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Author Topic: The Avalon Legacy - Updated 12/03/08 - Chapter 23  (Read 136986 times)
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« Reply #195 on: August 10, 2008, 10:22:38 pm »

I absolutly love you! Your stories are the best. You're very talented.
Astral Faery

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« Reply #196 on: August 11, 2008, 01:11:12 am »

Thank you all!  I'll try to get an update done for this in a couple of days.  Things are going to be crazy this week as we get ready to go back to school.  Plus I'm still babysitting - but almost done!

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #197 on: August 11, 2008, 11:57:15 am »

Joseph has become a Celebrity Chef.  And that purple outfit looks very hot!  The perfect color to compliment his bright red hair.  I'm very proud of my husband.  He's worked very hard and he finally reached his goal.

Aubrey:  Look, Mom.  I have an A.  And with no help, either.  I would make the perfect heir, because I'm brilliant.

Arynn's birthday is here!

Blow out the candles, baby.  And don't forget to make a wish.

Childhood, hooray!  Lots of new things to explore, like school and homework.

Aubrey:  Mom said I'm going to be heir because I grew up so well.  

Arynn:  Did not!

Aubrey:  Yes she did.  And she said that she was disappointed in how you turned out.  Didn't you grow up well?

Arynn:  You liar!  That's not what she said.  I have flowing red hair, I will be heir!

Aubrey:  Can you hurry up, please?  I kinda need to go.

Neighbors are always drawn to this room.  The large beautiful bed with its colorful walls and matching bedding, complimented by bright red flowers and tasteful paintings.  I'm so glad we shopped at Sugah's Place.  I can't tell you how often one of the neighbors decides to just sleep over.

Almeric:  Why is this girl in my bed?  Who the heck is she?  I don't even know her.  I'm not sleeping in this bed.

Almeric:  AAAAHHH!!!

Joseph:  Okay, son.  It's about time we helped you with your homework.  Even though you're already a straight A student, you could still learn to do your work more efficiently.

Aubrey:  Aaaahh!  Great Grandma Kenya's ghost!

Joseph:  Okay, are you ready now?

Aubrey:  Aaaahh!  Great Grandpa Alwyn's ghost!

Joseph:  Sigh.  It's not like I don't have other things to do, you know.

Aubrey:  So scared...

Joseph:  Well, it looks like you're too tired to do your homework, now.  You better go to bed.  We'll try again tomorrow.

Alynna:  Get out!  Trying to weasel your way into to the Legacy, aren't you?

Some nights are peaceful, without a ghost in sight.  And others are just one scare after another.

Arynn:  Aaaahhh!

See what I mean?

Aubrey:  I have an A+ in school because I'm brilliant.

Arynn:  So?  I'll have one, too, after Mom helps me with my homework.

Aubrey:  I didn't need any help.  I got an A+ all by myself, because I'm brilliant.

Arynn:  You said that already.

Aubrey:  And I'm going to be famous and travel the world with all the wonderful toys I make.

Arynn:  Yeah, yeah, we know, we know.

Aubrey:  Yeah, but you don't know that I'm going to fly all over the place and sell my toys, and I won't give any to you!

Arynn:  Big deal.  Who wants your stupid toys anyway?  I'll be busy being heir.

Well hello future legacy material.  She's pretty.  

Arynn:  Look, Mom!  I got an A+!  Hooray!

Me:  Hold on, honey.  I'm busy talking to a possible future Avalon wife.

Arynn:  Hooray hooray hooray!  Aren't you proud of me, Mom?

Me:  Just a minute, dear.  Cara and I are having lunch.

Arynn:  Well, I'm proud of me.  Let's see if my stupid brother gets to be heir now.

I always kind of cringe when my folks wander around in their underwear.  They may as well wear a sign around their neck that says 'We had WooHoo!'  I mean, I'm glad they're still so hot for each other, but that stuff should be kept private, you know?

Aubrey:  Aw, I'm too tired to have a birthday today.

Me:  Look.  Your dad wants to throw you a party, and he doesn't get off from work until 8.  Then he needs to use the toilet, shower, and set things up.  Then he has to spend a little time with each guest so they don't feel left out.  Your grandparents both want you to have a great birthday, and I want you to grow up well.  So to make everyone happy, we have to have the party late at night.  We're all having fun, so blow out your candles and enjoy your birthday!

Aubrey:  My parents let me sleep for awhile before it was candle blowing time.  I wish we could have our parties during the day like normal people.

Congratulations, Aubrey!  Now you're a teen.  I wonder what the future will hold for you.

Aw, geez.  Not again.

There goes the big screen.

Aubrey is the first one awake and rushes out to see what's going on.

By the time Dorian gets there, the thief has made her way to the piano room.  He attacks her...  

...and she kicks his butt.  Sigh.

Aren't they training these guys, anymore?  This is the second time a thief has gotten away because of imcompetence.

Loser Dorian:  I'm terribly sorry.  She got away.

Joseph and Almeric:  The noise!  Make it stop!  Get that girl off the piano!

Loser Dorian:  I'm such a loser.

Loser Dorian:  Sigh...

With the Generation 5 children growing fast, we thought it was about time we found a mate for Thing 2.  We had been keeping her young enough to bear kittens for quite awhile, now, and it's about time for Generation 5 of the cat legacy to get started.  So, meet Wisp.  Gorgeous, isn't he?

Arynn:  I don't like flags.  The make everything look tacky.  And if I'm heir I'll never have any on the property.

Almeric:  This child is insufferable.  I hope they don't make her heir.  I don't think I could stand it.  If they do choose her, I swear I will haunt her every night of her life.

Arynn:  You're such a little person.  You have little dreams.  Selling toys all over the world?  Big deal.  I reached A+ in less time than you, and I will do much more with my life.  This red hair is going to win me heir.

I offered Cara a makeover, because I really thought she could use a new look.  She's fabulous, isn't she?

I don't know what creeps me out more, the people ghosts or the cat ghosts.

I offered Payton, a local college kid, a makeover, and he was so impressed that he stayed all day.  And all night.  He slept over, and greeted us with a smile in the morning.  Everyone seems to love our place, either that or they're hoping for a spot in the Legacy.

Joseph just adores Wisp.  The two get along great.  Even though I'm the one that drove downtown and picked him out, he prefers Joseph.  Go figure.

This cracked me up.  Wisp is having thoughts of deep dish pizza.  I guess he's not impressed with his catfood.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 01:16:51 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

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« Reply #198 on: August 11, 2008, 06:34:16 pm »

Aww Wisp is adorable.  I wish I had some blue cats to add to the legacy.. Hm...
And I am torn between the two kids.  Arynn is so pretty and she adds some variety (but she has Joseph's nose cough cough).  And Aubrey is so handsome and if he marries that one girl you keep mentioning, they'll have red-haired kids too.  (And he doesn't have Joseph's nose cough cough)

Yes, I have issues with noses. Wink

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« Reply #199 on: August 11, 2008, 11:06:54 pm »

Lol, I agree with Medagic. Though, I'm kinda liking Aubrey more than Arynn Smiley
Astral Faery

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« Reply #200 on: August 12, 2008, 09:57:15 am »

Thanks for your comments, guys.  It's going to be an agonizingly long wait to find out who gets heir, huh?

I wish I could remember where I got the blue cat - it was the same place I downloaded Pyrus a long time ago.

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« Reply #201 on: August 12, 2008, 10:05:49 am »

great update!

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« Reply #202 on: August 12, 2008, 11:41:41 am »

Great update. This really rocks. I like Aubrey more. =] But I can stand either of them so it doesn't really matter. You are so creative! And you live in Indiana too! =]

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« Reply #203 on: August 12, 2008, 01:25:29 pm »

Everyone is voting Aubrey, lol.   But then again, Astral might pull that thing again where she makes the person that no one wants to be heir be heir.  Hm.  Did that make sense?
But come on!  You cheated Lucian out of being heir, so you can at least make his nephew who looks like him heir!  
That's my two cents.  I'll stop commenting until the next update too, lol.

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"You know, you'd think that after seven dungeons you'd have figured out how to open a door without breaking the key." -Nami (
Astral Faery

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« Reply #204 on: August 12, 2008, 02:57:53 pm »

Thanks, guys.

LOL - I like how you all are voting for heir already.  But when I chose Aislynn, it wasn't because no one voted for her - I had already chosen awhile back.  And the heir for this generation has already been chosen, too, has been to college, gotten married, and produced the next generation.  I got carried away and played pretty far ahead, lol.

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« Reply #205 on: August 12, 2008, 11:25:43 pm »

Quote from: 2*B~Weird;1335388
But also, OMG, Aubrey as a teen reminds me soooo much of Lucian as a teen. Whoa, u can tell they`re related.

Hmmm. Maybe that's why I like Aubrey more? LOL tongue

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« Reply #206 on: August 13, 2008, 01:34:28 am »

Woohoo! Update!

WHERE DID YOU GET ARYNN'S HAIR?? It's gorgeous, she looks so cute as a toddler!
I stick by Arynn, cos, well, Aubrey's a creep. That look on his face when he was playing with that weird baby toy. And he has terrible manners. AND I LIKE JOSEPH'S NOSE.

Keep with the updates, Astral!!


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« Reply #207 on: August 13, 2008, 11:40:39 am »

Yay great update!  So many ghosts wow!  How do you get anything done with everyone being scared all the time.  Still it's an added challenge and now I am inspired to keep all of my tombstones on my lot with my legacy.  When I do get tombstones that is.

I really like your characters!  Poor Aubrey, he clearly feels insecure and Aislynn is very lovely and strong.  I can't wait for more! Cheesy

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #208 on: August 13, 2008, 12:52:06 pm »

Thanks, guys!  Looks like more people like Aubrey, but Arynn isn't left out.

Thanks for the link 2B - it would take me awhile to find out because I'd have to load up the game - which takes awhile with all my downloads, lol.

The masses are never satisfied, eh?  I just gave you an update and you're already asking for another one - sheesh.  Lucky for you I might just do one.  Or I might not.  It kind of depends on how crazy life gets today.  So far it's been pretty hectic and not looking like it's going to stop.

Erica - Some nights with lots of ghosts get pretty annoying.  It seems like everytime I turn around someone is getting scared.  But I kind of expect and accept it for this household, because it makes things kind of funny, but I sure wouldn't put up with it for every house I play!

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #209 on: August 13, 2008, 02:17:06 pm »

Well, I felt like updating again, so here we go.  Sorry for the inconsistency, lol.

Chapter 17

I'm not even sure what this means, but I'm afraid to know.  He looks like he's broken.

Arynn's birthday again!  It seems like we were just celebrating her transition into childhood and she's already turning into a teen.

She's a pretty girl, isn't she?

But she has a big chip on her shoulder.  Both Joseph and I are very nice, so she must have gotten her attitude from the previous Avalons.  Her brother inherited my niceness, too, so she's definitely a throwback.

The Generation 5 kittens are born!  They're so cute.  A boy and a girl.  We named them Chips and Salsa.  We can only keep one, of course, so picking the heir will be difficult.

This is Ocean Livingston, Arynn's love interest.  He's a pretty decent kid.  I love the way she gazes at him from the doorway.

Arynn:  First chance I get, I'm going to noogie him.

Arynn gives Benjamin, some neighbor boy, a noogie.

Arynn:  I can't wait anymore!  I have to noogie someone!

Then he tries to give her a hug and she slaps his hand away.  Just look at that face.  Better get used to it, because you'll be seeing it a lot.

You know, I've been cooking since my early teens.  I read cooking books and watched cooking shows with my grandparenst since childhood.  You'd think I wouldn't burn food, but, here we go.  Charred pizza.

We chose to keep Chips.  So that meant putting Salsa up for adoption.  We were sad to see her go, but we can only keep one.  Mom was so upset she ran out to the car crying.  I felt so bad for her.

Almeric:  Are you pregnant?  

Me:  What?  What makes you think that?

Almeric:  You have that glow again.

Me:  I don't think so.

Almeric:  It sure would be nice to hear the pitter patter of little feet again, to see toys strewn about the floor.

Aubrey was getting antsy for his first kiss, so he invited a schoolmate, Jordan, on a date.  He told me he wanted to be a ladie's man.  His ultimate goal is to reach the top of the Athletic career, but he wants to woo many women on his way to the top.  Sigh.  Doesn't seem like much of a goal to me.  Especially considering the fact that I need someone who's willing to get married and have a child or two to take over the house.  He says he doesn't want to settle down.  Maybe it's just youth speaking, we'll have to see.

Oh, here we go.  He leans in and...

...she says no thanks.  


That hurts.

Poor kid.  He's crushed.

While Aubrey cries his eyes out, Jordan sits at the table and chats with his sister.  This is turning out to be an interesting date so far.

Then heartbroken Aubrey has another cry on the couch.  He's got a long way to go if he's going to be a womanizer.

The poor kid as been hit pretty hard by the Pimple Fairy, too.

He moves in to give her a hug, and she rejects him again.  I think he's so eager that he's moving way too fast.

Finally, though, I catch the two of them hugging romantically.  

But then he stops to have another cryfest.

Jordan is not impressed.  And it's difficult to step back and watch your children fall without helping, but it's the best thing to do.  

Why they chose to slow dance in the bathroom is beyond me.

And why mom is having a problem with it is further beyond me.

Come on, Mom, leave the kids alone.  

I think it's because she kind of favors Aubrey, but doesn't like Jordan that much.  But she needs to back off and let him make his own decisions.  If he ends up being heir, it's his choice who bears the next generation.

Aubrey:  That was a great dance.  Too bad my grandmother had to lurk and have a fit in the doorway the entire time.

Feeling confident from the slow dance, Aubrey swaggers up to Jordan.  He reminds me so much of his father.

Success!  She lets him kiss her.  Ah, young love.

Ah, young lust.  Aubrey moves straight from his first kiss to his first makeout.  

That creepy guy thought I was spying on him with the telescope.  He shoved me!  

I broke down and cried.  That was just so mean.  I didn't mean to spy on him.

Why do people have to be so mean?


Well thank you, anonymous neighbor girl, for cleaning the cat bed.  It needed it.

Oh here we go.  Arynn accidentally caught a glimpse of him, too.

Or, maybe it wasn't an accident after all.

Look at her face.  She's not concerned in the least that this guy showed up on the lawn and caught her in the act.

Ooh, shoving a teenage girl.  There should be some sort of regulation against that.

She looks as horrified as I feel.

But not for long.  Her face just looks evil.

She shoves him right back!  A grown man!  The girl has guts, that's for sure.

And this really got me.  The guy is yelling at her and pointing his finger at her, and she looks like she couldn't care less.

Future heir?  I'm really not sure.  I like that she stands up for herself, but she's mean.  Is she too mean?  We'll have to see.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 03:04:42 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

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