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Author Topic: Cluedo: "Up, Up and Away!" (WINNER: rachel631)  (Read 47095 times)
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« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2008, 09:25:28 pm »

2:00 PM

By now, the villagers had all begun to arrive at the park, every one of them buzzing with excitement over the much sought after event. Most of them had already placed their bets, thus some of them would be losing a certain amount of cash before the afternoon was over, but others just may make a small fortune! First however, they were anxiously anticipating the entertainment of the day. They all made their way up to the platform where the balloons were as Mrs. Peacock warmly welcomed them.

“Welcome everybody,” She announced, “As you know, we will be watching the village’s 34th annual balloon race as our dear friends of the community take their hand at flying the friendly skies. There will be one especially exciting visitor to the village all the way from Italy! But first, please enjoy the delicious buffet that my cook has wonderfully prepared, consisting of roasted turkey in lemon sauce with an herbal garden salad mixed with deviled eggs.”

“Oh my, sounds delicious!” One of the patrons murmured.

Mrs. White beamed.

“Be sure to eat a good helping of salad!” She suggested to the crowd.

One by one, they all grabbed themselves a plate and sat their selves down. All of them were feeling satified and comfortable in their finest afternoon clothes. One particular villager by the name of Captain Benard Brown was all decked out in his brown captain uniform.

"My good friend Benard back from the sea!" Called an elderly gentleman from his seat, "Come to make extra cash?"

"Oh yes, not that I'm not doing alright on the money train myself due to my respective profession," Brown laughed, "I've also come to watch some of my dear friends do a little sailing themselves for once! Ha ha!"

"You know, I hear the Italian visiting happens to be one of the best of his bunch! Famed in Europe; all the rage he is. Le creme de la creme!" Informed the elderly gentleman, "I would be surprised if everyone here didn't bet on him!"

"I've bet my life away on my hunting partner Colonel Clifford Mustard!" Brown admitted, "Ambitious fellow he is, I haven't seen him lose at anything to date."

Inspector Matthieu LeNoir stood at the buffet stand sniffing around for something to eat while he puffed away at a cigarette he was never seen without.  He wasn't attending for the show more or less but attending due to the fact that it seemed like the sort of event he could gain a scoop on a good mystery. He loved nothing more than busting crooks, but they usually were none in such a quiet village.

This time however, something was off. His nose sensed it.

"La salade," He thought, "Something smells très étrange. Ce n'est pas the eggs!"


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« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2008, 11:37:09 pm »

2:15 PM

Fifteen minutes later, Mrs. Peacock silenced the crowd as the contestants taking part in the contest made their way into the park, just as planned.

“Well if I’m not mistaken, it looks like our daring contestants have arrived!" Mrs. Peacock announced with a look of excitement.

All eyes turned towards five people making their way to the platform. A few of them were trying not to show the nervousness that lurked beneath their stomachs.

“Due to my personal beliefs, I’m proud to inform you that this is the first ever balloon race permitting lady contestants! Thus please give an order of good cheer for family friend and village healer, Antoinette Rose, and my beautiful niece who has just recently come to stay from America, Miss Daisy Peach!

There were several claps.

“I’m can assure you that I did not bet on those radical ladies!” One man chuckled to his wife.

“Next we have my very clever brother Nathan Plum who surely has something up his sleeve for this race, as well as our beloved Reverend Green who is taking a rather flying leap from his usual setting, as well as the very handsome artist around the land who wishes to find some inspiration in the air, Mr. Andrew Slate-Grey!"

However, as it appeared, not all the contestants had arrived. Colonel Mustard was still sharing an intimate moment with his mistress, Miss Scarlet whose exotic charms quite appealed to a man like Mustard who liked a little adventure in his life.

“You better hurry Cliff,” Miss Scarlet whispered as she pulled away from a kiss, “I can hear cheering voices in the park…”

Colonel Mustard pulled away and straightened himself.

“You will be there to watch me win, won’t you, my dear?”

Miss Scarlet merely smiled; a look of mischief in her face.


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« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2008, 12:03:23 am »

More more more!!!

I go to seek a Great Perhaps

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« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2008, 12:19:11 am »

2:20 PM

With all the contestants ready in place, the time was ripe for the moment everyone had been waiting for….except not all the contestants were in place….there was still one more needed for the race….

…and then he came.

“Madames et Monsieurs,” Mrs. Peacock spoke, her blue eyes gleaming with awe, “I would like to humbly present the man of sky you have all been anticipating. I have taken great lengths to reach him but he has graciously sailed all the way from the Italy to join us here in our modest little village. Though, for such a manly specimen such as him, modest is certainly not the appropriate word….thus, may we all give warm courtesy to Signor Giovanni Giuseppe…”

The way she said his name gave the impression of her trying to impress others by the way she rolled the ‘g’.

“Grazias Senora, grazias,” Whispered the Italian with soft-spoken eloquence, “The pleasure is mine.”

A hush fell over the crowd as he made his way up to the platform to take his place.

“Jesus…he’s gorgeous!” Mr. Slate-Grey thought breathlessly, a lump forming in his throat, “If he’d ever want me to draw every last angle of him, I’d do it in a heart beat!”

All eyes were focused on the seven figures standing stiff and proud in front of their balloons. It was time.

“Will the contestants please board their balloons!” Mrs. Peacock commanded loudly.

One by one the contestants climbed into their baskets and prepared to ignite the fuel inside, as Mrs. Peacock pulled out a gleaming silver pistol from within her frock….

“When I fire this pistol,” She announced, “The aviators will ignite their flame, and the race will commence!”

All was silent….a pin dropping was audible…


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« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2008, 03:00:31 pm »

*insert dramatic cliffhanging music here*

I can't wait to read more! Cheesy

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« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2008, 11:55:29 pm »

2:30 PM

It took no time before the crowd started roaring with excitement. Slowly, each balloon inching off the ground as they ascended like Greek giants rising up. The rules were quite simple….each balloon was supposed to make a complete rotation past the park and around Tudor Close, before returning to make perfect landing on the platform. At the moment though, it was only the beginning….

….for Reverend Green…it was the end. He couldn’t hack it! Despite his white lie of having flying experience before at the registration, it didn’t help him one bit now for the simple truth was; he was scared of heights!

“Oh God I’m so sorry…sorry…. Jesus! What the Hеll was I thinking?”

Before his balloon could get any higher to the point where his next action could be fatal, he prepared to abandon his balloon…

"What on Earth is he doing!?" Cried one voice from the crowd.

"I'm glad I didn't bet on him!" Declared another.

With one great leap, Green landed flat on his back! Ouch!

Meanwhile, Inspector LeNoir had snuck off to do a little of his own investigation concerning the suspicious salad. He gathered the plates from which other guests had eaten salad from. He found himself rather surprised however to bump into Miss Scarlet in a rather lonely section of the park.

“Oh Madmoiselle!’ Declared Insp. LeNoir startled, “Please excuse me, I’m just taking these plates for reasons concerning myself and not concerning you…unless you’ve had to some salad.”

“I didn’t come here to eat salad,” Miss Scarlet chuckled, “I enjoy little strolls through the park to pass the time.”

“Well, the entertainment is down by the balloon platform,” Insp. LeNoir informed with a hint of suspicion, “I’m surprised you are not down there.'

“Balloons don’t interest me, I’m afraid,” Scarlet admitted, “I find that they are too over-inflated for their own good.”

She thought for a moment.

“On the other hand…I might go and pop by after all….”


Back at the balloon race…

“Reverend! Oh my God! Are you alright?” Mrs. Peacock cried rushing up to him.

“Oh Ethyl, it was stupid mistake…I’m so sorry!” The Reverend groaned, “I don’t know what I was thinking. I was all caught up in the thrill of it before when I signed up….I wanted to….well…never mind…it’s rather silly of me go on like this.”

“It was silly of you to jump out of your balloon like that,” Mrs. Peacock scolded, “Thankfully I don’t believe anyone had placed a wager on you. Here let me help you up…”

It wasn't just the crowd to witnessed the Reverend Green's blunder. Up in the sky, his heavy landing made light entertainment...

'Il prete Stupido..." Signor Giuseppe whispered smugly under his breath.

Stelio Kontos
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« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2008, 07:03:00 pm »

From my skimmage, I love it.
Digging the butler named Hogarth.
(I loved The Iron Giant.)

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« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2008, 09:40:47 pm »

2:50 PM

It wasn’t just Reverend Green who had a hard time in the balloon race; some of the other contestants were having their issues as well.

“How do you fly this thing?!” Miss Peach cried across to Madame Rose.

Madame Rose chuckled a little nervously. She didn’t sense any real danger to them both, but she did concern how they were to get down.

“I must confess mon ami, I really didn't enter this little contest under full experience either. I suppose I did it because I wanted a little....risky excitment in my life! Anyway, I see no choice but to go with the flow. The men are already ahead of us anyway….”

Over fifteen minutes passed and the balloonists who were still holding up in the race were just returning from the circling around Tudor Close.  Down on the ground Captain Brown was holding his breath.

“Come on Mustard, old chap…sail on, sail on…don’t let me down…” He whispered hopefully under his breath, “I’ve put every penny on you…”

In the air the shoutings of the croud were muffled out by the breeze. The race was nearing it's end and one thing was for sure...Signor Giuseppe was not surprisingly in the lead. After him, he was followed by Professor Plum, Colonel Mustard and Mr. Slate-Grey. Colonel Mustard was especially nervous. If not in the lead, he should at least be in second! What had Plum done right?

"Time to take a little drastic action..." Colonel Mustard reasoned with himself.

He turned up his flame to the point where it was blareing with intensity and loud as heck on Mustard's ears. He kept turning it up....a little too much! Suddenly it went out!

"Shіt!" The frantic Colonel cried.

It was no use. As Mr. Slate-Grey's balloon bumped past him, the truth was quite clear. Colonel Mustard was going to lose this race...and Brown's earnings. Down below, he couldn't make out several groans of the few who bet on him.

That's when something else happened. Down below, a silent pistol retreived and unnoticed by the crowd, was raised into the air....

Only a few seconds elapsed before came a...


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« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2008, 10:04:27 pm »

3:05 PM

"Mеrda!" The startled Italian cried from above, "What was that!?"

If it weren't from his own shouting, he would of heard an audible hissing noise emmiting from his own balloon.


For that moment, it was simple shock and confusion. It was to get much worse than that however; at least for Signor Giuseppe. From what was a simple disruption escalated to disgruntled anger when he noticed that his balloon was making an early descent....and Professor Plum sped past him to win the race!

"Testa di cаzzo!" Giovanni cried, "No! You pig head! Get back here!"

Five minutes later, Professor Plum made a smooth landing with a cheering crowd rushing up to greet him and congratulate  him on his winning. Some of them were a little peeved due to the fact that the contestant they may have placed a bet on didn't win, but in the end it was fun day for all and it was exciting to have an upset of a win.

"I did it..." Plum muttered breathless, shocked at his own skill, but then it finally sank in him.

The Glory.

 "I DID IT! OF COURSE I DID IT! It was child's play really!"

Meanwhile, the once revered Italian Stallion had found himself a nice spot in a large leafy tree.

"Il...professore...morirà...." He oathed with bitter hate as his balloon slowly deflated over top of him.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 10:14:55 pm by Cluedo » Logged

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« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2008, 12:35:53 am »


Back at Tudor Close...

"Congratulations Nate," Miss Scarlet complimented Professor Plum as they toasted some champagne, "I think you surprised everyone with that astounding win of yours."

Prof. Plum turned a shade of plum-red.

"Oh stop it, really, your too kind Miss Scarlet."

Then she moved a inch closer to him. A wave of purfume filled his nose. She spoke soft and low...

"Tell me, you had something up your sleeve...didn't you?" She coaxed with a wink.

Plum sheepishly smiled as he downed his champagne with a gulp.

"To tell you the truth...I did apply a little of my own invented formula to the flame to give it a little 'oomph'....but it was nothing really!"


Miss Peach who was also present in the room sat bored and quiet on the couch watching Colonel Mustard and Captain Brown have at game of billiards to pass the time. Of course the main reason she was bored was due to the fact that neither Mustard or Brown said a word to eachother throught the game. Not single bit of matirial to fuel Peach's hunger for good gossip. Other than that she hated the game.

"Dаmn...." Mustard muttered under his breath as his attempted trick shot made an awkward jump, "My game is not up to par as it should be..."

For the first time, Brown finally spoke.

"Cliff, I want to have a word with you...after the game if you want," he grumbled in a low tone.

"No, no Ben...we can talk now, I sense that you have something 'important' on your mind," Mustard complied, "Shall we take it to the Library?"

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« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2008, 07:02:40 pm »

HALL- 4:50 PM

Mrs. Peacock paced slowly across the marble Hall floor. Not to get her wrong that she wasn't terribly proud of his brother, but she had to deal with the dreaded aftermath of what she considered a rather big mess. Indeed, it was more than one bet-holder who had a thing to say or two about the outcome from the balloon race. It was no use denying the fact however that things have indeed gone terribly wrong. The talk of the town was turning to sabotage based on the odd gun shot they heard. The star of the event ended up in a tree. Now, Hogarth the Butler claims that he had been receiving calls from the visitors who had suddenly got a terrible illness that had resulted in sever vomiting. Some speculate it was something they ate.

Then, of all things she wanted to hear, a loud knock at the door.....

"Well what a pleasant surprise to see you again Giovanni!" Mrs. Peacock greeted, attempting to paint on a faux happy face, "May I help you with any thing?"

"Signora..." He replied, "I want to talk to you. Let me inside...."

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« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2008, 11:14:15 pm »


"I don't know how it happened..." Mustard began as he clutched a Candlestick in his hands, "I discovered my blasted balloon was lagging behind, so I turn up the pressure for the flame. Then the bloody fuel supply rutted out on me! If only the flame kept going strong...."

The glow from the candle relected off his monocle.

Brown grunted.

"I don't know what do at this point. My wealth is what keeps me afloat as a 5-star captain for today's luxury liners. With the amount I wagered and lost on you, I could very well be shipwrecked!"

"But, your forgetting," Mustard began to remind him, "Your reputation preceeds you. I don't think you would find the biggest trouble to earn it all back. Every filthy rich person from Buckinghamshire is clammering to be sailing with the great colourful Captain Brown!"

"Well, ho ho! I can't count on that to last! Ever since my credentials have been under investigation this month, I've been having see the picture."

"Are you saying you need to provide bribes to keep your position?" Mustard asked appaulled, putting the Candlestick down.

"Well, I'm not going to say much..."

"Listen Brown, your a decent chap, and I'm willing to back up any fellow soldier in peril. You leave it to me....I'll get you a nice sum one way or another. I will just have to find somebody to...pummel a little pressure onto, if you know what I mean."

"There's Plum," Brown suggested, "He's now got a hefty amount from his win, I know that. But Plum is our mate, and it just wouldn't be the Christian way, y'know?"

"No," Mustard agreed, stiffening his lip, "I will just have to settle with someone more expendable..."

He got up from his chair and discovered he'd been sitting on a grimy old Lead Pipe all this time.

"This would do nicely..."

Mustard set out of the Library, taking the Lead Pipe with him.

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« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2008, 01:22:04 am »


For Professor Plum, everything was at ease at first. He was content with the atmosphere of the manor...nicely mellowed from his drink in the Billiard Room, and still filled with after-joy from his winning of the balloon race and the reward to be given to him.

Of course, as soon as he left the Billiard Room, he was to make a rather nasty encounter with a familiar face.

"You...!" Plum stuttered in shock.

"Lei il bastardo!!" Signor Giuseppe growled with hate, "You think you can make a fool out of Giovanni Giuseppe, do you now!?"

"I assure you, I didn't mean any harm...."

"How else could you have won!?"

Plum gulped. He couldn't reveal that he tipped his luck up a bit with the added formula he used. That would really send him off the edge!

"Lucky...I suppose...." Plum tried to reason, "Perhaps the areodynamics of my balloon got a little speed boost from a sudden gust of air?"

"Lucky.....bah! You make me laugh, you Pinocchio" Scoffed Giovanni, "You had my balloon sabotaged!"

"Sabotage...?" Plum replied clearly confused.

"I could have been KILLED!" The Italian roared with intensity.

"Now, now...let's not get excited now...we can discuss this rationally," Plum tried to reason, "Now...what's this about sabotage?"

"Don't you pretend! You know exactly what!" Giovanni snarled.

"No, I DON'T know what exactly what," Plum protested, clearly getting annoyed.

Giovanni leaned in a closer, showing up Plum; to challenge him.


With that said, something deep in Prof. Plum's tight knotted brain finally snapped.


With that, Professor Plum stormed away, his temple finally shot, and sweat beading on his lenses. Signor Giuseppe stood there dumbfounded.

From around the corner, Madame Rose happened to sense the tension according to her self-described 'sensitive sensing'. She happened to witness Plum's raging outburst. This troubled her deeply for she held Plum in high regard.

"Ceci est horrible!  I knew something terrible was going to happen..." She dreaded in her mind, "This Giovanni...he is a fiery soul......Nathan is in serious trouble if he crosses him again! I must do something to help him...."


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« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2008, 10:58:46 am »


"Oh, Auntie Ethyl!" Miss Peach exclaimed as she entered the Ballroom, "I didn't expect to see you in here."

"Well, I'm here, deary, *hic*" Mrs. Peacock moaned sleepily as she reclined on the chaise longue.

She had been having a little champagne herself for she was clearly a nod inebriated. At the moment, she was listening to a light Chopin piece on the gramophone.

"I hope I didn't disturb you!" Miss Peach apologized noting how PO'd Peacock looked, "I was just simply going to grab some of my opera music from the piano and I'll be off."

"You might wish to look into another hobby some day Daisy, " Mrs. Peacock suggested huskily.

Miss Peach spun around.

"What?" She asked surprised, "Singing and dancing is not a hobby, aunty. It's my's what I'm destined to do!"

"How are you going to afford it?" Mrs. Peacock then reminded, her eyes drooping with weariness, "All this time, I've agreed to pay for your lessons and recitals. Now however, things may have to change. I was just speaking to that famous Italian from the balloon race. He's as gorgeous as Rome itself I'd admit, but that doesn't seem to stop him from being a ruthless bаstard..."

Her hand tenderly stroke a golden Globus Cruciger at her lap....

Miss Peach's soft little eyes widened.

"Why? Auntie tell me! What has he done?"

"The man isn't taking his loss sitting down," Mrs. Peacock explain, "He came here in anger, insisting that his balloon had been sabotaged. Possibly by Professor Plum who upset the race with his surprise win. Now, I don't think this is possible, but this oaf won't listen to reason! He insists on pressing the issue further on how he could have been killed! In fact, he threatens to take it up with....the Italian embassy! If this issue gets out of hand and there was a sabotage attempt on his balloon or his life then the responsibility would be placed on me, forcing me to possibly give up a substancial amount of money, or arrested for my failure to respond to justice!"

All the while Mrs. Peacock was talking, Miss Peach had been wandering around the room aimlessly as the words sunk into her skull. She came across a Wrench for the piano screws that had been discarded next to the music stand....

"He better not ruin us," Miss Peach muttered, "Or...or...I'll have to fix him!"


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« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2008, 10:13:00 pm »

STUDY- 6:00 PM

Reverend Green and Mr. Slate-Grey had retreated to Mrs. Peacock's Study where they were both in deep conversation about why they signed up for the balloon race earlier.

"I suppose it was foolish of me to do it," Confessed the Reverend, "I hadn't known a thing about flying and....I suppose I got caught up in the excitement of it all."

"But vicar, I still don't quite understand why you did it," Mr. Slate-Grey replied, "I saw you fall...and I was quite worried about you."

Reverend Green raised a brow.

"Well, could I confide in you Drew?" Rev. Green asked, "After all, despite what they say about priests, we are only human after all. Even I admit I've had my share of weakness. It was that Italian bloke, that's why I did it. I knew quite a lot about him and I'm secretly a fan of his. I thought I'd try and impress him, show him what a real man of the cloth was made of! Unfortunately, I didn't take my own folly into account and I inadvertently put myself into the snake-pit, thus making a fool out of myself."

"I don't blame you," Slate-Grey concurred, "He was the reason I joined up as well. I have had flying experience myself. I've gone up in balloon many times to get great angles for artistic subject matter. However, I don't think I would have done this if he wasn't there."

Suddenly, Reverend Green turned around with a shocked look on his face.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

Sure enough, Signor Giuseppe had entered unnoticed.

"Prego signors," He apologized, "I'm looking for Signora Peacock. She's uh...vanished in this large home of hers!"

"Well I haven't a clue of Ethyl's whereabouts I confess," Reverend Green admitted, "Sorry."

"Wait!" Giovanni interrupted suddenly, "You’re that foolish man that leapt out of his balloon!"

Green's face turned a shade of red. He never felt so embarrassed.

" accident..."

All the Italian could do was sneer out a cold laugh making Reverend Green feel mortified. He then turned to walk out. However, Mr. Slate-Grey despritely wanted to speak with the object of his affection; though he knew he had to stay subtle...even if his feelings were passionate.

"Wait!" He called, "I want to speak with you!"

Giovanni spun around.

"Oh signor, what is it you want? I really must be on my way...please"

"Wait, wait....I wanted to tell you something, something important...." His face had a sense of longing implorement, "It's just, your someone who I feel truely....special to be around. Not many men out there are graced with such physical beauty as you...."

"Ah, you are very kind," Giovanni replied, a little embarassed and confused, "Not many people have been nice to me today."

"What is Andrew trying to prove!? Can't he see that he is nothing but an arrogrant cad?" Reverend Green thought to himself, making a face, "I think I better leave him. Perhaps I DON'T want to know what he's trying to do..."

Besides the embarassment was a little too much to bear. He had just been mocked by who he had foolishly idolized before. With that, Reverend Green got up and exited the Study through a nook behind a bookcase that slid into the wall leaving Slate-Grey and Giuseppe alone together.

With his heart pounding and the priest gone, Slate-Grey continued his advances.

"Please Signor Giovanni, I know you've been upset about the whole day, but you just have to let it go," He pleaded, "I can see that your a beautiful person and I'd hate to see you hurt yourself over something as meaningless as a balloon race...."

"But...I don't understand what you mean," Giovanni replied, his tone softer than usual, "I've been attacked and I must do understand, right?"

"I've heard," Slate-Grey replied, "But listen, by revenging out, you are hurting others and you are hurting yourself. I can feel that. I think there are things more important than love. "

Now Giovanni's heart was pounding, even though he still didn't quite understand what Mr. Slate-Grey was trying to do or say, even himself could feel slight attraction to the youthful artist.

"I...I...better go, I really must go," He insisted, "Ciao signor."

With a rapid pace, he hurried out of the room as Mr. Slate-Grey sighed with dispair.Now Giovanni's heart was pounding, even though he still didn't quite understand what Mr. Slate-Grey was trying to do or say, even himself could feel slight attraction to the youthful artist.
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