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Author Topic: Between the Light and the Darknes ~~~Chapter 34 - The End~~~  (Read 235039 times)
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« Reply #720 on: January 24, 2009, 01:51:11 am »

Anotha beautiful chapter! Kudos to Astral! (I have know idea what that means, must be some sort of american phrase)

Despite not knowing what it means, you used it correctly! lol.

But here's the wiki definition for you anyway:  Grin Hehe.

"Bingle-bongle, dingle-dangle, yickety-doo, yickety-daa, ping-pong, lippy-tappy-too-taa."
Astral Faery

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« Reply #721 on: January 24, 2009, 03:01:49 pm »

Thank you, Zorom!  I've been practicing a little with photoshop throughout this story - so I really appreciate the compliments!

Hee hee, thanks, Aralie.

Okay, let's see...

We have Tim:

and Shirra:

Nauri is Shirra with red hair (I said Ileeya last time) both the sisters are identical except for their makeup.  I think when I made Merillon, all I did was put Lainel in CAS and click the 'male' button, so he is actually the masculine version of her.  However, I will put him up for download, soon, the next time I go into bodyshop.  It takes about 16 hours to load, so I don't go in there everyday, lol.  When I get them all uploaded to mediafire, I'll make a post with all the links together so they'll be easier to find.  And I'll keep checking my inbox for pm's of anyone who would like Samael or Malir.


Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #722 on: January 25, 2009, 12:34:49 pm »

How did I miss this update?  Great chapter! With Jondak out of the way it's just the two sisters now to battle it out! Rock

Coptic Text
Now, when you come under their power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: "Who are you, and where are you from?"

You are then to say to him, "I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source."
Astral Faery

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« Reply #723 on: January 25, 2009, 07:18:22 pm »

Thanks, Vicki!  Glad you could stop by.

And by the way, I lied when I said Merillon was the feminine version of Lainel.  I tried that and it SO does not look like him, lol.  So I'll extract him next time I'm in bodyshop.

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #724 on: January 27, 2009, 01:00:14 pm »

Thanks Aralie! Yeah, I know how to say it because my 40-year old teacher says it all the time.  Undecided

Astral...getting impatient...needs cookies/story updates...

Astral Faery

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« Reply #725 on: January 27, 2009, 01:48:14 pm »

What?  What do you mean impatient?  It hasn't been that long, yet, lol.  The next chapter is nearly finished.  Hope to have it up by the end of the weekend.  Patience, Grasshopper.  Grin

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #726 on: January 28, 2009, 01:56:02 pm »

lol it's Beatle. Not grasshopper.
This weekend? Quicker than usual, Astral.
We gotta come up with another nickname-As? Astra? Astral Asty! Yaay!

Astral Faery

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« Reply #727 on: January 28, 2009, 08:20:01 pm »

LOL, alright then, Beatle it is.

I admit some of these chapters have been quite slow going.  I was suffering some major burnout for awhile.  But I've been feeling more in the groove, lately, and will hopefully be able to wrap this up in a decent time frame.

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #728 on: January 29, 2009, 12:03:59 am »

i've been trying to send you a PM, so i could give you my e-mail address, so that you could send me Malir and Samael.
one problem,
i type up the PM and then click send, but it won't send because it says something like: " cannot find astral faery" i've tried multiple different ways to send you one PM...
i'm thinking it's a forum issue?
anyways, my e-mail is:

[it doesn't really matter if people get it because it's a spam e-mail account]
Astral Faery

Posts: 873

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« Reply #729 on: January 29, 2009, 12:40:54 pm »

That's just weird.  I still have 90% of my PM box free.

Anyhoo, I just sent off your sims, so be on the lookout for them.  Let me know when you get them.

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
-For some awesome reading try SimTales:
-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!
Queen of Caffeine
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« Reply #730 on: January 29, 2009, 01:05:58 pm »

i've been trying to send you a PM, so i could give you my e-mail address, so that you could send me Malir and Samael.
one problem,
i type up the PM and then click send, but it won't send because it says something like: " cannot find astral faery" i've tried multiple different ways to send you one PM...
i'm thinking it's a forum issue?
anyways, my e-mail is:

[it doesn't really matter if people get it because it's a spam e-mail account]

It was a forum issue. Some members were not showing up in the members list for some reason, rendering the pm system unable to send any messages to them. The problem seems to be resolved now, so pm away!

Everybody should believe something.
I believe I'll have more coffee.
Astral Faery

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« Reply #731 on: January 29, 2009, 10:24:22 pm »

Ah!  Thanks for checking into it!  Grin

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!

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« Reply #732 on: January 30, 2009, 08:27:05 pm »

thanks for looking into that issue caffeinated, i was getting worried that it was my comp. lol

Astral - i got the two gorgeous men, thank you soo much! i can't wait to import them and breed them with my lovely ladies.... they've been lonely... hehehe. Tongue
i really appreciate all the things you do for your loyal readers :]
Astral Faery

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« Reply #733 on: January 31, 2009, 12:38:40 pm »

Aw, you're a sweetie.  I'm happy you got the sims.  I will try to get Merillon done sometime this century, too.  But for now...I have an UPDATE!!

This chapter is a little shorter than normal, but I've left you guys hanging in the most evil of places, muahaha  Evil  But it's only because I love you all!  And the usual warnings apply:  blood, violence, etc.  But I'm sure you all know that by now.  Wink

Ileeya fell on her side, choking, while Shirra laughed.  But then Shirra fell to her side as well, wheezing along side her sister and cluthing her throat which was constricting tightly.

"Ghoeine," Shirra choked.   Instantly the pressure was gone.  Both sisters stood and gazed at each other.  "Nicely done.  You may provide more of a challenge than I thought."

"You can't kill me as easily as you think, either, Shirra.  I do have Father's warrior spirit in me." 

"Father!  I tire of talking about him.  Warriors are weak minded.  They cannot open their mind to the possibilities of things greater than a sword.  My son will wield a sword and practice magic.  Very difficult, I know, but I want him to rule with power to vanquish his enemies in any way possible."

"Your son?"

Shirra smiled and crossed her arms.  "Yes, foolish sister.  I'm pregnant with Tim's baby.  Did he forget to tell you?  Maybe he didn't want you know how close we were that day.  It was the best time I ever had, and from that beautiful union, a child will be born."

"But you're not even pregnant."

"Yes," Shirra sighed exasperatedly, "I am.  With your lover's child.  How does that make you feel?  Even after you both are gone, Tim's genes will live on, and conquer and control.  Actually, I think I'll spare Tim.  I'll keep him locked in the dungeon so he can watch his son grow up from behind bars.  So he can see what a fine man his son becomes."

"No, Shirra.  You are not pregnant.  Tim is sterile."

"What?!"  Shirra screamed.

"What?!"  Tim echoed behind her.

"Even multiplied, his seed can't fertilize."

"No.  That's not true..."

"He will never father a child."

Tim felt like someone had just slapped him.  Sterile?  He could never be a father?

"But, even now, I feel a life growing inside of me.  Stretching, wiggling, content.  I can feel it - I know it is there."

"You want it to be there.  You wanted it so badly that you wouldn't even stop to consider that it wasn't possible.  Your body responded to your wishes.  You imagined the whole thing."

"That's not possible.  You're lying.  Tim's child will be born."

"Did you use your magic to see if you were actually carrying a child?  Or did you just assume you were?"

"I didn't need magic to tell me - I could feel it!  I can feel it still!"

Ileeya shrugged indifferently.  "You should have checked.  Perhaps you're carrying Jondak's child."

"That's not possible.  I stopped bedding Jondak when I started bedding Tim."

Tim, wait for my signal.  Ileeya's words in his brain shook him out of his reverie.  What signal?  What was she planning?

Trust me, Tim.  He waited while the sisters continued to bicker.

"Shut up!  You're just jealous!  Jealous that I'm carrying Tim's baby!"

"I have nothing to be jealous of.  He never loved you.  Never!  Do you hear me you, bitch?  Tim never loved you.  You had to force his passion.  It never meant anything to him.  Everytime you brought him hear for your pleasure, it meant nothing to him.  It was just an act!  He came back to me!  And he loved me completely."

Shirra's face grew dark.  "Bitch, am I?  I do believe you're right - dear sister!!" 

Shirra abruptly threw her hand out at Ileeya, causing her trip over her feet and land on her backside.

Then, Tim's sword slid across the room toward Ileeya, and stopped right in front of her.

"Go ahead, Ileeya.  Pick it up.  It's time we finished this."  Her eyes were nearly black, her face a mixture of pain and rage.

Ileeya looked at Shirra skeptically for a moment.  Then at the sword.  She raised herself to her feet and bent to pick it up.  She looked at her sister and took a step toward her.  Shirra smiled, waved her hand, and instantly the sword grew hot in Ileeya's grasp.  So hot it began to singe her skin.

Ileeya yelped in pain and tried to drop the sword, but it was stuck.  She howled as the pommel began to melt into her flesh.  Smoke could now be seen rising up from her hand.  Tears came to her eyes from the pain, then she closed her eyes and concentrated.

The sword dropped to the floor with a clang.  Shirra threw her head back and laughed again, while Ileeya surveyed her hand for damage.  She concentrated on it, and the flesh slowly began to heal itself, the burns started to fade, and her normal pale skin could be seen underneath.

But she was distracted.  And while she was healing her hand, the sword raised into the air.  Shirra moved her hand up to chest level and the sword raised as well.  Then Shirra pulled her hand backward pushed it foward quickly, like an open handed punch.

The sword mimicked her movements, and jabbed forward at Ileeya.  It plunged into her chest and she screamed.  In slow motion, Ileeya fell over, clutching her chest.  She fell to the ground, and blood puddled beneath her.  Her eyes closed.

"NOOOOO!!!"  Tim felt like he had suffered the wound.  To see the love of his life fall from his enemy's hand killed him.  He shook the bars and screamed it over and over until his throat felt numb while Shirra simply regarded silently.

He sobbed openly.  Shirra walked over to the cage.  "You really did love her, didn't you?  She never realized how lucky she was, how good she had it.  I felt love for a brief time..."

"You supreme bitch!  I want you dead!  I want to kill you myself!"  Tim's emotions were muddled.  Pain and anger became one, the bloodlust was returning and he desperately wanted nothing more than to kill the witch that stood before him.

Tim let out an anguished groan.

"Is that what you want?"  Her sticky sweet voice dripped at him.  "Alright.  I suppose I could give you a sporting chance."

She turned toward Ileeya's crumpled form, the sword still stuck in her chest.  "Ebdien," she mumbled quietly.  The sword wiggled itself free, rose into the air, and flew into Shirra's hand.

She approached the cage, sword in hand.  Instinctively, he backed away, afraid she would ram it into him rather than give it to him.  His legs grew weak and he slumped to the floor.

"Now.  I think it's about time I stopped playing with my toys and got back to work.  Do you think you can do better than my sister?  You have no magic to aid you.  And though your sword skills are coming along, they're still lacking."

To be continued...

« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 04:12:11 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #734 on: January 31, 2009, 03:52:59 pm »

OMG!  Wow! Talk about your fast paced, action packed drama.  I never saw the twist that maybe Shirra isn't pregnant with Tim's baby coming.  I'm wondering if Iyeela really knows that Tim is sterile or if she just made it up to psych her sister out.  Wouldn't that be a trip if she was pregnant by Jondak instead?  That would serve Shirra right!  I can't tell you how anxious I am to see what happens next.  Great job as always, Ari!

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