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Author Topic: The Wellgate Legacy - Chapter 13 Up 1-9-08  (Read 22013 times)
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« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2008, 05:40:38 pm »

Thank you for the comments!  Cheesy  I'm so glad I got you laughing. :-P  

Just a disclaimer, my avatar is that of a rotten apple, so no ... not that big on Twilight unfortunately.  I have a few issues with it, but this is not the time or place.  Smiley  Don't hold it against me! :rabbit:

Anyway, here comes ...

Chapter 9  

Then there were 6!  Dogs that is.  The sixth little bundle of barking joy is Sam, another girl.  

Scamp: So how does she seem my dear?

Gloria: She smells just fine!  Even as I smell her armpit.

Max: So you start school tomorrow Stephen?  Well let me tell you, it's difficult to get good grades.  Like I did actually with no trouble at all.

Owen: Now, now son let's be nice.  I'm sure Stephen will get by somehow.

Max: Hmph, if you say so.

Lakeshia: Eat your vegetables honey.  You need to stay nice and healthy and strong.

Now with more free time Lakeshia is taking up Japanese art, something wholly endorse.

Owen: Now I know not everything comes to you as easily as it does Max.  So I'm going to help you with your homework.

Stephen: Sure Dad.  I'll just pretend that you look at Max and I the same way.  It's much easier that way.

Stephen: Now I know how to study.  You know what, it doesn't matter, no matter what everything will be okay and someday you will see.

Scamp: I have a secret ... You are looking rather lovely today.

Gloria: I also have a secret ... I love you.

Snap: You know I can hear you Mom and Dad and that made me all itchy.  I'm trying to relax here!

Sam: Hi Mom!  What's that, what's that!  Dog food.  Oh it's good, it's good!  Yum, yum, yum!

Gloria: Yes it's good.  Oh dear me.

Yes Sam is a rather hyperactive puppy dog driving everyone mad.

Scamp: I swear I was just getting up from my nap and confetti started flying out of my butt!

Oh I'm an elder now?  Well that's nice, time to retire and just relax.  I demand a four footed foot massage right now!

Max continues spending a great deal of time training and play with Pop.

Max: Well Pop, I asked the teacher if I could bring you to school, but it turns out that she doesn't quite buy that I'm blind and need a seeing eye dog.

His passion is tinkering so spending some time researching it makes good sense.

Max: Oh yes I know that there is a woman behind me eye balling my next.  You know what, I ignore strangers especially ones that look like they might be half zombies.  Makes good sense I think.  Who let her in here anyways?

The boys spend the vast majority of their free time training the dogs.  How nice to them to fulfill their Father's LTW.  Getting 6 dogs to the top of their careers is a lot harder than I thought it would be!  Though thankfully Maxis made training dogs fun or it would be completely impossible.

Lakeshia came home glowing green and happy at life.  

Easy to see why.  It's always a good day when you hold the world hostage and get $60,000 out of it.  Oh and yes her name is really Lakshmi but I forgot that when I started writing this legacy so blah.

Oh yawn!  Yet another day ahead of being gorgeous and wonderful.  How ever do I cope.

Oh I just had a bad dream!  About Max and leaves and ... I don't remember.  That can't really happen, can it?

Owen: I have surprise for you! Guess which hand?

Scamp:  Uh, right hand?  

Owen: Nope, nothing see.  You guessed wrong.

Gloria: This is so silly and pointless.

Random Cook Person:  I want you to come to my secret hideway, where we can 'cook' together.

Owen: Um, first it's downright spooky that you just walked in without knocking while I'm still in my PJs, second I just don't go to anyone's secret hideout without a reason.

RCP: I'll make you a pie.

Owen: Well in that case...

Meanwhile Max is already kiss-assing his way up the corporate ladder.  Starting with the headmaster of the local private school.

5 minutes later....

Headmaster: I would be thrilled to have your son at our school.

Owen: *gulp, gulp, gulp*.  What's that?  I have two sons you know.

Headmaster: Whatever.

Max: Hi Scamp!  Did you know that I am enrolled at an exclusive private school?

Scamp: *in doggy talk* It might be just me but you are getting a bit big for the britches, aren't you?

Max: Everyone thinks I'm so great.

Stephen somehow manages to stay cheerful even while cleaning the house and being all but ignored by his parents.  This is the Cinderella story in reverse or something.

Scamp: So do you still like me even though I'm old and beige?

Gloria: Of course my dear.  You are top dog with me!

Max's birthday!  He actually got a cake, first one ever.

Yay for Max!  Spoiled little darling.

Oh yeah, nice and strong.

Max: You better believe it baby!

Max: Someday you will be great like me if you do everything I say all the time.

Stephen: Oh Golly...

Then Max proceeded to get the ultimate birthday gift!  A brand new house!  Wow wee!  No what actually happened is that someone the lot they were on got infected with something and free will was completely screwed up among other things.  I was so worried, thinking that this was the end of the line.  I managed to save them all though, but lost the lot.  So I downloaded another lot with no CC and here we are.  

Lakeshia stops her criminal ways long enough to play with Sam.

Max and Snap spend quality guy time together.

Owen and Pop discuss politics in a friendly manner.

Scamp discovers that green bones can be just as tasty as brown.

See that there was strangely an old abandoned car on this lovely lot, Max got right on it with some power tools.  

Then Owen suddenly unexpectedly had a heart attack!  Oh no!

Ha ha, just kidding isn't that funny?

Lakeshia: No..

So here is our family.  And yes Lakeshia does have interesting ideas of appropriate dining wear.  Max seems slightly more cheerful these days.  Must have been those pre-teen hormones before.

My goodness does he love his tinkering.  He went to the secret lot looking for teenage girls and found none. So he spent his time enthusiastically talking electric trains with the engineer there.

With more time on her hands now Lakeshia is devoting more time to her hobbies.  For unknown reasons she felt confident enough to enter a cooking contest.

The judge seemed to like her crapes...

But she lost.

Lakeshia: Now darn it, darn it, darn it.

Random Cook Guy:  Listen lady no one wants a scene.

Random girls keeping walking by the house.

Unfortunately Max can not claim to be a fan.  Will he ever find the woman of his dreams?

Owen's birthday!  It's been quite a journey all ready, what will the future hold?

A haircut!  That's good for starters I think.

Ah, now that's better.  All debonair and stuff.  

Snuggles, snuggles.

Max knows that he looks hot and cocky in his private school uniform.

Even Stephen looks good actually.  The kids has dignity and a positive outlook, I really like that.

Lakeshia takes her cooking aspirations a bit far and manages to set the kitchen on fire!

Lakeshia: Oh thank goodness you got here!  That fire burned so hot and so quickly.  Good thing we have plenty of money for a new stove!

It must be the area that they moved into because sudden there are so many girls around.  Even one for Stephen.  Maybe the no nose will balance out too much nose?  Who knows?

Meanwhile Max makes love to his mirror.  

Max: Oh baby you have everything!  Good looks, charm and a great sense of style.  This is a match made in heaven.

Owen: I may be old and grey and you may be carrying extra junk in the trunk, but together we are magic!

Lakeshia: What do you say my dearest, still have it in you?

Owen: Boy do I ever baby!  Come here!

Finally Max finds the woman of his dreams and she is just like his ... mother.  Hmm, I could explore the deep reaching physiological implications of this, but I'm a bit lazy.

Stephen brought a friend home from school.  Seems that he is practising early to take over his mother's 'career' choice.  

Whoa, teenage boys really have no brains at all sometimes.

No she won't go out with you now, silly boy.

Yay homework time!  

Meanwhile Lakeshia is out walking the dogs when she comes upon a stranger who just loves talking make-up.

And loves to wear womans shoes.  What sharp teeth he has?  Really this is a bit strange.

Paul the vampire: You know I love sun!

Owen: Um ... right.

One of the worth things about this house is the huge pills of leaves that need to be raked up at least once a day.  Silly trees making silly leaves.

Paul: Hi there boy!  I'm harmless really.

Scamp: My doggy ass you are.  Still, do you want to play?

Max: Oh yeah, I need to polish until I can see myself.  Then this car will be perfect!

Random Girl: Please ... Your rich family and good looks do nothing for me.

Max: Aww, shucks.

Delivery woman: You know you totally called me and I brought this food over...

Lakeshia: Must ... work ... off ... butt.

Max: At least I have this car.  When I can drive any where I want I'll be able to find all the girls that look just like my mother!

Owen retired and now he spends all his time with the never ending task of training the dogs.  Honestly it's unbelievable how long this is taking.  The dogs always get to tired or have to use the loo right before being fully trained, always!  I'm hoping Owen manages this!

BTW, Scamp, best dog and best doggy Daddy ever.  I've never seen a dog with such a perfect relationship with everybody before.

Stephen got an A.  No one noticed, but he was proud of himself and that is what matters.

Then boom!  He grew up and no one noticed, including me, bad me.  His face rounded out a bit and that helps.  

He's so fun and sweet and that helps tons.

Sam grew up and here are all the dogs in one room!  Clockwise from the bottom.  Sam, Scamp, Gloria, Pop, Crackle and Snap in the middle.  It's slightly scary that I know that!

Owen: You know Stephen is doing so well, maybe he will be an overachiever like Max!

Scamp: Hey I'm rooting for him.  At least he never tried to eat me.

Max continues to work on his car.

Almost done!  Just add a bit of paint and ...

All done!  Looks good, doesn't it?

Max kindly invited Stephen and the Wellgate boys went out on the town.  Unfortunately all the teenage girls must be in hiding or something.  Well try again later.

Owen practically lives in the bathroom at this point.  He spends at least 6 hours a day just washing dogs.

Then it happened ... folks ... the worst thing possible.  Max was out raking and burning leaves.  Apparently his bathrobe caught on fire.

He went up like a torch, too much cologne?  Everyone tried to save him, especially Lakeshia.

But nope...

Shock, I was in shock.  It happened so fast.

The grim reaper wasn't interested in any sort of plea.  There was nothing to do.


I got nothing.

Stephen apparently couldn't care less.  Which made me angry at first, but then I remembered Max was never especially nice to him.  I was hoping they would become better friends in college, but now that is never to be...

Owen and Lakeshia were of course devastated, as was I.  

Of course I could have just reloaded my game but I had made pack with myself to accept anything that happened, no excuses.  I have never had a teenage sim die in my game before and I can't believe it happened now, but it did.  

Now it's down to Stephen, ... or is it?

And even the fireflies cried ...

Sorry for the depressing ending, but that's the way it went. Sad
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 05:47:18 pm by erica_jean698 » Logged

(1st) Picture Perfect (2nd) The Amazing Race (3rd) Model Swap
Astral Faery

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« Reply #46 on: August 18, 2008, 07:07:01 pm »  Was not expecting that.  Oh my gosh!  Here I was feeling sorry for Stephen all this time and oh my - what a shock.  I admire you for not taking the easy way out and reloading - that's really hard, especially when something like this happens.  But wow.  

Anyway, got lots of laughs before this happened.  Lots of fun stuff, as usual.  Thanks for the humor - I really need it tonight.

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« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2008, 10:54:46 pm »



as Astral said, i was not expecting that. then again, there was always something about Stephen that made me like him better Cheesy

great update!!!

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« Reply #48 on: August 18, 2008, 11:55:27 pm »

Noo! I liked evil, creepy, conceited, genious Max! Was I the only one? 'Tis very sad. *sniff* Cheesy

Ooh I get it now (your avvie lol). I promise I won't go into it but after the epic failure of BD my opinion of the saga has declined. :lol:

Love long chapters, keep it coming lol.

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« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2008, 05:32:50 am »

Aww Sad I too felt for Stephen, and didn't take to Max with his narcissistic ways, but he didn't deserve that. Still, good on you for not reloading - are you keeping score? I know there's a penalty for reloading, but still it's a challenge, as you're finding out.

And yay, Paul! Cheesy Wasn't expecting him to show up in a legacy, but I'm not complaining Wink

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« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2008, 09:14:57 am »

I love thiss Legacy!

I'm Upset now i've found out max died Sad
Keep up The Amazing Work Cheesy

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« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2008, 10:44:34 am »

Thanks everyone for your comments and sympathy! :group hu:

Sadie, I am keeping score, after a fashion.  It's probably not perfect.  There is a clause that you can restart your game if it is an absolutely emergency.  It wasn't really though because Stephen is still going strong and wants it very much in his patient way.  Things tend to be interesting when you just let them happen though, I've found. Wink

Yeah Paul manages to getting into everything I do. :-P  Sneaky little demon he is.

Chapter 10

Stephen has suddenly taken to working out his weights every chance he gets.  

It seems to be working!  Strut your stuff baby, you've got it!

What's this now?  You want to eat this glowing green bowl of toxic waste?  I'm game!  Nothing like a bit of a glow to get me moving in the morning.

Ohh I feel all tingly!  

Not only does it help my digestion, it keeps my teeth pearly white.


Stephen had a snow day and he was quite thrilled.  In fact it snowed so much that winter, he had three snow days in a row.  Not much to do but hang about all the time.

All the while Lakeshia is hanging out in bathroom.

Lakeshia: Ug, what is all this?  Five days until I become an elder.  Must be my body winding down.  That's it, all it can be.

I don't know...  Looks like more than that to me!

It was a special Mother and son bonding time as they worked today creating artificial men from snow.

Then with a pop it all changed.  Seems another Wellgate is on the way!  I was surprised with Lakeshia so close to being an elder, surprised but pleased.

Excusing himself from the family drama for a bit, Stephen made eyes with a red head named Willow.  Can't say I don't love that name.

Even as he chatted Willow up yet another girl happened to come by.  What luck.  He was equally attracted to both so he invited both in to see what would happen.

I think we can see who the clear winner is here.  Just walking by someone's house so you might come in and use their computer is not cool.

Stephen: Enough talk, time for a decision.  What do you think?

Willow: How this?  You put the boom, boom into my heart!

Stephen:  How lovely and I must say, you wake me up before you go-go!

Ah a perfect snow angel.  Surely someone is looking down from heaven and smiling.  Or maybe that someone is floating around the garden a red ball of fury ...

This is wrong on so many level.  Barefoot outside in the winter exercising in pjs while pregnant ...  At least she is looking slimmer now.

Ahh!  Snowball headed your way, better duck!

Ohh, just missed her.  Great reflexes!

Yes that's a pregnant tummy all right.  What mysteries does it hold?  After two boys I know what I wish for.

Stephen: Hey Mom I got an A!  I do this everyday and I will keep on doing it until I get the cheer I deserve..

Lakeshia: Hmm, good.  I would get up but I am pregnant and don't want to disturb the baby.

Ohh, ohh here we go!  What will it be?

Oh another boy ...  Yay ...  I have nothing against boys, but a girl would be nice at some point.  I'm talking to you Stephen, take note!

Lakeshia: Aww, look at him!  He looks just like Max did once upon a time.  

Stephen: Actually he looks just like I did too you know.

Lakeshia: Aww, you are so sweet, just like Max.  I'm going to call you Matthew because you are clearly from heaven.

Stephen: So you are Max's replacement are you?  Try it if you like, but I'm off to university soon and they will be impressed then.

Owen: Another one?  When did that happen?  Hello little baby!

Matthew: Hello Dad!  Something happen around here?  What did I miss?

Oh My God, first sighting!  Wow, just as red as I thought he would be.

Nothing like blossoming young winter love.

Willow:  Isn't it quite amazing that every time we do something hearts are floating above our heads?

Stephen: Hmm, did you something something darling?

Owen: Look at my boy almost all grown up.  Now I have another one starting over at the beginning?  I must be out of my mind.

Stephen: Do allow me to properly massage you my dear.

Willow: Aw, thank you.  You are so thoughtful.

Willow: That's really nice, but I'm so cold I've turned blue!

Stephen: I know just the thing to warm you.

It certainly did work well.  It's so good seeing Stephen doing all right for himself.

Stephen: Oh my god you are that cool vampire guy who use to hang around our house all the time.

Paul: That's right.  I am cool.

Stephen: You know I may be a popularity sim, but my secondary aspiration is knowledge.  I get these strange wants from time to time ... hint hint.

Matthew is such a perfect baby!  He rarely cries and sleeps more than Max and Stephen combined.

Birthday time!  

Toss the kid up and let him down.  Will he look like Stephen or Max?  The anticipation is killing me.

Neither!  It's a good nose though.

After a make-over!  How comes Matthew, the late stage mid life crisis miracle baby.  How will this effect the dynamics of the family?  Honestly with what has happened so far, I haven't a clue.  

Owen:  Goodnight my sweet angel.  My only wish is to be around to see you grow.  

The same party Lakeshia changed into an elder.  My sims seem to be picking out decent clothes for themselves, which is nice for a change.

Stephen was leaving for uni in the morning as he and his father had some last minute fun bonding over GTA.

Stephen: Goodbye Snap!  Forgot me not and I'll see you soon.

Snap: Sure thing.  Rub my belly before you go.  It's for good luck, I promise.

Ohh scary ghost anger.  Sorry about the bed mate, but we couldn't exactly just keep it around.

Moving up and out Stephen gets out the cab into a whole new life.

His girlfriend Willow and him put all their savings together to rent a little house just outside the campus.  Which you can't see from here because my graphic card doesn't allow for that.  :-P

Willow: You know Stephen now that we are at University I just wanted to say that even though we are living together we don't have to be exclusive.  I mean this is the time for fun and experiment.

Stephen: Oh.  I didn't know you felt that way.  Sure ... maybe that's for the best?

Willow: Of course it is!  Besides you know I love you best.

Yay mixed messages!

Unwanted surprise packages outside the door do get me enough money to actually make living condition passable.  Only good thing, Mr. Humble!

Still they were basically broke, so Stephen tried panhandling with little success.  A bunch of skinflints these college types.

Fortunately just when it looked like they were going to have to sell the couch Stephen got a call from a certain vampire inviting him down town.

There was a nice meal with Paul prattling on and on about all sort of rubbish.  Nothing better than a captive audience.

Stephen: What's this?  Advertising for temporary DJ's?  I might have to give that one a whirl.

He was a great success, with the money just rolling in!  Got the ladies dancing and Paul giggling, couldn't ask for more.

He even got hit on by one of them and sad to say she's married and writing this legacy right now.

Stephen: It's nice to know that Max isn't the only one who can get the girls flocking.  Of course I must remember Willow, she's my girlfriend after all.  I'm sure she's at home just waiting for me.

Noo... sorry to say, that a no Stephen.  She had been cheating on him with a cow.  Yes a literal cow.  Bad enough either way but with a cow it's that much more insulting I would think.  

That cow has many enemies. Even before he left that lot the Cow had been attacked by a furious cheerleader.

Who of course won.  You don't mess with the cheer squad.  See I told you it was a real cow.

To make himself feel better and to get some more much needed mula Stephen tried free styling.  He had half the place dancing, but did anyone put anything in his tip jar?  Nope, not a penny.  Hello people pony up all ready!

He even got a bit of unexpected attention.  He's a current head of the line though and I can't have him going that route.  Pity.  

Stephen Out!

He didn't however miss the opportunity of chatting up a couple of people in very nice uniforms.  Is there a method to his madness?

Willow left in a huff to explore her bovine interests elsewhere.  So sad, but they only had one lighting bolt between them.  On to big and better things.

Mmmm, pepperoni pizza.  The stable of the University student's diet.

Stephen invited several suits over to his modest home, when it happened.

Party crasher!  

Stephen: Excuse me?  You think I'm a chicken?  What is this?

PC: No I think you are trying to weasel your way into our secret club.  Sorry to say it worked.  Take this poke so you will remember how lucky you are.

Stephen: I think you punctured an artery with that poke.  

PC: Now I'm going to lock you up and give you another good poke.

Stephen: This is turning a bit more kinky then I thought it would.

Fortunately it all turned out well when he arrived at the secret society.  Quite the welcome party he had!

One girl in particular caught his eye.    

Stephen: So you come here often good looking?

Lola: Why yes.  I live here just so you can meet me, fall in love before I eventually break your heart.

Stephen: Uh, what did you say?

Lola: Welcome to the secret society!  I can see you will fit in well here

Stephen: Thank you!  I'm sure I will.

Stephen didn't just come to meet girls however.  He came for something else...

Stephen: If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

Lola:  You wouldn't be able to stop me baby!

Good idea to feed the mascot before the mascot feeds on you.

After that Stephen was so high on happiness that he couldn't help but cream Paul with a water balloon.  Why is there a vampire on campus?  Search me.

Stephen: Hey Dad!  What's going down?  What's shaking up top?  Keep on grooving baby.

Owen:  Well you certainly are in a good mood today.  College is clearly doing well with you.

Stephen was only too quick to share his good fortune with Snap.  Wonderful thing about dogs is that they always listen.

Stephen:  Dad ... I got (nicked) something for you and for Mom ... I want you to have it but be careful with it.

Owen:  Where did you get that?  How did you get that.  I don't know ... I don't know if I should take it.

Stephen: Take it Dad.  I know you'll do the right thing.

Stephen invited Lola over for some country dancing?!?  What the heck?

No not quite that, but we can't tell you, it's a super special secret!

Ahh, campus love.  Seems the Wellgates really do have a thing for redheads.

Owen: Well that's my cue to leave I think!  Hard to believe how fast they grow.

Owen: I just wanted to say before I go that you are doing so well son.  I'm so proud of you and always have been.

Stephen:  Thank you Dad.  That means so much to me, so much more than you know.

Back at the ranch Matthew is taking his first steps.  

Owen was out playing with Pop when he spied the ghost of his first born.  He wasn't scared, just sad about a life cut so short.  

He was scared but opened the present Stephen had given him, an item of great and wonderful power.

Owen: Money?  You want money?  Um, I don't know ... is three thousand enough?

Owen: Ah, what's happening!!!

Owen:  Max?   ... is that you ... ?

Owen: Oh my God!  What have I done??
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 10:57:15 am by erica_jean698 » Logged

(1st) Picture Perfect (2nd) The Amazing Race (3rd) Model Swap

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« Reply #52 on: August 20, 2008, 11:15:00 am »

:shock: OMG!!! zombie max!!!!!

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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2008, 11:46:06 am »

Yikes!! When you said surprising, you weren't kidding! :shock:

On a lighter note, Stephen's a sweetie :love2: Finally got the praise he deserved, too Cheesy

Awesome update Smiley

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« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2008, 04:13:23 am »

:jaw: Whoa.
Astral Faery

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« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2008, 11:51:15 pm »

OMG - I so can't believe he's a zombie!  Awesome!

Fabulous update - lots of giggles.  Stephen seems like a nice guy, but his baby brother sure is a cutie pie.  I love that closeup pic of Scamp looking up at the camera.

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« Reply #56 on: August 23, 2008, 12:10:03 am »

Cheesy fun story!

and I just love that picture of the dog smiling up to the camera Cheesy

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~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~

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« Reply #57 on: August 23, 2008, 09:52:28 am »

Thank you so much everyone for your comments and interest! Cheesy  

I was really surprised that I was able to resurrect Max so easily.  However buy and build mode is active on the secret society lot so it was no problem to put the grim reapers phone in Stephen's inventory.  So yay!  As far as the zombie bit, I couldn't quite resist doing that. :-P

Stephen really is a nice guy, a Libra and his personality nice bar is almost filled to the top.  I'll just have to wait to see how Matthew turns out. Wink  

Chapter 11

Thankfully once Max got some air into his lungs he lost that bluish hue, but somehow gained stitches around his mouth.  Hmm, curious and curiouser.  No quick fix for that stench unfortunately.  To the showers with you!

Matthew:  Daddy, I heard something downstairs...

Owen: Heard something!  What could you have heard?  Nothing happened downstairs. ... Here's a bottle for you.  This is such a nice room you have here, how about you stay in here forever?

Matthew: You are so convincing I almost thought about maybe considering possibly believing you for a moment.

Max: BRAAAAIIIINNNS!  No this isn't a brains, but a sandwich. .... SAANNDDWIICCHHH!

So off went Max to the clothing store for a makeover, because I don't know to many preppy zombies.  Before I could even get a proper picture of him with his new look, he was hit on and hit on hard.

Robin: Oh Max, your cold clammy skin, deathly ill pallor and especially those infected stitches around your mouth just does it for me!  


With skill Max sneaked up behind Robin and ate out her brain!  Ahhh!

No that's not what happened, but wouldn't that be cool?  Maybe not quite so graphic.

The first kiss of death!

Max: This close I can easily smell your BRRAAIINNSS!

Robin: I have always dreamed of being in love with a rotting corpse!  How could one girl get so lucky?

Hello I'm Max, your friendly neighbourhood zombie!  Welcome to my home.  Do allow me to show you around.

This is my brother Matthew.  Unfortunately I am under strict orders never, ever to eat him but sometimes I really wonder if a bit or two gone missing would be even noticed.  I mean he's so small anyway.

Max: So hungry!!!  Come here you half bear/child thing.

Matthew: No I will not!  *stomps bear feet*  Go away!

Arggg Zombie rage!  Stupid parental units making me fix all the appliances and not allowing me to eat the baby.  

What's that?  No not at all.  I'm the Friendly neighbourhood zombie remember.  Perfectly sweet and innocent in all things.

Lakeshia: Wow, you are back in the bathrobe you died in.  Not burned at all ... interesting.  Now don't worry about not being able to eat Matthew.  When you go to university there will be plenty of people to eat there, I promise.

Max: Aww, thanks Mom!  (Hmm, BRRAAIINNS!)

Owen: Now son, I'm interrupting this pyjama party so to remind you to be playful and nice.  Please, please try to remember that.


Max received the zombie scholarship and asked Robin to join him on his uni adventures.  He moved in with Stephen and Lola and than they all moved together to a much bigger space.

Stephen: This is so cool!  My brother is back and all is right with the world.  Oh look, butterflies.

Robin: Oh my god, he's even hotter than he was before.  The stench has increased so wonderfully much!

Max: Oh ... it's you.  I remember you.

Off to the clothing store, again.  Robin got a nice new makeover.  Maybe a bit goth, but she is in love with a zombie, after all.


Stephen: So you were really dead!  What was it like?

Max: This is your brraaiinn alive ... this is your brrraaiiinn as a zombie...

Kicky ball, the joining bond between the living and the dead.

Meanwhile Stephen was making lots of time with Lola, his girlfriend.  Yes that is Lola, not Robin, Max's girlfriend.  It's confusing because Lola and Robin look exactly alike except that Robin has darker skin.  Stupid Maxis...

Ohhh yeah!!  Stephen getting lucky!  

Now that she is part of the family Lola got her own makeover.  Unfortunately she is pretty much a crap cook.

A really really crap cook and set Stephen and her little hut on fire.  

Stephen: I know I said our love was burning hot but this is ridiculous.

Lucky for them I had installed a fire alarm and the fire department came.  They did lose the stove however with no money to buy another.

Stephen: It's all right, we can always go over to Max's hut and eat there.

Lola: It's so creepy over there, but if we have to, we have to.

Yes it is a bit, but fortunately Robin is a great cook.  


Max: Ah, finally we are alone my unpicked flower with a brain stem.  

Stephen: Never mind me, I'll just clean these right up.

Robin: Oh Max, you really are wonderful.

Robin could no longer resist the lure of Max's decomposing body and with sweet words pulled them into their bed.

Max: BRAINS!  BRAINS!  All mine!

Robin: What the .... stop chewing on my hair already!

Yep now Max is offically now an undead corpse of a man.

Whoo Hoo!  He did remember his father's advice and he is indeed playful, for a zombie.


Robin: Oh yeah, now that's sweet talk I like to hear!

Everything was going along just wonderfully.  Stephen and Robin wanted to work on their term papers, so everyone walked to the library.  

Max and Lola waited outside, because Max prefers the dark.  They were whispering and giggling together and just messing about.

Lola: I picked this the other day and for some reason I just thought of you.  I want you to have it, my precious rose.

Max: For me!  That's awfully naughty isn't it, after all you are my brother's girlfriend.

Max: I'll take it.  Oh the smell of sweet success!

Robin: You cad!  How dare you take her rose.  You think I can't see those hearts!  We are through you hear me, through!

Lola: You ticket is up Beatch he and his zombie stench is mine now.  Look and weep!

I can't believe Max is undead and now having all the girls fighting over him.

Max: What's not to believe, I'm charming, gorgeous and the only zombie around.  Girls just love zombies.

Me: Shut up you!  I thought I said no third wall breakage in this legacy.

Max: Ha, I do things my way.

Stephen finished with his term paper, and remained absolutely clueless as they walked back to there property.  

Stephen: It's a great night don't you think!  The sort of night were nothing could possibly go wrong.

Max, Robin and Lola: Grumble, grumble

I love him to much to let that continue, so Lola broke the news to him.  He reacted pretty much the way you expected he would.  

Stephen: I invited you to live with me because I thought I loved you and you go for my undead brother!

Lola:  Yes it looks bad, but do you think we could still be friends?

Not bloody likely

Max: Never mind him and his overly upright ways.  You are mine now and I'm going to do things to you and this that they don't even have definitions for!

Lola: Oh yeah baby, that's what I like to hear!  Let's go straight in and get to it.

Max: That does settle it.  I really am great, aren't I?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 09:58:27 am by erica_jean698 » Logged

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« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2008, 01:09:59 pm »

:jaw: OMG!!! well, i guess he's got a *little* hawtness in him XD

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #59 on: August 24, 2008, 10:28:22 am »

LOOOOL!!!  Poor Stephen!  Upstaged again by Max - and he's not even alive!  Oh well, at least Stephen has a better chance at being heir since zombies can't have babies.  But now he's going to have Middle Child Syndrome with his baby brother stealing the show.  Poor guy!

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