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Author Topic: The Triangle: Chapter 1-9 *Chapter 9 Update!*  (Read 16890 times)
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« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2009, 10:45:07 am »

Oh,. has Cassie had a change of heart? :3 I hope so!


Gender: Female
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« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2009, 08:01:47 pm »

Oh,. has Cassie had a change of heart? :3 I hope so!

I also hope, but somehow, I doubt it.... Undecided

Carpe Diem!
Seize the day, life's too short!
Cueille le jour présent, en te fiant le moins possible au lendemain. La vie est trop courte pour ne pas en profiter.

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« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2009, 08:47:27 pm »

Sorry for the long wait, i had a fight with a trojan in my PC and i couldn't play the game for awhile...this chapter is the calm before the storm so im sorry if its a bit boring...

Chapter 3: The best gift

The next day, Jareth and Cassie went down to the courts, although Cassie was trying to give excuses to not go. After sitting in room after room, and finally appearing before the judge in an informal sitting, they were able to obtain temporary custody. Jareth was ecstatic, making him feel like he was on cloud nine. He vowed to take care of Rhiannon as best as he could, and he hoped deep down that her mother would stay far away. He didn't want her to ruin her child's life any more than she already had.
As they all left the empty courtroom, Jareth stopped at the door, facing the judge.
"Your Honor, i just have one question."
"What should we do in the case that Miss Howard should show up or contact Social Services about her child? Do we give her Rhiannon or should we contact the courts?"
Cassie fidgeted with her rings and hair, frustrated that she missed a full day of work right after getting promoted. What kind of professional will they think I am? She pondered. She made sure to arrange a ride back to the hospital as soon as this was all over with. In her opinion, she had better things to do.
"In the event that Miss Howard should come for her child," the judge replied, "You should notify her to contact the courts to request a custody hearing, and you should do the same. With your temporary guardianship, you have more rights over the child than Miss Howard does at this point."
Jareth nodded, smiled, and shook hands with the judge. Cassie did the same, walking slightly ahead of Jareth as they left. He was getting more and more irritated with her attitude, and also a bit confused. When they were dating in college, she was never this uptight and snooty. He fell in love with her because she had a big heart and was kind to everyone. He admired that seeing what kind of family she came from. Jareth never thought she would become like her mother, but it seems like all of a sudden she was changing into her mother each day.
One week later...

" I don't wanna wait, for our lives to be ovaaa.." Jareth sang off tune in his car on the way home. He secretly listened to pop music, it was his favourite. it made the time go faster when he was sitting in rush hour traffic. Sometimes he wished he wouldn't have taken the job at the law firm downtown, but since Rhiannon's private school was three blocks away it made it easier to pick her up from school when he got off of work early. But today was a late day, so he was hoping she was already starting on her homework. The sitter somewhat helped her with the spelling homework, but she was hands off on math. That was his department.

Today was a good day for him. He was waiting anxiously for the official guardianship papers. He didn't want to tell Rhiannon anything until he got those papers, and he told Cassie not to say anything either.
"Make sure you keep it a secret," He said when they were leaving the courts. "i want confirmation before we tell her the good news."
Cassie just nodded, paying more attention to her rings and looking for her car pool than to her husband. He tried to ignore her reaction, but deep down inside he felt all alone in his happiness, and a bit hurt. He was truly hoping she would be happy to have a child in the house, but was making it all seem like Rhiannon was a huge burden.
Jareth parked the car in the garage and rushed over to the mailbox, nearly knocking over the postman. Steve looked at Jareth and said, "are you expecting live cargo Mr. Weston?"
He laughed and backed away a little bit. "No, just an important letter."
The mail was already inside, and when Steve went to the next house Jareth dug into the box and found what he was looking for: an envelope with the SimCity Courts seal on it.His heart was doing somersaults as he walked into the house to change his clothes. Rhiannon jumped up from her homework and gave him a big hug and kiss. She was already attached to Jareth. She considered him to be her uncle, and was always happy to see him coming through the door. She didn't even bother to take off her school uniform.
"I missed you!" She hugged him tighter.
"Missed you too. how was school?"
"It was ok. Some of the kids don't like me though. Guess they know im not from around here."
"Pfft..don't worry about them. Kids will always pick on other kids no matter what."
"Yea...well I got to finish my homework before Cassie comes. She's taking me to my first paint lesson."
Cassie first enrolled her in ballet class, but she wanted out after only five minutes. Cassie was instantly frustrated, confused as to what was wrong with ballet. All girls like ballet, right? So after talking to Rhiannon for awhile, the finally agreed to do an art class. It was better than soccer in Cassie's opinion. Girls don't need to get dirty, she said to Rhiannon as they signed up for Beginners Art 1.
Rhiannon went off into the study to finish up her homework and gather up her supplies. She seemed happy to do something that she enjoyed, instead of ballet. She believed ballet was only for snooty girls, and she was far from snooty. Painting was better since she liked to draw anyways.
30 minutes later, Cassie came and picked Rhiannon up, still in her scrubs. Cassie would rather get paint on her scrubs than on her new Versace outfits. When Jareth talked to her about her behavior last night,saying she was being more like her mother, she was upset and denied every bit of his accusations. But as she drove to the art studio, she thought about what he said. Could he be right? Am I becoming my own mother? She shook her head with a smirk. Naaa, I am still the same old me.

Later that evening, after Cassie and Rhiannon came back from Art class and dinner was over, Jareth went up to their bedroom and took out the papers from the nightstand. He sat them on top and called Rhiannon upstairs. He was going to tell her the good news. Cassie made sure she was too busy in the study so she didn't have to participate.
"Have a seat," Jareth said, patting the bed.
She hopped up and smiled at him, wondering what was going on.
"I have some news for you."
"What is it?" She grinned, excited about the news.
He laughed. "You get to stay with us for a long time Rhiannon. You can stay her as long as you want."
"For real?"
"For real."
She cheered, then cried with happiness. She couldn't believe her wish came true. No more hunger, no more strangers coming in the house, no more yelling. She was so relieved she couldn't even speak. Jareth held her close and hugged her tight. He knew she deserved to be there and to have a normal life. No child deserves to be abused, no matter what.
Rhiannon looked up at him. "Is Cassie happy about it?"
Jareth bit his tongue, trying not to say what was really on his mind. He truly believed she wasn't happy with the news, but he couldn't tell Rhiannon that. He didn't want to lie to her either. After a pause he said, "She is happy that you get to be safe with us. It's going to be awhile before she gets used to you though. it will be alright."
She smiled at him, but knew that he was only covering for Cassie. Even at 10 years old, she was a bit more mature for her age. Rhiannon knew when she wasn't welcome. But as long as Jareth stood by her, everything will be ok. Or so she thought.

Five years later

The Smashing Pumpkins blared from the tiny stereo next to the pool as they sat enjoying the hot July sun. Jareth was trying to catch a tan, even though each time he tried he got fried. Rhiannon was content with the color she had, even though she was tanning anyways.
Ever since they all received the news of the custody results, Rhiannon and Jareth have been stuck to each other like glue. Rhiannon ran to him with her problems and her joys, knowing he was always there for her. She was on the Honor Roll each year, which was something she never thought she could accomplish. After a few months, she settled into the community and eventually made a bunch of friends. Even Art class was going well for her. Eventually she was accepted into Expert Art 2, skipping over the intermediate classes. Cassie talked her into applying for Vonn Art School after high school so that she could become a prominent artist.
Cassie still didn't like the idea of Rhiannon being there. It made her upset each time she saw her hugging Jareth. It made her sick to her stomach. Cassie even took on extra hours at the hospital just so she could get away from all the mushy stuff at home. But deep down inside, she was jealous. The evil green eye made it's way into her heart, making it unbearable to see the two of them together. And now that Rhiannon was a teen, Cassie got even more jealous of her.
Today it was just the two of them, two peas in a pod as Jareth nicknamed them. He spread more tanning lotion on, hoping to be golden instead of beet red.
"You know you are just going to become a lobster, Jay," Rhiannon said, chuckling.
"Not if I can help it," He replied, smoothing on more lotion. "I got to get a tan before summer's over. It just looks better at the firm."
Jareth made junior partner at the law firm, so he wanted to look like he was vacationing on Twikki Island the whole time he was off instead of sitting around in his backyard. Rhiannon shook her head and relaxed in the chair, listening to the radio.

After having a swimming contest for about an hour, they both got out of the pool. Jareth was getting hungry, so he volunteered to make grilled chicken for the both of them. Since Rhiannon hated cooking she agreed. Before going to the kitchen, he went up to her and smiled.
"I know i say this so many times you are probably sick of hearing this, but I am still glad you are here. Maybe in forty years I will still be saying the same thing."
"'s totally ok. I am glad to be here. And I am glad you are my best friend. Now go get that chicken I am staaarving!"
Jareth laughed at her as he went to get the food. They always joked with each other, sometimes a little too much for Cassie's liking.

"So what are your plans next month?" He said between bites of chicken.
"Umm...I was thinking of going into natural art. My teacher said it would be good for me to expand my horizons. And maybe I will try to sell some of my portraits so i can save up for those cool clothes i saw at the mall."
"Good plans. What's natural art?"
Rhiannon blushed a little bit and stammered. "Well, umm, its uuuuhhm.." She ate some of her food. "It's like painting people with only like sheets on them."
"Aaah, I see." Jareth smiled. "What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing..I guess..but Cass doesn't like the idea. She thinks a girl my age shouldn't deal with grown up art."
"You are almost 16. I am sure you know things about life i don't even know about." He laughed. "Cass is just being protective thats all. Don't worry about it."
"So it's ok then?"
"Of course! Go for it. Make sure I get a peek of your work." He winked at her and smiled. She smiled back.
All of a sudden they both heard the sound of a car. "Looks like Cass is home," Jareth said. "Go get a plate for her. I'm sure she's hungry."

Just as Rhiannon was going to get the food, Cassie went around to the backyard, her smile turning into a frown. Oh no, what now? Jareth thought as he saw the look on her face.
"What is wrong with you girl? Coming outside almost naked?! And Jareth, why do you let her do this?" The tone of her voice got louder and more aggressive.
"Cass, it's just a bikini, and besides she's at home around me not at the beach around a bunch of lusting boys."
"It doesn't matter! We don't have sluts living in our house! Change your clothes right now!"
"But I like this bathing suit!" Rhiannon said, close to tears.
"Do what I said now! Or else I am going to take your painting priveleges away!"
Jareth stood up and confronted Cassie. "Hun, look, it's only a bathing suit. Chill out ok? Come sit with us and..."
"So you approve of this huh? I'm not suprised, seeing where you.." She stopped herself, not wanting to say something she will regret later. Although she was upset at Rhiannon and her choice of swimwear, she didn't want to take it out on her husband. Their marriage has been shaky for three years, ever since Cassie took on more work and less time at home. They hardly spoke anymore, mainly by her own choice. She didn't seem to mind it, but in the evenings when she was home she saw how it was effecting Jareth. Sometimes she wish she could take it all back, but the Chief of Staff promotion was right around the corner and she didn't want to stop now.
"I can't believe you!" Rhiannon shouted to Cassie. She ran into the house and up the stairs. Jareth called after her but  she didn't stop.
"Cassie, you were a little too hard on her. I can't believe you would act like this as soon as you come home. For pete's sake calm down!"
"I can't believe you would let a 15 year old dress like a grown woman! Don't you have any boundaries with her?"
Before he could answer, Cassie went into the house. Jareth became even more mad than before. This was the boiling point for him. How much more of this can I stand? he thought out loud.

An hour later, Rhiannon was still in her room. Jareth began to worry about her. Cassie, on the other hand, seemed to had forgotten the whole ordeal, sitting outside with her doctor friends sipping on martinis by the pool. He couldn't understand how anyone, especially his own wife, could yell at Rhiannon then act like nothing happened. He wondered if she felt bad deep inside. But if his suspicions about her becoming more like her mother was right, and he knew he was right, then of course she probably didn't care. He made his way up to Rhiannon's room and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" She said with a sad but angry voice.
"it's Jay. Can i come in?"
After a few moments of silence, she said, "Yea."
He walked in to her room and noticed she was painting away. She always painted more when she was mad than when she was happy. The many half finished canvases stacked against the wall was proof of that. Jareth stood close to where she was and watched her paint for awhile. He decided to wait until she spoke first.
"Why does she hate me?" Rhiannon said after five minutes. "I can't seem to do anything right in her eyes. It's like..she always finds something to yell at me about."
Jareth found himself making more excuses for Cassie. "She doesn't hate you, Rhiannon. I think it's just the stress of work and no sleep is getting to her." He felt bad for saying that, knowing that wasn't the case.
"Yea well, if it was just stress she would be yelling at everyone. But she only picks on me. i know she doesn't like me, so please don't say she does. If she liked me she would treat me nice, like she does with her snooty friends downstairs."
She continued painting, slapping the paintbrush in fierce lines and circles all over the canvas. Jareth knew she was right, and so he didn't say anything. He just kept watching her paint.

After a moment, she dropped the paintbrush and turned around. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She was trying to be strong, but the hurting was getting to her. Rhiannon hugged Jareth, not wanting to let go.
"You still my friend, right?"
"Forever and ever."
They hugged for awhile longer, then she let go.
"She's not going to get used to me, is she?"
Jareth sighed. "No, i don't think she will."
"I thought so." Rhiannon looked away, trying not to cry.
He rubbed her shoulder and kissed her cheek. "Let's just hope she doesn't rip our hearts out every time she gets angry. I don't think either of us could take much more of it."
"Why don't you just divorce her then? We could get a cool place by the mall and be happy."
Jareth winced at the word divorce. His parents taught him that divorce was forbidden, and he stuck by that to this day. Even if his wife was acting like a tyrant. He thought about it a few times, but dismissed the idea. He couldn't just pack up and leave her...Could he?
Rubbing his forehead, he thought carefully what to say next.
"Rhiannon, it's not that easy to just leave. Sure, it sounds like a crappy excuse, but there's alot involved that you dont know about. So divorce is really not an option right now."
The two of them sat on her bed, watching the sun go down and the stars pop up in the sky. Either of them had nothing to say.


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« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2009, 08:08:47 pm »

Chapter 4: Adding fuel to the fire

Two months later

I got up extra early this morning to watch the sun rise, and to sort out my thoughts. My marriage is on the rocks, I hardly get enough sleep, and I have no idea how it all came down to this. Cassie and I have not even been married for a long time yet, and we are already to steps away from the divorce court. What has gotten into her? She went from being sweet Cass to being a green eyed monster...and over a child! It's crazy, so much so that I still don;t understand it. I know the news about her infertility dropped on her like a stone, but this is no way to get over it.
Cassie has been working constantly, and I hardly ever get to see her. I don't even remember the last time we cuddled or made love. I don;t even remember the last real hug we had. Yea, she gives me those 'we are just friends" kind of hugs and a peck on the cheek as she leaves for the hospital, but nothing like it used to be. Nothing like it was when we were love-blind college kids. When I think about all of the good times we had in college, the holding hands, the warm embraces, my heart just aches. i feel so empty inside, like I have been abandoned. I fight the tears that are building up inside. I want to be strong...I need to be strong. For the sake of what little bit of a marriage we have left.

I sighed heavily, and I heard the balcony door creak open slowly. Cassie approached me from behind and put her hand on my shoulder. For awhile neither of us said anything. I was wondering why she was up so early, seeing she has been pulling doubles at the hospital five days in a row. I heard her take a slow deep breath.
"Jareth, we need to talk."
I turn to her. Her face looks tired and worn, like she has aged five years last night. This is the first time in weeks that i was actually able to really look at her.
"What's up Cass?"
"I just want to tell you....I am sorry about all the work I have been doing. I know we have been apart alot lately, and it's putting a strain on our marriage." She ran her fingers through her hair as she thought of what she wanted to say next. "It's just that, well, we are pretty short staffed, and I decided to help pick up the extra slack."
"You are only one person though. There's no way you can compensate for hundreds of lost employees."
"I know, but doing this is making me look really good to the higher ups. If i want to move up in the hospital I need to impress them."

"Jareth, please understand I am doing this for us. I am doing this for my father. He always had high expectations of me, and I want him to be proud of me. Don't you see?"
How could she be doing this for us! All she is thinking about is herself. For pete's sake she knows darn well how I feel about working your life away. Heck, if I agreed with her I would be slaving away constantly at the law firm. But I don't because i know that life is to be enjoyed, not worked away, and Cassie knows this about me. Instead of speaking my mind though, I kept silent, studying her face.
"Well?" She said, putting her hands on her hips.
"I see that you are putting your job above our marriage. I see that the fact that we don't even make love anymore is not important to you. I also see that if I were to leave for a few days you probably wouldn't notice! Geez Cass, don't you see what is going on here? our lives are falling apart for the sake of your so called success! Don't get me wrong, I support you in every way, but this is going a little too far. When we took our vows, we swore to be there for each other and show our love for each other. This is not how you show love Cass."
Her face darkened, and I knew she was going to rip into me. But at this point, i don't care. I am so tired of making excuses for her, and trying to be positive even though I know what is really going on. I had to say what was on my mind. I wanted her to see what she was doing to me. To us.

Instead of yelling like I expected her to, she just stared at me. Maybe she couldn't believe i actually said that, or maybe she didn't know what to say. We stood like this for awhile. I turned away from her to look at the rising sun, thinking about how nice it would be for us to cuddle on the lawn and watch it together, instead of going at each other's throats and feeling the bitterness that was between us.
"Remember when we were freshmen in college? Remember when we used to get up at the crack of dawn and watch the sun rise while I held you in my arms?"
I savoured the moment in my mind. "And remember how much you used to say that you wish we could be like that forever?" Tears silently rolled down my cheeks as I thought of how much in love we were back then. She was my soul mate, my everything. I am sure if my parents were still alive back then they would have adored her.
"I wish we could back to the way we were. I want to feel that you love me Cass. Don't just say it, but show it. Like you did before."

"People change Jay," Cassie shouted. "Not everybody live in a fantasy world. We have to work for a living. That's just how it is."
"Cass that's a sorry excuse! I work for a living and I still love you as much as I did when we were in college! but..I don't feel the same way. Maybe you changed."
Cass began to cry, not tears of sadness, but tears of anger. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Yes, I have changed! I grew up! I became responsible! What the hell is wrong with that? That's what adults are supposed to do! We can't just sit here googly-eyeing each other! We have responsibilities."
I was getting a headache from this arguement, so I walked closer to her and looked her square in the eye.
"Let me tell you something. My parents were married for over 50 years, and they loved each other so much you could see it from a distance. And they were very hard workers. So don't tell me that love should take a backseat because we are adults and we have responsibilities. maybe you just don't care about us anymore." i walked away from her, not giving her a chance to respond. I was was so hurt that I don't think I could have taken another word from her.

Riiiing! Riiiing!
"Hold on! I'm coming!" Rhiannon shouted from upstairs as she put on the last of her makeup for school. She was experimenting with different colours, but she didn't make up her mind yet about which colours she liked the most. She slipped on her sandals and ran down the stairs, hoping she would catch the phone before it went to voicemail.
"Hello?" She said, trying to catch her breath.
For a moment there was only silence. "Hello?" she said again.
Then a raspy voice responded, "Rhiannon?"
"Yes? Who is this?"
"You sound so grown up. I can't believe it. I miss you."
Rhiannon was confused. She had no idea who was on the phone. She became scared.
"This better not be Gavin playing tricks on me. Just wait 'til i see you at school today!"
"I wish I could see you again. Just once. Life hasn't been the same without ya. Maybe one day you will let me see you. One day."
Rhiannon realized it wasn't Gavin. She thought she knew, but the voice was so unfamiliar. "Hey, who is this?"
The caller hung up, and she put the phone down slowly. her palms began to sweat as she became nervous. Who on earth is this? She thought with a frown. Rhiannon hoped that that wasn't some kind of stalker like she and her friends saw in the movies. She sure didn't want to be the next face on the milk carton.

She tried to brush it off as a prank as she made her breakfast. But in the back of her mind she was still trying to figure out who's voice was on the phone. She decided to question all of her friends when she got to school. She wished they had Caller ID. It would have made the guessing alot easier. Rhiannon made sure to remember to ask Jareth to get one when she came back from school. As she ate her cereal, flashes of memories came to her mind. Memories of her as a child living in a dingy apartment building, hearing screams and shouts and police sirens all the time. She shut her eyes, hoping the visions would go away.

After she ate her breakfast, she went outside and sat on the lawn to wait for the bus. She couldn't stand sitting inside, for fear that Cassie would yet again criticize her choice of clothes. As she stared at the clouds, thinking of what she was going to paint for art class that night, Jareth came up behind her.
"Hey there, whatcha doing?"
Rhiannon jumped up a little, startled by the sound of his voice. "Oh! oh...nothing. Just waiting for the bus."
"Ah i see. Sorry to scare you. I heard the phone ringing earlier. Sorry i couldn't get it i was in the shower. Who was it?"
Rhiannon looked a little nervous as she thought about that phone call. She debated on whether or not she should tell him what happened.
" was a wrong mumber."
"Oh, ok no problem then. Well I am off to work. See you when i get back."
Jareth gave her a hug and a quick peck on the cheek, then walked off to his truck. Rhiannon watched him as he drove away. She hoped she would never hear that voice she heard earlier ever again.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 09:08:39 pm by simgirl75001 » Logged

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« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2009, 09:05:31 pm »

Chapter 4 Continued

That evening, Cassie took Rhiannon to her weekly art class, so Jareth was left all alone at home as usual. So instead of surfing the Net he decided to call his friend Terry over for beers and a football game on TV. Terry of course agreed, bringing along another six pack with him. They settled down in front of the TV with their beers and chips and joked about the losing team.
" think the Llamas are going to beat the Cougars this time? ya know they have been havin' a bad run this season," Terry said between sip of beer.
"Man I don't know. I wouldn't put my money on them, that's for sure. They need a new quarter back. May get Joe Saber from the Sim City Rockets to join them, then they will be back on top."
The watched the game in silence for awhile, drinking and laughing and talking about all kinds of work related things. Jareth and Terry went way back to middle school. Terry was the school bully at the time, and Jareth made friends with him to avoid getting beat up on. Now they were the best of friends, and Terry grew up to be a very caring man. He ran the local soup kitchen in town and had a clothing store business at the mall.
After Terry ordered in pizza, he turned to his friend and said, "Dude where's your wifie? I never see her nowadays."
Jareth opened up a fresh beer. "She's at art class with Rhiannon. They should be back in a couple hours. Don't worry about them right now though, lets watch this game. Looks like the Llamas might win after all."

New age music floated through the Expert Art 2 classroom like a light mist. Everyone was concentrating deeply on their subject, especially Rhiannon. She has been preparing for still life art for quite some time now, and she hopes her finished work would make it on the walls of the local art gallery for up and coming artists. If she was chosen, she would be the youngest recognized artist in Tamlyn. Then she would get into Vogue Art school for sure. Rhiannon shylu glanced at the model, trying not to look into his beautiful green eyes. She was always nervous around guys, but this model was giving her the shivers.
Instead of thinking too much about the model, she concetrated on getting his facial features and hair just right. She was using a new set of special oil based paints that looked almost like suede when it dried. It gave the painting a 3-D look. She hoped she wouldn't screw it all up.

Cassie was observing the model too, but in a different way. She was admiring the way tanned skin glistened under the lighting, and how his lazy gaze swept over her like a soft wind. She wasn't sure if he was looking at her or not, but she was definitely studying him.
"Make sure you get every detail Rhiannon," Cassie whispered. "Live art is supposed to look alive. Nothing like painting apples and oranges."
Rhiannon just nodded, trying not to take her eyes off of the canvas. Cassie painted slowly, observing the model from the corner of her eye. When he glanced over at her, she nearly dropped her paintbrush.
"Are you ok, Cass?" Rhiannon asked.
"Yea, I'm fine. Just lost my grip."
The rest of the students were mostly experienced artists trying to brush up their techniques. The instructor walked in between the easels, admiring or correcting the students' work. Rhiannon was trying different brush stroke methods, and when the instructor noticed, he came over to her and said, "That's a nice technique, Miss Howard. Very creative."
"Thank you Mr. Lang." Rhiannon replied, feeling good that she actually received a compliment for the first time. She eagerly painted more, hoping she would get a big compliment when the painting was finished.

Cassie, on the other hand, wasn't paying the instructor any attention. She was too busy trying to catch the model's eye. She thought he was exotic looking, definitely different from Jareth. The model looked like he could cause alot of trouble in the best way. She was wondering exactly what kind of trouble when the model look straight at her and smiled, revealing dimples on both sides of his mouth. He winked at her and smiled again, and Cassie knew for sure he was flirting at her. Rhiannon was watching this from her side of the room, but she thought he was flirting at the college girl that was set up behind her. Little did she know that Cassie was the one he was flirting with.

After the class was over, Rhiannon flexed her wrists and stretched. That class was longer than usual, but because it was getting late the instructor insisted that the students come back tomorrow to finish the portraits. The model stood up and stretched as well, primping himself in a small hand mirror.
"Rhiannon, here's the keys to the car. Go ahead and warm it up. I am just going to finish up something real quick and I will meet you downstairs ok?"
"Sure.." Rhiannon took the keys and left the class. After Cassie made sure she was gone, she packed up her paints and covered her equipment up. Then she washed her hands, put on a little perfume and made her way to the model, who was making small talk with the instructor.

She wasn't so sure what her intentions of talking to the model was, but Cassie wanted to meet him at least, and touch his hand. Something to remember him by in other words. The model smiled when she came up to him, her perfume surrounding her as she extended her hand.
"Hi, I'm Cassie. I just wanted to thank you for being our model tonight. You're really good at...modeling."
"Thanks. The name's Jeff by the way. It's a real pleasure to meet you." He took her hand and kissed it.
Charming and handsome, She thought with a smile.
Cassie tried her best not to blush. "So, how long have you been modeling Jeff?"
"Since I was a teen. I used to be the H & M model in Pleasantview. That's where I was discovered. Now I do commercials and fashion design shoots."
"Impressive." Cassie could only say as she looked into his eyes. She thought he was incredibly handsome, charming and tall. She just had to get to know him better. Jareth never entered into her mind once.
They spent a few minutes talking about each other and what they did for fun.

"I must say, Cassie, that you are quite a beautiful woman. You should consider coming over my house sometime and getting some pictures done."
"Well..umm...that would be nice," She managed to stammer out. "But umm.."
"What?" He smiled at her again. "Nervous?"
"No not at all. I was going to say I have to find some time to come by. I work alot at the hospital and days off a scarce."
Jeff nodded. "Well that's understandable. I definitely know about having a full schedule."

"You must definitely find some time for me in your busy schedule," he murmured as he caressed her shoulder. "You will definitely enjoy yourself."
Cassie felt shivers going up and down her back. She couldn't believe he was actually hitting on her! She was sure that Jeff was at least 5 years younger than she was, but that point she really didn't care. She was putty in his hands.
"Of course. i will do my best," She smiled back.
"Here's my card. Call me anytime. And make sure you tell me when you can come by. i will be waiting."
"O..ok. I better go. Rhiannon is waiting for me. I will call you soon."
"Bye Cassie," Jeff said, kissing her hand again. Cassie floated all the way to the car, thinking about Jeff all the way home. She hadn't felt this way since she and Jareth were in college. Just then, she fel guilty when she thought about her husband. What have I gotten myself into? She thought as she drove home.

Will Cassie go visit Jeff? Will Jareth reconsider divorce? Who was that strange person on the phone? Please post your comments and tell me what you think Smiley Thanks!


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« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2009, 09:49:55 pm »

I love it cant wait to see what happens i hope he divorces her..LOL great job!

laugh a little louder, smile a little larger, dream a little further, love a little extra and live a little happier! Cheesy

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« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2009, 09:17:44 am »

Oh no! Her mom called!

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« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2009, 11:21:09 am »

I like your story! XD

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« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2009, 03:01:29 pm »

Chapter 5: Breaking Promises

1 month later

After meeting Jeff in the art class, Cassie was torn between being friends with him and maintaining her marriage. She found herself talking to Jeff for hours on the phone during her breaks at work, and dreaming about him at night. He even showed up at her job a few times with small lunches and flowers, which embarrassed her to no end. Some of her coworkers gossiped about the new man coming to the hospital, knowing it wasn't Jareth. Cassie never caught wind of the rumors though. Every time Jeff tried to invite her over to his place for a photo shoot, she declined, fearing she might act upon her desires. But last night, Jeff showed up as she was leaving work and persuaded her to come over the next night. "I will be good I promise," He said to Cassie as she hugged him good night.

Cassie was fussing over herself in the mirror for thirty minutes making sure everything was perfect. She changed her makeup to something more dramatic, and pulled her hair back, something she hasn't done in a long time. All the fussing about was also unusual of her, and she wondered if she was doing this for Jeff or because she was going to be photographed.
After messing with her hair a little longer, she sprayed on some light perfume, and walked downstairs, hoping Jareth wouldn't see her leaving.

As she was coming down the stairs, Jareth heard her coming while he was cooking dinner for the three of them. He thought she was going to eat with them, but as he saw her he realized she was dressed for going out.
"I thought...I thought you were going to eat with Rhiannon and I?" Jareth said, looking at her strangely. He noticed she looked a whole lot different than usual.
"Sorry, but a few friends of mines at work invited me for dinner at the cafe, and I just couldn't say no." Cassie looked past him, not wanting to lie to him while looking straight at him.
"Maybe we could have dinner this weekend?"
Jareth looked at her and sighed. he realized that attempting to be a family was hopeless.
"Yea, I guess." He looked back into the dining room, watching Rhiannon and her friend Beau from school chat about art and soccer.

"Don't worry," Cassie said, fiddling with her bracelet. "Me and the girls should be done before midnight. I got a lot of work to do tomorrow, so I can't be out too late."
Jareth just nodded. He just couldn't help how fancied out she was, a little to fancy for dinner in a cafe. He couldn't figure out why, but Cassie was a little nervous, fiddling and talking a little too fast. He figured maybe it was nerves and being tired.
Cassie gave him a quick hug and headed out of the door. She gave a big sigh of relief as she walked towards Jeff's apartment.

Jareth watched her walk away, and as he watched her he realized the love between them was gone. Just like that. It just fizzled away like a burned out candle. He sighed and went back into the house.

"Hello?" Jeff said, primping his hair with a couple of fingers.
"Hey, it's Cassie. How are you?"
"Oh hey beautiful. Doing great! Are you on your way?"
He heard her footsteps in the background. "Yes, I am about three blocks away. I didn't realized you lived so close."
"Quite a coincidence, isn't it?"
"Yea. Well I should be there in a few minutes. You are on the third floor right?"
"Exactly. See you soon beautiful."

Jeff walked over to the bar and made some drinks. He was hoping this night would go very well. Just as he was finishing up the drinks, he heard the doorbell. "Wow, she's fast!" Jeff said out loud as he went to answer the door.

I guess this is it, Cassie thought as she came up to the third floor. There was only one door on that floor. She smiled as she realized that Jeff lived in a penthouse. That meant he had to be loaded. Not bad for a model, She thought as she rang the doorbell.
A million thoughts went through her mind as she waited for him to open the door. She was nervous and excited all at once. Whatever happens, I must keep in control of myself. Don't get carried away. Act normal. It's just a photo shoot.
She heard the locks, and she put on a smile, just for him.
"Well, hello.." He said as he opened the door.

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« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2009, 09:24:52 pm »

Yikes! going to his house didn't seem like a good idea...


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« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2009, 03:33:07 pm »

Chapter 6: Dangerous Waters

Jeff drew her close to him and gave her a gentle but firm hug. She could smell his cologne on his skin, which smelled like sandalwood. Cassie sighed.
"Hello, Jeff. It's so good to see you again."
"It's good to see you too. I am so gald you decided to come." Jeff smiled, revealing dimples on both corners of his mouth.
Cassie tried not to blush. Her heart was doing backflips in her chest, but she knew it was only lust. She looked around the hallway.
"Oh, I am the only one up here," Jeff said proudly. "This is The Penthouse."
Cassie just nodded, still impressed by the success of this handsome man.
"Well come on in. It's better inside."

Jeff led her to the main dining room, where the bar was set up for the two of them. Cassie admired the expensive artwork on the walls, and she reminded herself to take a trip to the art gallery when she had time.
" live alone?" Cassie said, hoping he would say yes.
"Actually, no. My roommate Kennedy lives here too. He's a hall of famer so he isn't here much. Lot's of NBA parties I guess." Jeff shrugged and took another sip.
Cassie drank faster than she intended, and slowed down before Jeff noticed. They both became silent, enjoying each other's company and enjoying the drinks. After a couple more glasses, Jeff said, "Let's go to my studio."
Cassie just nodded and followed, trying not get too nervous.
It's just a photo shoot, she convinced herself.

As she followed him, she was suprised at how big his place was. She didn't think that penthouses were the size of a real house. Cassie wondered what else he had in there.
"Sorry if I am walking to fast," Jeff said, walking slightly ahead. "I am just excited that you are here."
"Oh, no problem." Cassie blushed, wringing her hands as they entered into a room at the end of the hallway.

Jeff led her to a small couch in the front of the room, and asked her to just relax. He took a few photos of her just sitting normally and looking away from the camera, then he decided he wanted to do something different.
"Ok, now I want you pose like, like you are thinking of something delicious and incredible. And...cross your legs too..uh huh perfect. Look away from the camera..yes just like that."
Cassie tried her best to follow his directions. She wasn't used to posing professionally, even if it was just for a friend. She shyly crossed her legs, revealing the lacy tops of her thigh highs. Jeff gasped quietly as he saw her legs.
Damn she is so sexy, he thought as he prepped the camera for another picture.
"Alright, stay just like that..." He snapped a few more pictures. "Perfect!"

"Ok, now...I want you to lay on your back and-"
"Umm are you sure?" Cassie said, feeling insecure.
"Of course I am, beautiful! This pose is so your type. You trust me don't you?"
She smiled. "Of course I do Jeff. I guess...I was getting nervous. That's all." Cassie lied down on the couch, pulling the ends of her dress down.
"Much better," Jeff said, eyeing her body with lust.
Jeff adjusted the camera some more. "Ok, just pretend you are waiting for your lover to come to you..yea like a little bit..don't look at the camera though...perfect. Ok put your arm down..yes just like that."
He looked at her through the camera longer than neccessary, but Cassie didn't seem to notice. he was admiring her body, and most of all her legs. Jeff was a leg man by nature.

After the photo shoot, Jeff led her back out in the hallway.
"Thanks for being my model tonight. You were just stunning."
"Thank you," Cassie managed to say before giggling nervously. She felt like a giddy teenager.
Jeff kissed her hand, pressing his soft lips onto her fingers. "I have one thing to ask you though."
"What's that?"
"Would you do me the honor of taking a soak in the hot tub with me? I am sure your body is a bit sore from posing so long."
"Well I would but, I didn't bring my bathing suit."
Jeff grinned mischeviously. "I wouldn't worry about that Cass. There's some spare bikinis in the guest bath, its down the hall to the right. When you are done dressing just come to this room.." he pointed at a glass door behind him.
Jeff watched Cassie walk away. He just knew tonight was going to be his lucky night.

Cassie dressed quickly, almost falling to the floor twice as she managed to squeeze the size 2 bikini on. I so have to workout more often, she thought as she walked into the dimly lit hot tub room.
She slid into the hot, bubbling water and sat next to Jeff. He was smiling at her with a little twinkle in his eye. Just as she sat down, she realized he was naked.
Oh crap what have i gotten myself into?
Jeff saw that she was nervous and he patted her hand underneath the water.
"I hope my appearance doesn't make you uncomfortable."
" not at all," Cassie stammered out.
"Well good. I prefer to be in my natural state when I soak. It's more relaxing."

He admired Cassie's body. He wondered what was underneath that bikini she was wearing.
"I hope you don't mind my saying, but I think you are very gorgeous. I can't believe you have never modeled. If i would have known you when you were in college, I would have snatched you away."
Cassie laughed. "I just didn't think i would be a good model. I like to eat too much."
He laughed. "Well I like to eat too, but i still model. I just workout extra to even things out. Trust me, I would never pass up a double cheeseburger."
They both laughed. Cassie began to relax, letting the jetting water behind her back soothe her muscles. Cassie tried her best not to look underneath the water, for fear she would get too nervous and run out of the door.

Jeff pulled her close to him and kissed the nape of her neck. "Cass," he whispered into her ear, "I feel like the luckiest man on earth, because i am here with you." He kissed her again, making her skin tingle.
"You know what I wish I could do?"
"Hmm?" Cassie replied.
"I wish I could kiss your lips. Just once. I have been wanting to kiss you ever since we met."

Cassie looked into his jade green eyes, and she couldn't fight back anymore. She didn;t want to deny what she was feeling for this man, even if it cost her marriage. She pulled his face close to his, and gently kissed him. He kissed her back, being more hungry and aggressive, pressing his body up against hers. Her heart beat faster, her hands wandering over his smooth, hard body.
"I want more of you," Jeff murmured against her lips.

After a few minutes of making out, Jeff couldn't bear it any longer.
"Let's..go to" He breathed out.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am more sure than anything."
He lifted Cassie out of the hot tub and quickly led her to his bedroom.
Cassie felt like she was in another world, out of control. One side of her was saying no no no! but the bad side of her was saying Hell yes! She followed him into his room.

Jeff quickly shut the door behind them and pulled Cassie to the bed, unleashing his aggressive but gentle kisses all over her lips and body. He wanted to take her right then and there. And he did.

The next morning...

Cassie sunggled close to Jeff, thinking he was Jareth. But as she smelled his hair, she realized that wasn't her husband. She hung on to sleep a little longer, but when Jeff, murmured, "Hey beautiful," She realized she wasn;t dreaming and she shot out of the bed.
Oh s**t I spent the night! She rubbed her forehead and looked at the wall clock. 10:30. She was late for work too. Panicked, she gathered up her clothes and dressed quickly. Jeff heard her rustling around and he got out of bed.
"Cassie why you leaving? it's still early." He rubbed his eyes, squinting at the invasive sunlight that was peeking through the windows.
"Jeff it is not early, it's 10:30! I am so late for work! And...and I don't know how i am going to explain this to my husband!" She swore a few more times as she rushed to pull on her pantyhose and shoes.
Jeff slid out of bed and walked over to her. "Hey it's ok beautiful. Calm down.Just call your job and tell them you got caught up in an emergency and you will be there soon. As far as goes...just tell him you drank a bit too much last night and slept at your friends house. i am sure he will buy it."
Cassie smiled at him and gave him a hug, taking in his scent. She thought Jeff was so smart. "Good ideas, thanks. I got to go now though. I will see you later." She gave him a kiss and left.

Sorry about the censor blur in some the pics. I didn't think he would get nakies in the tub! lol.I play with the censor on and I didnt want to bother with quitting my game and switching it off just for a couple of pics. Hope you all like this chapter. I had fun writing it!


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« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2009, 04:08:50 pm »

This isn't going to go well for her!

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« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2009, 07:06:40 pm »

Soooo Dumb well we know this isnt going to work.

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« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2009, 03:13:55 pm »

Sorry for the long delay for this next chapter. I had a bad case of writer's block and RL was taking over *booooo!* lol so I didn't have alot of time for the picture taking. I hope you all like this next chapter.

Chapter 7: The Confession

After dinner, Rhiannon and her friend said goodbye, and she went to bed, leaving Jareth to his own thoughts. As he put the dishes in the dishwasher, he looked at the clock on the wall. 11:45, it said. That cafe is surely closed by now, Jareth thought as he walked over to the front door. He stood there, scanning the sidewalk in hopes he would see Cassie walking to the house, or even a car pulling up. Nothing. All that could be heard was the sound of the crickets in the grass and the occasional whisper of the trees. He sighed and realized that his marriage will never be the same. No matter what he did Cassie would just pull further away from him.
"What happened to us?" He said aloud. "What happened to the love we had? Am i that bad of a husband?"

An hour passed. His legs began to ache but he was determined to wait at least a little while longer. A million thoughts about hat Cassie might have been doing passed through his head. This was so unlike her, being out all night like this. But yet, a lot of things she was saying and doing wasn't like her either. I guess she was right, some people do change, He thought as he gave up on waiting and dragged himself to bed.

Cassie slowly walked back to her house, fearing what was waiting for her. The story Jeff told her to make up played constantly in her head, with different version running around each time. Her head was pounding, a combination of being hungover and still being high off of what happened last night. She grinned mischieviously as she thought about Jeff and his bedroom. But as the house came into view, her smile faded and was replaced with a look of sadness. There is no way i am going to be able to explain this.
A wave of relief swept over her as she noticed Jareth's truck was missing. He went to work, regardless of the fact that Cassie never showed up that morning. He was up for promotion and he decided to distract himself with that until he came back later on. She fumbled with the keys and let herself in.

She called her boss and let him know she wasn't coming in because she was ill, even though that was far from the truth. Afterwards, Cassie went up to her rom, stripped off her clothes, which still smelled of Jeff's cologne, and soaked herself in a nice bath. She was still tired from the night before, and resting was definitely in order, especially after Jareth and Rhiannon came home. She knew was going to have to explain where she was. But could she lie to her own husband without blinking an eye? She hoped so.

The bed was warm and inviting. She curled up on Jareth's side, cuddling his favorite pillow and thinking about him. Cassie had to admit that their relationship had gone south, and she wasn't so sure if she wanted it to be fixed. She felt that Jareth no longer supported her, and put that orphan Rhiannon ahead of their marriage. That girl is a pain in my side, why can't she just go away? My life was just fine until that girl came around. She practically stole my husband from me! Sleep overtook her with a frown as she thought about everything that happened in the last few years.

Yolanda sat in her unkempt trailer, drinking the 8th beer of the day. Her eyes were glazed over from a combination of tiredness, booze, and meth. She promised herself and her friend that she would quit, but her will power is as strong as a dead flower, giving in to the temptations as she saw on last hit hidden in the back of her closet. Now she was paying for it as she stared off into space, the can of beer getting warm in her hand.
She thought about the first phone call she made to her little girl, who was not so little anymore. Why didn't she remember me? I'm her mama! Everyone remembers their mama...right? Yolanda sighed as she finished the warm beer, throwing the can into a pile of rubbish on the floor.THe guilt of abandoning her only child for the sake of a man who wasn't even around anymore ate at her constantly. Her depression was so bad she hardly left her home, going out only to get food, beer and meth. She let herself go, and it showed with her expanding waistline and the premature wrinkles that formed around her lips and eyes. Even though she was 35 years old, most people would think she was already in her late 40's.

She turned on the radio and lounged on the couch, trying to forget about her haunting thoughts and depression. But thoughts continued.
I want to clean myself up...but I wanna do it right. I wanna do it for my girl. If she see that I am straightened out, maybe she will want to come home...or at least be my friend. Yolanda hit herself across the leg. "Why cain't I be a good mama like everyone else! What is wring with me?" She shouted to the empty trailer, letting her head drop on the couch. All of a sudden there was a harsh knock on the door. She lazily rose from the couch and sluggishly made her way to the door.

"Hey girl! Where have you been hiding?" Danielle screeched when yolanda opened the door, pulling her into her arms for a tough hug.
Danielle was one of her old friends from the NA meetings she attended three years ago. Even though she dropped out of the meetings six months ago, they still talk. They were almost like sisters to each other.
"I just been here," She replied, shading her sensitive violet eyes from the sun. She usually went out with her dark sunglasses to protect her eyes from the light, but being high and slightly drunk, she forgot about them.  "Let's go inside. This sun is killing my eyes."
"What? You a vampire now?" Danielle joked as they walked inside.
"You know i'm not a vampire! My eyes are just hurting." She laughed as she casually kicked the random trash out of the way.

After they recalled old times and joked around, Yolanda invited Danielle to stay for dinner, which she agreed to. They sat down to a humble meal of Chicken Helper with Kool Aid for drinks.
"It's not much, and I'm sorry," Yolanda said as she served the food.
"Don't worry about it girl! Some food is better than no food," Danielle replied as she sipped on the red drink. "By the way, you know that trailer behind you with the odd awning on it?"
"Yea, what about it?"
"Well, I saw it was for rent the other day and, since i needed to move away from the old temptations I decided to rent it out! Now we will be neighbors."
She smiled. "That's good news Danni! Now we can hang out more often. I really need that you know?"
Danielle nodded as she ate her food.
"You know, I am getting worried about you. Ever since you left the meetings, you have been sinking big time. Whats going on? Did you relapse?"
Yolanda looked down into her bowl and sighed. She knew she would have to talk about it eventually, just not so soon.
"Yolanda, I can tell you got back on the meth. Look at your face! you look like you haven't slept in months. And you have let your house go. When was the last time you cleaned it?"
Yolanda looked around her trashed home, and sighed. Danielle was right. She totally let everything go just so she can maintain her fix. How was she ever going get out of this crazy vicious cycle?

"You are so right, Danni. But...maybe you can help me. You have been clean for over a year! So I know you can help me." Yolanda looked around again. "Besides, there's a reason why i wanna get cleaned up."
"What is it?"
She sighed, rubbing her scarred arms, which was caused by her early days of heroin. "Remember Rhiannon, my daughter?"
"Yea, I remember her. You said the state took her."
"Well, yea they did. But there's something else to it." Yolanda looked down at her hands, trying to prepare herself for the confession. "Well,'s my fault they took her. I left her."
Danielle looked at Yolanda in surprise. "You did what?"
"I left her Danni. At the park in the middle of the night, after me and Timothy got into it. You know i was on heroin back then, and my mind was all messed up." A tear escaped her eye. "He told me it was either him or my little girl and, you know he was my main source, and..I know I have no excuse for it, but I told him I would get rid of her. How stupid of me!"
Yolanda began crying, hiding her face behind her hands. Danielle reached over and rubbed her back, shocked at the story that was being told to her. She remained quiet, waiting for Yolanda to finish the story.
"So...i waited. I made her a nice dinner of mac and cheese, and told her a story when she went to bed, something I never did. i guess I was saying goodbye to her in a way. When she went to sleep, I wrapped her up in a blanket and carried her outside. I took a taxi to a nice part of town and dropped her off at the park. I walked back home, only thinking about my next fix. I didn't even think about her until after I started going to my NA meetings, and when the Social Worker paid me a visit." She rubbed her eyes. "Now, I regret everything I did. I have no chance of getting my girl back. She's almost a grown woman now."
Danielle nodded. "Have you tried contacting her?"
"Yea...after alot of convincing, the Worker gave me her phone number, but not her address. So I called her and she actually answered the phone. I knew it was her...her voice was the same but..but more grown up. I didn't have the guts to tell her who I was so I hung up after only saying a few words."
Danielle got up to leave. "It's getting late girl, but you know I live next door now. I suggest you pick up that phone and call her again. And this time tell her who you are. That's your only kid, you can't just let someone else be her mama. Even if she doesn't come live with you, at least you can fix the bridge you burned with her."

Danielle and Yolanda Said their goodbyes, and soon she was left all alone. The buzz of the beer had worn off, and she was more clearheaded than she had been in a long time. After digging through her boxes, she found the crumpled piece of paper with Rhiannon's number on it. Here's goes, She thought as she dialed the numbers.
"Hello?" Rhiannon said, music playing in the background.
"Hi is this Rhiannon?"
"Umm..yea..who is this?"
"It's your mama honey...Yolanda...I wanna talk to you.."

« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 03:20:59 pm by simgirl75001 » Logged

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« Reply #29 on: November 05, 2009, 03:28:00 pm »

Did you know your last two pics are the same?

The whole time I am thinking What a #$%^*& her mom is. Good job!

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