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Author Topic: Weird Dreams?  (Read 24212 times)
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Carnival Freakshow

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« on: January 17, 2009, 02:42:59 am »

Hi Everyone,
This was from the old site, but I miss it, so I'm going to bring it back. I have had some weird dreams in this thread's absence.

I had a dream the other night that I was an emo boy (this is weird because I am not a boy and I am definitely NOT emo). Anyway, in my dream, my step-dad always tried to video-tape me no matter what I was doing, even while I would use the bathroom. I got really mad at him, but I was too small to fight him, so I just told him he was a jerk and a pervert.
Later, I had to go to school, so I got on the bus, and there were a whole mess of ugly brown bowling shoes up in the roof racks so I didn't have anywhere to put my books. So I just sat with them on my lap. There was no wind in the bus but for some reason, my hair kept blowing in my face and I got really irritated trying to smooth it away. Soon my girlfriend got on the bus (i don't know her in real life). She sat by me and I knew without asking that she was on drugs. I really did not know how to deal with her  during the ride over. I was angry and concerned, but I didn't know what to say.

It got weirder and went on, but some of the things I forgot, and some of them are too violent/inappropriate for this site.

Now y'all post your weird dreams so I don't feel like the only person with weird dreams!

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« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2009, 09:14:21 am »

Well, this will sound confusing, but I had a dream that it was the first day back at school and a new guy was doing everything in his power to make me feel bad (and ironically he looked like my best friend), I confornted him about it and learned he had a hard home life and after a long chat I managed to somehow make him be really kind to me, basically do a full 180 from how I was getting treated. I later met up with my best friend (the one I mentioned before) and he was completely ignoring me.

The only reason why I felt this was weird was because it was a bit like a parallel universe where my best friend was excluding me and my bully wqas acting extremely kind.

Its not the weirdest dream I have had, but its the most recent one I can remember and when I woke from it it really made me think.


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« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2009, 04:15:37 pm »

Recently I had the weirdest dream EVER!

Everyone in the world had a CHEESE head but I didn't and they were pretty much harassing me until I finall got a shot and my head turned to cheese too. LOL!!!! It was, pretty, well, VERY creepy.

I also had another where there was this fuzzy little cute animal, and my brother put this goopy sticky stuff on him, and he turned into an alligator. We both got up and ran, and eventually he got me and started eating my legs while my siblings just stood and watched and then I woke up.

My dreams are really wacky.

I am Madi_Loves_Yew.
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2009, 04:38:08 pm »

I've had weird dreams most of my life so I cant even remember them, thankfully, but I have remembered somewhere I'm back in school, as far back as middle school in science class with a teacher I had a crush on at the time. Dreamy

Not part of the dream there, but in real life one day while in her class, I actually made a sign up saying: "I love Science & I love you." She even hung it up on her wall. Rock
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« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2009, 08:32:22 pm »

i keep dreaming that monster trucks are driving around me and then they turn into real monster trucks.. you know they have like mouths and eyes and stuff painted on them.. well the mouths became real and they tried to eat me and my new puppy.... very confusing...

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Carnival Freakshow

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« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2009, 08:42:04 pm »

Wow R.I.P, that sounds freaky!

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« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2009, 09:22:26 pm »

Oh wow R.I.P. I would be absolutely terrified of that dream and I would be nearly killing myself trying to wake up.

But then again, Dreams Rock.  Rock
[I just had to add that smilie. Smiley]

I am Madi_Loves_Yew.
Carnival Freakshow

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« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2009, 05:36:08 pm »

Last night I had a freaky one. In my dream, it was back when I was 16. My stepdad was still around, and I had a girlfriend. She was so pretty. She looked so much like Luna Lovegood from the HP movies, but her hair was shoulder length and choppy. She was a little older than me, like 17 or 18. I remember she was wearing flipflops, a green wife-beater and some short jean shorts. She was so real, and I remember she was like 4 months pregnant. She had a small bump in her tummy, I remember being happy and wanting to start a family with her (I know we were young, but it's a dream, I can't help it).

Anyway, I just got back from Walmart, which had a laundromat in it for some reason. I got tired of helping some dumb lady find her laundry. I came home to do my hair, and I had like, a million clips, and chapsticks. I couldn't tell which was which, and there were so many colors except the one I wanted, so I left my hair alone.

My girlfriend and I were sitting on the couch in my house together and we were watching tv. I remember seeing my mom and her soon to be ex-husband (they were still together in this dream). They were both getting ready to go somewhere. a commercial came on the tv, advertising a show that was about to come on next. I said something like, "Damn that looks so stupid." and my jerk step-dad said, "Is there anything you do like?" I said yes and held my girlfriend's hand. He said we were sick and I told him to F.O. He got mad at me. My mom left and drove off somewhere while we were arguing. He slapped me in the face and my girlfriend yelled at him to leave me alone. He raised up his hand to hit her, and I remember I got this huge adrenaline rush and jumped up to punch him in the chest as hard as I could. He got his wind back and then got up in my face. I told him to back down or I would burn him down.

So we fought again. My girlfriend was over by the kitchen table yelling for someone to come break us up. Every time he hit me it hurt really bad (he was a big guy), but I kept getting up. I remember I hit him and knocked him off balance and he fell on the floor by the coffee table. I looked over and my computer was on the coffee table (this was the computer I had three years ago, a big desktop). Since he fell kind of in a corner and couldn't get up, I shoved the whole computer off the table onto him. Then I jumped onto the couch and every time he tried to move the tower off of himself, I would stomp it back down onto him. I remember I grabbed my purse and hit him in the head with it until it broke open and all of my stuff came spilling out of it.

Suddenly he turned into a girl, so that it would be harder for me to fight him (I do not like hitting a woman, unless she is starting crap with me). She/he said "I give up" so I helped him/her up. I was like, "Ok. No more nonsense?" He/she nodded and went toward the freezer, saying he/she needed an ice pack. I was fine with that, until he/she grabbed a knife from the countertop and was about to knife me with it. I slapped it away and when he/she went to grab it again, I hit him/her over the head with a heavy glass (that I drank out of yesterday). After being hit with the glass, he/she turned into water and went into the glass. I was so mad I smashed my favorite glass into the sink, letting the water go down the drain, meaning that I just killed my step-dad.

I looked up and my brother was right there, looking so confused. I told him I was sorry that he had to see that. He said he wasn't sure what he saw, and I told him that our step-dad was dead. I just killed him. Oddly he wasn't even mad, like it was not a big deal. My girlfriend ran over to me and hugged me and asked if I was okay. She said I was bleeding, and I was like, "No crap, I got punched in the face, babe."

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« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2009, 09:53:18 pm »

Alrighty then. That was very entertaining to read, LOL!!!
That must've been really weird.

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« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2009, 10:23:58 pm »

*raises an eyebrow* Damn...

I can remember one I had a few years ago. In the dream, I was around sixteen and sitting on my back porch listening to the radio. For whatever reason, there were four cats dancing the Macarena just a few feet away. One of my dogs, a border collie, had been sitting next to me, and suddenly turned into my best friend Kate. Her and I were talking about making brownies.

Oddly enough, as we talked, the cats were gone, the radio was turned off, and for some reason, we were standing in the garage.

A few minutes later, I was sitting in Study Hall at school carving up an apple at my desk. The apple turned into a notebook, and I found myself sitting in the cafeteria debating Beavis and Butthead with a talking bottle of Mountain Dew.

That was it. I don't know what I had been smoking or drinking that night, about weird, random, and totally illogical. Hah.


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« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2009, 11:46:38 pm »

 Laugh2 weird, random and illogical is right, Jenna!

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Carnival Freakshow

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« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2009, 12:58:56 am »

Wow, that was a crazy random dream. The dancing cats would have made be pee myself scared.

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« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2009, 01:41:25 am »

Wow, Jenna! Cats dancing the macarena...That part made me crack up! You have some really crazy dreams!

The last crazy dream I had was kind of Sims related...

I was a Sim and I was married and had 2 kids. We lived in this really nice neighborhood. For some reason there was a ton of air traffic. Lots of helicopters and planes, and even blimps. And of course those crazy floating pig balloon things. Anyway, I guess all of that attracted a lot of aliens. My Sim daughter kept looking through the telescope and really liked the science stuff. One day in broad daylight she was abducted by aliens...My Sim-self was really upset. I guess that just proves I play Sims too much...Haha. The neighborhood in my dream was really cool though. I remember some of it, and I'm thinking about trying to make a replica of it!

Oh, then I had this other weird dream...I was at my grandma's house, and my whole family was there, along with a ton of other people I know. We were preparing for something, I guess. We had tons of different weapons, some were like magical I guess. It was weird. Anyway, all of the sudden we were outside and the sky grew very dark. In the distance we could see something coming towards us. As it got closer, we realized that it was a bunch a bunch of demon-like flying creatures (we seemed to have expected that, but not that they would be flying). They all were really unique from one another, and all very animal-like. In the front, leading the group, were these dark purple elephant-demons...I remember thinking, "Crap, I didn't expect those!" Then I woke up, and my first thought was, 'Why were the elephants purple?' Like everything else was completely normal or something! rolleyes

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« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2009, 08:42:38 pm »

i just suddenly remembered a dream i had during the christmas break.

i was at the Houston Museum of Natrual Science and there was this fish tank that was a temporary exhibit, right where Body Worlds is (or was) showing, on the second floor. the exhibit itself kinda resembled the Living Seas place at Epcot, and keep in mind that this dream is taking place in 1986. anyways, i was hanging with the eighties lineup of Journey, Stevie Nicks, and Heart's Nancy Wilson and Denny Carmassi (the drummer for Heart at that time).

so we're in the shark exhibit and Ross Valory, Journey's bassist, decides to be a little nutty (from too much Diet Coke, probably) and tosses something in the air. Stevie does the same thing except the thing she tossed, a life-sized baby doll, lands in the shark tank.

Denny and i get upset because the doll looks like Ann Wilson's baby (yes, i know she adopted her kids and was never pregnant, but it was a dream, alright?). i tell Denny, "hey we gotta get that baby. who cares if its a plastic version of Roger (the name of Ann's baby), we gotta get it!" so we walk into the shark tank, and the 12-inch plexiglass thingy that protects the people from the fish (it reached from the floor to the ceiling!) turns into cellophane and Denny and i just walk right through it and we're in the shark tank. and we're not even floating to the top, we're just staying at the bottom and breathing normally, like merfolk with legs.Tongue

i can see out of the corner of my eye, a Great White, only, it's not so great, about as long as my arm. the "Tiny White" is circling the plastic baby, not really making a dive for it, so i launch myself of a wall and grab the doll and throw it through the cellophane protection. and for some reason, as the baby passed through the cellophane, he suddenly turned into the real-life Roger.

now the protective glass returns to being glass and now the shark is circling me and Denny. Denny is freaking out cause he told me that he was deathly afraid of sharks, but didn't see the shark before i grabbed Roger. the shark is getting closer to us and all of a sudden, the shark goes right through Denny and bites me on my right side! needless to say, the feel of the bite woke me up. i checked, but no one else was in the bed with me. why do i say that? my cat usually sleeps with me at night and i thought he snuck into my room and was "kneeding" at my side, making me think it was a shark bite, but he wasn't there.

kinda creepy that dream was.... shocked
« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 09:48:23 pm by soulofthesea » Logged

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« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2009, 10:26:16 pm »

I had one last night that was a bit on the weird side:

I was at work, sitting at one of the computers trying to pull up a list of the employee error logs. Every time I tried though, a porn site kept popping up and I couldn't close it. To make matters worse, my supervisor kept walking past me every couple of seconds so I had to hunch over the screen to block it.

...and it was a really bad porn site too. Pfft.

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