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Author Topic: The Enza Legacy- Chapter 9  (Read 10765 times)
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Posts: 48

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« on: June 29, 2009, 01:04:46 pm »

I figured I'd try my hands at a legacy. I'm sorry for the god awful picture quality of the first few chapters, because I don't have  better picture taker.  I hope you like it so far!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Hi, I'm Crystel Enza. Weird name, right? Well I like it. The cat you see me petting is my pet flame.

Me: Hi! I'm Crystel. What do you like to do.
Dude: I like cooking.

Well, that's cool.

Hm.. This dude dressed in black is hot.

Me: Where do you work.
Him: At a factory.
Me: You work at a factory?!?

Well, He's out.

I'm tired, and the sign that I bought so that I could walk to lots doesn't work. Wah!

I can't believe I peed on the floor. I'm crying before getting in the shower.

I've earned enough money to get a pizza. Mmmm, fresh food.

Look! I sold that couch and bought a bed and mini fridge!

Good kitty! Use the cat bed!

She's a good girl.

Yum, food.

Alright, first chapters done. Once gain, I'm sorry about the god awful picture quality.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 09:42:12 pm by Shali » Logged
Stelio Kontos
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« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2009, 02:24:18 pm »

At one point, we all sucked at taking pictures in Sims.
So, I will offer you this advice: showheadlines off, plumbbobtoggle off, you have a pet fire?

That's the negative feedback. The positive is:
Hey, you're doing a Legacy challenge. I don't have that kind of patience.
I like Enza as a last name.
If I could take a better look at the dude in black, I may agree with Crystel (Intentionally spelled that way? Sorry, I just haven't seen that spelling for that name.) about him being hot. Plus, there is some potential for a good Legacy story challenge thingy.
The Bird Queen
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« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2009, 03:56:31 pm »

Adding to ^'s answer - try to turn up the size and the picture quality to the best - then the pictures will look less pixely. Also, go nearer to whatever you're taking pictures of, so that we can see it clearer  Smiley

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Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~

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« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2009, 09:14:46 pm »

Answer to Rock Justices questions: Flame's no fire, I just liked the name. And yes, Crystel is intentionally spelled that way. Crystel is ment to be pronounced Crie-stel, but it would look weird spelled that way. Also, for several chapters the picture quality may or may not stay the same. It depends at the angle and such I was at while taking the pictures.
Ok, questions answered, now on to chapter 2!

Um.. This is rather odd, Hello? I'm kinda kissing my date good bye. My friend set me on a blind date, so...

Well never you mind. (I think I'm just going to paint now... Now stop wondering! You won't find out what we did because I forgot to take pictures!)

It's coming along quite nicely.

No, I'm not in the zone, I'm just taking a shower.

Look! Don't you see the toilet?

I'm going to bed. Hmph.

More painting, because I really need the money.

Now I'm in the zone. See that lady? She gave me a plaque! Also, I'm working on a master piece.

Yes, I'm STILL painting.

I went and bought a aspiration changer to change from popularity to family. I am NO good at being popular. I'm to shy.

I called Alex and invited him over, then surprised him by asking him to move in. I was over joyed to here him say yes.

He brought Rachel, the girl who set us up on that date, with him, and I immediately started thanking her.
So  much good has come of her being outgoing and setting me up on that date. I'm in love!

I don' t know why I took this picture. Maybe because I wanted to show you I'd payed my bills for once?

Winter is now upon us. Ugh.

Painting in my undies? Nah, just a swimsuit.

It's much more comfortable this way.

Aw, that's cute. Someone made a snowman in front of the door.
That was chapter two.

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« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2009, 03:39:33 am »

LOL so funny...luv it.

About pictures - maybe your quality settings on sims take crap pics? Your angles need work, try more actual close-ups of faces, you know, instead of just faraway pics of stick figures.

That's all. I hope you update soon.


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« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2009, 08:46:49 am »

Given that I updated twice in one day, that's likely. My update rate depends on how much my brother, aquaticnecris, lets me use his laptop. Sims 2 doesn't work on my computer anymore. Embarrassed

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« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2009, 09:13:57 am »

I doubt that the thing just takes bad pics, seeing how my pic quality is max. Also, I said I'd update soon. Less than ten minutes after I wake up soon enough for you?

There goes Alex on his way to work... Right around the snowman.

While he's doing that, I'm harvesting from my money tree.


I just got back from work. I'm a journalist.

A great. The stupid social bunny.

Me: Go away!
Him: No!

I can't believe he beat me all the way to over here.

I better clean that...

Here I'm getting out the sponge...

And here I'm stopping to pee.

Poor kitty, he has a stinky bed. Wait a second.. Why is there snow in this picture? I have a roof now!

Yay! I have money!

With my money, I bought a wedding ring and got married to Alex. It was just a simple exchange of rings and vows, but that's how we liked it.

After having tried 3 times, we finally gave birth to twins. This is little baby girl Ilea sorry that I don't have any newborn pics of Allison. I do have a couple of pics with her in, though. And yes, I now have a bedroom.

Come here, Flame. I've got a treat for you.

Look at my handsome hubby. He's cleaning the sink for me.
Alex: Grr...stupid mouthwash.. White! Go WHITE stupid sink!

Hush. We're hoping for baby number three now.

This is little Allison. I'm glad the heir possibilities are both girls.

Ugh. Another reminder that I can't potty train them until their toddlers. Oh joy.

Like the new wallpapering? I do.

Goodnight Allison. Good night Ilea.
I'm unable to give any hints as to the new baby, as my game crashed right after she showed sings of being pregnant. (In a chapter or 2)

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Ima Graphic Designer Cheq out mii Links

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« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2009, 09:50:37 am »

Lol really funny. I like it Rock


Posts: 48

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« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2009, 10:14:36 am »

Thanks! I meant it to be funny, because then I'll enjoy writing it. I am so glad that I managed to find my pictures.

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« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2009, 11:56:05 am »

This chapter is to calm my brother down, because his game just crashed before he saved while he was working on starting a legacy. So, here you go.

Oh, hi there! I'm giving little Allison a bath right now.

In the mean time, my husband is releasing the fireflies I caught way back when. Since we don't need them anymore, he's releasing them so that they don't die.

If you cant tell, I just recently made some modifications to the house. And see that flower? That's the first date gift of this entire legacy.

Yay, I've got a kitchen. Now I can cook to my hearts content. No dining room, though.

More cereal. Bleh.

Ah, the ever trusty easel. Like my bedroom? I do.

Ilea: This floor is cold. Pick me up, mommy!

Aw, little Ilea decided to grow up while she was on the floor. Allison is getting ready to.

Gah, germs. Who knew having twins was so tiring? I'm to tired to clean up the bottles, and Alex is to tired to go to the bathroom.

Aw,little Allison is playing with her shape, rattle and roll... And  putting the circle where the square goes. Silly little tyke.

Meanwhile, Ilea is playing music. I just know that she'll be a great musician someday.

Oh, my neck.

Flame: My food! Mine! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!
That's the last upload for a few days, most likely. I'm going to have to do a few more chapters worth of picture taking. That's the legacy so far, however, but it won't be like this for long. I know how frustrating it can be to have a really short legacy not update for a long time. That's why I've been updating so often. I'm going to try too get my brother to allow me to use his laptop so that I can update more now.

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« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2009, 09:13:42 pm »

Alright, 3 updates are on the way. Here's the first one.

Hi! I'm making some soup.

Mmm, soup.

Gah, my toddler ate the catfood.

Would Alex stop that? He is obsessed with that thing!

Ah, well. It gave me enough time to finish this.

Aw, Silver is sleeping next to him. We bought silver yesterday.

But since the cat is in the extra spot, I'm stuck with the floor, and....

Little Ilea is stuck on the catbed. We forgot to put her in here crib.

Little Allison woke me up just seconds after this.

She sure was hungry.

I love Flame, even though he peed on the floor again.

As soon as one of these tykes wakes up, the other goes to sleep. *Sigh*

My bills... They're old!

I'm awake enough to paint, but to tired to paint well...

So Alex is selling a bad painting for me.

Looks like he changed his secondary aspiration again.

Alex: Oops.

Alex: Help! My feet are smelly now!
Allison: Shut up daddy, I'm trying to sleep here!

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« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2009, 09:49:35 pm »

Second of those three updates I promised.

Wakey wakey, girls! I'm giving you five minutes, so hurry.

Ilea: Awwight, 'm up.
Allison: *Yawn*

Yup, I knew it. The moment they woke up they went straight to the toys.

And the moment I went to change Allison's diaper Ilea snuck onto the catbed for some more sleep, silly little tyke.

and Alex dropped some smart milk.

While Allison drank that,

I made some for Ilea.

Of course, she ignored it, so I went to clean the litter box.

Ugh... I don't feel to good...

Ugh... Throwing up all over again. Am I pregnant?

Aw, even though she's a little rough, Flame lets Ilea cuddle her. I wonder what he's thinking?
Flame: HELP!

Looks like he did mind after all. He escaped over to me while I cleaned up a puddle.

Yay! we've made the den, and we'll furnish it later.
Chapter 6= DONE!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 09:56:08 pm by Shali » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2009, 12:23:37 am »

Finally, I finish this then I go to bed. Yay!

Bleh. Threw up AGAIN.

Ah, a bath.

Stupid toilet, being dirty. Stop trying to ruin my good day!

He's changing it AGAIN? Jeeze, man!

Would he stop making those robots and pay attention to me?!?

A rare sight indeed! I never though I'd see him cook.

And now he's teaching Allison to walk. He's a good daddy.

She sure loves that logic puzzle.

Aw, she's so cute!

He must know that I've been annoyed at him. He's trying so hard to be a good daddy.

Grr... I hate this woman. She is incapable of taking care of a child.

Hm... He's painting again.

Looks like the tykes are up.

Hey! Why's she mad at me?
Ilea: Hmph. Mommy let me outside.

Random robo maker spammage... Ugh.

Off to work for him.

Time to eat!

NO! Another puddle!

Aw.. This is so cute!
Ilea & Allison together: Bai bai!
So many cute toddler pics...  Smiley

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« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2009, 08:16:19 pm »

Maybe THIS will get some response out of you!  rolleyes

My husband is a good father. He's getting up his daughters.

And last night, he finally finished his first robot, a toy for the girls.

He seems to favorite Allison. He's potty trained her,

Taught her to walk...

And was there in case she fell when she took her first unguided steps.

But when I asked to teach her to talk, her agreed to let me. I want to teach both my daughters to talk.

Once she knew how to talk, I went to play with Silver.

Who ended up falling asleep on my bed. I should have scolded him, but it was just to cute.

While we were doing that, little Allison snuck out to cuddle flame.
Allison: My kitty, mine!
Ilea: But I wanted to hug her.
Allison: You can hug her next time.

I sat down at the computer,

And played a few video games. Right as I went to save though, the stupid computer broke. ARGH!

Alex wanted to fix it, but I refused to let him. I don't need a crispy fried husband!

I made some soup, and put it in bottles,

Giving one to Allison,

And the other to Ilea.

Allison was still hungry after she finished, so she went to eat the cat food.

I saw Ilea sleeping like this in her room, and couldn't resist snapping a few pictures.

Ilea:Huh? What? What happened?
She's precious.
I tried writing differently. Should I keep it up? Also, am I doing something wrong, is that why I haven't gotten many responses?

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Posts: 22

Ima Graphic Designer Cheq out mii Links

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« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2009, 08:51:08 pm »

Lol I love it...please continue♥

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