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Songs that drive you crazy..
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Topic: Songs that drive you crazy.. (Read 48872 times)
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Posts: 306
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #30 on:
December 18, 2008, 12:55:18 pm »
As of now, Amr Diab, an Arabic singer, is getting to me. Well not his other music but his album called Alem Albi is annoying. I think it`s because my husband plays it every damn day.
Also know as, "amar_el7ob". And I know I had more than 300+ post on the old Insim site :|
Posts: 11
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #31 on:
December 18, 2008, 08:48:32 pm »
Quote from: rebelmozzerella on June 26, 2007, 12:38:26 pm
I have a new one:
Beautiful Girl~Sean Kingston
The guy is a horrible singer and the song is just so STUPID.
OMG! And i thought i was the only one! its craptatouille....actually, it applies to every one of his songs. (Me Love, Roll etc.)
i agree with DraculaBiscuits - taylor swift's songs are plain awful, especially Love Story and Fearless, they are craptatouille too.
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Posts: 346
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #32 on:
December 19, 2008, 01:29:25 am »
1. Anything by Miley Cyrus. Anything.
2. Anything by the Jonas Brothers as well.
3. This really old song that goes like "wooahoooo listen to the music!" over and over again.
4. "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt.
What's sad is I actually like "Umbrella"... *hangs head in shame*
Posts: 306
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #33 on:
December 19, 2008, 01:31:33 am »
Quote from: heartless on December 19, 2008, 01:29:25 am
1. Anything by Miley Cyrus. Anything.
2. Anything by the Jonas Brothers as well.
3. This really old song that goes like "wooahoooo listen to the music!" over and over again.
4. "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt.
What's sad is I actually like "Umbrella"... *hangs head in shame*
LOl I love the song "Umbrella" hehe. I wont have any shame in that song.
Also know as, "amar_el7ob". And I know I had more than 300+ post on the old Insim site :|
Queen of Spamming
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Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #34 on:
December 19, 2008, 01:36:17 am »
Girlfriend, by Avril Lavigne.
...everytime I hear it, I want to strangle someone.
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Posts: 824
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #35 on:
December 20, 2008, 06:19:58 am »
Anything by The Veronicas.
It seems that their songs just rhyme for the sake of rhyming.
Rhymes are great. The other day to work I was late.
And they always echo every single line.
Ooooohhhh not again!
And they're all either love songs or break-up songs.
The Hamster Dance = WTF
The Emo Song
Rap songs.
Bleeding Love.
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Posts: 25
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #36 on:
December 20, 2008, 02:28:18 pm »
any song by Kanye West; for some strange reason he is so annoying, and people act like because I am from Chicago it is an obligation to like him. ick. not me.
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Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #37 on:
December 20, 2008, 04:50:46 pm »
I think it would have to be the song from Madagascar, Move It. My son has taken to singing it over and over and over, and you get the idea. I have to back it up to that section constantly when he watches it and I'm seriously thinking of hiding that dratted DVD!
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Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #38 on:
December 20, 2008, 06:09:52 pm »
Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis.
I've heard this sooo often it's making me lose the will to live.
"It's always a lot scarier dealing with the living. Give me a ghost to talk to any day." ~Roy Mustang
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Posts: 353
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #39 on:
December 21, 2008, 11:28:12 am »
I hate many new European bands and singers
but talking about single songs sometimes I don't know the correct titles but I don't like repetitive and\or sloppy lyrics
Koji Tamaki \(^o^)/
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Posts: 9
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #40 on:
December 21, 2008, 12:18:28 pm »
Anything by Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, Jesus Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood, and so many other songs I forgot them all.
Posts: 346
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #41 on:
December 22, 2008, 02:06:01 am »
Oh... How about the "crazy frog" song? I'm sure I'm not the only one driven up a wall by that sorry excuse of a song.
Posts: 180
Glam As You
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #42 on:
December 23, 2008, 03:53:36 am »
I hate when people ruin songs that used to be perfect...A prime example is "reach out and touch me" by hilary duff...not only is this talentless cow ripping off the wonderful Depeche Mode's song Personal Jesus, but she couldnt even be bothered to rip it off properly and ends up making an idiot out of herself by singing the wrong lyrics. It isnt "Reach out and touch
", it is infact sang as "Reach out and touch
Posts: 87
tila tequila <3
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #43 on:
December 26, 2008, 09:30:48 pm »
Quote from: rebelmozzerella on June 26, 2007, 11:21:55 am
1. Walk it Out by Unk
2. Pop Lock and Drop it by
3. Umbrella by Rihanna (does anybody like that song???)
4. I'm In Luv Wit a Stripper by T-Pain (I HATE this song)
Pop, Lock and Drop It is by huey
dnt know who that is
It's really funny coz songs like 7 Things, The logical song or She's like a star are supposed to be annoying but i tolerate them.
In fact, She's Like A star - Sugababes and Taio Cruz is my favourite song
alice is love .:twilight:.
Posts: 23
Re: Songs that drive you crazy..
Reply #44 on:
December 27, 2008, 10:37:59 am »
Keep Your Hands to Yourself
by the Georgia Satellites . . . a nice little ditty making fun of girls who say "no", and
by the Allman Brothers . . . there's a limit to how many times one should be allowed to repeat a single guitar riff in the same song.
Both songs are moldy oldies . . . I stopped listening to the radio years ago.
When others do a foolish thing, you should tell them it is a foolish thing. They can still continue to do it, but at least the truth is where it needs to be. ~ Dukhat~ (J. Michael Straczynski, Babylon 5)
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