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Author Topic: Cluedo: Murder in Disguise *MYSTERY SOLVED* (Winner: LouieLove)  (Read 26994 times)
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« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2008, 04:17:08 pm »

So...he will be poisoned?Smiley


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« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2008, 04:24:44 pm »

He MIGHT be. Wink

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« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2008, 10:24:03 pm »


Dinnertime. Or least for whoever wanted some. Mrs. Peacock had the servants prepare a simple buffet from which people could pick and choose what they wished to eat. Why be formal? It's Halloween.

"Ah, Mr. LaCoste," Mrs. Peacock greeted when he entered, "Everything is on the sideboard over there. You may eat anything you wish. Anyway, please excuse me. The children are starting to arrive and I need to be there to dish out the sweets. Of course, I could have Mrs. White do it like she did last year, but the children all received awful tummy aches that Halloween. I don't know what could have caused it. Besides, I need to show my face more to the community. You the woman behind the curtain. Haha!"

"Oui, I understand," LaCoste replied, "Et merci, Madame Peacock."

With that, Mrs. Peacock left him to it.

"Mrs. White," Hogarth called softly, "Would you please get the gelatin?"

No response.

Hogarth turned around.

"Mrs. White? Mary? Hello?"

Apparently, Mrs. White was distracted.

"Ah...Colonel!" LaCoste called out when Colonel Mustard entered.

Mustard looked bewildered.

"I beg your pardon," He muttered, "Do I know you, sir?"

"Ah non, non!" LaCoste, "But I've erd zo much aboot you! How could I've not zeen zee votograph of the great Colonel Moosterd!"

All Col. Mustard could do was wince at his obnoxious accent.

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« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2008, 12:38:36 pm »


Fredrick LaCoste was quite able to sneak away from the others from the Dining Room. It took him a minute or so, he found a the perfect bathroom. Now, the question was....just what was he up to? There was plan hatching in his mind. Something deviously clever. More of a......little joke really. He wondered, since he always held himself in high regard for his acting, would he really be able to get away with impersonation? Would his practical prank really work? It was Halloween tonight, so there was no better time to find out.

"Merveilleux!" He whispered excitedly, "Le temps pour changer mon visage..."

When he approached the sink, he took one long look in the mirror of his visage (but little did he know it was going to be the last time he'd see his normal face!). From his pocket, he produced a honey-amber wig with graying patches at the side. It....was near identical to his target's hair when he put it on his head....

...then complete with the false mustache, everything was near ready....

"Good evening ladies," He said aloud, replacing his French accent with a thick British one, "You know me, I'm Colonel Clifford Mustard of the British regiment, at your service!"

Then he laughed at his own ingeniousness. Afterall, what could Colonel Mustard say? Not much since he went to bed with a surprise case of food poisoning....

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« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2008, 03:51:31 pm »


"He's proposed!" Miss Scarlet announced to Professor Plum, "I didn't want to create attention in the Dining Room, but I thought you should know at least."

"He has, has he?" Professor Plum replied, "Well...I'm so happy for both of you. And lucky as well. I'm so busy with my work, I have never the time to think of marriage."

"It will come Nathan," Scarlet assured, "It will come."

Plum's face turned a little red.

"Say, where is the lucky man anyway?" He asked.

"It's most horrid," She replied, "He's come down with a horrible case of food poisoning. I made sure he went to his room to rest."

"Ah...I see," Plum mumbled, "Very well, I hope he recovers. I'm sure I may have a medication or two to aid him, perhaps if he wishes. At any rate, I need to meet some people in the Billiard Room. Colonel Mustard was supposed to come, but if he's not well, he will have to miss out. Anyway, Cheerio Miss Scarlet."

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« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2008, 05:34:48 pm »


Mrs. White was all alone in her Kitchen washing some of the plates. Yes, that's right. her thoughts. Thoughts that she began to say to herself out loud....

"One day Clifford Mustard..."
She whispered, "You and I will be together. I will be through with this horrible job...and we will find happiness, you and I.........oh  Clifford....if only you know how I felt about you....."

Because the tap was on, she didn't hear Captain Brown's entry.

"Wots this?" He thought, worried, "Is she thinkin about Colonel Mustard now?"

Mrs. White turned around, and to her great surprise, saw Captain Brown.

"Wh..why Captain, sir!" She cried, "I didn't know you were in here! You shouldn't have snuck up on me!"

However, right away could she see how hurt Brown looked.

"I wouldn't believe it if I didn't hear it..." He muttered sadly, "So it's the Colonel you fancy! After all my advances, it's the Colonel!? Why!? Was I never good enough for ya, is that it? That's the reason ain't it?"

"Leave me alone Bernard!" White retorted, "Truth be told, I've had it with your drunken passes and burly mannerisms! The way I feel is none of your bees wax! I don't care if you struck it rich, became a commander of a ship and now want a penniless little poor widow at your side while you sail the mighty seas! It's not happening, and you are just going to to have to put up with that answer, sir."

"But..." Brown stuttered.

"No buts!" Mrs. White scolded, "Just don't say anything. Now...this is the servants area. Your area is through that door...."

Captain Brown, defeated, turned and headed towards the door. Before he exited however, he turned to have the last word....

"Just so as ya know now," He said, "Word has it that the Colonel has proposed to a certain Miss Scarlet, so the sooner you rid of yer little fantasy...the botter!"

Mrs. White turned towards the block of knives...

"I said OUT!"


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« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2008, 12:35:39 pm »


The clocks of the house chimed out eight o clock, just as Professor Plum reentered the Billiard Room. Sure enough, he found Reverend Green still waiting quietly in the room.

"Still here, Vic?" Plum asked.

"I was waiting," Green replied calmly.

"I though you would have at least grabbed some dinner," Plum figured, "I hope you aren't going on a diet, or something stupid like that."

Green coughed.

"I'm not having a real appetite to be honest Professor," Green admitted, "Besides, I'm vegetarian and tonight, turkey was on the menu."

Plum laughed a little.

"Alright, alright," He said, "Well any way, I thought it would be good to tell you that the Colonel won't be joining us.....he's received a rather bad case of food poisoning..."

Green looked puzzled.

"Well it couldn't have hurt him too he is right now!"

Right away, Fredrick LaCoste...or should we say, "Colonel Mustard" burst into the room....

"Here I am gentlemen!"

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« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2008, 12:50:36 pm »


It had been about a good hour since Mrs. Peacock took her post to dish out treats to the children. Not many came as she hoped however. The had been a rumor circulating around the village that her house was haunted, due to all the death that happens there. Therefore, most children had been avoiding the place.

"Ethyl!" Captain Brown called as he stepped through the door, "How ave you been makin' out here?"

"Oh dreadful Bernard," Mrs. Peacock replied, "It's been an utter bore. The air is chilly, and hardly any children showed up, good heavens why not. I'm going to give it few more minutes and then I will head back indoors where it's warm. Next year, I shall have Mary or Hogarth take the post again. I don't know why I wanted to do it in the first place."

"Aye, I don't know why either..." Brown replied, shrugging, "Well I'm off now. Cheers."

Brown head down the front steps and out into the night as Mrs. Peacock stood on the porch and sighed.

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« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2008, 02:54:22 pm »


"My, my..." Miss Peach said in her sugary sweet-voice, "It sure is nice to see all you gentlemen here, since I have SUCH exciting news to tell you!"

All three eyes were focused on her, as they proceeded with a game of poker.

"Go on, Miss Peach," Professor Plum coaxed on, "Tell us!"

Miss Peach smiled.

"Well professor, since you are all so anxious..." She continued, "We as you all know, I'm a Louisianian gal. You can't get more American than me, cuse I got all the connections. My cousin Bert owns a secret, SECRET sugar plantation down there where the profits are quite large. When I went down to visit him, we hit it off real good...ya see we haven't seen each other for soooo long. Therefore, Bert wanted to give me a going away present for me. For this Halloween, he's been on the job double time to make sure he makes the biggest profit he can to provide the most sugar for tonight's Halloween candy..."

"Therefore..." LaCoste urged on.

"Hold your horses Colonel!" Peach exclaimed, "Anyway....Bert is splitting the profit with me since the operation was such a success! He's a billionaire now! God bless his heart! So now...since I wanted to cut ya'll into the deal....we are going to split the money four ways. How about that!?"

Plum's face completely lit up.

"Wonderful Miss Peach!" He exclaimed, "Just smashing! What a clever girl you are!"

Reverend Green on the other hand was unsure.

"Pardon me Daisy," He said, "But just how was this sugar operation run, might I ask?"

"Oh, why does THAT matter Vic?" Plum questioned.

"I just want to know."

Miss Peach coughed and finally spoke.

"Slaves....." She replied, "Slaves are what was needed to get the job done. That's why Bert needs to keep this business under wraps. He does a LOT of bribing with the police."

"Slaves!?" Green cried, "That is the most wrong thing I could ever think! Slaves Miss Peach...slaves! Oh dear Lord!"

"Reverend, please calm yours..." Miss Peach tried to say.

"No! I can't" Green retorted back, "My own personal stance will not allow it! Professor Plum, Colonel Mustard and Miss Peach...I'm sorry...but this is something I cannot take part in."

Miss Peach turned to Colonel Mustard.

"Well what about you, Colonel?" Peach said, "You aren't going to go cold turkey on us, will you?"

"Certainly not!" LaCoste burst, "What's profit is profit!"

"Then c'mon Rev," Peach urged, "You can't back out now. All of us are doing it!"


"Yes, Vic" Said Plum, "If you think it is so morally wrong, then you are saying WE are morally wrong."

"Reverend Green...." LaCoste said in a deep, low voice, "The piddling amount you make in church certainly can't compare to what's at stake here....we are all friends, no? We help each other....."

Green sighed in defeat.

"Oh...very well...." He squeaked.


...then LaCoste spoke again...this time in his normal French accent.

"AHA! I ave caught you vools!!" He exclaimed boldly.

[size=18]"WHAT!?"[/size] All three voiced cried.

"You all vought I vas Colonel Moosterd!" He growled, "But really now....I vas just haveen a leetle joke! I zee though ze truth howevar! You are all dealeen  illegally! Just vor provit! I'm zoooo ashamed in you all.....taking advuntage uv poor leetle zlaves! Especially you....vicar. I just vanted to zee if you vould actually go through vith it...."

"Well, actually...I wasn't really going to..." Green protested.

"Ah, but you did..YOU DID!" He accused with a laugh, "Ha! You all von't be laugheen zo zoon avter I zee to justice!"

With that, LaCoste jumped up from his chair in left leaving the rest speechless. Green got up too and headed for the gun cabinet. He took out a  fine looking Shotgun...

"He can't..." He muttered to himself, "He just can't destroy me like that...I mean....I wasn't going to partake in such horrid dealings...was I?"


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« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2008, 03:05:07 pm »

STUDY- 8:19 PM

By now, Mrs. Peacock had retreated to her Study. She had enough of the Halloween flop. Even though she did go to the window to see if anyone would arrive nobody did....except for Mr. Slate-Grey.

"Oh Mrs. Peacock!" Mr. Slate-Grey called as he entered the Study, "I thought I would find you in here...."

"Yes Andrew, what is it you need?" Peacock asked.

"Well...there's nothing I need...but I'm a little concerned....." He said, "I'm looking for Freddy...."

"What?" Mrs. Peacock asked, as she sat down at her desk, "Who again...?"

"You know....Freddy!" Slate-Grey reminded, "Fredrick friend."

There was a pause.

"Ah yes, I remember," Peacock suddenly realized, "Such a nice boy. He's missing you say?"

"Yes," Slate-Grey replied sadly, "I haven't since him since he left for dinner....and I still need to finish my painting. Where could he have possibly gone?"

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« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2008, 04:42:31 pm »


Miss Scarlet was in the Conservatory, admiring Mrs. Peacock's prized parrot, Rainbow, who was sweet little bird....for the most part. Sometimes...he'd suggest a thing or two.

Suddenly, "Colonel Mustard" came running in. He was looking for a room to hide in since he knew the others from the Billiard Room would no doubt be looking for him....

"Oh," He cried, "Pardon me, madam."

Scarlet turned to him.

"Clifford, I thought you were ill?" She asked, "Is there something you want, my love?"

LeCoste smiled lewdly and whistled.

"Well, when you put it that way. Perhaps you can get your fine ass up for the giving and I'll give it a good ol' Colonel Mustard butt pounding! Bawhahahahahahahahahhaa! Au revoir la chienne !!"

Satisfied with his own joke, he ran out of the room in stitches, leaving Miss Scarlet furious and confused.

"I'd kill 'im! I'd kill 'im! Arawww!" Rainbow suggested, "With the wrench, miss! With the wrench! I'd kill 'im! Arawww! Arawww!"
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 04:44:37 pm by Cluedo » Logged

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« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2008, 06:54:47 pm »


Fredrick LaCoste was still full of spirit having been so successful with his prank. However, he was getting a little tired and hot in Mustard's uniform and wig. He needed a spot...any quiet spot to rest. When he came across the Library, he was more than relieved to discover it was empty.

Everything was just nice.

So he scanned the shelfs to find a good title to browse through while he contemplated what to do next. In a matter of seconds, he pulls out a large, dusty green book that weighed a ton, so he sat down to read. When he looked at the title, he said with an oath...

"Le Stupide Imiter! Je déteste ce livre !"

Then, to his great surprise, Madame Rose entered...very silently...and said....

"Ah! ah! ! Je vous ai pris ! Vous n'êtes pas Colonel Moutarde puisque je peux vous comprendre parfaitement pour une fois. ....parler vous augmente le trompeur et vous révèle!"

"Manger ma mеrde vous dévergondée pourri!" He retorted back at Mme. Rose throwing the book at her.

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« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2008, 07:12:25 pm »


Confused and betrayed, Miss Scarlet stood outside of Colonel Mustard's bedroom....her hand clutching the Wrench as to Rainbow's instruction. She thought about knocking....but she felt just bursting in and making her point would suffice enough.....after what he said....he will get what he deserves....

Forcing open the door, she bolting into room. Colonel Mustard immediately sat up startled.

"Ohhhhh....Charla...please don't bother now...." Mustard protested, "I'm in a bit of a sickly mess...."

Miss Scarlet showed no sympathy.

"Clearly the mess isn't large enough to prevent you from speaking French..." She snapped.


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« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2008, 12:11:43 am »

I don't know french and I am confused! what did he say that ubset her?

Rock“All the lonely people, where do they all come from? / All the lonely people, where do they all belong?- Beatles” Rock
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« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2008, 06:59:29 am »

I don't know french too; but-is there possibility that someone wanted to poison (or kill:) ) colonel and instead killed LaCoste?

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