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Author Topic: Instant Family - UPDATED! - chapter 6!  (Read 30760 times)
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« on: December 08, 2008, 04:23:08 pm »

Hello everybody! Here is my another sims story, hope you will like it; feel free to comment, advice etc. everything is welcome, I love comments!


Hello! My name is Claudia and...welcome to my perfect life! Well, that would be picture from two months ago, when my life really was perfect...and intact. Don't get me wrong but I never dreamed about having a family...I never was a family type. I was raised by single mother, together with my two years older sister cause our father left us while we were very little...I even can't remember him. So, I knew we weren't so easy to raise and looking our mother struggling with two racy children made an serious impact on me. I decided I would never be like her; ignoring my career and living in a small, uncomfortable apartment splitting from my mouth for children who will certainly grow up and leave me for bether life somewhere, I'm surely not that type. That's why my mother died so early; she was exhausted. Well, my sister indeed has different opinion. She tought family is essential. She thought I'm selfish and self centered. And after her husband died three years ago she found herself struggling with three kids just like our mother was. But she never said that she was mistaken; she adored her three kids cause they are "all that was left to her from her husband." And now my life will change too. Yes, on this picture I was so happy and unaware of what future will bring...

That would be my house...beautiful isn't it? I know! That's why I told you I don't want children, cause children bring obligation and they are such money wasters. And that money I earned myself, with my own work, every part of it. When I was 15' I started to earn my own money. When I was 18 I went to the academy of arts, paying it with that money. It was hard but it was worth it. Now I'm a dancer, one of the most popular in SimCity.

Sure, I had some help from my dance instructor, Johnny, isn't he marvelous? He invest so much in me while I was such a great potential on academy. Now we are the famous dance couple in SimCity and Johnny is my teacher, my best friend, my soulmate. And best of all, he agrees with me for that family thing. Niether one of us has a time to think about it right now; we are young and dancing isn't unfortunately career for whole life; so, we must do our best while we can. There are so many projects and stuff, but I don't want to bother you with that right now. So, you're asking, how my life has changed from something like this...

...into something like that? Oh, what a misfortune. I wasn't in town when I received that awful phonecall that my sister had an car accident. She died instantly, there was no hope; some truck crashed into her in a tunnel. Awful. And she had 3 kids left behind, and she left them to me.

My sister and I never were close to each other; we were like earth and a sky, two completely different persons, our mother used to say that she is like her and I'm definitely on my father cause I haven't got niether one of hers characters...But I was very sad that I even haven't suceeded to on her funeral. I was with Johnny on Twikkii Island, we booked the holiday after successful tour with our dance team and we really needed a rest...I was so sad I couldn't make it to the funeral but it was a big storm and I couldn't find a plane to take me to the Pleasantville where my sister was living. So, when I got back I found out that her last will was that I adopt her children, at least until they were 18, and take care of them. And that is where the story begins...

I almoust didn't recognized my nephew and niece...they were so grown up. And that little one I saw only on the pictures. Don't think I'm cold hearted but I just haven't got time to visit my sister, I was so busy...and now it comes on charge. Ok, I'm not mean person but I really don't have time for children right now. I love them but...I love them better if they are not near me. Guess we have to adapt on this situation now.

I needed to see Johnny immediately. He will know what to do.
"They are nice." said he after I introduced him. "But they are children."
"I know. What could I do? They are my sister's children. I couldn't just leave them in a orphanage." said I.
"I know dear. But where are their grandparents?"
"Only grandpa is left. In a nursing home."
"Great. So...basically, you are the only one who can take care about them?"
"I guess I am. That was my sister's last wish after all. I don't know why..."
"Maybe cause you're the only one left? Face it dear, if there were some other relatives I'm not so sure if you will be the number one choice."
"So, you want to say that I'm incompetent?"
"Maybe in this area, yes. Dance is your family dear. Not some...whipping children"
"Now tell me...How old is the girl?"
"Shauna? She's 16. Tommy is 10, and Emma is 3."
"So...maybe we can put Tommy and Shauna in some boarding school. I have connections in Strangetown. I can see what I can do with it."
"Oh, I don't know Johnny...they recently lost their mother...I can just send them somewhere. Even I would like too..."
"So, then we will wait. I'm just hoping you will not postpone your career now. You couldn't afford that. And of course, me."
"Sure I will not!"

"I will fix everything; do you believe me?"
"In laundry like that, I'm ready to believe you everything!"
"Oh, shut up and kiss me!"

I did my best to be good replacement for mother to that children; even it wasn't so easy. I had problems with little one, Emma, and her feeding manners. She just doesn't want to sit in that chair and eat her launch, she screams, cries, and she also few times has thrown her food away when I tried to feed her.
"Please eat sweetie, you have too..." i tried to be patient.

"Don't you see she doesn't like to be in that chair?" said Shauna, the oldest and probably "the heaviest" from those three. "Mother used to give her a bottle, not that crap of food. Come, Emma."
"Don't talk to me in that way, little lady!"
"Or what?" asked she and took Emma from her chair. "I will take her upstairs."

"My name is Timmy" answered he. How could I forgot his name? I was ensured he was...
"I'm just joking. What is it?"
"Oh. Have you done your homework?"
"No. Later."
"But you must keep good grades if you want to go in some nice boarding school..."
"I wanna be taxi driver. Nathan's mom said I don't need to go in boarding school for that."

How will I manage it? I can't do it...

« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 12:31:54 pm by Starwish001 » Logged


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« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2008, 08:37:34 pm »

This is going to be very interesting! Great start!

Simming is a way of Life!!!  :toothy4:
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« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2008, 03:17:28 am »

I agree this is a very interesting way of doing a story! I will be looking forward to future updates.


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« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2008, 04:26:59 am »

Great story!

The second last picture is gold!

My signature is waaaaay better than your signature!
Astral Faery

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« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2008, 02:09:56 pm »

I really like this so far!  I love the main character's attitude about life and the casual way she regards the children - very realistic! Looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2008, 08:49:02 pm »

Very nice. Can't wait to see more.
Logged<--My new Sims2 story, please read and reply. ^^

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« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2008, 09:40:08 pm »

I'm so glad you're liked my story (btw. sorry for eventual gramatical mistakes, eng. is not my native language) so, that made me to post an update Smiley


Shauna's Diary - part 1.

"Dear diary

It passed almoust a month since mother passed away. Still I'm not aware she's gone. Every time  I wake up the first thought is that all was just a bad dream. But then I see this empty, aseptic walls of this sterile white room, and I know it's not a dream. It's my reality nightmare. We are living in Belladonna Cove now. Still remembering the day after mother died when social worker camed and told us we're going to live at our aunt's house now, since she is our only living relative (except grandpa who is in nursing home) and while that was our mother's last will. I'm still wondering why??? Claudia is just like I was remembering her; cold, selfcentered and arrogant. Her house is like her mirror reflection; cold. Everything is white and black, every thing has it's own place, everything is so clean that I'm affraid to breathe while I don't want to pollute that perfect air; haha. Sure, aunt Claudia isn't responsible for that cause she could broke a nail or something. She have a maid which pays that stupid of her boyfriend. But I will be back on him later. You know, aunt is a dancer, and she earn a lot of money. But still she have a sponsor. I hate her. I can believe we're related. My mother always talked nice things about her, but, I don't see them. I know she is horrified that she has three kids to think about now. Not that I'm pleased with that situation either; I wanted to stay in mother's house at Pleasantville and took custody under Emma and Tommy but authorities decided I'm too young and I must wait until 18. Mother's best friend Anne wanted to adopt us but authorities wasn't right with that either. Cause she has a full part job, divorced, and who will take care of us? Like here would be bether!
But, I guess mother thought about aunt's money and decided it will be bether for us. As if!

Even the sky cries here now. Summer is almoust over and I found out that Belladonna Cove is really rainy and cold place, very populated with big buildings and lot of smog what makes me dislike it even more. Sure, that's not all I should think about; the new school year is approaching and I should decide what to do with my school. If I would have to change the school...I will go nutz. But, I still have no idea how to travel each day for few hours there and back if I have to stay in this sucking place!

And another thing that bugs me, is my boyfriend, Evan. We haven't seen each other from the funeral. He is so distant lately. I know that bearing with difficulties isn't the part of his domain but, what the heck, my mother passed away;I expect little more attention from his side, little comfort and everything else that people in love do when their partner is suffering. I call him every day and he is always busy. I really started to think that something's wrong. Even if I know he's little bit strange in heavy situations and he don't react always in the way how he should and how the others are expecting, cause I know him very well, we're together almoust for a year and I need him so much right now, doesn't he see that? I'm getting little bit tired of need to draw him everything.

Oh, I almoust forgot what that creep of Claudia's boyfriend had proposed the other day during our so called "family dinner" or bether-burned spaghetti since that is the only meal that Claudia knows how to cook (or burn); a boarding school for girls! Can you believe it? In that condition, Tommy would have to go in the boarding school for the boys but that two schools are separated like a six hours away, with a car! And what about Emma? I surely have no intention of leaving her with those two creeps here. And I surely don't want to separate from Tommy; he's pain in the ass but he's my brother, and I know that he and Emma need me right now. They are my only family and I have no intentions to separate from them. That I told to that creep, well, not in such nice way. For further, I decided to eat in my room.

At least they could be less obvious and just tell us we're not welcome here. That creep with that disgusting face and irritating, forced smile just waits for us to go upstairs so he can grab Claudia and drag her into the sleeping room. Not she's resisting, though...

However, Claudia don't do much of the parent figure. She tries sometimes to order us to do something but usually we don't listen. Tommy listen her sometimes though, cause she bought him a new pc "for his summer homework project" but all he's doing is playing some stupid games so I have to intervene and make him to do that stupid homework thing.

And when I don't do that, I spend time with Emma. She still don't understand where mommy is and why she's not coming back. So when she ask me something about it, I try to change the subject; otherless I will start to cry.

You know mom, we spent so much time together arguing about stupid things and I was so difficult and brassy whole the time, and even when we took that picture I was so mad at you cause you forced me to wear that stupid dress but at the end you made me smile about it, cause you always knew how to deal with me...and I was not prepared that you will leave so soon while I have so much things to tell you and to pass on with you...and even I haven't told you that I love you...I can write anymore...I miss you so much."



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« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2009, 07:28:38 pm »


Forced To Change

As I said, rising of three children is not that easy. I tried to do my best but everytime I tried to do something, Shauna appears and just ruin eveything. She is so difficult, so angry, sometimes I ask my self from where all that anger is coming from. Sometimes I even think that she hates me. She just don't want me to get close to Tommy and Emma. Few days before i prepared a dinner for all of us cause I'm aware that children are missing that family atmosphere, but it seemed that they aren't so pleased with that. Johnny really had made an effort and talked with mayor of Strangetown and he promissed to help him to get Shauna in one of the best boarding schools for girls there. And how she reacted on that, my God! She start screaming about how obviously we want to get rid of them and that she have no intentions to separate from her family or leaving Emma with creeps like us. I was shocked. I know she's going throught the bad period but she has no rights to act like that towards her benefactorers. If there weren't us, they would be in orphanage now. That ungrateful kids!

"Have you seen that? What should we do?" sighed I after the kids left the table.
"We should be more strictly to her. She doesn't have a crumb of a gratitude. I wanted to send her to best boarding school and she acts like that. Unbelievable!"
"Calm down, they lost their mother recently..."
"That's not an excuse. We are the best guardians they can have, we want to send them to the best schools..."
"Cause we want to get rid of them..." whispered I. "And that's maybe awful but..."
"No. We want to continue with our lifes. And we want to give them top education. That is not awful. That is better for all of us."
"I don't know..."

"Believe me..." Johnny stood up and took my hand. I knewed what he wants but I wasn't in mood.
"Honey, not now...I have to clean up the kitchen..."
"You really are becoming a desperate housewife." said he nervous and pushed me away. I put myself together immediately finding he is right, grateful for his in time warning.
"Ok, that was really a bullet! But you're right. We will send them to a boarding school. We must continue with our lifes. That's final."

" Come here beautiful, let me rip that chlotes of you! Uh, I like you when you are consistent to your opinions! You know I'm not attracted to desperate, fat housewives!"
"Oh, shut up and kiss me!"

Yes, that was the right decision. How could I even think about rising three kids? Obviously I was crazy. I have Johnny, I have my career, and this body needs a lot of practice to keep up this great could I doubt about it? I went to a gym with my best friend, Kayla, she was dancer too. I told her all about our plans with kids.
"Uh, Claudia..." started she. " Have you read the news recently?"
"No, I haven't got time to do that, all that struggling with that kids, hopefully all will be over soon, just have to find a nanny for Emma, or maybe I can send her in some boarding school too?"
"I think you should see the newspapers first."
"Why? Speak Kayla, why are you so mysterious? You're making me really nervous right now..."
"Newspapers are writing about your Some journalist called you; I will quote it; A cold hearted bitch who will surely find the way to get rid off the poor kids. And also, that you are so oriented on your career that you will samp over the dead bodies..."

Ok, that was really unexpected that I actually fell over the treadmill.
"The press are writing about it? How they dare! I must see it right now."
"We haven't finished our training..."
"Yes, we are! C'mon!"

It was just like Kayla said, black on white, facts how awful and cold hearted bitch am I and how I will do everything to get rid of poor orphans who are my only family left.
"Claudia Sommers, famous dancer and artist, becamed guardian of three beautiful children, after their mother passed away in terrible car accident. This beautiful starlet however, even didn't went to her sister's funeral, so what we are asking now is, will she finally put her career in a second place and dedicate herself to the poor children that are whole alone with no relatives left, or will she be forced to put her career in a second place after people found out how cold hearted woman she is? Our guess would be - a boarding school! Isn't that great way to get rid of the unwanted kids and smear the eyes of publicity with some discursive explanation how the boarding school is better for kids too? So what would be her next step; and I'm not thinking of the stage now!"
"I've seen this already." whispered Kayla.
"It was in newspapers yesterday also? Uh, that stupid press! What do they want from me? I just want to live my life, to dance and to practice and that's all!"
"You should think about it before you becamed famous."
"Now you are judging me? Uh, I must go home and call my agent. See ya later!"

Of course, Rony,my agent, as always, told me that press has freedom of speech, and we can't do nothing about it. Also, he told that I usually look like cold and unreachable person, and after one of mine interviews where I had clearly announced that having a family isn't most important thing in my life and that career is mine priority, I had induced and opinion of cold harted bitch who will get rid of her sister's children. Sure, that wasn't publicity what somebody would wanted to get, and he advised me not to send childen in boarding schools. That wasn't the answer I wanted to hear.
"You can afford a bad publicity right now." said he.
"What are you talking about? Why? I'm most famous dancer in..."
"Who rises fast, fast will fall. You haven't been on your sister's funeral. You don't want to take care about her kids, your own flesh and blood. What do you think people will think about you?"
"I don't care for the people! And how do you mean, who rises fast, do you want to say I'm not talented?"
"You are skiping the subject. I'm just telling you that isn't smart thing to send those kids to boarding school right now. You are on cranky position right now; and people do matter cause they watch your every step. You're news of the day now, and I advise you to use it smart. You must be perfect guardian right now, to get rid of that cold-hearted-bitch captions. People can make you famous, but they can destroy you too."
He was very helpful. Right.

Regarding to our conversation, I took some time to think about it. There was no easy way to avoid that situation and that was drawing me mad. I decided to cook a dinner again, cause today some changes have to be done. Johnny camed soon after.
"What is my beauty doing right now? Cooking? Again? We could go out for a dinner..."
"Johnny, things are got little bit complicated. With boarding school and that.
"What do you mean?"
"Just read the newspapers. They call me cold-hearted bitch who will do anything to get rid of the children. I talked with Rony now, and he said I could not send them to boarding school right now."
"What? That is stupid!"

"No it's not stupid. It could ruin my career! Nobody loves cold hearted bitch! And my career means a lot to me, you know that. Please Johnny, we must wait for now with that boarding school, cause that can destroy me right now. Public is already mad at me cause I wasn't on my sister's funeral, this could be...the final droop."
"Who told them about boarding school? To journalists?"
"I don't know, they assumed I guess. I don't want afford them to tell that they were right. I will call kids for dinner now."

I didn't knew if Johnny was alright with that. We were so happy about continuing our lives normally. But I'm sure he understands this situation is just temporary. I called Tommy for dinner and then went to call Shauna. She was in dark, watching TV, angry again. I sighed.
"Sweetie...dinner is served."
"I'm not hungry."
"You don't have to eat much, but I made a new meal and I want to hear your opinion. And also, we must talk about something."
"Boarding school again?"
"Yes, kind off...but we have some new decisions for you kids. I think you will be happy with it."

Finally she stood up and started to pay attention.
"What is it?"
"I want to say it in front of your brother and you together. Wash your hands and come downstairs."

"So." I took a deep breathe. This wasn't that what I wanted to say. "We decided not to send you two to the boarding school. Sure, that are great boarding schools and you will lose great oportunity for your education, but, if you two want to stay here, we will inscribe you into the local school. I hope you're content with that. We wanted to give a chance to our family to succeed, and I hope you would give a try also. We are family, and we have to steak together. Right Johnny?"
"Right dear."



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« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2009, 05:43:12 pm »

interesting. and has the possibly of getting much much more interesting. That's what I think.

Crazy and lovin it

Random thought = probably bad idea

Can't type to save me life, so expect me to edit everything.
EDIT: my life. ug.... watch me go.

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« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2009, 04:11:56 pm »

Yes, I like it, naturally...but what about your story Changes?
Has that gone?  shocked


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« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2009, 12:30:10 pm »

Oh, Changes...I will continue that, it's here on forum, but I have lost some of the characters when I installed a game (have bought new pc recently) so I'm little bit lazy to do them now...but I will soon:)


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« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2009, 01:51:39 pm »

Can't wait! I love all your stories...


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« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2009, 04:35:26 am »

its great please more

laugh a little louder, smile a little larger, dream a little further, love a little extra and live a little happier! Cheesy

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« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2009, 02:40:09 pm »

Hello again! Haven't been on this forum so long, had some obligations but now I have so much to catch up. Glad you like it, hope you will like this huge update too!


Shauna's Diary - Part 2

 - - october, 27th - -

Dear diary! Sorry for not hearing from me so long, but I must say, much things happened. Well, positive things. For change. First of all, I am the new student in the Simcity high school, Claudia inscribed me. Tommy is in the Simcity elementary and Emma, well, she is still at home. With Claudia.

I'm very happy with the Simcity high school. A lot of people, no one looks at you with that "You're new - intruder" look, I must admit that I like it bether then my old school. I'm in third grade now, I chosed psihology as my major. I'm very interested in the children psihology, especially children that have lost their parents, or something like that. Because I know what is like to be left alone, and I want to help them one day. I thought that the first day will be awful, but I met Rosie, crazy, weird girl who is also new here, not in Simcity but in school. She is also interested in psihology, she loves rock music and has two older brothers. Her parents are divorced and she lives with a father who is workaholic. So, I guess we have some things in common. We usually spend the time in the school yard, talking about everything and catching this last beams of sun. Yes, the winter is approaching!

Oh, yes, I almoust forgot to tell you about Claudia...well...maybe I was too harsh on her; finally, she is young, she is women in career, and she surely wasn't expected to instantly get a package of three kids at once. Yes, she is changed; I don't know what happened but she actually started to pay attention on us, kids. She even didn't hired a nanny yet. She promised not to send us in the boarding school and she didn't. She promised we will became a family and...well, it's not THAT great but... It's just fine. She actually listen us when we want to tell her something. She's actually interested. She didn't hired the nanny for Emma already cause she wanted to try to manage it alone. And she even made me a cake for my seventeenth birthday - yes, happy birthday to me! I'm seventeen now. Just that Johnny guy...I can stand him, still. He is so arrogant, so ridged, bah! I feel sorry for Claudia, how can she stand him? And regarding to my love life...I still haven't seen Evan. We talk on the phone and everything is ok but, he always has some excuses; or it is school, or it is his mother or...I don't know. But he promised me to come this weekend. Two days more, i hope so! Claudia is going on some kind of business trip, so...I hope that I will ensure her to live us alone at home! I'm seventeen now! I'm old enough. And she bought me a beautiful dress! I can't wait to wear it for Evan...

- - october, 29th - -

Finally! Evan is coming today, it's for real! I can't wait. Rosie asked me to come with her in some new opened club, but I reject it. Claudia also asked me if I want to celebrate my birthday, so I promised her to go out later. But sure I will not! I have whole house just for me and Evan; and she was so worried, she asked me am I sure that I can be alone, cause it's a big house, blabla...and finally, she told me she will send Johnny to check me out. No, Johnny! I hope he will forget it.

When Claudia finally left, I checked out Emma. Of course, she was unbearable hyperactive and it took the whole eternity until I forced her to go to sleep. In one moment I was actually thinking of giving her a sleeping pill but...maybe she read my mind or something, she calmed down. Good for her!

With Tommy was easy - not to get him in bed but to be sure he will be peaceful; since he had his own pc - nothing could separate him form it. It was a whole new experience for him cause we haven't had pc before...when mother was alive...well, that wasn't so good for him though, but for tonight, he will manage it.

And FINALLY, after a long relaxing bath (well, not so long cause I haven't had much time) I dress up my beautiful, sexy new dress and...well, it's time for me to go now, think I hear a doorbell!

- - october 31 - -

I was so happy to see Evan, I jumped on him and literally strangled him with a hug. He was little bit confused but soon he hugged me too. "I missed you, I missed you so much!" whispered I.
" I missed you too." Said he.

"So, this is the house?" asked he gently removing my arms from his shoulders.
"Yes, it is." answered I. I was so not in the mood to talk about the house now. I wanted to kiss him, to talk with him! And does he even noticed my dress and how nice I looked today?
"Uau." said he but that wasn't for me. "Beautiful house."
"Yes." sighed I. "Do you wanna take a look?"
"Sure! Uau."

The "sightseeing" was short, after few of his "Uaau" and "Uaaaaus", I was VERY annoyed, and I took him to show him my room. Another Uau, and then I kissed him. And finally he kissed me. And after that I wanted to ask him why is he so strange lately, but he just dragged me on the bed.

Ok, that wasn't bad either, and surely better from staring at the house; but I wanted some answers. And we wanted different things.

"What is it?" asked he little bit annoyed, when I pushed him away.
"Well..." sighed I. "I thought we can talk a know, I haven't seen you for like, almoust two months..."
"We talked on the phone." answered he quickly and started to kiss me again.
"Yes, know, I can see your face during the phone talk. And I really want to talk with you."
"I don't get it. First you're jumping on me, now you want to talk. I thought we gonna make that second step in our relationship."
Ah. So that's it. I tried to sound peaceful but my whole body was shakin'.
" camed just because that?"
Obviously he realized he was harsh,so he kissed me gently.
"I'm sorry. know, I miss you and...I don't know when we will gonna see each other again."
"You're talking like Simcity is on the end of the world. You know you can come here whenever you want, and I will come there. Sure, if you won't be busy..."
And then we kissed again. And again...

"Have you heard that noise? It looks like somebody's here." Evan has quickly straightened himself in bed.
"Who might be here, it's..." oh no, it was half past eleven, and it was...

It was Johnny! He entered with self-satisfied look on his face and smiled venomously.
"Oh, what we have here? Our little girl with a boy, in bed? That's just nice. Claudia will be pleased."

"What are you doing here Johnny?" asked I.
"Claudia sent me to check you out, remember? Yeah, she was right,"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"That you're so alike your mother. Are you planning to be seventeen-old-single mother? That would be really a tradition."

"Don't involve my mother in this Johnny." sighed I while was shaking. I wanted to punch his ugly face, to do something. But, I had to calm down. Because Claudia.
"And Claudia knows he is here. He's my boyfriend, Evan." said I. Evan was standing behind me red like a tomato.
"Does she knows you two mommy and daddy in bed? No? I thought so."
"So, what are you going to do about it?"
"I don't know...I gotta think. Maybe nothing. Or maybe I will tell her...dunno. It depends."
"Maybe someday you will return me a favor, right? After all, we are all big family right now. Right? I must go now. Bye bye."
And he left the room with that awful smile on his face.

"Oh, that awful, awful...creep!" I went to a window to be sure he will leave immediately. He finally entered into the car. And then I saw he's not alone in it. "Who is that?" I tried to constrict my eyes to see better. But then he switched on his car and left. "Stupid idiot."

When I turned around, Evan was there, all dressed up and with deadpan look on his face.
"Oh, are we going out already?" smiled I but knowing that something bad was slowly approaching.
"No. Listen, Shauna...don't know how to say it...well, you know, I don't feel so bounded with you, lately."
"I know! I wanted to talk about it earlier but..."
"I don't want to talk about it. I want to talk about something else.
"What?" Now I was frozen.
"You know, I camed here just because I haven't got the same feeling for you lately. That thing with your mother, moving, separation...all that was hard for me. And I missed you, I missed to have someone near me, to talk with, to feel somebody. And I thought...I thought maybe if I see you...maybe if we sleep together, that everything will be alright, like before." he stopped and I tooked a deep breathe.

"And?" whispered I. "It isn't?"
He disavow. "No."
"Why? Why is like that? I thought that you love me; I thought that we're bounded! I thought you're understand me!"
"I do, just..."
"What? You can bare it? My mother died and you can bare it? YOU can handle it?" I tried not to raise my voice too much. "What do you think how I feel? I lost my family, I lost my friends, my school...I moved out, camed to another city, big city, unpleasant city, in a family that never wanted me at first place! What do you think, HOW I FEEL???" maybe I yelled a little bit here.
"Haven't you said that things are ok now with Claudia?"
"It doesn't matter! How can you do that to me?"
"Don't switch the blame on me! You were never committed to me as I was to you!"
"What are you talking about?" but then I realized what he is talking. "Oh, THAT, again. Well, now we done it, are you happy now? Why are you leaving me now? Can we do something about it...?"
"I tried. I still love you,'s different now."
"I'm in love with an other, ok? I can help it! You weren't there, I was..."
Like an giant wave, the coldness overtook my body, my heart and soul, until nothing was left. I was choking, but just for one second.
"Get out!" whispered I.
"I didn't expected you to understand." said he, turned away and walked out of my life.



Gender: Female
Posts: 297

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« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2009, 10:51:02 pm »

this is good

laugh a little louder, smile a little larger, dream a little further, love a little extra and live a little happier! Cheesy
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