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Author Topic: FAQ: My game won't start up! What do I do?  (Read 5003 times)
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« on: October 31, 2008, 02:37:52 pm »

There have been countless times where simmers have run across an issue when their game utterly refuses to work with them.  For the sake of everyone coming across that problem, here's two widely used tips that might help you solve your start-up issues:
::smilieiforgetwhi::  Delete your Sims 2 cache and Bodyshop thumbnails files in your C:\Documents and Settins\user name\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2 directory.  (Mainly known as cigen.package, Groups.cache, and Accessory.cache.)

   These files are the most common culprits in preventing the game from booting up, whether it be a blank "red x" error box, or nothing at all.  They will easily become corrupted, especially if one is running their game with loads of custom content.  The more content in a game, the more likely that these problem files will often give you trouble.  

To avoid having to deal with any boot-up problems with your game, the best way to go is to delete them every time you finish playing your game.  Don't worry, though... these deleted files aren't going to ruin your game, as the game recreates each file when they are needed during gameplay.

::smilieiforgetwhi::  Remove your downloaded custom content from your Sims 2 directory and test your game.  

   Does the game load halfway, then crash on you?  You probably have an object, mesh, or hack that's incompatible with your game... or just a plain, outright corrupted file giving your game grief.  You might want to consider sifting through your files to find the culprit, or in some cases, multiple culprits.

The most successful way to solve your problem would be to use the 50% method.  (Many thanks to simsample @ MTS2 for creating the original related FAQ)  It may be long and drawn out, especially if you have a huge Downloads folder, but it's the best way to find any sort of content giving you issues with your game.

Hopefully, both of these tips will help out in solving any of your start-up problems.  :angel:

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