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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Men / Recolors For Exportdrys AM Baggy Bigger Boots Mesh on: May 07, 2008, 10:34:14 am
Hello everyone.
I am happy to post these recolors I have made for Exportdry new AM Baggy Bigger Boots Mesh. I hope you like them.

Thank you Exportdry for making this Awesome mesh. Smiley

The Mesh by Exportdry is needed to use these recolors in your game.
Get Exportdrys Mesh here. ( Off site Link at Mod The Sims 2)

In Game Shots...

One more

These Bottoms look best with untuckable tops.
I lowered the waistline a little so Maxis tops may not look as nice.
I have used Fanseelambs untuckable tops in the screenshots.
The tops are very nicely done.
Thank you Fanseelamb.
Offsite link at Mod The Sims 2 for Fanseelambs tops are here.

*Both recolors are included in the Zipped file*

Sorry I had to update the textures if you downloaded these recolors before 930am CST Please get the new ones. Wink

Enjoy your game
2  Retired Creators / Renaissance Gal / RenGal Pants Chiq jeans mesh Block feet By Chopperchic on: April 18, 2008, 03:52:14 am
RenGal Request Chiq Jeans mesh with Block feet By Chopperchic

Hey folks,
I had a request from anji4062 to edit my Chiq jeans pants mesh for Rengal with Block feet.
So taking on a challenge to learn something new.
I have made a slight edit to the Rengal Chiq jeans mesh without heels and added block feet.

There are no fat and preg morphs in this mesh.

Warlokks Policies apply as this mesh is based on his work.
Please link back to this page for the mesh.

Thank you Warlokk for all of your hard work.

I hope you like this anji4062.

If there are any problems let me know. The mesh been tested in my game with no issues. I am still new to all this.

Enjoy your game


3  Retired Creators / Multi-shape / Warlokk Bodyshapes Fitness outfits New mesh By Chopperchic on: April 18, 2008, 03:22:47 am
Warlokk Bodyshapes Fitness outfits New mesh By Chopperchic

Thanks Warlokk for all of the work you have done and giving us all of these wonderful meshes.

Warlokks terms of use on his meshes should be followed here also. The meshes posted here are based on his hard work.
Do not claim the meshes as your own. Link back to this thread for any recolors for the mesh. Thanks Smiley

I wanted another option for fitness outfits in my game.
I wanted to use Warlokks Bodyshape Series Ladies.
When I saw the outfit in FreeTime I had to use it.
So I made these meshes. I hope you like them.
I did have to alter the mesh from the Eaxis orginal.
The I removed the bra top and added a smooth top to the pants mesh.
I wanted it to have a nicer top and for the Unamed sizes to keep the shape they should have. Just say no to uniboobs.
I have included the UV map for recoloring.
The shoes on this mesh are a little tricky for recoloring.
The shoes were moved to allow space for tops to be done correctly for the bodyshapes.
The texture of the shoes fits the mesh different than most Eaxis meshes I have seen.
I have to do the pink outfit. It will need to be reworked from the Eaxis orginal to fit this mesh. I might upload this recolor in the future.
All of the meshes should convert recolors easy from one to another the UV is basically the same for all of them.

There are no fat or preg morphs in these meshes.
If you have any problems let me know. I am new at all this and can make mistakes. They have been tested in my game with no issues.

The sizes here should be most of the popular shapes Warlokk has made.

For the Unnamed set

34C sizes       34Ce34, 34Ce36, 34Ce38

34De Sizes     34De34, 34De36, 34De38, 34Dn34, 34Dn36

34DDe sizes    34DDe34, 34DDe36, 34DDe38

For Warlokks full body Bodyshapes
Faerie, FM, Vol, CPU, PG, Toon, Rengal, Rio

I also included Pops Fitchick.

Yikes I added Rio Wink

Enjoy your game Smiley

Screen Shots

4  Retired Creators / Guest Bodyshape Add-ons / New Meshes By Chopperchic: Warlokk Bodyshapes Mixed sizes (UnNamed Sizes) on: April 08, 2008, 02:33:05 am
New  Meshes By Chopperchic: Warlokk Bodyshapes Mixed sizes

I have been hard at work learning how to mesh for the last few months. I am happy to be able to finally upload these meshes.

Many thanks to Warlokk for creating these awesome ladies for everyone to enjoy!  Thanks so much for making the Poser Magnets.

Thanks to MixedCrysy for answering my questions before I asked. Wink
You have been a great teacher and you are a wonderful person.

Thanks ExportDry for getting me started and putting up with my rants.
Thanks to InSIMenator Crew and the Community for being such a great gang to hang around Wink

I made some of Warlokks Full Body Unnamed sizes combined with H&M Chiq jeans. I hope you like them.

These Meshes are based on Warlokks bodyshapes.

My terms of use… Please don’t post my mesh on paysites.
Please don’t post my meshes anywhere or claim the meshes as your own work.
Please Link back to this post for the mesh files.
It’s easier to keep up with the meshes if they are in one place.

If you have any problems drop me a PM. I have tested them out in my game with Bon Voyage and then Free Time Installed.

If you make recolors drop me a PM. I would love to see them.

Face Count 2070 Vertex Count is 1499

Included sizes here are:
 34De34, *34Dnat36 (A Request for ceruleanpheonix), 34DDe34, 34DDe36

*Added 34Ce36, 34Ce38, 34De36, 34De38 sizes 4/10/08

I have uploaded each mesh with around 4 recolors in a few different styles.  Most have a white texture file included that I made for a recolor base.
You can get rid of that file in the clean installer or it is named Texture at the end of the file name.

The UV has been remapped for easier recoloring. They all share the same UV map the textures will stretch to fit the mesh.  

The Maxis/Ea size in the screen shot is in my other post of uploads.

Warlokks Base meshes are here

Enjoy your game everyone.
5  Retired Creators / Multi-shape / New Meshes By Chopperchic Various sizes and Warlokk`s Bodyshapes on: April 08, 2008, 02:02:48 am
New  Meshes By Chopperchic Various sizes and Warlokk`s Bodyshapes

I have been hard at work learning how to mesh for the last few months. I am happy to be able to finally upload these meshes.  

My thanks to Warlokk for creating these awesome ladies for everyone to enjoy! Thanks for making the Poser Magnets to play with.
Thanks to MixedCrysy for answering my questions before I ask them. Wink You have been a great teacher and a wonderful person.
Thanks to ExportDry for getting me started and putting up with my rants.

Thanks to InSIMenator Crew and the Community for being such a great gang to hang around Wink

I have Warlokks Full Body meshes combined with H&M Chiq jeans.
These Meshes are based on Warlokks Original bodyshapes.
My terms of use…
Please don’t post my mesh on paysites. Please don’t post my meshes on other websites or claim the meshes as your own work.
Please Link back to this post for the mesh files. So I can make sure everything is working correctly and keep up with the meshes.

If you have any problems drop me a PM. I have tested them out in my game with Bon Voyage.
A few days ago I finally installed Freetime on my main computer. I have all EPs and H&M Installed. That should not matter though.

If you make recolors drop me a PM. I would love to see them.

Face Count 2070 Vertex Count is 1499
Included sizes  here are:
Maxis/Ea size, Faerie, Voluptuous, Classic Pinup, Power Girl, Fashion Model, Renaissance, Rio, Toon.

I have uploaded each mesh with around 4 recolors in different styles and most have a white texture file included that I made for a recolor base.
The UV has been remapped for easier recoloring. They all work with the same UV map. It is included also. The meshes can be recolored to make untucked outfits that overlap the pants.

Enjoy Your game.

Warlokks Base Meshes for His Bodyshapes are located here.

Wonderful recolors for these Meshes by Jaccirocker are here
Thank you Jacci
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Men / Recolors of Exportdry Adult Male Bottom Only By Chopperchic on: February 22, 2008, 03:41:21 am
These are a few recolors I made for Exportdrys Adult Male version of HPs Slouchy Bigger Boots mesh.

You will need Exportdrys Mesh for my recolors to show up in your game.
Exportdrys Mesh is Located at Mod the sims 2 at the link located here.

There are 4 recolors in the zipped file. You can choose the ones you like with the Clean Installer.

Thank you for all of your help Exportdry. Wink

Enjoy your game everyone
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Recolors for Exportdrys 34Hip Bottom Only By Chopperchic on: February 22, 2008, 03:32:30 am
Recolors for Exportdrys 34Hip Bottom Only By Chopperchic

Thank you Exportdry for everything. Wink

These recolors are for Exportdrys 34Hip version of HPs Untuckable Slouchy Bottoms with bigger boots.

You will need Exportdrys Mesh at MTS2 for my recolors to show up in your game.

Off Site Link for Exportdrys mesh is located at Mod the sims 2

There are 6 recolors in this zip file. You can use the Clean Installer to sort through them and pick the ones you like.
I hope you like them:)

Enjoy your game everyone
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Recolors for Exportdrys 36 hip Bottom Only By Chopperchic on: February 22, 2008, 03:18:03 am
I have some recolors for Exportdrys Version of HPs Untuckable Slouchy Bottoms with bigger boots.  Wink

Thanks for all of your help Exportdry and for making this mesh.

Exportdrys Mesh is located here. You will need this mesh for my recolors to show up in your game.

Ok there are 5 recolors here I zipped them all together. You can choose the ones you dont want by using the Clean installer to sort through them.

Enjoy your game everyone. Smiley
9  Retired Creators / Bigger Pregnancy Belly / BlooMs Teen Bigger Pregnancy Belly Recolors By Chopperchic on: January 23, 2008, 10:48:58 pm
Hi I did some conversions of my adult outfits all ready for Teens.

It uses BlooMs Teen Bigger Pregnancy Belly Mesh and its located here

Same outfits as Adults here just modified to fit Teens.

I dont usually use teens in my game. Not a thing wrong with it. Its just the space I allow the game to take up on the computers hard drive.

I thought some of you might want to have these outfits for them.

I did install BlooMs mesh to do these recolors. I am pretty limited on what meshes I have for teens. I hope you like these recolors.

Enjoy your game everyone
10  Retired Creators / Bigger Pregnancy Belly / BlooMs Bigger Pregnancy Belly Recolors By Chopperchic on: January 23, 2008, 03:51:47 am
BlooMs Mesh is Located here

I put together a few recolors for BlooMs very cute bigger rounder pregnancy mesh.
I made a few colorful swimsuits. Since BlooM found a hidden swimsuit I used that for the base for these recolors. Thanks for finding that BlooM Smiley
I wanted to make her a jacket. I have 2 for her using Maxis teen jackets Pink and Blue.
 For those of you without the outerwear catagory in your game (Seasons EP and above) these are safe to use as everyday outfits.
 If you do have an outerwear catagory in your game then you can add them to this catagory in Bodyshop. I did not enable it in these recolors they are easier to share with others that way.

Pics include a few shots in fat and fit state. I wanted to get a look at what they looked like when she was pregnant. I thought you would like to see it also.

Thanks BlooM for this mesh;)

Enjoy your game everyone, I hope you like them

Update Teen Conversions Here
11  Retired Creators / Guest Bodyshape Add-ons / Warlokk Top Recolors BY Chopperchic on: January 20, 2008, 06:46:39 pm
I have 3 new SETs of tops for Warlokks nude top meshes.

*You will only be able to use these recolors if you can get Warlokks meshes for the Unnamed set. This set has been Updated and those Meshes are on the Adult site at Insimadult in Warlokks Dungeon.*

Thank you Warlokk for doing this wonderful update for the game.
If you have used the unnamed set of meshes for your game and have not updated them shame on you. Go now and do it. Then come back here and download these.Wink

 Warlokk went through alot of trouble to update these meshes. I personally thank you Warlokk for all you have done for the game and all that you continue to do.

 I have included most sizes here. I may have missed a 34Bn in one of the sets but it is very easy to convert in bodyshop if you follow his tutorial on his personal page. You can find that link in his siggy on any of his posts.

 The tops are uploaded as sets for each recolor. I made them from of some of my recent recolors. You can download the set you like and go through them if you want it in a certain size with the clean installer. With a total of 32 or 33 tops I thought this was the easier way to organize the sets to make sure they were all done.

My Pictures I included are of the 34De top in each top. The bottoms are new ones I made. They are another one of my recolors that use BlooMs MultiAlphapants 34Hips Bottom only Mesh. They are found over in Gothplagues Gear in the adult meshes section at this site.

I hope you like them. Enjoy your game
12  Retired Creators / Guest Recolors / BlooM Multi alpha Pants New Recolors By Chopperchic on: January 20, 2008, 06:12:14 pm
BlooMs very awesome mesh is located here you must have the mesh installed in your game for these recolors to show up.

Oh and while your at it BlooM has added another type of shoe that goes along with this mesh its here.

Ok I have 5 more Recolors for BlooMs Multi Alpha Pants Mesh. 4 pairs with very cool combat boots and one more pair with Marvines Most Awesome heels.

I found another pair I recently made and thought I would add them while I was making a few conversions for the boots. *So its a bonus for you here on this one sort of.

If your hunting for a certain pair out of this to download the only difference I can tell you is that the combat boots and Marvines Heels are named as such on the different pairs besides that I am unsure. Its not a big download though to have them all. I like them all I hope you do to.

Thanks BlooM for everything Wink

Enjoy your game everyone
13  Retired Creators / Others / BlooMs Request 34DDex34 Nurse Recolor By Chopperchic on: January 19, 2008, 01:16:54 am
I almost forgot this This Mesh was Updated as of 1-18-08 10pm Pacific time

It isn't everyday you get to do something nice for someone who works so hard to give us so many nice things.

Thanks so much BlooM. I am so happy I was able to pull this one off. It was a very fun challenging recolor. I hope you like this recolor.

BlooMs mesh needed if you want this recolor to show up in your game.

It is located here

No part of this recolor was made using photos. The images I tried to use just either looked to bright in bodyshop and nothing helped. White is so tricky to use in a recolor. Maxis uses a purpleish cast and grays in white to make it show up correctly.

I used the ladies lab coat to make this dress and BlooMs sleeves and collars.  So This was blurred and strecthed and smudged to make it look like it came right out of the game. Thats what I was aiming for anyway. I am happy with the final result. For the shoes I used the white that came from the dress turned out pretty cool with that purple cast on it looks awesome on the reflective shoes.

This has not been tested in my game yet. I am Not sure what it will look like yet but I am hoping it wil be just fine. I wanted BlooM to have it ASAP.

The final version is the one in the very top photo. I included some photos I took while I was working on it I just gave her a name tag and tweaked her shoes a bit.

Thanks BlooM

*You will need to get the mesh

Enjoy your game. Wink
14  Retired Creators / Guest Recolors / BlooMs Multialphapants*bottom only New recolors By Chopperchic on: January 18, 2008, 07:01:01 pm
BlooMs Multialphapants*bottom only New recolors By Chopperchic

Thanks so much BlooM for everything you do for our little simmies. This is such a fun mesh to recolor. Wink

BlooMs Mesh is located here and you will need this mesh for these recolors to show up in your game.

I had a request to make some of the jeans I made recently for the default size.
It sounded like a good idea to me so here are a few more using BlooMs mesh with Marvines most awesome heels.
I will try to have them up with a few different shoes soon if you want them with the combat boots. I have been wanting to make a new pair of boots for this mesh.

I hope you like these everyone. Enjoy your game
15  Retired Creators / Others / BlooMs 36Hips FlairedPants with smooth Waist Recolors By Chopperchic on: January 18, 2008, 06:42:00 pm
36Hips Recolors By Chopperchic

I have been wanting to recolor these since BlooM posted this mesh. I finally made a few and thought I would upload them.

Thanks BlooM for everything. Awesome creator doing wonderful stuff for our little simmies.

BlooMs mesh for these recolors to show up in your game is located here

I hope you like them. Enjoy your game everyone
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