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Author Topic: Belling's Curse - Chapter One Part Two Up.  (Read 14727 times)
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« on: August 21, 2008, 12:34:19 am »

I'm posting some chapters here, but I'm adding later chapters to my Live Journal due to content. :3 I hope you enjoy my first sim story. -Evil thunder~!- :3 JTM please...

General info:
>Genre: Mystery, Drama, Super Natural (Paranoia), and Romance.
>Rating: Not Rated
>More about Belling’s Curse:
The story is based loosely on several urban legends I’ve heard and/or read as a young girl. So expect to see familiar things. E.g.: The headless driver.

Chapter List:
Chapter One Part One
Chapter One Part Two

{None yet}


Typing the story is easy. It's just taking the right picture that's hard and doing some editing. Kind of slows me down. :3 I tried to make the story without using customs, but I was like 'f' it. So far I have 4033 downloads. -game hasn't crashed yet- wooo~ Also I have yet to tired up and conect the loose ends so that the story, when nearing the end, will make sense. So far you have been introduced to Fred and Maya. It begans with a flashback of Enya's memories. She doesn't play a big roll in the first chapter, however the flashbacks of the childern (Yes there's more kids other than Enya) are important. Sorry I had no pics for the flashback, I was getting lazy and it's kind of late.

Okay, I'm working on chapter one - part two. There's an unlikely chance that there'll be any flashbacks and you'll be introduced to the following characters: Lori and Andrew. There are some more, like the detectives. Well hopefully I'll be able to update. Sorry if it seems long, but this one of those kinds of stories that can't be rushed. If I do, I'll mistakenly give it away. -Laughs-

Working on part three of chapter one...which pretty long due to the many characters I'm using. So far I'm showing the ones that play the main roles. Later you be introduce to other characters. Peace.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 09:43:34 am by L0w3rfr3ak » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 12:50:22 am »

Belling’s Curse

Belling is a seemingly nice simple town that hold a dark past. Every ten years six children of the Belling town would go missing never to be seen again and later would assumed dead. Why does this keep happening? Who or what can be responsible for this? Are these children really dead?

Mrs. Maya Lebelest was known to be very kindhearted. Though that was only the side she led her friends and neighbors to believe before her mysterious death. she was very charming, manipulative and promiscuous woman. Men found it easy to fall in love with Maya. However, the hard part was falling out. They would become aggressively obsessive with Maya. Sadly, at her young age, she didn’t give a damn about their hearts. If she could, she would crack open their chest and pull out their hearts. As it beats in her hand, she would squeeze it; digging her nails into it’s chambers. She was vicious wolf in gentle sheep’s clothing. But there was a day…an outsider came to live in their town. He was from the city and was looking for a place that was quiet to complete his novel. His name is Fred Lathery. Fred was working on his first novel, however he suffered from writer’s block. Poor Fred…so much ahead of him. So much that he could’ve done, if he had stayed in the city. But he didn’t realize the depth of the hole he unwisely had dug himself into.

It wasn’t until he meet the lovely…Mrs. Maya. She was widow and nearing her late twenties. One look at her and his heart was instantly stopped beating. He was lured by her eyes. His body only listened to her command. It felt as if he was spellbound. How did they meet? Well…it’s a small town. A leaf can fall and everyone will know the color, why it feel, where it fell, what kind of leaf it was, and etcetera. Nothing can be hidden. Not in this small town…the smallest whisper will spark rumors of all types of nonsense. It wasn’t a moment after he began to unpack when heard knocks at his door. Yes, he opened it. He didn’t think they were bad people. He didn’t think that he’ll be ruined. He wasn’t thinking as turned the doorknob and was greeted with their false smiles. The neighbors’ wives can to visit him, bearing pots and pans of foods. Fred smiled and greeted them. He was too kind. That made Fred a fool. He couldn’t see past their masks. Fred was a caring and yet silly man. And Maya immediately noticed and made her move. There, at that moment, is where his life ends before it could began. And there, the birth of his obsession with Maya Lebelest florists. Only if he knew…

Chapter One: Luring - Part One

Maya, that is her name. We love her. A kind woman indeed. Though she was old and sick, she adopted us. five kids that was originally thought to never be adopted because people mainly wanted the babies or toddlers. We, on-the-other-hand, was apparently too old for them. But, by some miracle, someone did love us. I’m not sure how it happened, but the six of us was sent to speak to Mrs. Maya privately. From what I overheard, we was selected by age and compatibility. One by one were sent to that little room to speak with her. Her sweet smile melted my heart and her eyes were so lovely. I couldn’t explain it, but I wanted to always be with her. And, by the faces of the other five kids, they felt the same. Her presence was so luring…and yet very confusing. We didn‘t care. We refuse to think that there was any bad about that sweet women. In our eyes, she was our angel.




Ding, ding, ding…

It was when both hands of the clock touched on twelve that it was my turn to talk with Mrs. Maya. I wanted to cry. My little heart was beating rapid and my head raced with worried thought. What if she doesn’t like me? Why does she want to talk to us? Will she think I’m ugly? I took a seat across from her and looked at her nervously; desperately trying not to hurl or cry. She smiled at me after seeing that I was somewhat distressed. “Hello sweetie, what is your name?” Her voice was soft and smooth like silk while she spoke. I blushed slightly mainly from nervousness and intimidation. “Don’t be shy, sweetie. Tell me your name.” She said again with a softer voice. “I’m…Enya.” At the time, the orphanage didn’t tell us our last names. But I had a feeling that that they didn’t know our last names or cared enough to find out. “My name is Mrs. Maya.”  

“Hi Mrs. Maya.”

“Do you know why you’re here?” She smiled again, trying to make my comfortable.

“So that you can talk to me?”

She nodded slowly and leaned forward; crossing her arms on the table. “What’s your favorite color?”


“What kind of movies do you like?”

“I like cartoons.”

She continued to ask questions about my likes and dislikes. About my best experience and my dreams when, at that age, thought were real. When a hour passed, she gave me a bag cookies and kissed my forehead. “I’ll see you later, Enya.” I was then escorted back to the play room with the other five kids. I noticed that they all got treats from the Mrs. Maya and was sharing it amongst themselves. “Hey did she ask you questions like…um, you favorite toy and stuff?” I nodded. I’ve seen him before but we never play together or anything. That day was the first time I’ve actually learned their names and had fun. It was like we were a family. That’s when Maya came into the playroom, smiling at all of us.

“Come on, babies, pack your things…” She said. We were overpowered by excitement and ran to our room taking whatever we can into our little book bags. It surprised me she took all of us. “I just loved all you so much and wouldn’t be fair just to take one.” She said while we walked to the van. I noticed, only a few steps away from the car’s door, that Inala had stopped suddenly. “Look there’s another kid in the car…see?” She pointed at the window. I nodded and saw that boy. He had short brown hair that was shiny and glass-like blue eyes with pale glossy skin. He strangely resembled a doll. The looked at us, his eyes emotionless and turn away. Inala and I watched the other kids get into the van quietly before glancing at the strange boy and joining the rest inside. “Mrs. Maya…” Inala said. “…Who is that boy?” She asked pointing at him. She started to drive and Maya had yet to answer Inala. It wasn’t until we were almost to our new home when she said his name. “Vincent.” Sometimes I wonder why she hesitated to answer.


Fred sat in front of his computer. He stared at the screen as if he was disgusted. He was mentally stumped. He frowned and was about to order something until the doorbell ringed. He sighed and answered the door.

“Oh, Mrs. Maya.” He was a bit surprised to see her. He didn’t think a beautiful women like her would bother seeing him. “Um, what brings you here?” Maya smiled and invited herself in. “I just wanted to talk with you, so that we can get to know each other. After all, you are new to the town and having a friend will do you good.” She said in her most cheerful voice and kind smile.

“Do you mind?” She went into the kitchen. “I would like to cook you something.” Fred found her over-friendliness a bit odd, but he was hungry. He let her rampage his kitchen as he sat at the table.

“Do you like eggs?” Fred nodded, silently watching her. His eyes trailed from the neck down to her curved hips and then slim legs. He grinned to himself and quickly looked away.Mrs. Maya knew he was checking her out and enjoyed it. “So, why decide to live here at Belling? It’s a pretty boring place for a city boy.” The man smiled. “Well, Mrs. Maya, I heard this place is pretty peaceful and I need a quiet environment to work on my novel.”
“Novel?” She said quite impressed.
“Yeah, it’s my first novel and I have two years to complete it.” He furrowed his brow.
“I see…must be hard.”
“Sometimes.” Fred didn’t bother to look at her. He couldn't allow himself to be distracted.

“So how long you’re staying in Belling?”
“….I’m not sure, but awhile since I brought this house. I’m not even done unpacking.”
She smiled again. “If you like I can help you tomorrow. If that’s okay?”
“Sure that’ll be nice. I can use a extra hand.” Fred returned the smile. “And Mrs. Maya…”

“Just call me Maya.” She said quickly.
“Oh, right…Maya….”
“Yes Fred?” She answered, her back still turned to him.
“Do you know anything about the missing children?” Maya nearly cut her finger.
“…We don’t talk about that around here.” She whispered. “It’s the darkest years of Belling.”
“I see…I’m sorry.” He frowned, feeling like a insensitive jackass.

“My little boy was one of the six missing kids. His name is Vincent and he was such a happy kid.” Maya grew silent. All that was heard was the chopping of the knife. Fred became uncomfortable. Regretting of even mentioning the missing the kids.
“All those stories are just hype. The cops don’t know what happened to them. No one does.”
“….” He sat silently.
“But we do know they’re dead.”
“I see…” He didn’t want to hear anymore and tried to change the subject. “So, you know any good spots around here?”

Maya chuckled. “Yes…there’s the Druison Theater and Paul’s bar. He makes the best martinis.”
“Hmm, is that so?” He tried to sound interested.
“You better believe it.” She answered sweetly.
“Well…” Fred said feeling a bit unsure. “Maybe we can go out for a couple of drinks sometime.”
Maya smirked at the fact that things were so quickly going her way. “I would enjoy that, Fred.”
Silence fell upon the two adults.

“Mmm, this is delicious Mrs. Maya.” He complimented, trying to strike some small talk.
“Thank you.”
“So, how is you’re husband? Would he be okay knowing you’re here?”
She smiled again. “My husband is dead. It was a terrible car accident. Some teen’s brakes, for some reason, didn’t work and he couldn’t stop. He crushed into my husband…sending him off the highway and rolling down the mountain side.”
“Damn, that’s crazy…” Why are there so many misfortunes here. Yes, I’ve heard of the missing children and all the stories behind it, but…
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Oh, yes…Thank you.”
She stood from her seat and walked back into the kitchen. Maya opened the fridge and pulled out a can of Jack Daniels. “Is this okay?”

“No, never mind, I‘m not in the drinking mood…” He smiled shyly. He felt a bit embarrass.
“If you say so…” She joined him at the table again. “So, what is this novel about?”
Fred looked away quickly. “I, um, I’m not sure…” He lied though he teeth and Maya knew it.
“Okay.” She said. They both continued to eat silently. When she was done, she cleaned her dish and faced Fred. “I’m going now. I’ll call you…?”
“Oh, yes…yes…” He wrote down his number and handed it to her.
She simply smiled and took the number before leaving, not bothering to say goodbye. Which slightly bothered Fred.

“I wonder what that was about and why do I feel this way…?” Fred sat on the couch feeling a bit stressed.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 09:25:25 am by L0w3rfr3ak » Logged

Sometimes I creep myself out....:chainsaw:
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« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 12:51:07 am »

Chapter one is up and done~
I did some editing, but if there are any mistakes please tell me. I can't see that well, lol. So be my eyes~ :3
Also, did I resize the pictures too small? I r want feedback. >:3 -evil chibi time-
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 02:02:16 pm by L0w3rfr3ak » Logged

Sometimes I creep myself out....:chainsaw:
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« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2008, 02:06:12 pm »

This is interesting...I like it.

But this charade, is never going to last
So pick the poison, and pour yourself a glass
I still feel the same
No-one's to blame

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« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2008, 02:11:26 pm »

(~ Azn)~ -happy dance- TY

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« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2008, 03:00:23 pm »

that was good Smiley can't wait for the next chapter

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« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2008, 03:06:17 pm »

Yay ~(Azn ~)

Sometimes I creep myself out....:chainsaw:
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« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2008, 03:44:36 am »

Greetings, I'm done with chapter one part 2...but, I'm still working on the snaps. So it'll be up soon. -cheers-

(~ Azn)~

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« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2008, 01:42:27 am »

Chapter One: Luring - Part Two

Belling’s locale police station appeared more like an mental facility. The station was only used for holding. No one in the history of Belling was ever actually arrested. The shadows of secrets were thick and there were much too many suspects to make any arrest. However, it’s only the beginning for the small town Belling.

“Did you get the call? There’s been another report…” Lori frowned. “Another missing kid, Andrew.”
“Why the fuck does this keep happening!?”
“I want to know that to, but…I don’t understand it myself.” Lori started typing. “Even our best detectives don’t know…”
“I’m telling you…it must be the curse.”
“Andrew, don tell me you believe that silly tale.” Lori shook her disappointed.
“I’m at the point where I’ll nearly believe the unbelievable.” Andrew look at Lori, who seemed a bit uncomfortable. Andrew, having a small crush on Lori, mentally slapped himself. “So, how’s your daughter?”
Lori smiled slightly. “She’s doing well. Currently, she’s in Florida visiting her father for awhile.”

“I see.” Andrew couldn’t help to feel that Lori was lying. He hasn’t seen her daughter for months. “She’s living there, isn’t she? You’re afraid she might disappear like the other children.”
“….I…” Her eyes sadden. “Yes, I thought it would be for the best.”
“I understand. I would’ve done the same.” Andrew took a seat at his desk. “You want to order a pizza?”
Lori smiled softly. “Yes, I’m a bit hungry.” Andrew had a thing for Lori, his partner. Ever since they first met, he was drowning within the quicksand of love. Lame? Guess so. Lame because Lori pretended not to notice. She has a young daughter and a bothersome ex-husband that keeps calling. Thus, feeling she wasn't ready for another relationship, not yet. Not with all the stranger things happening.

Andrew hanged up the phone after ordering. “Something wrong?” Noticing her distant expression.

“No, I was just thinking…besides the missing, there have been other things.”
“Like what?” He said, growing more serious.
“Like forest animals found gored and their carcass purposefully moved onto the lawns of our residents.”
“Must be some teens playing a terrible trick.”
“Andrew, I don’t think a teen would do something that extreme. You know the hearts of the animals were removed? Why is this-” Lori sighed weakly.
“Don’t worry about it now.”
“But Andrew, you heard about the suicides?"
“Yes, Two teens for unknown reasons stab themselves hard enough to crack through their rib cage and-”
“Puncture one of their heart’s chambers.”
“Yes but-”
“After the autopsy on both teens, the punctures were in the EXACT same spot. So you have to ask yourself….”
“If it was planned and if they were responsible for the dead animals? Listen Lori, I think it’s a warning…the next stage of the curse is-”
“There is no curse! Obviously some maniac is leading us around to believe there is one Andrew.”
“Is that so? Then this maniac must be fifty years old.”
He pulled out an old case file. “Something just like happened before in Belling about fifty years ago.”
“…But he’s dead.”

“It’s the curse~ woooo~”
“Shut the hell up Andrew.” She said trying not to smile. “This is not the time to joke around.”
He smiled. “The pizza is here.” Andrew stood from his seat, his mind still focus on her sweet smile. He paid the man, set the pizza down on the counter and took a slice. “Ah, extra cheesy. Just how I like it.”

She smiled and took another bite. “Later, I‘ll cook us some real food. With my daughter gone, I don‘t get to do much at home.” His face lit up. He loved Lori’s cooking as much as he loved her. “Damn, I would love that. Your food is like crack, Lori.”

“Oh please Andrew.” She laughed slightly.

Davis rushed into the police station. His usual cool face wore a more stressful one. He frowned and scratched the back of his neck. His full name is Davis Galen, one of Belling’s award winning detectives. For many years he lived to his title ’bloodhound’ until recently. A dark cloud had fell upon Belling. There were so many unexplainable events happening that even Davis didn’t know where to began. Whenever he would think he’d found some kind of lead, it’ll only bring him to the beginning. Leaving the most important question unanswered…Why? “Rough day?” Andrew said becoming more serious.

“Damn right. Those fucking teen suicides really messed things up. People are believing that it’s part of the curse…whatever the hell that is.” He continued. “I mean, who really remembers the full story about the curse?” Lori looked at Andrew who turned away quickly. “Yea, I wonder who…” Lori grinned and stood from her seat to fix herself another espresso.

“It’s not my fault my grandmother always told the tale around bedtime.”

“Wow, that’s a bit twisted to tell a kid for bedtime story…”

“Well, I failed to mention she was a bit crazy and she didn’t want me sneaking outside during nightfall.”

Davis laughed. “Had you ever tried to sneak out?” He said from his seat.

“Yes…” Andrew replied; becoming more grim. His vibrant eyes seeming to dull. “And till this day, I wished I hadn’t.”

One night I was awoken by singing. What? Who is singing? I went upstairs and followed to the mesmerizing voice to the third floor.

I stopped in front of the attic entrance. I knew the voice was coming from behind that door. I could still here it's beauty. The voice was so luring that I couldn't fight it anymore. I had a fear of attics, but my will to see the owner of such a melody over powered. I carefully made my way up the old ladder. I’m was also afraid of heights and the ladder looked as it might break if I wasn’t too careful. Upon reaching there, I poked my head up.

I startled to see a figure standing near the ladder looking down at me. I panicked so badly that I fell off the latter and landed on my back. As I struggle to get up. The strange figure began to climb down the ladder slowly. However a little more faster then me.

I quickly stood up and ran out the door. It was dark and I couldn't see ahead, but I knew I didn’t close the attic door and it was following me.

“Mommy!” I yelled. But everyone was seemingly dead asleep. I ran as quickly I can into my room and slammed the door. I locked it and listened. There was heavy breathing on the other side. Whatever it was stood in front of the door…like it was waiting.

“Dante!” I whispered. “Dante!” I cried again. Dante was the oldest of the kids, so we call him for everything. He awoke slowly and rubbed his eyes. “What Drake?”

“There’s something there…it followed me out the attic…”
“What the heck were you doing in the attic?” Dante looked at the clock. “It’s three o’clock in the morning!”
“Shush! It’s outside the door listening…”
“Dante press his face against the wooden door and listened carefully, signaling for me to hand him the flashlight. “All I heard is breathing…what is that?”
“It’s a monster! Make it go away!” I cried as I shaking handed him the flashlight.
He took it and nodded. “I’m going to use the flashlight and look under the door.” As he did so, he quickly jump back. “It’s…it’s looking under the door.”
I bravely look under like Dante and saw it’s eye. Apparently it was laying in front of the door. The eye of the thing appeared to be made of glass and were an odd shade of blue. There was only one person in the house that we knew had such eyes.
I trembled and crawled next to Dante. “Vin-Vincent?” I finally asked. There was a deep silence before we got an answer.
“Why did you run away?” I heard him say from the other side of the door.
“Vincent? Is that you?” Dante reached around for the light and tried to flip it on, but nothing happened.
“Damn, the light won’t come on…”
“I forgot to change the bulb.” The voice said from the other side of the door.
“Drake…I’m going to open the door.” He turned on the flashlight.
“No!” I cried, but he opened it anyway. For some reason I fainted. Though I was unconscious I felt wet and cold. “Drake!?” I can hear Dante call for me, but his voice was faint and suddenly my back began to hurt badly. What was happening? I couldn’t tell.[/I]
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 09:45:02 pm by L0w3rfr3ak » Logged

Sometimes I creep myself out....:chainsaw:
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« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2008, 09:59:03 am »

Wow - this is very new and exciting.  Lots of things going on and interesting characters to meet.  Nice job.  Looking forward to more.

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« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2008, 10:14:26 am »

Thanks. X3 Lmao He peed his pants~
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 10:18:30 am by L0w3rfr3ak » Logged

Sometimes I creep myself out....:chainsaw:
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And check out my story~!: Belling's Curse Cheesy

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« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2008, 01:59:02 pm »

meep im scared!

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« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2008, 03:29:46 pm »

XD Aw, dun be scared...yet. >:3

Sometimes I creep myself out....:chainsaw:
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« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2008, 05:31:05 am »

I'm sorry for not putting up any chapters yet. I've been real busy lately. So, I'll try to put some up asap; some with or without pictures.

Sometimes I creep myself out....:chainsaw:
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And check out my story~!: Belling's Curse Cheesy

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« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2008, 10:54:04 am »

I like this it's chilling kind of in the silent hill fashion?  Where nothing is clear or normal?
looking forward to reading more.

Coptic Text
Now, when you come under their power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: "Who are you, and where are you from?"

You are then to say to him, "I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source."
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