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Author Topic: Here is the story of my daughter Sophie  (Read 4667 times)
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« on: March 25, 2008, 05:44:10 am »

Hello everyone I decided to do my first story and since I didnt take pictures of me and my husband while we were together I started documenting my daughters life, so here she is my college student Sophie:

This is Sophie calling her worried mom to tell me that she is at the new dorms and she has everything packed away safe. Being a A+ student all her life Im trying not to worry to much about her being very far away in the desert for college.

So college was going great for her until she met Adien

This was the first time in her life that she had had a real boyfriend. And with the boyfriend came the slipping of the grades. Sometimes when she came home now I didnt even recognize her, she pierced her nose and starting dressing like those girls in the music videos. I almost dropped dead when she came to visit one weekend and told me that changed her major to drama so that she could be a movie star in Hollywood.
ME- "Sophie how could you do that. All your life you have wanted to be in journalism. Why are you letting some boy come between you and what you wanted?"
SOPHIE- " Mom hes not some boy I love him. I can't wait until we get married. We are going to be as happy as you and dad you just watch. And being an actress I will be making so much money I will buy you and dad your dream house, you'll have a maid, and a chef it will be fun and I know I can do it. Im beatiful, smart, and young.
ME-" I know that you are beatiful and smart, but think about the young part honey. Please reconsider this. At least think about it some more. And you are way to young to be getting married, you are a freshman in college only 19 wait awhile before you make such a big jump."

And so began the battle to keep my sanity

While I was trying to keep it together Sophie was having the time of her life at college

I was hoping that her relationship with Adien would end soon but by midterms they were taking it much farther. Josh (my husband and her father) had no clue how to deal with the situation. She had never acted like this before. She was very well mannered and clean cut when she lived at home. We tried to plead with her to move closer to home but she wouldnt have it.

Yes thats a ring on her finger. He proposed to her. I felt horrible and wanted to go get her and drag her home, but I thought about it and maybe this will be good for her. I mean she seems happy and I cant do anything about, so I will just be happy that she is happy.

After her sophmore year she transfered colleges a few towns over to get a better education. I admit I was alittle happy that Adien was staying behind and not going with. We talked her into getting a part time job in the cafe at the dorms to make some extra money.

Everythin was starting to look up. The best part was that she was away from Adien and now talking about her partner for one of her drama classes Mike. I was hopeing and praying that she would leave Adien for this guy. He seemed great, she would tell me about him for hours. How they stayed up doign homwork, and goofing around. The best part was since she had been working with him she got herself a spot on the deans list.

Studying late was what I was used to her talking about I felt for she that she was back to herself again. She was still talking to Adien on the phone and he would visit every once in awhile, but Mike seemed to have brought her back to herself.

During her senior year her and Adien started fighting A LOT. About everything, he wanted Sophie to quit college and move to a house with him since he already graduated. And thank God Sophie didnt want to. Adien was trying everything in the book to get her to move. Even saying that if she wanted to be his wife that she had to do it. One day she had had enough.

I was so happy that she broke it off with him but sad to see her hurting.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 06:25:45 am by tricbyg » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2008, 07:05:58 am »

As things got better she told me that Mike had helped her through a lot of the late nights of crying. Even though she had known this was coming it was still her first love and she was having a hard time getting over it. Mike was a great comfort to her.

One night I got a call from Sophie as I was getting in bed

ME-" Hey honey what are you doing?"
SOPHIE- "Mom I think I like Mike, what do I do?"
"What do you mean what do you do? If you like him you should tell him."
"But what if he doesnt like me mom? I will loose him as a friend."
"Honey I think that as much as he has stood by you that you will be able to take a chance and tell him. Hes been a great friend so I think that he would make an even better boyfriend to you. Just take it slow this time."
"Ok I will try and tell him. I better let you sleep, love you mom."

I cant believe how happy I was to hear that she was happy and going to tell Mike she liked him. And Im really hopeing that things are going to work out with them because he would make the prefect son in law.

They finally made it offical. Mike told her that he was so glad he waited for her, but wished she would have told him sooner. I finally had my daughter back. She was calling every week again and staying on the deans list. She was in love and this time Im hopeing that it sticks. The only bad thing was that Adien wouldnt stop calling her and telling her that he wanted to work it out. One day he even showed up on the campus and caught her kissing Mike.

He couldnt believe that she had left him and got right back into a relationship. He started arguing with Sophie about her never really loving him and just using him. As soon as she started crying Mike punched him in the jaw.

After he kicked his butt he went a talked to Sophie and they finally said I love you in the rooftop room at he college

They continued dating all through the year but when midterms came Mike had to go home to visit his family in Ohio, so Sophie was left at the college alone for the holidays because she didnt save enough money to come home. Man oh man was she excited when he came back though.

She jumped in his arms and said she was never letting him go again.

She made out with him on the couch for hours. and when he finally got her to come up for air he brought out a ring and asked her to be his fiance.

My new beatiful engaged couple. I was so happy to find out. She invited me over right away to tell me.

And so she ended her college days being happier than I could have imagined. Engaged to a man that truely loves her and has proved he'll stand by her. She never changed her mind about being a actress but with her head in the right place now she will be able to do it.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 07:09:21 am by tricbyg » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 08:40:47 am »

Thats a really good story is there a contiuned bit ? Cheesy

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« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 01:33:30 pm »

I think it sounds great but you should work on your picture-taking.

Type in plumbobtoggle off to get rid of that annoying green diamond on top of their heads, it really helps.
And click "Walls up" when you're taking pictures, it looks much better. After all, in real life we can't see through walls, right? Smiley
Your angles are brilliant, and I like your story.


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« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2008, 08:16:56 pm »

Yeah and mabey make your quality higher

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