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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / A Star Trek Christmas on: December 13, 2009, 12:40:40 am

Here is my latest gift to you, A Star Trek Christmas!

What's included:

Walls & Presents & a Rug

I've also created a handy dandy collection file, so you won't have to go searching thrugh your massively overstuffed Downloads folders.   LOL

ALL MESHES ARE INCLUDED, except for one!

Solfal on TSR created a wonderful present set that was just screaming to be transformed into a Trek tribute, so I couldn't resist!  But that means you will need to dash over and get the mesh.  It can be found HERE   or   HERE  It's called Christmas Presents, so you'll know which file to get.

The meshes included are by 3x4 Rug by Echo, redone by Numenor  and the gifts are from  Around the Sims2  and the big gifts are by Skya at MTS

There are alot of walls, 17 to be exact, so I'm not posting a picture of every wall.  But there are three different styles, so I've taken room pictures of each style.

Download this file:   A Star Trek Christmas

It's all Base Game Compatible

2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / CAS Scenes & Music / CAS - Starfleet Engineering on: August 05, 2009, 12:30:41 pm
Today I bring you...

Please place this in your Downloads folder, and as always, you are only allowed to have one Custom CAS in your Downloads folder at time.

For those of you who don't know what this is, this is a replacement of the background in your Create-A-Family!  Now your Starfleet Officers don't have to suffer through getting outfitted in the dreary old Maxis we've all grown to despise, er, love.  Wink

I've used the Custom CAS Tutorial by Saraswati5 to make this, and also used Numenor's AnyGame Starter to prevent frozen Sims or stray pets from disrupting your gaming experience!  (In otherwords, I did not use Seasons or Pets to create this)


I'd like to thank these people for their generous sharing policies, which means all of these files are included in the Zip!  So don't run off just yet, there's still more info to come!  Wink

By JasonDuskey

All the Galaxy Class Engineering furniture listed below came from one lot,  HERE

Galaxy Class Auxilary Engineering Console
Galaxy Class MSD
Galaxy Class Science Console
Galaxy Class Tactical Console
Galaxy Class Warp Core

The Sisko Desk came from HERE

The Airponics Ceiling Lamp came from HERE

By Xanathon

His TNG Engineering 'pool table'  found HERE


And lastly, you will need to grab these files, otherwise Engineering will have a Warp Core Breech!

From Windkeeper

His Invisible CAS Objects

Grab these 3 files:

Download this file:  CAS - Starfleet Engineering,

 YAY  If you like this one, you are more than welcome to head over to my site, where I have a few more CAS screens, as well as a complete Star TRek themed  UI Recolor

Okay!  That's it!  Go on all ready and report for duty!  

Don't keep the Captain waiting  Smiley
3  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Web / SimTrek 2 Boldly Go ~ Update on 3-21-2010 NEW on: December 11, 2008, 01:31:14 am
Introducing my new WebSite dedicated to all things Star Trek!

Whether you're looking for Star Trek Sims, Skintones, Rooms, Careers, or just to chat, SimTrek is the place to look!

Follow the link below:
4  Simmers' Paradise / Contests & Challenges / Avatar Making with the Gimp on: November 12, 2008, 09:59:25 am
Hi!  Kielen inspired me to fiddle around with the Gimp, and as I am not very patient ~ LOL ~ I managed to stumble on the way to make an Animated Avatar using the Gimp!!

Step 1 -  Open up the Gimp and make a new picture, size 100 by 100 (or whatever size your website specifies, as each one has different sizes allowed)

 (also, click on Dialogs / Create New Dock / Layers, Channels & Paths  -  so that you can see your layers)

Minimize this New Pic

Step 2 - Import your desired pictures!  (most of you know how to do this next part, for those who don't, please follow along)

Go to File / Open / choose whatever pic you want

Once it's open, go to Tools / Transform Tools / Scale  ~  then scale your pic to the wanted size.

Then go to Edit / Cut and cut pic, then close image without saving

Then go back to your New Pic and choose Edit / Paste  then go to Layer / New Layer and there you go, you've created a layer!


Step 3 -  Repeat Step 2 for each added layer

Step 4 - *optional*  you can add any flashy extras to each layer at this stage from you filters bar.  

Step 5 - Now you are ready to make the Avatar!

Go to File / Save   & under 'Select File Type" choose  Gif Image  ~  make sure you give your avatar a cool name and press save

This box will pop up ~ click on the highlighted buttons ~ press Export

Then this box will pop up ~  leave it marked the way I have it, except for the "Delay between frames where unspecified"  Just remember, the higher the number, the slower your frames will change.  Press Save

Step 6 -  Enjoy your new Avatar!!

I hope this helped, and that I didn't confuse you!!

**To change / edit / add on to existing Avatars***

1. First, open up your Avatar with the Gimp

2. Second, Click Add New Layer

3. Put whatever graphic / text you want on your new layer

4. Then click on Save As  - NOT SAVE

5.  Give your Avatar a new name

6.  Follow Step 5 from above and then enjoy your Newest Avatar!

(just to let you know, you will need to replace the old Avatar with the new, edited one on whatever web site you've all ready put it on)
5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / SecuRom no more! BV and Freetime fix!!! on: July 25, 2008, 12:08:44 pm
HI! I got a new computer and my BV suddenly started not working. It was giving me this message: "Please insert the original disc and not a backup" so I searched for months for some way to fix it, nothing worked, so I took it off and just played up to Seasons. Well about a month ago I stumbled on a solution to Freetime, posted my question about BV, and promptly forgot to check back! Yesterday I checked back and someone had posted a solution, it didn't work, then I remembered the Freetime fix. And it dawned on me, why didn't I just email SecuRom myself?!!!! So to make a long story short,(too late Smiley ) they fixed it! Here is the link to the BV fix and Freetime fix:

:-PSo don't give up!! Just follow the instructions exactly and it should work for you!! (it's under my name, Puppetfish)  Oh!  I have Vista.  Not sure if this is just for Vista, but I say try it anyway!!

Happy Simming!!:D
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Families & Groups / Ben and Coorina - The last of their kind..? on: June 17, 2008, 07:30:06 pm
"The Thylacine was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modern times. Native to Australia and New Guinea, it is thought to have become extinct in the 20th century. It is commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger (due to its striped back), the Tasmanian Wolf, and colloquially the Tassie (or Tazzy) Tiger or simply the Tiger."
description found here:

:blob6:This was a request from Red XIII over on MTS2.  He originally asked just for a skintone, but when I found the meshes below, how could I not create these two!!

Custom Content You Will Need:

1) :worship:Marvine, Beosboxboy, and SynapticSim created the most wonderful Werewolf mesh I have ever seen!  It absolutely screams Thylacine to me!  The male can be found here:  and the female can be found here:  You must get the mesh and undies file for them both.

2) KingTorrid from MTS2 created a wonderful lupine face that is perfect for these two!

3)  Bai Mai from MTS2 created this fabulous headband.  Grab the updated version from here:

4)  Tammeke from MTS2 created this "Just Perfect" Hair for women.  I lightened it and added highlights.

5)  Atreya from MTS2 created these next two meshes.  They are the perfect finish for my Thylacines. The small tale can be found here: and the fox ears/no tail can be found here:

Custom Content Included

1) Eyes from  I used the last set on the page:

2) Thylacine Skintone was created by me alone!

:DA BIG THANK YOU to all these creators! :worship:

No expansions needed!  Base Game compatible!
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