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1  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Help / Re: Glitches on: October 16, 2010, 01:30:59 pm
When you did a reinstall, did you save your folders and put them back in?
I know for a fact that there are several sh***y files that cause glitches like these, so it doesn't have to be your drivers.
I had the same issue as you did, and it took me a while to figure it out, because I kept putting my old folders back in to not have to redo my downloads. In my case it was a .sims3pack file, and while I knew which clothes were causing the error and I deleted them in the launcher but as it turns out you have to uninstall them.
So if you know which files are the culprit and you have an idea of what their thumbnail looks like, open your launcher, go to 'Installed Content', find the files and uninstall them. That should stop more sims from coming out all warped. Smiley

<admin edit: watch the language, and watch the necromancy>
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Mixed Clothing / Re: Disney T-Shirts for the SBB and the whole family on: April 02, 2009, 09:57:33 am
Thanks soooo much! Love all the variety. Cheesy
3  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Re: G&M Stuff - Making autonomous-only action selectable. on: February 08, 2009, 02:43:46 pm
I don't mind waiting, I'm already excited it's at least being considered. Cheesy
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Re: Requested Baby Skintone and Clothes changer on: January 03, 2009, 11:57:51 am
I understand. Smiley Sorry, didn't know it was that much trouble, would've double-checked it if I knew.
Don't think I'll be using it like this, but I'm positive others will love it. Thanks again for making it!!
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Re: Requested Baby Skintone and Clothes changer on: December 26, 2008, 11:35:04 am
Only tiny thing is that I now have to remember which skintone is which maxis default, lol. I'm used to s1, s2, s3 and s4. Or something like light, tan, dark tan, dark. But I'll manage just fine. ^^

Ok, I tested it, and there's one slight issue.
S4 (a.k.a. dark) turns out to be Dark instead of Bole. Sooo, if you could possibly change that when you get back, that'd be fnatastic.
For the rest it seems to work just fine. Cheesy
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Re: Requested Baby Skintone and Clothes changer on: December 25, 2008, 08:28:48 am
Whiii, it's so pretty!
Thanks sooo much. Cheesy Gonna try it out tomorrow me thinks. ^^
7  Retired Creators / Guest Recolors / Re: Unisex infant outfits (and one onesie) - IMPORTANT NOTICE 7.dec on: December 20, 2008, 03:42:50 pm
Raven, I've tried to PM you, but your inbox was full.
Could you shoot me a PM when there's some room in there again? I have a few questions. Smiley
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Re: Baby Skintone and Clothes changer on: December 20, 2008, 08:42:33 am
Lol, you don't possibly feel like making 4 versions with the Bambi-outfit for every skintone once? xD
Sorry, I just can't choose. Anyway, lets say that we put the Bambi-outfit on s2 for now.
I linked the skins in the post above, they're downloadable here.
And ehrm, the dots shouldn't be too big, but it's not thàt important. Just do what you think looks right and I'll be fine with that. ^^

Thanks soooo much!

Oh and, with the option of Maxis --> skintone, shouldn't that make them naked while using the chosen skin too?
Because the skins I use are default replacements, so if that's the case, then I wouldn't need the nude-option within the Outfits --> boy, girl etc.
Just wondering. Smiley
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Misc. Mods and Careers / Re: Baby Skintone and Clothes changer on: December 18, 2008, 03:32:12 pm
Oeh, oeh!
I'd love to have versions with Rensims skintones! Problem is, Buffy pulled her defaults from DL-Mulsow's Antics, so I'm not quite sure which skintone was which default replacement one.
I think it's like this though: s1=Rose, s2=Tan, s3=Ruddy, s4=Bole, but Bole might be Dark, that's the part I'm a bit unsure about. Don't think so though.
Anyways, the skins can be found here.
The outfits that I'd like (I assume there are still 'only' twelve possibilities and that you can't use Raven's outfits?) are: This as the girl one, this as the boy one and this as the unisex one. Maybe all with some darker dots lightly scattered all over the outfit as to make a bit more lively? If there's the possibility to have a fourth outfit, I'd like this one, but also possibly with the dots, so it's not totally empty. They don't need to be on that mesh though, if it's easier for you to adjust them to this mesh than that's perfectly fine. ^^
And, the naked option is still there, right? Because otherwise my sims can't really bathe their babies. Tongue

Anyway, if at all possible, that would kick some major ass. Cheesy
10  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / G&M Stuff - Making autonomous-only action selectable. on: November 24, 2008, 03:40:28 pm
Dear Squinge,

What I would like for Christmas...

Ehrm, sorry, felt the sudden urge to start a Santa-like letter.
Anyways, I do have an actual request:

The Garden & Mansion Stuff Pack comes with a new action/animation (which can also be seen in the trailer): sims can slide down the banisters.
Unfortunately, this seems to be an autonomous-only action, and since it's so incredibly cool that sims can finally do this, I'd like to be able to tell them to do it, instead of sitting there, waiting until they decide to slide down the stairs rather than walk down the stairs.

So yeah, is it possible to make this a selectable action?

Thanks! (even if it's not possible, just for thinking about it)
11  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Miscarriage on: November 24, 2008, 01:30:41 pm
Lol, you guys crack me up!

This would be great though. We'll just request all these small InTeen parts, until we basically have InTeen updated for Al but in little pieces. Wink
No really though, I don't miss the hack half as much as I thought I would, but at least having the option to have miscarriages again, would kick ass. Cheesy
12  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Best expansions? on: November 24, 2008, 10:45:27 am
I'd go with either AL or FT. I especially love the second aspiration part of FT, but the circular stairs and the ceilings of AL kick ass too. ^^
13  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / New Mansion and Garden pics on: November 24, 2008, 10:41:48 am
It looks good. ^^ I have it installed, just didn't get the time to play it yet.

Yellowrose, do you know if sims can actually slide down banisters (from the stairs) as shown in the trailer, or is that just another case of EAxis making us happy with non-existent stuff?
14  Retired Creators / Accessoires / Diamond/emerald addon for female weddingring on: November 18, 2008, 11:36:32 am
Here it is BlooM, just so you don't have to wait. Smiley
15  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Pictures / For Father's Day - Daddy/Child Pic Thread on: November 18, 2008, 09:17:59 am
We never did fathers day anyway, so I have no special memories of the day.

But I can imagine how you feel auntie. <3
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