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Author Topic: The sims 3, What do you think?  (Read 71701 times)
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« Reply #135 on: July 08, 2009, 02:03:24 am »

My friend and I have been waiting a year and a half for this game to come out and we're gravely disappointed. It's so true that the sims creators invested too much time in creating the neighborhood and spent less time fixing their crappy sims! For God sake they look like mush! I'm not interested in playing as much as I was in playing the sims2. As we read the feedbacks we noticed there was more negativity regarding the game function and story progression. SOOO TRUE! How are you suppose to do a story if you cant leave your sim unattended? You go visit one family and come back to yours and theirs a zoo full of babies without you saying DONT TOUCH ME!!! It's like an episode of Maury Povich without having to travel. Who the hell is the baby daddy?!! We don't know cause I wasn't there to control my sim's bodily function! Oh, another thing! what the hell happen to the engagement and wedding ring? We're starting to wonder if EA is even paying attention or considering our feedbacks. I understand they were TRYING to give sims more of a personality but why take away all the other things that actually made the game fun? I feel sorry for all of those talented people who come up with mods and hacks for TS2 that are having difficulty sharing their talent for TS3. If it was me, I wouldn't even bother trying to reconfigure and just keep modifying TS2. EA if you're reading these feedbacks take a hint!
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« Reply #136 on: July 08, 2009, 02:07:40 am »

I love it I haven't had any problems but I miss the comfort, environment, etc. motives.

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« Reply #137 on: July 08, 2009, 02:15:10 am »

I haven't played it yet...because I don't have it. But from what i hear it's good, and bad. Idk what ea was thinking. But right now i'm getting my laptop fixed..i broke the hardrive, computer fan, backspace button and other things. But i have all the sims 2 games except the last 3 i recently bought. Sims 2 AP, Sims 2 Pets, and Sims 2 freetime. So I might get the sims 3 and put it on my sisters laptop..but I can see a huge plunge in sims 3 sells in the future.

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« Reply #138 on: July 08, 2009, 05:36:24 am »

Ouch! Broke the laptop, bummer. I like the game. True, it is not like Sims2, but then I didn't expect it to be. It is a move in a different direction. It is pretty basic right now, as were it's predecessors one and two, but I am sure that in time expansions will come along as they did for the previous games. Already mods are cropping up all over the place that improve the game's appearance and play. We all need to remember that, writing actual AI code is a different bag than writing mod code. It is incredibly complex and, by it's nature, more difficult and time-consuming, usually requiring the talents of many specialists working together on a team to produce the product. This is true in other businesses, as well. One group writes the base system while others create application mods to improve the performance. We'll just have to be patient. As to the cost? It is relatively cheap - recruiting and retaining that sort of talent is not cheap.

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« Reply #139 on: July 08, 2009, 01:42:30 pm »

Would be nice if EA actually read what we had to say. Game could have been alot better.

(3rd) Ae Young Kim Mother of the Year

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« Reply #140 on: July 08, 2009, 04:14:26 pm »

The omission of the wedding ring and other articles are no oversight.
In order to get the system requirements way below that of what one would expect from a 2009 era game, certain sacrifices had to be made.
Once one installs the game then the omissions and limitations become obvious,eg. rabithole buildings, bland looking sims,and other items that we were used to interacting with in previous games.
In order to sell this thing the majority of the games resource requirements were diverted to making the environment as attractive as possible. What's the point of lovely sunsets, pretty trees and nice looking buildings if the characters are unattractive and most of the buildings can't be interacted with?
As for not listening to the sims community. They know dam well what we want, but to give us what we would expect from a game such as this would blow their minimum system requirements out.This will be made obvious when those with borderline pcs. try to install and play the first EP.

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« Reply #141 on: July 08, 2009, 04:33:55 pm »

My thoughts exactly, Roezerman.

(3rd) Ae Young Kim Mother of the Year

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« Reply #142 on: July 08, 2009, 05:19:15 pm »

As for the patch that appears to address very little. That was only written to make it look so that they appear to be doing something.
Rest assured, all their resources and emphasis is now with the release of their first EP. So prepare yourselves for another round sneak previews, screenshots and interviews about what a wonderful simming experience awaits us.
Those of you that got your fingers burned with the base game, prepare yourselves because you're gonna get burned again. Just remember they're s lot smarter than you, they've made an art out selling ice to Eskimos, so the average simmer is child's play.

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« Reply #143 on: July 08, 2009, 05:22:01 pm »

Ha! Yeah, they're all up against major corporations. EA has turned selling crap into an art-form. I still remember the Need for Speed series that got cut. Me and my $100 steering wheel and pedals set will never forgive them lol

I can only hope another people simulation franchise comes soon enough. EA has become overly-capitalistic over the years....

(3rd) Ae Young Kim Mother of the Year

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« Reply #144 on: July 08, 2009, 07:40:41 pm »

Not over capitalistic, just full of idiots. Rod Humble. "I PLAY THE SIMS" what a load of ----. As if he has the time.
He's trying to copy and cash in what Will Wright started all those years ago and eventually call it his own.
The fool didn't have the vision to improve on the original concept and make something really revolutionary, instead he went for the mass market and to hell with how it's received and plays, just get the sales figures up there.
I don't think the twit realises that people are constantly upgrading their pcs. and if the game requires mid to high specs to run it, then so be it, IT WILL SELL.
I and probably many others like me would have had no hesitation buying the thing if it had been written properly and was a true continuation of the sims 2. not some childish marketing scheme to coincide with their desire to cash in on the after market CC.creation.
As for those who thought that this was a true upgrade of the sims, I feel for them. I can well understand their horror  when they eventually got the thing to run found that they had taken for a ride and what they have is junk and the more CC. one throws into it to improve it the more it crashes.
Those of us that are still sitting on the fence can only hope that EA. comes to its sences and release a true upgrade and discontinues this childish s---.
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« Reply #145 on: July 08, 2009, 09:15:53 pm »

They're gonna be sitting on the fence for a LONG, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. There's no real way EA's gonna knuckle up and do that, because that would involve them taking one in the face in that the concept behind TS3 was flawed from the jump. And if I know business (and I do) they're not. That'd be like "Big Tobacco" coming out and actually saying "Yes, Cigarettes kill people, but we're gonna keep making them anyway." As I've said in numerous posts, the game has potential. In the hands of the hardcore coders, the game can be pulled apart at a "cellular" level and rebuilt into something off the charts. The problem is that EA is not and WILL not allow for modders to splice this game like they did TS2, which is the ultimate bain to the existence of TS3. Yes, all of the EPs and SPs and bells and whistles EA gave us throughout the lifespand of TS2 was awesome, but what made the game phenomenal was the user made/modded content. The stuff people made that EA didn't have the stones to make. Of course the skilled coder CAN crack the closed source code of TS3 no problem. Distributing what the end result is would be, because it'd be a violation of the EULA of TS3, and hence illegal. Thus I doubt no coders will ever even try to. The "tools" I see popping up on the net for TS3, like the many available on MTS are all nice and all, but they're like shallow little widgets for the game because no one can release an outright MODDING TOOL for it on the level of a SimPE or a Milkshape. That's where TS3 will ultimately feel the pain. There are plenty of parts of the game that are well done, but they fail by comparison to the parts that seem rushed, incomplete and uninspired. And it'll take years and a number of EPs, SPs and patches to even make the game look and play like something worth it's price tag. As it stands now, it's a game that should have been sold at a $39.99 price point and not the near $60.00 it retails for in some places.

In summary, I don't dislike the game, but I'm certainly not supporting it either.


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« Reply #146 on: July 08, 2009, 10:38:43 pm »

Not over capitalistic, just full of idiots. Rod Humble. "I PLAY THE SIMS" what a load of ----. As if he has the time.
He's trying to copy and cash in what Will Wright started all those years ago and eventually call it his own.
The fool didn't have the vision to improve on the original concept and make something really revolutionary, instead he went for the mass market and to hell with how it's received and plays, just get the sales figures up there.
I don't think the twit realises that people are constantly upgrading their pcs. and if the game requires mid to high specs to run it, then so be it, IT WILL SELL.
I and probably many others like me would have had no hesitation buying the thing if it had been written properly and was a true continuation of the sims 2. not some childish marketing scheme to coincide with their desire to cash in on the after market CC.creation.
As for those who thought that this was a true upgrade of the sims, I feel for them. I can well understand their horror  when they eventually got the thing to run found that they had taken for a ride and what they have is junk and the more CC. one throws into it to improve it the more it crashes.
Those of us that are still sitting on the fence can only hope that EA. comes to its sences and release a true upgrade and discontinues this childish s---.

I feel as though EA knows exactly what they're doing, and it comes off as idiocy because they seem to be defying common sense. What you say is true, we constantly see new threads going up about people needing a new CPU or more RAM to run a new expansion pack. But if EA could lower the standards, then even the granny PCs can run the game at low resolutions. And I think that's EA's biggest problem. The payoff : effort ratio is way off. They'd rather be safe and make sure all their money is doubled than try something new which may not sell as well. Hence, why Sims 3 looks so eerily similar to Sims 2.

People will still buy Sims 3 because they hope it will improve with EPs/Sps, or they've become bored with Sims 2. And it's not just Sims 3, but the Madden games, too. lol All that ever changes is the roster in those games since EA has been fooling with them, and people still buy it. EA has a knack for ruining franchises.

(3rd) Ae Young Kim Mother of the Year
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« Reply #147 on: July 08, 2009, 11:24:17 pm »

There hasn't been any real innovation in the Madden series since the jump from the PSOne to the PS2/XBox. That's kinda sad. The same can be said of the Need For Speed (NFS) Franchise. Both are among EA's top three titles along with The Sims franchise. And both within recent years have gotten worse. This year's Madden game is going to have features in it they should have put in the game back on Madder 2007. And let's not get into the NFS games. The last noteworthy NFS game to ever be released was NFS Underground 2 WAAAAAAAAAAY back in 2004. Every one of them since has been more crappy then the next, with the last one NFS Undercover being an utter failure. This makes me very fearful of what's in store for TS3, considering that EA Blackbox, the Development house responsible for the slow, agonizing death the NFS series is suffering are responsible for the development of TS3 along side of EA Redwood Shores. Anything Blackbox touches turns into a turd. So if the trend continues, we might be in for a long next couple of years in Sims 3 Land. They truthfully need to rustle up all the remaining Maxis developers still with them that didn't jump ship when Will Wright bolted for the door, hand the franchise to them and say "You guys at least know what you're doing. Fix this...please?"

Wishful thinking at the very least...


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« Reply #148 on: July 08, 2009, 11:38:13 pm »

I agree, Kaoz. I am hoping whatever maxis team is left can help the Sims franchise. If not, there may not be a Sims 4 or 5 to look forward to....

(3rd) Ae Young Kim Mother of the Year

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« Reply #149 on: July 09, 2009, 01:32:39 am »

I think there are enough dedicated sims players out there who would have done whatever to upgrade their existing pcs. to run the game if it was produced the way it was supposed to be produced. A true upgrade from sims 2, more detailed and realistic figures, ability to fully interact with the environment and buildings, propper story line.
To release something like this in order to make a quick buck leaves no winners in the long run.
The company flogging the crap looses credibility. A lot of the people who purchased said crap will not come back a second time. And so the sims will eventually die out.
They should have delayed the release for another 12 to 18 months and produced something that everyone was expecting, a genuine sims upgrade.

The whole thing was put together in a hell of a hurry to generate some quick cash. The five month delay was to enable a joint release for windows and mac, not to iron out any glitches.
As I said I feel for those that were hanging out for this with high expectations, only to find out after finally installing the crap that they've been well and truly had.
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