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The Sims 4 / Sims 4 Requests / Re: Sims 4 request
on: October 28, 2014, 12:53:58 am
OK, so I have spent the last half hour trying to figure out how to add pictures to this request and I still don't have a clue. I am totally willing to ad images to help potential creators, but I just can't figure it out. Can anyone tell me what I must do? I would greatly appreciate it,
The Sims 3 / Pudding Wrappers / Re: Cara Big Breasts - Custom Mesh
on: July 30, 2009, 05:55:20 pm
Need to include in your post:
- What does this do?
- Is it a clothing mesh or a body mesh?
- Does this file contains all of the clothes as shown in the pictures? If not, then what does it include?
- Describe in full what you're aiming to achieve here in the thread.
Hello, I think these are truly beautiful, but please answer the above questions, I would love to know too. Are these replacement meshes or game add ons?
The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
on: June 20, 2009, 07:01:13 am
I also have mixed feelings about the game right now, but I am confident that as time goes by, people will make it more and more realistic.
For me, the customization is just wonderful. I can have anything I want match anything else. That's something I value because for me half the fun is building and having things look good together. I am not too thrilled at how the game looks cartoony, but I guess it will get better in time as people invent ways around it. I was also wishing that bodies would have been more customizable, things like decreasing the size of the waist and shoulders or increasing bust size, thickness of arms and legs. I don't like how it has just one body that gets fat or skinny, but even that is a great improvement over the old game. I originally was not going to get the game, but now I am sold on it.
Simmers' Paradise / Contests & Challenges / Re: The Mr.Humble and Crumplebottom challange!
on: May 31, 2009, 09:14:27 pm
Characters can be extracted from any neighborhood, they will show up as sims in your bodyshop if you put them there. They are easy to extract, but you need the SimPE program to extract them.
Open SimPE. Go to tools and select a neighborhood to open. Choose tools, neighborhood, neighborhood browser and select one to open it. Once you open a neighborhood, there will be a box on the left side of the screen labeled 'Resource Tree'. In that box, select sim description by clicking on it. It has a gold icon that sort of resembles a fisher price child toy person or the msn messenger icon. Once you have done that, go back to the choices on the command bar and select neighborhood again, but this time, choose 'Sim Surgery' as your selection. Sim Surgery will open a box with all the characters and npc's in the neighborhood listed in alphabetical order on the left side. Select the sim that you want to export by clicking on their picutre. Then you will see on the right side of the screen different sections. Click Use in the Patient Sim Screen. After you click 'use' click export on the top part of the same box. The save selection will default to your saved sims folder in your game and you will find the sim you selected in your bodyshop (you can access them from the in game bodyshop CAS or the external bodyshop program).
Understand that you have effectively created a new sim. It will only have the characteristics that you assign it to have, it will not be the actual personality from the game. But if genetics are what you are looking for, they will have the genetic traits of the NPC that you want to use, so you can create them and marry them off to anyone you want. I have redone Mrs Crumplebottom as a classic pinup girl and she cleans up nice, except for those non existent lips, lol. I also find Goopy Gils Carbo to have really good genes if you want cute offspring.
I hope this helps anyone who wants to try!
Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF recategorize tutorial
on: May 23, 2009, 08:30:36 am
Hi All,
I used to have a tutorial to use SimPE to recategorize clothing bookmarked, I lost it when I got my new computer. I can not find it anywhere, I thought it was on MTS2, but I have searched and not found it. Does anyone know where this tutorial might be? I just want to recategorize some items that are showing up all over my game, like underwear categorized at outerwear and every day, to get them out of sections where I do not want them, will not use them.
Thanks to all,
The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / Re: New Preview
on: May 10, 2009, 05:58:32 am
It makes me wonder, if your Sims is sort of dull and not too bright, will their painting be a picture of Elvis, Jesus and John Wayne on black Velvet???
The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / Re: Sim 3 Bodyshapes
on: May 10, 2009, 05:53:17 am
Believe it or not, I am inclined to believe most of what I have heard on both sides of the issue. However, I am still more against the new game than for it. For me, custom content defines the game. And at this time, there is not really much to get excited over except the body sliders which are still limited in what they let us create and the fact that sims can wander around more freely. I also have no desire to lay out more cash on custom content, when you are paying 50-70 per game/expansion and then pay 20 per add on package, now they want to charge for content too, it's just too much and not worth the effort. My take is simple, I will wait and watch the sites and see what develops. I don't think that EA Games knows how much the hundreds of functional custom content sites does for them and I think they will suffer when these sites start to close and the custom content well dries up. People will quickly lose interest when all of their sims look like boxy little creatures wearing the same five outfits in a myriad of colors and the same three chairs in a variety of colors and all driving the same three cars. I am confident that people will find ways to bypass their software and will develop something outside the EA Games perimeters to allow us to get content into the game, but I think that will take time. When they set up the new game as they have, it's not worth the effort to me and I just don't want to pay more to get less. So, I will still wait and see!
Simmers' Paradise / Sims / Re: John F Kennedy
on: May 07, 2009, 07:29:05 pm
I agree, I have a really nice Jackie Kennedy and she needs her man. I also have a good President and Michelle Obama too! I hope someone does fill this request! 
The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / Re: Sim 3 Bodyshapes
on: May 07, 2009, 07:25:50 pm
I tend to agree with what you said, but I wonder if they will change their position when they see what it does for sales. I suspect the original game will be very popular, but then it will dwindle off if people can't use custom content as we have. I know I mostly like to build and create little story lines for myself with the game, if I can't have what I want, I would just as soon stick with the Sims 2 and not give them any more money! I think a lot of others feel that way too and I think it will cost them to the point where it will either have to be more creator friendly or they will end the series.
The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Buzz / Re: Sim 3 Bodyshapes
on: May 06, 2009, 05:09:36 pm
I am still waiting to see what happens. I am inclined to agree, if I can't have the variety and choice of custom content that I have with sims 2, I would just as soon not guy the new game. But I also remember when sims 2 came out, there was lots of talk about not being able to customize and most of the creators got right past ea games ways of stopping things. So, I will wait and see, if the creative community can bypass ea games stuff, cool, if not, let ea games lose out because I know too many people who would rather play with variety than with a game they can't control as much.