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The Bird Queen
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« Reply #90 on: March 16, 2009, 01:17:06 pm »

i've used these for testing my own outfits (works a dream, and is a lot faster, If I don't concidering that some of the otufits gets a little blurry, since they're using the DXT1 instead of DXT3 textures in simPE - but DXT3 is a bit heavier, and my computer suffers from extreme memory loss just like me, so I can live with that...)

I just paste the outfits onto the skin (with hats and everything) in photoshop, recolor in SimPE, and use invisible recolors of bloom's/tenshii's meshes together with them. Bodyshop is slow, so I avoid that... besides - it's only for testing outfits (at least for now). The babies are born "nude" with the skintone showing through the mesh, but I just change the skintone with the changer, and they've got outfits with hats/pacifiers in no time Smiley. I can even change their outfits to "naked" with the wardrobe adjuster (insim), and they magically have outfits without hats/pacifiers - without having to start the game over  Grin

only thing is that I don't yet know how to change names on the skintones... But I can live with that, too.

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Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~

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« Reply #91 on: June 14, 2009, 12:58:43 pm »

You mean baby - the first age?
My God! You must a#upload it at modthesims, then mor people will download it! cool
The Bird Queen
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« Reply #92 on: June 14, 2009, 05:14:42 pm »

Yes, babies/infants/first age/newborns Smiley

They are skintones, so they won't go off when bathing the sims (like the default overrides does) - but they are brilliant to use if you've got both girl and boy infants, and don't want to use the diapers or unisex overrides. I use these a lot for testing my own outfits. It goes a lot faster, since I can test 13 outfits by going ingame once (instead of going in and out of the game 13 times...)

As far as I understand, MTS2 are a lot more picky about uploads than insim. People with brilliant uploads are being turned down there, for the weirdest reasons ever - which is a shame, because I've seen crappy downloads there which should've been turned down instead...

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Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~

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« Reply #93 on: January 18, 2010, 05:10:14 pm »

I love your changer and was wondering if you planned on doing any updates with new outfits?

Note to self: It\'s illegal to stab people for being stupid!
~Blessed Be~

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« Reply #94 on: January 22, 2010, 06:15:24 pm »

I love your changer and was wondering if you planned on doing any updates with new outfits?

~At this point no I have not considered doing anymore outfits but there are other wonderful outfits available here~,100485.0.html


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« Reply #95 on: September 03, 2010, 02:37:26 pm »

OMG! You  Rock ! I hate my little boys wearing pink the same as their sister, my sim had triplets and there all wearing pink. This will be downloaded as soon as i get my laptop back Smiley Smiley
The Bird Queen
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« Reply #96 on: September 03, 2010, 02:49:15 pm »

Chris Hatch made girl-only outfits. And I've been messing around a lot with those, uploading quite a lot too. My infant girls can wear pink dresses as much as they want, but my boys are wearing blue onesies (or whatever else I decide to put them in) Grin

And here's one that lets them keep their skintones when they grow up, including a link to a tutorial on how to add more skintones/outfits. Just thought I'd say Wink

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Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~

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« Reply #97 on: July 22, 2012, 07:06:56 pm »

The diaper is on top of the clothes i need help i cant find the diaper u recomended please please answer  Sad
Queen of Caffeine
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« Reply #98 on: July 22, 2012, 08:20:19 pm »

Please take a moment to make sure you're posts are going to legible to everyone. Use full words instead of text speak ("you" instead of "u"), periods between your sentences and and capital letters where they are supposed to be.

Everybody should believe something.
I believe I'll have more coffee.

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« Reply #99 on: June 19, 2013, 06:35:02 am »

where can i download the insimenator? i couldn' t find. pls give me that' s link. thx for everything.
The Bird Queen
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« Reply #100 on: June 19, 2013, 06:13:11 pm »

What I don't understand, nevdar, is how on Earth you manage to find a random post in the download section that hasn't been posted in for a year, proceed to ask a question about something completely unrelated to the topic, on where to find something that is on the very front of the forum index if you just use your eyes (or the nifty search function).

No, I won't give you a link, because quite obviously you can find things that are hard to find, so take a look at the forum rules (spesifically the items about thread necromancy, grammar and posting in unrelated topics) and then take a good long look at the download section in the forum index. I'm sure you'll find it eventually.

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Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~

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« Reply #101 on: January 20, 2014, 10:44:58 am »

Was looking for this download, it says it has moved. Any idea where It has moved too? Smiley
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