Mark asked questionably. "What does she want with me? Tom is the one everyone fancies... maybe you have it wrong." He stated quickly and worriedly.

"Or maybe you have a new admirer." Tom said with a laugh, and quickly receiving a disgruntled look in return.

"You did tell her she's not my type didn't you?" Clarissa nodded as she adopted a motherly look on her face.

"Just out of curiosity, Mark. What is your type?" Dana leaned across the table. "You can just tell me if you want, I want to set you up with the right girl." Mark gave Dana an awkward smile and scratched his head.

"If we could get back to the original debate, rather than Mark's taste in girls..." Clarissa said forcefully as she looked around at her friends, who all had knowing smirks on their faces.

"There's no point discussing it, Clarissa. You know that the answer is no. Now let's have a good time and find out which girl we can set Mark up with." Clarissa shook her head in frustration.

"But we don't let anyone into the group who hasn't dealt with a difficult life, so unless you want to set Mark up with me which, no offense to you Mark, will never happen..."

"Erm, I don't really see the problem in letting her join the group, I mean she seems nice enough and she was friends with Clarissa before. So it's not like she is untrustworthy or anything..." Karl stated. Colin threw his fork down on the table in frustration.

"Yes but that was before Clarissa met us, she's changed now. I'd actually be extremely surprised if Clarissa herself wanted Tracey to join us!" Colin turned to Clarissa. "I'm sorry, Clarissa, you knew the answer before you even asked, there is just no way that Tracey can join us." Colin stood up just as the bell rang for class. The others followed suit, Clarissa only comforted by the thought that she wouldn't have to spend so much time with Tracey to feel the guilt that was tearing her stomach to shreds.

Clarissa opened her locker and began grabbing her english books and all of her study materials, before quickly locking it and turning around to head for her class when she was pounced on by Tracey.

"Well, what did they say? Am I allowed to join? What does Mark think of me?" Clarissa faced Tracey, a look of deep distress on her face.

"I'm sorry, Tracey. They don't want you to join, and like I told you, you aren't Mark's type. We can still be friends though." She finished brightly, smiling slightly at Tracey. Let's go to english, if I'm late one more time... well let's just say that the consequences won't be very nice." Tracey forced a laugh and followed Clarissa to the english class.

Mrs. Harrisson walked in through the door and silenced all of the pupils with a quick look before turning to Tracey who was stood at the front of the room.

"Oh, yes. I forgot we have a new pupil. Tracey Watkins isn't it?" Without waiting for an answer she told Tracey to go sit at the back of the room where there was a spare seat next to Christie. A spoilt brat who thought she knew everything. "Anyway, I'm sure you have all been acquainted with Tracey already, so I'll just skip formal introductions and make headway with our lesson. You all have your plays?" The class all raised a copy of Romeo and Juliet in the air. "Well you won't need them today, I have a practice exam paper for you all." The whole class groaned as Mrs. Harrisson went from desk to desk handing out leaves of paper and the question papers.

Clarissa and Tracey had just got back to Clarissa's grandmothers house, the weather remained chilly, but was still rather warm for the time of year. Clarissa trod gravely up the gravel path as thoughts of having to put up with her grandmother weighed heavily on her mind after what she had said to her earlier that morning.

Clarissa looked at the surrounding houses, the homes of her neighbours and wondered whether any of them had to face the sorts of dilemma's she had had to endure in just one day.
All thoughts escaped her mind, though, as Tracey grabbed her wrist and pulled her around to face her, Clarissa was disturbed by the furious and hurt look on Tracey's face.

"Why am I not allowed to join the group?" She cried furiously. "I only moved here so that I could be with you again! You don't even seem to appreciate that! I ask this one little thing and you just pretend to ask your friends if I can join the group, while I sit outside oblivious to the joke you are playing on me!" tears were running down Tracey's face, ruining her make-up but her frown and disappointment did not falter.

"Tracey I didn't pretend, I did..."

"Don't lie to me Clarissa! I know you didn't want me here the moment you saw me. And you definitely didn't want me to join the group!" Clarissa was frightened. Tracey had never shown this angry side of her before, if she was capable of this, what else was she capable of?

Tracey stood there breathing heavily as though she had run a marathon, waiting for Clarissa's excuse.

"It wasn't that I didn't want you to join. It was that I knew my friends wouldn't want you! Tracey the group is for the desperate, for people who have been rejected by all the other cliques. And I know, the group knows and YOU know that you are the type of person that will do well anywhere. You don't need me and you don't need the group!" Clarissa retorted angrily. She looked into her friends eyes which were wide with shock, Tracey's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. What had Clarissa turned into?

When Clarissa saw that Tracey was finished, she turned and walked into the house slamming the door behind her.

To be continued...

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« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2008, 05:49:29 pm »

Thanks again for the help Ariana - but how do I change the title so people know that it has been updated?

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2008, 06:40:53 pm »

You know, I completely forgot about that, Sam!  Sorry about that.

You'll need to change the title from your first post, every time, because that's the title that shows up in the story thread.

Go to Edit, Advanced.
Click on the title box, and you can type in the title you want.  So, naturally, whenever you update you should reflect that in your title, too.  Don't forget to click the 'Save Changes' down at the bottom.

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« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2008, 06:46:55 pm »

Oh right - that's easy.

Thanks again.

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