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Author Topic: [.A Vampire's Love.] Chapter 3 [Updated]  (Read 9182 times)
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« on: January 01, 2009, 11:25:31 pm »

Ooc: This is my first story! I hope that I do a good job. Comments would be appreciated since I would love to hear what you think! I also want to see if you think I should continue the story or not. I wouldn't want to make you bored. :]

"We finally did it. We're finally together," whispered a young blonde woman of 18. She had long golden blonde hair that fell past her shoulders, beautiful sky blue eyes and sunkissed pale skin that finally managed to hold a little bit more color. Her name was Lorena and she had recently married the love of her life, Cornelius Dolle. The two had lived in the same village all of their lives and ever since they were five years old, the two would pretend that they were already married. Both families of the children were close friends, so when Cornelius was of age and asked his sweet heart to marry him, they all knew that it was going to be a perfect event.

"I told you that we were," replied the male who carefully hugged around Lorena. Cornelius was nineteen years old with messy dark brown hair that was smooth and soft despite how unkept it seemed. A warm smile was on his face as he snuggled his new wife. "Everything is going to go right for us, just watch. Now, we can start working on expanding the family some too," he teased, the words causing Lorena to blush as she turned in her new lover's arms and kissed him.

The first few months seemed to be going well, especially when the new couple heard of the news of Lorena becoming pregnant. However, the demon of heartache wasn't too far behind. Within the first year, Lorena experience a miscarriage of their first child. The ordeal had hurt the couple horribly, though it was to be expected since it was their first child. Months later Lorena was pregnant again but only for six months before she too lost that child. Having two misscarriages, it seemed that the odds of having a child wasn't at what he wanted and he knew that they couldn't go through the trouble of losing another child.

In the winter of their third year together, another chance was given to them to have a child. Not wanting to lose hope, Lorena was careful with herself, making sure she didn't work too hard and that she was able to eat everything that she needed. The months went by and her belly began to grow more and more. By spring, the Dolle family had given birth to a beautiful young girl named Amanda.

Amanda was their miracle baby, a child that was quite a character. She was blessed with golden hair like her mother and innocent features, however she had her father's spirit and had an act of getting into trouble. She believed that she could keep up with the boys, even at the young age of six years old. She was a fighter, yet a real lover as well. She enjoyed her time outside mostly, running around and exploring. Lorena knew that she couldn't keep her inside forever, so she allowed her only daughter to go down to the river and play with the other children.

Evening time however was family time, and everyone enjoyed to be around one another. Cornelius spent his time playing little lullabys and songs that he came up while Lorena would normally read to Amanda. The young girl enjoyed stories and so every night, a story would be read to her before dinner and then before she would go to sleep. This was the daily routine for them until the unthinkable happened that would only throw their family into more trouble.

One early morning in October, Amanda woke up having a horrid cough. Her body was burning up and it seemed that she had gotten a fever. Becoming worried, Lorena had shooed her off to bed and had gone to get her more blankets to keep warm. Cornelius had gone out for the day, so she did the best to watch over their daughter until he returned that evening. When he had came home, he went to check on Amanda and saw that she was sleeping peacefully. Maybe she would get better in the morning and so to keep good faith, he made a prayer that night before going to bed.

However, the following days only became worse and worse on little Amanda. She would lay in bed for hours, shivering with her high fever and she wouldn't eat because of her loss of an appetite. Cornelius finally called a doctor and when he came, he delivered the news that their little girl had pneumonia. Knowing that there wasn't much of a cure, they took the medicine offered and began to give it to her every four hours. Cornelius began to read stories to his daughter all through the days, watching as she gave him a weak smile here and there to show that she was still with them, still fighting.

"Daddy, I'm going to get better soon right?" she whispered as she looked over at Cornelius. Her body seemed so frail as she laid under the heavy blankets, her skin taking a sickly white since she was ill and hadn't been outside for days.

"Of course sweet heart," he replied, giving her a warm smile. "You'll be fine, I promise. Now, get some rest." He stood and kissed her heated cheek before he left the room. He was getting worried. He wanted to believe that she was going to make it, that she was going to be ok, but with every day that passed, she was fading and he knew that his wife saw it as well. He needed to be strong for both of them, however he could feel the small scratching of fear and sadness start to eat away his heart. He didn't know what he was going to do if he lost Amanda.

The same night, Lorena had said her good nights to her daughter as well before she had snuck outside. It was cool, the October wind brushing across her tear stricken face as her long blond hair blew wildly behind her. It was indeed cold outside, but she didn't want to be in the warmness of the home. She wasn't warm herself, her heart practically breaking with every tear that slid down her face. She was losing hope that Amanda was going to be ok. The medicine wasn't helping very much at all and she could see the life leaving her little girl's eyes. Hiding her face in her hands, she wept, not even noticing Cornelius as he stepped out of the house to see such a scene before him.

Staying silent, he said nothing as he went close to her and wrapped her arms around her shaking form. Lorena only seemed to cry more, her sadness covering her body so thickly that Cornelius could practically fell it. Hugging her tighter, the brunette hid his face in her hair, kissing her damp cheek before he whipsered to her.

"Lorena, Love, we have to be strong. Shhh..." he whispered comforting as he hugged her a bit closer. "I know it hurts, I know. But we have to have faith. We have to do what we can for Amanda so she can get better."

"But she isn't getting better!" she suddenly snapped as she pulled out of his embrace. "She's dying Cornelius! There is nothing that we can do for her nothing!"

Cornelius didn't want to acknowledge that she was right. It was true that she was getting worse, but he wouldn't say that she was dying. No, not his little girl. She was going to get well, she just had to. Grabbing his hysterical wife, he brought her into his arms again and just held her. There was little words that he could say since he knew that she didn't want to be comforted. He just wanted to show that she wasn't alone, that he was with her and was feeling the same sadness that she felt. After a while, she finally embraced him back, appologizing for her out burst. He easily forgave her, finally carrying his wife to bed so that they could have some much needed rest.

The grim day finally came when Amanda no longer stayed with them. It had been two days after his wife's out burst when the couple had woken up to find their little girl's lifeless body laying in the bed. She looked so peaceful, her face fixed in the gentleness that normally appeared on her face when she was sleeping. Cornelius had to touch her to make sure that she was gone, the feel of her cheek at how cold it was made his stomach clench. She was gone, their only child. The only one who had survived, the one who was suppose to be theirs forever.

Later that afternoon, Amanda was buried in the family's land. Corneilus didn't attend the ceremony. When it was taken place, he remained in Amanda's room on her bed. There he sat, his eyes lingering on the wooden floor as he just stared into space. Words couldn't describe the pain he felt right then, how weak his heart seemed to be. He knew that his wife was taking it just as hard, but he couldn't bring himself to go out there and comfort her. He needed comfort himself, but he wasn't sure how he was going to get it. The scars that were in his heart were probably never going to heal and he himself wasn't so sure if he really wanted them to go away.

Lorena fell to her knees and cried her eyes out that very day. She didn't move from that spot until Cornelius came to her that evening and carried her away. She was broken, the young blonde simply just breathing as she laid on the bed that night. She didn't sleep, she didn't eat. Because of this, she started to waste away in the coming days. Cornelius tried to get her to eat, telling her that he loved her and needed her by his side, but his words fell on deaf ears. Lorena no longer saw herself living anymore. Though she loved her husband very much, she just didn't see any reason to stay alive much longer. With grief in her heart, she remained as she was, slowly killing herself until God had finally taken her a month later. Cornelius didn't know what to do with himself.

He had suffered the loss of his only child and his loving wife. Despite the grief he felt, he couldn't bring himself to kill himself or waste away like his wife did. He didn't have the strength, the courage to hang himself or to throw himself into the rapids of the river. Despite how much pain he felt, he couldn't bring himself to end his existence. Instead, the once respectable man turned to alcohol. He began to drink, bottles and bottles of whine that were in his own cellar or where he could find a bottle. He would easily get many bottles, take them to where his wife and daughter were buried and would then drink and drink until he passed out.

That is what happened this particular night, but the consequences were going to be more life changing than having a hang over. What actually took place this clear fall night was that Cornelius had accidentally taken vampire blood without his knowing. He had drank so many bottles, that his judgement had been out the window and so when he had swallowed a liquid that didn't taste right, it never clicked that perhaps, he had swallowed something he shouldn't had. As soon as the blood had been consumed, he passed out on the lawn and remained there through out the evening and into the night.

When he had come around, the first thing he noticed was how scent of grass tickled his nose. It was strange, catching the smell of something that he never noticed before. That had only caused him to open his eyes, seeing nothing but blackness until he blinked his now ruby colored orbs and caught sight of the stars. The sky was beautiful, the bright white stars shining proudly against the dark cloudless sky. Taking a slow breath, he turned his head, catching sight of the many empty bottles before he pushed himself by his elbows and raised himself to sit up. His body felt strange, a sort of hunger eating away at his stomach. Standing up, brushed back his hair and caught sight of his skin. It was pale, his veins rather evident along with lengthen nails. What was this? Raising his eyes to his face, he felt over the rather cool flesh, finally noticing that he didn't feel warmth at all.

The blood had done something to his body, giving him the greatness of immortality with the draw backs of being a monster, a Vampire. That night was the night that a new door was opened to his life. He now had a curse that he had to deal with. Now, he was forced to live with the sadness of his previous life and the new trouble that his brand new life brought to him. Forced to remain in pain, he survived for two hundred years, staying locked away from everyone until one fateful day changed everything. That was the day that a beauty would open the eyes of a now cold hearted man who wanted nothing more but to be saved.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 06:59:29 am by xBlindxRomancex » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2009, 07:24:34 am »

Oh, you are a BRILLIANT writer! please update!


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« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2009, 12:30:59 pm »

truly great prologue! Yes please continue! Poor Cornelius!


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« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2009, 08:42:01 pm »

I'm already addicted to your story!!! Cheesy When is the next update? Tongue

Carpe Diem!
Seize the day, life's too short!
Cueille le jour présent, en te fiant le moins possible au lendemain. La vie est trop courte pour ne pas en profiter.

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« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2009, 10:17:52 pm »

Thank you everyone! I know that is sad. I read it over after I posted it and I was like 'Wow...that is bad...' Anyways, the update will be here tonight! Or so I hope. I'm about to get the last few pictures. Tongue

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« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2009, 12:18:09 am »

Thank you for the great reviews! All of you are just amazing. I hope you enjoy the first chapter! O:


Chapter One

Getting a new home was something that could be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time especially when you barely leave home. Not to mention that your new home is in another state, away from the comfort of your family and close friends that you once held so close. It was true, leaving home was a big step, but it was something that Nicole Rogue of twenty did proudly. Growing up with a younger sister, Nicole had to take many responsibilities when she was younger. She was often left baby sitting, a chore she quickly didn't care for by the time she was a teenager. Wanting more out of life, she zeroed on going to college, getting a career and going to a new place to start out fresh. When she graduated with enough schooling, she packed up her bags a few months later and moved out to her very own home.

Yes, it was only a one bedroom, but it wasn't that she needed much space. She was a single woman of course and the thought of expanding her family wasn't at all in her mind quite yet. Seeing that she had some time off from job hunting, she chose to move to her knew home at the very beginning of fall of that year. On her own she managed to clean up the home to the best of her abilities, or so that was what she had thought when she first stepped foot into the house.

"This might take a while," she found herself saying as she grabbed a sponge and began to clean the walls, floors and even the counter tops. She wanted to get everything done, at least her bedroom since it was her first day staying here. She wanted to have a place to sleep and the thought of sleeping on her hand me down couch wasn't an option in her eyes.

She worked hard that morning and afternoon, soon moving onto getting furniture and setting up her things in her bedroom. The rooms had been painted about a week before. She had hired a few guys, knowing what furniture was going where so she just needed the right colors. To be honest, she wasn't big on decorating, but she knew that he mom was probably going to stop by and all that she needed was for that old woman to have a fit.

"This looks about right," she said to herself as she looked around her room with a smile. Everything was set up the way she wanted it to and it wasn't even night time yet. Going to the living room, she moved the couches the way she wanted them and then went to unpack a few boxes here and there so that she could get most of the big stuff. However, evening rolled around and the red head found herself getting exhausted.

"I haven't even gone out to have a look around." Sighing, she went into the bathroom and decided to have a bath. It was during that time that she thought of going out for a walk in the early evening to have a look around. The houses here were just so beautiful and she couldn't help but grow curious of the new people she was going to meet.


The sun finally hid away behind the horizon and a vast amount of darkness took over the earth. It was then and only then did Cornelius dare open his eyes through his clear glass coffin. Taking a slow breath, he waited to get feeling back into his body before he had sat up and pushed the glass cover off to the side. The coldness of the room didn't effect him at all as he carefully used his sense to feel the room, the house and even his property. No one was here, well, not anyone who wasn't brought here. Catching the sound of a thump, he easily slinked out of his coffin to dress, putting on his clothes neatly before he was walking down the hall.

When he reached the right room, he opened the door slowly and spotted a young blonde girl looking up at him with a tear streaked face. She was nude, shaking and obviously frightened by the way she coward away from the vampire. The room was small, only the size of a small bathroom. It was once very clean with brand new tile and white walls, but that soon changed once the vampire started to feed off of human's blood. Now, the room was decorated in blood splatters. Old, caked on crimson liquid formed everywhere, the scent of old and fresh blood mingling in the air made Cornelius a bit excited.

Feeling his fangs lengthen in his mouth, he gave the girl a predatory look before he closed the door. She instantly screamed, trying to hide herself away from the other as he grabbed her throat roughly and brought her body against his. She struggled, her screams falling on death ears as he brutally forced her throat to the side and bit into her neck. The warm liquid was swallowed eagerly, the brunette nearly purring in content as his blood lust was started to be satisfied. He took as much as could, soon dropping the lifeless body to the ground with a FLOP.

He stood there for several moments, his eyes trailing over he pale body. It was amazing to know that she was once alive. Her skin was already a pale color, two bite marks marking her neck to show what had happeend to her. Her face was at peace despite the death she faced. So mesmorizing, or so that is what he believed. Taking in the sight a while longer, he soon stepped over her dead body and made a note to get rid of it later. He never kept a corpse any longer than necessary since he didn't think people needed to catch the scent of something dead on the property. That would only lead to investigations and more death.

Leaving the room, blood remained smeared on his lip as he closed the door and stood in the hall. It was happening again, the sickening feeling that normally followed after he would take a life. When Cornelius became who he was now today, he didn't know how to control his blood lust. He would go hungry for days until he couldn't take it. At that time he would just kill a random stray cat or dog, drain it dry and then leave it in an alley somewhere. In the beginning, that was satisfying. He enjoyed the blood, not knowing that there were better things.

However, one night, on one of his blood lust rampages, he accidentally had hurt a man in the process. The scent of his blood and blinded him and that night, he had murdered someone. The regret didn't come right away of course. His body was on cloud nine, the glorious feeling of having human blood running through his once dead veins was a high that he quickly got addicted to even though he tried his hardest to fight it. He didn't like this, the guilt that followed after an attack. It hurt him greatly and he only wished that he wasn't what he was, a monster.

Hiding his face, he let out a growl of annoyance as he tried to get ahold of himself. As minutes passed, he finally relaxed long enough to go downstairs and catch the sight of the night sky from one of the few windows left around the house. Seeing the stars, he suddenly remembered that fall was finally here. Though it was always a sad season for him, he often enjoyed going outside and this night was no exception. Leaning back against the wall, he crossed his arms and closed his eyes to take in the sounds of the wind and some birds who still sung a tune.

His thoughts weren't as busy or annoying. For once he seemed to be at peace and he savored that moment. However, that didn't seem to last too long as he caught the scent of something. Blood, fresh blood, but it wasn't being spilled. It smelt sweet, like fresh fruit, yet he wasn't sure where it was coming. Opening his red orbs, he looked across his yard and waited. His sensitive ears picked up the sound of foot steps. Odd. No one ever came down this street, not if they couldn't help it. The Dolle house was known to be haunted and no one was brave enough to come around here without a vehicle.

This was something that made the vampire curious as he heard the foot steps get closer and closer. The smell of blood flooded his senses and he found himself staring down the side walk. As if in slow motion, his eyes soon registered a body heading down the sidewalk towards his direction. It was a woman of all people! A woman with thick red hair and what to seemed healthy skin. The closer she got, the more he inspected her, his eyes trailing over every detail as she contined to walk down the sidewalk. Her eyes were bright and alert, a smile even tugging at her lips as she turned to look at the house.

Not moving, he continued to stare, taking slow breaths of his own before he stopped breathing all together. The strange girl had stopped right infront of his house and as she turned her head, their eyes met. Deep red orbs stared into a pair of shiny chocolate brown eyes and for once in his existance of being a vampire, he didn't see one ounce of fear.

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« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2009, 01:38:48 pm »

 Clap Yes, yes! It's brilliant! Poor Cornelius. I wonder if Nicole will help him?


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« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2009, 10:24:39 pm »

They remained staring for quite a while, neither one blinking for the longest time until Nicole suddenly blinked and looked away. What was she doing? She couldn't just be staring at someone she didn't know! However, she felt as if she had seen him somewhere before, but how could that be? She had just moved here and she didn't know anyone. She had just been walking along and suddenly, she found herself looking at a young male that was...rather attractive. Shaking her head of such thoughts, she thought of continuing walking until she turned and saw that the other was right infront of the gate.

Wait, how had he gotten there so fast? Blinking a moment, she turned her attention to Cornelius, seeing his face in the light a tad better. He really was beautiful, all though his skin looked a bit odd. However, that didn't do anything wrong with his features. He looked beautiful to her, even his red eyes. She figured that they were contacts so she didn't voice them since in truth, she couldn't find her words at all.

"Oh uh...I didn't mean to stare," she said finally, not happy how odd her voice sounded. "I..I kinda just moved here today and I decided to go for a walk..." she added as she looked down.

Cornelius watched her face, noting the beauty of her brown eyes, adorable freckles and an innocence that seemed to surround her. She was beautiful, perfect in his eyes. The smell of her blood wasn't even important to him, not right now. He had already fed and though he had thought of having her for a snack, that thought was out the window as of now.

"It is a bit late to be walking out," he said in a low voice. He didn't lock eyes with her again as he turned away slightly to glance around. No one was here, just like normal. Nobody ever came along, not because of this house. A haunted house didn't bring much visitors. Even the new neighbors would've konwn about this place here. It was only a matter of time before she too wouldn't be coming here either.

"I believe that you should be getting home. Good night." With that said, he turned and went back towards the house, settling down on the porch as he put his hands in his lap.

Wait, he was leaving? Seeing the other depart, she had no idea what came over her as she found herself following after the other. "Wait," she said as she stood infront of him. "You're the first person that has spoken to me when I moved here. I know that it's sort of rude to just, let myself in your yard, but I was hoping that maybe we can talk a little more?"

Now, how lame did that sound? She could only hope that he wouldn't freak out or anything, but then again, here was a man dressed in attire that was from the seventeen hundreds. Though his clothes were odd, she didn't think it was a bad thing. Maybe he just liked being different. There was never anything wrong with different.

Looking up at Nicole, he caught sight of her face before speaking again. "I'm a stranger to you and yet, you follow me into my yard? You really are a strange one," he said as he frowned a little in thought. He could always bare his fangs and scare her away if he really wanted to, but he didn't. The young mortal seemed to be brave yet intelligent, he liked that. He could see by her aura that she was a good person and maybe, after so many years, he would actually find a friend of sorts.

"I suppose if you wish to know anything, you may ask." Nicole smiled at him, deciding that now was time to ask questions about the place. She asked what every new person would ask, basically about the people around her and things like that. Though Cornelius was a vampire, he was aware of what went on in the city, so he was able to answer whatever she asked.

The two remained talking for a few hours, the pair never noticing how late it was going until the vampire had glanced at the sky. Day light was going to be here in a few hours, and he needed to get a few things done. Standing up, he told Nicole that it was getting late and watched as she started to mumble and scratch her head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry! I really do talk a lot," she said as she sighed. She looked up at the vampire with a warm smile on her face.

"Thank you for answering my questions, I really appreciated." With that said, she began to walk out, going out the metal gate. However, before she got too far, she turned around. "Wait! What is your name?" she asked curiously. Corneilus stopped his departure, not bothering to turn around as he waited a moment. Should he say it? Blinking slowly, he decided that there was no reason to lie to her since if she ever found out the truth about this home and about him, she would have even more questions.

"Cornelius. My name is Cornelius Dolle."

"I'm Nicole. Would you mind if I stopped by here again sometime?"

Cornelius didn't answer her right away, thinking that over before he turned to face her. "At night, like this, will be perfect. I'm usually walking around the yard, getting some fresh air. If you wish to accompany me during those times, I don't mind."

"Great!" she said cheerfully before she waved to Cornelius and headed off her home. She couldn't believe that she made a friend! It was her first day here and already she had met someone nice enough to talk to her. Besides, he was good looking too so that was a plus!

Closing the door, she soon started to feel exhausted as she went into her closet and slipped on her night clothes. She wanted to go to bed, but the more that she thought about what had gone on, her mind went back over to his name. Cornelius Dolle. His last name had been said around her before, but from where? Trying to think about it, she wasn't so sure where her mind was going with the thought.

"Maybe I've seen it somewhere," she said to herself as she walked into the living room. Spotting her computer, she sat down at the desk and sighed a little. She clicked on to load her browser and then started to type. "Dolle" was the word, computer doing a search before a few websites popped up. Clicking on one, she read a story about the Dolle family that had perished long ago. It was a tragic story, the website speaking of the death of the whole family and that the father had committed suicide long ago because of his sadness by drinking himself to death.

Reading more the article, she saw a picture, a painting that was said to be the family that lived in that home. Clicking on it to make it bigger, she nearly fell out of the chair at what she saw. In the picture was Cornelius, the one whos he had only spoken moments ago dressed in the same kind of attire as the one in the photo. Wait, how could that be? They lived in 1780! He couldn't be alive, that wasn't right. Even if he had been a relative, they wouldn't seem so similiar. Looking at the screen closer, she paused. The male in the picture had smooth pale skin and bright green eyes. Cornelius was a replica of this man, but with red eyes and a different color tone. Why was that?

Turning off the computer, she stood and shook her head. This was too much, way too much. Besides, it didn't make sense. Had she seen a ghost? Corneilus had been pretty real to her, but if that was the case, how could he be alive? He would have to be over two hundred years old. That, just didn't happen.

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« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2009, 07:06:15 pm »

Ooooo The thick plottens  Grin

Seriously, its a great story. ^_^


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« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2009, 04:34:32 pm »

Oh...I'm getting impatient...are you gonna update?


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« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2009, 08:51:23 am »

It is so twilight
if you do put in a werewolf (jacob black) please kill him
xo xo xo Grin

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« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2009, 06:58:37 am »

Ooc: I'm sorry for being away for so long! I just wanted to let everyone know that I rewrote the prologue! Tell me if you think it's better this time. [: As always, thank you for reading! Your reviews really help me. ^^

Chapter Three

Nicole knew that she just needed some sleep, the red head quietly turning off her computer as she sighed and stood from the computer desk. Pushing in her chair, she silently went into her room and laid down to get some rest. Surprisingly, she managed to sleep right away and found herself have a dreamless rest. The hours flew by and before she knew it, early morning had finally arrived.

Opening sleepy eyes, she made her way into the kitchen and managed to find some food. Finding the poptart she had been craving from the day before, she popped it into the toaster and waited sleepily near the counter for it to be done. She didn't dare let herself think about the night before, the young woman deciding that she had read one too many ghost stories.

Grabbing her plate, she sat down at the table and ate the food. Despite her earlier ordeal, she managed to finish her breakfast before she had looked at the time. It was almsot eight in the morning, an early time for her to be awake. Normally she was able to sleep til at least nine thirty, but she figured because she was in a new house, her body just didn't want to lay around and get the extra rest. Quietly she washed her plate and made her way into the living room. She glanced at her computer, the thought of Cornelius making her skin crawl as she looked away. Last night couldn't had been real right? But it was impossible to think she had dreamed of the whole thing.

Shaking her head, she decided it would be best if she did something to clear her mind. Changing into comfortable clothes, she made sure she had the key to her house before she walked out the door and headed out on a nice  morning run.

The sun was beautiful and the warmth of it's heat felt good against her skin. The light breeze cooled off her body gently and it easily whipped back her red locks as she continued jogging. She hadn't been on a run for a while and was pretty surprised in herself when she didn't call it quicks on the fourth block. Instead, she managed to make it all the way down to a local park before she had stopped. She stretched a little, knowing that it was bad to do it this late, but she figured that it was best to do it now instead of never. When her muscles had loosened, she headed back home, her mind clearing up just like she had hoped.

After the refreshing run, she finally made into the house right on time to hear the phone ringing. Wondering who it could be, she picked up the device and brought it to her ear.

"Hello?" she said breathlessly as she put an arm on her side to try and catch her breath.
"Oh, Nicole, sweetie!" said an older woman followed by a small chuckle. "How was your first night at your place? Was it scary? Did you make sure to..." she continued on, rambling about how she was terribly missed and the list of 'chores' that she should be doing.
Even though she was being lectured, Nicole couldn't help but smile as she heard her mom's voice. She missed her very much and after the episode the night before, she needed to be comforted.

When the phone call was over with a promise to visit soon, Nicole hung up and ended up eating a quick lunch. Seeing that it was barely the afternoon, she went out to her small green house and started to tend to her garden. She had wanted to do a project of her own and even though she had killed every plant when she was younger, she was determined to try and grow something out of her garden away from home.

The work had gone on with little trouble, Nicole careful about pulling out the weeds and making sure to give her plants enough water before she had called it a day. She had managed to pass at least two hours in her garden and despite being all sweaty and a mess, she was proud of the hardwork she had done. Going inside, she took a nice cool shower and slipped on her pajamas. Finally nice and clean, she sat down on the couch, turning on the t.v to catch the evening news. The sight of the darkneing room made Nicole look outside, remembering the new male she had met.

She had spoken about seeing him again, but that was before she had done the research. If he was real, she should go back and see him, but she was pretty convinced that what had 'happened' last night wasn't true. Turning back to the t.v, she laid out on the couch and sighed. She managed to find some movie of interest and instead remained where she laid, listening to the drama of two women fighting over a man on t.v before her eyes started to grow heavy. With little resistance, Nicole fell asleep, not knowing that she indeed was being waited upon by a certain vampire.


Meanwhile, Cornelius had gone with his normal routine, waking up late in the evening and then going to his chambers to have his meal for the night. This time he had managed to find a drunk man in the street and had easily brought him back to his land to wait for him to sober up. When his blood was clean, the Vampire had his fill before he disposed the body. He doubted that anyone would miss the other, and so after cleaning his face of blood, he had went into his home to wait for the young human girl who had decided to pay him a visit.

However, as time went by, he saw that it was getting later and later and she hadn't appeared. Had he really scared her off last night? No, that couldn't be it. She didn't seem afraid of him. So, why hadn't she stopped by yet? Frowning at his own thoughts, he shook his head as he turned his attention else where. What was he doing waiting for a human girl to come and see him? He was a monster, nothing else. He didn't deserve her company and more importantly, he didn't need it. He was dangerous and the last thing that he wanted was to bleed her dry. Not wanting to think of Nicole, he went over to his piano and took a seat.

He closed his eyes and started to play a familiar melody. With skilled fingers, the old house filled with music as Cornelius continued to play his song. A smile soon appeared on his lips, a relaxed expression on his face as he played. He felt a lot better now, the music reminding him as to when he was growing, back to when things were harder, but he was happier. However, when his thoughts went back to his wife and child, he suddenly hit a foul note and stopped his movement. Opening crimson eyes, he blinked a few times at the keys before looking out the window.

"Something might've happened," he said to himself suddenly as he stood up. Steping out of his house, he suddenly found his way out the gate and heading down the street.

He walked and walked, not knowing where he was going. The crisp night air felt nice, even if his skin was about as cold as the air around him. The new blood did warm his body somewhat, but it never stayed for very long. It always disappeared, something that Cornelius had to get used to. As he passed house after house, he suddenly stopped when he caught the familiar scent of sweet fruit hitting his nose. He turned to his right, stopping in mid step as he found himself standing infront of Nicole's dewelling.

Not quite sure why he was here, his instincts suddenly started to take over as he looked around, looking in every window and sniffing around until he finally caught sight of her. She was asleep, the Vampire peering into the window as he saw the human girl laying comfortably on her sofa, dreaming away. He seemed to be drawn to her form, his body stepping closer as he continued to stare. During the day he ddin't exactly sleep, his body more like going into a coma before he would wake as soon as the sun had gone down and the world was in complete darkness.

He put his hand to the glass, not moving his eyes from her body as he saw how her chest rose and fell with each breath. He no longer needed to breathe, but he did it just because he was used to it and when he went out hunting, he wanted to look as normal as he could. When his eyes fell over her hips and to her legs, he suddenly blinked into focus before pulling away. Why was he here staring at her? Obviously this was the reason she hadn't showed up and although he wasn't angry at her, he still felt that she owed him. Taking a step back, he turned to get ready to leave before he suddenly caught sight of the door to the house.

He stared at it, suddenly getting the urge to go into her house. Nicole was fine, he saw this and yet he still wanted to go inside. The thought of being close to her was something he wanted, but would he be able to control himself? He had no right to be in her home and yet, no matter how he seemed to argue with himself, the Vampire found his way going to the front door and reaching out to grasp the knob and turn it...

Gender: Female
Posts: 319

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« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2009, 01:27:53 am »

Scary! :O Is Nicole gonna become a vampire??

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