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16  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Yin/Yang by dachshundsr4me on: November 26, 2007, 05:16:00 pm
I saw the newest model (Lily) made here by spookymuffin and it gave me the idea to make this pair:
I placed the teardrop tattoo on both of these models to signify what this world is going through right now. They are both crying for this world.

Custom Content Included:

You may use these as you see fit just do not upload any parts of them on any paysites.

Also stop by my site to see my newest updates. See link to ShadySims2 below!
17  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Male Hair / Peggy November Male Donation Recolor on: November 26, 2007, 11:34:52 am
This is just one of 8 different items that I have updated my site with this week. See link below for my website.

You are going to need the November pay mesh from PeggySims2:


What is included:
Recolors only!

You may upload these and do whatever you want to them. Just do not upload them on paysites.

Hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving.
18  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Jen (a gift for my friend SubKitten) on: November 22, 2007, 03:10:00 pm

Custom Content Included:

Jen (the model here) was named after my friend who owns SubKitten. Smiley
Go check out her site as she has some awesome models, clothes, and hairs. Also check out my site see link below, its new!!

Her skintone and hair color is by me and you can find the rest of the hair recolors of this style on my site.

Anyway you may use Jen as you see fit as long as you do not upload her to pay sites.

Enjoy!! Happy Holidays everyone!
19  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Peggy November Donation Recolor on: November 21, 2007, 11:36:58 pm
This is part of my newest update and first update to my very own sims site (I updated 6 items to my sims site today). See link below. I thought I would share this one with InSims where I got started.

This is recolors of Peggys November gift. You will need to download her mesh found on her site here:

You may be able to find bootlegged copies of this mesh as well.

If you want the blonde/black reversed please go to:
He gave me permission to take his idea and take it a step further.

What is included:
Recolors only!

You may use these recolors as you see fit. Just no uploading to pay sites!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I will be coming out with the male version recolored too.
20  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / More Pink/blonde hair by request (8 different hairs) on: November 16, 2007, 06:49:25 pm
The model being used is my newest model uploaded here:
Janna my newest sims model
I got a PM from death by flies asking for some more pink/blonde hairs so here they are. A few are ones I picked out and the others are ones he picked out:

You can find the mesh you will need here in the hair section (Wind hair for females):
seomi sims wind hair (free mesh)

You will need the (pay) mesh found here:
Rose hair 0078 donation mesh (pay mesh)

You will need the pay mesh found here:
rose donation mesh 0049 (pay mesh)

You are going to need the donation mesh found here:
rose donation mesh 0069 (pay mesh)

You are going to need the mesh found here:
peggy sims 2 (pay mesh)
look on page 124 in the member area for the full hair set

You are going to need the mesh found here:
peggy sims 2 (pay mesh)
Look on page 38 in the member mesh area

Nouks braids-n-curls (free mesh)

You can find the hair mesh here:
SShodan cage hair (free mesh)
(credit goes to Rockchick sims for the idea to edit this hair this way. I did not however use her textures as she asks not to use her textures.) I also edited the alpha myself I think I got it a little shorter then Rockchick did. anyway thanks hun for the idea.) Yours are spectacular BTW.

Enjoy! Do what you want with these as it makes no difference to me. You can upload them alpha edit whatever floats your boat. As long as your creations of these recolors are uploaded to free sites only!!!

What is included:
(recolors only!! You need the meshes for these to work)
I also have the files loaded by each instead of one large rar file to allow those who only want the free mesh recolors to be able to only choose them.

I do know that you can find bootlegged copies of these pay meshes if you search for paysites must be destroyed on google.
21  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Janna by dachshundsr4me on: November 15, 2007, 10:50:31 am
Janna is made with my extra light skintone in my newest skintone series which can be found here:
This shows Janna with different looks to show how versatile she is:

This is the look she comes packaged with (see below):

This is the look that everyone is familiar with that downloaded my skintones (see photo below). The hair version I used is available here:

This look of hers (see photo below) is a WickedNouk forum exclusive hair and available here: (You have to go to the download sites section and then to the noukiesims2 area for this exclusive download.)

Custom content included:

Thank you to everyone who's custom content I used to make Janna. Without you she would not have been possible.

Please do not upload her as is and claim her to be yours. You can make her over (not just a new hairdo) and upload that version. Also I only have one rule is no paysite uploads please. You may use her skintone in your custom Sims and upload born in game Sims that come from her too. Thanks for understanding.

22  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Eve by dachshundsr4me on: November 14, 2007, 08:59:33 pm
This is the hair Eve comes with and this is version #1 with more freckles.:

This is Eve version #2. I was told she was too freckled so I toned it down some. Same custom content just you have your choice of more freckles or less.

This is alternate hairstyles to show she looks good in other hairstyles. She does not come packaged with these hairstyles. One is from Rose and one is from xmsims if you decide you want the hairs photographed below.

Eve comes packaged as shown below:

Custom content included:

Please do not upload Eve and claim her as your own. You may upload born in game sims that come from her and you may use her skintone on your own custom sims and upload that to free sites only.

Thanks to all the creators who made the custom content that I used to make Eve. Without you Eve would not be possible.

To get the rest of the skintone set that I created (med skintone is the one Eve is using) go here to download that set:


Pick your choice:
Eve.rar=with more freckles
Eve2.rar=with less freckles
23  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Jessica on: November 12, 2007, 04:13:24 pm
This is Jessica she was made using my new skintone series found here:
If you download her you will not need to redownload the the lightest skintone in this series as that comes with her.

Custom content included (Everything) (The dress she comes with use to be a donation item on lianasims and is now a free item on there. So that is the reason I used it in my upload as it is now free)You can find more fashions by her here: lianasims2

Her hair is a WickedNoukfamily forum hair made by Nouk. The site is down right now with major upgrades going on. As soon as they come back up you will be able to get the rest of the set by joining at this link:

Please do not upload her and claim her as your own. You may use her skintone in your custom sims but only on free sites. You may also upload born in game sims that came from her. Thanks for understanding my main rule in my creations. Enjoy!

Also let me thank all the creators out there that I used their makeup and other custom items to create Jessica.
24  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Skintones / Barbie skintones on: November 12, 2007, 04:01:29 pm
I made some new skintones.

This is the extra light skintone:

This is the light skintone:

This is the medium skintone:

This is the dark skintone:

I hope you enjoy these. They come without makeup to allow for some creativity of the simmer playing the game. I love the way they turned out. They are barbie skintones. I wanted to keep it G-rated for the younger sims players. They were made using maxies default skintones.

You may use these on your custom sims and upload them. The only rule I have is listed below:
25  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Skintones / Birthstone skintones (barbie) on: November 11, 2007, 01:04:43 pm

I finally finished these skintones. I think they turn out nice. The stones are embedded in the skins of the faces. The skins come without any makeup on them. This way to allow for creativity of the simmer playing with these skins.

I used maxies defaults to make these as I wanted to keep them G-rated for the younger sims players.
Pick and choose your skins!

Those who chose to download the models I have made with these skins...Poison (Emerald skintone), Diamond (Diamond skintone), and Pearl(Pearl skintone). Will not need to download those 3 skintones again.

I may later make one of Onix, Rose Quartz, and Tiger eye. Not sure. I am kinda skinned out. Smiley
26  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Diamond (part of the birthstone skintone series) on: November 10, 2007, 04:40:21 pm
This is Diamond. Her skins shines with the diamond dust that she leaves everywhere she roams in search for that true unconditional love. Someone who will love her for her and not for her diamonds. She comes from the heavens above.

The Greeks believed that diamonds were splinters of stars that had fallen to the earth. Stars were believed to be the children of Eos and Astraios.

This is part of a birthstone skintone series I am making. The marks on face part of the skintone are diamonds embedded in the skin. I have released two others of this series (pearl and emerald skintones) and you can find the other two models with those skins here:
And here:

Custom content included:

Enjoy her and please do not upload her and claim her as your own. You may use her skintone on your custom sims and anything else from her. You may also upload born in game sims made from her. I am not real picky about policies as I feel that anything made for this game is for all of us. That there is nothing that is mine or yours it is all Maxis. Just if you upload her as is make sure you give me some credit for the skin.  Also no uploading her to anything that is a pay site. I do not go along with pay sites. Free sites only. We should not have to pay for anything that is for this game.
27  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Teen stuff on: November 07, 2007, 11:07:53 pm
I really do not think I am going to worry about buying Teen stuff pack. I do not feel the stuff packs give us much to worry about. I know I hardly use any content by the stuff packs. So what my questions are...1)how many of you are going to get this Teen stuff pack? 2)Why do you feel this will add to the game?
28  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Pearl on: November 06, 2007, 07:36:23 pm
This skintone is part of a series I am going to release. They are birthstone skins. This Sim was made as a sneakpeak at those skintones I will be releasing in a few days or so on the InSim. Her skintone is pearl (June birthstone).

Now about Pearl:
Pearl is part human and part mermaid. Her mother is a mermaid and queen of the pearls in the sea. Her father is just an ordinary human that she never knew. She is in search of a mate. She is not deadly she is just so bright and shinny she is blinding if you look at her straight in her face. She has a hard time finding a man that will love her for her and not for her wealth of pearls that she carries with her everywhere.

Custom content (Everything is included):

Enjoy her and please do not upload her and claim her as your own. You may use her skintone on your custom sims and anything else from her. You may also upload born in game sims made from her. I am not real picky about policies as I feel that anything made for this game is for all of us. That there is nothing that is mine or yours it is all Maxis. Just if you upload her as is make sure you give me some credit for the skin. Smiley Also no uploading her to anything that is a pay site. I do not go along with pay sites. Free sites only. We should not have to pay for anything that is for this game.
29  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Poison on: November 06, 2007, 07:15:33 pm
Poison is an all around type woman that would love to find a nice guy to settle down with. The only problem is every time she finds a man her poisoned lips end up killing him off. Her mother is human and her father is a serpent. He is the god of emeralds.

She walks the earth in search of her true mate. Do not think of taking her emeralds off her skin because she will strike you with her deadly bite.

Custom content (she includes everything):

This is Poison. She comes with a sneak peak of my new skintone series (birth stone skins). Her skin is the emerald skintone (May birthstone). I have not released the set yet. I am still in the process of making them. Smiley She also comes with my new hair recolors of nouks wonderful new huge ponytails.
You can find the whole set of these hairs here:
my new recolors of nouks huge ponytails

Enjoy her and please do not upload her and claim her as your own. You may use her skintone on your custom sims and anything else from her. You may also upload born in game sims made from her. I am not real picky about policies as I feel that anything made for this game is for all of us. That there is nothing that is mine or yours it is all Maxis. Just if you upload her as is make sure you give me some credit for my skins and hair. Smiley Also no uploading her to anything that is a pay site. I do not go along with pay sites. Free sites only. We should not have to pay for anything that is for this game.
30  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Nouks Huge ponytail recolors on: November 06, 2007, 06:49:51 pm

You are going to need this mesh made by Nouk found here:
Nouks huge ponytails

What is included:
Recolors only. (These are binned (you will find these under black hair))

First off a huge thanks to Nouk for this wonderful mesh. The hair is recolored for ages youth through elder.


I love hearing from all of you fellow simmers. Thanks for all the kind words. Now I am off to finish working on my new skin set

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