Warlokk Bodyshapes Fitness outfits New mesh By ChopperchicThanks Warlokk for all of the work you have done and giving us all of these wonderful meshes.Warlokks terms of use on his meshes should be followed here also. The meshes posted here are based on his hard work.
Do not claim the meshes as your own. Link back to this thread for any recolors for the mesh. Thanks

I wanted another option for fitness outfits in my game.
I wanted to use Warlokks Bodyshape Series Ladies.
When I saw the outfit in FreeTime I had to use it.
So I made these meshes. I hope you like them.
I did have to alter the mesh from the Eaxis orginal.
The I removed the bra top and added a smooth top to the pants mesh.
I wanted it to have a nicer top and for the Unamed sizes to keep the shape they should have. Just say no to uniboobs.
I have included the UV map for recoloring.
The shoes on this mesh are a little tricky for recoloring.
The shoes were moved to allow space for tops to be done correctly for the bodyshapes.
The texture of the shoes fits the mesh different than most Eaxis meshes I have seen.
I have to do the pink outfit. It will need to be reworked from the Eaxis orginal to fit this mesh. I might upload this recolor in the future.
All of the meshes should convert recolors easy from one to another the UV is basically the same for all of them.
There are no fat or preg morphs in these meshes.
If you have any problems let me know. I am new at all this and can make mistakes. They have been tested in my game with no issues.
The sizes here should be most of the popular shapes Warlokk has made.
For the Unnamed set34C sizes 34Ce34, 34Ce36, 34Ce38
34De Sizes 34De34, 34De36, 34De38, 34Dn34, 34Dn36
34DDe sizes 34DDe34, 34DDe36, 34DDe38
For Warlokks full body BodyshapesFaerie, FM, Vol, CPU, PG, Toon, Rengal, Rio
I also included Pops Fitchick.
Yikes I added Rio
Enjoy your game

Screen Shots