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1  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / HBB V.2 - detailed feet - barbie nude clothing on: April 17, 2008, 10:13:04 am
By request from Jwilson, here's barbie nude clothing for the huge BB with detailed feet (correct version!).

No pic should be necessary I guess Smiley

Available in every clothing category, outerwear added to the seasons version.

Download only one version, the mesh is included in both rar files.
2  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / Detailed feet Photoshop layers for skintone makers - PLEASE RE-DOWNLOAD! on: April 05, 2008, 03:33:59 am
Here are the feet textures for the HBB V.2 and any further meshes with similar feet.

They were designed for Louis series 07, but they are easily adjusted and blended to any existing skintone.

Thanks to Jwilson who reported a difference between the feet on my skintones and the previously uploaded layers, I realised that I uploaded an early - and wrong - version of these layers Sad

The difference is in the soles, one is missing from the wrong version and they also are positioned too high on the texture.
I am very sorry for the inconvenience, I hope that all those who downloaded them will forgive me Sad
3  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / HBB V.2 - detailed feet - pyjamas - IMPORTANT UPDATE 16-04-2008 on: March 30, 2008, 03:26:15 pm
It appears that I uploaded wrong meshes for the barbie nude bottom, the shorts, the pjs and the underwear with toes[/B]; the soles aren't aligned on the skintone, and also both feet share the same uv-coordinates (the meshes on the adult site are ok).
Also, the photoshop layers were an earlier and unfinished version, with only one sole placed too high on the texture - I just updated these too.
I need to thank Jwilson for spotting, investigating and reporting the issue - also for offering to update her own Oepu-based skintones so I wouldn't have to remake ALL my meshes and ALL my skintones...

If you already have these, you just need to download the separate mesh, it will overwrite the former version.

Please start here for details, close-up pics of the feet, and matching skintones.

More basic clothing, pyjamas in colourful satin Smiley
This mesh won't overwrite the block feet versions.

The Last Ever 'How Do I Install Downloads?' Tutorial

Shower-proof Skin Tones And You

The Last & Eternal Help File
4  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / HBB V.2 - detailed feet - underwear: shorts - IMPORTANT UPDATE 16-04-2008 on: March 30, 2008, 03:19:55 pm
It appears that I uploaded wrong meshes for the barbie nude bottom, the shorts, the pjs and the underwear with toes[/B]; the soles aren't aligned on the skintone, and also both feet share the same uv-coordinates (the meshes on the adult site are ok).
Also, the photoshop layers were an earlier and unfinished version, with only one sole placed too high on the texture - I just updated these too.
I need to thank Jwilson for spotting, investigating and reporting the issue - also for offering to update her own Oepu-based skintones so I wouldn't have to remake ALL my meshes and ALL my skintones...

If you already have these, you just need to download the separate mesh, it will overwrite the former version.

Please start here for details, close-up pics of the feet, and matching skintones.

More toe-friendly underwear for your huge bodybuilders Smiley
This mesh won't overwrite the block feet versions.

The Last Ever 'How Do I Install Downloads?' Tutorial

Shower-proof Skin Tones And You

The Last & Eternal Help File
5  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / HBB V.2 - detailed feet - underwear: briefs - IMPORTANT MESH UPDATE 16-04-2008 on: March 30, 2008, 02:57:52 pm
It appears that I uploaded wrong meshes for the barbie nude bottom, the shorts, the pjs and the underwear with toes[/B]; the soles aren't aligned on the skintone, and also both feet share the same uv-coordinates (the meshes on the adult site are ok).
Also, the photoshop layers were an earlier and unfinished version, with only one sole placed too high on the texture - I just updated these too.
I need to thank Jwilson for spotting, investigating and reporting the issue - also for offering to update her own Oepu-based skintones so I wouldn't have to remake ALL my meshes and ALL my skintones...

If you already have these, just download the separate mesh file, it will overwrite the former version.

Please start here for details, close-up pics of the feet, and matching skintones.

So, same old briefs, washed and re-washed, but the feet make a difference I'm hoping Smiley

This mesh won't overwrite the block feet versions, so SynapticSim's superheroes don't get boots with toes, and the recolours with painted on shoes still work properly.

The Last Ever 'How Do I Install Downloads?' Tutorial

Shower-proof Skin Tones And You

The Last & Eternal Help File
6  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / HBB V.2 - detailed feet - SKINTONES - IMPORTANT UPDATE, please redownload the meshes! on: March 30, 2008, 02:37:11 pm
It appears that I uploaded wrong meshes for the barbie nude bottom, the shorts, the pjs and the underwear with toes[/B]; the soles aren't aligned on the skintone, and also both feet share the same uv-coordinates (the meshes on the adult site are ok).
Also, the photoshop layers were an earlier and unfinished version, with only one sole placed too high on the texture - I just updated these too.
I need to thank Jwilson for spotting, investigating and reporting the issue - also for offering to update her own Oepu-based skintones so I wouldn't have to remake ALL my meshes and ALL my skintones...

After many requests, 3 months dragging my feet because I HATE planning big updates, and making totally unrelated stuff in avoidance, finally here is my version of detailed feet for the HBB Smiley

Bloom did a really great job with the sexy feet, but for the HBB I needed something low-poly and "simrealistic"; so this is a quite different version, that I hope you will like.

These feet need adapted skintones, so I'm uploading here edited versions of Louis's series 07, from pale to dark, with additional extra hairy medium tone and lightly hairy tan tone: please check this thread and this thread for pictures.
These are showerproofed of course, don't forget to install the meshes!!

I also had to make updated versions of the outfits with naked feet, that you'll find on this section as "HBB V.2"; be aware that these new meshes need the matching skintones, and the skintones need the right feet to display properly.

None of the new meshes will overwrite the former versions, so SynapticSim's superheroes don't get boots with toes, and the recolours with painted on shoes still work properly Smiley

Credits and thanks: to Ren, AKA Louis@simcribbling, for her generous policy, and to Allen ABQ for sharing the layers for his wonderful hairy skintones.

The Last Ever 'How Do I Install Downloads?' Tutorial

Shower-proof Skin Tones And You

The Last & Eternal Help File
7  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / Additional Huge Bodybuilder Clothing links on: March 22, 2008, 12:05:55 pm
Huge Bodybuilder Clothing links
This list is by no means complete or comprehensive, just a sampling to get you headed into the right sections of the forum for more recolours. I assume that if you are a fan of comic book superheoes you are already familiar with the work of SynapticSim, if you are not, then by all means GO LOOK NOW!

If you would like to have your site or work included in this post, please PM me or add a link and preview as a reply in this topic - you are more than welcome to do this!

Additional Casual/Everyday

'just jeans' - adult male featuring marvines new HUGE mesh by Gothplague

*HUGE bodybuilder*-just some stuff to wear by Gothplague

Huge BB Hurley Shirt & Jeans by Oneblondmomma

HBB St. Patrick's Day T-Shirt & Jeans (2 styles) by Oneblondmomma

Huge BB Black Leather "Eagle W/American Flag" Jacket & Jeans by Oneblondmomma

Maxis Teen Punk/Biker Outfit for the Huge BB by Oneblondmomma

Maxis Skull Hoodie for the HUGE BB (4 Colors) by Oneblondmomma

Maxis Hippy for the HUGE Bodybuilder by Oneblondmomma

Maxis Tunic Top for the Huge BB by Oneblondmomma

3 Everyay Outfit Recolors For Marvine's Huge Bodybuilder by Whash

Jeans recolour without tattoo! by Rafaelluik

Additional Formalwear

Huge BB/Superhero Suits & Ties (Updated 15 Dec 2006)

Maxis Leopard Suit for The Huge BB (6 Colors) by Oneblondmomma

Additional Intimates/Underwear

"Stars & Stripes" shorts for HBB & Martaxl by Oneblondmomma

Blue Stars Thong for HBB by Oneblondmomma

o.O Punky Dsgns... Diesel Undies by darkred_cactus

Additional sportswear

Rugby Outfit HBB - NZ All Blacks by Kere

Huge BB workout gear by Kavar

*huge bodybuilder* namebrand gym gear by Gothplague

Many more additional recolours for the Huge BB are exclusively available on only
8  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / *MESHES* Yako the Amazing Monkey Boy Super Set on: March 21, 2008, 01:46:10 pm
Well I was off-line for almost 2 weeks and found myself needing a bellhop that didn't make me gag... what follows is the result. I dedicate this post to all the men and women who love a well-oiled set of great pecs adorned with gold rings.

What sets these apart from the other Huge BB meshes is the presence of the nipple rings!



Each recolour is specific to one and only one clothing category; the clothing is categorised for all ages from teen to elder.

Credits: Gothplague for the alpha and pattern used for the shirts, montoto_sk for the alpha used on the sandals, Engelchen for the alpha and base texture of the swim-suit, and I am sure I am forgetting something, but I am sick as a dog and only posting this so I will stop feeling guilty for being so selfish.

Policy: Oh for god's sake, don't be a wanker, just go read it.
9  Retired Creators / The Post-Modernist Collection / Designable modular stone stairs, with shape options on: March 16, 2008, 05:28:27 pm
*compatible with any game up to FT, no EP needed*

There's a lot of choice for modular stairs now, thank to Numenor and some other great modders; but for my mountain lots I needed something a little more wild, which isn't really possible with the repeating steps shape, no matter how you recolour them...

So I came up with an idea that turned out nicely: each step of these stairs includes 4 different meshes, that use different alphas and are revealed/hidden with the design tool. So the default shape is a single large stone, but once the stairs are in place the steps can be changed individually to 3 more different shapes.

In my game, wild version:

In Yakov's game, civilized version:

I was a little concerned with the poly count, but in fact it's considerably less than some EAxis modular stairs (550 faces and 288 vertices per step, while the euro stairs from OFB have an average of 770 and 1114) Smiley

I also included 2 recolours to match my rocks and waterfall shower:

HOW TO INSTALL: these require Numenor's Scriptorium to work properly; extract all the files, put the main and the recolour packages in your downloads folder, then click the "Scriptorium_ModularStairs" shortcut (it should be in your downloads folder) and put the "301_Marvine_rockstairs.txt" in the scriptorium folder.

If you want to recolour these, it's a little particular: for a single texture, 4 recolours with different alphas are needed. I combined them in single packages for convenience, but of course they can be kept separate.

Thanks and credits: Quaxi and the SimPE team, Numenor for the CEP and the Scriptorium, MTS2 for the tutorials and creation forums, and as usual my dear Beosboxboy for beta-testing and support Smiley

Instructions for using these modular stairs without Scriptorum: see Post 21 of this thread
10  Retired Creators / The Post-Modernist Collection / Waterfall shower - and tons of rocks! :D on: March 02, 2008, 02:54:58 pm
*Needs Uni, OFB and BV*
Free Time compatible

This started rather innocently: "What if I put a community shower under the BV waterfall?" ...and I ended up spending 3 weeks on this :lol:

- Waterfall/shower in 3 different rock textures, found under "plumbing/miscellaneous".
The decorative ferns have two colour options, and one invisible recolour.

- 10 different rocks in 3 colours, available in build mode, with the shrubs.
These use the repository method so only the one with "MASTER" in the name is recolourable - the others will automatilly use the new textures.

- Sims can use the waterfall to shower of course, with a little fun and comfort bonus;
- Sims whose temperature is above average will have a "cool down" option available, with different animations. While they shower naked, they'll change to swimwear for this and won't get automatically dressed afterwards.
Much to my surprise, they'll sometimes use this option autonomously if they aren't too far from the waterfall...  Big mystery, since I tried hard to find how to do that and failed (temperature can't be advertised like other motives); the interaction advertises a little comfort, but sims seem  to use it regardless of their comfort level.
- all the clean and maintain interactions were stripped mercilessly, so sims won't attempt stupid things and it doesn't mess with the FT "tinker" stuff.
- all the garden and trimming stuff was also removed from the rocks.

The waterfall is a big object (5 tiles by 7) but the footprint is only one tile; I didn't make it this way because I was too lazy to register 35 GUIDs, but for convenience.
The water layer is above the ground level - of course - so it will look silly if you put the object on a flat terrain; you need to first dig a hole like shown in the pic below (this is just an example, you can try different ways):
- the blue tile is where the shower's green tile will be placed; I lowered it by 4 clicks in the example, 3 clicks will work too.
- the red tile is where the sim will enter and exit the waterfall, there needs to be a gentle slope to the blue tile so he can walk between both; this tile can still be on a slope.
- then the sides can be smoothed as you want, different heights on the edges will change the pond's shape. Just keep the edges of the water hidden!  (Well, and remove the flooring if you used any >_<)

- if the way out is blocked after the "shower" interaction, the sim will go "oops" and change back to everyday where he is - that is, in the water :lol:
- since the waterfall and rocks all have 1 tile footprints, sims will walk through parts of them if they aren't blocked by other decoration or invisible fences.

Thanks : to Numenor, Echo and Jasana Bugbreeder for their precious tutorials and explanations, to Quaxi and Peter Jones for SimPE and the behaviour editor, to my dear Beosboxboy and Miss Doh for beta-testing Smiley
11  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / *MESH* Overalls for the Huge BB on: February 29, 2008, 01:57:47 pm
Just in time for FreeTime! Overalls for the Huge BB - now you too can own the construction worker of your dreams! (Some assembly required)

FreeTime EP is required for the hardhat shown in the previews!

This mesh is base game compatible, no EPs required!

The usual policies apply.

Get support files here.

Report bugs and request help ONLY in this official help thread - help requests posted elsewhere will probably be overlooked, ignored, etc.

OK, maybe Engelchen will eventually forgive me for not posting this in a more timely fashion... bruises are fun and all, but that thing with the electric extension cord told me it was time to post this or to get right with God. >_<
12  Simmers' Paradise / Resource Corner / By request - a few custom anims ms3d files on: February 23, 2008, 04:20:18 pm
Jokerswild mentioned that sharing custom animation files might be useful, so people wouldn't have to do from scratch what was already done.
I have no objection to this, except that I'm not sure that my own animations would be of much use outside of their context - also, since I'm learning on my way, my files aren't precisely clean or perfect in any way Wink

So there are a lot of useless keyframes in there, and some arms rotations will seem to be off since I had to make up for the quirks of the early alpha Animesh plugins - you shouldn't meet the same issues with the latest version.
To best view the animations, you should set the FPS to 10 in the preferences before opening the files.

This isn't much, even though it took much more time that I'm ready to admit; the rest of my files are mostly the same for other ages, or very rough attempts and tests. Anyway, I'll be happy if these can be of any use to somebody else.
13  Retired Creators / The Post-Modernist Collection / Animated aquarium fish available anywhere on: February 05, 2008, 05:09:01 pm
Ok, it seems that I'm currently unable to finish any of my bigger projects, so here's a small thing that I've wanted for a long time, and that was fun and easy to make - easy enough in fact that I'm hoping that it wasn't already done, though I searched and didn't find it.

First, I'm sorry for all those who can't use the shaders: if you can't see the regular aquarium and pond fish, these won't show either.

These are just the aquarium fish effect, placeable almost anywhere for decoration, except in purely decorative slots such as fireplace mantles; of course they were meant for water, but they're kinda fun in other places and would fit nicely in an underwater theme Smiley
I would have loved to do the same with the pond fish, but these are another kind and I didn't figure it out.

There are 3 files for different uses:

- the "AquariumFish" is placeable anywhere, but its main use is for ponds; the effect is placed at a height of 0.6 tile so it's okay in shallow ponds, where you can place it so the fish swim just below the surface.
As you can see on the screenshot, they get along nicely with the regular pond fish - well at least they don't get eaten :lol:

- the "AquariumFish-SEA" works in the same way, but the effect is placed at a height of 2 tiles so they are more visible in the sea, and it can be combined with the "AquariumFish" for a more crowded feel.

- the "AquariumFish-POOL" is placeable only in pools; the fish swim just below the surface, but they won't interfere with the sims.

All three objects are invisible on placement, the fish will appear only in live mode; after that, they'll just freeze in buy or build mode so you'll be able to move or delete them easily.
They should work with any game installed.
They are available under decorative/sculpture, and cost 1 simolean.

Before you ask, the rocks and plants in the pond picture are from Macarossi's gorgeous "The pond in July" set, and the water colour is from Niol's pond water mod
Credits: Atavera for his tutorial about adding an effect to an object

14  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / *MESH* Bon Voyage Towels for the Huge BB on: December 24, 2007, 06:19:06 pm
Bon Voyage Towels for the Huge BB
No EP Required - Base Game Compatible

The usual rules apply. Mesh with credits, recolour at will.


Mesh & Texture Policy
15  Retired Creators / *NEW* Huge Bodybuilder / *MESH* Bon Voyage Fire-dancer *no EP requred* on: December 21, 2007, 09:38:36 am
The Bon Voyage version of the fire-dancer outfit made for the Huge BB.

No EP is required, this is base-game compatible.

Mesh & Texture Policy

Download link No 1  ( many thanks to G-Knee)
Download link No 2 (Mediafire)
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