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1  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Mesh that makes sims look one-armed on: April 27, 2011, 02:16:46 am
I've PMed you the file.

Please, let me know how it works.
2  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Mesh that makes sims look one-armed on: April 26, 2011, 05:16:39 am

Yes, by texture, I meant the colour. Unless you prefer something other than EA's textures.

Just an update to let you know that I've finished the mesh and two recolours. But I cannot test it in game right now because my game was crashing and I had to uninstall it. I will, however, re-install it again and test the mesh properly.

Meanwhile, would you mind testing it for me? I could see trough Bodyshop that the fat morph didn't explode, but I don't know if the pregnant morph is working. And I'm not sure if I had the bones assignments correctly.
3  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Mesh that makes sims look one-armed on: April 16, 2011, 07:08:00 am

I guess I'm getting close to the end. Although it's not identical, I like how the mesh turned out.

I'll post closer pictures later.

Do you have something in mind regarding the textures?
4  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: dr pixils shoe meshs on: April 08, 2011, 07:09:19 am
Are you sure they were by Dr Pixel?

There were no shoe meshes neither at his MTS profile page, TSR profile page, Blarney Stone and his personal site.

Maybe you were talking about Al's shoe meshes? They are still hosted at Sim Skins. At least, those are the only shoes only meshes I know.
5  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Mesh that makes sims look one-armed on: April 07, 2011, 06:07:52 am
I wanted to make the shirt like the one on the picture you've posted, but that's beyond my currently skills.

This is what I've got so far.

But I have this feeling that if isn't an open shirt, then it isn't something Shanks would wear.

What do you say?
6  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Mesh that makes sims look one-armed on: April 05, 2011, 09:09:39 am
I haven't forgotten about this. I'll make it, just give a little more time, please.
7  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: Mesh that makes sims look one-armed on: March 28, 2011, 05:09:30 am
How can I say no to Shanks?

I can make the mesh for you, but there are some things out of my control. Although he'll look armless, he won't actually be without his left arm. You'll still be able to put accessories on it and animations that requires the left hand will be weird. If that's okay for you.

And I think he'll need a whole new wardrobe, don't you think? I personally don't want his arm growing back when he changes his clothes or takes a shower.
8  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: Where can I find Corinnes punk junkie mesh? on: March 07, 2011, 05:43:52 am
You can find it at Garden of Shadows.

Scroll down to the end of the first post. It's where the files you're looking for are.
9  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: WCIF these hairs? on: August 16, 2010, 05:54:25 am
Hair number 2 looks like this one, by Tenshii~Akari:
10  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: WCIF: These hairstyles on: August 13, 2010, 06:27:11 am
The first hair is by Guppy.

Guppy used to have a site, but it's now closed. You can find that hair at Sapphire Sims. Although I doubt if he uploaded the hair there himself. - registration needed
11  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / Re: Housekeeping mod on: June 08, 2010, 09:26:39 am
Sim Wardrobe's mod, maybe?

To get it, go to "The Sims 2" section and then click on "Fixes"/"Bon Voyage Fixes"/"Jump To The NPC & NPC Fixes Page"/"Improved Housekeeping"
12  Simmers' Paradise / Accessories / Re: Witch's Hats on: March 30, 2010, 08:12:26 am
You can find it here:

13  Retired Creators / Miscellaneous Bits & Pieces / Re: Industrial sliding door on: September 07, 2009, 08:54:23 am
That's very nice! Thanks a lot.
14  Simmers' Paradise / Objects & Recolors / Re: WCIF a dinosaur as a decoration? on: August 29, 2009, 10:51:08 pm
There are some at Blacky's Sims 2 Zoo:

You'll have to register to download the files.

15  Simmers' Paradise / Clothing & Body Mesh's / Re: GLS Frock Coats for Teens + Red recolors? on: August 13, 2009, 10:07:13 am
I did mine anyway:,106991.0.html

By the time I saw Goldgab's reply, I had already done the conversion.

I didn't make the recolours, though.
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