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Ever look back at your first/early sims?
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Topic: Ever look back at your first/early sims? (Read 18841 times)
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Posts: 72
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
April 06, 2008, 09:57:59 am »
..... Yesterday I found a CD-ROM that I had downloaded various sims. Many were sims I had made way back in the early days of my Game. The CD-ROM was dated 7 Jan 2005 so everything on it was earlier than that.
..... Since many of the sims were no longer in my game I installed them up to see what they looked like. In Sims2 Body Shop I found out why these sims were jetisoned from the game. Most of them were horrid, simply horrid, no nice way to put it. All were sims I did for ModTheSims2, many were self-sims that were requested. The ones that were just way too bad for anything were just flat out deleted. Out of about two dozen sims, only two seemed salvageble.
<a href=http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y176/dboyd205/?action=view¤t=FW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="
" border="0" alt="Fay Wong sims"></a>
Faye Wong: Before & After
..... First example is Fay Wong, dated 5 Nov 2004. When I made her I thought she looked pretty damned good. Can't say the same now. On the left is the before and on the right after I did some fiddling. I had a good start, but didn't have what it took to finish. Change of make-up, features, eyes and now she looks a heck of a lot better.
<a href="
" target="_blank"><img src="
" border="0" alt="Tamara Kell sims"></a>
Tamara Kell: Before & After
..... Now Tamara really wasn't too bad to begin with, but I had her made up like a slut and that just didn't look good on a teen. Just toned down the make-up and different eyes and Tamara now has a nice, almost innocent look.
..... I may post both after repackaging. Comments and your pictures welcome.
Attached images removed
Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 12:15:01 pm by caffeinated.joy
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Posts: 3390
(~* Go Pink: Find the Cure *~)
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #1 on:
April 06, 2008, 10:51:28 pm »
... remind me...
Your early sims aren't half as horrid as mine were.
Here's the comparisons... be forewarned, it's a good amount of pics.
(Don't stare at them too long... your face will
. :twisted:)
#1: Saryna:
Version -0.04
Version 0.1
Version 0.9
(Both her and Kai @
Version 1
Version 2/3
(only noticeable difference between latest two versions is in her child and toddler self)
#2 Kai'Von:
as an official version. :tongue6:
Version 0.7
Version 1
Version 2
(Version 3 looks the same, only difference is in child/toddler ages)
#3 Denessa:
Two years ago
(Dear GOD what was I
#4 Erikah:
Two years ago
(I've got to admit, she was one of my better looking sims back then...)
That's all I'm going to do for now... there's a
evolution between now and when I first started getting into picture threads. I'm living proof that even those with supposedly "average" looking pictures can improve with time and patience! :laugh:
YouTube Channel (Music, etc.):
Sims 2 Meshing with Blender3D 2.49b
Posts: 680
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #2 on:
April 07, 2008, 06:00:23 am »
Tenshii,are you kidding me?D: they looks awesome!XD you should have seen mine!I had TONS of pics of my sims,but sadly I deleted them due to pic overload, so I don't have any to share...sowwy D///:
but I'm sure some of you saw my first two sims on the site,Angel and Zao Ming,and I'd say I've improved quite a bit =)
Cracktastic~Spazztastic ♥
Posts: 72
Old sims and the road since
Reply #3 on:
April 07, 2008, 10:19:50 am »
..... Yeah, you can see some of my early sims still posted on MTS2:
..... I think a lot of people get carried away with eyes: too big, too wide, too round and the Maxis supplied eyes are just about as realistic as buttons as eyes on an old teddy bear.
..... The vast majority of the sims I did were requests for self-sims. No wonder I received so few thanks for them (I relooked at these too).
..... One other thing I noticed was getting a new computer. My old one ran on Windows ME, had just barely enough RAM and a 133mhz processor. Now with my new Windows XP-run, 1.2Ghz processor and a couple GBs of RAM the game runs so smooth, but the trade-off is with much more detail some sims look crude and horrid, even some of the better sims. Off they went to permanent exile. With the new computer I think I can refine the sims and they look ever so much better. The Fay Wong sim looked great on the old computer, but is a mess as is on the new. At least she could be saved.
..... Of course with 3, 4 or 5 years experience, we get better too. And thank goodness!
Posts: 72
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #4 on:
April 07, 2008, 10:26:48 am »
..... WOW! You difinitely had the big-eye/slanty-eye syndrome. Fix those eyes and they look like they could get off life support. You wouldn't want to see the ones I jetisoned. They were monsters! Your monitor would melt. Your eyes would bleed from the shock. You would never be the same, sane person again.
Quote from: Tenshii~Akari;1203238
... remind me...
Your early sims aren't half as horrid as mine were.
Here's the comparisons... be forewarned, it's a good amount of pics.
(Don't stare at them too long... your face will
. :twisted:)
That's all I'm going to do for now... there's a
evolution between now and when I first started getting into picture threads. I'm living proof that even those with supposedly "average" looking pictures can improve with time and patience! :laugh:
Super Mod
Posts: 3390
(~* Go Pink: Find the Cure *~)
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #5 on:
April 07, 2008, 02:29:06 pm »
Quote from: dboyd001;1203644
..... WOW! You difinitely had the big-eye/slanty-eye syndrome. Fix those eyes and they look like they could get off life support. You wouldn't want to see the ones I jetisoned. They were monsters! Your monitor would melt. Your eyes would bleed from the shock. You would never be the same, sane person again.
Hence the reason why I curse EA for not putting a good Asian template in Sims 2, and a few other things... bloody bastards. If they had done it in the first place, I sure wouldn't have had that problem to begin with. I sure as heck ain't getting Sims 3 for anything, even if it's pretty or not. They've messed up too many times for me to even trust them anymore. :evil:
YouTube Channel (Music, etc.):
Sims 2 Meshing with Blender3D 2.49b
Posts: 72
Can I babify Saryna?
Reply #6 on:
April 07, 2008, 03:01:07 pm »
Quote from: Tenshii~Akari;1204002
Hence the reason why I curse EA for not putting a good Asian template in Sims 2, and a few other things... bloody bastards. If they had done it in the first place, I sure wouldn't have had that problem to begin with. I sure as heck ain't getting Sims 3 for anything, even if it's pretty or not. They've messed up too many times for me to even trust them anymore. :evil:
..... I hope you don't mind if I see what I can do with Saryna. I'll post pictures after I've had my way with her (heh, heh... oh, not that way).
Super Mod
Posts: 3390
(~* Go Pink: Find the Cure *~)
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #7 on:
April 07, 2008, 07:51:54 pm »
:shock: Wow... she looks different for sure. :lol:
YouTube Channel (Music, etc.):
Sims 2 Meshing with Blender3D 2.49b
Simmysim sim sim
Posts: 787
Been away so long
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #8 on:
April 07, 2008, 08:10:29 pm »
Wow, Tenshii. Those differences are amazing!
I do look back at my old sims actually - Most of them are only just becoming elders in Corrin County!
The ones in Kingly are almost all dead by now though - except Cain and those who were kids/teens.
My Sims don't need to know it's not 2008 anymore.
Posts: 72
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #9 on:
April 08, 2008, 10:03:19 am »
Quote from: Tenshii~Akari;1204471
:shock: Wow... she looks different for sure. :lol:
..... Basically had to give Saryna a new nose and eyes. Tweeked them a little. Adjusted those lips. Then it was to give her a more Oriental look. Two words... cheek bones! Make them a little larger, bring them out and up. I tried to change the face a little as possible, but some of the changes started making her look too sunken-faced (AKA "a skull").
..... I can package and send her sim to you.
..... I've made quite a few Asian sims, many here and on Insimenator Adult. Look them up if you want and enjoy them if you decide to download.
..... I could post pictures of some of the monster-looking kids some of my sims have begat. Didn't know whether they adopted a pet monkey or that actually is the kid! Most often the social worker get 'em.
Super Mod
Posts: 3390
(~* Go Pink: Find the Cure *~)
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #10 on:
April 08, 2008, 11:43:01 am »
Well... not to be a downer, but I'm quite satisfied with her as is with how I have her now.
It's my own established style based off of my drawings and sketches, and it just wouldn't be "me" if it was any other way. She looks pretty cool realistic though, as do all of your other sims from what I've seen... but then again, I'm not too into many realistic looking sims in my game. :lol: Thanks for the offer, though. :smile bi:
Now I want to see other people's sim evolutions someday. Will continue to lurk. :twisted:
YouTube Channel (Music, etc.):
Sims 2 Meshing with Blender3D 2.49b
Posts: 459
A.k.a. Ilse
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #11 on:
April 08, 2008, 12:54:47 pm »
I looove the original Saryna. <3
Don't think I have many pics of my earliest sims, they weren't om my computer. But would love to see some pics from other people!
Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?
Posts: 303
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #12 on:
April 08, 2008, 06:38:14 pm »
Phooey on you, Tenshii, even your original Sims look great! -sulk-
(actually just a random townie makeover)
I have a few more pictures but, ah...these were loooong, looong ago and you can't see the Sims faces in any of the rest xD
She's actually one of my favorite Sims, still...too bad I deleted almost all her makeup D= I need to post a WCIF thread or something and see if anyone knows, because she's awfully pretty.
Aliyah(?) who was quite cute as a little girl...it's only as she got older that I screwed her all up...xD
That eyeshadow! Those freckles!
Forrest and Felicity, who fared better as children...
Dominique, the townie with the red scarf around his neck, dark glasses, and a buzz cut xD
More Keila.
Miiiiitch < 3
You don't even want to see my old CAS sims. They'll make your eyes burn.
Taryn's Tons of Sims
[~*~][My Flickr][~*~]
Posts: 72
Ever look back at your first/early sims?
Reply #13 on:
April 09, 2008, 10:10:52 am »
Quote from: Tenshii~Akari;1205097
Well... not to be a downer, but I'm quite satisfied with her as is with how I have her now.
It's my own established style based off of my drawings and sketches, and it just wouldn't be "me" if it was any other way. She looks pretty cool realistic though, as do all of your other sims from what I've seen... but then again, I'm not too into many realistic looking sims in my game. :lol: Thanks for the offer, though. :smile bi:
Now I want to see other people's sim evolutions someday. Will continue to lurk. :twisted:
No Problem Tenshii,
..... Everyone has their own preferences and own style. I tend to prefer my sims to look as life-like as possible.
..... Ever considered having a neighborhood of your signature style sims and an identical neighborhood with those exact same sims except they are realistic-looking style. Kind of like an alternate "reality" or "parallel universe". Then it would go on how much each either diverges or goes along a similar path. Now I'm considering that. :happy8:
..... I love your avatar. Makes me smile. Looks so happy!
Posts: 72
Link to some of my older sims
Reply #14 on:
April 09, 2008, 11:03:57 am »
Quote from: Tenshii~Akari;1205097
Well... not to be a downer, but I'm quite satisfied with her as is with how I have her now.
It's my own established style based off of my drawings and sketches, and it just wouldn't be "me" if it was any other way. She looks pretty cool realistic though, as do all of your other sims from what I've seen... but then again, I'm not too into many realistic looking sims in my game. :lol: Thanks for the offer, though. :smile bi:
Now I want to see other people's sim evolutions someday. Will continue to lurk. :twisted:
..... Give you this link Tenshii... some older downloads of several years ago on ModTheSims2:
Dave (still love your avatar)
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