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Author Topic: Problems with Fish and other Seasons actions  (Read 23696 times)
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« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2007, 11:45:21 am »

THAT'S MY PROBLEM!!!  I couldn't figure out why my cheat file wouldn't work, I bet it was because I had opened it and didn't remove the checkmark. So once it's already been checked and saved, how do we undo that? I would really LOVE for my cheats to work properly. Cheesy

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« Reply #46 on: March 20, 2007, 05:32:26 pm »

Here's how to change your file back to the proper extension:

01 - Double-click 'My Computer' and then click on 'Tools'

02 - Click on 'Folder Options' and then click on 'View'

03 - You'll see an option that says 'Hide extensions for known file types' with a check. REMOVE the check and click 'Apply'

04 - Now in your Sims 2\config folder, the file will show up as 'userStartup.txt'

05 - Right-click, choose 'Rename' and change the ending from .txt to .cheat

06 - A window will pop up asking you to confirm the change. It will give a warning about it possibly becoming unusable, but it will be fine. Just click 'Yes'. You'll see that the file type has changed from a .txt file back to the .cheat format.

07 - Go back to 'My Computer' \ 'Tools' \ 'Folder Options' \ 'View' and checkmark the hide known extensions box again.

08 - Hit 'Apply' and you're finished! Cheesy
« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 05:39:43 pm by Dunner » Logged

<('_'<) <('_')> (>'_')>

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« Reply #47 on: March 20, 2007, 05:53:08 pm »

Thank you!!!! *sings* My user cheat file is going to work! My user cheat file is going to work! My user cheat file is going to work!...


Thanks to everybody who submits their work, you've made my game so wonderful sometimes I can't STAND it!
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« Reply #48 on: March 20, 2007, 09:43:00 pm »

I wanted to update my userStartup.cheat file, but when I went to config file, there was no such thing.  The only things there were Broadcast, quaxi_ofb_censor_v1.package (?), userProps, and Video Capture.  What am I missing and how can I get the cheat file?  I apologize for being a nimnutz, but there I am.

...everywhere you go, there you are...:pickleride:

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« Reply #49 on: March 20, 2007, 10:18:49 pm »

You can probably just create one and it'll work fine. Just right-click in the config folder and choose 'New' and create a Text Document named 'userStartup'.

Go ahead and write what cheats you want in it, such as the use shaders code.

After you save and close it, just use the tutorial that I placed in my last post before this one to change the .txt file to a .cheat file. Smiley It should work fine then.

Most people had the userStartup.cheat file added to their config folder if they downloaded the earlier remove censor cheat, which was included in the original Sims 2 and Uni. EP, so not everyone has it by default.

NOTE: Out of curiosity, keep me informed so I know whether my tutorials have helped you guys. Wink
« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 10:21:48 pm by Dunner » Logged

<('_'<) <('_')> (>'_')>

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« Reply #50 on: March 20, 2007, 11:55:21 pm »

Well, yes and no. It seems my file was correctly listed as .cheat instead of .txt and is just set to open with notepad. Some cheats are working off of it and some aren't. The pets cheats aren't because I have to type them in, and the alias's aren't working because my shortened commands don't work. BUT the 45degree angle cheat IS working. Can't tell with bugjar until the bugs die and I keep forgetting which lot I've got bugjars in and which I don't so I'm never going to keep track of how long it's been and won't know if it's working until bugs die. Hope all that makes sense, I'm a little wiped from work today.

Thanks to everybody who submits their work, you've made my game so wonderful sometimes I can't STAND it!
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« Reply #51 on: March 21, 2007, 02:39:35 am »

Not every single cheat will work on a startup basis... Some things, for example, 'aging on/off' HAVE to be entered on a per lot basis, so those wouldn't work, I would assume. The same would go for the cheats that allow you to control the pets... I would suppose those would have to be typed in each time too.

Here's what I use and what works every time:

boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true
boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
userShaders true
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8

Those are what I have in my userStartup.cheat and they all work fine every time I play.

<('_'<) <('_')> (>'_')>

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« Reply #52 on: March 21, 2007, 08:40:57 am »

I think someone is going to have to test to find out if the bujar cheat works for startup then as that is the only other one I tried to use. So the file might have been working all along and I didn't know it! :smt119 I assumed it wasn't because the pet cheats weren't working! Alright, I admit to a certain amount of lameness.

Thanks to everybody who submits their work, you've made my game so wonderful sometimes I can't STAND it!
My X-Men fanfiction can be found here and pics of my X-Men and other sims here (everythings under 'scraps')

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« Reply #53 on: March 21, 2007, 10:34:55 am »

Quote from: dunner1;640307
You can probably just create one and it'll work fine. Just right-click in the config folder and choose 'New' and create a Text Document named 'userStartup'.

Go ahead and write what cheats you want in it, such as the use shaders code.

After you save and close it, just use the tutorial that I placed in my last post before this one to change the .txt file to a .cheat file. Smiley It should work fine then.

Most people had the userStartup.cheat file added to their config folder if they downloaded the earlier remove censor cheat, which was included in the original Sims 2 and Uni. EP, so not everyone has it by default.

NOTE: Out of curiosity, keep me informed so I know whether my tutorials have helped you guys. Wink

I just wanted to say I already knew about this, I had the 'no fish in tank' problem and by creating the userStartup.cheat file my problem was solved.  In my case I have all the expansion packs and for some reason it was deleted.

I never realised you could put other cheats in this file.  You mention that aside from userShaders true, boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true, boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, and intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8 work.  That's good to know, I'll try that.  Saying that, I don't think I'll include boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in mine because I have heard that it if you use it in your game you should only make it available when you need it.  But, I could be wrong, it was something I recall reading and thought I should mention it.

I have a method that I use.  I don't recall where I originally learnt about this, so I am not taking credit for it.  It has always worked for me.  It involves adding lines to a different cheat file.  By adding info to this file, I only have to type 'a' in my cheat window and it does the same as typing allow45degreeangleofrotation true.  If I type 'a-', it does the same as typing allow45degreeangleofrotation false.

Now it's important to say that this must be added to your latest expansion pack file.  For example, I have all the expansion packs, so I look for The Seasons file.

C/Program Files/EA GAMES/The Sims 2 Seasons/TSData/Res/Config

In the Config file there is a file called globalStartup.cheat, open that file.  If you are asked, select Notepad to open it.  You should see this when you open it;

# Sims2 global startup cheat file - this file is run on startup of the game application.  It's meant to reflect "production defaults".
# Do not modify this file locally -- instead create UserData/userStartup.cheat and modify that.

#     alias         real command                                    brief help                         full help
#     ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------
alias exit          hide                                            "Hide the cheat console window"    "Hide the cheat console window"
alias x             expand                                          "*Expand the cheat console window" "Hide the cheat console window"
alias h             help                                            "*Show the cheat help"             "Show the cheat help"
alias ?             help                                            "*Show the cheat help"             "Show the cheat help"


I have added the information below to this file;

alias m "moveObjects on" "Enables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""
alias m- "moveObjects off" "Disables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""

alias s "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false" "Lets you move objects off the grid" ""
alias s- "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true" "Makes objects snap to the grid" ""

alias f "boolprop constrainFloorElevation false" "Enables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""
alias f- "boolprop constrainFloorElevation true" "Disables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""

alias t "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Enables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
alias t- "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Disables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""

alias party "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 50" "Allows you to throw big parties when activated on the neighbourhood screen" ""

alias a "boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true" ""
alias a- "boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation  false" ""

alias c "motherlode" ""

alias d "boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled true" ""
alias d- "boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled false" ""

alias sh "showheadlines on" ""
alias sh- "showheadlines off" ""

alias ucr "unlockcareerrewards" ""

alias mm "maxmotives" ""

alias md "motivedecay on" ""
alias md- "motivedecay off" ""

alias la "lockaspiration on" ""
alias la- "lockaspiration off" ""

alias cp "boolprop controlpets on" ""
alias cp- "boolprop controlpets off" ""

alias pac "boolprop petsactioncancel true" ""
alias pac- "boolprop petsactioncancel false" ""

alias pfw "boolprop petsfreewill true" ""
alias pfw- "boolprop petsfreewill false" ""


By adding this to the file I only have to type the alias letters in my cheat window.  Take the 'motherlode' cheat, all I need to do is type 'c' now.  If I type 'm' the 'moveObjects on' is enabled and 'm-' for 'moveObjects off'.  Just in case there is some confusion I insert the ' to highlight the command, you do not need to enter it in the command window.  So 'c' means you only need to type c, nothing else.

Obviously, if you don't have Pet's you would have no need for the Pet's cheats, the same is true with the 'dormSpecificToolsDisabled' cheat because it is for University.  But I must stress again if you choose to try this make sure you put the information in your MOST RECENT Expansion Pack.  So if your most recent pack is Open for Business, you would look for the globalStartup.cheat file in your Open for Business Config file.  Also, you don't have to use everything I have.  I have given an example using my information as a guideline.  I thought I'd paste my file in total below because my examples above were given in 2 parts.  Here you go, my globalStartup.cheat file as it appears in my C/Program Files/EA GAMES/The Sims 2 Seasons/TSData/Res/Config;

# Sims2 global startup cheat file - this file is run on startup of the game application.  It's meant to reflect "production defaults".
# Do not modify this file locally -- instead create UserData/userStartup.cheat and modify that.

#     alias         real command                                    brief help                         full help
#     ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------
alias exit          hide                                            "Hide the cheat console window"    "Hide the cheat console window"
alias x             expand                                          "*Expand the cheat console window" "Hide the cheat console window"
alias h             help                                            "*Show the cheat help"             "Show the cheat help"
alias ?             help                                            "*Show the cheat help"             "Show the cheat help"


alias m "moveObjects on" "Enables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""
alias m- "moveObjects off" "Disables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""

alias s "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false" "Lets you move objects off the grid" ""
alias s- "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true" "Makes objects snap to the grid" ""

alias f "boolprop constrainFloorElevation false" "Enables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""
alias f- "boolprop constrainFloorElevation true" "Disables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""

alias t "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Enables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
alias t- "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Disables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""

alias party "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 50" "Allows you to throw big parties when activated on the neighbourhood screen" ""

alias a "boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true" ""
alias a- "boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation  false" ""

alias c "motherlode" ""

alias d "boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled true" ""
alias d- "boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled false" ""

alias sh "showheadlines on" ""
alias sh- "showheadlines off" ""

alias ucr "unlockcareerrewards" ""

alias mm "maxmotives" ""

alias md "motivedecay on" ""
alias md- "motivedecay off" ""

alias la "lockaspiration on" ""
alias la- "lockaspiration off" ""

alias cp "boolprop controlpets on" ""
alias cp- "boolprop controlpets off" ""

alias pac "boolprop petsactioncancel true" ""
alias pac- "boolprop petsactioncancel false" ""

alias pfw "boolprop petsfreewill true" ""
alias pfw- "boolprop petsfreewill false" ""


Like I said before, this has always worked for me so I can't see any problems if you do it correctly.  Hope this is helpful!  Please note; you must select each Sim to unlock their career reward.  It won't make rewards available for all the Sims on the lot, only the highlighted Sim.  So 5 Sims means you enter the code 5 times, highlighting each Sim before you enter the cheat.


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« Reply #54 on: March 21, 2007, 11:26:53 am »

Okay, so there is one place to put regular cheats so they'll be active on startup and another for the aliases? Well that's pretty important information! I've been trying to put it all in the userstartup.cheat and had no idea about this globalstartup! *sigh* I'll change it tonight when I get home and see if that fixes it. I wouldn't worry about it so much except I do type in some of these things every single frickin time I play the game. *muttering* Here I was thinking I was doing it all wrong...

Thanks to everybody who submits their work, you've made my game so wonderful sometimes I can't STAND it!
My X-Men fanfiction can be found here and pics of my X-Men and other sims here (everythings under 'scraps')

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« Reply #55 on: March 21, 2007, 11:58:49 am »

Quote from: Dizi;641129
Okay, so there is one place to put regular cheats so they'll be active on startup and another for the aliases? Well that's pretty important information! I've been trying to put it all in the userstartup.cheat and had no idea about this globalstartup! *sigh* I'll change it tonight when I get home and see if that fixes it. I wouldn't worry about it so much except I do type in some of these things every single frickin time I play the game. *muttering* Here I was thinking I was doing it all wrong...

If it helps you any, the only thing in my userStartup.cheat file is;

userShaders true

But that's to give you a guideline.  dunner points out 3 other things you can put in that file that will work.  My method is an alternative.  Also, I want to stress that with my method you still have to enter commands in the cheat window when you play the game, you just don't have to enter the longer original versions of these commands.  So, for example, there is no need to type 'moveobjects on', all you need to do is type 'm'.  That single letter should do the same thing.  You seem to get this, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Another tip for you, do you know if you use the up arrow key in your cheat window, all the commands you have made in the game so far will appear one after another?  Just make sure you click on the command line or it won't work.


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« Reply #56 on: March 21, 2007, 02:33:50 pm »

I do know most of that and I'd found a guide showing how to write out the aliases but it didn't say to put them in globalstartup and the beginning of it was userstartup so I understandably thought they both went in the same file.

Thanks to everybody who submits their work, you've made my game so wonderful sometimes I can't STAND it!
My X-Men fanfiction can be found here and pics of my X-Men and other sims here (everythings under 'scraps')

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« Reply #57 on: March 21, 2007, 03:19:43 pm »

Quote from: Dizi;641384
I do know most of that and I'd found a guide showing how to write out the aliases but it didn't say to put them in globalstartup and the beginning of it was userstartup so I understandably thought they both went in the same file.

Great, so you seem to have all the info you need then.  At the risk of sounding like a repeating grandmother, make sure you find the globalStartup.cheat file in your most recent expansion pack Config file.  

C/Program Files/EA GAMES/*recent expansion pack*/TSData/Res/Config

For anyone else reading this, if you are unsure what your most recent expansion is, check the disk you use when you play the game.  That will tell you.

Also, remember to change it if another expansion pack comes out in the future.  You don't necassarily have to remove it from the existing file, I noticed my Nightlife globalStartup.cheat file still has the changes and it hasn't affected my game.  The important thing is making sure it's in the most recent, like I keep saying.  And make sure you wear a warm scarf when it's cold out deary!  LOL  


ps- Dizi, please let me know if this worked.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 03:24:25 pm by bulldawg » Logged

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« Reply #58 on: March 21, 2007, 05:10:59 pm »

for some reason I can't mount mine now hmmmm

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« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2007, 10:31:02 am »

Sorry, real life got in the way last night and I didn't have time to pull up the game. I'll try tonight and tell you the results. Unless something else happens.

Thanks to everybody who submits their work, you've made my game so wonderful sometimes I can't STAND it!
My X-Men fanfiction can be found here and pics of my X-Men and other sims here (everythings under 'scraps')
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