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Author Topic: The Box Ending up Now!  (Read 44057 times)
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« on: October 12, 2006, 09:54:53 am »

This is a story I been working on hope you enjoy it!  I was inspired by the wonderful strange wonderfull objects some of the creators make for us to use in our games  so in the style of the old Night Gallery tv show from the 70s I bring you the box...

The Box

Rosemary:  Maggy...I cant't stay long I have to meet a new client he is  well super rich and there's no way I can keep him waiting...

Maggy:  Really who is it?

Rosemary:  His name is Paul Beal.  Do you know him?

Maggy:  Oooh yeah! Honey big money He owns all the banks in Pleasantview and Veronaville he is definately not someone you want to keep waiting!  Really sad about his wife isn't?

Rosemary:  His wife?  What happened? I don't really know much about him
 his secretary just called and said he was looking for an Art dealer to sell an eastern collection but I have never heard of him except that he is a big wig in town.

Maggy:  Well he is sort of reclusive...but the way I heard it his wife was an acclaimed Egyptologist very well known in her field she came home from her last dig sick with something unknown and the town gossips say it made her psychotic and that she went from being an attractive woman to a monster!  Her name was Elizabeth Merrell I'm sure you heard of her.

Rosemary:  You're kidding!  Of course I have heard of her I spent 3 years in Veronaville museum during my internship studing her finds there is a whole exihibit just with her finds she donated it all and didn't want any publicity for some strange reason so it was very low key.  I didn't know she had passed away.

Maggy:  Well she was sick for about six months her husband tried every Doctor in the country....she finally died about three months ago..
Rosemary:  How sad...

Maggy:  Well I guess the old man wants to get rid of her stuff probably too painfull to look at it now.

Rosemary:  Yes...I'm sure it is..

Maggy:  How have you been feeling Rosemary?  You look a little pale...

Rosemary:  I'm tired I been working a lot.  I have quite a few new clients  that's been keeping very I haven't had time to think about Douglas that much...

(Rosemary thought about that not thinking about Douglas now this is a lie she had thought about Douglas a lot..and it was making her sick.

She thought about their last conversation...where he told her not only was he not asking Laura for a divorce but that for the children's sake he was going to try to work things out with his was so painfull she couldn't take seeing and working with him anymore she had made the move to Pleasantville and while she was doing ok this ill fated affair still haunted her.

 Douglas and her had become close while he translated artefacts for her and one thing lead to another and next thing she knew they were deeply involved.  I suppose what hurt the most is that he told her on the phone that he didn't have the decency to face her and break her heart to her face....)

Maggy:  That's good honey cause he is a maggot!   You just need to get out  there and start dating again you will see there are so many fish in this sea and without barnacles if you know what I mean?

Rosemary:  I'm not ready yet Maggy.....I ended up getting drunk two Friday nights ago right here in this pub and going home with Ali of all people now he won't leave me alone!

Maggy:  "What! You and Ali?"  Maggy screamed

Rosemary:  Don't laugh it just sort of happened I think he slipped me something cause I know I wasn't that drunk..ugh...
Actually I have to go see him today because Mr. Beals items should be in the warehouse I need to do at least a preliminary look over before I go see Mr. Beal this afternoon.

Maggy:  Well just make sure you don't have a drink with him! LOL!

Rosemary:  Yeah.....No kidding!  Now I do have to go love ya Maggy stay crazy!...bye....

Rosemary:  Ali have all the crates arrived from the Beal collection?

Ali:  "Yes baby they are here don't worry... and so am I when are you going to go home with me again?"

Ali put his octopus arms around her trying to plant a kiss on her..ugh not again....Rosemary pushed him hard with a force that even surprised herself.

Rosemary:  ALI! WHAT PART OF DON'T TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!  I told you I was drunk I did not want to go out with you again now unless you want to lose this job don't try it again.  Ok?

Ali:  Ok don gotta be so nasty....

Ali:  Here are the items from Mr. Beal they are very nice there will be some good money here thats for sure I have hired a guard and of course the alarm and the bars so it should be safe.  Of course all the big money items will go in the safe.

Rosemary:  Good!  I already have a really eccentric client in Veronaville that has wants to bid on it as soon as it is catalogued so you need to get to work.  I will be here tommorow morning and help as much as I can.

Ali:  Oh and there is also this.....Ali pointed to an unusual box Rosemary took a closer look at it....what the hell was it?

Rosemary:  What is this it's not Egyptian?

Ali:  No it's not....There is a note attached to it addressed to you I didn't open it.

Rosemary opened the envelope it was a note from Mr. Beal addressed to her.. it read...

Miss Woodhouse please accept this box as a bonus for your help with this matter.  It belonged to my wife and before she died it was the only one of her artefacts that she asked me not to sell.
She asked me to give it away to a pretty girl although we haven't met personally I have heard you fit the bill of her descriptions.
Looking forward to meeting finally.
Paul Beal

Rosemary:  Well this is very cool it's a bonus on top of my commission!

Ali:  You should bury that thing Rosemary....I'm not kidding!

Rosemary studied Ali's face puzzled by his remark.

Rosemary:  Why would I do that?

Ali:  This thing is a Dybbuk box it is evil don't keep it please!

Rosemary:  Dybbuk?  

Ali:  Yes Dybbuk it is a devil inside the box when you open it the devil will possess you and kill you.

Rosemary:  Come on Ali!  I don't believe in such crap!
What is the writting on it?  Can you read it?

Ali:  No it looks like Hebrew but my Hebrew is really not very good you should call Douglas he can translate the writtings..

Rosemary winced at the idea of calling Douglas but Ali was right this was a job for Douglas.  If this Dybbuk box was worth anything maybe she could finally take that cruise she had been planning...of course she had planned to make it a honeymoon with Douglas now it would her alone.....

Rosemary:  Go ahead and package it and send it to Douglas I'll call him and confirm with him tonight.

Ali:  Ok!


Rosemary started the drive to Mr. Beal's cabin it was  it was a bit of a drive since it was in the outskirts of the City.  She pulled up to a quaint log type vacation home it was cozy and by a lake Mr. Beal owned many homes but she had heard since his wife died he spent most of his time in this small cabin gardening which was his true passion besides making millions.
She was met by a caretaker and asked to wait in a lovely patio until Mr. Beal would join her.  She felt nervous for some reason she had dealt with powerfull people before but this felt different she had a feeling Mr. Beal was not your typical millionaire.

Mr. Beal:  Good Morning Miss Woodhouse how good of you to join me!

Rosemary looked up into Mr. Beals lovely blue eyes they were kind and welcoming but there was definately a sadness there that she could detect.

Rosemary:  Mr. Beal it is wonderfull to finally meet you!  Your home is wonderful  you can really breath the fresh air out here.

Mr. Beal:  Well it is way to big for just one old stuffy man but I find the gardens keep me fit particularly the rose garden.

Do you garden Miss Woodhouse?  

Rosemary:  No actually I love plants but have had very little time to plant a garden but maybe your lovely garden will inspire me..

Mr. Beal:  Oh I hope so working with living beautifull things feeds our soul Miss Woodhouse my wife never cared for gardening and spent all her time with her artefacts of the dead all those dead ancient things cold and well not good for anyone..I will give you a plant to take home with you so that you remember to connect with the good and beautifull it's very important!

Rosemary:  Thank you Mr. Beal you have been so generous to me I was very flattered you chose me to take care of these items for you.

Mr. Beal:  Well don't be you were chosen by my late wife she left her wishes written and they were quite specific.. she wanted her collection to be sold and the proceeds to go to a  Archeological research team in Kurdistan and Israel.  She specifically chose you to barter the deal because she liked the way you worked with her items at Veronaville Museum.
She said you had done such a good job that she wanted you to be rewarded generously in this deal.

Rosemary was shocked!  She had never actually met Elizabeth Merrell she had been told at the time that she never attended the Museum except by private viewings a few times and that was before her time there.

Rosemary:  Mr. Beal I am very flattered to be doing this for your late wife her career was astounding...she was an amazing woman.

Mr. Beal:  She she was her illness and resulting death were a great tragedy to me and I wish to honor all her requests she was very very sick at the point of her death but somehow managed to detail her wishes very clearly with her I of course want to honor every single one.

Speaking of which the box I sent you she wished you to have it.  You may sell it or do as you wish but apparently it is quite special so you may want to hold on to it for awhile until you can figure out it's value.
Here is her log on it I wanted to hand it to you in person honestly I looked at it briefly and it sort of reads as ravings my first instinct was to destroy it so no one would ever see how this strange illness had ravished her mind but her attorney was very specific that I hand this personally to you.
Just keep in mind that my wife's illness had made her.....well delusional in the last six months of her life.  I would consider it a personal favor if no one but you ever saw it.

Rosemary:  Yes of course Mr. Beal I will keep this confidential and if what it contains is too upsetting then I assure you I will destroy it.  I want to assure you I will not allow anyone else to read it except for any details having to do with the scholarly analysis of the artefact.

Mr. Beal:  Thank you Miss Woodhouse!  I can see you are a person of character I see now why Elizabeth chose you for this task she was an excellent judge of character.

As Rosemary drove home she thought about calling Douglas for the translation of the box she hadn't spoken to him in over 4 months she decided she would be professional and detached....she wasn't sure she could pull that off but she would try...
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 10:18:15 am by starlucid » Logged

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2006, 10:23:54 am »

Installment two shortly...
photobucket is being evil so I kept this first one shorter than I had originally wanted.

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2006, 02:10:47 pm »

Oooh.. I love it so far! Can't wait to see what comes next!

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« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2006, 10:18:51 pm »

2nd Installment...


Home.....finally!  what a long crap day full of stress and BS....all

she wanted to do was order a pizza and zone out playing some video

games with Steven and sleep until the next day to start the grind


Carmen:  Ahhh good ju aar home I vant to tawk to ju about da boy...

Carmen was Rosemary's  pillar she always made her laugh and kept her

life in order.  After Father died leaving her to raise Steven her

teenage brother alone she would have been lost without her.

Steven hollered from the next room making fun of Carmen's accent

Steven:  Jeah da Boy is hungry caramba!

Carmen made a face and hollered back at him..

Carmen:  Jess!  jast wait ju monkey I bizzy talking to jour sista!

Carmen:  I make all da choppin so ju got food wile I bee gun OK?  Da

bus pik up ju brother in da morningh so ju don got to drive him OK?

Rosemary panicked in horror!  She had forgotten all about Steven

leaving to camp!  Ugh!  What kind of guardian was she?  She felt very

neglectfull poor Steven he was basically raising himself...she promised

herself she would spend more time with him once he was back from


Rosemary:  Carmen....I...

Carmen:  Ju Fogot I new it!

Carmen:  Ju know I'm going to Puerto Rico fo 3 weeks I toll ju!

Rosemary:  Yes Carmen I know it just skipped my mind that today was

your last day before leaving...

Carmen:  Don verry Missy I hire a maed for ju she gunna clean an I made

big choppin so ju have food for avile Ok?

Rosemary:  Yes of course Carmen I have to say I'm going to miss you but

you deserve a vacation you have been running this house completely for

me and honestly I don't know what I would do without you.

Carmen laughed.....Carmen:  Dat's right baby without Carmen eet's not a

good theen!

Rosemary wrote Carmen a generous check which made Carmen's eyes light

up.  Her generosity was well earned and was also a bribe

to get Carmen to come back in case she got to Puerto Rico and decided

to stay in tropical paradise instead of coming back to her job...

Rosemary decided to get the call to Douglas over with the longer she

put this off the harder it would be she went into the study and dialed

his number her fingers did it so mechanically almost like if his number

were stored in them magically....

Douglas:  Hello...Petersons and Associates may I help you?

Rosemary:  Hi Douglas....this is Rosemary....I was hoping I could get

you to examine an artefact that has some type of old Hebrew writtings

on it....

Douglas:  Rosemary.....yes of course go ahead send it to me..

How...have you been?  I thought about you a great deal..

Rosemary:  I have been good very busy and you?

Douglas:  Well...things are the same I'm going to counselling with

Laura but honestly I don't know if we will be able to work things

out...I just don't know if I can make myself love her again you know?

Rosemary felt her stomach flop....this was not going good her intention

was not to ease into another meeting and return to screwing Douglas

behind Laura's back scenario....No she wasn't going there...

Rosemary:  That's too bad Douglas I know how you really wanted to make

it work.  I'm sure you will give it your best try tho...Well back to

business the artefact is some sort of strange box I haven't examined it

but I believe it's Hebrew in Origin and the writting is not Ali's

expertise so if you will take care of this and send me a bill I will

appreciate it a lot.

Douglas:  Rosemary...anything for you no bill required it's on me for

old time sake OK?

Rosemary:  Are you sure?  I'm doing very well Douglas my firm can

certainly afford even your ridiculous fees..

Douglas:  Yes I'm sure I'll let you know when I'm done I'll call Ok?  

Is this your current number here on my caller Id?  
Rosemary:  Yes you can call that number.

Rosemary hung up whew! that was done and over with and while awkward

and stomach wrenching it had not gone too for that bubble

bath and sleep finally....

Steven:  Hey!  

Rosemary:  Hey monster!

Steven:  You want to play my new game? It's really cool....and you

won't see me for a month so you can practice it while I'm gone you know

..since I'm gonna kick your ass and all give ya some time to get ready

for a rematch...

Rosemary smiled the bubblebath would come later spending time with

Steven made her happy he was all she had in the world now and precious

to her.

Next day Rosemary awoke to an Empty house Steven independent as he was

had left on his 6 am bus to camp and Carmen wasn't in the kitchen

making her pancakes and expresso...ugh the house felt too still and

uninhabited she dressed quickly and left for the warehouse she was late

and sure Ali would accuse her of making him do all the work alone..

The Beal collection had to be ready for bids by next week and it was

enormous this would take forever even with both her and Ali working

round the clock.....

Ali:  Man I'm exausted and all stiff from looking at this crap let's go

have a drink!

Rosemary:  Ali I'm not going to screw you again not ever do get that?

Ali threw his head back in a hearty laugh.."Yeah I know I'm not trying

to get into your pretty panties I swear I just seriously need a break

from this my eyes are starting to cross from so much paperwork.."

Rosemary was drop dead tired too she thought about it and said aah what

the hell?  

Rosemary:  Ok Ali we have three drinks that's it we have Melvin drive

us both home and pick us up 7am sharp tommorow so we can get this over

with ok?

Having a few drinks with Ali would be fun he was funny when he had a

few and as long as he wasn't trying to rape her she enjoyed his

Ali was a brilliant antiguities historian she was amazingly lucky to

have him his paperwork was dubious everything he knew was from being

right there in Egypt working with the big names he had the misfortune

of not being able to document his expertise but as far as his knowledge

it was expert without a doubt she had met him at the museum during her

internship there and came to realize how valuable he could really be to

an Art and Antiguities dealer when she opened her own company he was

her first hire.

Ali:  Sounds good to me let me find Melvin he is in the back moving

boxes he can take us in the pickup I tell him to take it home so he can

pick us both up in the morning..

They had a like three drinks at their usual haunt and practically fell

asleep into their drinks.  She was so tired she called a cab by the

second drink and had her third drink while waiting for it to show up.

Once home she plopped into bed without even changing her clothes she

was sooo she dozed off she went right into a weird dream

that was more of a nightmare flavor....
It was just glimpses of weirdness....She saw herself in a strange dark

gallery with disgusting evil looking displays and at the end was

Elizabeth Merrell standing holding a teddy bear looking pale and

bloodied and pretty much like the walking dead...and in front of her

was the creepy box..Ugh!  No more drinks late at night when she was

bordering on exaustion that was just creepy!

The next morning Rosemary woke up to a pounding headache and an

annoying alarm clock...she staggered out of bed

The clock read 6:10 am...Oh Crap Melvin will be here soon she showered

and dressed quickly Melvin and Ali were chatty and cheerfull in the

truck and she felt grumpy and sleepy...

Rosemary and Ali worked into the evening late and ordered a pizza they

ate while they worked and around 7pm her private line rang she was

gratefull for the break and went to answer it instead of allowing her

voicemail to pick up.

Rosemary:  Hello?

Douglas:  Rosemary?  Douglas here...I wanted to talk to you about this

box you sent you have a minute?

Rosemary:  Yeah a few go ahead...

Douglas:  I'm working on the documentation and I will send it to you

with the box but I wanted to ask you where did you get it?

Rosemary:  It was part of a private collection the owner prefers to

remain anonymous but I can tell you the owner was reputable...

Douglas:  Well it's not That old it was made sometime in the 14th

century the writtings on it are mostly ancient Hebrew with some Aramaic

 on the exterior of the box...when I opened it inside it was empty and

dusty as hell I just about had an asthma attack had to use my inhaler

and see my Alergy doctor it's weird cause I haven't had an Asthma

attack since my childhood...

Rosemary:  Oh Doug I'm sorry are you ok?  

Douglas:  Yeah no worries I'm back on medicines and it seems now that

I'm finished working on your little devil box it's clearing up....

Rosemary:  Devil Box?

Douglas:  Yeah....the writings on the outside are mostly Kabbalistic

type spells of an exorcism nature they name a specific demon contained

within the box it was a sort of binding of this demon let me see here

oh his name is ....Azazel
He is one of the fallen angels who rebelled and became a devil in The

book of Enoch.

Anyway inside the box there is more writtings but not in Hebrew or

Aramaic but Enochian writting which is suppose to be Angelic script I

haven't translated that yet as soon as I do I will inlcude it in my

report I should be done by tonight and have it ready to ship back to

you by next day.

Rosemary:  Thank you Douglas! Take your time this particular item is

mine now so there is no hurry on it.

Douglas:  No worries I'm almost done with it and I'm glad to be of some

help.  It was certainly interesting to examine.

Rosemary:  Well considering it's 14th century it's not trully an

antiguity so I guess I'll hold on to it until I find a curio type

collector who might be into the dracula aspect of it.

Douglas laughed ...oh his laugh it made her melt inside why did he have

to be married!

Douglas:  Rosemary it was wonderfull talking to you again please call

me if you need anything  I mean it anything...

Rosemary:  Thanks Douglas I will..

The next day she worked into the night with Ali and the collection was

finally ready for auction.  She went home and slept a good dreamless

dead sleep of exaustion.....she was going to stay home and finalize

some paperwork while Ali repacked the collection for the auction on

Saturday Ali would attend the auction and keep her posted by phone her

Egyptian collector had come by for a private viewing and bought like 15

pieces of it He paid a small fortune and her commission was $20,000

from that sale alone!
She had worked her butt off on this collection and it was finally

paying off!
The auction hopefully would be the icing on the cake and she could

maybe take a week off and unwind maybe take a 3 day cruise and get some

sun she could definately use some of that...

The door bell rang she looked up she wasn't expecting anyone...

At the door was a delivery man with a package she signed for it and

when she opened it she realized it was the box that Douglas was

examining for her...
She put the box in her office and opened the envelope package attached

it was Douglas's report on the box.

She read thru the technical historical parts of it measurements,

descriptions of materials and laquered finish and flipped to the last

page with the translations..

she skimmed over it being it was and formulas of

angelic names with astrological measurements it was almost like reading

some hermetic tablet...

the last part was the translation of the

Enochian writting it read.....

"Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an

opening in the desert, which is in Dûdâêl, and cast him therein. And

place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and

let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see

light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the

fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim

the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all

the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that

the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole

earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl:

to him ascribe all sin."

Rosemary tried to digest what she just read...How weird she reattached

the report to the container she didn't feel up to reading it on her day

off and picked up the phone to call Maggy.

Rosemary:  Hey girl feel like doing lunch today?

Maggy:  Rosemary I was just about to call you!  Oh my God you haven't

heard have you?

Rosemary:  Heard what?  What happened?

Maggy:  Rosemary....there was an accident in Veronaville some kind of

chemical fire five people were killed in the fire Rosemary Douglas's

building was burned I'm afraid he was killed...I'm so sorry...I know

you still cared for him....

Rosemary went cold and numb the room seemed to be going black she

stuttered stupidly to Maggy on the phone I just talked to him...

Maggy:  Rosemary I'm coming over Ok?  I'll be there in 10 minutes ok?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2006, 10:35:42 am by starlucid » Logged

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 12:40:20 pm »

I'm trying to get this whole story out I'm sorry if it's choppy! anyway I hate waiting for an ending so I will try to get from 3rd to ending asap! thanks for reading!

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2006, 12:51:41 pm »

Third installment

Maggy:  Yes Steven she is sleeping she is upset but I think she will be fine...

Steven:  Do you think I should come back?  I know she was in love with that guy she must be a mess..

Maggy:  No stay there I'm here and although she seems to be a little in shock I gave her a mild sedative and she is sleeping now call her later when you get a chance honey ok?

Douglas's death had been horrific his body was not suitable for an open  casket She made Ali go and he said his widow and children seemed to be  in shock.  Rosemary didn't attend out of respect for Douglas's family he was the love of her life and now not only was he dead from a horrible death but she couldn't even go cry at his funeral...she felt like death warmed over herself...she would wait until some time had passed and she would go to his grave and talk to Douglas and tell him all that was in her heart it would help purge this pain and give her some resolution to his horrible death.

The auction was a big success she made tons of money and Mr. Beal was happy she got her huge commission but the idea of going anywhere to celebrate only made her want to sob....

She noticed the box on her desk it was the last thing her and Douglas shared this creepy evil box maybe it was an omen of what was going to happen.

She decided to open it she had pretty much ignored the box ever since coming to own it.  The artefact just never appealed to her it was ugly gaudy and weird and not worth being included in the Beal Collection...

She decided to opened it and examine the inscriptions and formulaes on the exterior it was truly a white elephant thats for sure.  But somehow the fact that Douglas had looked at them just for her made them special she decided to display the box she would keep this hideous thing in rememberance of their love.

She opened the top to take a look at the infamous Enochian inscriptions as she opened the box her eyes lost focus and she felt a wave of nausea she saw black cloud enveloping her next thing she knew she was falling........

Everything went black..........

Thats when she awoke to find Maggy screaming at her she had called the ambulance they were on their way....she went in and out of concioussness during the ride there and the emergency room she awoke in a small private hospital room her whole body ached she could barely get out of bed she had to go to the bathroom a small door looked like it might be the restroom it seemed like it was a million miles away why was she so weak?  What the hell happened?

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

Posts: 234

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« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2006, 02:37:48 pm »

this story just got a lot more interesting just a suggestion here a few more pics like you had in 3rd installment will help.
 the storyline is great and well structured.only needs a few more pics:) good job of getting my attention though i will follow this one.

i'm an insim addict
welcome back kathy and eric we missed you

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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2006, 02:40:36 pm »

yeah I know hotrod i'm working on it will replenish photos having some issues with my game and photobucket but hopefully I will get installment one and two full of pics tonight please look again and let me know!

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2006, 04:05:49 pm »

Wow, this is growing into a good plotline, hopefully with lots of twists and turns. The poses they strike in the photos really suit it Cheesy Tongue A few tips:

1) More pictures, good luck with sorting out photobuck! 'Tis a nightmare!
2) Maybe break the text/chapters down a little bit? It's a bit intense to read, I had to take a few breaks.

Overall, great work + will follow it as it grows!


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« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2006, 06:40:49 pm »

a blog might work better for you, you can upload the pictures right to it (depending on what blog you use) no needing bhotofucket!

I use for my sims story - it's free! see the link in my sig for a look at mine.

Crazy Town - home of my Sim stories & SC4 Terrains, Sims, hairy Skintones and some clothes & stuff.

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« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2006, 07:27:31 pm »

Well I'm working on photos for this story it's a good one just need to put up some more visuals I have a lot photos but they are more advanced into the story...

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

Posts: 234

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« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2006, 09:48:50 pm »

i see spaces you left to add pics that i didn't notice before,lot of people complaining about trouble with photobucket lately,working them in later works too i saw 2 that i didn't see earlier if worse comes to worse use sleepycats idea. i'm off to check hers now:)
the pics that are here have great staging in them so i know you can do it.

wow  maybe you should give sleepycats idea a try looks good and no worries with photobucket pics look good there too if you do put a link here for us to go see i want to follow this story out to see how it ends
« Last Edit: October 13, 2006, 10:38:00 pm by hotrod50s » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2006, 10:43:22 am »

Thanks hotrod.  I corrected a software conflict some kind of flash error with photobucket so I guess I just finish this off and maybe for my next story I already have a really good idea ...I might follow sleepycats suggestion my next story has me excited sorry I'm Gemini scatter brain! LOL!
I have an ending for this already but I'm still trying figure out how to pose everybody just right...

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2006, 10:56:58 am »

Installment Three:

Nurse:  Miss Woodhouse!  No don't try to get up I will walk you to the rest room!  

The nurse walked her to the restroom her body was reeling in pain she felt as if she had been hit all over with a bat she also felt burning on her face.

When the nurse had put her back in bed she began the usual nurse routine of pulse, bloodpressure check and stuck a thermometer in her mouth...

Nurse:  You are in Pleasantville hospital I'm your nurse Patty I'm going to finish this and get your doctor he has been waiting for you to wake up Ok?

Rosemary nodded ugh even that hurt....why was she in so much pain she knew she had fallen but she couldn't imagine getting hurt this bad from falling in her own study...

The nurse went to get the Doctor and she looked around the room there were flowers she supposed from Maggy and Ali she wasn't even sure how long she had been there.

The doctor came in and greeted her Ah I am glad to finally meet you fully awake he said....My name is Doctor Roberts and I have been attending you since your attack...

Rosemary:  Attack? she gasped

Dr. Roberts:  Yes can you remember any details Ms. Woodhouse?  The police have asked me to notify them as soon as you were awake and able to speak...
As you can imagine many people in the Pleasantville are concerned about some serial rapist beating and raping it's residents..
Rosemary:  I was raped?  

Rosemary touched her head to see if somehow she was dreaming some kind of nightmare from hell she felt open wound in the back of her head she felt faint again....she laid back...

Rosemary:  I don't remember anything except fainting and a very strange nightmare...

Dr. Roberts:  It's ok Rosemary I want you to go ahead and sleep now I will tell the police you are not ready to speak to them about your attack.

Rosemary went into a deep uncomfortable sleep she dreamed strange images of a dark place where she was supose to go up a creepy staircase was a variation of her disturbing Elizabeth Merrell dream but this one was even darker somehow and more frightening...

She awoke to Steven's voice
Steven:  Sis?  are you awake?

Rosemary opened her eyes from her perpetual drug nightmare snooze to see Stevens face his eyes were red he looked as if he had been crying..

Rosemary:  Steven?

Steven:  Don't try to talk I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you I failed I'm an asshole Dad asked me to take care of you and be the man of the family and I left you alone to face that bastard...his voice cracked with emotion and he wept openly.

Rosemary:  Steven I don't remember anything I think I have amnesia or something..

The next day she awoke to someone holding her hand gently..
She opened her eyes and looked to see it was Carmen..
Carmen:  Don worry Missy they gonna catch that cabron he is gonna rot in jail fo wat he done to ju...

Rosemary:  Carmen!  You're here?!

Carmen:  I gave my cell number to Steven so he could call me if emegrenci I flew back as soon as I herd don verry Mamma Carmen don leaf ju no more Ok? I moved into Steven's rrroom and he sleepy on the coowch.

Rosemary cried softly seeing Carmen again allowed her to somewhat rest calmer now that her family was with her she would pull herself back together somehow if she could ever figure out what the hell happened to her to start with..

Later that afternoon....Ali came to see her he looked so upset he had been taking care of everything at work and had an alarm system installed in her home equal to the one at work.

Ali:  Rosemary....I don't know what to say to you I care about you a lot to see someone has hurt this way makes my blood boil....
Rosemary:  Ali I just want to forget this whole experience for one I don't remember anything the only proof I have is that the hospital is saying I was attacked no one was there I was alone when I fainted.

Ali:  You know the Police thought I did this to you....
Rosemary:  What?
Ali:  Yes they kept me in the Police station for 6 hours if Melvin hadn't pulled the security cameras videos and told them we were both working together all day I probably still be in jail.
Rosemary:  I'm so sorry Ali.....I will tell the police when I talk to them you are not involved.
Ali:  I want you to take all the time you need to recover I am handling everything at work OK?  I hope they can catch whoever did this soon so I can kill him for you.

Later that evening two detectives came to see her....they were young and goodlooking "Great two males couldnt' they have at least brought a female?
Miss Woodhouse...My name is detective Alvarez I'm from Pleasantville Police department and this is detective Manning from Veronaville Police department.
Rosemary:  Veronaville?
Detective Manning:  Yes Miss Woodhouse I would also like to ask you a few question if you feel up to it.
Rosemary:  Detective I don't remember anything I fainted and woke up partially on my way to the hospital.
Detective Alvarez:  Yes your doctor has informed us that you have post-trama memory loss but perhaps there are a few details you may recall that might help us.

Rosemary:  I wanted to tell you first of all Ali my employee did not do this.
Detective Alvarez:  Yes we know his story checks out and ......well so does his dna test.
Miss Woodhouse can you recall anyone suspicious around the warehouse or your home prior to your attack?  Anyone who shouldn't have been there?
Rosemary:  No
Detective Alvarez:  If you do have any recollections will you please let us know any at all?

Detective Manning:  Miss Woodhouse....I need to ask you regarding your relationship with Douglas Peterson he was recently killed in a suspicious fire in Veronaville I am investigating his death and well your name came up in the course of my investigation.
Rosemary:  Douglas's death was not an accident?
Detective Manning:  No we think not.  Douglas did some very classified work for the military through the University and his murder may be related to that.
Rosemary:  Douglas never talked to me about any of that...our relationship ended his choice he wanted to remain with his wife.  I was broken-hearted and moved here to try to start over.
Detective Manning:  Miss Woodhouse any information you can recall what so ever please contact either detective Alvarez or myself right away.
Rosemary:  Yes of course.

Nurse Patty:  Miss Woodhouse it looks like will be discharged today!
Rosemary:  Thank God!  No offense but I can't stand it here anymore!
Nurse Patty:  It's not the food is it? (Nurse Patty laughed she was quite pretty when she smiled.)
I need to go over a few things with you before you go.....Dr. Roberts wants you to see this Doctor for follow up.  His name is Dr. Luis Mendoza he is a Psychiatrist that specializes in post-trauma and memory loss.  We have set up an appointment for you.  It is all written down for you.

Nurse Patty:  Another thing we tested for sexually transmitted illnesses and they were all negative but you should have a repeat test in a week with your private doctor.  Here is a list of what he should test for.
Rosemary cringed the whole rape thing had not hit home until now for some reason maybe because she didn't remember it.  She was just gratefull to be going home.  Carmen, Steven and even Maggy was all the therapy she needed right now.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2006, 03:15:47 pm by starlucid » Logged

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2006, 11:53:47 am »

ahhhh much better lol great update

i'm an insim addict
welcome back kathy and eric we missed you
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